How to clean the pond from pollution on your own site? Cleaning the reservoir using various methods.

Any artificial reservoir becomes polluted over time: the water in it becomes cloudy, the bottom becomes silted, mud may appear. In order not to pay for the services of a specialist, many summer residents take up the replacement of water. However, changing it more than twice a year is quite expensive and, moreover, time-consuming. How to clean the pond in the country with your own hands? We will tell you in detail what needs to be done for this.

Pond cleaning is necessary if we want to have a beautiful pond

Methods for cleaning artificial reservoirs

Let's figure out what methods of water purification exist. They are divided into four types: chemical, biological, ultraviolet, and mechanical. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Sometimes two cleaning methods are used at once to get the highest quality result. We will consider everything and choose the best one.


The biological way to purify water from greenery is the most natural. On sale there are special filters that are filled with a porous substance. There is a rapid multiplication of microorganisms, which break down organic matter, producing methane, hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide. Also, such systems are used together with mechanical filters to obtain a better result.

Exist complex solutions biological cleaning of the pool with water. Three to five containers are used through which the liquid passes, undergoing multi-stage filtration. In addition, the water is saturated with oxygen. The pump supplies filtered water to the very depths of the reservoir. Such biological filters are used for reservoirs whose area does not exceed half a hectare.

The biofilter, which is a whole complex of filters, is able to clean the pond with high quality large sizes

biological method You can clean water not only with the help of ready-made filters, but also by creating natural filtration conditions. For this, a so-called bioplato is being built, which is a small pond. An important condition is to maintain the water level in it higher than in the main basin. Filtration will be done by bioplankton, which is populated in a mini pond. With the help of a pump, water should enter the bioplateau pond, the purified liquid should naturally drain into the main pond.


Chemical water treatment is the easiest to use, as well as the fastest - it does not have to build a pond and bioplato. However, the dosage must be strictly observed so as not to harm the fish (if any), as well as plants.

In order to purify water from silt, mud, algae residues, it is necessary to fill it with right amount chemical reagents. These substances dissolve organic matter, producing oxygen, and also maintain the desired acidity of water. There is also a natural way of dry cleaning.

Chemical cleaning of the pond must be carried out carefully so as not to harm its inhabitants.

Ultraviolet radiation

One of the most effective methods for cleaning the sludge that accumulates at the bottom of the reservoir is an ultraviolet lamp. The device with built-in lighting elements is installed directly in the pond and emits ultraviolet radiation. It kills microorganisms, bacteria and some viruses, which allows you to get rid of sludge.

Due to the fact that this method is quite simple, it does not use chemical substances, ultraviolet is one of the most popular cleaning methods. However, it is only used in cloudy liquid, it will not help get rid of debris, fallen leaves, etc. In this regard, a heavily polluted reservoir is first cleaned of large debris, algae, then an ultraviolet emitter is installed.


The mechanical method is the purification of water using simple filters. They pass water through the filter elements with a filler, retaining particles of mud, duckweed, algae and other debris. As soon as the filter gets dirty, it should be cleaned, washed and dried. After that, his work becomes as effective as at the beginning of operation.

To mechanical methods cleaning can also be special kind devices - ilosos. However similar devices do not use in reservoirs that are inhabited by fish or frogs. Otherwise, the appliance can destroy a large part of the population of fry or tadpoles.

Such devices can be purchased in special stores, or you can build your own. In addition, if the pond is quite dirty, it is advisable to help the filter and remove debris with a net. If the pond is small, you can use an underwater vacuum cleaner to clean its bottom. Such devices draw in a thick contaminated liquid, filter it and return it to the reservoir again.

Ilosos is good for cleaning the bottom of the reservoir, but it is difficult to do this over a large area

Water change

If it was not possible to purify the water in the reservoir using the above methods, you should think about completely replacing it. At the same time, experts recommend changing the water in the pond at least once a year, and preferably two, even if the filters do the job. You need to do this according to this plan:

  1. Drain all liquid from the reservoir. If there are fish, you need to transplant them into a separate container or aquarium.
  2. Carefully transfer aquatic plants, if any, to a plastic bowl of water.
  3. Clean the surface of the reservoir from silt, debris.
  4. Fill the pond with fresh water, return the fish to their place, as well as the plants.

You should be prepared for the fact that the contents of the pool will become cloudy almost immediately, in order to clear again in a couple of days. This is how the work of microorganisms that settle in a reservoir looks like, settle in a new home. If the water quickly becomes dirty, and the pond takes on an untidy look, it is worth changing the type of fertilizer that feeds the garden and vegetable garden. You should choose species that are not too saturated with organic matter.

If you do not fight duckweed, then it can flood the entire reservoir, turning the pond into a swamp

Sometimes the owner of the pond notices that duckweed and reeds capture everything. more space and turn an artificial reservoir into a sloppy puddle or even a swamp. Duckweed is difficult to remove - it tends to fill all the free space. However, with regular and careful care of the reservoir, its growth can be limited.

Floating plants can help too. They also want to receive oxygen and nutrients, so they will take part of the area from the duckweed. Do not populate the pond with plants and animals taken in vivo. New tenants may well bring duckweed with them.

If the lake is occupied by reeds, it is not worth fighting it manually. If you remove plants, their roots remain in the ground and sprout again. In this regard, the only way to get rid of the reeds is with the help of a bulldozer.

Pond care rules

If you clean the pond once a year, and do nothing the rest of the time, it will look neat for a very short time. It is very important to establish regular maintenance of the reservoir in order to prevent it from becoming too polluted. We will give an example of how to care for a pond:

Pond aerator

The aerator saturates the water with oxygen

The aerator is necessary condition for the life of the pond. Experts note that the lack of fish is not the reason for abandoning this device. Saturation of water with oxygen is necessary for the microorganisms to function properly. The cost of buying an aerator can be quite high, so many summer residents prefer to build this device with their own hands. There are such types of aerators:

  1. Surface. It gives a fountain of spray, spreading them over the surface of the pond. This type of aerator is in demand, it is simple, and its maintenance costs are low. In fact, such a device is a fountain that will enliven and decorate any pond.
  2. Donny. This type of device is installed at the bottom of the lake and saturates the entire water column with oxygen. In addition, the device does not allow icing, and also makes the temperature of the liquid the same everywhere. Such an aerator is expensive, so it is used infrequently.
  3. Injector. The principle of its operation is to draw in air, then mix it with water. This device is quite noisy and the power consumption is high compared to other types. In this regard, it is also not popular.

As you can see, the most convenient, simple and inexpensive is the first type of device - surface. Such an aerator can be made independently, but it is suitable for operation only in the warm season. If fish live in the pond, you need to use a special winter option.

Pump plus fountain equals aerator

The pump is on sale in specialized outlets. The cost of this device depends on its power, but it will still be lower than the price of an aerator. You should immediately think about what will become the source of the fountain. For this purpose it is possible to use old vase, which lacks a bottom, several stones stacked in the form of a slide, or garden figure.

The fountain pleases with beauty and provides aeration of the reservoir

Homemade aerator from a hydraulic pump

For the construction of this type of aerator, you will need a hydraulic pump. It must be installed next to the reservoir, and in the center of the reservoir, equip a stone slide with a sprayer.

Next, you should take care of how the liquid will be supplied to the device. Experts recommend using rubber hoses. They are easy to repair, change in case of a leak. Then you should decide what type of sprayer you need, it depends on how fine the “rain” from such a fountain will be.

The power supply cable must be sheathed with a rubber hose. The pump itself must be grounded. It is better to power the pump through an isolating transformer that provides galvanic isolation.

  1. It is advisable to mount the aerator after the pond is completely ready, but there is no “living creatures” in it yet and plants have not been planted.
  2. If there are a lot of plants in the pond, it is better to use a bell-shaped aerator, a geyser is also suitable.
  3. Some plants are critical of large drops falling on them, which can affect the choice of sprayer type.
  4. The power of the pump depends on the area of ​​the pond. If the pump is installed near the lake, this indicator should be even higher in order for the aerator to cope with the task.
  5. The sprayer can be mounted on rubber hose, or you can use a metal pipe as an adapter.

As you can see, maintaining the purity of an artificial reservoir is not difficult at all if you follow simple rules. Note that not a single device will cope with the task if the owner does not regularly take care of the pond - remove debris, periodically clean the bottom with a net or a vacuum cleaner and monitor aquatic plants.

author Rybakova E., photo Kruglikova S.

A garden is a part of nature, and its essential component is water. Not surprisingly, water as a source of life in different religions is considered sacred. For example, in Japan, water is spiritualized and is an indispensable attribute of the Japanese garden.

Decorative garden pond not only decorates the site, but also attracts many birds and other living creatures to the garden.
Who among us would not want to live in harmony with surrounding nature and garden? Enjoy birdsong and murmur clean water? Admire the decorative garden pond with the plants and various living creatures that live in it?

The latest developments of scientists in the field of microbiology have made it possible to create reliable methods and preparations for water treatment. This helps gardeners efficiently clean their pond water and keep their pond in perfect order.

Problems of maintaining a garden pond

When the decision is made to build garden plot body of water, we tend to paint ourselves an idyllic picture. crystal clear water and the glare of the sun, playing on the multi-colored pebbles of the bottom of the reservoir, delightful flowering water lilies on the mirror surface of the pond ...

But then, in the process of realizing this “blue” dream, many difficulties arise. It turns out that it is not at all easy - to create in the garden pond that natural balance that exists in natural reservoirs and seems to us for granted.

Stagnant water in a garden pond tends to become cloudy and "bloom", overgrown with thread-like algae and duckweed.
The bottom of the pond eventually silts up, drags on with mucus, becomes covered with leaves of tree species that have fallen into the water (soon the leaves rot in the water).
Beautiful pond plants due to dirty water can become covered with a brown coating and die.

Similar problems inevitably arise when maintaining garden ponds.
Let us consider in more detail what difficulties await the owner of a garden pond, and how possible troubles and problems can be prevented in advance.

Algae in a garden pond

The most common aquatic plant is algae.
Their presence in the garden reservoir is necessary for the normal course of biological processes. But when there is a lot of algae, the water loses its transparency, which spoils the view of the reservoir.

Unlike higher plants (those that we specifically grow in a pond), algae are protozoa.
Most freshwater algae are unicellular, while the rest are filamentous - what we used to call "mud". However, despite their primitiveness (rather, even thanks to it), algae are able to multiply at a monstrous rate, filling the entire pond with themselves when there are conditions suitable for their reproduction.
The task of the gardener is to prevent the creation of such conditions.

Of course, you can abundantly plant a pond with plants, focusing on those that absorb minerals not by roots from the bottom, but by shoots from the water column. Such plants are direct competitors of algae. However, even in a densely planted garden pond, outbreaks of algae growth are possible.

Cleaning the garden pond from fallen leaves

Additional problems creates fallen leaves that drowned in the pond, when in the autumn they did not pull the protective net over the pond in time.
It is good if the bottom of your garden pond is hard and smooth, and there are no plants planted in the pond and no fish are found. Then you can put on waders, take a big net, climb into the pond and play Duremar ...

But if at the bottom of your pond there are such multi-colored pebbles, coveted in dreams, and decorative fish swim, and charming lotuses bloom in the center of the pond ...
In such situations, the experience of Duremar is no longer suitable.

Solving garden pond problems

All ailments of your reservoir can be warned in advance. Their prevention is much easier than the fight against problems that have already arisen.

If you have a decorative pond in your garden (rather than a swimming pool in which you can pour bleach and clean the bottom with a water vacuum cleaner), then two methods of cleaning the pond are practiced. These methods are best used together as they complement each other.

So, to ensure the purity of the garden reservoir, the following are used:
1 - mechanical biofilters;
2 - cleaning biological products.

Operation of mechanical biofilters for a garden pond

Consider the first method of cleaning a garden pond.
A natural rocky stream can be considered an analogue of a biofilter. The water in the stream is simultaneously saturated with oxygen and purified by active bacteria, which form a biofilm on the surface of the stones.
A similar scheme of natural water purification is also implemented in the simplest pond biofilters. They work as follows: water from the reservoir is pumped into the filter tank, where it passes through the filter media (it can be artificial or natural). In the filler, the water is purified and then returned to the reservoir.

The work of cleaning biological products in the water of the reservoir

The second method of cleaning a garden pond is usually applied in a differentiated way. Depending on the problems and goals, one or another complex of biological products (bioactivators) can be added to the pond water.

For example, if the first signs of “blooming” of water appear in a garden pond, we add the desired complex of bacteria. These bacteria use in their life the same nutrients extracted from the water as algae. Thus, the bacteria introduced into the water of the pond create severe competition for algae, depriving them of nutrition and conditions for reproduction. The "flowering" of the water stops.

But if deposits appear on the walls or at the bottom of the reservoir, then you need to use a different set of bacteria that can fight such a raid.

If the water in the reservoir began to become cloudy, then you need to use a special microbiological complex that clarifies the water.

Often in reservoirs all these unpleasant signs appear at once, spoiling the water and decorative look garden pond. For greater efficiency in cleaning the reservoir, you can combine several complexes of beneficial bacteria.

Use mechanical filters and biotechnology to clean the garden pond, then its decorative appearance will beautify the garden and bring you much joy.

Ekaterina Rybakova (Moscow)

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Many of us know how nice it is to sit by the pond on a summer evening or take a dip in it on a hot afternoon. After all, the ideal expanse of water gives a charge of the most positive emotions and completely pacifies. At the same time, quite often such a reservoir, in which there are no fish and other living creatures, has to be cleaned of pollution, since otherwise it will turn into a swamp with many mosquitoes and an unpleasant odor.

The first thing that comes to the mind of the owners is a complete replacement of water, but doing this all the time, there is a chance of going broke on paying for water supply. However, there is another method - to clean the pond with your own hands or to attract specialists for this.

Why clean the pond?

After the pond has been filled with water, in just a few days, actively multiplying microorganisms can be seen in it. In addition, the wind brings leaves, dust and other water pollutants there.

How to purify pond water

Pond cleaning involves a whole range of work, which most often can only be performed by masters using special reagents and equipment. However, if you do not want to entrust them with a pond, then you can try to clean the pond yourself, initially removing floating debris from the surface.

Types of ponds

AT Everyday life they can be divided into several groups:

These are such reservoirs, the area of ​​which is less than 100 sq.m. In these ecosystems, it is quite difficult to achieve natural biobalance due to the small volume. Their life activity has to be supported by regular artificial filtration. With absence proper care, it will periodically experience outbreaks of zamora and blue-green algae blooms.

These are reservoirs with a surface area of ​​100 sq.m. up to several hectares. They can be divided into 3 main groups:

  • small (100-1000 sq.m.);
  • medium (1000-5000 sq.m.);
  • large (more than 5000 sq.m.).

In such ponds, it is possible to maintain natural biobalance, but subject to proper care - competent settlement with vegetation and fish. This reservoir is a self-functioning closed ecosystem, the balance of which is maintained due to internal bioprocesses. It needs artificial filtration only periodically.

Pollution Prevention

To prevent pollution, it is necessary to constantly look after the pond. First of all, it is necessary to exclude the ingress of various mechanical antibodies into the water. If you are a biologist, you will probably be able to keep him alive without the use of various kinds of equipment. As for amateur gardeners, they usually have to create cleaning using special devices.

Today, several foreign companies are represented on the market of specialized equipment for cleaning ponds:

  • OASE (Germany);
  • HOZELOCK (Great Britain);
  • AMIAD (Israel), etc.

At the same time, OASE, HEISSNER and HOZELOCK offer a more global range of filtering equipment, while AMIAD sells exclusively mechanical systems for cleaning large areas of water bodies. For small ponds (up to 1000 l), you can use filters from companies that specialize in the manufacture of aquarium equipment: sera (Germany), PROJECT (Italy), AQUAEL (Poland), SACEM (France), EHEIM, HAGEN (Canada). Their range usually includes several types of filters.

How to clean a pond in the country

Cleaning methods:

  • using ultraviolet radiation;
  • biological;
  • chemical;
  • mechanical.

mechanical cleaning

The easiest and most inexpensive cleaning method to get rid of unwanted debris, algae and aquatic plants. The principle of operation of such equipment is to purify water by passing it through a special container with a filter medium (quartz sand, special granules or gravel). When the filter is clogged, the water begins to flow out worse, so it's time to replace its filter element. If fine gravel was used as it, then it can be cleaned by thorough washing, and if quartz sand, then it cannot be cleaned like that. To create a pumping of water through the filter, special pumps are used. They should be selected based on the volume of the pond and the filter used.

Biological treatment

It is based on the biochemical decomposition of organic elements to carbon dioxide, methane and hydrogen sulfide. Created in devices with special bacteria. Most often, this cleaning method is used in conjunction with a mechanical one. The biofilter chamber is filled with a porous substance that promotes the growth of microorganisms that feed on organic matter, which is retained by the filtration material. The volume of these filters must be adjusted taking into account the presence of fish in the pond - than more fish, the larger the filter should be.

Recently, a domestic company has created a biological treatment plant for water bodies, consisting of several plastic sections filled with crustacean plankton. It floats on the surface of the pond and is filled with water that passes through the 3 cleaning sections. Oxygenated and purified water is pumped back to the deep layers of the reservoir. The installation is capable of creating water treatment up to 0.5 ha.

Chemical cleaning

In this case, chemical reagents are added to the reservoir, which:

  • restore the required level of acidity;
  • bind metal compound and ammonia;
  • saturate the reservoir with oxygen;
  • dissolve algae.

Manufacturers advise you to be very careful with the dosage, because some of the chemicals used in in large numbers dangerous for both living creatures in the reservoir and for humans.

Chemical cleaning can be omitted if the pond is inhabited by useful plants purifying water - fontinalis, tillea, hornwort, swamp, etc., which are able to saturate it with oxygen.

UV cleaning

To clean the pond from silt, you can use the device with ultraviolet radiation, which consists of a body, a lamp inside and a special mechanism that prevents pollution of the reservoir. To create it effective work should create a replacement lamp every season.

Complete water change

If the pond is very dirty and the filtration equipment does not provide normal water purification, then it should be changed:

1. initially you need to drain the water
2. Next move the fish and plants to temporary storage
3. then clean the walls and bottom of the reservoir from debris and silt

Bottom silt is a mixture that is saturated with organic substances and does not contain oxygen. It should not be used as a fertilizer on the site, however, if you place sludge in compost pit and mix it with peat, then after a while you get a valuable fertilizer.

How to clean the pond from duckweed?

It is almost impossible to completely clean the pond from duckweed, but there is a chance to limit the reproduction of this plant.

Pay attention to the living creatures and plants that were planted in the pond. If they were taken from a natural reservoir, then duckweed can also get along with them.

At the same time, duckweed reproduces well in the presence of a large number nutrients, so try not to overfeed the fish, plants and clean the water from debris, dead organisms in a timely manner.

You can get rid of annoying duckweed with the help of floating and underwater plants - they are able to provide it with competition in the fight for oxygen, food and water. sunlight. In addition, you can launch carp or crucian carp into the pond, which feed on duckweed.

If the duckweed grows very strongly, then remove it with a rake or net. The resulting raw material can be used in the form of compost for fertilizing beds.

How to clean the pond from algae

Blue-green algae can be removed in several ways:

  • mechanical;
  • by creating a limitation of their growth factors (light, elevated temperature, excess organic matter and oxygen);
  • chemical.

Also, to clear the pond of greenery, you can use more effective method cleaning, based on the biochemical decomposition of organic elements to carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and methane in order to deprive blue-green algae of substrates for reproduction. For this, a complex of specially selected anaerobic and aerobic bacteria is used.

How experts clean ponds video:

HOW TO CLEAN A POND BY YOURSELF Many of us know how nice it is to sit by the pond on a summer evening or take a dip in it on a hot afternoon. After all, the ideal expanse of water gives a charge of the most positive emotions and completely pacifies. At the same time, quite often such a reservoir, in which there are no fish and other living creatures, has to be cleaned of pollution, since otherwise it will turn into a swamp with many mosquitoes and an unpleasant odor.

The first thing that comes to the mind of the owners is a complete replacement of water, but doing this all the time, there is a chance of going broke on paying for water supply. However, there is another method - to clean the pond with your own hands or to attract specialists for this. WHY CLEAN THE WATER? After the pond has been filled with water, in just a few days, actively multiplying microorganisms can be seen in it. In addition, the wind brings leaves, dust and other water pollutants there. HOW TO CLEAN POND WATER Cleaning of ponds involves a whole range of work, which most often can only be performed by craftsmen using special reagents and equipment. However, if you do not want to entrust them with a pond, then you can try to clean the pond yourself, initially removing floating debris from the surface.


WAYS OF CLEANING: - by means of ultra-violet radiation; - biological; - chemical; - mechanical. MECHANICAL CLEANING The easiest and most inexpensive cleaning method to get rid of unwanted debris, algae and aquatic plants. The principle of operation of such equipment is to purify water by passing it through a special container with a filter medium (quartz sand, special granules or gravel). When the filter is clogged, the water begins to flow out worse, so it's time to replace its filter element. If fine gravel was used as it, then it can be cleaned by thorough washing, and if quartz sand, then it cannot be cleaned like that. To create a pumping of water through the filter, special pumps are used. They should be selected based on the volume of the pond and the filter used. BIOLOGICAL PURIFICATION Based on the biochemical decomposition of organic elements to carbon dioxide, methane and hydrogen sulfide. Created in devices with special bacteria. Most often, this cleaning method is used in conjunction with a mechanical one. The biofilter chamber is filled with a porous substance that promotes the growth of microorganisms that feed on organic matter, which is retained by the filtration material. The volume of these filters must be adjusted taking into account the presence of fish in the pond - the more fish, the larger the filter should be. Recently, a domestic company has created a biological treatment plant for water bodies, consisting of several plastic sections filled with crustacean plankton. It floats on the surface of the pond and is filled with water that passes through the 3 cleaning sections. Oxygenated and purified water is pumped back to the deep layers of the reservoir. The installation is capable of creating water treatment up to 0.5 ha. CHEMICAL PURIFICATION In this case, chemical reagents are added to the reservoir, which: - restore the required level of acidity; - bind metal compound and ammonia; - saturate the reservoir with oxygen; - dissolve algae. Manufacturers advise to observe the dosage very carefully, because some chemicals used in large quantities are dangerous both for living creatures in the reservoir and for humans. Chemical treatment can be omitted if useful plants that purify water live in the pond - fontinalis, tillea, hornwort, swamp, etc., which are able to saturate it with oxygen. CLEANING with UV radiation.

To clean the pond from silt, you can use a device with ultraviolet radiation, which consists of a body, a lamp located inside and a special mechanism that prevents pollution of the reservoir. To make it work effectively, you should create a lamp replacement every season. COMPLETE REPLACEMENT OF WATER.

If the pond is very heavily polluted and the filtration equipment does not provide normal water purification, then it should be changed: 1. first, you need to drain the water 2. then transfer the fish and plants to a temporary storage 3. then clean the walls and bottom of the reservoir from debris and silt Recommendations Bottom silt is a mixture that is saturated with organic substances and does not contain oxygen. It should not be used as a fertilizer on the site, but if you put silt in a compost pit and mix it with peat, then after a while you will get the most valuable fertilizer. HOW TO CLEAN A POND FROM DUCKS

It is almost impossible to completely clean the pond from duckweed, but there is a chance to limit the reproduction of this plant. Pay attention to the living creatures and plants that were planted in the pond. If they were taken from a natural reservoir, then duckweed can also get along with them. At the same time, duckweed reproduces well in the presence of a large number of nutrients in the water, so try not to overfeed the fish, plants and clean the water from debris and dead organisms in a timely manner. You can get rid of annoying duckweed with the help of floating and underwater plants - they are able to provide it with competition in the struggle for oxygen, food and sunlight. In addition, you can launch carp or crucian carp into the pond, which feed on duckweed. If the duckweed grows very strongly, then remove it with a rake or net. The resulting raw material can be used in the form of compost for fertilizing beds. HOW TO CLEAN A POND FROM ALGAE.

It would seem that there is little water in such ponds, and there should be less worries. Partly it is. In a small garden pond, the water is easier to change and the sides and bottom of the pond are easier to clean. But on the other hand, a small amount of water in a plastic pond warms up faster, small pond more vulnerable to negative weather conditions- unexpected rainfall and scorching sun.

The content of the article

1. How to clean a small garden pond after winter?

From ready plastic ponds for the winter, the water is not drained to maintain its shape. But in the spring, after the ice and snow melt, it is better to replace this water with fresh water. We recommend that you follow the following sequence for cleaning and replacing water in small film ponds:

  1. Pump out old water from the pond using a drainage pump, or. If the size of the film pond allows, you can pre-collect the dirt with a pond vacuum cleaner.
  2. Clean the walls and bottom of the pond with a high-pressure water jet using a Karcher sink or a conventional watering hose with narrow spray nozzle.
  3. pump out again dirty water pond pump.
  4. In places where dirt remains, you can additionally walk with a brush or sponge, achieving cleanliness of the walls and bottom of the pond.
  5. The next step is to leave the pond without water for a while to be disinfected by the sun's rays.
  6. fill the pond clean water(tap or artesian).
  7. Connect a pond filter.
  8. To create a biological balance in the water, add directly to the water or pond filter.
  9. Connect after 2-7 days.

2. How to keep a clean pond without a filter?

Is it possible to do without a pond filter? The answer is simple: it is possible, but it is necessary to create the movement of water and use it in water.

To organize the movement of water in the pond, we recommend:

  • Series fountain pump and illuminated fountain with optional FT-04 fountain nozzle set. The fountain creates water movement and active aeration (oxygenation) when water jets are sprayed on the surface of the water;
  • To plug . For example, the super popular one is connected via the side arm on the fountain tripod;
  • Three-in-one fountain that includes both a fountain pump, a fountain head, and a built-in filter mechanical cleaning(sponges), biological treatment(natural zeolite), as well as an 11 W UV lamp;
  • Organize a small stream or. For this you will need , ;
  • As intensively as possible, plant a pond with aquatic plants. Use for this. Plants will absorb excess organic matter in the water, taking food from the algae.
To maintain the biobalance in a pond without a filter, we recommend bacteria for a long-acting pond:
  • Dry biological products trademark Biobird (used both when “starting up” a pond and when replacing water, with the right dosage, their action is enough for 3-4 months).
  • Microbelift brand liquid bacteria (added weekly in the first month, and 1-2 times a month thereafter to maintain required amount beneficial bacteria). Biological products can be added directly to the pond. Dry (powdered) in a special bag can be placed in the stream bed.
If you do not have enough space for a filter, you can only install a UV lamp that will destroy algae and harmful microorganisms. We recommend:
  • Install UV lamp or . You will need a UV lamp to operate. The UV block is easy to decorate using, for example, a decorative stone.
  • You can use a UV lamp to start by connecting the lamp through the side outlet.
  • Choose the right one ultraviolet lamp for a small pond, the table will help you:

3. How to choose a filter for a small pond?

For a small pond, the filter is selected in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. For plastic reservoirs and ponds small size it is recommended to use, with pressure and flow filters. For plastic ponds and ponds with a volume of 5000 l, we recommend a 7 W UV lamp and a 1000 l/h pump, article HLF4950. This is ready kit optimal in composition and price from the Heissner trademark.

Using a filter will allow you to keep pond fish even in a very small pond. But the filter for a pond with fish must be chosen with a margin of 2, and with koi - 3 times! For example, if the volume of water in the pond is 5 m³ with fish, the filtration kit should be 10 m³, and if there are koi in the pond - 15 m³. Be sure to pay attention to this, otherwise the filter will not cope with pollution.

When using pond filters, starter bacteria, phosphate-lowering preparations should not be abandoned, and bacteria-based pond preparations must be used for fish ponds.

For the timely removal of harmful nitrates, nitrites and ammonia from the water, as well as to reduce the level of phosphates, we recommend using:

  • Dry Biopreparation or liquid starter bacteria "Super Start". Liquid biologics work much faster and need to be applied weekly. The UV lamp is turned off for 7-10 days in case of using dry biological products and for 3 days - when using liquid ones. Biological products can be spread over the surface of the pond or poured into the filter.
  • Biopreparation "Phosphate regulator". sufficient for water volumes up to 2 m³, 500 g packaging for water volumes up to 10 m³. The biological product is supplied in special bags, which are placed inside the filter or in a stream of water. Not later than after 6 months, the drug must be replaced.

4. How to purify water from iron, clay suspension and other small particles in water?

If the water in the pond is cloudy, has a brownish tint and a characteristic smell, it has a high iron content. In order to remove iron from the water, clean the pond from clay suspension or other small particles (for example, after heavy rainfall), we recommend using:

  • Unique pond flocculant (for water volume up to 45 m³).
  • Preparation (packaging for 400 m³).

These flocculants bind fine particles into flakes, eliminate phosphates, remove algae and are absolutely safe for fish and other pond inhabitants. Preparations are placed in the stream bed or where there is water movement.

Putting a Pond Zinger inside a Dirty Harry pumped mechanical filter makes for an effective combination. Here, an intense water flow is created - ideal for the use of a flocculant, and mechanical cleaning takes place.

5. How to get rid of algae in the pond and eliminate the effect of water bloom?

In summer, on hot days, as well as after intense rains, it is not easy to cope with water blooms and purify water from blue-green and filamentous algae. Sometimes pond owners complain that the pond filter is not up to the task at such times. To purify water from algae, get rid of algae on the stones and walls of the reservoir will help you:

  • Trademark Highly Efficient Dry Bacteria Biopreparation The biopreparation is placed in the attached bag in a stream of water (in a stream or on the steps of a waterfall) or in a filter. You can evenly distribute the drug on the surface of the water. For the period of "engraftment" of bacteria (7-10 days), the UV block must be turned off, the filter must continue to work as usual.

6. How to restore a pond that has bloomed?>

If you let the pond run a little, the water in the pond is very dirty, exudes bad smell, foam, gas bubbles are visible on the surface of the water, do not despair! The case can be helped. Insofar as we are talking about small pond, you can simply drain it and fill it with new water, starting all over again. But you can do it differently.
