What plants are dangerous at home. What houseplants can bring trouble and why they should not be kept at home

Green neighbors - harm or benefit? Guests came to you who admire the taste of the hostess, order, life, and then you hear the phrase: “This flower is not for an apartment!”. Why? Let's try to figure it out.

Do you adore flowers and keep the received bouquets for years? Throw them away immediately, unless they are special dry flower arrangements.

  • Withering flowers will draw positive energy, worsening the situation around them.
  • No artificial plants, not enough other dust collectors for you?

In addition, they were originally intended for the cemetery, and even if you do not have such associations, your guests may have them. and thoughts, he knows, are material.

Well, now let's talk about live pets.

Plants with sharp leaves are definitely unique and attractive. But do you need extra "sharp corners" in the house? It is better for yucca lovers to “hide” troublemakers behind more streamlined shapes, such as violet or gloxinia.

Cacti will bring imbalance and add aggression home atmosphere, you can’t take them to work either.

Is it possible to keep flowers in the bedroom?

Of course, it is possible, and even necessary, but not all. Remove the beautiful orchid from the bedroom, you don’t need nervous activity at night, do you? Geranium and hydrangeas move to the gym, especially if you are allergic.

The fern begins to absorb oxygen in the evening, so if you do not want to part with it forever, remove it at least away from the bedroom and resting places.

On the contrary, the beautiful fatsia will increase the humidity of the air. True, she loves the cold, and you may not get along together.

AT matrimonial bedroom best plant - myrtle tree By the way, this is a wonderful gift for newlyweds. Passionate love promises to protect hibiscus, it is also commonly called Chinese rose.

Folk omens for negative flowers

Do not bring into the house what you plant on the graves. For example, pansies. cute unpretentious flowers capable of ruining your life, they are not for home, as, indeed, feather grass, so beautiful in the fields.

Do not bring into the house reeds and cypress traditionally associated with death.

The energy of love and health is respected by all creepers and loaches, so for the sake of peace in the family, take these treasures out of the apartment.

Do you admire monstera? When you want to settle her nearby, remember that she is considered an energy vampire. Do you need unhappiness? But at work, she is appropriate, a short stay next to her will help make the right decision.

Have you been given a beautiful palm tree? It is believed that if you bring it into the house, great grief will happen, however, popular rumor claims that no one bothers to roll it, for example, on a bicycle. However, I don't want to risk...

Harmful flowers

Have you got a baby? We get rid of all the poisonous tenants - it’s clear to you that you don’t need to chew the leaves on the windowsill, but up to three years old, a curious child will gnaw everything, including dieffenbachia, which will cause at least a burn. Azalea seasoning will cause cramps and colic in the intestines.

Down with your favorite oleander, its juice causes blindness, beware of poisonous milkweed.

Are you a mimosa fan? Well, who doesn’t love this charm, so continue to enjoy them on the street, if you value your hair, a beauty can cause baldness.

It is also better not to let lilies and lilies of the valley into the house, the smell from these pets can cause nausea, headache and lead to general malaise.

What flowers can / cannot be kept at home by an unmarried girl?

It is believed that ivy will drive a man out of the house, as, indeed, cactus. Have you put the cactus closer to the computer and protect yourself from radiation? Keep in mind that even if a man appears in the house, he will drink ... So no thorns!!!

climbing plants take away health and love from the girl, so let's take them to the far end of the corridor.

Give an unmarried princess a female flower of happiness - a spathiphyllum with white flowers. This plant is considered a symbol of purity and innocence.

Violets must certainly settle in the bride's room, choose varieties with heart-shaped leaves, they will give the hostess comfort and well-being, attract good luck, and give inspiration. get a pink geranium in the house, according to popular belief, this magical flower attracts love.

Calathea will help you find your happiness, besides, you will admire the beautiful patterned leaves. Be sure to start a ficus, it will strengthen trust between hearts in love.

When choosing new tenants, pay attention to plants with round leaves that reach up, they promise to fill the house positive energy, softly fitting into the space.

Hello. In flower shops - an abundance of indoor flowers, they are often brought as a birthday present. But are all plants useful? Let's find out which flowers can not be kept at home and why.

Caution - flowers

Turns out, harmful properties some indoor flowers can have a negative impact on human health. Maybe you noticed that after a gift your health suddenly starts to deteriorate?

You must be especially careful when buying a green resident if there are small children or animals in the house. The juice of some types of green spaces contains a dangerous poison or they release very toxic substances into the air.

But not only greens are not recommended to be kept at home, but also many popular among flower growers. beautiful flowers. If you cannot opt ​​out of their content, then try to find the right location for them. They should not be placed in the bedroom, and maybe even in the kitchen.

There is constant debate among flower growers about the dangers of some plants. The most different signs that can intimidate even experienced gardener not to mention newbies.

This article will help you figure out which flowers should not be kept in the house and which plants you need to be careful with because of possible consequences for human health and energy.

List of poisonous plants

This list includes those types of indoor plants with photos that are better to refuse, especially if there are small children or pets in the house. Fears arise from excessive hazardous properties green spaces.

A baby, dog or cat can be attracted by the beautiful flowers of a dangerous plant, from which they can get severely burned or even poisoned by poisonous juice.

If you have neither children nor animals, but there are such plants, then be very careful when caring for them:

  • Be sure to wear gloves when handling these flowers.
  • Rinse tools after use.
  • Do not cut flowers or leaves with the knife you use in the kitchen.

Group of dangerous plants

Dieffenbachia (Dieffenbachia)

This popular plant can be found in many homes. Florists are attracted by its huge yellow-green leaves, which form a crown that impresses the imagination.

Why can't you keep dieffenbachia in an apartment? The sap of the plant is toxic, which is sprayed when cutting the stem or leaves. If a child and a pet take a leaf of this flower into their mouth, then its juice can cause quite noticeable poisoning.

In addition, the juice of this green pet causes burns and unpleasant redness on the skin.

Oleander (Nerium oleander)

Florists are attracted by bright crimson flowers, so it grows in many homes. But if oleander juice enters the body of a person or animal, it can cause blindness.

And from the smell flowering plant you may feel dizzy or feel unwell.

Euphorbia (Euphorbia)

This plant has so many species and varieties. different forms which cannot be described unambiguously. Many species look very similar to prickly cacti, the injection of which is dangerous for humans and animals.

The leaves and stems of milkweed contain a white juice that can cause burns and irritation on the skin, and if ingested, cause poisoning.


It's potted green space belongs to the euphorbiaceae family, looks like a small tree with variegated elongated leaves. At home, almost does not bloom.

Croton juice is dangerous. It can cause burns on the skin, and if swallowed or cut into the blood, it can lead to resuscitation or even death.

Azalea (Azalea)

Among lovers of home gardening is a very popular view. He is loved for his lush flowering. Azalea blooms pink, white, red and yellow flowers.

Azalea Sims (Indian Azalea) is considered the most dangerous. If particles of its leaves enter the body, then convulsions or intestinal colic may begin.

Mimosa bashful (Mimosa pudica)

A bizarre green organism. It is a thin stem with small, delicate, fragile leaves. His behavior is very interesting: one has only to touch him, as his leaves roll into a tube.

Ivy evergreen (Hedera)

The shrub in the form of vines belongs to the Araliaceae family. Cats love him very much. They are attracted by bright green leaves and berries, playing with which, the animal can get poisoned and even die from severe poisoning.

Adenium (Adenium)

He is loved for beautiful view, represented by a powerful stem, similar to a tree trunk. At its top, leaves grow sparsely and in in large numbers tender flowers Pink colour, medium size.

The toxic juice of the plant is very dangerous, it can cause severe burns on the skin and even severely poison the body.

Monstera (Monstera)

Spectacular monstera is not considered a very dangerous species, but it is not recommended to keep it at home. Most often, monstera is placed in public places or botanical gardens, as it is endowed with leaves of impressive size.

The juice of the green giant can cause burns on the skin, indigestion if ingested, and harm to the eyes.

Philodendron (Philodendron)

It belongs to the aroid family. It can be creepers, bushes with lush greenery. The poisonous juice of the philodendron can cause burns and irritation upon contact with the skin and eyes.


This flower is incredibly popular with flower growers. Thanks to small sizes, lush flowering in various shades and velvety foliage, primrose has become a favorite of many flower growers. Lovers of home gardening decorate all the rooms of their homes with them.

But not everyone knows that when flowering, primrose emits harmful substances that can cause dizziness and nausea. And contact with velvet foliage, covered with small villi, leads to allergies and redness.

Stellera dwarf (Stellera chamaejasme)

Steller is famous for its medicinal properties, but they can be used only on the recommendation and under the supervision of a doctor.

The flower itself has a tall stem with inflorescences consisting of 20-30 small white flowers. If pieces of foliage get into the body, this can lead to numbness or swelling of the vocal cords.

Nightshade (Solanum)

It captivates with bright orange fruits that grow together on an evergreen shrub. It is these elegant berries that are considered extremely dangerous and poisonous.

The bright color of the fruit irresistibly attracts children and pets. It is better not to grow this flower at home, so as not to make trouble.

Tulip Gesner (Tulipa gesneriana)

This species blooms very beautifully. A marvelous flower blooms on a medium-sized stem, which has a variety of colors - from yellow to red.

It is important to remember that staying close to this beautiful flower for a long time is not recommended. This can lead to baldness or partial hair loss.

Trichocereus (Trichocereus)

This is a type of cactus. Trichocereus has long needles, it blooms with rather large snow-white flowers with a pleasant smell. But a pleasant aroma can lead to hallucinations or even paralysis of the nervous system.

Difference by family

The list of poisonous plants is much longer, so when making a green purchase, immediately ask which family a particular plant belongs to. 4 main families of the most dangerous and harmful indoor plants for humans and animals have been identified:

  • Euphorbiaceae family. The juice of many representatives of this species is dangerous. It causes burns on the skin.

Purchasing flowers for an apartment is pleasant, but enough difficult task. Hundreds of names and varieties, bright buds, luxurious leaves, exquisite aroma. What plants to choose to decorate your home?

Experienced flower growers and doctors are advised to listen to the recommendations when landscaping an apartment. It is important to know: there are flowers that cannot be kept at home. Some plants cause allergies, contain poisonous juice, exude a too harsh aroma.

Dangerous indoor plants

For landscaping a home, you should not use flowers of several families:

  • euphorbia (poisonous juice);
  • nightshade (poisonous fruits);
  • kurtovye (leaves and flowers emit toxic substances);
  • aroid (juice is dangerous to health).

What indoor flowers can not be kept at home? Do not breed the following types and varieties of plants:

  • nightshade. Bright berries rich orange color attract animals and children. It's important to know: fruits contain toxic substances;
  • ivy evergreen. Many flower growers plant a flower from the Araliaceae family at home, but it is advisable to plant ivy on the street to decorate a terrace or arch. A climbing plant with bright green leaves is poisonous. If pets try the leaves, they can be severely poisoned or die;
  • Tulip Gesner. Spectacular appearance: on a medium-sized stem, it forms large flower, shade - from bright yellow to saturated red. If you put a Gesner tulip in an apartment, then after a while adult family members may have problems with hair follicles: alopecia (baldness) develops;
  • adenium. toxic plant looks beautiful: a thick stem with sparse leaves and many not very large flowers of a pleasant pink color. Adenium juice is toxic; other parts of the plant are also dangerous for humans and pets;
  • spurge. milky juice white color, which stands out on the incision, provokes irritation of the epidermis, burns, discomfort on the skin. The Euphorbiaceae family includes many species, some plants have thorns, which are easy to hurt. Feature- fleshy leaves and stem;
  • dieffenbachia. Many flower growers grow at home a plant of the original species with large leaves of a yellow-green hue. If the leaves or stem are damaged, poisonous juice is released, droplets on the skin or eyes can lead to irritation, redness, burns, itching. It is dangerous if a cat eats a leaf: the animal may be poisoned;
  • Azalea Sims. It is this variety of decorative flowering plant that is dangerous to human health. If you swallow a Sims azalea leaf, then convulsions and spasms in the intestines develop. Other varieties can be bred for decoration in the apartment: the plant pleases with delicate yellow, pink, white, red buds and lush bloom;
  • croton. Green decor for an apartment of this type is not as popular as dieffenbachia or ivy, but some flower growers plant a small tree from the euphorbia family to decorate a home. You should not risk your health: if you accidentally cut or break off the stem or leaves, then the milky juice can get on the skin. A toxic substance can cause serious poisoning, up to admission to a hospital for emergency care.

There are other dangerous plants:

  • philodendron. Experts advise planting a flower for decoration suburban area or a private house from the outside, but you should not keep green decor in the apartment. Philodendron contains poisonous juice, contact with which causes burning, irritation, burns. The juice of a plant from the azalea family is especially dangerous for the sensitive retina of the eyes;
  • mimosa bashful. original look attracts amateur flower growers. thin leaves, folded into a tube when touched, long stems give the mimosa an unusual look. When diluted in an apartment, toxic substances enter the air, negatively affecting the condition of adults and children. Some complain that the hair thins and falls out;
  • trichocereus. The appearance is reminiscent of a cactus. Trichocereus has long sharp needles. Large white flowers are periodically formed, exuding a pleasant aroma. If you keep Trichocereus in the bedroom, poorly ventilate the room, then the air is filled with toxins and hallucinogens, and a harmful effect on the central nervous system is manifested. The more pots of trichocereus in the apartment, the higher the risk of paralysis from inhaling toxic substances.

Note! Some plants can be harmful if the flowerpots are placed incorrectly. Many people know that a lily should not be placed in the bedroom: the plant exudes a sharp, tart aroma. Also, flowers actively produce carbon dioxide. The impact of two negative factors can provoke insomnia, cause headaches and poor health. It is strictly forbidden to purchase lilies in the house if one of the family members is asthmatic. When inhaling a bright sweetish aroma, bronchospasm and an asthmatic attack are possible.

Impact on a person

It is important to know the facts about the effect of plants on humans:

  • hydrangea. Spectacular flower: a luxurious "hat" consists of small buds. pleasing to the eye various shades blue and pink. Hydrangea pots are not placed in the room where the allergic person lives;
  • orchid. A royal, delicate plant with a pleasant aroma and luxurious buds on a long peduncle cannot be placed in the bedroom: the smell activates nervous activity may cause insomnia. The best option- place exquisite green decor with showy flowers near the workplace to enhance mental activity;
  • tuberose. A popular flower is planted by many amateur flower growers. On a long peduncle are white flowers, similar to bells. bright, very sweet fragrance irritates receptors, leads to an exacerbation of hypertension, heart pathologies. If the flower stands in the bedroom for a long time, then hypertensive patients and cores develop dizziness, loss of strength, depression may develop. Negative influence intensifies if there are several pots of tuberose at home;
  • fern. The action of the components of the popular home flower resembles a lily: the active release of carbon dioxide provokes headaches. For this reason, you should not arrange pots with a luxurious plant in the bedroom, but a fern is suitable for decorating a room;
  • ficus. Some allergy sufferers and asthmatics are sensitive to substances from the wax coating containing the smallest particles of allergens.

What if and how to get rid of the ubiquitous insects? We have an answer!

On the page, read about how to remove mold from the bathroom and stop the growth of fungal colonies.

Folk omens

There are beliefs and superstitions, on the basis of which some housewives make a choice in favor of a particular plant for landscaping an apartment. Many signs do not have sufficient reason to classify a flower in the category of "harmful". Cacti, sansevieria, mother-in-law's tongue, palm trees, climbing plants undeservedly fallen into disfavor. Geraniums and ficuses are not recommended to start at home, even in the absence of allergies.

Folk omens:

  • curly ornamental plants prevent a woman from getting married, provoke betrayal. If ivy grows in the apartment, then the household loses optimism, becomes nervous. However, if ivy is planted with outer side at home or on the balcony, then reliable protection from the "evil eye" is provided;
  • ficus can interfere with the appearance of babies. If there is a flowerpot with a flower of this kind in the house, then you need to remove the plant from the dwelling - and children will soon appear. There is an opposite belief: ficus in the house - to well-being and replenishment in the family;
  • sansevieria or "pike tongue" prevents the owners of the apartment from getting married or getting married. Popular beliefs undeservedly recorded beautiful flower with a delicate aroma to the list of green decor that negatively affects the choice of a partner for family life;
  • cacti can turn a husband into a man suffering from an addiction to alcoholic beverages. Another belief: a thorny plant violates peace of mind family members. If a unmarried girl keeps cacti at home, then it is more difficult for her to meet a reliable chosen one;
  • you can not keep bonsai at home. This sign seems strange: compositions of dwarf trees fit perfectly into the interior of a Japanese-style home. Some people believe that bonsai interfere with career growth, take away vitality: achievements become small, insignificant, and the path to the top will be as slow as the growth of a bonsai;
  • the risk of loneliness increases if there are pots with mother-in-law's tongue on the windowsill. Long green leaves symbolize the long road along which future husband can at any moment unexpectedly leave the girl;
  • dieffenbachia often takes away health from family members, brings discord into the house;
  • fern is an energy vampire. beautiful plant with luxurious greenery - the decoration of the home also fell out of favor. If the hostess is fond of breeding ferns, then family members may feel inexplicable irritation, fatigue, and drowsiness.

Believe in omens or not? Is it worth it to buy flowers that, according to many, cannot be kept at home? Each case is individual. If the hostess is sincerely convinced that “mother-in-law’s tongue” is to blame for quarrels with her husband or loneliness, then it is difficult to convince a woman to leave a flower in the house. There are many amateur flower growers involved in the cultivation of cacti. People are happy, enjoy their hobby, they do not care about strange signs. You can put a cactus next to the computer to reduce the effect of radiation from the monitor screen and enjoy the pleasant flowering of prickly "balls".

Video about what flowers are forbidden to grow in an apartment and why:

Flowers in pots are back in fashion. Modern designers offer very unusual solutions for decoration of plants in the house. Suspension systems, forged stands and complete floral arches- every housewife has a choice of how to arrange new flowers. But if you want to decorate your home with plants, do not forget about safety. Have you thought about what flowers can not be kept at home? There are plants that can cause allergies, others do not recommend exhibiting due to various signs. We have studied which flowers cannot be kept at home: photos and descriptions are in front of you.

(Dieffenbachia) is a poisonous plant. Outwardly, it looks very attractive - lush yellow-green leaves form a voluminous crown, making the flower look very impressive. But the juice of the leaves of this flower causes severe poisoning in both humans and animals. In addition to harm when ingested, dieffenbachia juice can cause irritation and burns on the skin.

(Nerium oleander). Florists are attracted by bright fragrant flowers that look exotic. But in fact, they are very harmful - the smell of a flowering plant contributes to dizziness and weakness.

A flower such as (Euphorbia) has many different shapes and types, some of which look like cacti. The thorns of Euphorbia are dangerous to people, as well as the stems and leaves - the juice they contain leads to burns. If the toxic liquid enters the body, it can cause severe poisoning.

As with the previous plants, the sap (Croton) causes burns. This very inconspicuous plant is poisonous, so if you see a small tree with variegated elongated leaves, do not rush to buy it, but check with the seller for the name.

Azalea (Azalea) is known for its lush flowering, so many gardeners no doubt purchase this plant in their home. But it is worth knowing that one of the types of this flower is Azalea Sims or Indian Azalea when ingested, it causes convulsions and intestinal colic.

(Mimosa pudica) is a plant with thin stems and small leaves. With prolonged contact with this flower, a person begins to have problems with the hairline - hair loss and hair loss are possible.

Bush Ivy evergreen(Hedera) is similar to vines and therefore attracts cats and other pets. But the color has poisonous bright green leaves, so cat owners and other furry friends should avoid this plant.

(Monstera) is a very common plant among gardeners. It is easy to care for, and it has beautiful large leaves. But you should not keep it in the house, as the juice of the flower causes burns on the skin, is dangerous if it gets into the eyes and for the digestive system.

Plants such as Adenium, Philodendron, Primula, Stellera chamaejasme, Solanum, and Trichocereus should also be avoided.

Feng Shui rules: what flowers can not be kept at home because of signs?

ferns- Vampire flowers that suck out a person's vital energy and cause apathy. lilies- another "vampire" that is absolutely not suitable for living quarters. Ivy and other climbing plants repel men, because such potted flowers have a strong aggressive male energy. But cacti"Contraindicated" for girls and women, as ancient signs say that such prickly flowers can destroy women's happiness. Mother-in-law language- another unsuitable plant for a women's home, it takes away feminine power. Sansevieria or pike tail considered dangerous for family life - it destroys relationships and contributes to loneliness.

Understand the range of indoor representatives of the flora offered by agricultural firms and flower shops sometimes even difficult experienced florist. It seems like it could be easier to buy a plant in a pot, bring it home and take care of it as needed. But not everything is so simple. Many of them are potentially dangerous: some contain poison and can cause poisoning, others are considered energy "vampires", and still others are not supposed to be kept in an apartment according to folk signs.

poisonous plants

List of poisonous plants grown in residential buildings and offices, quite large. Most often, these are representatives of the aroid, kutra, euphorbia and nightshade families, but there are other varieties that pose a danger to human health. Of the most popular and attractive appearance poisonous are:

Dangerous indoor plants include:

  • aglaonema;
  • adenium;
  • azalea;
  • akalifa;
  • browally;
  • brunfelsia;
  • hyacinth;
  • hippeastrum;
  • diplomacy;
  • calla;
  • codiaum;
  • oleander;
  • pachypodium;
  • poinsettia;
  • philodendron.

The juice of these crops causes irritation or burns if it comes into contact with the skin, if swallowed - drowsiness, nausea and vomiting, if it gets into the eyes - blurred vision. The aroma of some of them is so strong that it can provoke the development of allergic reactions and even fainting (oleander).

Despite the potential threat to human health, poisonous plants thousands of flower growers are bred and grown in their apartments. The main thing when caring for them is to observe safety measures:

  • when transplanting and pruning, wear latex gloves;
  • do not use a kitchen knife;
  • thoroughly wash all tools;
  • do not put in the children's room;
  • place in places inaccessible to babies and pets.

When all requirements are met, the danger of poisonous indoor plants is reduced to zero. If necessary, take action first. medical care: induce vomiting and drink Activated carbon or other absorbent, wash skin with soap and eyes with running water.

Many indoor crops are completely harmless plants, but in some people they can cause an allergic reaction in the form of a runny nose, sneezing, headache, insomnia and other unpleasant symptoms. These are lily, hoya, hydrangea, orchid, tuberose, primrose, cyclamen and even geranium familiar from childhood. It's all about individual hypersensitivity to odors and phytoncides that flowers emit. If such a reaction arose after the appearance of a new green friend in the house, you will have to get rid of him.

Choosing for own house or apartments houseplants, it makes sense to listen to the advice given by feng shui. According to this teaching, it does not matter what variety a particular flower belongs to, it is much more important what state it is in. The basic rules of Chinese space organization clearly indicate which flowers should not be kept at home:

  • withered;
  • withered;
  • causing antipathy;
  • old ones that do not bloom for a long time and do not give young shoots;
  • patients whose treatment long time does not bring results.

If such instances are in the apartment, they spread negative energy around them, which adversely affects the health, success and well-being of residents.

According to Feng Shui theory, each plant has feminine or masculine traits, that is, flowers can be divided into two groups - Yin (female) and Yang (male). The best option would be when a balance is created in the house between the feminine and the masculine. Organizing it is quite simple: just buy a few Yin flowers (saintpaulia, begonia, cyclamen, crassula) and add chlorophytum to them, indoor lemon or dracaena, which are considered male plants.

Chinese sages advise when placing indoor flowers to adhere to the basic rules:

  • give preference to crops with round leaves;
  • do not put a lot of pots in the bedroom or children's room, especially next to the bed;
  • to attract positive energy to the house, choose plants whose shoots and leaves are directed upwards;
  • avoid varieties with sharp leaves and thorns, as they bring quarrels and scandals into the house.

The most dangerous for the home in terms of feng shui is bonsai. This is a dwarf tree grown using a special technology. Thanks to certain techniques, the seedling ordinary tree artificially stopped in growth, not allowing normal development. The result is a miniature plant that flower growers like so much. But if you keep bonsai in the house, you can say goodbye to well-being and a successful career.

The Chinese practice of harmonious organization of the surrounding space advises to pay attention to the list of plants useful for the home and family:

  • fat woman or Money Tree- brings prosperity and well-being in material terms;
  • bamboo - absorbs negative energy and gives positive;
  • lemon tree - develops independence and increases vitality;
  • ficus - extinguishes aggression, neutralizes the flows of negative energy;
  • myrtle tree - promotes revitalization family relations and harmony between spouses;
  • geranium - improves metabolism, soothes nervous system, has a beneficial effect on the human body as a whole;
  • arrowroot - helps to find harmony in professional activity and meaning in life.

It is believed that the flower will bring maximum benefit if it corresponds to the zodiac sign of the inhabitants of the apartment. Recommended cultures are presented in the table:

Zodiac sign Name of indoor flowers
Aries coleus, indoor pomegranate, chlorophytum, guzmania, begonia, echmea, red/pink geranium or azalea
Taurus Saintpaulia, Kalanchoe, primrose, cyclamen, begonia, hydrangea
Twins Chlorophytum, asparagus, ivy, fern, tradescantia, cyanotis, variegated palms
Crayfish Fuchsia, Peperomia, Aloe, Stonecrop, Kalanchoe, Haworthia, Echeveria, Philodendron, Aglaonema, Begonia
a lion Calceolaria, Amaranth, Calla, Camellia, Gardenia, Akalifa, Geranium, Aphelandra
Virgo Roicissus, monstera, aucuba, philodendron, syngonium, dracaena, fatsia
Scales Schlumbergera, Croton, Heliotrope, Hydrangea, Hibiscus, Celosia, White Azalea
Scorpion Oleander, ginura, stapelia, aloe, cactus, dragon tree, faucaria
Sagittarius Nematanthus, ficus, clivia, sheflera, sansevieria, hemanthus, palms
Capricorn Crassula, ficus, dracaena, lithops, bay tree, coniferous crops
Aquarius Abutilon, alocasia, dracaena, stromanta, reo, calathea, fittonia, nolina, coleus
Fish Ripsalis, geranium, orchid, crassula, hypocyrta, helksina, ficus

These plants will help enhance the positive character traits of a particular person and mitigate his negative qualities.

Listening to the advice of Feng Shui, you should not completely rely on the stated truths. After all, in any teaching there are certain contradictions. So, cacti are covered with sharp thorns and are carriers of heavy energy, but at the same time they reduce rage and irritability. Therefore, it is useful to keep them in the office or common room in apartments where quick-tempered natures live, but should not be placed in a bedroom or nursery.

The situation is similar with hibiscus (Chinese rose): some experts claim that it helps to cope with depression and gives a charge of vivacity, others believe that this graceful plant sucks vitality out of a person.

Folk omens and superstitions

You can not ignore the numerous prejudices regarding indoor plants.
