Beautiful country houses with a second light photo gallery. Projects of houses with a second light

We have put together here ready-made projects of houses and cottages with a second light in the living room. They are different in area, style, set of rooms, but all of them have spectacular interiors, comfortable layouts, and are inexpensive to build. So we hope that every space lover will find something for himself here. You can see the rest of the projects of our architects in full.

The second light of the living room is usually considered an unaffordable luxury, arguing that instead of it in the house it was possible to make a room on the second floor.

Bureau Invapolis does not agree!
In the design of a house, the second light can be a decoration of life and a means of saving!

The living room, combined with the dining room, turns out to be approximately 4 by 8 in size (or 5 by 7), which means that the ceiling must be at least three meters, otherwise it will be psychologically "pressing". But at the same time, the rest of the rooms (kitchen, bedrooms, utility rooms, hall, furnace, etc.) are small, and can be lower, 2.5 -2.7 m. Here, on the contrary, excess height will create the effect of a "well". And just then the second light will become a lifesaver ...

In fact, we are building only one high room. Moreover, the second light may not be over the entire area, but only, for example, by the fireplace. We design other rooms low, lower than they would be in a regular living room.

At the same time, we get a whole “bouquet” of architectural advantages:

1. Impressive high ceiling living room interior. You can put a Christmas tree here just huge, AS IN THE KREMLIN! The balconies on the second floor visually further expand the space of the double-height room. The staircase in the projects of houses and cottages with a second light completely falls into the interior and decorates it.
2. With such an extraordinary room, even a modest house will look respectable
3. We do not build too much. Reducing the overall height of the house in a project with a second light saves 5-10% of wall material.
4. We respect our neighbors, we increase the harvest. We are building a more squat cottage, and do not obscure the site with it.

Output: choosing for construction a project of a house and a cottage with a second light, we get beauty, comfort and savings at the same time.

Please note that in most of the projects of houses and cottages presented here, the second light of the living room can be blocked to increase the number of attic or second floor bedrooms. In addition, a two-story living room can be arranged in the project of almost any house with an attic.

Under the second light in the interior is meant a room in which window openings are located in several rows. The ceiling in such rooms is high, and there is no overlap between the rows of windows. The room turns out to be bright and spacious, but not in all dwellings this option can be realized. The area of ​​the house must be at least 200 square meters. m, so that the idea of ​​​​the designer is revealed as much as possible.

From history to the present

The interiors of the second world were still in the Middle Ages in churches, shrines, government buildings and in the homes of influential people. In those days, artificial light (candles) was not used so often, but the rooms needed it. Therefore, such a solution made it possible to solve several issues at once - to make the room brighter and decorate the facade of the entire structure.

Not today, interiors with a second light are found not only in the above buildings, but also in private houses and city apartments. In the latter case, it can be a penthouse or duplex apartment.

In loft-style apartments, this solution is especially popular. In private dwellings, the range of styles is wider - the interior of a house with a second light can personify Empire, Baroque, Rococo, Classics, Rustic and similar trends.

Advantages and disadvantages of the second light in the interior

The second light in the premises provides the following benefits:

  • Fills the room with sunlight, making it brighter.
  • You can observe a beautiful play of light on the decoration and interior items.
  • Makes the interior and exterior presentable.
  • Creates space in the room.
  • Suitable for different styles.

Along with the advantages, we want to mention the disadvantages:

  • The usable area of ​​the building is reduced.
  • It takes more time to warm up the room in winter.
  • Heat loss due to large glazing area.
  • Special requirements for heating and ventilation, which must be implemented by specialists, otherwise warm air can accumulate at the top, and people will freeze from below.

Ways to create windows in 2 rows

You can implement interior design with a second light in the following ways:

  • In advance, draw up a project of a house with such an architectural solution. This option is the most convenient and suitable.
  • Dismantle the existing ceiling slab, abandoning the room that is on top. The work process will be time-consuming, and it should be carried out only by competent specialists.
  • Drop the floor. The method is available only in private homes and involves the installation of steps from the hallway to the living room.

Install two rows of plastic windows and attach horizontal white blinds to them (separately to the lower and upper rows), and on the sides, along the entire length, hang a light translucent light gray curtain.

  • The interior of the second light in the house has good acoustics. Therefore, you can put a piano or other musical instrument in it. You can also install a home theater to watch movies in the company of loved ones.
  • At night, good artificial lighting is required. Hang from the ceiling a massive central chandelier with many lamps that will match the chosen style. Pendant lamps on chains, large floor lamps and table lamps are also appropriate.
  • Pick up tulle and curtains in advance - it can be massive curtains, drapery, or just light and airy tulle. You can also use vertical or horizontal blinds.
  • Curtains along the entire length of the glazing will look spectacular.
  • To reduce heat loss during the cold season, the top row of windows can be made smaller.
  • Between the upper and lower rows of windows, a long shelf is sometimes made for storing decorative items. It can be both along the entire perimeter of the room, and along one wall.
  • The fireplace will warm the room on a cold winter evening. Since the room is large, the fireplace should not be small. It can be finished with tiles or natural stone, and arrange a sofa area near it.
  • Furniture items should be larger than in ordinary rooms. On one of the walls you can make bookshelves up to the ceiling. To reach them, special folding ladders are used.


The interior of a country house with a second light or a city apartment will always effectively highlight your home both inside and outside against the background of other buildings. But in order to implement such a solution, the help of professionals is needed, since the question is not only in the right design, but also in the safety of the building.

TopDom specialists will help you develop and implement the interior design of houses, the second light in which will not only provide additional light, but will also become the highlight of the whole home, in which you want to spend every day.

In our photo gallery with the design of houses there are more than 1500 ready-made design projects, including those with a second light. We guarantee you a high level of professionalism and a result that will meet your expectations.

In the construction of modern housing, the "second light" is often used - an original architectural technique that gives an increase in natural light due to the absence of part of the ceiling and interfloor ceilings. In the "Domamo" catalog you can view the most interesting finished projects of houses with a second light in terms of a number of characteristics, layout and photos, as well as order individual design.

Second Light Benefits

Houses with a second light look European, reminiscent of the palace decoration of ballrooms, luxurious living rooms and large libraries that are freely visible from the stairs and galleries of the upper floor. At the same time, windows can be made high and with panoramic windows, giving the cottage a stylish look. Such projects provide several advantages at once:

  • Visual space and free air circulation,
  • Maximum lighting, allowing you to decorate the room with light-loving house plants,
  • Aesthetics of the facade with the possibility of arranging original windows and stained-glass windows.

In addition, the construction of houses with structures of additional light allows you to save on daylight for interior stairs, balustrades, winter gardens.

Project Features

A house with a second light is quite complicated in design, therefore, for an accurate calculation of all the subtleties and nuances, the participation of specialists is required. When ordering a project, you should consider that:

  • Rooms with a similar architectural feature are impractical in a small house.
  • The price of heating will be slightly higher than for cottages of a standard storey form. To exclude heat loss, better thermal insulation of the roof, installation of a fireplace or “warm floors” are needed here, making housing not only warm, but also cozy.

A country house made of foam blocks with a second light is an architectural solution in which there are no ceilings above the living room or dining room, which combines several floors into a single space. This design technique brings a feeling of freedom in a large, airy room with an abundance of daylight, which is so lacking in ordinary city apartments.

Features of the construction of a cottage made of foam concrete with a second light

  • During the construction of cottages from foam blocks, the second light is most often arranged in the daytime zone - in the living room or dining room.
  • The second light is used when designing in almost any architectural style: modern, gothic, classicism, chalets, etc.
  • For maximum daylight, panoramic windows in the plane of the wall, in a bay window or corner panoramic windows are ideal.
  • For decorating the interior, you can use large hanging chandeliers descending on chains, multi-level wall lamps and lamps that will evenly distribute light throughout the room at night.
  • The design in combination with panoramic windows requires professional design of the heating system and the right choice of window systems. Whether or not there is a second light in the house, the total volume of the premises does not change from this, but it is recommended to install additional heaters for quick heating. The most optimal way of heating for such a house is the "warm water floor" system with the additional installation of thermal tracks under the panoramic windows.

Second Light Benefits

Houses made of foam concrete with a second light look European, reminiscent of the palace decoration of ballrooms, luxurious living rooms and large libraries that are freely visible from the stairs and galleries of the upper floor. At the same time, windows can be made high and with panoramic windows, giving the cottage a stylish look. Such projects provide several advantages at once:

  • Visual space and free air circulation,
  • Maximum lighting, allowing you to decorate the room with light-loving house plants,
  • Aesthetics of the facade with the possibility of arranging original windows and stained-glass windows.

The second light is a luxury you can't do without

Projects of houses with a second light are becoming more and more popular. Although many still do not know what this "seventh wonder of the world" is. Let's try to figure everything out. Each person, at least once in his life, met rooms in which several floors are combined, that is, there is no overlap between them. These are often found in central post offices, banks, and office premises. They are characterized by huge windows on the entire high wall. If two floors are combined, then the light in the room is twice as much, and from here the name is “second light”. At first glance, such an architectural solution has nothing to do with residential buildings, but this is only at first glance. Increasingly, private houses began to combine floors. This is usually done in living rooms or dining rooms. Of course, if the house is being built small, then there can be no question of any second light. After all, removing the overlap, we reduce the efficiency of the use of living space. Therefore, the design of a house with a second light can only be justified for large houses. Well, if the living space allows, then why not. A lot of light and air make any home extraordinarily beautiful and cozy. Luxurious living rooms with a second light are unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. Russia is famous not only for compact houses, but also for mansions, and therefore, in its open spaces, house projects with a second light are becoming more and more popular.

Projects of houses with a second light - where to start

Design is a responsible thing. There are no trifles here. Only a professional approach of the employees of the design organization will allow you to get a high-quality result. The Dom4M company provides both ready-made projects of houses with a second light, and the opportunity to order an individual project of a house with a second light. A finished project of a house with a second light can be bought directly on the company's website. But first, it is better to consult whether the project is suitable for your site. If necessary, it can be edited, or rather adapted. As a rule, adaptation concerns the foundation, because, depending on the composition of the soil and the proximity of groundwater, the foundation is made of different strengths and depths.

It is at the design stage that all the necessary load calculations are carried out. The project ensures not only the successful completion of construction, but also the safety of the house itself. In addition, without a project it is impossible to obtain permission to start construction work, or put the house into operation.

The importance of the design of the house.

The project of a house with a second light has a very important and responsible object. This is a large window two or more stories high. The size of the window complicates its installation and operation. The frame must be strong and reliable. Its task is not only to provide good lighting, but also to retain heat. Windows are the most vulnerable places in terms of heat loss, and even more so at such sizes. With a poor-quality window or its installation, the house will turn out to be cold, and all the pluses of the second light will turn into a fat minus. In addition, large sizes increase the weight of the window itself. Special requirements arise for glass. If a window is not just a floor-to-ceiling window, but one glass wall for the entire facade, then you also need to consider whether such a wall can withstand the load of the roof.

It turns out that the start of construction without a project is money and nerves down the drain. The acquisition of the project will more than pay off in the speed and quality of construction. Indeed, due to the lack of a project, it is impossible to avoid the dismantling of individual elements, alterations and shortcomings, and this all entails an overrun of materials, and hence finances. And in time, such construction will also be delayed. Therefore, everything must be done in order, first the project, then the construction, and not vice versa.
