What kind of candles are used in magic. Candles

Mighty candle magic... How much mysterious and mysterious is hidden behind small luminous lights. Magic candles can warm and protect and at the same time mercilessly crack down on offenders.

The color of the flame, its shape and intensity can reveal the secrets of fate. According to the drawings on the melted wax, fortunetellers predict the future.

If you need to get rid of damage, improve your health or attract money luck, candle magic will come to the rescue. It is available to absolutely everyone: just set fire to the wick.

But do not forget about safety - use the magic of candles wisely!

The color of candles in magic and their meaning

In most rituals, the color of the candle plays an important role. Here, for example, if you are performing a ceremony aimed at recovery loved one, an additional candle must be placed on the ritual table. Its shade is chosen according to the patient or.

Here you can find out what color this or that zodiac sign is associated with:

  • Aries associated with red tones;
  • Taurus prefers green;
  • Twins inseparable from yellow;
  • crayfish choose a silver color;
  • a lion symbolizes fiery color;
  • Virgin love yellowish tones;
  • Scales- pink shades;
  • Scorpions impresses with a red tint;
  • archers indifferent to purple;
  • Capricorn a deep black tone will do;
  • Aquarius– all variants of blue and cyan;
  • Fish prefer shades of purple.

And now let's figure out what this or that color symbolizes in magical practices:

  • Red- the color of passion and fire. The red candle in magic represents power and authority. Rituals with her are aimed at restoring health and physical strength. This shade attracts love and is responsible for the intimate side of relationships. If you want to know what red candles in magic are used for and what they influence, try at least once to perform a ceremony with this attribute. You will feel an instant surge of strength and energy.
  • Orange- bright sunshine. It is a symbol of energy, strength, youth and innovation. It helps in the fight against laziness and gives completely new emotions. If you want to achieve something in the shortest possible time, use orange candles in rituals.
  • Pink- romanticism and sensuality. For many centuries pink color considered exclusively feminine. This is due to the fact that this shade is a symbol of tenderness, depth of sensation, harmony. In some cases, he helps to find a way to reconcile, in some he educates, in some he tells you what to do.
  • Purple- mystical color. It is associated with the spiritual side and otherworldly forces. Helps to discover supernatural talents in oneself, awakens intuition. Stop on this choice if you cannot understand why you came into this world.
  • Golden- victories and awards. Overflows of gold symbolize courage, readiness to go towards your goal. This is a great helper for those who love to compete.
  • Yellow- visualization, the work of thinking. It is used most often in divination for the future. It personifies creative energy, wisdom. It is customary to turn to this color for those who are in the process of learning - it significantly improves memory and increases intellectual abilities.
  • Brown- harmony, connection with natural forces. Support during the financial crisis. Irreplaceable help in everyday matters.
  • Blue- calmness and tranquility. Blue shades help you find your inner radiance. What is the most commonly used blue candle in magic? To penetrate the secrets of our own consciousness and understand why we live.
  • Blue- patience, the desire for compromise. If you suffer from bouts of aggression and cannot control your emotions, use candles. blue color- they will lead you to agreement and understanding.
  • Indigo- instant stop. Slows down the progress of all things.
  • Green- connection with nature, natural order. Everything in the world is subject to certain laws. What is the green candle in magic for? To achieve understanding and penetrate into the mysteries of the Universe, the green color will come to the rescue.
  • Silver - durability, stability. In some cases, it is better to avoid abrupt transitions and new events. Stability is a symbol of mastery.
  • Black- the fight against evil spirits. Let's figure it out, what are black candles in magic for in the first place? They help cast out demons, treat many diseases, and absorb all negativity.
  • White- innocence and purity. Stop at this choice if you feel like it's time to upgrade.

The magic of black candles

It is believed that the black candle in magic is used only by dark sorcerers to cause damage or the evil eye. But, if you understand this issue in more detail, you can easily understand that this is far from the case.

Many people make the mistake of thinking that dark color associated with negativity and bad energy. In fact, black candles help to get rid of many problems. The color itself attracts evil, and the candle burns it.

Such candles help to establish contact with the other worlds - they are used to communicate with deceased relatives. I recommend lighting them on Saturdays.

Also, black color leads to the far corners of the soul. It helps to understand ourselves, penetrates into our subconscious.

The magic of church candles

Believers have long noticed a special power church candles- not in vain, entering the temple, you instantly plunge into millions of burning lights. Such an atmosphere strengthens faith and strengthens the energy of prayer. The burning flame calms, puts thoughts in order.

A candle brought from the holy temple will help to cope with any trouble. During prayer, it helps to concentrate and achieve peace of mind.

Here is one of the conspiracies from damage to a church candle:

“I burn the devil and the devil with holy fire from the soul and body of the servant of the Lord (name). I clean everything, fill it with light, not for an hour, but forever! Amen!"

Magical rites and rituals with candles

Candles are not only a source of heat and light, they are an essential attribute magical world. Black and white magic spark plugs work flawlessly.

To make sure of this - just use candle magic and perform magical rituals.

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candle money magic

Green color is associated with material well-being, so a green candle should be used in rituals for money.

On one Thursday, light a candle on the table and sit next to it. Place a mirror opposite so that the light is reflected in it. Feel how mysterious the atmosphere is. With faith in your soul, say the spell:

“I multiply the fire of greenery. I multiply wealth, I attract money. As the light of the light multiplies, so my money arrives! How many rays, so much income! Amen!"

candle love magic

To attract true love into your life, you need a red candle. Everyone knows that it is the color of passion, energy and leadership. Candle flame will help you find your soul mate and forget about problems in your personal life forever.

The ceremony is held on the last day of the week - Sunday. You should be alone, get rid of extra eyes and ears. Repeat seven times:

“The fire of love at the tip of a candle burns, flares up, fills with passion. Let it enter my soul and bring reciprocity. Let the slave (name of the beloved) soul be filled with affection and love for me, like hops on a holiday, like holiness in fasting. Let the loneliness of our growth be interrupted! Amen!"

Runic candlelight magic

AT runic magic it is not recommended to use candles bought in temples and churches. Northern traditions are pagan, so everything church will be contrary to rune magic. Do not ignore this moment - you can aggravate the situation and lose internal energy.

The whole essence of the ritual lies in applying to the wax surface rune symbols or their combinations. Next, a candle is placed in front of the photo right person and perform the ceremony.

The flame activates the depicted formula and incorporates it into the universal magical mechanism. While the wick is burning, there is no need to be distracted - you should be completely focused on the process.

Runic candles can be used to attract happiness, good luck, love. They help improve health, change a person's attitude to life and to themselves. To get the desired result, just imagine it.

Here are some effective formulas:

  • Nautiz - Soulu - Nautiz- becoming cleans from black energy, eliminates negativity, bad thoughts
  • Uruz - Nautiz - Berkana- great cleaning. Helps to find harmony within oneself.
  • Soulu - Dagaz - Vunyo- support in a difficult situation.
  • Teyvaz - Uruz - Gebo is a powerful love formula for attracting a loved one into your life.

Remember that candle magic is a very effective and serious practice that requires effort and patience. If you feel that you are not yet ready or your condition worsens during the ritual, do not rush. Be prepared for what candle magic requires painstaking and meticulous training.

Conspiracies for candles in magic

There are a huge number of strong conspiracies for candles.

A very effective ritual using a white candle will help cleanse the aura of negative energy and the consequences of external influences.

Light a flame and stare into it. Feel how warm it is, how pleasant, how tender. Its fiery tongues penetrate all your cells and fill them with life-giving forces. When you feel that you have achieved inner balance, read:

“A candle illuminates the house with holy fire. It brings us good, burning out evil. Her light flows further through the threshold, cuts off the paths of envy and anger, neither day nor night does not know peace. Expand, little flame, jump over the ceiling. So that the radiant star is in the house forever! So that luck and success are shared by everyone! So that peace and harmony reign, and quarrels and envy are eliminated! Amen!"

And here's another one powerful conspiracy on a candle against any kind of pain.

Light a red candle, and move around the sore spot with the words:

“I will get up, blessing, and go, crossing myself,

I will go out into the open field at the Alatyr-stone.

There is no blood, no alder, no pain on this stone.

So it is with the servant of God (name) so that it does not hurt, does not pull, does not burn.

I conclude the words with an iron lock - and the key to heaven. Amen".

Bury all wax and cinder away from home.

This powerful rite will help you cope with many diseases and improve overall well-being.

Color plays a big role in both healing and magical rites. When choosing candles for rituals, it is very important to pay attention to their color, as well as the color of other paraphernalia, food.

Therefore, before embarking on some kind of magical rite, it is necessary to know exactly the magical meaning of a particular color of the candle.

List of multi-colored candles and their purpose:

But before using multi-colored candles in your rituals, you need to study their meaning in more detail.


In magic, white is a symbol of light, vitality and clarity. It is used in rituals when a new source or a sharp surge of energy and enthusiasm is needed.

In addition, magical paraphernalia is used in protective magic to defeat darkness, as well as in meditation. White color personifies spiritual experience and communication with a mentor, angels and inner self.

They are allowed to be lit on any day of the week..

White candles are the personification of purification, health, spirituality, honesty, divine power, peace and tranquility. They are also often used during meditation or prayer. Sometimes used while working with the seventh chakra.


This color is considered the color of Mars - the planet and the god of war. The meaning of the red candle symbolizes strength, action, energy, health and certainty, determination and courage, potency and sexuality, change and longevity, as well as activities that involve a risk to life, such as serving in the armed forces. In rituals, it is used as a focus that draws on the power of the gods and invokes their righteous wrath against stagnation and injustice.

As this color is very powerful, candles must be lit in order to achieve some important goal, and only if you have good intentions. Red candles are especially effective when lit on a Tuesday.

Red candles have a fairly wide spectrum of action. They are often used to attract passion and love in life. In addition, they are used to restore physical strength and health. This color is associated with fire, so it can be used in cases where you need to give strength to move towards a goal, for example, to climb career ladder. Red corresponds to the first chakra.


Orange is considered the color of the sun, creative activity, fertility, and also helps procreation. It represents high self-esteem, growth, self-confidence and abundance. If your Self is under threat as a result of systematic pressure or criticism from others, then rituals are performed in magic using orange candles. This shade can help in working with people and in art. Besides, orange is considered a shade of joy, the successful integration of literally all aspects of personality. Orange candles are recommended to be lit on Sundays.

By using orange in your magical rites, you can gain control over specific situation or change it. In addition, such candles are recommended for use in rituals that are associated with sex and pleasure. Orange corresponds to the second chakra.


Yellow directly related to Mercury. Inventive and skillful, Mercury became not only the patron of travelers and trade, but also the patron of thieves and swindlers.

For this reason yellow candles are auspicious vigorous activity and communication of any kind, are able to strengthen memory, improve mental abilities, help to overcome the spiritual and creative crisis, are aimed at assimilating new knowledge. If your goal is to win and win the trust of another person, or to succeed in a business or intellectual field, light yellow candles. They will also help you successfully pass tests or pass some exams.

Yellow is able to heal, especially when a person needs an operation or we are talking about losing your mind. Yellow color will bring good luck in the following areas:

  • Business.
  • The medicine.
  • Technics.
  • Mass information.

Yellow candles can also be used in rituals to find high paying job. They are recommended to be lit on Wednesdays. Yellow will give strength to the mind, speed up learning and improve memory. It is also worth noting that yellow candles can help in clairvoyance during divination. The color of the sun will help focus and enhance the imagination when organizing some kind of ritual. Yellow corresponds to the third chakra.

Green and turquoise

Green is considered the color of Venus, the goddess of love. It is indispensable for love affairs and in relationships, romantic or partnership. It is also used in rituals that are associated with the natural world, gardening, herbs and tree magic. Green is considered the color of harmony and peace, especially when it comes to your inner world.

In rituals, green candles are often used in order to increase wealth, increase income or capital. This color is very useful for spells that are aimed at invoking good luck or increasing magical abilities. Green candles are recommended to be burned on Fridays.

Turquoise is considered a shade of the Egyptian goddess of wisdom, dance and music Hathor. The magic mirror of this goddess reflected the true essence of everyone who looked into it at least once. Rituals that use a turquoise hue help to establish harmony between the mind and heart, thoughts and feelings, experience and wisdom. Turquoise pays attention to various areas of life. This shade evokes altruism and compassion, increases healing abilities, can help maintain objectivity in some difficult choice or accept correct solution, and also allows the mage to penetrate into another dimension.

Blue and cyan

Blue color is most often used in rituals aimed at obtaining protection and wisdom, and is used in meditation. This color is for good health and healing, is the personification of inspiration and spiritual potential. Blue is able to bring harmony, calmness and tolerance to the house, and also helps to lose weight. Blue corresponds to the sixth chakra.

Blue is considered a shade of the mother goddess, wise rulers, so it is used as a protective color in rituals. In addition, blue brings peace to the house, makes it possible to cope with a crisis situation. Blue candles are recommended to be lit on Thursday.

Blue color corresponds to the fifth chakra.

Purple and pink

Violet is a hue of Jupiter, which act as wise teacher, as well as the keeper of secret knowledge. Purple symbolizes the psychic and spiritual nature, unconscious wisdom. He is able to connect you with another dimension, to bring happiness to everyone who works not only for their daily bread.

You can work with purple candles in such cases:

  • When meditating.
  • When working with past lives.
  • When divining with the use of a magic crystal.
  • During astral travel.

Such candles also act for psychic protection and can save you from nightmares. Purple candles are used in all rituals that relate to investigations, mysteries, secrets, the expulsion of all evil and the healing of the spirit.

Pink is considered the shade of Venus. It symbolizes family relationships, love, friendship, children, falling in love, trust. This is especially true of the period after betrayal or unsuccessful relationships. Pink candles are used in rituals to restore self-esteem and heal from a spiritual wound. They are also able to save you from previous troubles that are associated with childhood or family. Pink candles are recommended to be lit on Fridays.


Black is the color of Saturn and also of the kings of the underworld:

  • Roman Pluto.
  • Greek Hades.

Black is generally considered a symbol of death and regeneration. The residents believed in it. ancient egypt when during the flood of the Nile the soil was covered with fertile silt, each year bringing new life to the earth.

And what are black candles for in magic? In magick, black is the color of an ending that carries the seeds of a new beginning. Black candles are used to expel everything negative, to break obsolete relationships, to forget past sorrows. This color helps to experience misfortune, is used in the rituals of parting, mental protection and removal of damage. Many do not like black candles, as they are associated with black magic. And if such associations during rituals mean a lot to you, it is recommended to replace black candles with dark blue, dark purple or brown ones.

All ceremonies and rituals in magic with the use of multi-colored candles are very strong, they can change your life not only in better side, but they can also be harmful if you do not know the meaning of a particular color.

Attention, only TODAY!

In the minds of most people, there is an opinion that a black candle is necessarily "Black Magic" and with the help of black candles you can do only negative things! Of course, there is some truth in this, but not all. Let's see what the magic of black candles is!

First you need to understand that magic as such is built on symbolism. Each object of the action of the ritual has a very specific symbolism. So what is the symbolism of black candles?

First of all, the candle itself has a natural wax base, due to which this base can be filled with a certain energy. More often in rituals, a candle is called the aspect that they want to influence. For example, they can call it a disease, addiction, or even the person himself.

It is worth focusing on the fact that, depending on the basis of the candle, the ritual may have different result. From my practice I can say that candles are made of beeswax have much greater potential than from stearin. How larger size candles, the more energy the candle can hold. Also, the presence of herbal extracts, which are the basis for candles, can significantly affect the quality of the ritual. For example, the presence of aconite extract allows you to push the line between our world and the world of spirits, which in turn enhances the effect of the ritual as a whole.

Secondly, black color in magic is responsible for the absorption and destruction of something. Even in terms of color formation, it turns out that black color absorbs the entire spectrum sunlight and does not give reflection, unlike other colors. Magicians often use black candles to give magical effect either on the person himself, in order to harm him, or - to save him from something in life, that which prevents him from living.

Thirdly, fire is that active principle, that spark that puts into practice the said spell of the magician during the ritual itself. Only the element of fire is able to influence the world so actively, fulfilling its plans much faster and more actively than other elements.

As you can see, black magic candles- this is the only tool of the magician, with which you can either harm or heal. It all depends on the goals of a particular magician. Moreover, you must understand that not all people are saints and there are those who do a lot of evil and deserve a fair reward for their deeds.

Ritual of getting rid of the disease

You'll need: Black wax candle.

Suitable time for the ritual: Saturday on the waning moon.

Ritual progress:

You need to tune in to the ritual itself, for this it is good to take a shower before the ritual and perform the breathing practices available to you.

Place a candle in front of you and announce the purpose of the ritual, preferably out loud in a confident voice. The goal might sound like this:

“I (say my name), want to perform a healing ritual for (name the disease) for myself (or name the person for whom the ritual will be performed).”

« I (say my name), call this candle a disease (call the disease) of such and such (call the name of the person).

Place a candle and light it with the words:

“As this candle burns out, so will the disease burn out (name the disease) such and such (say the name of the person). Wax accepts, fire burns (repeat 3 times). Let it be so! True!"

Sit near the candle for 30 minutes while doing this meditation. It is good if you stay until the end, until the candle is completely burned out. If a lot of streaks form on the candle, then this indicates resistance, and this ritual should be repeated. If the candle is large and will burn for a long time, then I recommend dividing the candle into 7 parts and performing this ritual for 7 days, repeating all the above steps.

The candle can be extinguished either with your fingers or with a wave of your hand. You can’t blow on a candle, because. this is disrespectful to fire!

After all actions say: " Ritual Completed!

If you still have questions about this article and the ritual, then write them in the comments below.

A burning candle is an invariable attribute of any magical rite. Her flame dances, casting shadows and bewitching the beholder, and even skeptics begin to believe in the world of spirits, because at this moment it seems more than real. Candle magic is the magic of light and harmony, although it is sometimes used to cast curses and corruption.

Candles during the ritual symbolize people or goals and desires. By manipulating them and concentrating on what is happening, you can achieve the desired effect. Also, these attributes can act as a magical beacon for spirits, and they indicate the cardinal points during the ceremony.

What does black candle mean?

Black candles are often associated with negative energy and dark magic. However, this is not entirely true. Of course, they can be used when applying curses, where they essentially play the role of an independent magical artifact, charged to cause harm and even death. But black wax candles also symbolize regeneration and purification. AT different kind rituals, black color marks the end of any life cycle bearing the seeds of renewal and rebirth. So such candles are successfully used not only during dark rituals, but also in light magic.

Where are black candles used?

Black candles in white magic are most often used in purification rituals. It is believed that their flame attracts all negative energy, both from people and from objects. For example, during the ritual of cleansing the house, the medium goes around all the rooms, holding a lit black candle in his hands.

They are also used for altars, paired with white ones. Black color is associated with the world of spirits, so black candles are used during seances and invocations to the dead. They can also serve as the main magical artifact in the rites of restoring justice and serve as an analogue of a crystal ball, contributing to immersion in a meditative state.

How to make your own black candles

Of course, these items can be bought. Price from 10 rubles per piece, more massive or unusual shape products are more expensive. However, some people like to make their own magic items: in this case, they carry a special imprint of the owner's aura. In addition, other ingredients can be included in such products - the hair of a loved one or a drop of aromatic oil.

So, in order to make black candles, you will need paraffin, a wick, a black dye, several forms (glasses, jars, syringes, etc.) and a little oil. Grind a few paraffin candles (or cinders) and melt them in a water bath. Add black dye - you can use finely grated wax crayons. Some use shoe cream, ink, graphite rods or soot for this purpose, but the result will be worse. Then you need to grease the molds with oil - so the candles will not stick to the sides and will be smooth and shiny. As a wick, you can use a bundle ready from a candle or a tourniquet twisted from several threads.

When filling the form, the wick must be held in the middle and the melted paraffin should be carefully poured. After hardening, the candle is ready, and it can be removed.

Candles are used in magic in various rituals and ceremonial actions. At the same time, their shade plays a significant role, because the result of the mystical action will depend on the value of the color of the candle. Therefore, if you are ready to conjure, we advise you to carefully read this material.

To master the magic of candles, you do not need special training or training. It is available to almost everyone. The main feature of such magic is that for the ceremony you will need to stock up on a few candles, as well as have pure thoughts and unlimited faith in a positive result.

Fortunately, today there are a lot of shops wide choice candle products. In general, what kind of candle you get - the usual one, which we use if the light is turned off, or purchased in an esoteric store - does not really matter.

But it is extremely important that the candle is brand new. After all, if it has already been lit (even for a short period of time), then it has managed to fill up with a certain amount of information and it can negate the entire effect of the rite. In addition, the previously used candles give off vibrational flows into the Cosmos and will no longer help you in the fulfillment of your desires.

An important nuance. The magic of candles will work only if the ceremony is completely transparent and pure.

In general, it is ideal to make candles for a magical ceremony with your own hands. Candles handmade filled with the energy of the one who creates them and this helps to create real miracles. Therefore, if you have the makings of a sculptor, be sure to use this and make a few candles with your own hands. Thanks to this, you will be able to attract a very powerful flow of energy, which will give you confidence that absolutely any dream can really be realized.

The shade of ritual candles is also very important. Each shade is different different characteristics, therefore, when choosing candles for the ceremony, be sure to consider the purpose for which you need them and what events you want to attract into your life.

Why pay special attention to the color of the candle?

The shade of the candle should be selected based on the specifics of the planned ceremony.

Specific colors attract certain types energy, so the color can both enhance and reduce the impact of the ritual being performed.

And in order not to make a mistake, you need to familiarize yourself with the meaning and characteristics of each of the colors in candle magic.

Candle magic: characteristics of flowers with their properties

Consider the purpose for which you need to use a candle of one color or another:

  • White candle - correlates with cleansing, health, sincerity, truthfulness, divine power, peace and tranquility. You can light it in meditation practices and during prayer. Also used when working with the 7th energy center. White candles are also used as altar candles.
  • Ruby red. This shade is usually used in love magic, helps to influence people's feelings (both in a positive and in a bad way). This means that by using a candle of this color you can both provoke a feeling of love, as well as anger, hatred and jealousy.
  • Red - has a wide range of effects. With the help of a red candle, it is really possible to attract love and passion into a person's life. It also helps restore health and bestows physical strength. The red hue is related to the element of fire and can be used to help a person achieve their goal (for example, advance in a career). Corresponds to the 1st chakra.
  • pink candle- a symbol of femininity, attractiveness, romantic and friendly relations. A pink candle will help attract tender and pure love, as well as help build serious relationship if you suffer from self-doubt.
  • Orange candle - helps to control the situation and change it. Associated with strength, attractiveness, power. Also, the spectrum of action of the candle is everything related to sexual life and everything that gives a person pleasure. Orange color associated with the 2nd chakra.
  • Yellow candle - with its help you can increase creative energy, imagination, as well as fill a person with vitality and activity. Corresponds to joy and attractiveness. Increases the assimilation of information, improves memory. A yellow candle is good to use in clairvoyance or divination. With its help, you will better concentrate on something, your imagination will grow. The correspondence of the yellow candle is the 3rd chakra.
  • Light brown candle - it is used in money magic. Thanks to her, you will receive financial benefits and benefits.
  • Brown - allows you to successfully solve court cases, and also treats pets. Also, with the help of a brown candle, you can search for missing items.
  • Olive - attracts money, good luck in gambling, business, promising work. The difference between olive and green is that the former has a softer and longer lasting effect.
  • Green light - will also attract good luck in gambling, business, Good work, good harvest. More green color correlates with harmony, rejuvenation, healing of the physical shell, marriage, mercy. It has a connection with the 4th energy center.
  • color candle sea ​​wave- helps to heal emotionally, comforts, protects.
  • Blue - associated with spirituality, meditation, prayer, peace, tranquility and protection in the home. Helps to pass exams. Blue is associated with the fifth chakra.
  • Blue candle - shown in the use of rituals that give a person wisdom and protection, in meditative practices. Promotes healing, improves well-being. Reveals spiritual potential, fills with inspiration. It will help to achieve peace and harmony in the home. It also promotes weight loss. Its correspondence is the sixth chakra.
  • Dark blue - can be used when turning to the forces of light for help. Dark blue candles will help with fractures, improve the process of bone fusion.
  • Purple candle - will help with clairvoyance and divination. Also, a purple candle can be lit when spiritualistic contacts are being made. Associated with the 7th energy center.
  • Purple candle. Purple is a highly spiritual color. It is used when spells are removed, dark forces are expelled, and also when they are being treated. severe illness. Hue will help with clairvoyance, divination, seances and contact with the other world. In addition, it correlates with power, domination, subordination, management, control. Associated with the 7th energy center.
  • Gray candle - contributes to the soft expulsion of dark forces, successfully copes with various negative impacts. Also a candle gray color can be used in the process of thinking about challenging tasks. It is associated with charm, charm.
  • Black candle - it is often used in cases where you need to absorb and destroy negative energy. She binds evil forces and protects. It will help to get rid of the evil eye and damage. Often, black candles are used as altar ones (along with white ones) to normalize the energy balance.

The influence of the phases of the moon on magical rituals

In many ways, how successful will magical ritual, will depend on the phase of the moon. Before carrying out any ceremony, it is necessary to carefully study the lunar calendar.

  • The growing moon is suitable for those rituals that are designed to increase something (money, strength, energy, love), for creative actions;
  • The waning moon is suitable for rituals for the destruction of something and getting rid of the unnecessary (obstacles, misfortunes, difficulties, illnesses are eliminated, and also various troubles are caused);
  • At the time of the full moon - you can resort to any rituals;
  • At the time of the new moon - lapels and exiles are held.

Now you know what shade of candles you should choose for your magical actions.

In conclusion, it is worth watching an interesting thematic video material:
