How to make garden figurines from polyurethane foam? Crafts from polyurethane foam.

crafts from polyurethane foam you can do it yourself in just a few hours.

If you have a disposable tank that hasn't run out yet, why not put it to good use. landscape design.

In this case, it is still better to resort to professional foam, and not household foam, since a small gun with a diameter of 2 mm is added to it.

Extraordinarily simple and beautiful figurines from mounting foam will become the property of your site. They will not leave indifferent either neighbors or just people passing by.

Materials for fakes from polyurethane foam

You will need:

  • gloves;
  • sprayer with pre-prepared water;
  • polyethylene;
  • aviation kerosene.

Kerosene is needed so that, upon completion of work with mounting foam, hands can be easily washed from building material.

Something will also come in handy for creating the basis for crafts from polyurethane foam with your own hands.

You can take an ordinary plastic bottle, an old pan or something else, which is not a pity.

With foam coating auxiliary material creating crafts and begin ...

Do-it-yourself decor can also come in handy, for which everything beautiful, thematically suitable for what you started, will do.

How to make crafts from polyurethane foam

First we take a bottle, pour some sand into it or small stones to make it harder. Next, we begin to cover with foam, but with a small layer.

On average, it takes 10 minutes to dry, so after each layer this time will have to wait.

The first layers of polyurethane foam crafts are simple, they are approximately in the form of a future craft, but then it’s more difficult - you need to improvise, imagine how the decor should turn out.

As for the shape, it can be given by hand, but in order not to get your hands dirty, it is recommended to do this after the foam is covered with a film.

A film on crafts made from polyurethane foam appears as a result of a chemical reaction upon contact with air, and this happens quite quickly - in a couple of minutes.

“Bending” it should be like plasticine, and when the necessary outline is obtained, the next portion of time is expected.

In the same way, you can decorate crafts from plastic bottles, which will be a great addition to the garden and garden.

The advantage of polyurethane foam is that, until it dries, you can insert various details into the craft, such as paws, ears, tail. If they are needed precisely “foamy”, then it is better to sculpt with your hands.

So that your hands do not get very dirty, it is advisable to stock up on medical gloves. They are the most comfortable, perfectly fit the hands and almost do not constrain movements.

In addition, through the rubber, you can feel how a piece of polyurethane foam that has not yet stuck in your hands is bent in your hands.

You can’t use garden fabric gloves - the foam will clog between the threads, and you won’t be able to use them after the first contact.

If you need to make crafts from mounting foam with a mustache, it is advisable to stock up on fishing line or wire.

These materials can be painted, and in wet weather they do not deteriorate. But to create a “hilly” surface on the craft, you will already have to work with your hands - different finger movements will help to recreate a wide variety of shapes.

Do-it-yourself large crafts from polyurethane foam

If the craft should be large, it is better to take a larger base as a basis.

You can use plastic bottles to make a base by fastening them with tape. The less foam, the better.

Foam crafts look great where tire crafts are installed.

You need to paint them carefully, and before carrying out this procedure
dry thoroughly in the shade. Drying takes at least a week, but if the foam layer is large, it is better to wait longer.

The paint is applied to the craft from mounting foam with your own hands every spring again. If this is not done, the foam may crack and the craft will deteriorate.

Foam craft ideas

If your site has a small pond, you can make a large green toad. This is especially true where many plants grow, especially large-leaved ones. In some cases, it is easier to make a lizard or a crocodile - who can do what.

In order not to miscalculate with the sizes and “fill your hand”, you can practice on plasticine. No matter how strange it may sound, but it was after trials on this simple material, it turns out to make chic crafts from polyurethane foam.

The same goes for dough - if you like to bake delicious buns, pat the animals - this will help you figure out what you can do better.

Perfect solution- make turtles from polyurethane foam. And it is not at all necessary to have a reservoir on the site. In addition, almost everyone has white paint, and it is now cheaper than colored ones.

Turtles are easier to dye, their shells can be alternated with natural in gray. If, during the creation of the craft, bumps appeared that should not be, they can be cut off with a sharp knife.

Similarly, the situation will be with rounded details - if they need to be sharpened, the excess is simply cut off.

Crafts from polyurethane foam not only street views decorate, they can be made for the home. Funny frogs will bring smiles to people passing by!

Yes, as original New Year's decor you can make a snowman out of foam, but you need to start creating in advance so that the material has time to dry well.

If you paint over the foam ahead of time, it will quickly crack.

Making garden figures with your own hands from polyurethane foam is a great solution for any good owner. Even the smallest household plot, not to mention the creations of landscape designers near expensive cottages, will decorate the figurines for the garden - fairy tale characters, funny little animals, cartoon characters. It is not so important what material they will be made of and how much they will cost if these characters turn a piece of your garden into a fabulous space for the delight of children and guests.

Having decided to decorate your site with garden figurines, you must first decide how you see them. You can make future garden residents from the most different materials but not all of them you can handle on your own. For example, wood carving, and even more so stone carving, requires considerable professionalism, so it is better to order such garden figures from specialists or buy ready-made ones. The same applies to the manufacture of plaster sculptures. It is clear that this will require additional costs, including the delivery of figurines to a new place of residence. In addition, each of the mentioned materials has its drawbacks.

Garden figurines made of wood look great - they are beautiful, "warm", environmentally friendly. pure material. However, in natural conditions among grass and bushes, such crafts for the garden may be short-lived or require special protection from dampness and rot.

Stone sculptures fit perfectly into garden reality and last for a long time, however, stone is heavy material both literally and figuratively, so the figures will be inactive, and not suitable for every style.

Gypsum crafts for the garden are perhaps the most widespread today due to their relative cheapness and ease of manufacture. However, if the manufacturing technology is not fully observed, they may turn out to be fragile and not water resistant enough.

Figures made of polyurethane foam are not only devoid of the listed disadvantages, but also have additional advantages:

  • low weight - so much so that during manufacture it is even recommended to fill the frame elements with sand or pebbles so that the characters made from polyurethane foam with their own hands are sufficiently stable;
  • almost unlimited freedom when working with the material - foam allows you to easily and quickly add in one place and subtract in another, because it is perfectly cut and can be applied to any surface, which is, of course, very convenient for a novice sculptor;
  • unlimited shapes, sizes and style features because foam can be used to create a cartoon snail on the lawn, and a Japanese-style lantern;
  • insensitivity to moisture, temperature changes and other natural phenomena.

In other words, polyurethane foam as a material allows you to make garden figure any shape and any size.

Preparation for work

It is relatively easy to create a sculpture for a garden from polyurethane foam on your own, but you need to think everything through in advance.

First, you need to decide what kind of characters will become the inhabitants of your garden or vegetable garden. It is very important that they organically fit into the style of the site. Indeed, some monumental girl with an oar will look strange in a small dacha, and in Japanese garden- the frog princess or kolobok from Russian fairy tales. In addition, it should be borne in mind that there should not be too many such art objects, they should be a pleasant surprise for visitors, and not be found at every turn. If in doubt whether a do-it-yourself figure made from polyurethane foam will look good in one place or another, you can draw on cardboard and cut out its approximate layout. Put it in the intended place of residence of the future character and figure out how everything will look in reality.

Secondly, prepare in advance not only a balloon with foam, but also what you are going to make a frame from for a future sculpture. These can be metal buckets and cans, plastic bottles, boards and bars, fittings, strong but well-bent wire, thick cardboard, plastic tubes, etc. In fact, anything can become the basis for a future masterpiece - the foam coating will hide everything. The containers intended for the frame must be filled with sand or small pebbles to give stability to the finished figure. And the wire, from which it is convenient to make arms, legs, tails, is better to hide inside the hollow plastic tube so that the area to be covered with foam is larger and internal damage is less.

Thirdly, before you start sculpting figures from mounting foam with your own hands, carefully study the instructions for the foam that you purchased, since each manufacturer has its own nuances and requirements. Don't forget to stock up on individual protective equipment to work with this building material - at least with gloves and a respirator.

Step by step instructions for creating sculptures

So, are you ready to become a "foamy" Michelangelo? Then get started.

  1. 1 On the made frame or part of it (in some cases it is better to connect the parts of the figure in almost ready-made) apply mounting foam in layers. The key here is to take your time and be patient. Foam is applied thin layers, which must be allowed to dry for 15-20 minutes, otherwise pieces will begin to fall off your product. The bottle should be kept cap down to be able to use all the foam, without residue, and it is best to use a special gun to apply it. It is not recommended to work with this material when sub-zero temperature otherwise the result may disappoint you.
  2. 2 Fully polyurethane foam hardens in about 11-12 hours, so at the stage of layering you can form it by hand, sculpting desired forms. When the material hardens completely, you can, following the example of the great sculptor, cut off the excess with a clerical knife. In this case, you can not only cut, but also add to right places material - in this sense, polyurethane foam is unrivaled.
  3. 3 The finished and dried sculpture, so that it does not collapse in the future and serves as long as possible, should be covered with a layer of putty. To create a flat and smooth surface, the product is rubbed with sandpaper.
  4. 4 Paint the sculpture better acrylic paints, and there should be at least 2 layers, otherwise it will not come out very beautifully. Simultaneously with the coloring, all the small details are installed, including the eyes, which can be made from beads (by gluing them on the face or muzzle) or from small rubber balls - this way the look will be more expressive. So that your work does not lose its beauty for as long as possible, after painting it is recommended to cover it with a layer of varnish.
  5. 5 That's it, your masterpiece is ready, you can install it in its place. However, due to the lightness of the statue, you can change this place over time.

I would like to note that making figures for the garden with your own hands is especially nice if you do it with your children. In this case, your offspring will be able not only to enjoy meeting the funny inhabitants of your site, but also be proud that they participated in their creation.

Crafts from polyurethane foam can be made with your own hands in just a few hours.

If you have a disposable tank that hasn't run out yet, why not use it for the benefit of landscaping.

In this case, it is still better to resort to professional foam, and not household foam, since a small gun with a diameter of 2 mm is added to it.

Unusually simple and beautiful figurines made of polyurethane foam will become the property of your site. They will not leave indifferent either neighbors or just people passing by.

Materials for fakes from polyurethane foam

You will need:

  • gloves;
  • sprayer with pre-prepared water;
  • polyethylene;
  • aviation kerosene.

Kerosene is needed so that, upon completion of work with mounting foam, hands can be easily washed from building material.

Something will also come in handy for creating the basis for crafts from polyurethane foam with your own hands.

You can take an ordinary plastic bottle, an old pan or something else, which is not a pity.

With foam covering the auxiliary material, the creation of crafts will begin ...

You need to paint them carefully, and before carrying out this procedure
dry thoroughly in the shade. Drying takes at least a week, but if the foam layer is large, it is better to wait longer.

The paint is applied to the craft from mounting foam with your own hands every spring again. If this is not done, the foam may crack and the craft will deteriorate.

Foam craft ideas

If your site has a small pond, you can make a large green toad. This is especially true where many plants grow, especially large-leaved ones. In some cases, it is easier to make a lizard or a crocodile - who can do what.

In order not to miscalculate with the sizes and “fill your hand”, you can practice on plasticine. No matter how strange it may sound, but it is after testing on this simple material that it turns out to make chic crafts from polyurethane foam.

The same goes for the dough - if you like to bake delicious buns, pat animals - this will help you figure out what you can do better.

A great solution is to make turtles out of polyurethane foam. And it is not at all necessary to have a reservoir on the site. In addition, almost everyone has white paint, and it is now cheaper than colored ones.

Turtles are easier to dye, their shells can be alternated with natural ones. If, during the creation of the craft, bumps appeared that should not be, they can be cut off with a sharp knife.

Similarly, the situation will be with rounded details - if they need to be sharpened, the excess is simply cut off.

Crafts from polyurethane foam not only decorate street views, they can also be made for the home. Funny frogs will bring smiles to people passing by!

So, as an original New Year's decor, you can make a snowman out of foam, but you need to start creating in advance so that the material has time to dry well.

If you paint over the foam ahead of time, it will quickly crack.

Having the opportunity to go out of town is excellent, and if the rest also takes place in your own summer cottage, it’s generally great. But only standard dachas, where we see only cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes and other necessary vegetables and fruits, evoke more melancholy than a desire to relax. And you don't want to work in such an atmosphere. But what if you put a little imagination and effort and turn your country cottage area into a real miracle? Believe me, your household after the transformation of the dacha will not want to return to the city. And for such a transformation to take place, you will need crafts for the garden with your own hands. What do we mean? Watch, read, choose and be inspired.

Original crafts for the garden and cottages with your own hands from improvised materials

Of course, today most agricultural shops and flower stalls offer a variety of options. garden sculptures, pots and other beauty. But the pleasure is by no means cheap: to completely transform your site, you will need to pay a tidy sum. Do you want to spend? Not? Then you have come to the right place. We will tell you how to create all this beauty with your own hands from materials that almost every thrifty owner can find.
So, in this section of our site, ideas are collected that are worthy of taking a place on your site. We invite you to get acquainted with the technology of making flowerbeds from tires, original flower beds from plastic bottles, figurines of birds, animal gnomes from the same bottles and other materials. And together with us you can create real castles for your children, small fountains, relaxation areas, etc.
In addition to "traditional" materials, we will use completely unusual ones, for example, old typewriters, cases of various toy cars, children's buckets and much, much more. In principle, from our articles you will learn that you can decorate your garden or summer cottage with anything, and such crafts for the garden with your own hands will surely delight your loved ones and guests.

Collection of ideas for crafts

Our articles and reviews are devoted not only to the materials from which you can create, but also to a variety of ideas.
We will tell you what exactly you can do in your country house. How do you like the idea of ​​​​do-it-yourself garden crafts such as:

  • garden gnomes and other fairy tale characters;
  • children's slides;
  • fountains;
  • hammocks and sun loungers;
  • benches;
  • swing;
  • flower beds and flower beds;
  • figurines from plants;
  • Japanese stone gardens;
  • original armchairs and deck chairs;
  • play areas;
  • houses and huts;
  • birdhouses and pens for birds;
  • interestingly designed booths.

Do you think this is the whole list? In vain! This is only a small part of what can be placed on your summer cottage.

The location of crafts in the garden or on the site

It’s not enough to come up with and do crafts, you need to find a place for it on the site. Therefore, we have devoted a number of articles to how exactly you can place everything that you create.
The articles contain many descriptions of different gardens and cottages with photographs in which you will see entire families of pigs walking in the garden, swans from tires strewn with flowers, which are located near the porch of the house, and so on.
It is important not to overdo it when decorating the site and correctly combine crafts for the garden with your own hands. The fact is that a large pile of everything will only repel.
How to combine different crafts, create whole plots from them, organize a recreation and games area - all this will be discussed in our materials.
It will not only be easy to create with us, but most importantly, it will be interesting!

Would you like to ennoble your summer cottage or the area near a private house, but are tired of the consumer goods that are offered in the store? Or do you want to decorate the playground? Then think about whether to do everything yourself with the help of ... polyurethane foam.

In fact, the choice of polyurethane foam as a material for sculpture is unusual only at first glance, because given its pliability and softness, it becomes quite understandable that crafts made from this material are gradually gaining popularity.

Necessary materials

What do you need to create foam sculptures and where to start?

In fact, the list of materials is short:

  • plastic bottles;
  • spray foam cans;
  • dye;

Plastic bottles will be needed as a frame for the future figure and their volume directly depends on the size of the sculpture. The amount of foam is also calculated from the size of the planned craft. It should be noted that the volume of foam at the outlet of the cylinder is from 50 to 70 liters. Usually there is a marking on the cylinders indicating the amount of foam coming out. The choice of paint directly depends on you, it can be either oil or in spray cans or any other. It should be true to note that if it is supposed to use crafts on the street under open sky, you should choose a paint that is resistant to natural influences.

To make a sheep, you will need the following amount of materials:

  • plastic bottles 4 pieces of 2 l;
  • isolon (this is a special substrate for linoleum, can be purchased at any hardware store);
  • 5 cylinders of polyurethane foam, 70 l each;
  • adhesive tape or, in other words, adhesive tape;
  • paint, varnish;

First, we make a frame from plastic bottles. It doesn't have to be perfect, just well made so it doesn't fall apart.

Then you should cut the isolon into narrow strips 2-3 cm wide

The next step is to wind the frame with isolon strips to give it more volume. We fix the strips of isolon with adhesive tape so that they do not unwind.

After the frame is wrapped with isolon, you can attach a sheep's tail made of ordinary wire.

After that, you can apply mounting foam to the frame. The foam is applied in layers. Apply each new layer only after the previous one has dried, for quick drying it can be sprayed with water. The fact is that water coming into contact with the foam starts a reaction, which accelerates the solidification of the foam.

The foam should be applied as evenly as possible so that imperfections do not have to be corrected.

After our sheep is shaped with the help of foam, and the foam finally hardens, you can proceed to the details. For starters, you can glue the ears.

Then you can correct the muzzle of the lamb with a clerical knife, and then decorate it.

It remains to paint the hooves, draw eyes, and the sculpture is ready.

It should be noted that foam is a fairly toxic material and should only be handled in well-ventilated areas. It is also quite sticky, and therefore you should stock up on acetone or special solvent for mounting foam and patience.

In general, foam is a fertile material, and almost any figure can be made from it, for which there is enough imagination, as well as patience and time. Starting from the simplest and smallest and ending with the size of a human being.

How to make an ironing board
