Dream (real life love story). Love stories Romantic dream with a girl story

"I won't give you up to anyone!" - he tightly pressed me to him, my heart was ready to jump out of happiness, and butterflies were flying in my stomach ... Birds sang around, the smells of herbs tickled my nostrils and the sound of a stream running nearby echoed his words: “I won’t give it to anyone, I won’t give it to anyone ...” I opened eyes. It was a dream. Sunlight flooded the whole room, my heart was beating wildly ... again this dream. His voice, hugs, smell, physique, everything is so real and close, I can’t see only his face. This dream is repeated more and more often. Maybe I'm going crazy?

I have holidays. The session was excellent. Summer. Gotta do something. With a cup of tea I get to the computer. A dating site has recently become a familiar place for me to spend time. A bunch of messages - nothing to read. A few offers to become a mistress and this is without seeing me in real life. Those who are easier immediately offer to just sleep. A few more people are interested in having children and living conditions, as if we already know each other and are going to live as a family. Everything! I put a daw in front of everyone and ... there are no more messages! I'm going to look at the photos of potential suitors. They are funny, these guys. Tall, short, with cars, children and dogs for the purpose of dating, creating a family, and when communicating, everything is simple - sex at night. Well, let's look at today's judges. I idly flip through the pages of photos. Not a single interesting face ... Oh! A new copy ... Muscles, tattoos and waist-deep in water - a handsome man! And on the face a mask without emotions. Well, now I'm on it and come off, it is unlikely that he will be able to connect more than two words in a sentence. Roman, 32 years old, single, car, apartment, hobbies - sports. Interesting…

-Well, how much patience do you need to fill such a tattoo?
- I'm in no hurry. I am patient! Life taught.
-What is it like?
-I'm an athlete. Yes, and occupation obliges.
-I wonder what you do? Athlete is great!
-I'm a bandit!
- Good joke! Ha ha ha!
-I'm not kidding.

I sit and stare blankly at the monitor. The first time I do not know what to say, or rather write. There are a lot of thoughts in my head. Lies? Can't communicate? Well, why isn't he human? After all, everyone wants to be happy. Interest in this guy interrupted all bad thoughts and we continued. About life values, about relationships between people, well, everyone told about himself. It turned out that it was not at all scary to communicate with him. Then each of us went to do our own business, agreed to meet online in the evening. From that day on, I lived on the Internet day and night. We wrote to each other a lot. He carved out minutes in his schedule, I tried by all means to get online as often as possible. A month later, we knew almost everything about each other. But he did not offer to meet, and he did not call on the phone. And I really wanted to hear the voice and see the person in real life. He said that he was far away and could not come yet. And I dreamed of a meeting, I was irresistibly drawn to him, it seemed that I had never experienced such a feeling for anyone.

I never imagined that the internet could be so addictive. I heard a lot about the fact that all online dating is nonsense and practically ends with nothing. That people have been sitting on sites for years, but they never meet. That the internet is a disease. Still, I didn't believe it would happen to me. And I waited. He called. We couldn't talk. Every day we talked for hours and it seemed to me that I was the happiest. And then he arrived. The day I've been waiting for and wanting the most has arrived. Here he is tall, handsome, kind - he was the man from my dream. The smell, the physique, the voice, everything matched. I did not understand what was happening, I did not believe that this could be so. Emotions flooded both mind and body.

Meetings were infrequent and mostly on business. He was sick, I treated him.

There was nothing between us except simple communication, but it was the coolest communication in the last 10 years. The other guys just didn't exist for me. I couldn't even think of anyone. A year has passed.

The calls became less frequent, and his voice became cold and demanding. There were no more meetings. The sent SMS received a report of non-delivery. I dialed his number: “The subscriber turned off the phone or is out of network coverage!” The icy tone of the operator repeated this phrase tirelessly. World turned upside down. There was a fog in my head and the earth left from under my feet. Where is he? What about him? How could this happen? After all, always changing his number, he immediately wrote it to me. We were always in touch, even when we could not be. Always warned each other about any changes. So what happened? Roared for three days, tired of all her friends, lost sleep and appetite, became like a shadow. Life is over. And the phone was silent. Days, weeks, I tried to find at least some connection with him. A friend, unable to bear my suffering, after much persuasion, took me to a healer grandmother, with assurances that she would bring complete clarity to my situation. I do not believe in these people, except for pumping money, they do not know how, but it was, albeit tiny, but a chance to find out where he was. I took a photo of my beloved and at 5 in the morning we went to take a queue to the witch. There was a huge queue at 7 am.

Mothers with children, men and women of different ages, all stood and looked impatiently at the cherished door, where a seer known throughout the region worked miracles. We were in the middle. And besides laughter, looking at this whole circus, there was nothing on my face. I sincerely did not understand why I was here, but the irresistible desire to know that there was nothing wrong with him was stronger than me, and I, like the whole crowd, waited and looked at the cherished door. The reception has begun. The people standing in line ahead of us were melting before our eyes, the question was spinning in my head, how can you help in 5 minutes? But I decided to endure and everything, since I arrived. A friend hissed from behind so that I would stop smiling and whining that I had come in vain, and I fell silent. There are 2 people left in front. I tried to formulate the question that I would ask the seer as clearly as possible and began to silently wait. Well, here's my turn. Holding the photo in my hand, I entered the room. All the walls were hung with carpets, on which hung several holy images of strict elders.

In the light of church candles, on the sofa, she was sitting, Great and Mighty ... Gazing at me with a look, I don’t know what she was trying to show me with this, she sternly asked why I came to her. The first desire was to turn around and go out, I had no idea how I would tell this aunt about my problem, and why, because she didn’t care ... I tried to calm down and submitted a photo. She briefly told that the person disappeared without explanation, asked if he was alive and where he was now. In the photo that I brought with me was my beloved, in boxing gloves, a mountain of solid muscles, a gold chain as thick as an index finger around his neck and an animal look. The seer narrowed her eyes and looked at the photo for a few seconds, then blurted out: “Alive. But he is in a room with tails on the windows. I asked if we would see him again sometime, to which the seer said: “Yes! You are together. If you remove the damage that is on you.

Damage cost 1500 rubles and three of my visits to her. It was also necessary to bring a bottle of holy water taken from the church, so that she would charge this water. Here is a condition for the dear one to get out of the room with bars and come to me. The session was over. I was billed for the service rendered. I left. A friend followed me, and I laughed like crazy and could not calm down ... The voice of a friend brought me to my senses: “I agreed, we are going to remove damage to this aunt in 3 days. Do you want him to come back to you? !” I started to get hysterical. I laughed and roared, trying to reason with my friend that I didn’t hear a greater stupidity to return someone. That my aunt is just a charlatan and plays on the feelings and problems of people, earning her living, and that I am the last fool that agreed to come to her at all. Girlfriend was adamant: -We're going!

Three days later, exactly at 5 am, we rush to remove the damage and return my beloved, taking with us holy water, photos and three more friends who longed for miracles and impressions from the seer. Again the queue, and now I go into a familiar room with carpets and icons on the walls ... The same question: “why did you come?” I reminded that I had to remove the damage. They put me on a chair, with my back to the exit, for a minute she whispered a plot over my head and waved her arms. Then I drank the water I brought with me. And the seer, looking at the photo, said that we were not a couple and would never see each other again. Session ended. The account has been posted. I paid and left. My friends came one by one for the long-awaited miracles, and I stood in the yard and smiled at the sun, sky, birds, waiting for their reaction to the received session from the Great and Mighty. Funny thing is life. I began to gradually wean from the presence of a loved one in my life. I no longer wait for calls and sleep peacefully. I don't cry at night.

I have come to terms with his departure. But deep down I felt that we would see each other again. I was distracted from my thoughts by hysterical laughter and obscenities from my friends who knew the power of miracles. Interrupting each other, laughing loudly and clutching at a saving cigarette, they shared their impressions of what they saw and felt, not embarrassed in expressions, they scolded the one that brought us all to this madhouse. Natasha stood silently, smoking nervously and trying to justify herself to the girls with a forced smile. Finally, the emotions subsided and we moved back. In the car, everyone was already joking that they had finally met all together, thanks to this trip, otherwise they would not have gathered for another year. They said in chorus thanks to the aunt-seer and Natasha, bought a cake in the first store they came across, drank tea at home and laid out their mental anguish to each other, the mood was good. And I decided that I need to live on, help those who ask and enjoy every new day. I haven't been on a dating site for 2 months.

All my free time I spent on the website of poetry. ru, my works were published, I wrote a lot, read the works of other users, exchanged reviews. Soon there will be no time to be sad at all.

The weather was wonderful, golden autumn generously gave its beauty and warmth to everyone who loves this time of year. I often got out into the forest, wandered, enjoying the silence, the fires of mountain ash and the golden birches against the bright blue background of the sky.
The phone call made me jump, the number was not authorized.

-Hey! Did you know?
-Not. And who are you?
-Which Roma?
-The same one...
For a moment, I was speechless. Thoughts were confused, my heart was beating wildly, my breath was catching ... Roma!
-Hello. Can you hear me? Why are you keeping silent?
-Where have you been? What happened? Why did he disappear? What's happening? I knew you would be back! I waited! Romka!!!
-I'll tell you later. I just arrived. Even the mother doesn't know yet. It was necessary. How are you?

I couldn’t talk calmly, my thoughts were confused, my emotions went wild… Romka! Romka! You arrived! I waited!
We agreed to call in the evening. And it all started all over again. He called with problems, I helped. I knew about all his affairs, he changed phone numbers and I was the first who knew the new number, he always said where he was and warned if he was unavailable. We met only at the beginning of winter. His health problems became serious. He came for injections and droppers. And then it turned out that he had a girlfriend a long time ago. By the time we met, she had left him. And then she returned. It turned out by chance, his brother told ...

"I won't give you up to anyone!" - he tightly pressed me to him, my heart was ready to jump out of happiness, and butterflies were flying in my stomach ... Birds were singing around, the smells of herbs tickled my nostrils and the sound of a stream running nearby echoed his words: “I won’t give it to anyone, I won’t give it to anyone ... " I opened eyes. It was a dream.
A short SMS to your favorite and native number: “Don't come again. Be happy!"

Name: Alena
City Novosibirsk

She woke up in the middle of the night and lay for a long time, staring tensely with sleepy eyes at the dark ceiling and not wanting to wake up to life. She desperately pulled to the surface the frames of her dream, ready to sink into the abyss of the subconscious, and her temples throbbed anxiously: “What should I do now?”

In the dream she was happy. She walked with Karishka along the twilight alleys of the city park. And they had a lot of fun, they played “catch-up” and, having run enough, drank soda straight from the bottle, fed lazy ducks with crumbled bun, repeated a school rhyme that did not want to learn by heart, counted the petals of a plucked chamomile in turn. They sat on the bench, dangling their legs in the air, and laughed, looking at the stars that light up in the dark sky ... At such moments, She herself became a child, and it again seemed to her that life was beautiful and that everything was still ahead. She gently hugged the fragile children's shoulders, chilled from the evening coolness, and whispered: “I love you, Baby!” And Karishka looked at Her with suddenly saddened eyes and said: “Papa has Olya.” "Why Olya? He said it was Nastya! - She thought and woke up in bewilderment: “But what about me?!”

Gradually coming to her senses, She tried to put everything on the shelves. She mentally flipped through the pages of the history of their relationship, which began almost two years ago ...

... He wrote to her on a dating site, just like that, with nothing to do. She answered, also just like that, joking and even ironic out of habit. It turned out that in their lives there are a lot of similar moments. Then they decided to meet in person. Having discarded the first reaction to each other, they began to passionately discuss the topic of love and relationships between men and women. Unexpectedly for himself, He accompanied Her to the house, finding that they live in the neighborhood. They often met and spent a lot of time together, they themselves did not notice how they had common secrets. Weeks, months passed.

That loves, She understood suddenly. Having finished one painfully passionate virtual novel, I realized that it was not that “distant and beautiful prince” that evoked feelings in Her, but He, who was always there. And it was like lightning in a clear sky, splitting Her heart into two parts, one of which She irrevocably gave to Him.

But outwardly, nothing seems to have changed. They still walked together in the park, sat side by side on a bench by the fountain or at a table in a coffee shop, and He told Her about his affairs, successes and problems. And She listened to Him, listening to every word and letting His pain pass through her heart. Looking into His eyes, She wanted to remember every line of His, every smile. She wanted to confess her feelings to Him, but did not dare, fearing to be rejected, misunderstood.

There were moments when they were so close that it seemed to her that no words were needed, and he felt the same as she did - gentle, warm, all-encompassing and weightless, passionate and giving peace, natural in its depths, happiness to be near and give yourself to your loved one. But…

"We're close friends!" - He said, cooling Her heart impulses. And now she had a hard time accepting this word. "Friends…"

Their communication almost disappeared. He forgot to call her, busy with work or carried away by his next “sympathy”. And She was worried, more for Him than for herself, but she could not follow His advice to “start from scratch” ...

But one day He pulled a confession out of Her almost by force. They exchanged messages in ICQ, and suddenly He said that this could no longer continue. At that moment, for some reason, He needed to know how She treats him. Just not as a good friend or as a friend. And that He is also not indifferent to Her, but does not know how to show his feelings.

It would seem that everything became clear - reciprocity ...

Happiness? There were many more face-to-face conversations, passionate glances and kisses... But life cannot be without surprises, throwing up either serious illnesses, or separations, or difficulties with parents and children. And tempted by fellowship with other "close friends."

That day is cold and cloudy. They met at a coffee shop to talk after a long enough separation. She revised a lot within herself, decided that she could take responsibility and change something in their fate. She rejoiced at the meeting with Him, thinking that now, having sent all circumstances to hell, they could be together. Then She will give him all the tenderness that has accumulated in her for that part of the life that She left behind.

“You have always been there, you are very close to me…” She began and said that Her feelings for Him are alive, no matter how hard She tries to be just a friend. But He was silent... Her eyes grew dim, and She almost did not hear how He was talking about his new girlfriend. In love? He feels good with the Other - that was the only thing She understood from his words. With difficulty swallowing a lump of tears stuck in her throat, She exclaimed in despair: “Then tell me that you don’t love me!”

“No, I can’t… I don’t want to say that…”

Leaving the coffee shop, they walked slowly, holding each other's arm, silently breathing the frosty air. When they reached an intersection, they stopped. A few minutes of gentle hugs, a skin-burning kiss goodbye…

“I read between the lines, I understand without words, I feel it with my fingertips, without touching ... I guess the direction of your gaze, your breath on my cheek, body heat through clothes, trembling ...” She later writes in her diary.

A car came for Him and He left. To that other one?

…She rarely dreams. "Why Olya? He said it was Nastya! She wondered, remembering the details of what she had dreamed about today. Weird dream! She lay in bed for a long time, mentally flipping through the pages of her love story in her memory. And looking intensely with tearful eyes at the dark ceiling, she tried to discern in the twilight of the night the answer to the question that tormented Her: “How can I now be without ...?”

What are romantic relationships? The dream interpretation indicates: well-being, family happiness, mutual understanding with the chosen one, new love adventures, excellent conditions for study and business will appear. But sometimes, when you see such a plot in a dream, you need to be careful.

Family happiness, prosperity

A dreamed vision promises family happiness to the dreamer with a soul mate, healthy and smart children who will delight with their achievements.

Seeing a romantic relationship in a dream with your own spouse (wife) often means: well-being and prosperity await in the future.

Get news about a friend

Why dream that you are meeting a familiar person? The dream book tells you: he is very interested in you as a partner for business or in love. Perhaps very soon there will be a chance to realize these plans.

Had such a dream? Soon you will learn some news about him that will be unexpected.

Lack of romance, new acquaintances

To dream of a relationship with a man, but in fact they are not, indicates a dreamer's lack of romance in reality. You need to make a new acquaintance, make friends with someone, go on a date. Good emotions from this will benefit and increase self-esteem.

If you had a romantic relationship with a person you don't know - according to the dream book, this is a hint. It's a great time for love adventures. Take a look around: perhaps the one you dreamed about is nearby, and a promising meeting awaits you.

Success in the business field, change

Did such emotions fill the sleeper with happiness in a dream? Success in business is coming - it will save you from everyday troubles, bring satisfaction.

Why dream that a romantic relationship has ended? The dream interpretation explains: the issue of changes in your life has to be resolved. Having made a decision, it will be possible to change something for the better.

Tough choices ahead, be very careful

If they are not mutual, you are at an impasse or face a difficult choice. Think carefully about your steps and finally decide to act.

Seeing other people's romantic relationships in a dream means: there is a danger of soon losing the results of your long hard work. Refrain from making impulsive decisions, avoid suspicious offers, be attentive in everything.

Who was the hero of the dream?

The interpretation of sleep takes into account who was present as a relationship partner:

  • own boyfriend - everything is fine between you;
  • acquaintance - there is an opportunity to start an affair with him;
  • colleague - events related to him will occur, not necessarily romantic;
  • stranger - you lack vivid emotions.

Miller's dream book: you will be satisfied with life

Why dream of a romantic relationship with a loved one that brings satisfaction? The dream promises: in reality you will be satisfied with your life.
