Composite metal tile advantages and disadvantages. Composite tile pros and cons

Composite roof tiles went on sale not too long ago. This type of material has already managed to earn trust among builders and buyers around the world. In this article we will consider the main pros and cons of the material from different angles. Composite tiles are gradually replacing clay tiles due to such factors:

  • Faster laying and easier fastening.
  • More a light weight of this material.
  • The material is cheaper.
  • The material does not require a reinforced truss system.

The composition and structure of the composite roof depends on the manufacturer. The difference may lie in the thickness of the layer, the weight of the metal and quality. Contrary to the opinion about the similarity of metal tiles and composite tiles, the only common thing between them is a steel base. The rest of the structure is fundamentally different. Layers composite material consist of a base (high quality steel 0.5 mm thick), galvanized sheet, acrylic primer layer, acrylic layer with mineral filler and a layer of acrylic glaze, which gives protective properties.

The advantages of this material

This material has a lot of advantages. We highlight the main ones, according to buyers and builders.


The metal sheet is coated special composition- aluminum zinc, which guarantees and provides protection against various external influences. Aluminum base protects steel sheet against corrosion, due to its anti-corrosion properties, and zinc provides protection for the cut edge and protection against scratches.


This material is several times lighter than clay, which provides less stress on truss system and makes it easier to install the structure.


Such tiles are reliably protected from external influences, for example, from ultraviolet rays which adversely affect the material. It also provides protection from precipitation, temperature changes and more.

fire resistance

The material is slightly combustible (G1), moderately flammable (B2), does not spread fire (RP1).


Composite tiles can be easily installed on any truss system. The material is very easy to cut and can take desired shape. Let's apply on any types of roofs.

Life time

This roof exceeds all expectations. It serves for a very long time provided correct installation. Many buyers do not change such tiles for much longer than it is written in the warranty card. The warranty for a conventional metal tile is about 10-20 years. A guarantee for a composite tile - 30 years.


The volume of material for the entire roof is usually placed in one small truck.

Does not heat up

An important factor is the susceptibility to temperatures. This roof does not heat up, which creates a more comfortable microclimate in the building both in winter and summer, regardless of the temperature.

Environmental friendliness

This material is environmentally friendly and its disposal does not affect the environment.

Noise absorption

One of the key advantages over metal tiles is excellent sound absorption. When it rains, there will be no extra noise from the roof in the house.

the beauty

The material has an aesthetic appearance, many different configurations and colors.


This item can be installed on different types roofs: flat, chalet, mansard and others.

Material disadvantages

There are very few disadvantages of this material. This testifies to the excellent quality of the tiles.


The average price of the most composite tiles is from 10 euros per m2, however, installation and additional materials are quite expensive. For all together, a significant amount comes out, which not everyone can afford. It should be understood that the cost consists of the price of raw materials and installation work. However, you can find the materials needed for installation cheaper. It all depends on the choice of firm and workers. If desired, styling can be done by hand.

Fading, shedding

When buying low-quality products from a dubious manufacturer, you may encounter fading in the sun and shedding of the top layer.

Moss and bloom

Moss may appear on the surface, so it is not recommended to use it if there are many trees nearby.


It should be noted that after the installation of the roof is completed, it is best not to walk on it without emergency. If there is still a need for this, it is better to wear special soft shoes in order not to cause any defects to the roof. If it is necessary that the tile looks beautiful, then for this it is best to remove dust from it. This can be done using the most common soap solution. But at the same time, you can not use different aggressive means. It is best that the roof does not come into contact with copper or copper-containing elements. This is due to the fact that the base of this tile is covered with a special coating - aluminum zinc, and in case of constant contact with a copper-containing object, unnecessary chemical corrosion may occur.

How to choose

Composite roofing is considered one of the most popular modern roofing materials. When buying, you need to pay Special attention to the following details:
  1. The quality of the stone topping. Carefully study the documents, the composition is indicated there. A good composite roof contains natural basalt topping. Please note that colored sand can be used as this material, which quickly fades and crumbles in the sun. Pay attention to the manufacturer's company, as well as to the warranty that the manufacturer issues for its product.
  2. The presence of a colorless acrylic shell is considered a big plus, because it will protect your tiles from fading in the sun. In addition, the polyacrylic layer prevents the formation of moss on the tiles.
  3. High quality products has a uniform layer of aluminozinc. From the back side of the tile, you can clearly see how well the layer of aluminum zinc is applied. Unscrupulous manufacturers do not finish the back. Uneven application can lead to corrosion, which will significantly reduce the life of the roof.
  4. When purchasing a composite material, check all accompanying documentation. If it is absent, it is very likely that you can say that you have a fake.


The material combines all the advantages of the most popular types of tiles. It is not for nothing that all the reviews indicate only 1 drawback - a rather high price. Much can be said about this unusual material. But already what has been said is absolutely enough to consider this option for your roof. Given that composite shingles are quite expensive, it's a good idea to first inquire about who in your area has already used them. A conversation with the owner will provide answers to numerous questions.

Composite tiles are the most common roofing material today. And this is despite the fact that its installation is somewhat more expensive than the installation of a roof made of other material.

Advantages and disadvantages of composite tiles

Not exposed to the damaging effects of ultraviolet sunlight and atmospheric precipitation
For for long years retains its original appearance
Provides a good level of thermal insulation
Provides good sound insulation
fire resistant
Excellent waterproofing
Pretty easy to cut, bend to give various shapes during installation
Ability to bring different design ideas to life
Relatively high cost
High installation and repair costs
Voted: 555 people. Poll closed

Opinions and comments of our readers on the use of composite tiles

Since 2005, Luxard composite tiles have been manufactured by TechnoNIKOL. Composite tiles Luxard consists of steel sheet, which has the necessary protective coatings. They say that Luxard composite tiles are always a combination of all the beauties of stone and eternal metal alloy ... ()

Advantages: choice of several profiles, extremely resistant to all weather conditions.

Disadvantages: did not find during use.

A comment:

I'll start by saying that before choosing a composite tile, I read a lot of information on the Internet. Oddly enough, the reviews about Luxard were only positive. I thought it was just another advertisement that flooded the Internet. It turned out that the reviews real people. So I decided to join with praise to the material.

Well, first of all, I liked the look. There were several profiles of different colors to choose from and I immediately chose what I needed.

Secondly, for several years of use, the tile has not changed in color at all. Even our harsh climate did not affect it (up to + 50 ° in summer, about -40 ° in winter).

Thirdly, when buying, the seller assured me that the production takes place under the careful supervision of specialists and there can be no misfires. This seller did not deceive me.

And finally, one more characteristic about Luxard: the material is UV resistant. By the way, this fact is one of the most important.

Well, about the appearance and other advantages, I have already said in the previous paragraphs. Personally, the material causes only positive emotions for me.

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Decra composite tile is a product of one of the leading European manufacturers ICOPAL, which is located in Belgium / This is a roofing material High Quality, which is proven by many years of experience in applications around the world. This type of tile is able to provide reliable protection your house... ()

Petr Sergeev

Advantages: especially noteworthy attractive design, and in general all the characteristics are positive.

Disadvantages: nevertheless, Decra has a high cost of the product and, if necessary, installation work.

A comment:

As soon as the material was delivered to me, I immediately paid attention to the weight of the product. The material is really very light, which means that problems with unloading and transportation are excluded.

The second thing I noticed was the ease of installation. No special knowledge was required from me, while in repair work I'm just a beginner. By the way, the styling was actually not as difficult as I thought.

Another plus - convenient way mounts. Dekra's mounting method is very reliable. You can be sure that some piece will not fly on your head. Modern way fasteners also do not take a long period of time and even an inexperienced builder can do it.

I noticed only one drawback - the price and the cost of installation. Installers often charge more for their services. In this case, it is more profitable to do it yourself. As for the price, it is calculated from the cost of raw materials and production costs. In that case, you can't argue.

Personally, I liked Decra composite tiles.

Composite tiles from the manufacturer Metrotile is a roofing material that has unique properties and has the effect of natural tiles. It has gained particular popularity in the domestic construction market over the past decades, and this is quite justified ... ()

Maxim Parkhomov

Advantages: large assortment, easy to install.

Disadvantages: the cost is quite high, requires little maintenance.

Composite roof tiles is a new roofing material characterized by elegant design, excellent quality and a wide range of shades. The basis of the composite tile is an iron sheet 0.5 mm thick.

This option roofing made of several layers and on top covered with reliable protective composition from aluminum zinc. This article will tell about the features of composite tiles (its advantages, disadvantages and characteristics).

Composite tiles are special kind roofing, the basis of which is sheet profiled steel with special protective coating.

Externally, composite tiles are very similar to natural material. On the roof such material will look aesthetically pleasing and attractive.

Composite tiles are characterized high level fire safety , although combustible materials are present among its components (an organic layer that performs a connecting function between sheet steel and an external decorative coating).

The fact is that combustible elements are covered with a layer of mineral crumbs, which does not allow air to reach them. Because of this the risk of ignition of a composite tile is significantly reduced.

Steel sheet securely protected from sunlight and cold air in several layers special materials. Due to this, composite tiles can be used in a wide temperature range (from -120 to +120 ºC).

Installation of such roofing material can be carried out at a temperature environment from -10 to +35 ºC. Composite tiles are universal roofing materials.

Through the polymerization process, the acrylic binder component acquires high level elasticity and can maintain this quality even when low temperatures(up to -10 ºC).

Composite tile, like any other construction material, has its own advantages and disadvantages. Of course, it has much more advantages than negative qualities. These include following characteristics:

  • high ah reliability. Composite tile roofs can withstand a variety of adverse environmental conditions. Sheets of this material are overlapped next to each other, which allows you to maximally protect the roof from leaks and premature destruction.
  • Wide variety of colors. Many manufacturers of composite tiles offer customers more than 20 different colors of this roofing material.
  • Attractive appearance. Composite shingles can go well with any architectural style.
  • Durability. The basis of this roofing material is sheet steel with a protective coating in the form of an aluminum-zinc alloy. Both sides of the sheet are also coated with an anti-corrosion coating. In addition, an acrylic-based coating is applied on the front side of the composite tile, and a topping of stone chips is made on top of it. Such a coating not only increases the reliability of the tile, but also gives it a certain shade.
  • Long service life. Composite tiles, manufactured in full accordance with state standards can last more than 50 years.
  • Little weight. Composite shingles are lightweight and easy to install. Composite tiles are 6 times smaller than classic tiles in terms of their weight parameters. For this material, a light crate is suitable.
  • High quality protective layer. Sheet steel in composite tiles is coated with a special composition - aluzinc, which well protects the metal from corrosion. Thanks to this, the service life of composite tiles is increased to 50 years or more.
  • The production of composite tiles is carried out using modern technologies, that's why the material is reliable, from good level fire safety and excellent protection against atmospheric precipitation and noise.

For composite tiles there are some disadvantages. True, they are much less than advantages. chief negative quality This roofing material is that it is made of metal sheets.

On the one hand, it is this material that gives the product high strength, but on the other hand, metal is highly susceptible to corrosion and this makes composite tiles vulnerable to external negative factors.

Another significant disadvantage of composite tiles is their poor vapor permeability. A roof made of such material can significantly worsen the microclimate of a dwelling. But this problem easily solved by organizing good ventilation in the under-roof space.

For some buyers, the disadvantage of composite shingles may be its great value. But after all, for the price set by manufacturers, the consumer receives a really high-quality, reliable and durable product.

In Russia, distributors of composite tiles most often offer customers products of foreign manufacturers. It is considered better quality and more reliable.

Among domestic manufacturers this roofing material can be distinguished TechnoNIKOL company, which supplies construction market composite tile TM Luxar.

Among foreign manufacturers of composite tiles most demanded by the consumer environment are as follows:

  • Roser- tiles produced in South Korea. The steel base of this material is very thin, which allows the manufacturer to set a low price for the material. The advantages of Roser tiles include moisture resistance, the ability to withstand sudden temperature changes and its immunity to corrosion.
  • Luxard- composite tiles of this manufacturer are suitable for any type of roof. For its manufacture are used innovative technologies. Sheets of this roofing material are characterized by a low level of sound absorption. Lightweight shingles of small size are very easy to lay on a prepared base.
  • Gerard– this version of composite tiles is characterized by a variety of shades (there are 12 variants of one tone and 7 variants of two-color tiles in the assortment). Gerard composite tiles are produced in New Zealand, Asia, the USA and Europe.
  • Decra- composite tiles, which are manufactured by manufacturers from Finland. Distinctive features Decra tiles are multi-layer structure, high frost resistance, ability to withstand heavy snow and wind loads, long term operation and high strength.

Also watch the video material with information about Gerard composite tiles

For the first time, composite tiles were used as a roof about fifty years ago, and this happened in New Zealand. Over time, the characteristics of the material have improved, and it has become one of the most popular roof coverings. About what a composite tile is, what are its pros and cons, what is the price per 1 m2 - we will talk about all this and more in this article.

Concept and features

Composite tiles are commonly referred to as a material consisting of several layers. The middle is a sheet of steel (usually 0.4 to 0.6 mm thick), bent in the form of a profile. From above it is covered with several protective and decorative layers.

Due to its structure, this type of roof has great strength and long term service (manufacturers guarantee at least 30 years, in fact, tiles can easily withstand half a century or more). beautiful surface covers well copies natural materials(clay tiles, shingles and others), but its cost is much lower. In addition, thanks to the layer of stone chips, such roofs do an excellent job of protecting against noise.

Yes and fasten new material, characterized by lightness, quite convenient - easier than natural roofing. The overlap joints are tight and no further leaks are observed.

Read about the types of composite tiles below.

The specialist in the video below will tell you about why a roof made of composite tiles is so good:


Different manufacturers produce different profiles of composite tiles.

  • The most popular is the profile that allows you to simulate ceramic tiles all kinds of configurations (from Mediterranean to standard classic).
  • There are also sheets of roofing designed to copy shingles from wood, straw, wooden planks, slate.
  • Also, composite tiles can differ in color (color), which can be either monophonic or two-color. There are various shades of material - each brand has its own.

Composition, dimensions, structure and properties

If you touch on the composition, then after the central steel profile (which is stamped on the machine), there is an aluminum-zinc coating on each side of the sheet, designed to protect the metal from corrosion. This coating consists of aluminum, zinc and a small amount of silicon. It is applied galvanically.

All other layers are obtained using special automated production lines. This is an acrylic primer and an acrylic coat, still applied on both sides of the sheet. But stone chips (from basalt, jade, granite,) and an outer layer of acrylic glaze are applied only to the outside.

  • Aluzinc, as already mentioned, gives protection against corrosion. It does this ten times better than galvanizing.
  • Acrylic based primer provides good adhesion, acrylic glaze protects the coating from ultraviolet radiation and gives additional strength to the sheets.
  • And stone chips not only additionally helps to cope with ultraviolet radiation, but also perfectly suppresses noise.

Composite sheets are flexible, beautiful, light and durable. Thanks to the layer of acrylic glaze, the crumbs do not crumble from them. The roof is wind-resistant, not dangerous in terms of avalanches (because it has a rough surface). And variety color shades allows you to realize any ideas.

Production and application

In conditions industrial production using, as a rule, automated lines. Profiles are stamped on special stamping equipment, aluzinc is applied in special galvanic baths. Or buy ready-made steel sheets (coils of steel) coated with aluzinc.

Concerning of this type roofs, today it is mainly private housing construction. The material can be used in both simple pitched and complex hip roofs. The slope must be at least twelve degrees. Also, the material is suitable for the restoration of ancient buildings.

About which composite tiles received customer reviews, we will describe below.

This video will tell about the color palette typical for most brands of composite tiles:

Despite the popularity of flexible, or so-called soft roofing materials, classic dense compositions are considered the most reliable and practical. Composite tile consists of a metal alloy and a special coating that provides durability and high thermal insulation of the material.

Characteristics and types

The production of composite metal tiles is very similar to the production of classic corrugated sheets for roofing. It consists of sheet steel, which is processed by the cold rolling technique. With the help of rollers of certain shapes and sizes, certain bends (waves) are squeezed out on the surface of the steel. Depending on them, the coverage is classified.

For the production of metal composite tiles, steel, aluminum, steel and zinc alloys and other metals can be used, which have excellent resistance to moisture and other precipitation. For additional protection, it is equipped with an additional coating. Depending on its type, there is a metal tile:

  1. Polymer (Evertile, Tilcor - Tilkor);
  2. Composite (Cleo, Kami, Decra - Decra)

The main characteristic of polymer is resistance to ultraviolet rays. Liquid acrylic is applied to the surface of a steel or aluminum sheet, which, adhering to the metal, provides a thin, but dense and hard layer. It protects the coating from destruction, corrosion.

Composite metal tiles, like soft bituminous tiles, are made from a metal base and stone chips. Materials are pre-treated under high temperature. It is very important that the stones are small size otherwise they will damage the metal. Part of the crumb is applied to the steel sheet, after which it is affected by a roller under high pressure. The technology involves several stages of exposure: the remnants of the crumb are shaken off in the surface of the sheet, a stone embankment is again applied to it, after which the impact is repeated.

There is also a third type, combined, this is a thermoplastic composite tile. The technology of its manufacture combines a mound of stone chips and the application of an acrylic layer. Its cost is slightly higher than the two described options, but it is considered the most reliable and resistant to external aggressive influences.

The main characteristics of composite tiles:

  1. Light weight - it depends on its type, but there are manufacturers who guarantee the weight of 1 m 2 within 6 kg. For comparison, ceramic weighs twice as much;
  2. Durability. Flexible roof tiles does not corrode at all due to the fiberglass base. The first signs of corrosion in composite tiles will appear only after 5000 hours of operation. It is worth noting that if the coating is chemically attacked, then rust may appear earlier - after 3000 hours;
  3. High resistance to UV rays, hail, strong wind. Flexible has a low UV resistance. She does not fade;
  4. Such a roof is resistant to open fire. It does not spread combustion and protects the truss system from flames. The average time is up to 3 hours, when exposed to up to 6 hours, the material may begin to melt.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of composite tiles:

  1. High strength. The material is resistant to environmental influences, it is not subject to deformation from physical factors;
  2. Universal sizes. If necessary, the material can be cut to the desired parameters;
  3. Practicality. Such tiles are used on any type of roofs: mansard, flat, chalets and others;
  4. Ease of installation. Laying can be done by hand.

But, such coverage also has certain disadvantages:

  1. Despite the assurances of the manufacturers, the material rusts over time;
  2. High weight. Such a coating is not suitable for a house on a pile or column foundation;
  3. High price. The coating is much more expensive than its corrugated or ceramic counterparts.


Step-by-step instructions with a photo of how composite tiles are laid:

Video: stages of installation of a roof made of composite tiles Gerard


There are a number of manufacturers that provide quality material for covering the house and utility rooms. Each material has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. Consider the most popular of them:

Luxard TechnoNIKOL. Luxury metal roofing. For its manufacture, high-quality alloy steel and natural stone are used. The material can be of any color, the texture is mosaic. Withstands up to -30 degrees, the manufacturer provides a guarantee for the coating - 35 years, the average service life - 50 years;

Photo: elite glossy roof

Metrotile Aquapan (Metrotile Aquapan, Belgium) is one of the most well-known manufacturers composite polymer tiles. The material is characterized by high reliability and beauty of coatings. Steel is treated with zinc, aluminum and magnesium. The manufacturer offers steel, copper and aluminum tiles. Similar tiles - (Metrobond) Metrobond;

AHI Roofing Gerard Milano (Gerard Milano) - is resistant to fire, chemical attack and other aggressive external factors. It is produced by pressing chips into a steel sheet, acrylic is applied over the composite coating;

Roser is metal coating, treated with Galvalume alloy (aluminum + zinc + silicon) for greater strength. For the composite, only natural stones as in Luxard.

Price overview

You can buy composite tiles in any city in Russia, the price depends on the brand of material and its type. Sale of branded materials is carried out only in official dealer stores. Consider how much Roser CLEO tiles cost:

City Cost, at. e. / m 2 City Cost, at. e. / m 2
Moscow 4 Belgorod 3,8
Voronezh 3,9 Dnepropetrovsk 3,8
Donetsk 3,9 Ekaterinburg 3,9
Krasnodar 3,8 Krasnoyarsk 3,8
Minsk 4 Nizhny Novgorod 3,9
Novosibirsk 3,8 Odessa 3,9
Omsk 3,8 St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg) 4
Ryazan 3,8 Samara 3,8
Saratov 3,8 Chelyabinsk 3,8