Compilation of compositions from natural flowers in various vessels. What you need to know to make a bouquet in a basket

Flowers with their own hands. Master class with step by step photos

Bouquet of flowers for mom. – class with step by step photo

Master class Bouquet of flowers "Spring mood"

Author: Mantsigina Oksana Sergeevna - educator MBDOU for children garden number 1, village of Staroe Melkovo, Tver region, Konakovo district.
Material Description: This material Designed for middle-aged and older children, teachers and parents.
Purpose: production of panels, participation in the competition, interior decoration.
Target: Creation of a bouquet of flowers in various techniques.
- develop Creative skills children, attention, fantasy and imagination;
- develop fine motor skills of hands;
- learn to make flowers in various techniques.

Bouquet of flowers
A gift in general is simple.
But there is no better and more pleasant
Well, what can be argued with beauty
flower bouquet.
Fantasy is small -
Give flowers.
But let's not forget
What the best gift people
Haven't been able to figure it out yet.
And humanity in the world
Lives for many years...
And yet what, please note
I give you a beautiful bouquet!

To do the job, we need:
A3 sheet, colored paper, colored metallized crepe paper, rainbow foil, white and pink napkins, felt-tip pens, stapler, ruler, scissors, pencil, cotton swab, cotton pad, gouache yellow color, PVA glue.
PHOTO №2what you need
Work order:
1. First, draw the shape of a basket with a pencil.

2. Next we take yellow and corrugated paper blue flowers and cut out templates for gluing the bottom of the basket (for convenience, you can circle the bottom of the basket on thin paper and cut out templates) and glue it, alternating colors, you can also make it monophonic, as you like.


It turns out such a basket

4. Next we will make leaflets. Take colored foil and cut it into three equal parts. Then cut each piece in half to make a square. And cut the square diagonally.

5. We take half of the square and fold it with an accordion.


The resulting accordion is folded in half.

7. We glue the fold line, we get a leaflet.

8. You can also make large leaves using the same technology, it all depends on your imagination. One sheet produces 12 leaves.

9. Look, look,
What is the red light?
It's a wild carnation
Hot celebrates the day.
And when the evening comes
The petals will roll the flower,
"Until morning! Until new meeting!" -
And the flame goes out.
10. Next, we proceed to the manufacture of carnations. We take a napkin, unfold it and fold it three times.

11. It turns out such a strip.

12. We fold the resulting strip three more times, as shown in the photo.
13. It turns out such a square.

14. Take a stapler and staple in the center. We draw a circle.

15. Cut out with scissors, it turns out such a blank

16. Next, with a felt-tip pen of any color, we outline the edges of the future carnation.

17. We begin to collect the carnation, raise each layer of the napkin to the top and crush it.

18. These are the carnations obtained, you can take colored napkins and also outline the edges.

19. Now we begin to make an aster
Asters spread their wings
Like angels, a little shaggy,
Thin multi-colored mantilla
Decorate the garden, its paths ...
Angel stars are a miracle baby.
We take paper of two colors, I took yellow - this will be the middle and red - these will be aster petals. I will measure with a ruler 0.5 cm and 4.5 cm on red paper (the size depends on how the flower will be, large or small) - this is for the petal. On the yellow we measure 0.5 cm and 1.5 cm - this is the core.

20. We cut the strips with a fringe.

Here are the blanks obtained

21. We take a skewer or a toothpick and wind it first with a yellow strip cut into a fringe, then a red one and glue the tip with glue.

22. Remove from the toothpick and bend the red fringe, and you can not bend the middle, but you can also bend it. Astra is ready.

23. Getting to work calla. We take a cotton swab and paint over the fleece with yellow gouache. This will be the middle, from one cotton swab you get two middle ones.

24. Next, take a cotton pad. In the center of the disk we lay down our dried-up center.

25. We wind it on the middle and glue it with PVA glue.

26. Cut off the excess part of the cotton swab.

27. When the flowers are ready, we begin to stick them in any form on our basket.

A beautiful basket of flowers with your own hands will become great gift for holidays or interior decoration. The filling of the baskets is selected individually - these are not necessarily fresh flowers. Bouquets of sweets and toys, paper flowers and themed seasonal compositions look no less interesting and original. These interesting master classes they will tell you how to make flower baskets for bouquets of any complexity on your own from start to finish.

What to make a flower basket from?

Baskets are used for floral arrangements different size and material. At the same time, they can be conditionally divided into:

  • Decorative bases made of artificial materials (foam plastic, foam plastic, floral oasis). Flowers are stuck into a basket-shaped blank, so this option is more suitable for bouquets of sweets and artificial flowers.
  • Actually baskets and baskets. There is also classical forms, And original vases in the form of an umbrella, shoes, household items.

These options are quite within the power of home craftsmen. And it’s not at all necessary to look for a braided line in stores desired shape. Strong and lightweight baskets can be made independently from:

  • paper;
  • cardboard boxes;
  • plastic containers;
  • natural materials (cones, branches).

The container should complement the flowers, depending on the size of the bouquet and its style.

Why do fresh flowers not wither and remain fresh in such arrangements?

All thanks to the floristic sponge, which transfers moisture to the flower stems:

  1. We put a plastic bag-substrate on the bottom of the container.
  2. After wetting the sponge, place it in the basket.
  3. We cut the stems of flowers and stick them into the oasis.

We select plants

Depending on the size of the basket, different flowers are taken:

  • For large ones - roses, chrysanthemums, gladioli, carnations.
  • Medium - miniroses, daisies, forget-me-nots.

Important! The flowers in the bouquet are complemented by large leaves, cereals and climbing plants.

Let's take a closer look at the options self-manufacturing baskets of flowers different materials.

Mini basket with paper flowers

This miniature do-it-yourself paper flower basket is made from a reel of tape and colored paper. The simplicity of making the composition will appeal to children, and adults will be able to create more complex options based on this master class:

  1. Cut out a circle from a piece of cardboard and glue it to the reel, cutting off the excess edges.
  2. Cut a sheet of brown paper into strips.
  3. Having arranged them lengthwise and across, braid the spool of tape.
  4. Place crumpled green paper inside.
  5. Make flowers out of colored paper. We twist strips 5-7 mm wide into tight spirals. We glue them with paper ribbons cut into fringes.
  6. Glue the flowers inside the basket.
  7. Cut a strip of 1 cm from cardboard, glue or wrap it with brown paper.

A large gift bouquet will not fit in such a basket, but for March 8, Teacher's Day, New Year, they will be just right for small gift compositions. For large bouquets, make a basket from a wide round box, pasted over with fabric or appliqué.

Important! Based on this idea, make a small bouquet basket with small flowers - lilies of the valley, tulips, forget-me-nots, tea roses.

Kraft paper bag

This option is suitable for those who do not know how to elegantly arrange a basket of flowers in an eco-style. Pay attention to kraft - wrapping paper. It is dense enough to retain its shape and support the weight of the flowers.

Operating procedure:

  • Cut the paper into wide and long strips.
  • Fold them in half and sew along the edges.
  • Lay out 8 strips in front of you (4 horizontally, 4 vertically).
  • Pass the upper vertical tape through the horizontal ones, through one.
  • Repeat for all other strips.

Important! To keep the weave even, pin the ribbons to the table and fasten the edges with paper clips.

  • When the bottom is woven, go to the walls. Bend the strips along the edge of the weave and braid the corners.
  • Then continue weaving the walls to the desired height.
  • Decorate the edges of the paper basket with a strip of paper.

Important! This basket is suitable for large flowers. Place an oasis inside, decorate it with peonies, roses. The combination of delicate petals and rough paper will create an interesting composition.

New Year's basket of cones

This basket is suitable for Christmas compositions on festive table. For a small basket, you will need about 50 cones, for a large one - 200-300 pcs.

Here is the order of your creative work:

  1. Make rings of different sizes from cones wrapped in wire at the base.
  2. Arrange the rings from smallest to largest. After passing the wire between the rows, pull it off.
  3. Inside, make a bottom of 3-4 large cones fastened with wire. But it is better to glue the bottom of the cardboard.
  4. Make a handle out of cones. This time, leave tails at each end of the chain of cones, wrap them around 2-3 times. Apply additional glue.
  5. We attach the handle to the bowl, and the basket is ready!

What to put in such a basket? Pine needles, juniper, Christmas plants - poinsettia, mistletoe twigs, hippeastrum, plus decorate with small Christmas decorations, garlands.

Important! To make the buds open up and become fluffy, put them in a colander and hold them over the steam. Then fix the scales in the opened state with varnish or wood glue.

Round newspaper basket

A round basket made of newspaper tubes is very similar to a wicker basket, but it weighs less and is not so difficult to make with your own hands. The material is easy to find - these are newspapers and magazines that are cut into pieces, folded on a knitting needle and glued. From these tubes, a basket is woven.

Important! Paint before weaving the tubules with wood stain or acrylic paints ocher flowers to make the basket look like a wicker basket from a real vine.

Let's figure out step by step how to make a small basket for flowers using this technique:

  1. Stack 3 tubes horizontally and 4 vertically on top of each other.
  2. Fold back the extreme vertical rack and interlace adjacent horizontal ones with it, passing through one.
  3. Continue winding the center vines around. If the tube ends, glue the next one to it by inserting one into the other.
  4. Align B-pillars so that you get rays.
  5. Weave the base, put the shape inside.
  6. Raise the uprights and secure with a rubber band. We continue weaving, making sure that it is not very tight and the shape freely comes out of the basket.
  7. Having weaved the desired height, tuck and hide part of the laces inside the basket, gluing them to the walls.
  8. Leave 2 racks opposite each other for the handle. Connect them with glue. If the handle is too high, cut off one side.
  9. Glue 2 tubes next to the base of the handle - one on each side. Crisscross the handle stands. When finished braiding, cut and glue the vine.

Important! Using bowls, saucepans, jars of different sizes for the shape, you can make small and large baskets in this way. If you need a curly basket or a vase with a transition from a wide to a narrow part, then by changing the base shape, you can get the desired shape. A bouquet in such a basket, made by hand, looks especially elegant, because wicker basket and flowers are a classic composition in floristry.

Plastic container basket

You can make cute interior baskets from different containers and food substrates:

  1. We take burlap and wrap it around a plastic container, fixing the edge of the fabric with a glue gun.
  2. Glue white lace on the outside.
  3. We wrap the wire with twine, bend and fix the handles on the body.
  4. From the remnants of wire, lace and rope, coiled into a spiral, we make flowers.

Important! Flat baskets from low containers are suitable for romantic bouquets. All the charm of such baskets is in high handles, so they should be given attention and give up additional decor.

Penoplex basket-handbag

A light and shiny basket in the form of a women's handbag can be used as a gift, for decorating a wedding and birthday.

Important! This basket is designed for artificial decor, but in the middle you can make a recess for a floral sponge. The dimensions of the finished basket with flowers are 40 * 40 cm.

The order of the creative process:

  1. Cut out 2 trapeziums from foam. Figure dimensions: 16*16*22 cm.
  2. On the wrong side, at the base of the basket, cut a recess where the load will be placed for the stability of the composition.
  3. Glue both parts and sandpaper sand the edges
  4. Wrap the entire piece in gray crepe paper. Secure the paper and foam with a hot glue gun.
  5. Make a handle from a plastic soft tube, decorated with a silver ribbon. Attach wire studs to the ends of the tube.
  6. Wrap the basket with lace, and glue a twisted cord along the edge of the bottom.
  7. Stick the handles in upper part and decorate with flowers.

Important! Styrofoam and its varieties can be used to make a variety of shapes for topiaries, Christmas wreaths and interior compositions.

Master class: a bouquet of fresh flowers to a basket

The main difficulty in compiling a bouquet basket is that you need to be able to show the beauty of flowers and correctly use the shape of the basket in which they are located.

Depending on the size of the buds and the length of the stem, the composition can be:

  • symmetrical - with the exact center in which the most noticeable flowers are located,
  • asymmetrical, located wave from large flowers to smaller ones.

This master class will tell you how to make a basket with fresh flowers with your own hands:

  1. We cut the oasis with a knife to the size of the basket.
  2. We put it in a bowl of water, allowing it to completely soak in moisture.
  3. We take flowers with a hard stem (roses, matthiolas) and cut off the stem.
  4. We protect the inside of the basket from water with a film, put a sponge on it.
  5. In order for the floral oasis to lie flat in the basket, we fix it with teip tape (green paper tape).
  6. We decorate the edges of the basket with leaves, then we stick roses in a circle. In the center we place large buds.

Important! In flowers, before making a bouquet, you need to cut the petiole obliquely. Weak stems are strengthened with wire inserted inside and teip tape.

Master class: a bouquet of paper roses

Learn how to make a basket of flowers with your own hands from crumpled paper. This is a very popular trend in needlework. Having learned how to make paper roses and peonies, you will be able to make gift candy bouquets, as well as decorate holiday decorations. Therefore, we will focus on the manufacture of flowers itself, and take a ready-made basket or make it according to previous lessons:

  • Cut red paper into strips of 5 cm.
  • We cut each ribbon into 6 parts - 120 blanks of petals come out.
  • Round off the top of the rose petals.
  • We cut 27 strips 1 cm wide and 20 cm long to wrap the stems.
  • For the sepals, we cut 8 strips 6 cm wide. We make a jagged edge on the strip.
  • We take a candy, stick it on Double-sided tape to a barbecue stick.
  • Lubricate the bottom edge of the first petal with hot glue.
  • We wrap the candy, forming an inner bud.

Important! To make the edge wrapped, like a real flower, we twist the edges onto a stick. One candy rose will need 8-10 petals. For a bud - no more than 3.

  • Glue the sepals on the bottom of the flower.
  • Wrap the skewer in narrow green paper and fasten. You will get 9 buds and 18 lush roses with candy in the middle.
  • We cut squares from organza or tulle, fold.
  • We glue the fabric around the corner to the skewer - this will be greenery to fill the voids in the bouquet.
  • We place a piece of foam in the basket, mask it with green filler made of paper or sisal.
  • We stick greens from tulle in a circle, filling the entire space.
  • We stick open roses in the center, and buds along the edge.

Important! Complete the composition with golden fern leaves, decorate the handle with a ribbon and a thread with beads, add a bow to the basket for a complete festive composition.


Zoya Reasonable

Required materials and tools:

flower pot

corrugated paper

satin ribbon


PVA glue

glue gun

Needle with thread

To make a basket, take a small flower pot.

We will make the handle for the basket from wire. If the wire is not very strong, you can twist it.

Using a glue gun, fix the handle with inside pot.

To decorate the basket, we take corrugated paper, in my case lilac color, and a needle and thread.

Gather corrugated paper on a thread.

Glue the corrugation around the pot from the outside with a glue gun.

Let's cut a narrow strip along the length of the corrugated paper, stretch it and wrap the handle of our basket, in some places we fix it with a glue gun.

It turned out to be a nice basket. But that is not all.

I confess that at first I didn’t even like the basket, it seemed rude.

But everything changed when the handle was wrapped with a narrow satin ribbon. Pink colour, in a circle of the basket, she also fixed the ribbon and tied a bow.

The ribbon gave the basket a zest and lightness.

From the inside, the basket can be decorated with corrugated paper and other material of your choice and flowers can be placed.

Since my basket was for stemless roses, I took a regular newspaper, crumpled it up and put it inside the basket. Topped with green crepe paper.

I glued the roses.

How to make roses, you can see in the previous publication

I thank everyone who looked at my page!

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Hello, today we will tell you how to create a beautiful flower bouquet in a wicker basket yourself. Prices for bouquets in baskets are, to put it mildly, high. This mini-instruction will allow you to save a lot of money and please your loved ones with a "hand made" gift. You don't have to be superhuman or a florist guru to create beautiful bouquet in a wicker basket.

In creating the bouquet we used:

1. wicker basket ( Length 34cm/ Width 24cm/ Side height 12 and 16cm/ Height with handle 32cm)

2. flower sponge OAZIS - 2 pcs

3. we take the flowers that you like best, in our case it was chrysanthemums (20-30 pcs.)

4. stationery knife, scissors, stapler and tape (or electrical tape).

You will also need to order or buy a wicker basket and an OAZIS flower sponge. Flower or floral sponge is an artificial porous material that perfectly absorbs and holds water.

From the very beginning, soak the floral sponge in water. After the sponge absorbs water, it becomes very heavy, so the handle and bottom of the basket should not be flimsy.

To avoid water leakage, we lay the inside with cellophane or other waterproof material. It is worth noting that on our website you can buy baskets already with a polyethylene insert.

We put one OAZIS in the center of the basket, cut the second into pieces (it is desirable that the pieces are larger) and fill in all the empty spaces.

We choose the most beautiful and lush flower or the flower that we want to see in the center (we will have it the highest) and cut it to the desired height.

The height of the composition can be higher or lower than the handle, as you like, in our case we made it lower to make it more convenient to hold the entire bouquet.

Next, insert this flower in the center into the oasis (as in the figure). And from it we start to dance. Trying to pick flowers color scheme, or just to look good (we apply, it doesn’t fit - we take the next one). And around the first flower we begin to stick other flowers. Flowers need to be stuck in such a way that they are slightly lower than the central one.

If the flower is broken, do not despair, adhesive tape comes to the rescue. There is oneimportant rulewhile creating flower bouquet: flowers of dark (heavy) shades should be placed at the bottom of the composition, and lighter and brighter - at the top.

When most of the flowers have been used up, and the overall picture is already emerging, we take the leaves and insert them around the perimeter (the goal is to hide the oasis, and, in general, dilute the composition with greenery).

Depending on the type of leaves, you can simply insert them into the composition, or you can (like ours) twist them (into a tube) and fasten them with a stapler.

And the final touch is an artificial butterfly on the handle.

And voila, the basket is ready, in my opinion it’s even nothing. Add water to the sponge as needed, and such a bouquet in a wicker basket will delight you even longer. To create such a bouquet, it is not at all necessary to be a professional florist, it is enough to have 25-30 minutes of free time and have simple skills.

Flowers have always been a pleasant gift for a woman for any occasion. But it is a pity when such a moment comes that beautiful and fragrant flowers wither. And it turns out that we throw away, which was presented to us with a soul.
I offer you a master class of a bouquet of sweets. This is a wonderful gift not only for a beloved woman, but also for mom, aunt, teacher, boss, colleague and so on. Firstly, what is done by hand is always more pleasant, because every such work has a soul and individual approach. Secondly, sweets from the buds can be carefully removed, and the composition will delight its owner for the rest of her life.
Necessary materials:

- basket;
- candies;
- skewers;
glue gun;
- 2 sticks of silicone glue;
- corrugated paper in 3 colors (one of them is necessarily green);
- a small piece of foam;
- 2 identical bows;
- beads;
- sisal;
- artificial greenery
Step-by-step instructions for making the composition "Basket with flowers from sweets"
1. We take two corrugated paper different colors. I have these light and dark lilac colors, we will use them to make buds. Since I will have 19 flowers in my bouquet, I took 10 lilac and 9 dark lilac stripes of corrugation for blanks. They should be approximately 5-6 cm wide and the entire length of the roll itself.

2. Divide each strip into 3 equal parts. To speed up the process, you can fold several strips of corrugation at once and cut.

3. We measure about one third of the cut strip and twist it in the opposite direction 360 degrees.

Here's what should happen:

These are the blanks you should have for flowers - tulips.

5. We connect the ends with the base of the candy so that the tails do not stick out.

6. On the other side of the tails, we also apply glue and fix the skewer in the middle.

7. We form a bud. To do this, take a petal and insert a candy into it.

8. Lubricate the ends of the petal with glue and wrap the skewers in a circle, while pressing the corrugation with your fingers for tight fixation.

Glue two more petals in the same way. Make sure that there is an equal distance between them.

Such blanks should turn out:

10. We cut 8-10 strips of 5-6 cm wide from green corrugations.

11. We form leaves of tulips. To do this, repeat the manipulation of making buds.

12. Starting from the base of the bud, glue a green corrugated strip to create the appearance of a stalk.

13. We glue the leaves of tulips to some flowers (you can also to each).

14. Take about 20 skewers and break them in half.

15. Cut off ribbons approximately 18-20 cm long. We will need about 10 pieces of thin ribbon and the same amount of wide.

16. Fold the ribbons in half and glue the ends to the skewers.

17. We measure the corrugation for the basket so that its ends hang down a little.

18. We cut out the foam plastic with a size suitable for the diameter of the basket and fix it with glue.

19. We insert the flowers into the foam so that the distance between them is the same. We also insert skewers with ribbons.
