How to clean a garden pond, pond cleaning methods. How to clean the pond from pollution on your own site

Pollution of natural water bodies affects the entire ecosystem and threatens with consequences for humans. This is especially true for residents of nearby areas.

Evaporation from polluted water enters the air. Garbage acquires a finely dispersed form and acts on the respiratory tract and immunity. Impossible conditions for the normal life of aquatic species of flora and fauna lead to the disappearance of some of their species. These facts confirm the relevance of biological purification of water bodies and the development of new methods for this.

Types of pollution and their impact on the reservoir

To determine that the reservoir requires cleaning can be on the following grounds:

  • dirty oily film on the water,
  • abundant thickets of algae and silt,
  • bad smell,
  • turbidity of water.

Most often, rivers, lakes or ponds are clogged with household waste, tree trunks that have sunk in the water, silt. These elements worsen the state of the reservoir, as a place of vital activity of living organisms, due to the processes of decomposition and release of hazardous substances. Volumetric parts become a mechanical barrier to the movement of swimming facilities in the water, contribute to stagnation of water and inhibit self-cleaning processes.

Ways to purify water from pollution

Depending on the degree of pollution, the size of the reservoir and the nature of the pollution, a specific cleaning method is selected from the following:

  • mechanical cleaning,
  • chemical Method,
  • biological method,
  • exposure to ultraviolet light.

The most common method is mechanical. When using it, first of all, the drainage of the reservoir occurs, by pumping out water. After that, they begin to process the bottom - remove all foreign elements, debris and silt. A coating is applied to the cleaned bottom, which can be sand, small stones, clay. The cleaned reservoir is filled with fresh water. The need for drainage makes this method relevant for small lakes and ponds (including industrial ones).

There is another option for mechanical cleaning - the use of a device that filters water. He dives into the pond. Water, passing through this device, leaves small debris inside it. Filters require timely replacement for effective use device. For mechanical cleaning of the bottom, various devices are used that work on the principle of a vacuum cleaner and clean the bottom of debris and silt.

Application chemical method it is necessary with a pronounced imbalance of trace elements and their compounds in water. To do this, preliminarily conduct an analysis of the liquid. Identified in it salts of heavy metals, decay and decomposition products, for example, ammonium and its salts, require neutralization. It is necessary to carefully and accurately calculate which substances should be introduced into the water and their amount so that neutralization occurs and the water is safe for living organisms. Also, with the help of chemical treatment, the water is enriched with oxygen.

For biological purification of water, a colony of microorganisms is used. The device with aerobic and anaerobic bacteria placed inside is placed under water. These bacteria do not harm the human body and animals living in the water. In the process of their activity, the biological background of the reservoir is normalized. Pathogenic organisms are killed by competition and exposure to products that are produced in the process. biological method pond cleaning.

The question of how to clean the lake is relevant for all property owners who have such a reservoir of natural or artificial origin on the site. The purity of the lake is negatively affected by many factors, most of which are provoked by the person himself. So, sewage, rain-washed fertilizers, and even fishermen who scatter fish bait in abundance can hopelessly poison the ecosystem. In addition, the water is polluted by the waste products of the inhabitants of the pond, the reproduction of algae or debris that is brought by the wind. In the absence of proper care, the coast is overgrown with weeds and reeds. This situation can lead to the fact that in just a few years the once clean and picturesque lake will turn into a fetid swamp, teeming with snakes and mosquitoes. It is worth considering ways to clean the pond with your own hands and keep it clean for decades.

Complete cleaning with flushing

A similar decision is made in cases where the reservoir is so polluted that it is simply impossible to clean it in other ways. Before you clean the pond from perennial sediment and plants that have grown over its entire surface, you need to make sure that the drained liquid will not harm the buildings and plots of neighbors.

Complete cleansing of the lake is carried out in the following order:

  1. A ditch is dug to the drain. If this is not possible, then the water is pumped out using a pump. The entrance to the ditch and the intake pipe must be equipped with a mesh so as not to pump out useful plants, fish and insects.
  2. When a little liquid remains at the bottom, fish and crayfish are collected with a net. If available beautiful plants, whose roots are fixed at the bottom, then they are carefully dug out. Flora and fauna are transferred to a reserve reservoir, where there is enough water for their temporary stay.
  3. The bottom of the pond is cleaned from accumulated debris. Tires, flooded stumps and tree trunks are removed, concrete blocks and steel structures. If these items are left, then silt and debris will accumulate in them.
  4. All silt, dirt and household waste from human activity is removed. If the catchment area is large and the bottom is deep, then it is better to clean the lake with an excavator with a mounted dump. The collected sludge can be taken to the field, where it will be used as fertilizer.
  5. The shore is cleared of weeds. The most effective result is the use of a bulldozer. Only with the help of a blade can you remove the roots of the reeds. After that, the shore is covered with fine gravel and sifted sand.
  6. This is followed by planting ornamental plants and installation of stationary treatment equipment. The cleared pit is filled clean water. 2-3 days after it settles, you can launch fish, crayfish, insects and amphibians into the lake.

Easy to clean a pond or lake (video)

Mechanical cleaning of polluted lakes

You can clean them up in the following ways:

  1. With the use of an underwater vacuum cleaner. Using various nozzles, you can systematically clean the most intricate and difficult areas of the bottom from debris, silt and algae. The substance extracted from the bottom is collected in a mobile tank, which is emptied as it is filled.
  2. Homemade dredge. This device is made according to the design of the dredge. This will require several buckets weighted with lead from old batteries, a gate and a conveyor. At large volume work on the dredger is installed engine.
  3. Using various hand tools. Garbage from the surface is collected with a net and a rake. Silt from the bottom is selected with a net or a steel box with holes. Large objects are hooked by the cat and pulled out of the water with the help of muscle power or a car.

You can get rid of unwanted vegetation on the shore by freezing it. To do this, before the onset of winter, the soil is loosened with a pitchfork or walk-behind tractor. Cold, penetrating to the roots of plants, destroys them throughout the plowing area. During the warm season, the strip of terrain along the lake should be regularly mowed. This will get rid of most weeds.

How to clean the pond with your own hands (video)

Chemical and biological treatment of lakes

When deciding how to clean up a pond, many aspects need to be evaluated, including environmental and financial cost factors. In addition, not all owners of land allotments have the opportunity to spend time on mechanical cleaning of various sizes.

In order to bring the lake into a state of natural purity, the following methods are used:

  1. Biological cleaning system. It is a biofilter installed in different places reservoir. Each biofilter consists of three or more connecting containers, which contain bacteria that decompose organic matter. Passing through the filter system, algae spores, fish excrement and other organic matter decomposes into carbon dioxide, methane and hydrogen sulfide. These gases are removed from the water and dissolved in the atmosphere without harming anyone.
  2. Chemical water treatment. The principle of operation of the reagents is based on the dissolution of organic substances and the replacement of carbon dioxide with oxygen. Chemicals are added to the lake in the form of a solution or powder. The concentration and amount of a substance is determined by the characteristics of the reservoir. The amount of reagent should be carefully calculated so as not to harm aquatic inhabitants.

You can fix the result with ultraviolet lamps that destroy bacteria, microorganisms and small algae.

Reviews and comments

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Eva 01/16/2017

The cost of regular cleaning of the reservoir and its maintenance can always be covered by the profit from fish farming. This is both pleasant and useful at the same time, even though initial stage you need to work out all the nuances and invest some money. The main thing is to work hard to think everything through, establish contacts and find a sales market, the main thing is the desire and focus on results.

Evgenii-Ilunin-vkontakte 10.02.2017

Good day, I want to make a small pond on suburban area. I would like to launch crucians and carps there. For fishing, what size should the pond be and what requirements must be met so that the fish can live and grow in peace and that it is important to survive the winter. Do you need any water filters? I would also like to know how it is possible to cover the bottom (stones, sand) so as not to get stuck in clay when you bathe and do not harm the fish.

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, Cleaning the pond with a dredger

How to clean the reservoir?

Sooner or later, all owners face the problem of water pollution. water bodies. Silting of the bottom, abundant growth of algae and reeds, littering of the shores gradually turn favorite place rest in the swamp. Before the landowner in this case, the question arises - what to do with a neglected reservoir? Fall asleep, and sow a beautiful lawn in its place, or restore the pond by clearing silt and vegetation. And, in that case, how to clean a pond?

In order to determine the method of cleaning the reservoir, you must carefully analyze the current situation that you are faced with. If the reservoir is flowing, then the bulk of the litter and bottom sediments come to you along with the current. Therefore, in front of the existing reservoir, it is necessary to provide small pond- sump. It is a pond of any size, in which water enters through a stream or diversion channel, and leaves through a small channel, or a fence in the form of vegetation. The fact is that in this sump, the water will dramatically change the speed of movement, which will cause the deposition of unwanted particles in this very place of the channel expansion. If the reservoir is closed, and is fed only by underground springs, then after such work, how to clean up a pond, you need to think about a water purification system. Elements of mechanical and ultraviolet cleaning will keep the quality of water in an exemplary order all year round.

Let's get back to our main question, how to clean a pond? This can be done in several ways. The easiest option is to fit an excavator to the pond, and gradually scoop out heavily watered silt along with algae and bottom rubbish. The difficulty may be that the arrow with the bucket will not reach the middle of the reservoir. Yes, and liquid sludge is very difficult to transport somewhere due to large quantity there is water in it. Leaving it on the shore is like shifting from one part of the reservoir to another, the first heavy downpour will wash everything back into the channel. It will be much more efficient to carry out work after draining the reservoir. In this case, the equipment will be able to enter the channel and clean the channel much better. Dried sludge can be easily loaded into dump trucks and taken away. In this case, it is important to pay great attention to preventing the rise of the water level so as not to drown the equipment.

If it is not possible to drain the pond due to a large number incoming water, it will be more convenient to apply the hydromechanization method. How to clean a pond using this method? It is necessary to have equipment with a pump of a special type, which, together with the suction water, can remove silt deposits and transport them through a pipeline to the place of release. Depending on the type of sludge, its amount in the pumped liquid can vary from 10 to 50 percent. On the shore of the reservoir, you need to prepare a special silt map in which silt will linger, and water will be discharged back into the reservoir through special channels. Thus, sludge can be pumped out to the extent that the sludge map is designed for. The main feature of such work is the mandatory presence of experienced hydraulic engineers who are well acquainted with the processes of hydromechanization.

Another way to clean a full-flowing reservoir is to use floating special equipment that can work from the surface of the water. These are special amphibians and floating excavators, main feature which is the presence of a floating platform that allows them to move freely on land and water. Scoop devices allow you to lift silt from the bottom of the reservoir from any point. Usually, such mechanisms are accompanied by special dredging pontoons, which, as they are filled with flooded soil, are transported to the place of unloading.

Summing up the above, I would like to give advice to those who are thinking about this topic, how to clean a pond: if you plan to carry out work in a short time with minimal costs, contact the experts, at least for advice.

To launch fish into it and plant algae. To achieve positive result, it is necessary to constantly monitor the quality of the water, because fish will not live in a polluted environment, most likely, frogs will start in the reservoir. If it is nevertheless contaminated, it is necessary to bring it back to normal, in order to do it correctly, it is important to follow the recommendations. How to properly clean the pond and will be discussed in this article.

Main types and sources of pollution

Since the reservoir is under open sky on the territory of the site, it is primarily exposed to natural and mechanical pollution. We single out three main groups of polluting sources:

  • Leaves, small and large debris brought by the wind.
  • Fine biological rubbish - parts of plants, insects, microorganisms and their vital waste.
  • Large biological rubbish - worms, mice, creeps, large earthworms.

At very heavy pollution water needs to be changed. To do this, it is pumped out with the help of pumps, cleaned, silt, algae and other blockages are removed.

At this time, the fish are placed in the aquarium. Dried and cleaned plants are planted again. After all stages of cleaning, new filter systems are installed and water is pumped.

Only after the water in the pond has warmed up can the fish be released back, otherwise temperature changes can adversely affect its health. This takes several days.

When using all cleaning methods, as well as carrying out these activities, you can not worry about the purity of the water in your pond. In addition, periodic cleaning will allow you not to carry out a complete replacement.


All reservoirs, which are called ponds, are divided into several groups.

First- These are those reservoirs that have an area of ​​\u200b\u200bless than 100 m2.

Many biologists call such ecological systems "puddles" because they have a small volume, and natural biological balance is not obtained. In order for life to develop in such ponds, they must be constantly filtered artificially.

If you do not take care of the reservoir, then blue-green algae can begin to bloom in it, and aquatic inhabitants will die en masse. Almost all ponds that are created in the garden are called "puddles".

Many owners of such ponds are often offended by such an unusual name. But this is not worth doing, because such a term is used by professional biologists, it helps them to clearly and conveniently classify the system.

Second group- these are reservoirs with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bmore than 100 m2, and even reaching several hectares, they are classified as an ecological system called "pond". It is further divided into 3 groups:

  • 1) small ponds - from 100 to 1000 m2;
  • 2) ponds of medium size - from 1000 to 5000 m2;
  • 3) ponds large sizes, area from 5000 m2 and above.

In such groups of ponds, it is possible to maintain a natural biological balance, if only the pond was built along all technical standards, properly populated with fish, and all plants are planted correctly. This means that the reservoir should be closed, if possible, to function independently and the natural balance is maintained with the help of the internal processes of the reservoir.

Here it will be necessary to filter the water only during certain periods, namely when algae bloom en masse. Today, to create a private pond in Russia, you need to have a large land plot, for example, a couple of hectares in size, or even more.

There is one case where a small number of gardeners began to cooperate and built one very large pond for everyone, they put their houses around it.

These situations are very, very rare. therefore, we will consider the main problems of cleaning private artificial reservoirs of various sizes.

To keep the pond clean it must be constantly looked after. To begin with, it is necessary to protect the reservoir from the ingress of various mechanical pollutants, which will adversely affect all living things in the water space.

Good biologists will certainly be able to support life in a reservoir without using special equipment. But amateurs always have to use all sorts of devices to clean their reservoir.

Cleaning methods

To date, there are 4 most common ways to purify water:

  • mechanical;
  • biological;
  • chemical;
  • ultraviolet radiation.

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To get rid from mechanical debris use mechanical cleaning. For normalization of nutrients is used biological treatment .

To get rid of single-celled algae and bacteria, you need to use cleaning with ultraviolet rays. To normalize chemical composition reservoirs use chemical treatment.

The cheapest and easiest way to get rid of pond debris, excess algae or aquatic plants is to use mechanical cleaning.

It works on the principle of moving water through a certain container, which contains various porous materials, such as gravel, quartz sand, or something else. All unnecessary substances are retained and deposited in the filter. If the material to be filtered is very small, even the smallest foreign particles will settle in the filter.

If the device is clogged, then it must be cleaned. This point is very noticeable, as the water comes out of it very slowly. To do the cleaning, you need to get everything that has accumulated there and the filtration material from the container, then it is all disposed of, a new filtration material is poured into a clean container, which can be bought in specialized stores, often where filtering equipment is sold.

Many gardeners wash the filter material, but in some cases this is simply not realistic, for example, if such material is sand, but such manipulations will easily pass with gravel.

All the water that enters the filter is moved by the pump. The power of the pump must be selected taking into account the volume of the pond and the parameters of the filter that is installed.

Pond pollution

There are several types of pond pollution.

Firstit's just getting a lot of mechanical debris, for example, fallen leaves, twigs, needles, pollen from flowers, dried plants, fluff, various household waste, plastic bags. For several days, the garbage floats on the surface of the pond, and then begins to sink to the bottom of the reservoir, where it continues to rot and decompose.

The second type of "dirty" pond is when an oily film appears on the surface of the water. Then the pond starts to smell bad. And if the water in the reservoir is very cloudy, then it smells no better.

The next type of pollution is the loss or reduction of species diversity, that is, the growth of one particular species over the entire reservoir and the displacement of other plants. Such plants can be - duckweed, blue-green algae, cattail.

Blue green algae release dangerous toxins during their blooms, affecting both fish and humans. If the formation of gases has increased in water bodies, then this is also a sign of pollution. And all this must be actively fought.

Oil pollution, that is, chemicals are very rare. This often happens if water enters the pond along with heavy rains, and as a result it flows from highways or areas close to industrial enterprises. If gasoline from a lawnmower gets into the pond, then you should not worry too much, as aquatic microorganisms will quickly cope with it.

If the fish is sick in the reservoir, then it can also be classified as polluted. From the point of view of biologists, a reservoir is considered polluted if its ecological system is not balanced. This statement is absolutely true, because all the listed types of pollution appear due to a loss of balance.

There are only 2 reasons for pond pollution. Firstly, it is a large accumulation of organic matter, which is located at the bottom of the body; harmful fungi and bacteria often live in it. Because of this, the amount of oxygen in the water is greatly reduced. And this, in turn, leads to the appearance of an oily film on the water and the growth of duckweed.

The next cause of pollution, are biogenic substances such as the compound of phosphorus and nitrogen. Such compounds appear from the vital activity of fish and animals and the process of decomposition of dried plants. The consequences of this is the growth of vegetation under water, blue-green algae, which receive nutrition precisely from phosphorus.

Hornwort, pondweed and others can become unwanted plants. Another consequence of the mass appearance of biogenic substances is the stratification of the water column, and even very strong. The first 50 cm of the upper layer of water warms up well, and at the bottom the water is very cold and dark, so it's hard to see it.

To carry out mechanical cleaning you can just use an ordinary net and catch all the garbage that floats on the surface of the water.

If you are too lazy to clean the reservoir manually, it is better to use a device called Skimmer, from the German company OASE. The filter is a small plastic tank, which has a volume of 1.4 liters, and at the bottom there is a special grill, it is also called a basket.

This device is placed in a pond. The basket sits just below the surface of the water and the liquid with all the dirt and debris gets into it. All the trapped water is poured back into the reservoir using a special pump, which is attached to the filter apparatus. All debris and dirt remain on the basket, which can overflow, so the grate needs to be cleaned periodically.

This is very simple to do, you need to get it out of the water and shake out the collected debris and dirt, and then put the basket back into the water to continue your work. When the device is placed very far from the shore, it can be simply reached with a stick, which will pick up the device by a special hook. Skimmer is best paired with Promax and Aquamax pumps that can pump 50-250 liters per hour.

To perform mechanical cleaning of the walls and bottom of the reservoir, you can try an “underwater vacuum cleaner” from the manufacturer HOZELOCK called HEISSNER or Cyprivas, as well as Pondovas from the manufacturer OASE. "Underwater vacuum cleaner" is very similar to a vacuum cleaner, which does not suck in air, but polluted water with various impurities of algae, silt, and plant remains.

The width of the gap into which water is sucked can be increased from 2 mm to 10 mm. But it is better not to make the gap very large, as fry or any other organisms can get into it. Yes, of course, they can be released back after cleaning the tank, but in some cases, the fry may not live to see these actions.

In general, the vacuum cleaner kit has additional nozzles with which you can clean off algae growths on stones or get into hard-to-reach places in a reservoir. So you can perfectly clean your pond, which has a diameter of up to 10 meters. When the vacuum cleaner is working, it stands on the shore, and the garbage suction hose has a length of 5 meters.

The waste container can hold about 30 liters. When the container is completely filled with sludge, it turns off. To remove the accumulated garbage, you just need to use a special drain hose and remove the silt in drainage ditch which is done in advance.

Such a vacuum cleaner is best used in reservoirs made of artificial materials, such as concrete, film and others. If there are pebbles larger than 10 mm at the bottom, then it will not affect the cleaning process in any way.

There is such a type of purification as biological, it is based on the decomposition of proteins, carbons and fats, that is, organic substances. They decompose to methane, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide.

This type of cleaning is performed by anaerobic and aerobic bacteria, which are placed in separate devices. Such devices can be purchased at any store that focuses on this area of ​​\u200b\u200bproducts.

The biological filter has a porous substance inside, which is necessary for the settlement of microorganisms that will eat organic matter. These microorganisms will be retained in the filter by the porous material.

The amount and size of the substance needed for filtering is calculated from the size of the pond and the presence of fish there. Naturally, where there is fish, more intensive cleaning is needed, as the reservoir is exposed to more pollution.

One of the options for creating a biological filtration of a reservoir is to build a small dam next to the main reservoir. No fish are kept in it, since this place should be home to crustacean zooplankton, which will filter the water.

The amount of water in the additional reservoir should be greater than in the main one. And the border between reservoirs is made out by stones. The principle of such filtration is that the pump pumps a certain amount of water into an additional reservoir, when it is cleaned, it flows over the stones into the main pond.

Water hardness and acidity

Regardless of where the water in the pond comes from, it has different properties. These qualities are acidity and hardness of water. The degree of hardness of water can be determined by counting the amount of magnesium and calcium salts in it.

There are such degrees of rigidity: 1) less than 4 mg l; eq/dm3 is soft water; 2) from 4 to 8 mg l equiv/dm3 - average water hardness; 3) from 8 to 12 mg l equiv/dm3 - hard water; 4) above 12 mg l equiv / dm3 - very hard water.

If the degree of water is too hard, then various deposits will appear on the parts of the pump that are in the water, filtering equipment, which will soon disable all equipment.

If the degree of water hardness is very soft, then plants may develop poorly in it and such water is not suitable for the life of fish, because it contains little nutrients.

In specialized stores for gardeners, they sell test kits and indicators with which you can measure the degree of water hardness. One such instrument is the sera pH-Test. The most normal level of hardness for water in a pond is 7 mg l eq / dm3, according to German degrees of hardness it is 200 dH.

Consider the determination of the acidity of water in a pond. Acidity is calculated from the hydrogen pH level. Its change depends on the appearance of phosphates, lime, nitrates in the pond, the processes of decay of any substances.

The neutral pH value is 7, if the pH level in the water is below 7, then the water is considered acidic, if it is higher, it is alkaline. The level of acidity of the water must be measured after a certain period of time, as it can change, for example, if any precipitation has fallen. The level of acidity can change under the influence of ultraviolet rays, which create new chemical compounds in water.

To determine the pH level, it is better to use drip tests, because they are much better than indicator papers, which are not easy to determine the exact readings. Drop test manufacturers are sera, tetra, OASA and others.

If the pH level ranges from 6.5 to 8.5, then fish and plants can live in such water, but if the level is lower or higher than these indicators, then the water is dangerous for the life of living organisms.

The occurrence of an acidic environment is due to the ingress of water flowing from peatlands into the pond, if this happens, then it is necessary to partially replace the water or add chemicals that normalize the pH level, for example, limestone.

If the pond is made of concrete or artificial stones, then basically an alkaline environment arises. To avoid this, it is necessary to paint over all concrete surfaces during the construction of the pond.

Well, if an alkaline environment nevertheless appeared, then you need to remove a large amount of algae from the water and add elements that neutralize lime there.

But you can do without such drastic measures, since some plants can also neutralize the alkaline environment. These plants are rough seaweed (Chara aspera), curly pondweed (Patamogeton crispus).

On the first plant, lime simply settles in a crust. If the alkalinity of the water is greatly increased, then you can add peat bags to it or peat tablets, which will significantly lower the pH level and make the water softer.

Chemical cleaning

If you add new ones to the pond chemical substances, then the normal level of water acidity will be restored. This will bind ammonia, harmful metal compounds, the amount of oxygen will increase rapidly, and unnecessary algae will disappear. Many necessary funds are produced by such companies as OASE, sera, HEISSNER, TETRA and others.

The cost of such funds is $ 10-20 per 500 ml. The main types of products are “oxygen stabilizers”, “pH+”, “pH-”, “hardness degree” and others. If you decide to use any chemicals, then remember that not following all the norms and dosages will lead to negative consequences for you and the inhabitants of your reservoir.

But basically, all drugs are created so that in the future they can decompose into safe substances, for example, into carbon dioxide and water.

But it is not necessary to use chemicals to clean the reservoir, because useful plants live in the pond. They are called oxygenators - these are tillea, urut, hornwort, swamp, and others. All of these plants help increase the level of oxygen in the water.

Another type of cleaning is sorption cleaning, it is very similar to chemical cleaning, with the only difference that it uses zeolite minerals. These minerals are placed in filter chambers or screens that are simply lowered into the water.

Zeolite minerals are a "porous crystal" that has a liquid framework. With the help of them, ammonium and phosphorus are removed from the water. The dosage of such a mineral is 500 g - 1 kg per 1000 liters, this will help maintain balance in the reservoir for up to 1 year.

Chemical cleaning ultraviolet rays. This is another way to purify water. The wavelength used in ultraviolet radiation, is 180-300 nm.

Such radiation strongly affects viruses, namely their DNA, microalgae, bacteria. This cleaning method practically "kills" microorganisms.

A filter that works with ultraviolet rays looks like a housing along with a lamp that is inside this housing. Another element of such an apparatus is a mechanism that protects the lamp from getting algae on it.

This design is represented by a plastic rim, which is sheathed inside with foam rubber, and the movement occurs with the help of a handle, which is located on the outer part of the case. For cleaning to work properly long time, you need to change the lamp after 1-2 seasons.

You need to select a device for ultraviolet cleaning depending on the volume of the pond. Today there are many manufacturers of UV cleaners, such as Bitron, HEISSNER and others.

The HEISSNER Aqua UV 8 product is used for ponds up to 5000 liters, this company also has products for ponds up to 10 thousand liters, 15 thousand liters. But for large bodies of water, it is better to use several ultraviolet disinfectants.

Pond water

Where to get pond water? After all, it shows how the pond will be suitable for the life of fish and plants. To obtain necessary water you need to evaluate your resources. For example, if there is a well or spring near you, then you can fill the pond with water from these sources.

But for this, you first need to check the purity of the water, it may be contaminated or contaminated with any harmful substances. Almost all wells in the Moscow region are not suitable for filling ponds, as they contain a large amount of iron.

Those springs that are located near the highways constantly contain impurities of oil that fall there after heavy rains.

That is precisely why it is better to use water that has gone through many stages of preparation for use on the farm. Purification takes place to remove iron and soften water.

There are some central water pipes that have a high chlorine content. To use such water for a pond, you first need to draw it into a regular tank, wait a while for all the chlorine content to disappear, and then boldly fill your pond with this water.

Also, the pond can be filled with rainwater, which does not contain nitrates, phosphates, lime and is quite soft. There are few nutrients in such water, and this is very good for you, since algae in the reservoir will not multiply much.

But the use of rainwater is not very efficient, since it takes a long time to collect it, and this is not always possible, especially for large reservoirs.

Selection of filter devices

How to choose a filter device for your reservoir? by the most the best option there will be an appeal to specially trained people, because they will always help you choose good equipment that is perfect for your reservoir, they will take into account all your wishes and comments.

Experts will take into account all the features of any reservoir. The individual properties of the pond are the dimensions, depth, bottom profile, illumination, the number of living organisms, namely plants and fish.

Those ponds that are filled with running water are cleaned less frequently than those that are filled artificially. Indeed, in stagnant water bodies, the death of fish is very large, since the water does not change on its own, unlike flowing ponds.

Illumination of the pond is of no small importance for the choice of cleaning equipment. Normal cleaning should go through 3 stages - mechanical cleaning, UV water clarification, biological cleaning. These 3 types of cleaning can be done in any order, for example, the first is UV water clarification, the second is mechanical cleaning, and the last is biological cleaning.

If this cleaning sequence is used, then mechanical cleaning will collect all suitable debris and waste after UV water clarification.

The owner of the pond must understand that if you buy only 1 filter, then this will not help much to protect the pond from pollution. For comparison, consider UV water clarifiers and mechanical cleaning.

With ultraviolet radiation, algae particles remain and it is simply impossible to do without mechanical cleaning, since all debris that cannot be cleaned by UV will remain floating on the surface of the water.

Also, if the biological filter works by itself, it simply will not have time to cope with all the debris and it will have to be cleaned very often.

Algae bloom

Part of the reservoir at a depth of 50-70 cm should not be very large. Shallow water should occupy 1/3 of the surface area. Such a prescription is given by specialists in this field, because in the spring the shallow water is rapidly heated, and because of this, the sediments of dead plants, animals, fish, waste products of the animal world, at the bottom begin to release nitrogen, phosphorus and other nutrients.

They enter the water column and produce the basis for microalgae blooms. Such flowering is not desirable, and sometimes it develops too quickly and quite massively. Because of this, the microalgae die off.

Dead microalgae begin to rot and lead to a decrease in oxygen in the water, and this leads to new consequences, such as rotting of the pond itself and the death of fish.

Outbreaks of these negative algal blooms can occur throughout summer period. And if the pond is shallow, then this phenomenon will be repeated much more often.

In order for the processes of algal bloom to be much less, it is necessary to make the pond deep enough. For the climate middle lane It is enough for Russia to make a pond more than 2.5 meters deep. This will significantly soften and increase the time of warming up the bottom of the reservoir.

To reduce the development of algae with a single-cell structure, you need to protect the pond from the penetration of a large amount of sunlight, for example, plant tall plants around or those that will float on the water, you can also install a gazebo from the south and much more.

To create a shadow, it is better not to use duckweed, as it quickly spreads through the reservoir and soon prevents oxygen from entering the water.

In shallow water, there is always submerged vegetation, it feeds on all nutrients at the bottom and protects the reservoir from the rapid growth of algae. There are also filter-feeding organisms.

All various types of cleaning are carried out mainly with one device, but there are also multi-chamber ones that include several types of cleaning. In multi-chamber devices, water is pumped sequentially, and then passes through a number of compartments.

The first compartment carries out mechanical cleaning, namely, it retains large elements of dirt and debris, which are then easily removed.

The second compartment carries out biological treatment, which, in turn, is divided into 3 more chambers. This compartment contains volcanic granulate, in which filter-feeding microorganisms live.

The third compartment carries out sorption purification using zeobacterlite, a natural rock. This breed filters ammonia or other toxic substances, and then binds them.

A UV water purifier can be installed to such equipment. OASE has released a multi-chamber system called BIOsys, which combines biological filtration and UV disinfection. The number of chambers for filtration is selected from the volume of the pond, as well as the presence of flora and fauna.

You can select the equipment yourself, but it is better to use the devices of one company, this will give you the opportunity to be sure that you still assemble the device correctly, and it will work fine.

Consider an example: you have a pond measuring 5x7 m and a depth of 0.7 m. This is the most standard pond in which you can follow the fish. 24.5 m3 is the volume of the reservoir, in total 12 adult carp can be bred here. Plants are planted so that 1/3 of the surface of the reservoir is covered with it.

Now we will select equipment for cleaning the reservoir according to the above parameters. We will need three Biotec 10 chambers and 2 Bitron 25 UV water clarifiers. These five elements can be assembled into one unit. Together with these filters, it is better to use a pump called Aqua-max 10000, which has a power of 110 watts. With such an assembled system, 12 thousand liters of water can be processed per hour.

If your pond is inhabited by sturgeon, koi, sterlet, then a more delicate cleaning is necessary, as these fish react strongly to changes in their habitat. On the contrary, if there are no fish in your pond, then this will greatly facilitate the matter, because the selected equipment will be able to purify about 50 m3 of water.

The performance of the pump may decrease when it is below the level of the filtration system, this may be due to a change in water height. If this happens, then it is better to use equipment with more power. You can select it by the filter options.

If the volume of the pond is somewhere around 10 m3, then the water should be filtered in it at least 5-6 times a day. And if, on the contrary, the pond is large, about 2000 m3, then it is enough for the water to pass only one round of filtration per day. For the correct placement of filtration devices, such a principle is used that there are no stagnant zones in the pond.

All filtration equipment begins to be used in April-May, that is, when the air warms up to + 15 ° C, and they stop - somewhere in September-October. Filters should be running all the time, and you can turn them off only during cleaning.

To connect equipment for filtration work, you need to combine it with electrical panel control, which has a residual current device (RCD). If any unforeseen situation occurs, for example, damage to the pump motor, any cable, then the RCD turns off the electricity supply 10 ms after the incident has occurred.

The entire cable has a good strong, armored insulation, which makes it possible to place the cable under rocks or just step on it. Garden sockets, RCDs can be bought separately from all equipment.

Filtration equipment is almost always placed on the shore of a reservoir, but there are exceptions, some devices are immersed in water. Sometimes filters spoil the view and it is better to disguise them with some decorations, for example, stones or place them in large bushes.

Extra care

Today, there are many additional devices on the market that work no worse than the main ones. Such devices include a skimmer and a water vacuum cleaner.

It is not necessary to buy such equipment, but it will help reduce the number of handmade. Such a device as a skimmer is a bit like a garden net, which will help get rid of debris on the surface of the reservoir.

If tall trees grow around the pond, especially poplar, chestnut or shrubs, they can heavily pollute the water with leaves, down or flowers. Some gardening experts believe that trees should be planted at a distance from the height of the tree trunk, but this rule is considered unofficial.

Less hassle of caring for a pond can bring it correct location. The pond should be placed along the prevailing winds. If you do this, the wind will blow all the leaves, pollen and other light debris to the shore, and you need to have time to remove all the debris from the reservoir until it sinks to the bottom.

Another additional care method is to mix water and chemicals, and you can also use zeolite and nets with peat.

These procedures, which are carried out a small number of times, help restore the system in one parameter, for example, balance acidity, hardness, increase the presence of oxygen, and reduce the amount of foam. Some gardeners only clean their ponds with chemicals for most of the season.

During autumn, when the leaves fall, you can stretch a net over your pond that will protect your pond, but you don’t have to give up other filtering devices. The density of the mesh can vary from 1 to 2 cm.

To make it convenient, stakes are hammered on different banks, between which a rope is pulled. And just throw the net over a stretched rope, it will look like a small tent. At a time when a significant amount of leaves has accumulated on the surface of the net, it can be freed from them simply by chucking ashore, and then dispose of them.

Complete water change

If after repeated cleanings the pond still remains dirty, then it is necessary to carry out a complete or partial replacement of water. To perform such actions, you must first release the water from the reservoir, transport all living organisms to specially prepared premises for temporary residence. Next, remove all debris remaining at the bottom of the pond, and then fill the reservoir with new, clean water.

How to understand that a water change in a reservoir is necessary? There is such folk way, which is often used by experts, lower a snow-white plate 10 cm under water, if it is not visible, then this is a sign that you need to replace the water.

Many argue that it is possible to clean any body of water, large or small, using only modern filters. This is of course possible in rare cases, but it will take a lot of money and time. Therefore, in very polluted reservoirs, it is better to replace the water with clean water, because a rotten smell or an oily film will be very difficult to remove with filtration systems.

One of the problems that arises when replacing water is the collection of sediments at the bottom of the reservoir. Everyone knows that the silt at the bottom does not contain oxygen and has rich organic matter. That is, you need to prepare a special place where silt will be removed from the bottom, because then nothing will grow in this place due to the composition of the silt.

You can make fertilizer from silt and peat if their ratio is 30% to 70%. After 5-6 years, the mixture will be an excellent fertilizer, unless the silt has any chemicals in its composition. Silt itself can also be used as a fertilizer, but if you add it in small doses - 3-5% of the entire mixture.

Pond in winter

In winter, the reservoir is in danger of freezing and death of the inhabitants due to a lack of oxygen in the water. In order for the whole pond and its inhabitants not to freeze to the bottom, you need to make it deep; for central Russia, a depth of 2 meters will be enough.

If the reservoirs are not deep, then fish and plants in winter must be determined in special room, which will preserve their viability, and in the future they will be able to return back to the reservoir. The mass death of living creatures in the pond is due to the small amount of oxygen in the water and the presence of hydrogen sulfide there.

So the water becomes unpleasant in smell and begins to stink of rotten substances, so most of the fish die. If a hole is made on the surface of the reservoir, then such consequences can be avoided.

And it is not necessary to break the ice every day, you can simply cover the hole with an ordinary wooden lid, if the frosts are small, then this method of protecting the hole will be quite effective.

If plants such as rush, cattail, calamus are left in the water in the fall, then in winter they will help oxygen enter the unfrozen water, and the accumulated gases go out. There are also many devices-aerators that help supply oxygen to the bottom of the reservoir.

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