How to make a bouquet of flowers. Unusual bouquets with your own hands

All girls, young and old, adore flowers and cannot live without sweets. If you are going for a birthday, a date, a wedding celebration, or just wanting to pamper your girlfriend, daughter, your girlfriend or spouse, and cheer her up on a weekday, you should definitely give bouquets and sweets.

Just flowers and a box of chocolate - it will be both beautiful and tasty, but a bouquet of sweets will be an original and unexpected gift. It is worth noting here that it is also economical, but you need to put your whole soul into such a thing, show imagination, which means really love, do not spare your free time and think about the one for which sweet flowers are intended. And to make a unique little thing on your own is always interesting and pleasant.

What you need and how to make different bouquets of sweets with your own hands is described below step by step, and you can see what happens if you show a little patience on a selection of photos of bouquets of famous and delicious Italian sweets Raffaello and Ferrero Rocher.

Any round-shaped sweets will do, even caramel - depending on the girl's preferences, but learning how to make a bouquet is better on "rafaelkas" - they are light in weight, which means that the flowers will hold straight.

Thinking over the idea of ​​a sweet composition

First of all, you should decide on the type of flowers. Then think about the design - whether it will be flowers collected in a regular bouquet wrapped in gift paper, or a composition in a basket.

After that, you can go to the store for the girl’s favorite sweets and decor - ribbons, small toys, beads that will decorate the bouquet - they can be purchased in the department with sewing accessories.

For a bouquet, you will need multi-colored corrugated paper - it is sold in flower kiosks and departments selling needlework supplies, glue, a basket or a small box if you decide to make a custom bouquet, and good mood. It is better to learn on the simplest option.

The simplest sweet bouquet

To make it, you will also need toothpicks and cocktail skewers, a piece of foam, sheets of cardboard with a pattern (to make it more beautiful), glue gun(it’s more convenient with him) and adhesive tape. You can take white paper (it’s more elegant and touching).

We make a frame: we turn a sheet of cardboard into a tube and glue it. From a piece of foam we cut out the head of the flower, to which the petals will be attached, we put it on a cardboard tube (having previously pasted the foam with paper). Then you should seat the entire head with skewers smeared with glue, or insert them later, with buds already strung on them.

Cut out a cardboard circle with a diameter of 25 cm, with a hole in the middle. We wrap the resulting part with a satin ribbon or colorful braid. If the tube is made of ordinary gray cardboard, then it must be wrapped with corrugated paper. Now the cardboard circle is glued to the foam head - it should sit tight, since the whole structure will hold on it.

We put on a transparent plastic bag for each candy - you can make it from a regular bag by welding the seams with a sharp knife, heated over a kitchen gas burner, you can buy a pack of bags in a jewelry store.

Then we insert a toothpick into each “rafaelka”, and we tie the bags at the base of the toothpicks with ribbon bows.

We start assembling the bouquet: we insert toothpicks with sweets closer to each other into the foam head.

We turn to decorating with paper flowers, beads, rhinestones, ribbons. It is good to make flowers from scraps of fabric: a wide satin ribbon is taken, mugs are cut out of it, the edges so as not to bloom are processed over the fire of a candle or lighter, a pearl is sewn into the center of each flower.

It’s nice to lightly sprinkle the bouquet with the girl’s favorite perfume or put a couple of drops on the cardboard rod of the bouquet aromatic oil- carefully, do not overdo it, otherwise the recipient will have to eat perfume-flavored sweets.


The bouquet will be very delicate. You will need patches of different chintz, it is possible with a white pattern, two or more different pink and red shades.

In principle, the fabric can be of any color, because tulips are even blue, the very principle of wrapping the candy with a flap is important in order to get a bud of the desired shape.

You can take not a chintz, but another dense fabric, which does not wrinkle, but breaks on the folds (satin, linen) - the bud should keep its shape well.

You will also need dark green felt, 2 mm thick wire, wooden grill skewers and a roll of decorative green adhesive tapes.

Sweets are needed in the form of pyramids, for example, truffles (can be rectangular).

  • Cut the fabric into squares with a side of 10 cm.
  • Fold two candies with their bases to each other, place in the center of a square of fabric with the sharp end of one of the candies vertically and tightly wrap the candies with a flap with an overlap on four sides - you will get an unblown bud.
  • Insert a skewer and a piece of wire under the fabric, wrap with adhesive tape.
  • Cut leaves out of felt and tie to a skewer with wire.
  • Collect the flowers in a bouquet, wrap with corrugated paper.


We need candy in the form of pyramids, wicker basket, pink and green corrugated paper, artificial rose leaves, 2 mm thick wire, adhesive tape, glue, white rubber bands for banknotes.

Cut a rectangle out of pink paper, bend it in half, round off one of the corners. Insert candy into the resulting envelope.

At the sharp base of the envelope, wrap the edge of the bud with an elastic band: the flat side of the candy will become the top of the bud - where the corner is rounded.

Insert a piece of wire under the paper desired length- at least 15 cm. Fasten the base of the bud with adhesive tape.

Cut out rectangles from paper top corners twist (you can wind it on a pencil). Now stretch the middle of the petal - corrugated paper stretches well. Volumetric petals are ready.

Glue the petals to the base of the fabric bud. cut out of green paper narrow leaves for the place where the bud connects to the stem, and glue them.

Take a roll of duct tape, wrap it several times around the base of the bud, and then wind it down the wire stem to the very end of the wire.

Give all the petals a little different shape by stretching the paper to mimic a living flower in full bloom.

For a basket of roses, you will need to make about 35 pieces. Wrap the handle of the basket with a satin ribbon, tie a piece of a narrow satin ribbon on the handle with a long elegant bow. For fragrance, you can apply a few drops of rose oil to the petals.

"Iridescent Bridal Bouquet"

Ferrero Rocher sweets are the most suitable - they taste great and look luxurious and expensive. You can dilute the composition of Raffaello.

You will need long wooden skewers, 2 mm thick wire, foil or corrugated paper, golden ribbons, organza patches and adhesive tape.

Wrap each candy with a large sheet of foil so that the stem is twisted out of it, and the top of the candy is left open so that it can be seen.

Wrap each bud with a transparent organza - this fabric shimmers elegantly and sparkles in the rays of light, fasten the organza with a ribbon at the base. To prevent the edges of the fabric from crumbling, you can singe them on the fire of a candle or lighter.

Insert the skewers into the bottom of the buds. Collect the flowers in a bouquet, tightly wrap all the stems together with tape.

Wrap the design beautifully with corrugated paper, curly bend the top edge. Tie the bouquet in paper with a bow of shiny satin or lurex lace ribbon.

Knowing the basic rules for making bouquets of sweets, you can independently come up with many options, you can even make a bouquet of 25-35 flowers, and wrap completely different sweets in each bud - then you get a cheerful surprise bouquet on which you can make wishes, like on a flower - seven-color, if a girl guesses a candy, her wish will immediately come true, and the gentleman will have to take on the role of a wizard!

Photo of do-it-yourself candy bouquets

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To make a beautiful bouquet, it is not necessary to contact florists. Moreover, it is not necessary to make it from flowers. You can make a bouquet yourself from fruits, toys, sweets. And in general from everything that comes to mind.

In the article you will learn:

What you need when making a bouquet

First you need to understand what bouquet you want to make. If it's a bouquet of flowers, then the first rule is you can't mix different types plants.

Flowers suitable for bouquets are:
  • garden
  • field
  • exotic

We are used to seeing garden flowers in all bouquets: roses, asters, carnations, gerberas. Of these flowers, bouquets are most often made, and they are made quite simply.

Wildflowers grow everywhere outside the city, they can be collected in the meadow: chamomile, lavender, cornflowers, freesias. Such bouquets are romantic.

Exotic flowers make the bouquet unexpectedly bright: phalaenopsis, orchids, camellias, callas. Often only decorative greens are added to these flowers, and the result is impressive.

Decorative greenery helps in creating bouquets of any flowers. With them, gerberas and cornflowers do not look bald and empty. In addition, properly selected herbs determine the mood of the bouquet.

In addition to feather grass and tansy, decorative greenery can be: apidastra, bergrass, gypsophila, ruskus, monstera and others. Go to a flower shop and you will be surprised at the variety of suitable greenery!

For bouquets of toys, socks, sweets and other components, materials that are needed when creating a flower bouquet are useful.

To create a flower bouquet you will need: wrapping paper, ribbon, frame for a bouquet, floral sponge, basket, skewers

What are the bouquets

Bouquets are considered part of the celebration. They are given for birthdays and weddings, graduations and special occasions. Traditional flowers, gathered together, are no longer as interesting as, for example, a bouquet of toys or money. They become an original gift for those who want to surprise their loved ones or friends.

According to Yandex statistics, most often they are bouquets of flowers, fruits, sweets, soft toys, socks and money. Maybe you also want to give your loved ones such a gift?

Flower bouquets are classified by shape. The name of the shape depends on how you stack the flowers together.

The shape of the bouquets are:
  • spiral
  • round
  • parallel

How to make a bouquet of living and non-living flowers

Learning how to create a bouquet of living and non-living flowers is not so difficult. Of course, the perfect bouquet of a florist will not come out on the first try, but each time you will improve your skills and eventually achieve the best result.

How to make a spiral flower bouquet

  1. Take in left hand most large flower, keep it upright.
  2. Lay the rest of the flowers at an angle to the central one, that is, the largest one.
  3. Grasp the stems so that they touch only at one point - where your fingers hold them.
  4. small flowers and additional elements it is better to lay closer to the center.
  5. Place large greens around the edges.
  6. Tie a pretty ribbon and wrap in paper. Ready!

Video how to make a spiral bouquet of flowers

How to make a round flower bouquet

A round bouquet is made by analogy with a spiral one.

  1. The largest flower is taken first.
  2. From him all the rest are laid out.
  3. Herbs are laid between the flowers.

Video how to make a round bouquet of flowers.

How to make a parallel bouquet of flowers

  1. Take the largest flowers.
  2. Place them in the middle.
  3. Around add those with smaller buds.
  4. You can also add various herbs.

Video how to make a parallel bouquet of flowers

Of course, it is most profitable to make a bouquet of flowers, but if you want to distinguish yourself and surprise the hero of the occasion, then experiment with unexpected items.

How to pack a finished bouquet

Packing a bouquet is not as complicated as it seems from the outside. There are many options to make it beautiful and simple.

  • Option one - use ready-made packaging film.

In flower shops, you are often offered to pack a bouquet in a similar one. Usually it is transparent or patterned, matte or colored. This is the easiest way to pack a finished bouquet. You just need to insert a bouquet and tie a ribbon so that it does not bloom.

  • Option two - packaging the bouquet with craft paper.

Packing a bouquet in Kraft is also not difficult. In order to pack a bouquet in Kraft you need:

  1. To do this, cut 3 identical pieces of paper (approximately 50x30cm).
  2. Leave two intact, and cut the third in half.
  3. Bend the two large pieces as shown in picture 2 and make slits at the bottom.
  4. Wrap them around the bouquet and secure with a stapler.
  5. Attach the remaining halves in more empty places and secure with a stapler.
  6. Tie the resulting bouquet with ribbon, trim the legs again if necessary.

Video on how to pack a bouquet in craft paper.

  • Option three - packing with crinkled waterproof and mesh paper.

Perhaps this method is more difficult than the previous ones, but it's worth it. How to pack a bouquet in crinkled waterproof or mesh paper:

  1. Fold the wrinkled and mesh paper together. Cut a square piece so that it completely covers the bouquet (Pic 1).
  2. Bend the paper from the lower right corner to about the middle of the canvas (photo 2).
  3. Then unfold and cut the right corner obliquely, as shown in photo 3.
  4. Flip the paper over so that the cut corner is on the bottom left, swap the layers (wrinkled paper should always remain mesh on top). The mesh paper should peek out a couple of centimeters from under the folded paper (photo 4).
  5. Bend the paper again to the middle of the canvas, now with an accordion (photo 5).
  6. Turn the paper over and secure the accordion with tape (Pic 6).
  7. Put the flowers in the middle of the canvas, cover them with the top untouched corner, bending it (photo 7).
  8. Now cover with the second accordion corner (Pic 8).
  9. Tie a beautiful bow (organza ribbon is best) (Pic 9).
  10. The bouquet is ready (photo 10).

Video how to pack a bouquet in crinkled waterproof and mesh paper

  • Option four - use a floral sponge.

Flower arrangements are given not only in packaging, but also in various vessels- boxes, baskets, beautifully decorated containers. A floral sponge helps to keep the bouquet in them, as it keeps moisture for a long time. Sponge happens various shapes, if desired, it can be cut as you need.

How to make a bouquet using a floral sponge:

  1. Put polyethylene inside the selected container so that water does not leak.
  2. Secure it with tape or buttons.
  3. Soak the sponge for 1 minute in water, then place it on the polyethylene.
  4. Trim the stems of the flowers by 2 cm and clean them from the leaves at the end of the stem - they can rot.
  5. Insert the flowers into the sponge.
  6. If the stem is too soft, you can wrap it with wire or insert wire into the stem for stiffness.
  7. Flowers are selected according to the same principle as in the preparation of bouquets.
  8. Remember to water the sponge with a small amount of water every day.

How to make a bouquet of fruits and sweets, soft toys, money and socks

Non-standard gifts will always be fashionable, because people love to be surprised so much. To compose not flower bouquet, it will take a little more time and, possibly, financial resources.

How to make a fruit and candy bouquet

Prepare washed fruit, candy, greens, skewers, tape, tape, and wrapping paper.

How to make a bouquet of fruits and sweets with your own hands:

  1. Put the fruit on 2-3 sticks, and secure the sweets with tape.
  2. You can also plant berries on branches (grapes, a sprig of currants, gooseberries) on scotch tape.
  3. Assemble the sticks in a pattern similar to a flower bouquet (spiral, round, or parallel).
  4. Dilute the composition with greenery.
  5. Tie the bouquet with ribbon and wrap it in paper. If you wish, you can try to arrange a bouquet in a basket or in a pot with a foam ball.

Video how to make a bouquet of fruits with your own hands.

Do not forget that vegetables, berries and any other edible products can be in place of fruits. The main thing is to firmly attach them to the skewer.

How to make a bouquet of soft toys

We will tell about easy way making such a bouquet. Bouquets of toys require more time and material, but the surprise of the gift is worth it.

In order to make a bouquet of toys, in addition to the main set (see above), you will also need:
  • Styrofoam
  • cardboard
  • glue
  • fabric for drapery
  • corrugated paper
  • pins
  • toys

How to make a bouquet of toys with your own hands:

  1. Prepare the base of the bouquet. To do this, take the foam (preferably in the form of a sphere or hemisphere) and glue a cardboard leg to it.
  2. Pin the drapery fabric to the foam frame. You can also make skirts for toys out of it.
  3. Pack the resulting composition in corrugated paper.
  4. Now let's get to the main part. We prick toys on skewers (if you decide to make skirts, then put them on sticks in front of the toys).
  5. We insert the resulting structure into the frame.
  6. Candy can be added if desired.

Ready! You are beautiful!

Video how to make a bouquet of toys with your own hands

How to make a bouquet of socks and money

Such a bouquet will be an original gift for men on February 23, New Year or even fathers day. You can make it only from socks or only from money, at your discretion.

You will need socks, pins, skewers, as well as ribbons / strings and money if you decide to add them to the bouquet.

How to make a bouquet of socks step by step instructions:

  1. Roll your socks into a roll and secure with a pin or small rubber band.
  2. Turn the edges of the socks slightly inside out so they look like rose petals.
  3. Put them on skewers.
  4. Money is also folded into a tube and tied with a ribbon (in the case of a men's bouquet, it is better to use a burlap thread).
  5. To keep money money on a skewer, thread it not through a folded bill, but tie it with a thread with money.

Such original gift usually find and unusual packaging. It could be a bucket flower pot, basket, interesting wrapping paper in military style. Come up with your own interesting ideas.

Video how to make a bouquet of socks.

As you understand, to make a flower bouquet, it is not necessary to contact the services of a florist. You can create beauty yourself. Learn these simple instructions for creating bright gifts and give to the joy of yourself and loved ones!

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A few rules, thanks to which you will learn how to make the perfect composition of fresh flowers
It is difficult to say if there are people who do not like living buds. A beautiful set of flowers is the perfect gift for any occasion, the best way to cheer up and the most pleasant interior decoration. Many salons already offer turnkey solutions, but in order for the bouquet to be unique and in harmony with the interior or consist only of those buds that you love, it is better to collect it yourself. This article contains several simple rules how to make a bouquet of flowers with your own hands.

Basic rules for a florist

First of all, in order for the composition to look good and please the eye for a long time, it is necessary to choose only fresh and high-quality ones. One disheveled or fading can spoil the impression as a whole. Therefore, choose only trusted stores and salons for purchase. For example, in this flower shop in Voronezh always fresh buds at a good price.

Composition from field plants all the colors of the rainbow - it's beautiful. But, perhaps, this is the only case in which a huge number of very different buds look good. The second rule for those who want to know how to make a beautiful bouquet is not to combine more than three types of inflorescences in one composition. In addition, a combination of simple field and exotic is considered bad form.

The third important point concerns the so-called "mono-bouquets". They look great if they are made of noble, elegant colors. For example, roses, lilies, irises and other exquisite buds. If the bud is simple, then it is better to combine it with other colors. suitable colors and sizes.

How to make a bouquet of fresh flowers

In order for the composition to be harmonious, you should start with the form. There are several ways to make a bouquet of fresh flowers correctly - to assemble it in a round shape, in the form of an arc or an elongated composition. The simplest of the ways is an elongated composition. In this case, the buds are parallel to each other. It is important to take into account the rule when drawing up: 5/8 of the flowers should fall on the bouquet itself, and 3/8 on the vase, then the set will look harmonious.

It is somewhat more difficult to assemble a round-shaped composition. Such bouquets are delicate, feminine and are absolute favorites among brides. To make it, use the spiral technique, when each subsequent one is added "in a spiral". As for the proportions, in this case the longest of the flowers should be 5/8, and the shortest 3/8. There is an alternative rule - the longest flower should be 1.5 times the diameter of the vase.

The most difficult to perform are compositions in the form of an arc. Assembly requires experience and skills. But such sets look elegant. As a rule, they are made up of exotic flowers and decorated with expensive finishing materials.

Choosing the right flowers

Having decided on the form, you need to determine which flowers to choose for the composition. Here, important factors are the occasion on which the bouquet is presented, and to whom it is intended. Delicate pastel shades are suitable for very young girls, emphasizing youth and tenderness. It can be peonies, orchids, roses of light shades. For young women, as a rule, bright, spectacular buds are chosen. Red, scarlet or hot pink roses, irises, gerberas. ladies in adulthood pick flowers deep, rich colors. Bordeaux roses are perfect. If the bouquet is for a man, then roses, irises, gladiolus and gerberas will be traditional for such a composition.

It is very important to correctly arrange the buds in the composition. In floristry, there are several rules on how to make a bouquet of fresh flowers:

Tricks of experienced florists

Compiling compositions is an activity that requires knowledge and experience. However, there are tricks on how to make a beautiful bouquet of flowers on your own, even for a beginner. One of these techniques is the use of buds at different stages of flowering in one set. This trick is suitable for both complex compositions and mono-bouquets. Such a composition will look fashionable and modern, because slight negligence is now main trend. In addition, the flowers will gradually open up and delight more and more with their beauty.

Even a beginner can make a simple pretty composition if he carefully considers all the tips on how to make a beautiful bouquet of flowers. But real masterpieces of floristry will be obtained only under the condition of constant practice, the desire to study this wonderful art, patience in learning and taste. It will also be important to study fashion trends, because the fashion for flowers is replaced almost as quickly as the fashion for clothes. There is a lot of material on the Internet in free access on this topic, including in video format, which greatly simplifies learning.

Be attentive to the rules, treat the matter with a soul and then everything will definitely work out.

A bouquet of fruits and vegetables is a fashionable and useful trend in the world of gifts, which you can always congratulate in an original way, surprise and feed the hero of the occasion. The advantage of fruit bouquets over flower bouquets is obvious: fruit won't wither so fastlike flowers, besides, they can be eaten and shared with guests.

The fruit composition looks just as bright, elegant and beautiful as the floral one, while it can bring as much joy and positive emotions. And even more: if you like juicy fruits, bright colours and fragrant smells, you will get incredible pleasure from such a gift. Flower bouquets are also pleasing to the eye and smell good, but sooner or later you will have to part with any fresh flowers, sending their withered buds to the trash can. And you can simply eat fruits, having previously captured them in bright and unforgettable photos.

Today designers, florists and craftsmen came up with many ways to replace flowers with tasty, healthy and no less beautiful gifts. We have already told you how to craft. And in this article we will teach you how to make a fruit bouquet from affordable, beautiful, bright and, most importantly, edible ingredients.

Traditionally - the best way for demonstration step by step instructions is an detailed wizard class, after watching which you will definitely want to make a bright fruit bouquet with your own hands. We will talk about the technique of making a bouquet a little later. Now I want to talk about the ingredients and the principles of their combination.

What is used in the manufacture of bouquets?

For the manufacture of edible bouquets, not only seasonal or Exotic fruits and berries, as well as others tasty, bright, fragrant ingredients.

  • Vegetables: broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, beets, cucumbers, turnips, zucchini, garlic.
  • Greenery: lettuce, parsley, dill, mint, arugula, basil.
  • Spices and aromatic herbs: vanilla, cinnamon, Bay leaf.
  • Mushrooms: mushrooms, oyster mushrooms.
  • nuts: almonds, walnuts, peanuts, hazelnuts, cedar.
  • Candies and sweets: marshmallow, macarons, rafaello, marshmallow, chocolate, meringue.
  • Flowers: live, paper, dried flowers.

The principle of making bouquets can be completely different: you can select fruits and vegetables according to the color or “to the taste” of the person for whom you are preparing a gift. The main thing is that the ingredients are combined in size and look harmonious in one composition.

To fasten all the details of the bouquet, various auxiliary tools and materials.

  • Skewers or bamboo sticks - for fruits.
  • Vases, baskets, cardboard boxes- for installing skewers.
  • Hard dough, styrofoam, floral sponge- for the base.
  • cling film, craft paper, foil, sisal fiber- for packing.
  • Wire, twine, colored ribbons, Scotch- for fastening.

Fruit bouquets are a fairly new fad and should be decorated with several simple rules .

  • Fruits and vegetables for a bouquet can be precut or used as a whole. Be sure all the ingredients must be ripe, fresh, without stains and damage.
  • Before you start making a gift composition, the ingredients must be rinse thoroughly and dry.
  • Some masters in creating fruit bouquets use figured cutting, cookie cutters, shredding knives.
  • Do not take too juicy fruits and berries, because soft pieces will fall off the skewer. To attach soft fruits and berries, such as strawberries, to the skewer, first put a small slice of apple on a skewer or other hard fruit.
  • And sometimes half of the grapes are strung on top of the main fruits - to mask the punctures.
  • Sliced ​​fruit wrap cling film so that the product does not weather and does not darken. Also, the finished fruit composition can be sprinkled lemon juice.
  • For greater effect berries covered with chocolate or glaze with water, gelatin and lemon juice.
  • When composing a bouquet for adults, you can inject a few drops of alcohol into the middle of the fruit using a syringe.

How to make a bouquet of fruits: step by step for beginners

After you have learned a few secrets of composing fruit arrangements, it's time to move on to practice and try to make a bouquet of fruits with your own hands: step by step photo for beginners will help you in this lesson.

For composition you will need:

  • fruit;
  • bamboo sticks or skewers;
  • Scotch;
  • gift wrap;
  • greens, flowers, sweets for decoration.

Citrus fruits for a bouquet can be cut
- in this form, they will look more effective.
We string fruit: large ones on bamboo sticks, smaller ones on skewers. Also you can use several skewers at once so that the composition does not break under the weight of fruit.
We begin to collect a fruit bouquet - the largest fruits in the middle, smaller ones on the sides. While your hand is still “not stuffed”, use fruits and vegetables that are more or less suitable in shape.

Place pomegranate, orange and grapefruit in the middle and secure them with tape.

Next, we set fruits around, smaller in size, berry branches, small flowers and greens. Pack the finished bouquet in paper, fasten with tape and decorate with a ribbon.
Your colorful and chic gift is ready.

Many people believe that making a flower bouquet with your own hands is not too difficult. However, there is certain rules which should be adhered to.

The fact is that the style of the bouquet should be in accordance with the celebration for which it is intended, depending on the age, gender and other characteristics of the person to whom it is planned to give.

It is conditionally possible to divide all the bouquets into and the two main groups- so it will be much more convenient to work with them:

  • round;
  • unilateral.

The fact is that these are two typical forms in which bouquets are made, therefore, having mastered them, you can easily use different styles and methods of floristry.

In most cases, round bouquets of flowers are intended for various celebrations (a wedding bouquet or a bouquet for an anniversary or birthday), but they are also quite suitable for not too fun, but rather even for sad events.

Also, such bouquets are presented to educators, teachers. Flowers are usually placed in a vase and placed in the center of the room. Such a bouquet should look beautiful everywhere, so the arrangement of flowers in it is circular.

A round bouquet with your own hands should be made according to certain rules.

  1. In its central part there should be plants whose stems are the longest and straightest. Flowers with shorter stems and smaller flowers should be placed at the edges.
  2. The arrangement of flowers in a bouquet is based on a simple rule - the stems should not cross with each other.
  3. It is necessary to make sure that all the flowers look outward, as if looking out of the bouquet.
  4. Making a bouquet with greenery (this is done with the help of a fern, asparagus, and so on) is carried out not only inside the bouquet itself, but they also do it outside, edging it around the perimeter. However, you should first see if it will look nice.

Such a composition of flowers is needed in order to decorate the premises. It is not always made from roses, it can be made up of exotic indoor plants or flowers.

These bouquets are placed in the foreground of the room, but are quite suitable for installation in the far corners. If necessary, they can be mounted on the wall. Similar bouquets are called interior.

There will not be too many rules for using different colors here, since in itself The design of the bouquet is quite simple.

  1. Ideally, if it comes from roses or other flowers that will be of different lengths.
  2. According to the rules for arranging flowers in such a bouquet, the longest specimens are placed in the background, with shorter stems - in the middle of the bouquet, and flowers with the shortest stems are brought to the fore.
  3. In the center of a one-sided bouquet, you can highlight the central element, filling it with the brightest and most beautiful specimens. In the front of the bouquet, instead of flowers with short stems, you can put not a large number of greenery for arrangement.

A bouquet intended for a celebration, such as a wedding bouquet, must be made in such a way that it can be without water throughout the day and at the same time be able to maintain its original freshness.

It’s worth mentioning right away that a wedding bouquet of roses has recently been ordered less and less, giving preference to others no less beautiful views colors. To preserve the original appearance gotta stick to some recommendations.

  1. Bridal bouquet should be composed exclusively of flowers that have just been cut. It must be cut at a slight angle, and then immediately placed in water. If this is not done, an air lock will turn out and water will not reach the flower.
  2. It is desirable to place flowers in water without impurities - rain or better distilled. In the very last resort settled tap water is suitable, but it can only be used for a bouquet of roses.
  3. In order for plants to retain their freshness for as long as possible, they can split the stem. This is true for roses, chrysanthemums, hydrangeas, jasmine, and so on.
  4. Before being placed in ordinary cool water, the cut places of flowers such as peonies, poppies and dahlias must be treated with boiling water.

To make the bouquet come out beautiful, and also not seem too tasteless, you need to use simple rules compatibility of different colors.

  • You can make a stylish and modern bouquet from a maximum of three types of plants.
  • Exotic and rare flowers do not need to be mixed with field flowers and are quite common.
  • A bouquet of roses should contain only roses without adding other types of flowers, as they look great on their own.
  • If there are still other flowers in the bouquet along with roses, then it is better to separate them - the stem juice of roses kills all other flowers.
  • Carnations and daffodils have it even worse - if there are other flowers next to them in a neighboring vase, then they will surely die.
  • A beautiful and bright bouquet should be given to adult or even elderly women. For girls, gentle and light colors will be more suitable.

To make a beautiful wedding bouquet, combine several primary colors and their shades - red, blue and yellow. For instance, purple(is a mixture of red and blue) will go well with yellow. In its turn, Orange color(a mixture of yellow and red) will match almost perfectly with blue.

A beautiful bouquet is necessarily decorated with various green twigs. A wedding bouquet can be decorated with organza, but this is far from always attractive and advantageous.

Not every person will like the saturation of these artificial details that will distract attention from roses or other flowers.

The main rule of the florist is that the bouquet should look as natural as possible. Too bulky designs should not be done. By the way, even loose bouquets can look much more attractive than overly dense ones.

They collect a wedding bouquet, in principle, like any other, so that you can see any flower at a glance. Only well-known florists with extensive experience allow themselves to deviate from these rules.

In general, it is worth saying that professional florists impose rather strict requirements on their work. In particular, this applies to three varieties of colors and a competent combination of colors. However, you can find huge bouquets that will look more like a lush flower garden, but competently creating a similar bouquet is a very difficult task.

It often makes sense to use the rule of monochromatic harmony when flowers are selected. different breeds, the same color, but various shades. For example, shades of red are perfectly combined.

Doing the same with green and blue is not too difficult, as you will probably have to use intermediate elements. It is worth noting that White color, as well as its shades, is versatile - it is well suited for many combinations.

Colors and shades of colors that are next to each other in terms of the spectrum are perfectly combined with each other - for example, a combination of orange and red will be almost perfect. Competent florists can make a contrasting combination.

When finding a bouquet already in a vase, you should select such a vessel so that it does not distract attention from the flowers. Much more important are indicators such as the size and stability of the structure.

It is worth noting that not every vase is well suited for placing a bouquet. Vases of the same color or completely transparent are universal. A bouquet of roses, for example, would look great in a crystal vase. The wedding bouquet is usually not too tall, but rather heavy. In this regard, a tall vase is not suitable for him.

When packing a bouquet, it is necessary to analyze whether this packaging will emphasize everything positive traits each flower in the bouquet. At the same time, it should additionally hide their negative aspects and somehow combine - contrast or set off.

You should not completely place the bouquet in cellophane or foil - they will only hide the natural beauty of the flowers. Decorating flowers with crepe paper or polyester is undesirable, as it has long been unfashionable.

Today it is much better and more modern to use natural and natural materials for decoration. Of the artificial ones, felt, mesh, corrugated paper and so on will be quite suitable.

Decorative elements are brought into the bouquet with great care. For example, a bow of small size can quite successfully fit into the composition, but if you make it too big, it will divert all attention to itself, thereby hiding the natural beauty.

If the bouquet is made only from lilies, then they must be cut in the early morning hours, stored at low temperatures. In addition, stamens, which contain a large amount of pollen, are removed from them - this will allow long time don't get dirty.

They are quite well combined with flowers of other breeds, however, their size should not be larger compared to the lily bud. Otherwise, they will draw attention to themselves.

It is undesirable to leave the finished bouquet in the sun. In general, florists recommend storing it only in a cool place. Only in this case will it retain its freshness for a long period of time. Lilies smell strongly, so you need to be careful with them to prevent allergies.

How to make a flower bouquet in a spiral?

The basis of this bouquet will be quite large and beautiful flower. It is installed in the central part, and all other flowers included in this bouquet will be at an angle with respect to it. In principle, you can make this bouquet only from one type of flowers, for example, from roses.

The main thing that central flower had a strong stem, since the whole structure will be held on it. You will need to additionally take floral tape, scissors and a rope to tie the bouquet.

To get a beautiful bouquet, you must follow the following sequencing.

  1. All stems of roses or other flowers are cut so that their height is approximately the same.
  2. The central flower is taken in right hand, an auxiliary plant is taken to the left and placed next to the first, but at a slight slope.
  3. Now you need to do this: the next flower must be placed at a similar angle of inclination, but already behind the second.
  4. All flowers gradually introduced into the design will go around the central flower and carefully go into a spiral.
  5. In this bouquet, you can add plants such as alstroemeria or gypsophila.
  6. To make the design even more voluminous, it can be supplemented with greenery.
  7. At the last stage, the stems of the flowers are tied with a rope, and if necessary, a floral tape is added.


Despite its apparent simplicity, the compilation beautiful bouquet is not an easy task. Here it is necessary to take into account a large number important points, without which you will get complete bad taste. Therefore, such a task should be approached as responsibly as possible.
