What grass do chickens eat. Eight Toxic Plants That Shouldn't Be Used in Poultry Farming

Today, many farmers are engaged in breeding domestic animals. The most important thing is to know how to do it right. Any poultry farmer knows that proper feeding plays an important role in breeding chickens. Only under the condition that the chickens receive a balanced healthy diet, the farmer will be able to get quality products. In this article, we will try to figure out what not to feed chickens, how to improve their egg production through nutrition, and whether flour products can be given to birds.

What is the best food for pets?

So what do you need to know about it? Many novice farmers are interested in what can and cannot be fed to domestic chickens. Typically, garden and kitchen waste is used for this purpose. The bird can be given potatoes unsuitable for use. Green, too small or germinated tubers will do. Chickens are also given potato peelings. One bird can eat 50-100 grams of such food per day.

It is still desirable for chickens to give bread in a dry or soaked form. The diet can also include crushed bones, leftover meat, fish giblets. For laying hens, beetroot and carrot tops, the remains of berries and fruits are excellent. From these ingredients you can prepare a mash.

Protein nutrition

What is its feature? What can and cannot be fed to chickens? Tips from experienced farmers often contain references to protein foods.

It includes:

  • buttermilk;
  • milk;
  • cottage cheese;
  • serum;
  • curdled milk;
  • fish or meat waste;
  • small fish;
  • shellfish.

For the preparation of chicken mash, cake and meal from agricultural crops are often taken. As a source of protein in the diet, small amphibians, May beetles and worms can be used.

The use of compound feed

Worth it or not? Owners of large farms talk about the convenience of using compound feed. It is recommended that you choose special foods designed for your type of poultry. For example, on sale today there are certain feeds that increase egg production. If you are engaged in the cultivation of meat breeds, then the feed should not contain components that reduce weight gain.

In terms of nutritional value and composition, ready-made feeds are in no way inferior to natural ones. From 60 to 70% of the composition is oats, bran, millet and barley. 20-30% are corn and legumes. The food also contains berries, vegetables, vitamins and minerals, bone meal, milk powder and dried herbs.

What should not be given to pets?

If you want to be successful in farming, you definitely need to know how to feed chickens categorically. These birds are almost omnivorous. Many breeders take advantage of this. They use stale and spoiled food as feed. This can lead to disease and eating disorders in birds. With such feeding, the risk of infection with fungal diseases of the respiratory system is also high.

How to prepare food?

Proper feeding of chickens involves careful grinding of all components. Carrots, beets and other root crops should be given to birds in a grated raw form. Potatoes must first be boiled. This will get rid of excess starch. The use of green potatoes often leads to food poisoning. Also, make sure that vegetables, grains and greens are free of dirt and debris.

Prohibited Products

What can and cannot be fed to chickens? The advice of experienced farmers prescribes not to include muffins and sweets in the diet of chickens. In small quantities, it is permissible to give grain bread to chickens. In addition, food should not contain excess salt. If you want to flavor your food with fish oil, then choose only the highest quality product. Poor raw materials can cause an unpleasant smell from chicken products.

Drinking large amounts of whole milk can cause dysbacteriosis in birds. The list of prohibited products also includes sausages, smoked meats, mushrooms, sausages, cheese, butter, spices, semi-finished fish products, confectionery and jam.

Greens for laying hens

What is its use? In the warm season, half of the diet of poultry can be fresh greens. This approach will help provide chickens with all the necessary components and trace elements. In addition, such fresh nutrition can significantly improve productivity. The advantage of feeding with herbs is also cost-effectiveness. Green fodder improves the palatability of eggs. The yolk from such feeding will be brighter. Grass is easily digested by birds and is easier to digest than artificial feed.

What kind of greens is better to give chickens? What should not be fed to laying hens? In the diet of birds, experts recommend the use of alfalfa. It contains a lot of vitamin A, which has a great effect on the eyesight of laying hens. Wheat grains are high in vitamin E. It is responsible for the immunity and productivity of chickens. Eating clover will help fill the need for protein. Sorrel is used to saturate the body of chickens with vitamin C.

What grass to give adults?

The feed mixture may contain 15-30% green components. Adults need to be given herbs such as plantain, nettle, alfalfa, wood lice, dandelion, wheatgrass, clover, cereals, euphorbia, sorrel. In the diet of chickens, you can also include legumes and hard vegetables. Cabbage leaves are a good source of vitamins. In the diet for chickens, you can also include green onion feathers, dill, parsley. Amaranth is high in healthy proteins.

How to serve grass?

Birds can both independently peck greens in the place of its growth, and use it together with the feed mixture. Experts recommend hanging bunches of grass near the feeding area. So the chickens won't trample them. As a rule, birds independently choose which greens suit them best. You can safely give them herbal preparations and weeds. The only exceptions are poisonous plants. In winter, when there is not enough greenery, you can feed the birds dried coniferous flour and wheat.

Grasses unsuitable for feeding

What are they? What to feed laying hens? Prohibited foods include a number of herbs. To eliminate the possibility of poisoning, experienced farmers recommend limiting the place for walking chickens. Poisonous herbs must be dug up along with the roots, otherwise they will sprout again. What plants are considered dangerous for birds? These are elderberry, spotted hemlock, broom, hemlock, potato inflorescences, henbane, belladonna, hellebore, black nightshade, juniper, horse chestnut. If a bird eats any plant from the list presented, it can become seriously ill or even die. Be sure to monitor the walking of chickens. In addition, you need to understand the herbs. To completely eliminate the possibility of harmful plants getting into the diet, it is better to keep chickens in closed enclosures and give them greens only with food.

Can you give bread?

The main requirement for a balanced diet for chickens is the presence of nutritious and beneficial elements such as fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. In this regard, a completely logical question arises: "Is it possible to give bread to chickens?" Opinions on this matter vary greatly. Of great importance here is the type of baking. If you mix bread with bran, cottage cheese, meat, greens and potatoes, you get a good complete food for birds. Such food will not harm the health of chickens and will have a good effect on the level of egg production. As for fresh bread, it is not recommended to give it to birds. Such a product can adversely affect the health of the chicken, as well as reduce immunity.

The fact is that in chicken stomachs, fresh bread swells and turns into a dense lump. It can even lead to the death of the bird. Black varieties of bread are especially dangerous. They contain salt and yeast, and also have a high level of acidity. This composition contributes to the activation of the fermentation mechanism, which reduces egg production.

Many household owners believe that spoiled bread can be given to chickens. However, moldy baked goods can cause serious harm to birds. It can lead to poisoning and metabolic problems. To deprive moldy pastries of a negative impact, they must be held in the oven.

Can any bread be given to birds? What should not be fed to chickens? In no case is it recommended to give sweet buns and pastries with various fillings. Such food contributes to the thickening of the blood and can lead to digestive disorders. Since white bread is also high in carbohydrates, it should only be given in the form of breadcrumbs. But even in this form with top dressing, you should not be zealous. In the winter season, bread can be an excellent source of energy for birds. However, if chickens are kept in cages or small enclosures, it is better not to use such food. Such food, in combination with a lack of movement, can cause vascular blockage.


The productivity and egg production of chickens primarily depend on the diet. What should not be fed to chickens? What to give laying hens to improve egg quality? How to make a diet? The main requirement in this case is nutritional value and the presence of useful components. Chickens are omnivores. They can willingly eat any food, be it feed or leftovers. But to get high productivity rates, you need to choose the right nutrition. Only in this case, the chickens will be healthy and will be able to rush in full force. A balanced feed for chickens should include grains and legumes, fresh herbs, vegetables, berries, fruits, cottage cheese and meat. For a good egg supply, you can use both ready-made mixtures and a home-made mash.

Most herbs benefit the health of humans and animals. Therefore, many of them are used for the treatment and prevention of various diseases. I breed chickens and use a wide variety of herbs in my household. Plants are more than just food for birds. They are also a component of its living environment. I prefer well-known culinary herbs - absolutely safe and edible.

But some plants are toxic to chickens (as well as humans). There were cases when the use of medicinal and beneficial herbs in too large doses led to illness and even death.

I am not engaged in scientific research, I do not have a veterinary or medical education. Therefore, I decided that caution would never be excessive. I have completely abandoned the use of materials and products in poultry farming that can provoke problems with my pets.

If we see the mark “vegetable” or “natural” on any product, this does not mean at all that it is absolutely safe. The chicken is a fairly small poultry. It wouldn't take too much effort to harm her health.

Be careful with essential oils

Essential oils are often used inappropriately or in excessive amounts. Especially if a person does not have information about their use and exact dosages. Therefore, I always prefer fresh or dried herbs.

Some of the unhealthy plants can be found in many poultry products. Therefore, it is important to always check the ingredient list carefully before purchasing herbal chicken supplements.

I avoid using housekeeping products and materials that contain any potentially harmful ingredients. Since chickens can peck at even inedible objects, harmful substances in their composition can harm the health of the bird.

Here is a list of some of the toxic plants that I refuse to use. They can cause symptoms of quite serious diseases in birds, and in the worst case, lead to death.

8 Potentially Harmful Plants

Comfrey is an herb that often causes diarrhea and liver failure. It is better to give preference to the external use of this plant to relieve swelling, heal wounds. Although many owners mistakenly believe that comfrey is chicken food.

Eucalyptus is not dangerous in itself. But it may contain spores of aspergillosis, a fungus that leads to the extinction of various bird species, including chickens and ducks. In addition, concentrated eucalyptus oil is toxic to humans and animals.

Digitalis is an herb that can lead to heart failure.

Horse nettle - a plant from the nightshade family, has a negative effect on the central nervous system.

Pennyroyal is toxic to the liver, leading to kidney failure and sometimes death.

Tansy - can provoke diarrhea, liver disease, death.

Wintergreen is the cause of endocrine disorders in the body.

Wormwood - affects the nervous system and can lead to convulsions.

Confetti for the poultry house is an aromatic mixture. It contains calendula, rose petals, chamomile, mint, echinacea and other safe herbs. With this mixture, you can keep a pleasant smell in the chicken coop. It allows you to scare away pests, favorably affects the bird.

Needles for chickens - video

In this article, we will open the details and features of compiling a nutritious menu for chickens kept at home, consider seasonal dependence, “binding” to biological nuances. The publication offers lists of basic products, examples of "prohibitions" for chickens in winter and summer.

Watch the video for a convenient way to feed grass.

Homemade quotes are very unpretentious in terms of content in general and the constituent ingredients of feeding in particular. The omnivorous nature of the Ryaba Hen makes it easy to feed, and in the home garden - the question: "what to feed" - does not arise even more so. Many sources state the idea that at home it is allowed to keep any leftover food from the hosts' table in the feeder.

However, the role of food waste should not be confused with the main share of the diet, which should consist of grain and flour mixtures. We also do not recommend ignoring compound feed and mineral supplements. As already noted in the prologue, the “red line” (and in our case, rather the “green line”) of today's material is the components of plant origin.

Usually chickens are fed up to four times a day, distributing the order of food intake - one third of the norm - in the morning, then the rest of the approaches are performed sequentially at calculated intervals.

Experienced poultry keepers are well aware that chickens are omnivores, ready to swallow any offered food, but in reality, the diet of feathered pets needs to be diversified with one of the indispensable “dishes” - fresh herbs.

To talk about the richness of this product in various vitamins means to understand that by giving it, the owner prevents beriberi and stimulates the growth, development and productivity of the bird. Fresh greens are a vitamin pantry, so its contents are included in the diet without fail.

Feeding chickens with grass

  • substitutes for bran and grain mixtures;
  • legumes: peas, oats;
  • nettle (chopped and treated with boiling water, leaves);
  • meadow forbs: clover, freshly cut greens, alfalfa.

Food that grows in the wild is an excellent nutritional aid for laying hens. Delicacies include:

  • quinoa;
  • "horse sorrel";
  • pine and spruce needles;
  • hay and weed silage;
  • berries of hawthorn bushes, wild rose;
  • leaves and fruits of wild trees - acorn, chestnut, mountain ash.

In addition to all this, the chicken loves vegetables in its diet:

  • salad;
  • pumpkin;
  • beet;
  • cucumber;
  • vegetable marrow;
  • carrot;
  • parsley;
  • potato;
  • onion feathers;
  • cabbage leaf.

If we can afford and summarize the information about feeding chickens with grass, then we will put it this way: “fruits are also grass”, therefore it is also recommended to include them in the diet of domestic chickens. Birds can be treated with pears, plums, apples, obtained apple pomace, and also pampered with ripe watermelon and tomatoes.

All this must be crushed, since neither females, nor males, nor their offspring simply can peck the whole apple. The key to everything is moderation.

"Baby food"

The pumpkin and carrots listed above are used as a source of carotene and affect the growth of offspring, fluffies are given at the rate of: 15-20 grams per individual. This contributes to accelerated growth and full development, as it contains all the components necessary for the implementation of this process.

Livestock menu during shedding

This period is fundamentally different from the standard. In mature individuals, the process occurs once a year, and its development occurs at the end of August/beginning of September and is accompanied by an increased weakening of the body. The diet in the feeder should be categorically enriched with vitamins, for which it is necessary to contain more juicy and green foods.

The nuances of the season

Grass can also be fed to chickens in its entirety, which is appropriate to do in the summer, while at the same time making preparations for the winter. Thoroughly dried, chopped straws are later added to various mixtures, thereby enriching the feed with vitamins and minerals that are deficient in cold seasons.

Now about the presence of poisonous plants. Feeding chickens grass should be careful because there are harmful species. An important and dangerous point in feeding hens with phytomass should be noted the presence of toxic substances in the vegetation.

What grass should not be fed to chickens

Let's figure out what greenery is a health hazard for representatives of a home feathered nursery:

  • burdock;
  • cockle;
  • nightshade;
  • cicuta;
  • elder;
  • celandine;
  • hellebore;
  • hemlock;
  • dandelion;
  • acacia;
  • juniper;
  • "horse chestnut".

As you can see, the list can be covered with a glance, but it is not so small!

  • beet tops;
  • dill leaves;
  • green part of tomatoes;
  • bones and leaves of pear;
  • inflorescences and foliage of potatoes.

As a rule, birds on their own, at the level of instincts, are able to distinguish what they should eat and what vegetation it is better not to touch. But, if you do not want to accidentally treat the ward flock with poison, then under no circumstances do not allow any of the above list!

Prevention of a healthy lifestyle

If non-walking poultry is practiced on the farm, it is best to hang the herbs in bundles in the chicken coop, and not leave them on the floor. Lack of walking deprives the animal of the natural ability to sense space and contributes to obesity,. In this case, a bunch of greenery is fixed at a height of half a meter to a meter, which allows the birds to not only eat, but also graze, warming up.

Speaking about the properties of vegetation, it is impossible not to mention that some herbs are used by poultry farmers as vitamin-enriched healing and prophylactic agents. For example: yarrow, larkspur and tansy prevent infection of chickens with helminthiasis or, more simply, with worms.

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See you soon and all the best to you!

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In order to competently manage a poultry farm where laying hens live, the farmer needs to have a decent amount of knowledge on the topic of chicken breeding. One of the most important aspects of breeding laying hens is the correct composition of their diet.

There are many products suitable for feeding, so it is not so difficult to assemble a nutritious menu, which will include the entire list of nutrients necessary for normal life. In order to avoid mistakes when choosing food for their pets, novice poultry farmers need to know exactly what grass can be given to laying hens.

After all, it is impossible to feed the hens everything that grows around and indiscriminately. Of course, among the varieties of herbs growing on the territory of the summer cottage, there are quite suitable for chicken. But the list of those that are forbidden to eat is also includes many types. These are, in particular, celandine, white locust, etc.

As you know, breeding chickens is a fairly simple matter and does not cause serious trouble with care and maintenance. As a rule, the choice of what is also not much of a puzzle. Especially if the farmer knows well what and in what quantities chickens should eat during the day.

The number of meals rarely exceeds 4 times a day, but much depends on the appetite and general condition of the birds. The daily dose of feed should be distributed as follows: in the morning, one third of the entire daily allowance is poured into the feeder, and two thirds are divided into the remaining meals.

These feedings should be made at intervals of several hours within one day. In this way, layers are energized after sleep, and then spend the day full and happy.

There is an opinion that these birds are omnivores, and feeders for laying hens can be safely filled with any leftovers from your own table after eating. Experienced poultry farmers will not dispute this statement, however, they know that the bulk of the nutrition of laying hens during the day should be the right products, from which the organisms of individuals will only benefit.

The diet is usually based on grain or flour. You should not refuse to use compound feeds produced specially balanced, it is also allowed to give mineral supplements. Now we are focusing on what kind of grass you can feed chickens, so we will not talk more about other types of food.

Why is natural green food for chickens so good? The main thing, herbs suitable for feeding birds, as a rule, contain some vitamins and useful elements. If the birds eat the right herbs, then this will protect them from beriberi, as well as prevent the development of many diseases associated with a lack of any substance in the body.

Fresh greens are one of the key foods for maintaining vitamin balance, so its presence in the diet is not easily allowed, but necessary throughout every day.

Grass for chickens

Paying attention to some generalized nuances in the question, you can move on to those herbs that are suitable for nutrition. What greens are shown to give to the farmstead? To begin with, we list the list of plants that zoologists advise for a weekly diet:

  1. Grain mixtures based on corn, wheat, etc.
  2. Grains of leguminous plants such as peas, oats, lupins, etc.
  3. Nettle leaves, finely chopped and heat-treated with boiling water.
  4. Grass growing in the meadows: clover, fresh grass, alfalfa and sorrel, which contains a lot of vitamin C. And also this group includes plantain, useful for chickens and loved by them.
  5. All this grass is good for the bird. In some cases, woodlice are also referred to it.

The use of goutweed, which is considered a medicinal plant, is allowed. However, do not forget that calendula also has useful properties.

Wild varieties can also be an excellent addition to the diet of laying hens. They diversify the daily menu of birds and are likely to be included in the permanent list of food for the inhabitants of the chicken farm. Such plants include not only quinoa, hay, acorns, but also the following herbs:

  • blooming Sally;
  • fruits of hawthorn and wild rose;
  • spurge;
  • leaves and fruits of oak, chestnut, mountain ash;
  • needles of pine and spruce.

Vegetables grown in the garden are great for chicken as food. Birds love to eat most vegetable crops due to their varied and pleasant taste. Here are a few plants that can go straight from the garden to the chicken feeder:

  • pumpkin;
  • beet fruits;
  • cucumber;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • carrot;
  • potato fruits;
  • cabbage;
  • onion feathers.

This greenery can be given to chickens, however, the lists presented are far from complete, and there are much more plants that are acceptable for feeding chickens. For example, some also feed duckweed, a perennial branching plant, to the bird. However, this plant is given to pets with caution.

Can chickens eat fruit? They should be singled out separately, since fruits can be given to chickens without any fear. Of course, you should not get carried away, because you can overdo it with the amount of any product. And since fruits often have a wide range of very different substances in their composition, you need to be doubly careful with them.

Excessive content of one or another element in the body of a laying hen can adversely affect her condition. How to make a healthy diet for poultry, including all kinds of food groups? We carefully distribute and give portions, and then there will be no problems. You can pamper the hens during the day with pears, plums, apples and even watermelons.

Do not forget that all these products must be chopped with a knife or other kitchen tools.

After all, birds simply will not be able to peck a whole pear, so the breeder himself should give the chickens this fruit in a chopped form. Interestingly, grape leaves can also diversify the diet of pets. They also include strawberries. Of course, they need to be given infrequently: once every few days, however, they will not harm the health of the bird.

Is it possible to give grass to chickens and how to feed them

So that the balance of nutrients in the body of the chicken is not disturbed, special attention should be paid to the preparation of its diet. Of the above vegetables, pumpkin and carrot fruits are perfect. The stage of active growth and development is the period when chickens can be given these vegetables, as they are full of carotene.

This enzyme speeds up the processes in the bodies of the chicks, helping them to grow up healthy and fruitful. The amount of product that can be given to chickens should be calculated as follows: up to 20 grams of feed for each baby.

Nutrition during molting

The process during which occurs at least once a year in an adult laying hen and more often in a younger one. As a rule, it flows on the jumper of summer and autumn. At this moment, the organisms of all the inhabitants of the poultry farm are in a weakened state. The fact is that along with molting, beriberi attacks birds, one of the satellites of which is a general deterioration in health.

Therefore, it is important that the breeder provides sufficient amounts of vitamin-rich foods during this period. How to make the nutrition of chickens optimal during the molting period? Here green herbs will come to the rescue - feel free to add them to the diet of laying hens, because they are full of a variety of useful elements that will help protect chickens from serious illness.

Seasonal chores

In summer, it will be appropriate for the chicken to eat freshly cut herbs. Fresh lawn grass is also suitable. Do not forget to also prepare feed and tops for the winter. When can you give hay to chickens? Dried and chopped straw is perfect for diluting the diet of chickens on cold days, feeding them with vitamins and minerals.

What grass should not be given to chickens

Of course, not all greens are allowed for chickens to eat. There are varieties of plants that can seriously harm laying hens due to the toxic substances that make up their composition. Therefore, such herbs are prohibited. The key to keeping chickens healthy will once again be the attentive attitude of the farmer. He needs to clearly know the list of herbs that are not suitable for adding to the feeder.

Feeding which greens will compromise the well-being of chickens? These are burdock, dandelion, celandine, juniper, etc. As a rule, these are the plants that can grow on the site. Among what fills the garden there are also harmful products. What are these herbs? These include:

  • dill leaves;
  • green part of tomatoes;
  • inflorescences and leaves of potatoes;
  • beetroot.

Wormwood is given with caution. Sometimes it can cause diarrhea and diarrhea in the bird, so it is better for the breeder to refuse it. Rhubarb contains a lot of acid, which can also harm. Therefore, the inclusion of this herb in the diet is also approached deliberately.

Note that if you give chickens mustard, ginger, then the nervous system will become more shattered, which will not play into the hands of the breeder. Therefore, it is better to fence the bird from these plants.

In the process of evolution, domestic chickens have acquired the ability to independently determine which plants it is better for them to refuse. For example, they bypass celandine. But do not rely only on their intelligibility. Spend some extra time creating a balanced diet so that the chickens are given only wholesome food.

This is done in order to avoid unnecessary problems that may arise due to harmful products. The food listed above, including the greens of tomatoes, should in no case fall into the hen feeder, this must be strictly controlled.

Maintaining the health of laying hens

In cases where the farmer completely refuses to run birds, grasses intended for feeding should be hung in an aviary or on a high feeder, instead of leaving them on the floor.

A feeder made at a certain height will be a good idea for the active movements of chickens. The thing is that without walks, birds become prone to obesity and the development of certain diseases, and a grass bunch fixed at a height of 1–1.5 m will make chickens do a little warm-up when eating. Give the chickens an extra opportunity to move around in this way.

Do not forget that herbal food is used as medicines in the treatment of diseases of domestic chickens.

For example, yarrow will help protect birds from the appearance of worms. Greens are widely used in the prevention of a variety of ailments, which makes it an even more popular type of food. So, first of all, you can give the bird a herb that has medicinal properties, and only then the rest of the plants.

Note that any grass for chickens and adults must be thoroughly washed before serving so that the pets eat a fresh and high-quality green product.

In order to competently grow and feed a healthy farm, the breeder must know exactly from what age, what and how to feed the chickens. At the same time, it is important to take into account the list of products, including herbal plants, that are contraindicated for the bird, since their action may cause discomfort, and this, in turn, gives more serious consequences.

For example, night blindness appears as a result of malnutrition. You also need to know the list of herbs that benefit the bird's body. It is these plants that are taken as a basis and added to feed mixtures. All this information can be easily obtained from specialized literature, which will allow you to thoroughly understand what grass is best to feed chickens. It is necessary to obtain this knowledge for farming.

Very often we talk about what and how to feed chickens, what foods are good for them. But the list of stop-foods for chickens has not yet been compiled by us. But despite the unpretentiousness of chickens in food, there are probably foods that not only will not benefit them, but also turn out to be harmful to bird health. What should not be included in the menu of your livestock and what is the worst food for chickens is the topic of our discussion today!

First place

At the head of our rating of unhealthy products for a chicken diet are green potatoes, tops from the same potato and a tomato. The fact is that potatoes and tomatoes belong to the nightshade family, and vegetables of this family can produce solanine. Solanine is a poison of plant origin, which consists of crystals of glucose and solanoidin. It is found in higher concentrations in green and sprouted potatoes, nightshade tops and immature tomatoes. The danger is that some breeders, in order to save money, feed chickens with various low-quality waste.

A chicken, although an unpretentious bird, should not absorb all kinds of waste. Therefore, if you add boiled potatoes to the mash for chickens, you do not need to choose green, sprouted and spoiled potatoes for this. It has been proven that heat treatment does not affect solanine. It is also not necessary to give the birds potato or tomato tops as green food for the same reason - the presence of solanine in it. It has been noticed that the birds on the run themselves do not particularly pay attention to the tops of the nightshade.

However, if the birds are kept in a pen and no other food is offered to them, the birds simply have no choice. Not suitable for food are also green tomatoes, which may remain with you after harvesting. With the constant intake of solanine poison into the body of your chickens, they may experience various gastrointestinal disorders, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Second place

Surely, many breeders and amateurs have heard or read that fish and meat are useful in small quantities for chickens. This is true, but not smoked products! So, if you still have bones, ridges or other leftovers from salted or smoked fish - do not give them to your chickens, as inexperienced breeders are in a hurry to do. A large amount of salt in these products will definitely not do them any good. Including smoked meat products should not be present in the diet of your birds.

Third place

We gave the third place in our rating to beets - a product that can be given to chickens, but with caution and be sure to dose it. The fact is that beetroot for chickens is a good laxative, however, a large amount of it can cause severe diarrhea and, as a result, oppression of the general condition of the bird. In addition, beets have a pronounced coloring effect and can stain the bird's cloaca in a bright red color. And this is fraught with pecking and cannibalism among chickens - a phenomenon, unfortunately, not uncommon among the chicken herd. Therefore, be very careful with the beetroot and let's better feed it.

Remember that not only its health depends on how and what you feed the bird, but also the taste and quality of its eggs and meat, and the breeder is primarily interested in this. In addition to the listed chicken stop products, the following should also be discarded:

  • Peel from an orange or other citrus fruits;
  • Black bread is also better not to give, unlike white;
  • It is better to refrain from celandine or give it in small quantities, do not give ambrosia to the bird either;
  • Too sweet or salty food waste is also not suitable for bird feed, the fact is that the digestive system of humans and chickens is very different, so they are not able to adequately, without consequences, perceive human food with pronounced taste qualities.

Video "We make up the diet of chickens"

The rules for compiling the diet of adult chickens are shown in the video below! You can see there what foods your birds can definitely eat!
