Alphabetical index of plants from "A" to "Z". How is pyramidal poplar used in landscaping? Morphological features of pyramidal poplar

Poplars - very fast growing, gaining height and leaf mass from the Willow family. Trees grow very quickly for the first 15-20 years of life, but quickly grow old and die. When poplar blossoms, some people rejoice at the white poplar blizzard in the middle of a hot summer, and some suffer from allergies. All types of poplars purify the city air. There are several dozen species of poplars on earth, many of them are hybrids grown through the efforts of dendrologists.


The balsam poplar is found in Canada and North America. The usual height is 17-20 m, old fifty-year-old trees often reach a height of 30 m.

The diameter of the sprawling poplar crown is 10-12 m, it is difficult for two people to grab a thick trunk, since its diameter can be up to two meters. At the base of the trunk, the bark of the plant is dark, uneven, in bursting clumsy furrows; higher along the trunk, an elastic, smooth skin of a white-gray shade begins.

The branches are covered with leaves 5-14 cm long and 4-7 cm wide. The shape of the leaves is rounded at the petiole and wedge-shaped, tapering to a sharp tip, along the edge of the leaves are covered with a finely serrated relief.

The leaf is smooth, with a leathery cool surface and a long dense petiole (2-2.5 cm), top part the leaf is shiny, dark green, the color of the lower plate is gray-green, very light, the skeletal base of the leaf structure is clearly visible from below.

The buds thrown out in the spring are large, elongated, up to 2 cm high. The buds and newly unfolded young leaves are sticky from a sticky resin coating covering them with a pleasant aroma.

A tree is considered an adult only after 5 or 6 years. The type of this poplar is used to create living, windshields for fields and.

It is almost never used for landscaping cities and villages, although it looks very nice in group plantings, consisting of a small group of trees.

bay leaf

Habitat Western and Eastern Siberia, up to the Angara River. Grows in Altai, in the foothills of the Dzungarian Alatau. Distributed in river valleys on pebbles, on mountain slopes, on gravel.

Plant height from 10 to 20 m, trunk thickness up to 1 m in diameter. This type of poplar is not tall, the skeletal branches are sprawling and not numerous, few new, young shoots grow on them during the year. Therefore, the crown of the plant is not dense, slightly sparse.

Did you know? In total, 95 varieties of poplar trees grow on planet Earth.

The skin of the trunk is gray with cracks. The tree is not very demanding on lighting and lives on the poor. The roots of the bay leaf are very deep; it can withstand the long, frost-rich Siberian winters without any problems.

The color of the bark of young shoots is light yellow, they are slightly pubescent. shoots unusual look, and with clearly visible rebrines, growing up, the shoots become rounded in diameter.
This ribbing of the shoots is due to longitudinal cork-like growths, which is hallmark this type of poplar. The kidneys are oval, sharp, brown-green, elongated, covered with a sticky and pleasantly smelling substance.

The foliage is large, the length of the leaf is 6-14 cm, the width is from 2 to 5 cm. The shape of the leaf is oval-elongated, narrowed towards the end, the leaf has a finely indented border, smooth to the touch, cool, leathery, with a two-tone color (green-whitish). The blossoming foliage is sticky, light green.

Due to the frequent freezing of the branches, an abundant growth of young shoots occurs, from this the crown of the tree seems extremely lush and very decorative.

Flowering in this variety occurs in May-June, fringed earrings have a whitish color, loosely fluffed, covered with yellow pollen.

The male form of the earrings is cylindrical, from 3 to 8 cm long, they have 20-25 stamens with stamen filaments and anthers, the female form of flowering (earrings) has flowers rarely located on them, a pistil with a two-lobed stigma. The blades on the pestle are located downwards.
After ripening (May-June), in place of inflorescences-earrings, fruits are formed in the form of quadrangular swollen balls. The fully ripened seeds scatter from bursting testicles. Poplars from a number of laurel species are used in plantings along highways.

Important! The poplar family is divided into male and female trees. But only females during flowering spread fluff around.


The pyramidal poplar is a photophilous plant. Very tall, the description of the species indicates a maximum height of 35-40 m and a maximum lifespan of up to 300 years. Grows in Italy, the Caucasus, Ukraine, in Central Asia, in Russia.

He likes neutral and slightly acidic, moderately saturated with moisture, but well lit by the sun. Grows fast in the first 10 years. The cap of the plant is narrow, clearly elongated upwards, the branches are powerful, strong, growing at an angle of 90 ° relative to the trunk.
The diameter of the trunk on the cut is up to one meter, has weakly expressed annual rings, dark gray bark, indented with small cracks. It blooms with small flowers collected in long inflorescences in the form of male and female earrings. feminine, women's earrings are 5-7 cm longer than men's.

Flowering occurs immediately after bud break. The color of women's and men's earrings is also different, men's - burgundy, women's - light milky.

The young plant has a smooth and elastic, light gray or light olive bark. The shape of the pyramidal poplar leaf is clearly triangular, with a wide, even base, sharply tapering towards the top of the leaf.

Like other types of representatives of Willows, the pyramidal has shiny, dark green leaves with a white color along the lower plate, finely serrated along the edge. The leaves are attached to the branches with a short, strong petiole, slightly flattened along.

With the onset of autumn, the foliage turns yellow, in mid-October the leaf cover crumbles to the foot of the trees.
The roots of this plant are located deep down and in breadth, part of the roots are usually located on the surface of the earth near the base of the tree. It grows well in urban environments, there is no negative reaction to vehicle emissions into the air.

Black (speck)

Poplar black or Osokor - received wide use in Russia and Ukraine, grows in parks and squares, in deciduous forests. It is used in urban landscaping due to its exceptional ability to release oxygen.

One plant can release as much oxygen as 10 and three large, old ones. In one summer season, black poplar purifies the city air from 20 kg of dust accumulations, and its buds also have healing properties and are used in folk medicine.
During his life, the giant reaches a height of 35 meters, his life span is from 60 to 300 years. Old trees are sprawling, thickset, with a powerful trunk, swollen with skin growths, which eventually hardened and became shapeless-looking wood. The bark is roughly shaped, almost black.

The buds are tightly pressed to the branches, rounded, large, in light scales, covered with gluten. The leaves are hard and large, triangular or diamond-shaped, attached to the branches with flattened cuttings.

Flowering - long earrings, burgundy and yellow, male and female varieties. Male and female blooms differ in color and length of inflorescences, female inflorescences are usually twice as long and lush.
Flowering occurs in late May or early June. At the end of seed maturation, dispersal (reproduction) begins. Poplar family has earned recognition and love in different parts the globe its diversity, rapid growth and unpretentiousness.

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Poplar pyramidal (Populus pyramidalis)- d a tree up to 30 m tall with a narrow pyramidal dense crown. R astet quickly. Tree branches are very tightly pressed to its trunk. L the leaves are quite large. The color of the leaves is very bright on top and lighter below. Their ends are slightly pointed. Flowers appear on the tree in spring. The flowers are small, collected in male and female earrings, men's length up to 7 cm, with purple anthers, females up to 14 cm long, with yellow stigmas and a spherical green ovary. They bloom in April at the same time as the leaves open. fruits - oblong boxes containing several small fleecy seeds. Ripens in the first half of June.. Winter hardiness is high. Loves sunny places, puts up with dry air. The danger to the plant is the salinity of the soil. If the quality of the soil begins to change dramatically for the worse, the poplar may simply die. In good soil, poplar can live for more than a hundred years. Quickly gets used to urban conditions. Therefore, even after transplanting into a new soil, it will remain in good condition. Because of this, the tree is very popular among people who are engaged in landscape design.

Poplar has a very strong and deep root system, thanks to which the tree can receive moisture from the ground even in summer drought. In addition, a strong root keeps the poplar well in the ground, so the tree remains intact even with gusts of wind.

Description: the crown is dense, narrow pyramidal. Tree height up to 30 m, crown diameter 4-5 m.
Growth rate: very fast.
Durability: can live up to 300 years.
flowers: small, collected in earrings: male - up to 8 cm long, with purple anthers, female - up to 15 cm long.
Foliage: broadly triangular with a wedge-shaped base or rhombic, alternate, 6-8 cm long, glabrous, fragrant, finely dentate along the edge, shiny, dark green above, bluish below. Leaf fall in late October - early November. Ocanopy - golden yellow.
Illumination: loves the sun.
Humidity: grows best in moist soil, does not tolerate stagnant moisture. Minimum level ground water- 4 m.
The soil: grows well on loamy, ordinary garden (fertile, structured), slightly acidic, neutral soils (see). It can grow on heavy (clay, silty, swimming) soils. It tolerates some salinity of the soil with sufficient moisture..
Decorative: a spectacular tree both in single and group, ordinary and alley plantings. With its monumental, pyramidal, dark green crown, it gives a special, southern character to the landscape, resembling slender, pyramidal cypresses. Good for quickly creating green protective walls.
Frost resistance: high. USDA hardiness zone 4 (see)

It is difficult to imagine the roadsides of our country, and the streets of cities and villages, without poplars. These trees can rightly be called the masters of our streets. Pyramidal poplar impresses with its slenderness. In the description of poplar, attention is certainly paid to the unique shape of its crown - it is columnar or narrow. If the tree is not pruned, it can reach a height of 30 m. Triangular leaves of dark green color open by the end of April, around this time the tree blooms. Such poplar grow very quickly. In mid-autumn, the tree loses its leaves. Frost-resistant, but may suffer from frost. Pyramidal poplar is the only plant that enriches the air with oxygen for a whole day - photosynthesis in its leaves goes on even in the dark of night.

Poplar is so common in our area that it has long been perceived as a native Slavic tree. It is believed that the tree first appeared in the vastness of Asia Minor, Afghanistan and the Himalayas. A very large number of it is concentrated in Italy, for which the poplar is often called "Italian" or "Lombard".

Mainly male varieties of poplar are cultivated. The life span of a tree depends on the habitat conditions. disembarked different ways- both as a single plant and in a group when creating rows and alleys.


When creating a row of pyramidal poplars, the distance between the trees should be 1.5x3 m or 2.5x4 m. The poplar has a long and wide root system, and, accordingly, the pit during landing should be up to 1 meter deep.

Poplar grows well on fertile soils, which include turf, peat and sand. If the soil is heavy, a drainage layer is placed at the bottom of the hole, one third of the hole is filled with it. Light-requiring - sunny places are chosen for poplar alleys.

From fertilizers, poplar prefers nitrogen. When planting, they add nitroammofoska, counting 100 g per square meter.

Water the tree abundantly. Approximately 25 liters of water is used to water one plant. In the first year after planting, it is watered 2-3 times a month; watering is also necessary during the drought period.

During the first years of a seedling's life, it is recommended to loosen the near-stem circle after each watering in order to retain more moisture. In the spring, after the snow melts, this area must be bayoneted to a depth of 15 centimeters. The same procedure is carried out in the fall, preparing the plant for winter. Trees older than 6 years do not need loosening; in this case, the soil near the trunk can be sown with lawn grass.

Immediately after planting and sufficient watering, the seedling is mulched with peat or sawdust.

Poplar tolerates winter cold and frost well and does not need special preparation for the period of cold weather.

It is recommended to cut and prune these trees annually, starting from the first years of growth. Wounds after pruning are treated with a special garden lubricant. According to the pruning rules, two-thirds of the length of the branches are cut off, a maximum of 20 cm remains on the tree. It is important to follow the shape of the crown - it should be even.

The best time for pruning is winter or early spring. It must be carried out before the juices in the tissues of the plant begin to move.

In order to rejuvenate the plant, cut off its top (about one tenth of the height). At the end of the pruning procedure, the tree is fed, watered and dig up the ground near the trunk.

Near the stump, which remains from a completely cut tree, an armful of overgrowth quickly grows. It can also be cut, forming in this way.

Breeding rules

There are two ways to propagate these trees - vegetatively and through sowing seeds. To grow poplar, in practice, the vegetative method is most often used.

Poplar twigs take root quite easily without extra effort. It is enough just to put them in a vessel with water or stick them into moistened soil. One-year shoots of a tree are taken as cuttings, which are cut before the start of intensive movement of juices in the tissues of the trunk (in last resort, this can be done when the kidneys begin to crack). The desired shoots are easy to recognize: these are the thinnest branches from the ends of larger branches or from the top of the trunk. The buds and places of last year's leaves are quite noticeable on them. The length of such a shoot is, as a rule, up to 1 meter (shoots from the lower part of the crown are short). Parts of old branches are not used as cuttings - they may no longer have buds suitable for the development of a new plant.

The best time for planting seedlings is spring and autumn. It is then that the tree takes root most easily. The planting of poplar plantings begins as soon as the snow melts, and is carried out until the new leaves unfold to half. In autumn, young trees should be planted when the leaves have mostly turned yellow, and finish after light frosts.

After the young one-year-old branches have been cut, they are divided into cuttings 15-20 cm long. It is important to ensure that there are several live buds on each cutting (preferably on the top of the cutting). The cuttings are planted in moistened soil with the top to the top (this is addressed Special attention), and in such a way that about a quarter of the cutting with buds remains above the ground. The distance between cuttings should be 10-15 cm. Planted cuttings require regular watering. With careful care from the kidneys, new shoots are formed and rapidly grow up to 15 cm in height. Thus, by the beginning of time autumn planting get seedlings up to one meter high.

As you can see, the pyramidal poplar is a tree that is completely unpretentious in its care, it does not need to create any special conditions for it. That's why it looks like ordinary tree has become an indispensable decoration of our streets and parks.

Description of the pyramidal poplar and the order of its planting

Pyramidal poplar is suitable for landscaping city streets, squares and parks. The tree propagates by seeds and cuttings. With its help create group and single landscape compositions.

Botanical description

AT natural conditions poplar prefers river banks or other areas with high humidity. The tree develops rapidly and grows green mass.

Source: Depositphotos

Pyramidal poplar planted throughout the Northern Hemisphere

The life cycle of a plant is 80 years. By the age of 50, its growth slows down. Wood is prone to fungal diseases, and branches break easily.

The height of poplars reaches 40 m. The trunk is straight, the crown is pyramidal. Shoots grow up vertically or at an angle. Leaves in the form of a rhombus or a wide triangle.

Poplar blossoms in late April at the same time as the leaves open. The tree is resistant to winter frosts, but often suffers from spring cold snaps. Leaf fall begins in October.

Pyramidal poplar enriches the air with oxygen during the day. The process of photosynthesis does not stop at night.


Propagate poplar seeds or cuttings. The tree grows faster from cuttings. For planting, choose annual thin shoots up to 1 m long. Cut them in early spring or in the fall after leaf fall and divide into cuttings. Leave 3-4 buds on each shoot.

Grow cuttings in moist soil. planting material place every 10 cm. With constant watering, the shoots will grow by 15 cm.

In autumn, move the seedling to permanent place. Choose well-lit areas with fertile soil.

Boarding order:

  1. Dig a hole 0.5 m deep. Leave 1.5 m between the trees.
  2. Place drainage at the bottom if the soil is clayey and does not pass moisture well.
  3. Pour 100 g into the pit complex fertilizer"Nitrophoska".
  4. Pour some of the soil into the hole to form a mound.
  5. Place the seedling on a mound, straighten its roots.
  6. Cover the poplar roots with the remaining soil.
  7. Compact the soil and water the plant generously.
  8. Mulch the soil with peat or sawdust.

In the 1st year after planting, water the poplar 2 times a month. Apply 25 liters of water under each plant. Increase the intensity of watering in drought.

Loosen the soil under trees under 6 years old. Annually form a crown, leave 20 cm from the length of the shoots. Process slices garden pitch. To rejuvenate a tree, cut off its top.

Poplar is planted for landscaping urban and park areas. The tree is unpretentious and grows quickly with minimal care.

(Populus alba)

White poplar - large deciduous tree. It grows very quickly (especially in the first 20-25 years), but only on fertile and sufficiently moist soils. Tolerates soil salinity. Photophilous. Can grow in partial shade. Likes moist soils, tolerates prolonged flooding. can put up with arid conditions. Winter-hardy. Well strengthens the banks of rivers and reservoirs.

(Populus alba Nivea)

Poplar white Nivea has silver-white leaves that retain their color for a long time, not changing color much even in autumn. The growth rate is very fast. Winter hardy, frost hardy. Photophilous, but tolerates shady areas. Drought tolerant. Prefers wet and fertile soils. It is used in park and city gardening.

(Populus pyramidalis)

Poplar pyramidal has a very narrow crown. The branches come from the base of the trunk. With its monumental, pyramidal, dark green crown, it gives a special, southern character to the landscape, resembling slender, pyramidal cypresses. Good for quickly creating green protective walls. Does not produce fluff. A very effective tree in single, group, ordinary and avenue plantings.
