Course and diploma design of dairy industry enterprises. Design of dairy enterprises

The main types of enterprises, the basics of automated are considered. design, outlines the main issues of design and estimate documentation in the construction and reconstruction of enterprises. A list of standard projects of plants, their features and advantages over individual ones is given. projects. The features of course and diploma design, thesis for undergraduate.
The book is intended for students, and may also be useful to a wide range of dairy industry specialists.

Dairy companies.
There are dairy canning plants for the production of sterilized milk, sweetened condensed milk, sterilized condensed milk, dry baby products and powdered milk. The main technological processes for the production of products at these enterprises are thickening and drying.

These processes require a lot of energy. For the implementation of these processes, complex and bulky equipment is used - vacuum evaporators and drying plants, during the operation of which a significant amount of energy carriers, heat carriers, and water is also consumed. In addition, milk canning plants are equipped with complex and expensive automated can lines, complex filling and seaming machines. Thus, dairy canning plants are enterprises with high technical and power engineering equipment, requiring significant capital investments.

These enterprises, as a rule, have a capacity of 100 tons or more of processed milk per shift, so they should be designed in places with highly developed dairy farming, where it is possible to procure a large volume of milk per unit area of ​​the raw material zone.

Chapter 1. Enterprises of the dairy industry
1.1. Main types of dairy industry enterprises
1.1.1. Enterprises of the dairy industry
1.1.2. Butter enterprises
1.1.3. Cheese enterprises
1.1.4. Refrigerators and maslosyrbaza
1.1.5. Dairy enterprises
1.1.6. Skimmed milk powder and whole milk substitute plants
1.1.7. Ice cream factories (yehi)
1.1.8. Milk primary processing plants
1.1.9. Plants (yehi) for children's and preventive nutrition
1.2. Location of dairy industry enterprises
1.3. Forms of organization of production
Chapter 2. Design and composition of the project
2.1. The concept of design and project industrial enterprise
2.2. Implementation scientific and technical developments in projects of enterprises under construction and reconstruction
2.3. Stages and stages of design
2.4. Pre-project and design work
2.5. Design work
2.6. Ways to increase power
Chapter 3
3.1. Requirements for standard projects
3.2. Binding standard project
3.3. Reusable project sizes
Chapter 4. Design of the technological part
4.1. Product calculation
4.1.1. Product calculation of pasteurized milk
4.1.2. Product calculation of skimmed reconstituted milk
4.1.3. Grocery calculation of whole reconstituted milk
4.1.4. Product calculation of fermented milk drink
4.1.5. Product calculation of sour cream
4.1.6. Product calculation of low-fat cottage cheese
4.1.7. Product calculation of oil
4.1.8. Grocery calculation of cheese
4.1.9. Product calculation of milk sugar
4.1.10. Product calculation of canned milk
4.1.11. Ice cream product calculation
4.2. Selection and justification of the technology of dairy products
4.3. Plotting technological processes
4.4. Selection and calculation technological equipment
4.4.1. Examples of selection of technological equipment
4.4.2. Building a schedule for equipment operation
4.5. Automation of technological processes
4.6. Cargo turnover of the dairy enterprise and determination of the need for vehicles
4.7. Organization of labor and certification of workers
Chapter 5. Calculation of areas and layout of the main and auxiliary industries
Chapter 6. General construction design of dairy industry enterprises
6.1. Architectural and construction design
6.2. General plan
6.3. Auxiliary buildings and premises
Chapter 7
7.1. Heating
7.2. Ventilation and air conditioning systems, local and general exchange systems
7.3. Water supply of industry enterprises, components of the water supply system. Calculation and operation of sewerage systems
7.3.1. Sewerage systems, main parts. Calculation and operation of sewerage systems
7.3.2. Security environment from industrial pollution
Chapter 8
8.1. Steam supply
8.2. Power supply
8.3. Refrigeration
Chapter 9. Economic part
9.1. Budgeting
9.2. Technical and economic indicators
9.2.1. Determination of the standard number of main and auxiliary workers, engineering and technical workers and employees. Automated systems process control
9.2.2. Determination of depreciation charges, production cost and profit. Payback period of capital investments
9.3. Capital investments
9.4. Reconstruction project of an existing enterprise
Chapter 10
10.1. course design
10.1.1. The content of the settlement explanatory note
10.1.2. The content of the graphic part
10.1.3. The content of individual parts of the settlement explanatory note
10.2. Diploma design
10.2.1. Feasibility Study
10.2.2. Construction and sanitary parts
10.2.3. Heat and power part
10.2.4. Safety and environmental friendliness of the project
10.2.5. Automation of technological processes
10.2.6. Economic part
10.3. Features of the thesis for undergraduate studies
10.3.1. Scope and content of the thesis
10.3.2. Recommendations for compiling and writing an explanatory note
10.3.3. Making an explanatory note
Appendix 1. Fat loss during production certain types cheese
Appendix 2. Rates of loss of cheese during the ripening period after pressing and self-pressing
Annex 3. Indicators of the composition of milk canning products
Appendix 4. Technological scheme for the production of pasteurized milk
Appendix 5. Duration of storage of semi-finished products and auxiliary materials
Annex 6. Hardware design of the production of some products
Annex 7. Technical characteristics of some types of equipment
Appendix 8. Design of the automation scheme Appendix 9. Plan with the placement of equipment
Appendix 10
Appendix 11. Norms for the use of cheese ripening chambers using container racks
Appendix 12. Norms for the use of cheese ripening chambers with stationary racks
Annex 13. Duration of storage of finished products
Annex 14. Estimated loads of storage of semi-finished products and auxiliary materials
Annex 15. Estimated load of storage of finished products
Annex 16. Temperature and duration of post-cooling and storage of whole milk products
Annex 17. Modes of salting and ripening of cheeses
Appendix 18. Example master plan dairy industry enterprises
Annex 19. Design of technological equipment for the implementation of layout options (top view)
Appendix 20. Modes of salting and ripening of pickled cheeses
Annex 21 processed cheese, kg
List of used sources.

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The committee Russian Federation for the food and processing industry

Leased enterprise - Institute for the design of enterprises of the meat and dairy industry and "Gipromyasomolprom"

process design family farms, small-capacity enterprises of processing industries (dairy industry)

VNTP 645/1645-92

Moscow, 1993

Committee of the Russian Federation for Food and Processing Industry

Departmental norms of technological design

Norms of technological design of enterprises of small capacity of the dairy industry

1. General provisions 2. Nomenclature of enterprises, list of main premises, space-planning solutions 3. Production capacities, funds of time and modes of operation of enterprises 4. Selection and placement of technological equipment and pipelines 5. Calculation of areas, duration of storage of materials and finished products 6. Fund of time and mode work of workers, the standard number of main and auxiliary workers, engineers and employees 7. The category of buildings and premises for explosive, explosive and fire hazard 8. Special requirements of the technological process for buildings in terms of temperature and humidity 9. Use of secondary raw materials 10. Mechanization and automation of technological processes and PRGS works. 11. Norms of consumption of raw materials and energy resources 12. Technical and economic indicators

Annex 3 Range of manufactured products

1. General Provisions

1.1. The technological design standards for small-scale dairy industry enterprises are drawn up in accordance with SNiP 1.01.03-83 *) "System normative documents in construction". 1.2. These minks are mandatory for organizations developing projects for the construction of dairy industry enterprises, as well as for organizations that approve design estimates and carry out the construction of these enterprises. 1.3. The rules include the main provisions and standards for the development of the technological part of the project , as well as special requirements of the technological process for the design of buildings, structures, engineering support for dairy industry enterprises that are not provided for by the current standards and take into account the specifics of the design of small enterprises. current regulatory documents and GOST, - technological instructions, recommendations and guidelines developed by industry research institutes and approved in the established ok, recommendations and guidelines for designing special sections of projects.

04/07/93 No. 557/12/16

2. Nomenclature of enterprises, list of main premises, space-planning solutions

2.1. The nomenclature of small-scale dairy industry enterprises, a list of the main premises and their approximate areas are given in Table 1.

Table 1.

Name of enterprises and main premises

Area size m 2

Dairy plant with a capacity of 10 tons of whole milk products per shift
Reception and milk department
Reception department
Production department
refrigerators compartment
Starter department
Detergent storage compartment
Thermal point
Chemical laboratory
bacteriological laboratory
Compressor freon
Warehouse for packaging materials
material warehouse
Administrative premises
Domestic premises
Boxing of external washing machines
repair point
Watchmen's quarters, MOS
Dairy plant with a capacity of 5 tons of milk processing per shift
Reception department
Production department
Starter department
Centralized car wash
Washing containers
Powdered milk storage
Storage of auxiliary and packaging materials
refrigerators compartment
Repair department
Boiler room
Administrative premises
Domestic premises
Cheese factory with a capacity of 50 kg of cheese per shift
Production department
Starter department
maturation chambers
Boiler room
Domestic premises
Cheese factory with a capacity of 300 kg of cheese per shift
Milk acceptance
Cheese-making shop
Cheese curing department
Department of cheese processing
maturation chambers
Starter department
Department of centralized washing
Boiler room
Domestic premises
Workshops for whole milk substitutes with a capacity of 1.0 and 2.0 finished product per shift
Preparatory department
Thickening and drying shop
Finished goods warehouse
Packaging department
Department of centralized equipment washing
Fat chamber Т = +10°С
Panel instrumentation
blower department
Heating point and pumping station
ventilation chamber
Domestic premises
chief's room
Custodial closet
Duty locksmith's room
2.2. Buildings of enterprises should be designed as one-story, without bedding, buildings of dairy plants with a capacity of 5 and 10 tons of CMP per shift, as a rule, on bedding. All main and auxiliary productions should be placed in one building.2.3. To provide for milk acceptance: - for factories with a capacity of 10 tons of milk per shift - in the receiving and washing department of a travel or dead-end type; - for enterprises with milk processing less than 10 tons per shift - under a canopy or in a receiving-washing department of a dead-end type.

3. Production capacities, funds of time and modes of operation of enterprises

3.1. The production capacity of the enterprise is determined by the maximum possible output of finished products in a given assortment per unit of time with full use of the productivity of the installed leading equipment. A 6-hour work shift is taken per unit of time to determine the production capacity.3.2. Funds of time, the mode of operation of enterprises and industries should be taken according to table 2.

Table 2.

Number of work shifts per year

Working hours shifts per day


Dairy plants:
production of whole milk products
Butter and cheese
Cheese dairies
Whole milk production shops
Whole milk substitute workshops
Milk collection points

4. Selection and placement of process equipment and pipelines

4.1. The selection of the leading technological equipment is carried out based on the given production volumes, assortment and type of product packaging according to the "Catalogue of the main technological equipment for dairies and workshops of small and medium capacity", Gipromyasomolprom, 1992 and the equipment performance standards given in Appendix 1.4.2 . The calculation of the rest of the technological equipment should be carried out according to the technical characteristics of machines and apparatus manufactured by machine-building plants.4.3. To store milk, provide containers based on its daily intake. 4.4. The layout of the equipment must meet the requirements of the technological process, ensure the minimum length of pipelines, exclude oncoming flows of raw materials and finished products, and also comply with safety and sanitation rules. 4.5. When placing technological equipment, observe the following distances:
between the protruding parts of the devices in places where there is no movement of people - 0.5 m
poi installation of devices with fronts one to another - not less than 1.5 m
between the protruding parts of the apparatus with a one-way passage (taking into account the wiring of pipelines) - 1.0 m
for equipment with withdrawable parts (door hatches, covers, etc.) - the dimensions of the passages are determined taking into account the size of these retractable parts in order to create conditions for their free removal to the outside
from the top of the equipment to the bottom of the beams - not less than 0.5m
4.5. When placing goods in chambers (warehouses), take the following distances: from the goods to the walls, wall batteries and goods of another batch - 0.3 m; from the top of the stack to the bottom of the supporting structures - 0.2 m, to the bottom of the ceiling, batteries - 0, 3 m.4.6. Electrical equipment in warehouses shall be placed outside the area of ​​placement of stacks with loads. 4.7. The width of the passages should be taken taking into account the turning radius of the vehicles used. 4.8. Pipelines for dairy products, cleaning solutions, fittings for pipelines shall be made of stainless steel grades approved by the state sanitary supervision authorities for use in the dairy industry. 4.9. Pipelines for milk should be securely fixed (on walls, ceilings) with the help of easily dismantled special hangers, in exceptional cases - on the walls. The maximum distance between supports should be 3 m. When using metal supports, it is necessary to provide rubber gaskets between support and pipe. Fastening of racks to the floor should be provided with anchor or self-anchoring bolts. Main pipelines for milk should be mounted at a height of at least 2-2.2 m, not higher than 2.5 m. The minimum height of pipelines supplied to the equipment should be at least 25 cm. 4.10. The connection of milk pipelines with fittings and between themselves is carried out on threaded connections. Threaded connections on straight sections of milk pipelines, provide for every 3 m. When using the circulation method of washing pipelines on straight main sections, it is allowed to connect pipes by welding. 4.11. The delivery of milk to factories, depending on local conditions, should be provided in flasks or tank trucks. 4.12. When calculating the equipment for receiving milk, proceed from the conditions for the delivery of 100% whole milk to factories. 4.13. Provide for the cooling of all incoming milk to 4 ° C.4.14. The selection of equipment for repair and mechanical workshops is carried out in accordance with the "Regulations on the system of preventive maintenance of dairy industry equipment." The list of recommended equipment for repair and mechanical workshops by enterprises is given in Table 3.

Table 3

5. Calculation of areas, duration of storage of materials and finished products

5.1. The areas of production premises are determined based on the condition of rational placement of equipment, taking into account its dimensions, distances from the walls and columns of the building and to the equipment, the size of passages and driveways. The area standards per unit of the main technological equipment are given in Appendix 2.5.2. The cargo area of ​​the warehouse, which is equal to the difference between the construction area and the area occupied by the aisles, is calculated using the following formula: , where F is the load. - cargo area in sq. m; q - specific load of products per 1 square. m of chamber area Q - the amount of products to be stored, in t5.3. The cargo volume of the storage chambers is determined as the product of the cargo area by the cargo height. The cargo height in the chambers is determined from the surface of the floor grid (up to 8 cm high) to the top of the stack, while providing a distance from the top of the stack to the floor beams equal to 0.2 m.5.4 . The construction area is determined by the formula: , where K is the area utilization factor, taking into account passages and driveways; when working with hand trucks, the coefficient is The width of passages and aisles in warehouses shall be taken in accordance with the All-Union Norms for the Technological Design of Warehouses for Packaged and Long Loads. 5.6. The quantity of products and materials to be stored is determined according to the current norms for the consumption of raw materials and auxiliary materials, as well as according to the norms of storage duration and specific loads per 1 sq. m. area of ​​supplies, packaging and auxiliary materials according to tables 4, 5, 6, 7.

Table 4

Duration and modes of storage of finished products


Storage temperature

Storage time, hour

Pasteurized milk and cream, tank-produced kefir, cottage cheese, curd curd products
Kefir produced by thermostatic method
Sour cream
Condensed milk

Table 5

Duration of storage of raw materials, packaging and auxiliary materials

Raw materials and storage materials

Stock rates in days

Powdered milk for recovery (at the rate of 50% recovery)
Hydrofats and phosphatides
Salt (cooking, technical)
disinfectants, detergents
Chemical materials, incl.
nitric, sulfuric, hydrochloric acids)
Packaging materials:
- foil
- polystyrene
- parchment
- cardboard and corrugated cardboard boxes
- polyethylene film
Riveting for boxes
Polyethylene boxes:
Operational warehouse
Reserve warehouse

Table 6

Estimated load storage of finished products


transport unit

Stack height, in mm

Area utilization factor



Milk pasteurized in plastic bags

Kefir in plastic bags

Stack (7 polymer boxes TP-029)

Cottage cheese - rectangular briquettes weighing 250g

Cottage cheese in flasks (Ø 370; H = 600)

Stack of 2 flasks

Cottage cheese in tubs (Ø 430; K = 520)

Stack of 2 tubs

Sour cream in polystyrene boxes

Universal polymer box TP-029 (582×400×156) 10 boxes in height

Sour cream in flasks (Ø 370; H = 600)

Stack of 2 flasks in height

Dutch bar cheese

Stack 4 drawers height

Butter: monolith

Package of 36 boxes cardboard box GOST (13515-80 (386×260×235) 4 boxes in height

Briquette weighing 200 g

Package (24 boxes) Plank box No. 1 GOST 13361-84 (410 × 286 × 286) 4 boxes in height

Condensed milk with sugar

Stack of 2 flasks

Table 7

Estimated storage load of food supplies, packaging and auxiliary materials

Name of material groups

Loads per 1 m 2 usable area at a laying height of 1 m, t / m 2

Storage method



Dry alkalis


Lime chloride
Textiles, overalls


Rubber products


Sanitary Ware


Household inventory and stationery
Packaging materials:
- foil
- polystyrene
- polymer film
Riveting for boxes


Corrugated cardboard boxes
Note: 1. Loads are calculated by the weight of units of products (net) 2.*) Load norms are given - in pieces / m 25.7. The composition and size of the premises of chemical and bacteriological laboratories should be taken from Table 8.

Table 8

The composition of the premises

Area in m 2

Dairy plants with milk processing capacity, tons per shift

Milk collection point with a capacity of 20 t/cm with processing of 3 t of milk CMP 20 t per shift

Receiving laboratory

Chemical laboratory

bacteriological laboratory

Department of Pure Cultures

At dairy enterprises with milk processing less than 5 tons per shift, laboratory facilities are not designed; for chemical analyzes, a laboratory table with a set of necessary instruments should be provided in the milk receiving department. 5.8. The composition and area of ​​the starter compartments are taken according to Table 9.

Table 9

6. Fund of time and mode of work of workers, the standard number of main and auxiliary workers, engineers and employees

6.1. Annual working time fund 230 ´ 8 = 1840 hours. Working time fund per week - 40 hours. Mode of operation - a five-day working week with a working day of 8 hours.6.2. The calculation of the number of employees in the dairy industry enterprises should be made taking into account the current industry regulatory materials on the scientific organization of labor.6.3. When calculating household premises, take the following composition of production personnel: - for the main production workers: women - 70% of men - 30% - for auxiliary workers: women - 25% of men - 75% 6.4. To calculate the average annual number of workers, the coefficients of the payroll are taken according to table 10.

Table 10

6.5. The number of employees is given in tables 11, 12.

Table 11

Dairy plants capacity, tons of milk per shift

Cheese factories capacity, tons of cheese per shift

Support Services Workers

Table 12

Number of employees at enterprises, people

Milk collection point with a capacity of 20 tons of milk and 3 tons of CMP per shift

Workshops of milk replacer with capacity, tons of finished product per shift

Wed years.

Wed years.

Wed years.

Main production workers

Support Services Workers

7. Category of buildings and premises for explosive, explosion and fire hazard

7.1. Accept in accordance with the "List of buildings and premises of enterprises of the USSR Ministry of Agriculture and Food with the establishment of their categories for explosion and fire hazard, as well as classes of explosive and fire hazardous zones according to the PUE", approval: USSR Ministry of Agriculture and Food on October 2, 1991. All production, storage, auxiliary and administrative the premises must be provided with primary portable fire extinguishing equipment (fire extinguishers), required amount which are to be accepted in accordance with the "Recommendations for equipping premises with fire extinguishers" approved by the GUPO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR on December 25, 1985. fire alarm and automatic fire extinguishing installations", approved by the State Commission of the USSR Council of Ministers for Food and Procurement.

8. Special process requirements for buildings in terms of temperature and humidity

6.1. Temperature and humidity conditions in production and storage facilities are taken according to table 13.

Table 13

Air temperature ºС

Relative humidity, %

Name of premises

cold period

Industrial premises
Department for receiving milk and washing tankers
Department of milk storage, hardware, thickening and drying

according to GOST 12.1.005-88

Chemical and bacteriological laboratories
Starter departments, milk bottling, cottage cheese production, centralized washing, butter production and packaging, cheese production, preparation of fats and phosphatides

according to GOST 12.1.005-88

Department of packaging of dry dairy products
Compressor shop
Laminated paper warehouse*
at temperatures in the storage rooms of finished products from 0ºС and above
*) Provide air conditioning all year round, in other rooms during the warm period of the year the temperature regime is not regulated 8.2. The air temperature in the finished product storage chambers shall be 0°С.

9. Use of recycled materials

9.1. Skimmed milk is used for normalization, production of non-peaceful products and return to deliverers, curd and cheese whey is returned to deliverers.

10. Mechanization and automation of technological processes and PRGS works.

10.1 Days of mechanization of loading and unloading and transport and storage operations to use manual fork trucks.10.2. Mechanization and automation of technological processes and equipment washing - in the scope of mechanization tools and devices supplied with the equipment.

11. Norms of consumption of raw materials and energy resources

11.1. The consumption rates of raw materials are adopted in accordance with the current technological instructions, taking into account the established basic fat content of milk for this region.11.2. Specific consumption rates for heat and electricity and water are shown in Table 14.

Table 14

Name of objects

Norms of specific consumption of heat, electricity and water


Unit of measurement Expenses Unit of measurement Expenses Unit of measurement Expenses

Dairy plant with a capacity of 10 tons CMP per shift

Dairy plant with a capacity of 5 tons of milk processing per shift

Cheese factory with a capacity of 300 kg of cheese per shift

Cheese factory with a capacity of 50 kg of cheese per shift

Whole milk replacer workshop with a capacity of 1.0 tons of finished product per shift

Whole milk replacer workshop with a capacity of 2.0 tons of finished product per shift

Milk collection point with a capacity of 20 tons per shift with processing at the CMP 3 tons per shift

Whole-milk production shop with a capacity of 10 tons per shift

The consumption of cold is taken according to the "Standards for the consumption of cold in the production and storage of milk and dairy products" (Order of the USSR MMiMP of September 2, 1985 No. 303), costs Wastewater take according to the "Norms of water consumption and water disposal per 1 ton of raw materials by types of dairy enterprises" (Order of the USSR State Agro-Industrial Institute dated 24.X II.87 No. 963).

12. Technical and economic indicators

12.1. Progressive indicators of the technical level of production are shown in table 15.

Table 15

Progressive indicators of the technical level of production for enterprises of the dairy industry of small capacity

1. a) b) 2. 3. 4.

The name of indicators

unit of measurement

Dairy plants with a capacity of t/cm

Workshop of whole milk products with a capacity of t/cm

Cheese factories with a capacity of t/day

Workshops of milk replacer with a capacity of t/cm

Labor productivity of one worker:
in physical terms (tons of milk processing per year)
in monetary terms
The degree of coverage of workers by automated and mechanized labor
Share of workers employed manual labor
Energy intensity of production
Labor productivity in monetary terms is calculated in 1991 prices

Appendix 1
Norms of productivity of equipment per shift or cycles of work per shift

Name of equipment

Technical specifications

Unit of measure. productive equipment

Installed product. equipment per hour

Equipment run time for 8-hour shift in hours or cycles (excluding wash time)

Equipment productivity standards, tons per shift

1. Equipment for the production of whole milk products

Milk bottling line and fermented milk products in glass bottles I2-0L2-3 Filling machine for milk and dairy products polyethylene film M6-ORZE Automatic filling machine for filling milk and fermented milk products into rectangular paper bags of the "Tetra-Brik" type with a capacity of 0.5 l TB/7

2000 pack/hour

Sour cream filling machine glass jars performance M6-OR-2B

70 ban/min

box making machine polymer materials and packaging in them sour cream M6-OR2D
Curd equipment TO-2.5

67% cap. baths

Set of equipment for the production of cottage cheese STI 350

350 kg of cottage cheese per shift

tons of cottage cheese

Equipment for pressing and cooling, cottage cheese in UPT bags

tons of cottage cheese

Automatic machine for packaging cottage cheese into parchment M6-AP2T
Flow-mechanized line for the production of cottage cheese OPML-T1
Cream-ripening bath VSGM-800

together dm 3 800

50% bath capacity

Tanks for cream maturation and production of fermented milk products

50% bath capacity


2. Equipment for the production of ice cream

Milling cutter for soft ice cream V6-OFM

tons of ice cream

Ice cream maker Ya4-OYUD
Packing line for ice cream in wafer and paper cups and hardening LIMF
Automatic machine for baking wafer cups OVP-1M
Semi-automatic machine for packaging ice cream in wafer or paper cups PAD-3

Equipment for the production of rennet cheese

Name of equipment

Technical characteristics of the equipment

Productivity unit

Duration of equipment operation (work cycles per shift)

Equipment performance standards per shift

Block cheese production line

100 kg - cycle

Cheese maker L5-OSA-0.3

tons of normalized mixture


Cheese manufacturer L5-OSZH-1


Appendix 2
Area norms per unit of main technological equipment

Name of milk processing equipment

Brand, type

Occupied area, m 2

Stationary scales for weighing milk, weighing limit 100-400 kg

Stationary scales for weighing milk weighing limit 500 kg

Milk receiving tank with a capacity of 500 l

The same, with a capacity of 1000 liters

1600 l intermediate coolant tank

The same, with a capacity of 2500 l

Milk receiving tank with tensometric weighing of milk with a capacity of 1000 l

Tank for cooling and storing milk with a capacity of 2500 l

Milk storage tank

Tank for receiving and storing milk with tensometric weighing with a capacity of 4000 l

Plate cooler with a capacity of 3000 l/h

Plate cooler with a capacity of 5000 l/h

Installation lamellar cooling with a productivity of 1250 l/h

Cooler-cleaner with a capacity of 1000 l / h, (complete with a separator-milk cleaner)

Milk cooler with a capacity of 1000 l/h

Separator-milk cleaner with a capacity of 5000 l / h

Filter for cleaning milk from mechanical impurities with a capacity of 4000 l / h

Installation lamellar pasteurizing and cooling with a capacity of 1000 l / h

The same, high temperature with a capacity of 1000 l / h

Bath for pasteurization and cooling of milk with a capacity of 630 l

Electropasteurizer with a capacity of 250 l/h

The same, with a capacity of 1000 l / h

A1- OPE -I000

Automated plate pasteurization and cooling plant with a capacity of 3000 l / h

The same, with a capacity of 5000 l / h

The same, with a capacity of 5000 l / h (for the production of fermented milk products)

Tubular high-temperature pasteurization-cooling plant with a capacity of 2500 l / h

Cream separator with a capacity of 50 l/h

Cream separator with a capacity of 1000 l/h

Cream separator, with standardization device, capacity 3000 l/h

Cream separator with a capacity of 5000 l/h

Homogenizer for milk with a productivity of 1200 l/h

Homogenizer for milk with a capacity of 2000 l/h

Centrifugal self-priming pump with capacity up to 13000 l/h

Centrifugal pump with capacity 6000 l/h

Rotary cream pump with capacity 0÷2000 l/h

Starter culture for mother sourdough with a capacity of 12 l

The same, with a capacity of 40 liters

Starter plant for industrial starter culture with a capacity of 350 l


Freezer for soft ice cream with a productivity of 34 kg/h

Ice cream maker with a capacity of 40 kg/h

Packing line for ice cream in wafer and paper cups and hardening with a capacity of 150 kg/h

Plate cooler with cleanable surface, capacity 1250 l/h

Bath pasteurization capacity 300 l

Bath pasteurization capacity 600 l

The same, with a capacity of 1000 liters

Automatic machine for baking wafer cups with a capacity of 220 pcs/h

Semi-automatic machine for packaging ice cream in wafer or paper cups

Tanks for cream maturation and production of fermented milk products with a capacity of:

Tank universal capacity 1200 l

Sour cream production tank

Filling line for milk and fermented milk products into glass bottles with a capacity of 3000 bph

Automatic filling machine for milk and sour milk products in polyethylene film with a capacity of 22 packs / min

Automatic filling machine for filling milk and sour milk products into rectangular paper bags of the "Tetra-Brik" type with a capacity of 0.5 l with a capacity of 2000 packs / hour

Automatic packaging machine for sour cream in glass jars with a capacity of 70 ban./min.

Automatic machine for making boxes from polymeric materials and packaging sour cream in them with a capacity of 48 packs / min

Curd equipment with a capacity of 2500 l

A set of equipment for the production of cottage cheese with a capacity of 350 kg of cottage cheese per shift

Equipment for pressing and cooling of cottage cheese in bags with a capacity of 130 kg / h

Automatic machine for packaging cottage cheese into parchment with a capacity of 60 br./min.

Flow-mechanized line for the production of cottage cheese with a capacity of 500 kg/cm

Line for the production of block cheese with a capacity of 100 kg / cycle

Cheese maker with a capacity of 300 l

Cheese maker with a capacity of 1000 l

Cheese maker with a capacity of 1800 l

Cheese bath, capacity 2500 l

Molding trolley

Lever press

Pneumatic press

Paraffiner with a capacity of 100 pcs / h

Cheese maturing metal container

Butter manufacturer periodical action capacity 1000 l

The same, with a capacity of 130 l

Butter churn 4 l

Cream-ripening bath with a capacity of 800 l

Flask steamer

Installation for washing equipment and pipelines

Bathtub washing mobile with a capacity of 113 l

Annex 3
Product range

Dairy plant with a capacity of 10 tons of whole milk products per shift

Pasteurized milk 3.6% w. in polyethylene bags 0.5 l Kefir 3.2% w. in polyethylene bags 0.5 l Cottage cheese 9% w. in parchment 0.25 kg Sour cream 25% in polystyrene cups of 0.2 kg Factory Return Curd Whey

Dairy plant with a capacity of 5 tons of milk per shift

Pasteurized milk 3.2% w. in plastic bags Sour cream 25% in flasks Cottage cheese 9% w. in flasks

Whole-milk production workshop with a capacity of 10 tons per shift

Pasteurized milk 2.5% w. in polyethylene bags 0.5 l Pasteurized milk 2.9% w. in flasks Kefir 2.5% w, in plastic bags 0.6 l Cottage cheese 9% w. in parchment 0.25 kg Sour cream 25% in polystyrene boxes of 0.2 kg Return to deliverers: Curd whey in tank trucks

Cheese factory with a capacity of 300 kg of cheese per shift

Cream 35% w. Delivery to deliverers: Cheese whey

Cheese factory with a capacity of 50 kg of cheese per shift

Dutch bar cheese 45% w. Cream 35% w. Delivery to deliverers: Cheese whey

Milk receiving station with a capacity of 20 tons with the production of 3 tons of whole milk products per shift

Pasteurized milk 2.5% w. Art. bottle Kefir 2.5% w., Art. bottle Sour cream 20% w., flask Cottage cheese 9% w. flask

M.: Agropromizdat, 1989. - 303 p.: ill. - (Tutorials and study guides for college students).
ISBN 5-10-000218-2.
Information on course and diploma design is presented. The section "Course design" contains product calculations, design of technological processes, calculation and selection of equipment, architectural and construction part. The section "Diploma design" includes a feasibility study for the construction of the plant, technical to the estimated part. The first edition was published in 1976. The second edition reflects new achievements in science and technology, norms and state standards.
For students of technical schools of the meat and dairy industry in the specialty "Technology of milk and dairy products." Content:
Basic information on course and diploma design.
Guidelines for the use of technical literature.
Preparation of an explanatory note and drawings.
Course design.
Technological part.
Raw materials to substantiate the assortment.
Methods of production and technological schemes.
Scheme of directions of milk processing.
Production technology and characteristics of finished products.
Organization and methods of technochemical and microbiological control.
Schedule of the organization of technological processes.
Product calculations.
Product calculation of the dairy plant.
Grocery calculation of the cheese-making plant.
Grocery calculation of a dairy plant.
Grocery calculation of the processed cheese factory.
Calculation and selection of technological equipment.
Equipment for acceptance, storage, mechanical in thermal about.
milk work.
Equipment for the production and packaging of whole milk products.
Equipment for the production of cheese into butter.
Equipment for the production and packaging of canned milk.
Selection and calculation of equipment for the reconstruction of production.
Schedule of machines and devices.
Area calculation.
Main production premises.
Utility and storage rooms.
Auxiliary premises.
The layout of the premises of the industrial building.
Volumetric planning.
General requirements for the layout of premises.
Special requirements for the layout of the premises.
Layout of technological equipment.
Basic requirements for the layout of process equipment.
Layout of technological equipment in production shops.
Placement of the main technological equipment.
Architectural and construction part.
Structural solutions of the building.
General plan.
Diploma design.
Feasibility study of construction.
The technical part of the project.
Integrated automation and mechanization of the technological process.
Engineering support.
Sanitary treatment of technological equipment.
security requirements and fire fighting measures. Environmental protection.
Technical and economic part of the project.
Organization of production, labor and wages.
Calculation of the cost of commercial products.
Technical and economic indicators.
Calculation of economic incentive funds.
List of recommended literature.
Subject index.

Dairy production accounts for 1/3 of the total food supply of the country's agro-industrial complex. Milk and its products are an integral part of the diet of children and adults. Therefore, it is very important to provide them to the population in accordance with consumption standards. A dairy shop, a plant can cope with the task. How dairy industry enterprises work, what they produce and on what equipment, read in the article.

dairy industry

To launch an enterprise, it is necessary to have well-designed projects of dairy workshops available, which will serve as a guarantee that the future plant will comply with all standards. With him permits can be obtained quickly and without problems.

The objects of the industrial sector of the dairy direction is a whole complex or a dairy shop engaged in the production of relevant products, which include butter, whole and powdered milk, cheeses, ice cream, canned milk and much more. For the production of products, the enterprise is equipped with equipment, the selection of which is carried out during the development of the project.

Design tasks

The main thing in design is the maximum use of resources in order to obtain high profits. For this you need:

  • Determine the list of products and calculate the capacity of the enterprise.
  • Elaborate processes of all installations and production lines.
  • Choose necessary equipment to equip the enterprise.

Design by stages

To carry out this process, the following work is performed:

  • The design capacity of the enterprise is calculated. The assortment and volume of products manufactured in the future are determined.
  • A scheme of a dairy shop is being developed to ensure maximum product yield with minimum waste.
  • For each type of product, the volume of its output, the necessary equipment for its production, as well as raw materials and resources are determined.
  • A schedule of all processes for the manufacture of products is drawn up. It is necessary for the calculation of resources, which are water, steam, electricity, and the design of engineering networks.
  • Equipment is selected taking into account all requirements for it.

When all the design stages are completed, they begin to build a new building or re-equip the old one. While construction is underway, equipment is being ordered. It remains to install it and train the staff to work on it.


To start production, you must first equip the dairy shop. The equipment in the complex has several types of different machines and units that perform a specific function. Such a chain of equipment installed in series is called a milk processing line. It includes the following equipment.


This type of equipment consists of containers in which milk is received and stored. These are starters designed for souring milk using a special technology; baths in which pasteurization is carried out and much more.


They produce cream from milk. With the help of reverse separators, the raw material is cleaned of foreign inclusions.

Using additional devices, milk is separated by fat content. Separator mechanisms can be used to separate similar products.


This set is one of constituent parts milk processing line, which each dairy shop has. The equipment is intended for obtaining finely ground mass and emulsion from milk formations. Homogenizers are included in the set of equipment for the production of cream, canned milk and frozen dairy products.

Heat exchangers

These are coolers and pasteurizers various kinds. Coolers can be based on freon, ice, propylene glycol. These units are good because the accumulation of ice in them occurs in advance, so the cooler can be turned on as needed and it will perform its function. This is very important to save money, as electricity tariffs are set depending on the time of day.

Heat exchangers are designed to cool milk. To do this, the containers are irrigated with ice water. Devices work at high speed.


The dairy shop is necessarily equipped with pasteurizers. They are part of a milk processing line. Serve to destroy pathogens in raw materials.

This is achieved by heat treatment of milk, which after this process is called pasteurized. Thanks to this, the product retains its full value.


This type of equipment, which is part of the milk processing line, is designed to convert liquid and powder components into emulsions. Dairy plant shops producing curd pastes and curds, margarines and mayonnaises are equipped with similar equipment.

Other production plants

The development of the dairy industry does not stop. Old equipment is being improved and new equipment is being invented. Particularly in demand are installations with the help of which cottage cheese, cheese, butter, ice cream, condensed milk are produced. The dairy industry has production lines for the recovery of milk powder.

Any dairy shop is equipped with installations, the use of which helps to fulfill sanitary and hygienic requirements. These include equipment for washing and processing devices that come into contact with milk.

Milk production scheme

The scheme of the milk production process includes the following operations:

  • Reception of raw materials. The milk received by the dairy enterprise is evaluated for compliance with the quality, its weight and volume are determined. Then the raw material is pumped from tanks installed on vehicles into containers.
  • Clearing from different kind inclusions.
  • Normalization, if the enterprise produces such milk. Thanks to this process, the mass fraction of fat in normalized, pasteurized and baked milk is determined.
  • Compilation of mixtures for milk containing various fillers.
  • Pasteurization.
  • Cooling.
  • Adding vitamins to milk, if any.
  • Bottling in bags, bottles, jars.
  • Container sealing and labelling.
  • Storage of finished products in a warehouse.
  • Transportation to destinations.

Milk processing is the most important branch of the economy. in great demand uses products manufactured by private firms with small capacities. Mini-dairy shops produce pasteurized milk, kefir, sour cream, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, cheese, butter and much more. Usually the assortment of dairy products of such enterprises is large.

For a person who decides to engage in the production of dairy products, it is important that his enterprise be compact and profitable. For this, a modular workshop is ideal, which is a building in the form of a container with heating system, ventilation, water and electricity. Mounted inside technological line, equipped with equipment that allows you to receive, process and release finished products packed in individual containers.

The advantage of modular enterprises: factories or workshops is their compactness. Although they are small, they are capable of receiving raw materials, pasteurizing and fermenting them. Here you can produce pasteurized milk, yogurt, kefir, cheese, cottage cheese. Process control is carried out by the remote control. During a shift, a modular enterprise can process 500-1000 liters of milk.

There are situations when, before ordering equipment, it is necessary to make calculations for capital investments in the project, required space and capacities, the cost of equipment and its payback period. In such cases, a preliminary design of the future dairy plant is ordered. By receiving such documentation, you already understand what volumes of milk processing you should go for, what costs will be required for this, what products to produce in the first place and in what packaging. All this affects the quick payback of the dairy and its successful development.

An important point for the buyer. When ordering equipment, the cost of the Pre-project is deducted from the total cost of the contract. Thus, you get the Pre-Draft for free.

Cooperating with us, you get full support for the project to create your dairy plant. Starting from the layout of the premises and the arrangement of equipment, calculations for power supply, water supply of the plant, equipment manufacturing, transportation, installation, staff training and the release of the first batches of products.

It is also important to have design calculations for the reconstruction and modernization of existing dairy plants.

The manufactured equipment must be assembled, connected to all nodes and containers, connected to the main points - water, electricity, drains. Installation supervision and start-up is carried out by a team led by an adjusting engineer. Along with the equipment comes everything you need for installation and connection: pipes, adapters, cables.

After the installation of the equipment, the first test run on the water is carried out. After that, the technologist starts his work. His task is to train the staff, to transfer knowledge and recipes, according to which dairy products will be prepared.

After the training, the work of the dairy plant begins, the first batch of products is produced.
