Interesting games for a couple in love. Romantic games for lovers

Psychological games for lovers and couples It's a great tool for building understanding. Thanks to the easy game form, you can relax, open up and understand each other better .

Examples of games for a couple


This game helps build the right relationships, focus on each other and learn to think about a partner.

The essence of the game: the spouses are face to face and alternately “mirror”, that is, they repeat the gestures and facial expressions of their partner. This is both fun and harmony is maintained in pairs.

"Trust me"

This game teaches to trust each other and listen. The bottom line is that you need to fall back into the hands of your soulmate. Another option is for one participant to be blindfolded, the second must guide him through the obstacles, guiding him with his voice. Then the partners switch roles. The main thing is not to confuse left and right :)


This is another psychological game for a couple that teaches them to understand each other.

The couple sits face to face. The partner is trying to convey a mental image to another. Everything happens without words. The second should carefully follow the eyes, as well as the expression on the face of his soul mate and strive to "read" his thoughts. At the end of the game, the readings are verified. According to practice, it is often not the object itself that is guessed, but the emotional background associated with it.


The goal of the game is in 7 minutes (an option without time limit is possible) to write the maximum possible number of sentences that begin with the words: “I love you because you ...”, or write positive traits partner. The bigger, the better. This is an enjoyable game for both. There are no losers here. One will write more, the other - get more compliments . The game can be modified at will.

Another version of the game of convergence. On a piece of paper it is necessary to write 10 animals, reptiles, insects or birds (in a column, with numbering). Both partners do this. They don't show each other anything.

Then the leader (in this case, the third is not superfluous) asks the couple to look at the sheet. Further, representatives of the fauna are considered, chosen, for example, by the wife. The host says: “The husband is affectionate, like ...; sociable, like...; strong as...; independent as...; handsome as...; bold as...” and so on up to 10 options. Instead of three dots, variants of the wife are substituted.

After that, the representatives chosen by the spouse are called. So, the wife “with relatives like...; in a shop like...; with colleagues like...; in a restaurant like...; in bed like...; at home like ... "and so on until the last.

This joke game for two lovers perfectly cheers up. It can also be used to find new sweet words , which you will call each other :)

Love should be "played" actively, with imagination and, of course, with a twinkle! To create the desired tone of relationships, game developers create sets of passion, sets of tenderness, boxes full of long kisses.

Board games for lovers are very often able to move their players to the most unexpected places in the house. And not just at home, for that matter.

Games for a couple are useful at all stages of a tender relationship:

  • At the beginning - to get to know each other better, to compare ideas about life and love;
  • At the stage of rapprochement, lovers are surprisingly shy, and the game liberates and allows you to enjoy life without any ulterior motives.
  • When a common life is being established, it is much easier to decide in a playful way who will wash the dishes, how to organize leisure activities and where to store the “special wardrobe”.
  • After several years of relationship - to refresh, invigorate, amaze and long years remember what a wonderful person was next.
  • As a gift to young after the wedding or experienced spouses.

Board games for lovers will add passion!

Loving people in a couple more than anything else want to fulfill each other's desires. Usually the problem is to recognize these desires. But not with phantoms. Fanta is a game for thousands of different desires, illustrated by far from the most modest pictures.

Did you kiss today? - this is a great opportunity to learn about each other what they were too shy to ask. The game for a couple in love "He and She" is built on the same principle, which, by the way, can be played even in pairs.

But in a small box "For You" - a delightful set of surprises to be done day after day, week after week, month after month. You will be surprised how much it will become a habit to please your soul mate with pleasant surprises.

By the way, even if you are enjoying absolute freedom right now, this is no reason not to have at least a deck of some of the most modest release of Fanta at home. After all, love has another wonderful property - it comes unexpectedly.

Choose games for lovers in our catalog and order today!

All lovers seem to hover above the surface of the earth, smile unobtrusively and walk with a dreamy look. Often such couples want to frolic and play games. Such a pastime will help pass the evening and amuse everyone.

Games for lovers at home

1. Pantomime. One of the participants thinks of any word and shows it with gestures, grimaces, poses. The second half must guess it. This uncomplicated game is actually very interesting and will cheer you up on a boring winter evening.

2. Cubes. The game requires simple dice. Parts of the body are written on the faces of one cube, actions are written on the second. One player rolls the dice and must complete the rolled combination. Instead of cubes, you can use simple paper flyers, pulling them out in a chaotic manner.

3. Try a kiss. One of the players dodges, and the second tries to kiss him. The prize can be the fulfillment of a wish.

4. Handkerchief. Any rag or handkerchief must be plugged into the belt. Each of the lovers, protecting his handkerchief, should try to take away the second one. Usually the lover who is the most agile wins.

5. Games of desire. This game is very interesting. Previously, a variety of desires are written on the leaves. The game itself can be anything, even tic-tac-toe. The loser pulls a piece of paper and does what is written.

6. Cold / hot. One of the players hides an object, and the second must find it. The words "cold", "hot", etc. help in the search. The result can also be the fulfillment of a wish if the item is found.

Simple games for lovers at home will help brighten up your leisure time and bring a lot of new experiences. It is better to take a break from ordinary TV viewing and devote a few hours to each other. In addition, games are a great opportunity to realize your secret desires.

Out of order computer? Everything around immediately becomes boring and uninteresting. But what about games? After all, choosing the time to play with a loved one (both a baby and an adult), you make a mutually valuable gift: your days will be filled with happiness and the joy of communication, and memories of the time spent together will become bright and warm.

Important: classics of the genre - all kinds of board games and puzzles (each age category has its own level). Drawing, coloring anti-stress pictures or needlework will perfectly brighten up the time.

Games for two at home without a computer for girls

The choice of activities, first of all, depends on the temperament of the child.


Homemade puzzles

Postcards or beautiful candy box lids are great for making puzzles. Just cut the image you like into several pieces and your puzzle is ready.


Among children, even the smallest, all kinds of challenges are gaining more and more popularity. The most challenging challenge that can be held for a child is a game with drinks.

For the challenge you will need: juice or any other drink (5-10 small bags / bottles with different tastes), identical Kraft paper bags for snacks (by the number of drinks), long cocktail tubes (also by the number of drinks).

Pre-insert straws in all drinks. Bags / bottles with drinks carefully pack in paper bags. Place the packaged drinks on the table and invite the child to drink the drink through a straw and guess what exactly he is drinking.

It's not as easy as it looks, but it's a lot of fun.

Origami Fortune Teller

Invite your guest to make a fortune teller out of paper. Go to and read the detailed MK on this topic.

Paper games

Tic-tac-toe is another wonderful and unfairly forgotten answer to the question of what to play with a child.

See the photo for the rules of the game.

To make the tic-tac-toe game more interesting, try using cookies, nuts, and candy together with tic-tac-toe. The winner, of course, takes all the goodies. The playing field can be painted directly on the table using masking tape.

Games for two at home without a computer for boys

Boys are unlikely to want to make button chokers. But thematic jigsaw puzzles may well interest young supermen. How to make puzzles from improvised materials, see at the beginning of the article.

Tower construction

  • In addition, the boys will be happy to build towers of cookies or donuts. Candy, coins, sea or any other pebbles, etc. are also suitable for building a tower. The one whose tower is higher wins.
  • From plastic or paper cups, you can build not only towers, but entire cities. In addition, with the help of cups you can diversify walks on fresh air(see photo below).


Invite older children to play reversi. Instead of chips, the game uses two-layer cookies (64 pcs.). And the playing field (8x8 squares) is graphed directly on the table using masking tape. In the center of the field, 2 light chips / cookies and 2 dark ones are placed diagonally.

See the photo below for the rules of the game.

Rules of the game "Reversi"

Rock Paper Scissors

One more gambling"Rock-Paper-Scissors" that does not require long preparation. Depending on the age of the child, you can use a game of 3 elements (rock, scissors, paper), 5 (stone, scissors, paper, lizard, Spock) and even 25!

Rules of the game "Rock-Paper-Scissors"

How to show game elements: (clockwise from top): scissors, paper, rock, lizard, Spock.

Airplanes in the technique of origami

Paper airplanes are a classic children's game. Go to and read the detailed MK on this topic.

Games for two at home without a computer for adults

Any of the above children's games can be used for adults.

Card games

If many consider card games unacceptable for children's leisure, then for an adult they are quite acceptable. In addition to "Fool" or "Poker", you can play "Akulina". Another name for the game is "Witch", "Sorceress". The rules of this card game so simple that you can play with a child (see photo below).

Rules of the card game "Witch"

Match games

A box of matches will also help brighten up the evening. Not, we are talking not about MK for making fires. In this case, we will talk about the game "11 matches". See the photo below for the rules.

If desired, you can increase the number of matches up to 27 pcs.

Another game also called "11 Matches". However, the rules are different from the previous one (see photo below).

The number of matches required for the game, 11 pcs. One of the matches needs to be marked. For example, paint with a felt-tip pen.

Rules of the game "11 matches" (II option)

Linguistic games

Word games will also help brighten up the evening. Perhaps they have too original titles and rules, but in this part of the article we are talking about adults with an appropriate sense of humor.

The first of the proposed games is "Gallows". The rules of the game are in the photo below.

Rules of the game "Gallows".

Step by step example Hangman games

The second linguistic game "Balda".

The playing field consists of a grid of 5x5 squares. In the middle horizontal row, the word "balda" or any other five-letter word is written.

An example of the playing field for Balda

See below for detailed game rules.

Rules of the game "Balda".

Mobile games for two at home without a computer

Little fidgets require movement. Perhaps one of these games will become your favorite.

sumo wrestling

Fun mobile game. Will give pleasure to both players and spectators (if any).

To play the game you will need pillows (2 for each player) and big t shirts. Then everything is extremely simple: put on T-shirts, put pillows under them and start the fight. The one who manages to push the enemy out of the conditional circle will win.

Sumo wrestlers game

hide and seek

Try playing hide and seek. If you don’t really want to hide yourself / it’s convenient, hide an object.


If you practice yoga, have your child repeat a few simple asanas after you. Exercises can be accompanied by words from the famous game “The sea worries once ...”, slightly changing them (see photo).

The obstacle course will please not only kids, but also adults.

What can you play at home with a friend? What can you play at home with your sister?

Any of the above games is suitable for both girls and girls. If none of the options above suits you, take up divination for love. Options simple divination you will find by going to .

What can you play at home together with a girl? What can you play at home with your boyfriend?

Now it's just huge selection board games for lovers. But if it is not possible to purchase a ready-made game, play the game suggested below. An unforgettable evening is guaranteed for you.

What can you play at home with your wife?

Any of the above games can be used for a pleasant pastime in the family circle. It all depends on what exactly you mean by enjoyable time forwarding and what is the ultimate goal you are pursuing.

What can you play at home with your brother?

Any of the proposed games is suitable for both adults and children.

What can you play at home together with a child of 5 - 9 years old?

It is worth dwelling on this topic in more detail, since children need a constant change of activity.

  • Yes/no game. One player thinks of a word (something that he sees in a room, in an apartment, on the street). The other tries to guess what the first one is up to. The player who guesses the word can be asked leading questions, but he can only answer “yes” or “no”.
  • "False mirror". One player makes a face - the second tries to repeat it.
  • Game "Grandfather's story". One player says: “I went hunting and saw…”. At the same time, he must name any object with the letter “A”. The second player repeats: “I went hunting and saw ...” At the same time, he must name the item that the first player chose and add his own. But the items should be named in alphabetical order.
  • Invite your child to name all the words that begin with the letter "T" or any other letter.
  • "Nonsense". One of the players says a word. The other must make a sentence, each word of which begins with a letter of this word. For example, someone said the word "MOSHKA" - the second makes up the sentence "Marina Wears a Scarf to a Square Orange."

Video: Paper Games: TETRIS - Season 1 Episode 2

Let's add romance to your life!

Romantic games for lovers- entertainment, a game to kindle erotic feelings, have fun, have fun, enjoy each other's company.

Romantic games for lovers - games without losers

Such games are not a competition in intelligence, speed, skill, knowledge and skills. It does not matter at all who lost and who won. The very process of communication, touch and proximity of people is important here. Romantic games for lovers are perfect for a date, a romantic dinner alone. This is a great scenario for Valentine's Day, an anniversary or Wedding Day, or any weekday that you want to make your personal holiday. Romantic games for lovers can cheer you up, melt the ice (literally and figuratively) after a quarrel, introduce an element of flirting into everyday life, and become a prelude to beautiful sex. Next, we will tell you the rules of simple, funny, fun games that you can play with your loved one.

Game "Tender words"

Take turns saying sweet words to each other. Don't repeat what has been said. The one who cannot name another affectionate word within five seconds has lost.

Game "Me and fire, me and ice!"

Take an ice cube in your mouth in such a way that, without removing the ice from your mouth, you can draw it on your partner's body. Draw with ice on his body, write letters, draw hearts. The task is to pass the ice into the partner's mouth without the help of hands. Now it is his turn to write the cherished confessions for you with an ice cube.

Game "Guess the inscription"

The game "Where I draw - there and kiss"

Draw lip prints on your partner's body. Use lipstick or multi-colored confectionery paints for this. In addition, sponges can be drawn with chocolate, jam, cream. And now your task is to kiss each print. It is very funny when you use multi-colored paints.

Today, romantic games for lovers can be bought in the store

Kiss by Kiss Game

Take a dice used for playing dice. Agree that each face of the cube means a certain type of kisses. For example, 1-Kiss cheek, 2-palm, 3-lips, 4-neck, 5- inner side elbow, 6 - navel. Kiss each other in turn, depending on what fell on the dice.

Game "Magic Word"

Hot and cold game

Prepare a small surprise for your loved one (small souvenir), hide it in the room where the date is. Your partner must find a gift. If he approaches in search, say “Warm”, if he moves away, then “cold”. This is a simple children's game, you must have played it as a child. On Valentine's Day - it's time to remember her.

Game "Watching a movie"

Great game. Play it with your loved one while watching a movie at home. Think of some specific action of the characters in the film. When these actions are performed, kiss each other. For example, you can guess the following actions of the heroes: when they eat, kiss, enter the room, swear obscenely, laugh, and so on. For one film, limit yourself to one action. For example, while we are watching this movie, we kiss when the characters are shooting (great for action movies, isn't it?). And in another film, we will kiss when the characters use an umbrella ...

The game "Let's have a bite, darling"

Eat one apple, banana, sandwich without the help of hands, passing the delicacy from mouth to mouth. The task is to eat the whole treat, not to drop it or scatter it.

The bedroom is a great place for romantic games for two!

"Erotic is not erotic"

This simple game- an exact copy of the children's game "edible - inedible". Throw the ball to each other in turn, calling "erotic" and "non-erotic" words. This is a very fun game! In practice, you will be able to make sure that what you considered a completely ordinary word can suddenly be filled with erotic meaning right during the game!

Surely, you were able to make sure that games for lovers are very simple, even elementary. If you have love, passion and a sense of humor in your life, then you can come up with many games yourself, the main thing is desire and creativity! Let be good mood does not leave you not only on holidays, but also on weekdays. May the ordinary daily chores never be able to take away your desire to enjoy simple things! May romance always live in your heart.
