What is the water pressure in the sprinkler system. Water fire extinguishing installations

Among all existing ways fire fighting, the sprinkler fire extinguishing system stands apart. Its peculiarity is in the simplicity of design, the absence of complex automation.

Its action is based on the automatic opening of water. The system responds to an increase in room temperature. When it reaches critical values, water is supplied from the sprinkler.

A bit of history

The first sprinkler systems were developed in the early 19th century. Over such a long period of time, they have changed, but the principle of operation has remained the same. They owe their survivability to the simplicity of their design. There are no complex semiconductor or digital elements in them.

Simplicity determines the reliability of devices. The main changes affected the materials used in the production of systems, increasing their capacity, installing modern elements. Only the basic principle of operation of the sprinkler fire extinguishing system remains unchanged.

Structurally, the system looks like a branched pipeline with pressurized water. The outlets of the working fluid are hermetically sealed with caps that can be destroyed under the influence of high temperature. Simplified, the operation of the system can be described as follows. When a fire occurs in the room, the temperature rises, the cap material melts. Water is spraying out of the pipe system. Design changes did not affect the principle of operation, but its improvement. IN modern systems sprinkler is used. In fact, this is the sprinkler, thanks to which the extinguishing liquid is sprayed under pressure.


Works well with smoke detectors. The latter increase the efficiency of the system due to timely notification of an increase in smoke. Their use without fire extinguishing devices is not justified, their efficiency is not always high.

The decrease in efficiency is explained by the following factors:

  • The alarm can simply not be heard.
  • People do not always have time to evacuate from a burning room.

Installing a sprinkler fire extinguishing system together with smoke detectors allows you to increase the effectiveness of both elements at times. Sensors give an alarm, and the fire extinguishing system instantly reacts to a fire by spraying water.

Additional benefits are provided by the use tap water as an extinguishing liquid:

  • Low cost.
  • No shortage of water.
  • Eco-friendly, non-toxic.
  • Human safety.
  • Good extinguishing ability.

Schemes of modern systems

Schemes of sprinkler fire extinguishing systems are developed based on the use modern materials. For the installation of the pipeline, plastic pipes are used. This is a cost effective choice. Construction costs plastic pipeline many times lower than the cost of metal structures.

The installation of plastic pipes makes it possible to long years forget about any problems. On their inner surfaces is not deposited limescale. The lumen of the pipe will retain its original values ​​for a long time. Plastic pipes are light, they do not increase the load on building construction. Mounting them is very easy.

The main disadvantage of water fire extinguishing is negative impact on many materials, such as wood, paper. This required the development of systems whose use does not increase damage. Since the hood breaks down under the influence of temperature, the use of modern materials has ensured the gradual operation of the nozzles. The elements located as close as possible to the source of ignition always begin to work first.

The pipeline of the fire extinguishing system is connected to the water supply network. For supporting required pressure established check valves. The result is a completely self-contained, non-volatile system, ready to start at any time. The operation of one of the sprayers leads to a sharp drop in pressure. After that, pressure sensors are triggered, triggering pump equipment providing the necessary backup water supply.

Water sprinkler fire extinguishing can effectively protect the premises within a radius of 12m. If the triggered atomizer has not coped with the source of ignition, the air temperature continues to rise. Adjacent sprinklers turn on.


Automatic sprinkler fire extinguishing has some restrictions on its use. Firstly, they are associated with the possibility of using water to extinguish fires. different classes. For example, for server industrial facilities the choice of such a system is not justified, since water cannot be used to extinguish electrical equipment.

Other disadvantages include:

  • system inertia. The water in the pipeline cools the hood. Its destruction and operation of the system begins with a slight delay.
  • Dependence on the reliability of the plumbing system.
  • The operation of the sprinkler system is dependent on the ambient temperature, which can rise not only as a result of fire.
  • Wetting of surrounding surfaces with water. This parameter can be considered both as an advantage and as a negative point in the system operation. On the one hand, water damages things. On the other hand, wetting surfaces prevents the spread of fire.

Dry systems

Classical sprinkler systems have a limitation on their use. They require water to work. If there is no possibility of a constant uninterrupted supply of water, the system will be useless. Do not use sprinklers and low temperatures. Water at negative temperatures freezes and can lead to complete destruction of the system, pipe ruptures. It is not always possible to solve the problem using additives that can lower the freezing point. They form on inner surface pipes plaque, narrowing their lumen. Over time, pipes can become clogged to such an extent that the system will completely lose its functionality.

The development of dry systems allowed to solve the problem. As long as the system is idle, it is filled with compressed air. When the sprinkler fires, air escapes, creating a vacuum. Under its influence, water is supplied to the valves of the water system and pipes. To speed up the work, devices are additionally installed that provide an almost instantaneous decrease in pressure and rapid filling of pipes with water.

Their work is as follows: when one sprinkler is triggered, other valves automatically open. As a result, the pressure instantly drops in the system and water is supplied faster.

Installation of dry systems is possible only with plastic pipes. Metal constructions destroyed by oxygen.

Despite the apparent simplicity, sprinklers are in constant operation, in standby mode. As a result, the installation and maintenance of the system must be carried out by a specialized company licensed to carry out such work.

Drencher systems are a type of water fire extinguishing. Sometimes they are considered independent structures, sometimes they are called a type of sprinkler. Their main similarity is in the installation scheme of the pipeline in which water is located. Drencher and sprinkler fire extinguishing systems differ in the way they operate. The signal to start work in deluge fire extinguishing is given from the central console or detector. This method of excitation made it possible to get rid of the main drawback of water systems - inertia.

This variety can be mounted on any objects. Their type and purpose do not matter. In unheated facilities, deluge systems are mounted with dry pipelines filled with air.

It is impossible to mount dry fire extinguishing at facilities where there is a risk of explosion, intense fire with high speed the spread of fire.

Examples and prices

Sprinkler and deluge systems are among the most affordable fire extinguishing equipment on the market. It is impossible to name a specific price of the device.

It is made up of different components:

  • Room area.
  • Required number of sprinklers with thermal locks.
  • Pipes.
  • Shut-off valves (check valves).
  • Pump equipment.
  • Reserve storage water.

The main parameter of pricing is still the area of ​​​​the premises. It depends on it the amount of materials and components. Prices for the services of companies that design and install fire systems can also vary a lot.

On average, for a small room up to 500 sq. meters, the development of the project and the installation of all elements will cost 65,000 rubles.

Automatic deluge fire extinguishing system

Man has always sought to achieve perfection in almost everything. Progress in the technical field is a real confirmation of this. Today, on a completely different level, higher, Modern ways Elimination of fire allows you to save the lives of people in certain premises, as well as protect their property. One option for fighting a fire is a sprinkler system that extinguishes a fire as soon as it starts. If the object is equipped with such a method of extinguishing an open flame, then you do not have to wait for the arrival of special services, and also use fire extinguishers.

Varieties of fire water supply

Today, sprinkler and deluge systems are being created for the purpose. The first are air, water and mixed. These systems are designed for installation in rooms with or without heating. In water installations, pipelines are completely filled with liquid. Therefore, such systems are used only in heated rooms. IN air installations water enters the pipeline only after the control and alarm valve is activated. They can be used in unheated rooms. The pipelines are initially filled, therefore, only after it exits, extinguishing the fire with water begins. Also, for rooms that do not have heating, mixed systems are used. In such installations, pipelines are filled with water in summer, and compressed air is in them in winter, since the liquid freezes at low temperatures.

Drencher systems incorporate heads that are equipped with holes with a diameter of 8, 10 and 12.7 mm. Such elements are used not only for but also with their help water curtains are created. They are designed to isolate fires. Such systems can be operated manually and automatically.

Features of the use of sprinkler type installations

This type is completely automatic. The sprinkler system is created on large objects. A feature of these installations is the localization of an open flame in closed areas, where the spread of fire is accompanied by a large amount of heat release. Most often, this method is used in crowded places, in parking lots with closed type, in numerous offices, commercial and industrial premises.

Principle of operation

From water networks consists of any sprinkler fire extinguishing system. The principle of operation is that the installation is always ready to supply a substance that contributes to the elimination of fire. It could be water or special compound. The system operates under high pressure. Sprinklers are distributed over the entire area of ​​​​a certain room, which are usually covered by sprinklers. They are special nozzles made of light-alloy material. When a fire breaks out, the valve is exposed to high temperature, which breaks the seal and releases the extinguishing agent.

Design features

The sprinkler fire extinguishing system may consist of several separate sections. Each of them is equipped with an individual control and alarm valve. Also, a separate section can be equipped with special devices that supply compressed air. This is necessary in order to increase the pressure in the pipelines. Such design features of fire extinguishing systems depend on the area of ​​​​the object, as well as its configuration.

Types of installed equipment

Any sprinkler system has thermal locks. In most cases, they work when the temperature reaches 79, 93, 141 or 182 degrees. The first two values ​​refer to low temperature systems. Their operation must occur no later than 300 seconds after the fire. Such a requirement is specified in GOST R 51043-2002. Two following values belong to high temperature systems. For them, the thermal lock must work no later than 600 seconds after the ignition in the room has begun.

Design and installation of sprinkler fire extinguishing system

The first step is always to complete the project. It will be needed for the correct placement of equipment and pipelines of the fire extinguishing system at the facility. When developing drawings, the area of ​​​​a certain room is always taken into account. It is also necessary to take into account the consumption of the substance required to extinguish the fire. Depending on the type of premises, the location of each element of the system is determined, which are sprinklers, pipelines, as well as the control unit. This necessarily takes into account the height of the ceilings, the existing ventilation and the parameters under which the water will be supplied.

The installation of a sprinkler system consists of several stages. All necessary materials and accessories. Then the cables are laid and the pipelines of the system themselves are laid. Further, the installation of other elements that are part of the fire extinguishing installation is carried out. At the last stage, commissioning tests are carried out.

The main element for fixing pipes

Pipelines of sprinkler systems are suspended from horizontal surfaces. Basically, they are the ceilings of the premises. To simplify, use a clamp for sprinkler systems. Appearance such a device has a teardrop shape. Clamps are usually made of galvanized steel. They have different diameters, depending on the size of the pipes used in the systems. There is a special hole in the clamps, which is designed to fix them on the ceiling. To perform such a process, it is necessary to insert a threaded rod, which will be fixed with a nut. When using this installation method, it is possible to adjust the level of the pipeline. Usually the initial installation is required amount clamps on the ceiling, after which the installation of the system itself is carried out. Thanks to the use of such elements, the installation of pipelines is very fast. Clamps can be fastened with different means- these can be pins or threaded studs.

Maintenance of installations

A sprinkler system, like any other, needs regular service. He has great importance to keep the plant running. One of the main elements are sprinklers, which must be constantly checked for physical damage. It is necessary to ensure that they do not have leaks, and such elements should not show signs of corrosion and destruction. If defects are nevertheless found, then it is necessary to replace the thermal locks, while the liquid is completely drained. After all work is done, the system is restarted. Also, the owner of such installations needs to know that their trouble-free operation is possible for 10 years after installation.

Sprinkler Efficiency

Currently, in order to obtain reliable information about the operation of any equipment, information is collected, from which statistics are generated. According to the latest data, a sprinkler fire extinguishing system effectively performs its tasks if at least one sprinkler is triggered in 10-40% of possible cases. Up to 80 percent of fires can be eliminated by simultaneously turning on 10 valves. At the same time, such efficiency is observed over a large area. By installing the sprinkler system at the facility, the owner of the premises will spend the minimum amount Money. As a result, he will receive a fire extinguishing installation that will operate fully automatically. At the same time, it does not depend on the connection to electrical network. All these advantages allow the sprinkler installation to occupy a leading position among all existing fire extinguishing systems today.

As a customer - building owner, investor, developer or subcontractor construction organization, and the contractor - a specialized enterprise that performs design, installation, maintenance (AUPT), in addition to the cost, efficiency of the installed equipment, reliability is extremely important, a guarantee that the system will not work under normal operating conditions.

That is, all of a sudden, without any external reasons - the appearance of smoke, fire, high temperature, it will not flood with water or foam, will not fall asleep with the smallest, all-pervading powder, everything acquired by hard work: furniture, important accounting documents, goods, valuables, including electrical , equipment; raw materials, finished products, afraid of moisture. In general, put into practice nightmare the owner and the installation and commissioning/maintenance organization, suddenly found themselves in the same boat of material, financial, reputational losses.


Similar devices are used with late XIX centuries, naturally, having undergone significant changes in design features, materials for manufacturing, types and types, depending on where and for extinguishing what will be used:

general purpose

It is mounted on distribution lines (pipelines) of the water AUPT, laid, as a rule, along the ceilings, less often - the walls of the protected premises.


Designed for flush mounting in suspended/stretch ceilings or Wall panels premises with increased requirements for finishing, interior design. Therefore, openings in ceilings/walls are additionally covered with heat-sensitive decorative covers. In addition, there are in-depth, hidden ways to install sprinklers used for similar purposes.

For foam fire extinguishing

Used to protect rooms with high fire hazard, the presence of flammable liquids, gaseous liquids, polymer, rubber products - industries, workshops, sites, warehouses.

For water curtains

Protecting open construction, technological openings, arches, atriums of buildings; separating large areas into fire compartments.

For fire extinguishing installations

Selection of a sprinkler sprinkler suitable for technical specifications, is carried out at the design stage on the basis of calculations of the required water flow, system performance, time for fire extinguishing. Both the design, installation, adjustment, and maintenance, replacement, repair of equipment for sprinkler water / foam AUPT have the right to carry out only enterprises / organizations that have valid licenses from the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, SRO permits (design).

Foam and water

If the main document regulating the design standards for AUPT - allows you to make a choice between the type of fire extinguishing installation, which directly depends on how fire hazardous the situation is at the protected object (properties of substances / materials, technological process, equipment, storage volumes of raw materials, finished products), then the specialists of the design organization often prefer those systems where foam sprinkler sprinklers or their no less effective "brothers" - sprinkler water sprinklers . The choice between them depends on the specific situation.

It is worth understanding what caused such a preference, for example, over deluge sprinklers, which are also quite often used as part of water, foam AUPT.

A special type of plumbing fire fighting systems are sprinkler and deluge installations.

Sprinkler installations are designed to automatically extinguish a fire that has arisen with the simultaneous filing of an alarm. As the most reliable, they are used in rooms of increased fire danger.

Rice. 131. Scheme of sprinkler installation

Sprinkler installation ( rice. 131) consists of the following main elements: sprinkler heads; pipe networks; control and alarm valves, water feeders.

Sprinkler heads - special nozzles ( rice. 132) - screwed into pipes at a distance of about 3-4 m from one another. Sprinkler holes are closed with glass valves 5 held by a lock made of copper or brass plates 6-8. The latter are soldered with a fusible alloy (solder) with a melting point of 72, 93, 141 and 182 °. When the temperature rises due to the fire, the solder is soldered and the lock 6-8 falls, thus opening the sprinkler hole. Water flowing under pressure through the hole is sprayed using outlet 3.

Rice. 132. Sprinkler head:

1 - bronze body; 2 - frame; 3- socket; 4 - aphragm; 5 - glass valve; b-8 - lock; copper washer

There is a control and alarm valve on the sprinkler line, which, when water flows through it, gives a fire signal.

The sprinkler network consists of the following pipelines: main (feed), supplying water from the water feeder to the control and alarm valve;

a supply pipeline and connecting the supply pipelines with a water source; distribution pipelines on which sprinklers are installed.

All pipelines are assembled from steel pipes with a conical thread, with a slope towards the risers from 0.01 to 0.005, depending on the diameters.

There are the following sprinkler systems:

water, i.e. filled with water, used in rooms in which the air temperature is guaranteed to be above + 4 ° during the year;

air, filled with compressed air; they are arranged in unheated rooms, where the temperature is constantly or temporarily below 0 °;

air-water (variable), which at positive temperatures are filled with water, and in winter, at negative temperatures, only with air.

The diameters of the pipelines of sprinkler installations are determined by calculation; for preliminary calculations, it is recommended to select these diameters according to Table. 19.

Table 19

Sprinkler network piping diameters

Control and alarm valve ( rice. 133) serves to supply water to the sprinkler network through the main valve 1 with simultaneous fire signaling using the water turbine 2 and the bell 3. As soon as at least one sprinkler in the room opens, the pressure in the network above the control valve 4 drops. More high pressure water from below brings poppet valve 5 out of balance, lifts it; the water coming from below enters the water turbine through pipeline 6.

Rice. 133. Control and signal valve:

but - general scheme; b - detail of a water turbine

The floor area protected by one sprinkler in rooms with an increased fire hazard should not exceed 9 m2, in other cases - 12 m2.

Sprinkler installations in buildings are divided into sections served by separate control and alarm valves. In one section of the sprinkler installation, there should be no more than 800 sprinklers, taking into account the diameter of the control and signal valve.

The following structures can be used as the main water supply for sprinkler installations: urban and industrial water supply systems; natural and artificial reservoirs; capturing systems ground water and artesian wells.

As an automatic water feeder, you can use water tanks, pneumatic installations, household fire-fighting or industrial water pipes, which provide at any time the supply of the calculated amount of water under the required pressure. To determine the estimated water consumption for extinguishing fires, the simultaneous operation of fire hydrants with sprinkler or deluge installations should be taken into account.

The capacity of air-water tanks of pneumatic installations and water tanks with automatic start-up of pumps should be equal to 3 m3 at estimated consumption water for internal fire extinguishing up to 35 l / s and 6 m3 at a water flow > 35 l / s.

The water consumption rates for sprinkler installations must be taken as follows:

a) when fire pumps are automatically turned on within 1 hour from the moment of a fire from the main water supply (household fire or industrial water supply, spare tanks) in buildings of categories A, B, C with a building volume: up to 100 thousand m3 - 30 l / sec; with a volume of 100 thousand to 200 thousand m3 - 35 l / s; from 200 thousand to 300 thousand m3 - 40 l / s; more than 300 thousand m3 - 50 l / s.

In other buildings to be equipped with sprinkler installations, the water flow is determined by hydraulic calculation, but not more than 30 l/s;

b) when manually turning on fire pumps in all buildings to be equipped with sprinkler installations, the water flow rate is taken during the first 10 minutes from an automatic water supply (water tanks, pneumatic installations, household fire and industrial water supply systems that provide the required flow rate and pressure) in the amount of 10 l / s and during the next hour from the main water feeder, the water flow is taken in accordance with the indication of paragraph "a";

c) when sprinklers are powered directly from the external network without the installation of fire pumps, the water consumption for sprinkler installations is accepted within 1 hour from the moment of the fire in accordance with the indication of paragraph "a".

Hydraulic calculation of sprinkler water pipes is carried out for two cases of network supply: from an automatic water feeder and from the main water feeder.

Deluge (automatic) installations are designed to irrigate vertical planes or to create water curtains to protect certain parts of buildings or premises from fire.

The drencher is an ordinary open sprinkler without a diaphragm, valve and lock. They produce drenchers of a spatula or rosette type with an outlet diameter of 12.7; 10 and 8 mm. The distance between drenchers intended for irrigation of areas should not exceed 3 l, and between drenchers and walls or partitions - 1.5 l.

The distance between drenchers intended for irrigation of vertical planes or for creating water curtains is determined on the basis of a water flow rate of at least 0.5 l / s per 1 m of the width of the irrigated plane or opening.

Drencher installations are used in garages to isolate parking lots, in theaters to irrigate the curtain separating the stage from the auditorium, as well as in some industrial buildings. In the event of a threat of fire transfer during a fire, the drencher installation is turned on, and the water, pouring out through the open drenchers, forms a water curtain that protects the building from the spread of fire.

Automatic activation of deluge installations is provided by the following stimulating devices: cable systems with fusible locks, hydraulic or pneumatic systems, electrical systems with sensors.

The diameters of the supply and distribution pipes are determined by calculation.

design head at the most distant and highest sprinkler or deluge (usually assumed to be 5 m);

the difference in geodetic (geometric) marks between the highest located sprinkler or deluge and the water feeder, m;

total pressure loss in the pipelines of the sprinkler or deluge system, m;

pressure loss in the control and alarm valve (group action valve), m

Sprinkler fire extinguishingAUPT is a water fire extinguishing system represented by a network of pipelines filled with water and special sprinklers (sprinklers).

Fire is one of the worst disasters that causes huge losses and endangers human lives. Help fight a fire out of control automatic settings firefighting. Among them, sprinkler systems are currently at the forefront in terms of frequency of use at various sites.

Sprinklers are triggered as soon as the temperature in the zone of their action reaches a critical value. At the same time, each device operates independently of the others, providing local fire extinguishing.

The principle of operation of the sprinkler fire extinguishing system

The need to install fire extinguishing systems is provided for by state regulations. So, AUPT (automatic fire extinguishing installations) are necessarily designed for:

  • production;
  • administrative;
  • public buildings with large crowds of people.

For private houses, such systems are not mandatory, but this does not prevent some homeowners from equipping their dachas or cottages. fire alarm and fire extinguishing system.

In this, the principle of operation of the sprinkler system differs from deluge installations, which are designed to create water curtains and extinguish fires on large areas, a significant amount of water.

The device of the sprinkler fire extinguishing system

The design of sprinkler systems is different for heated and unheated premises(buildings).

  1. In the first case, there is always water in the pipelines of the system (water-filled sprinkler system). The extinguishing agent is located in the pipes under pressure, which is provided by pumps (1 working and 2 standby).
  2. If the building is not heated in winter, the network is emptied before the onset of cold weather. Pipelines are filled with compressed air for the winter. In the event of a fire, air immediately exits the pipes, and the system is filled with water. Such a system is also called dry or air.

Usually, AUPT also provides for the possibility of manually starting the fire extinguishing process. This method is relevant for rooms with high ceilings, when during a fire the temperature in the sprinkler coverage area does not have time to reach the threshold level.

The placement of sprinklers in a protected area must be carried out strictly according to the rules, so this task is entrusted to designers from specialized companies licensed to carry out this type of work.

Usually one of the following schemes is used:

  • with cover or
  • without overlapping irrigation zones.

The scheme with overlapping irrigation zones is more reliable, but requires installation more sprinklers, and, therefore, the consumption of water for fire extinguishing will also increase.

Accordingly, the second scheme (without overlap) is more economical both in terms of installation and in terms of the consumption of fire extinguishing solution.

Most often assumed ceiling mounting sprinklers, however, there may be options for wall-mounted sprinklers. The choice of a particular location for sprinklers depends on:

  • installation schemes;
  • ceiling height;
  • technical parameters of devices.

Sprinkler Design Features

The main element of the sprinkler fire extinguishing system is the sprinkler. This is a device that sprays water (or foam) equipped with a thermal lock.

A thermal lock is a glass flask filled with liquid, or a fusible insert. In duty conditions, the lock holds a compressed spring, on one side of which is attached a valve cover that does not allow water to pass through. As soon as the temperature rises above the threshold level, the liquid inside the flask expands, leading to the destruction of the glass container. If the thermal lock is represented by a fusible link, when the temperature rises, it simply unsolders.

As a result of the destruction of the castle, access to water opens up and it irrigates the protected area.

A quality sprinkler must meet the following requirements:

  1. Tightness.
  2. Strength, resistance to aggressive environments or mechanical stress.
  3. High sensitivity and activation speed.
  4. Sufficient irrigation intensity.

Such a sprinkler will ensure reliable and efficient operation of the sprinkler fire extinguishing system without false alarms and breakdowns.

Properly designed sprinkler fire extinguishing system, selected high-quality equipment, correct installation and regular maintenance is the key to a long and effective work AUPT.
