What does it mean to see your death in a dream. Why dream of your own death in nightmares? The ABC of Dream Interpretation

Seeing your own death in a dream is a dream that can really excite you. Such a plot comes to us in a dream without emotions or, conversely, in the form of a nightmare, because of which you wake up in a cold sweat or in tears. With or without fear, this dream is almost always symbolic. Consider its interpretation in the popular ancient and modern dream books of the world.

Mythological interpretation

Do not rush to get scared and put things in order if you dreamed of your own death. Despite the clearly negative connotation, this dream is symbolic, and in many world cultures it is considered purely as a rebirth. It means your transformation, coming or the one that is happening to you now.

Symbolic dying is a clear sign of significant changes taking place both at the external level of life circumstances and at the internal level of the individual. Therefore, it is not necessary to be afraid of such a dream and wait for inevitable trouble.

Dream Interpretation of Veles

The Slavs have a long and distinctive tradition of interpreting dreams in an inverted style. Upside-down dreams are common and should be understood as if they were a reflection in a mirror where everything is reversed.

Thus, the death of oneself promises not a departure to another world, but a long and happy life. And to see oneself in a coffin or in a grave, as if from above (from the side) means to recover from an illness. For physically healthy - to become even stronger and more active.

What does the esoteric Tsvetkov say

His dream book interprets such dreams also in a positive way, in particular, a woman who sees her death in a dream can expect good news - pregnancy and the birth of a long-awaited child. Another thing is that such a dream does not calm in any way, but rather worries young women who want to have offspring, but thanks to Tsvetkov's dream book, you will know that your fears are groundless.

Ukrainian dream book

An interesting interpretation is given by the Ukrainian tradition: it has such a nuance as the announcement of death. This is the plot of a dream in which someone (a stranger, a fortune teller, an old woman) informs you about your death, which has already taken place or is to come. There are options that you are dreaming of a message indicating how much you have left to live.

Ukrainians interpret such a dream positively - remembering such an announcement of your own death, you can expect that in the announced period of life all your troubles and troubles will symbolically die.

Modern dream book of the XXI century

And there is nothing to be afraid of - death or dying in a dream means nothing less, and major changes in life, most often positive, promising you gain in business, success and prosperity.

What psychologist Jung says

Scientists associate their own death in a dream with the physical state of the body - illness, pain, overwork, diagnosed or not yet manifested. Such dreams are not at all rare for people, everyone at least once in their life has seen themselves dead or at their own funeral.

If we discard the fear factor, which could be provoked by the accumulation of adrenaline in the blood during the hours of night rest (overwork, for example), then the dream carries the symbolism of transformation and insight. The ego of a person, according to Jung, does not know about his mortality, and therefore dreaming of death cannot mean the same thing as in real life.

Rather, it is an image of change coming in such an extremely unpleasant and disturbing form. The psychoanalyst also gave recommendations to his patients who were too preoccupied with such a dream: to regard this image as an internal call for self-improvement and development, some kind of requirement from the subconscious, a hidden desire to change for the better.

French dream book

His notes are less comforting than others - one dreams of one's death for illness, but also for a long life. Do not be afraid, but rather listen to your body - what if something requires your attention right now?

It is not worth running to the doctor for no reason, but it is also impossible to ignore serious ailments, if any. The dream, as it were, reminds you that you need to take care of the most precious thing - health and life.

Miller's dream book

Despite the fact that the interpretations of his notes are vague and rarely get to the point, we will give this opinion as well. Death symbolizes the oblivion of the principles of life, it can speak of your inner torment, that you are doing something wrong in life, do not understand the foundations of the universe, have gone astray from the moral path.

A person who wonders why his own death is dreaming, one way or another, thinks about how he lives and what his fate, the inevitable end, the hour of death will be.

Europeans have a Christian approach in interpretation with its motives of sinfulness and repentance, so this option calls, if not to confess to a priest, then at least calmly think about where you are wrong, where your life is going now.

Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

The dream book of a famous healer portends a happy event in life, and most likely a wedding, both for men and women. And yet, for a girl, this speaks more about an imminent marriage than, for example, about success in work or in the military field, because marriage, especially the first one, is symbolically associated with the death of a girl and the birth of a woman, a new person - a husband's wife.

So, you can breathe easy, there is no connection with real death. You may feel uncomfortable for a while, especially if you are impressionable and remember what you saw in a nightmare for a long time.

In any case, do not be afraid and do not attach great importance to the emotions experienced at night - everything will turn out the way you want. After all, our dreams are not a sentence, but tips to change your life for the better!

Dream Interpretation Maya

Such dreams have good and bad meanings. Good: if you dreamed that you died, then in the near future you will have the opportunity to start life from a clean page. You don’t need to do anything special for this, just try to relax and use all the chances that life itself offers you. Bad: if you saw your or someone else's death in a dream, then a curse (damage) has already been imposed on one of your loved ones or will soon be imposed. To be on the safe side, try pouring oil into a saucepan, adding salt, and putting a green cloth on top. The next day, tear the fabric into pieces and lay it out near the threshold of people you love.

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

  • If someone sees his death in a dream, while at the same time at home, then he will have a long journey or relocation.
  • If the dreamer is away, then he will probably return to his homeland earlier than planned.
  • If a patient sees such a dream, then he will certainly recover quickly.
  • If the dreamer is in prison, then he will soon leave the places of deprivation of liberty and will finally be able to leave the cell to freedom.

Miller's dream book

If you yourself or one of your relatives dream of being dead, then this is a warning dream. You will have to face an ordeal, perhaps even a loss.

Hearing or seeing in a dream a once deceased friend is bad news.

To a person who sees his death in a dream, the dream is sent in the form of a warning. Talking in a dream with a long-dead father is an impulse to think carefully about the business you are starting and everything connected with it. The dream warns of intrigues plotted by someone against you.

Men and women, having seen such a dream, should think over their behavior with greater prudence and protect their reputation.

A dream conversation with a dead mother is a call to control one's inclinations, to pay attention to health. Talking to a dead brother is a sign that someone is in great need of your compassion and your help.

If someone who has already died is cheerful and joyful in a dream, this means that your life is not organized correctly. In the future, a series of such serious mistakes are possible, which will have a direct impact on your entire destiny, if you do not mobilize the will in time to eliminate them.

If, in a conversation with a deceased relative, he incites you to some kind of promise, this is a warning that you will soon confront the coming despondency. There will be a period of decline in business, so you need to listen more carefully to the wise advice of relatives and friends.

A voice in a dream that belongs to a deceased relative is a real form of warning that external forces send you from the near future. Only in this way can your sleeping brain perceive this information.

Paracelsus has advice - to treat with special attention and seriousness what dead relatives who have appeared in a dream say in a dream. The sleeper is able to receive advice from the dead in a dream. Practical experience shows that following them brings the desired results. The image of a loved one of a dead person only stimulates the dormant parts of the brain to work and brings to the surface the knowledge and skills hidden in them.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Seeing your own death in a dream is a sign that a long happy life awaits you next to your loved one. Such dreams indicate that you are carrying the fate of the messenger of God on this earth.

If you dreamed of the death of a very important person in the world, then this is a great prophecy. Soon, in one of the developed countries, a wise ruler will come to power, able to establish peace between the inhabitants of various states.

Seeing the death of many people at once in a dream is a very bad omen. Such a dream is a prophecy of a terrible epidemic, as a result of which millions of inhabitants will die. A cure for such diseases will be found by a person whose opinion no one listens to yet.

Seeing a person dying a painful death is a harbinger of a nuclear war being started by the future ruler of one of the developed European countries. As a result of such a war, a great state will disappear from the face of the earth, and the people who survived will sooner or later die a painful death.

If you dreamed that you were in a state of clinical death, then you will have to be in the dark about the black plans of your old acquaintances for a long time to come. They, unfortunately, will be able to bring their plans to life, and you will suffer greatly as a result.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Seeing your death in a dream means that you will live for a very long time. If you dreamed that a person close to you has died or is dying, then this is evidence that this person will live a long and happy life.

Seeing in a dream the death and suffering of many people at once is a sign that humanity is destined to live a long time. The end of the world, which everyone is discussing so much now, will not come within the next few millennia.

In a dream, to see the death of a very important and famous person in the world is a prophecy of confusion and unrest on earth. In the future, most likely, a very important person will indeed die. After his death, a fierce struggle for power will immediately begin, which escalated into a major civil or even world war.

Seeing yourself dying a painful death in a dream is a bad omen. Such dreams mean that in the future a person will appear on earth who will take the life of a large number of people before being discovered. For a dreamer, such a dream prophesies a quick meeting with a cruel person, perhaps even a maniac.

Seeing yourself in a dream in a state of temporary clinical death means that soon something will happen to you that will unbalance you for several years. For some time, you will become absolutely indifferent to what is happening in the world, in the country, even in your own family.

In most cases, it has a positive meaning, including one's own death and even one's own funeral. As a rule, such a dream promises good health and longevity, but there are also less optimistic interpretations of what one's own death means in a dream.

I died in a dream: the meaning of vision

Dream funeral

Your own funeral in a dream portends an early reconciliation with a person, an early joyful event, including a festive event. To see your funeral in warm, sunny weather means that the dreamer will have a long, happy life without grief and trouble. If the funeral took place in cloudy, gloomy weather, then this promises illness and unpleasant news.

Preparing a grave for a funeral portends moving to a new home, change of residence. Seeing your burial from the side indicates a future journey or, if the dreamer is away from home, a return to his native land.

If people cried a lot at a funeral, it indicates the intrigues of enemies and spiteful critics in reality. Being buried alive in a dream speaks of the dreamer making irreparable mistakes, which he greatly regrets. If the dreamer got up during the funeral from, then in reality he will be able to cope with all the problems and troubles that have fallen on him.

To be present at your wake and see yourself dead from the side - this is a sign of great luck and success, receiving random, free profit. Gathering guests for your own wake indicates a marriage of convenience, finding a way out of a hopeless situation.

Lying motionless in a coffin, but understanding everything that is happening around, indicates unfavorable family relationships, quarrels with loved ones and conflicts with relatives over inheritance.

Everyone knows the famous story about Abraham Lincoln, who dreamed of his own death and was subsequently assassinated. Based on this, it can be said that such a dream can really be prophetic for someone. And what else can dream of the death of oneself? The answer to this question is ambiguous, everyone can dream something of their own.

However, some images are considered harbingers of an imminent death - these are dead people, calling for them, cemeteries and all the attributes associated with death.

Dead soul: what does it mean?

Seeing your soul separately from the body indicates that in reality a person has experienced a new, incomparable experience. Perhaps the person began to profess another religion or joined the culture of another nationality.

To see your dead soul says that the dreamer violated moral norms and foundations, and now he faces a terrible punishment. The dream also portends the real death of the dreamer, in preparation for his own death. Often such dreams come to believers, highly moral people.

My date of death

Seeing your date of death on a tombstone portends imminent changes in life. It is worth remembering this number - an important event will occur on this day, which will have a great impact on the future life of a person.

By the date of death indicated in the dream to the dreamer it is necessary to complete the work begun, to do what he has long been trying to. In addition, deaths can be a winning streak of numbers in the lottery.

A woman finds out the date of her own death in a dream heralds a change in her personal life. If she has children, then a sharp turn will soon take place in their life, which the mother will not know about right away.

Miller's dream book

If you dream of someone close to you dead- a dream is a warning: you must steadfastly meet some kind of test, maybe even a loss.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone a bad dream before dinner.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Parable "Rebirth"

When Ramakrishna died, his sufferings were great.
He could neither drink nor eat, his sleep was disturbing and intermittent.

Seeing all this, his disciples prayed:
“Well, why don’t you ask God to free you from your monstrous suffering?
After all, it is in his power!

And then Ramakrishna agreed, saying:
- I'll try.
He closed his eyes and just lay silent for a while.
Suddenly his face lit up with a bright smile.
Tears spilled down my cheeks.

The disciples rejoiced and decided that God heard his prayers and did as he asked.

Ramakrishna opened his eyes. For some time he was in ecstasy and could not speak.

The students were impatient.
- Tell us, did you succeed?

And then Ramakrishna said:
- My friends, you are fools, why did you send me to ask for deliverance from suffering?
When I asked God about this, he told me:

- Ramakrishna! Why are you attached to your body? This is silly!
After all, you have your close people through whom you can drink and eat and generally live forever.

It freed me from the body! Ramakrishna said.
I realized that I was absolutely free and cried.

His wife asked him before his death:
“Tell me, should I always mourn and never wear jewelry again after you are gone?”

“But I’m not going anywhere, I’m staying here.
I will live in everything that surrounds you.
In people who love me, in animals, in wind and rain. I will always be here.

And his wife never wore mourning and behaved as if Ramakrishna was alive.

In a dream, a person can observe and do incredible and unreal things, for example, fly, walk on water, read people's minds, and even see his own death. Such visions are harbingers of some future events. To interpret them, you need to use dream books. For more extensive and accurate information, try to remember as many other plot details as possible. In addition, it is important to compare the received transcripts with the events taking place in reality.

Why dream of your own death?

Such a night vision is a reflection of the existing discontent about one's own life. Thus, you receive a signal that you need to reconsider your behavior and prioritize differently. Own death is a reflection of the desire to start life "from scratch". Perhaps serious changes will happen soon, for example, you will move to another city or find another job. For sick people, such a dream promises a speedy recovery. Although some dream books offer radically different information, according to which such a night vision prophesies death. If you dreamed of your own death and funeral, this is a sign that you will soon have to say goodbye to something very important. It can also be a symbol of spiritual development. A dream where you are directly involved in your own funeral is a harbinger of gaining recognition among your inner circle. It can also be a symbol of a long and happy life.

Seeing your own death in a dream as a result of murder means that in real life there is some kind of danger. The dream book recommends to beware of enemies, and you may also expect the end of a relationship with a loved one. If a friend killed you, then in reality you can count on his help. There is also information that a night vision of one's own death is an omen of receiving bad news, which will cause strong feelings and even lead to.

Your own death in a dream due to suicide is a symbol indicating that in the future you will admit all your mistakes and decide to change for the better. If you do not know what caused death, this is a harbinger of a surprise. In one of the dream books there is information according to which a dream of one's own death promises good luck in finding a loved one, and the new lover will turn out to be a soul mate.

Seeing loved ones cry because of your death means that in reality they, on the contrary, will rejoice because of some important news. For men, a dream about their own death predicts success at work, an increase in salary, and other positive changes. If a young girl saw such a dream, it means that soon she will have to set life priorities differently, and you can also expect changes in her personal life. Another dream book says that one's own death in a dream prophesies career advancement, or in business you can count on the conclusion of some kind of deal. Another similar night vision may be a harbinger of a new successful purchase.

Seeing your own death in a dream, and then resurrecting, means that there are some fears in life that prevent you from living in peace. If at the last minute it was possible to avoid death, this is a symbol that in the future there will be a chance to get along with close relatives and friends. There is also information that such a dream may mean an unwillingness to take sides in a conflict between friends or relatives. For young people, such a dream predicts the accompaniment of incredible luck, which will help improve their financial situation.
