Dream Interpretation why a snail dreams. Dream: snails in an aquarium

The snail is considered a rather controversial and many-sided symbol. On the one hand, the snail is considered a sign of fertility and patience, on the other hand, it symbolizes laziness, the embodiment of sin, unchanging feelings and desires. However, a snail in a night dream can be interpreted and applied to the sphere of intimacy and love, and this, accordingly, is often consistent with psychology, according to experienced dreamers.

  • A snail that crawls and leaves a wet trail and on the body represents dissatisfaction, partly hidden sexual desires. In addition, the snail may be a reflection of comparatively passive behavior in sex, in comparison with its active partner.
  • If in a night dream you saw and examine a snail, and maybe even touch it in real life, in reality, in reality, this means that the dreamer will experience something piquant and non-trivial. For example, some sharp sexual emotions may appear that will be remembered for long time. A man who sees such a dream will experience the most unforgettable sexual pleasure in life, because in male dream the snail is mostly associated with the vagina. But in female dream the appearance of a delicate body of a snail, which is hidden under a rather fragile shell, promises the appearance of piquant sensations and the consequences of this intimate relationship, for example, pregnancy.
  • If in a night dream appeared a large number of snails, such a dream predicts getting into some kind of society or a certain company, in which the person who had such a dream will be captured by erotic interest, or there will be a huge share of temptations and temptations. For women, seeing this dream is not always considered positive, in comparison with a man who, arriving in a dream with snails, in reality may be carried away by some interesting sexual adventures.
  • If in a night dream a snail hid in a house, and a sleeping person unsuccessfully tries to lure it out, such an unusual dream means that in real real life a person is trying in vain to strive to achieve some kind of location of a person who is especially attractive to him and which he lusts.
  • To see a snail in a night dream on the threshold of an apartment, house or on its way, portends in life a meeting with an old lover or recent admirer. (cm. )
  • If in a new dream you began to eat a snail or crushed it, after which you experienced a terrible feeling of disgust, such a dream symbolizes disgust or rejection of something or even someone. Most likely in reality in your life you will be in a certain situation where any activity will cause you only negative emotions, or a very unpleasant conversation may be ahead. Such an interesting dream, among other things, can also mean that the sleeping person is experiencing sexual incompatibility.
  • If a snail appears in a night's sleep, this may be some kind of warning. Therefore, the person who had this dream needs to become as careful as possible and better postpone any planned deeds, actions or events.
  • A snail hiding in its shell is considered a symbol of indecision, which is associated with making a particularly important decision in life. However, one should not delay too much with the implementation of plans, because indecision can lead to a very unpleasant financial crisis.
  • According to the interpretation of dream books big snail may dream of a future meeting with pretty influential person, the benefits of which will be obvious in your life.
  • Seeing a lot of snails in a dream is considered a warning that in reality very soon you will find yourself surrounded by not very pleasant people whose intentions will be aimed at harming you.
  • The interpretation of sleep, where a woman sees a snail, is interpreted as follows, pregnancy can become a consequence of her intimate life.
  • A snail can appear in a night's sleep both as a temptress and as a healer. Since ancient times, snails have been considered capable of curing various ailments, which is why a dreaming snail to a sick person promises recovery and speedy relief.

Autumn dream book

Seeing a snail in a night dream means that in reality you can be reproached for isolation, that is, that there is too little communication with people in your life.

Summer dream book

Seeing snails in a night dream portends that in life you are deliberately playing for time, and with great success. This is how the dream book interprets this dream.

Women's dream book

If a snail crawls in a night dream, such a strange dream may mean that in reality in real life you have a certain unhealthy situation or situation. If in a night dream you step on a snail, this is considered a sign that in reality in life you will have to communicate and resolve certain issues with rather unpleasant and angry people.

Small Velesov dream book

The snail dreamed of the appearance of success in life.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Interpretation of a dream about a snail this dream book is interpreted as evidence that it will be necessary to suspend some important issues and decisions that will affect and affect important steps and certain changes in your life. The snail's dream suggests that in real life you should not rush and think very carefully about your every single step, since haste in decisions can lead to not very pleasant consequences. A snail in a dream, which is practically hidden in its shell, portends self-doubt. This dream says that you are just afraid to take some kind of decisive step, but instead you are just waiting for something. And here the most important thing is not to prolong such waiting too much, so as not to delay the decisive action for too long a period of time. Such a dream portends the appearance of a financial crisis in life. Large snails in a night dream mean that an influential and strong person may soon appear in reality in real life. Moreover, if in a night dream the snail shell is elongated, it means that such a person on your life path there will be a woman. If the shell is round or flattened, then a man will appear in life. The dream interpretation is a big snail that exposes its horns and makes attempts to attack, which means that in reality in real life you need to be careful, because in reality some problem may appear or the new management at work will not be too favorable to you.

Erotic dream book

Why do snails dream? For example, if in a night dream you saw a snail crawling on a plane, such a dream symbolizes a significant subconscious desire for the need to receive oral sex. Most likely, your partner is not affectionate enough and gentle with you in bed, and this is what does not suit you at all. Dream Interpretation of a snail, when you crushed it in a night's sleep, says that there was an aversion to both sex and your partner. Therefore, it is quite possible that you are experiencing sexual incompatibility. Therefore, you should change the environment and get distracted for a while and stop thinking about sex altogether.

Freud's dream book

What is the dream of a big snail that crawls? Well, firstly, this is a sign that a person who has such a dream is too passive in sex. Therefore, most likely you need another partner with whom you will harmonize better. That's just on this moment your partner is much more active than you, so in order to achieve harmony in these already established relationships, you need to correct your own behavior in bed. Seeing a dream where a large snail crawls over your body symbolizes that in the near future in real life you will experience too unusual and even sharp sexual emotions. And such an experience will leave a rather deep imprint on your soul.

Spring dream book

If you dream of a big snail, know that in real life this will affect the appearance of some red tape.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

If you dream of a white snail, the interpretation of such a dream suggests that in reality you will have laziness, passivity and inaction.

French dream book

If you dream of a little snail, this is a sign that some kind of contention and conflict will appear in your family. If you dreamed of a huge snail that crawls and you are watching it, then in real life you will have some kind of obstacles in business.

Miller's dream book

Why dream of a snail without a shell? If a snail appeared in your dream, it means that in reality some kind of not very normal and even unhealthy environment or situation has appeared in your life. If you stepped on a snail in a dream, it means that very soon you will have to face rather unpleasant people.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon Kananit

This dream book interprets the appearance of a snail in a dream as the appearance of some great success in business in reality.

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

  • Why does a woman dream of a snail? For example, a crawling snail in a dream indicates that some kind of unpleasant situation or atmosphere has appeared in your life.
  • If a woman steps on a snail in a dream, this indicates that in reality she will have to communicate with unpleasant types.

Modern dream book

Seeing a dream where a huge snail crawls may not symbolize very well. good atmosphere in your life.

American dream book

A snail in a dream suggests that in reality all the events in your life proceed very slowly. Therefore, it is necessary to get out of your shell and urgently start moving.

English dream book

In this dream book, the interpretation of the dream in which you saw the snail is not considered very a good sign, portending the annoyance of some insignificant people with rather evil intentions. Therefore, such a dream, as it were, warns you to be careful in reality, otherwise you may suffer from the machinations of these bad people.

Eastern dream book

This dream book says that a person who sees a snail in a dream in reality will be surrounded by some kind of trouble or low people. Therefore, you should be more careful and stay away from strangers in real life.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Seeing a snail in a dream means that in real life you should either slow down or, on the contrary, hurry up in business.

Dream Interpretation Grishina

  • Seeing a snail in a dream is considered a good sign. This means that in reality you will have a reliable, pleasant and even good hearing.
  • The dream book in which the snail stuck to the body means that you are too lazy in life.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

The dream book bitten by a snail indicates that in real life you will have some uninteresting and very long communication with people who are not entirely pleasant for you, and all this will be necessary for business.

Dream Interpretation of Hope and Dmitry Zima

  • Seeing a snail in your dream portends that in real life some of your specific plans are moving rather slowly, the reason for such stagnation may be your own excessive caution, isolation, excitement and indecision.
  • A dream interpretation of a snail in its mouth, with a spiral shell, suggests that your real fears about some business are simply not justified. And in fact, most likely you are winding up the situation on your own, intensifying your feelings and worries more and more, which in real life can only interfere with you. You should behave more decisively, and only after that all your affairs will begin to go much better. (cm. )

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

Seeing a snail in a dream means that in real life you can be reproached for your isolation. The dream interpretation of a snail under the skin suggests that in real life you need to start communicating more with people around you.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

If you saw a snail in your dream, it means that in real life you will deliberately play for time, and you will be able to do this with great success.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

This dream book says that to see a snail in a dream is a portent in real life to get some red tape.

Chinese dream book

To see snails in your dream means that there will be no serious diseases in your life.

Universal dream book

The appearance of a snail in a dream suggests that all the worst and worst in your life is behind you. Ahead in your real life will begin to slowly move forward, because the snail is crawling t calmly and overcomes all obstacles in its path. Such a dream may also indicate that a person who has a dream in which a snail appeared needs to slow down the speed of events in life and slowly do all his business.

Gypsy dream book

The interpretation of the dream in which you saw the snail is interpreted in this dream book as a slow, but still unchanging development. And if you stop in order to analyze all your affairs, you will find that you are moving in the right and right direction.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

Seeing a snail in a dream symbolizes that a person will fall to such a level that it will simply be impossible to restore the historical structure.

Persian dream book

If a snail appeared in a dream, this indicates that all events in your life are proceeding too slowly. You need to take action and move towards your goal. Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn Seeing a snail in a dream means that in real life you will have weakness and a sense of defenselessness.

Mayan Dream Interpretation

  • In this dream book, seeing a snail in a dream is considered a pretty good sign. If in a dream you eat snails, then in the near future you are the sender on a journey. You can go on a trip immediately after you receive from stranger letter.
  • If you catch snails in a dream, it means that very soon you may have some specific digestive problems in your life.


Summing up all of the above, I would like to say once again that a snail in a dream dreams mostly for good, but, like any rule, there is also an exception here. Therefore, before looking for an interpretation of your dream, pay attention to the details of the dream.

American dream book

Snail - events flow slowly. Get out of your shell. Move!

English dream book

Seeing snails is not very good dream, portending that you will be annoyed by some low people full of evil intentions. Be careful, otherwise you will suffer from their intrigues, this dream warns.

Eastern dream book

Seeing snails is a sign that you will be surrounded by some unpleasant, low people. Try to keep them at a distance

Intimate dream book

Seeing a crawling snail in a dream is a sign that you are a little passive in sex. Maybe you would be in perfect harmony with someone else, but your partner is a more active person than you, so in order to achieve harmony, you need to slightly adjust your behavior in bed.

If a snail crawled over your body, it means that in the near future you will experience very sharp and unusual sexual emotions, and this will leave a deep imprint in your soul.

Small Velesov dream book

Snail - success.

Family dream book

If a snail crawled into your dream, an unhealthy situation has developed around you.

Stepped on a snail in a dream - you have to deal with unpleasant people.

Modern dream book

Seeing crawling snails in a dream is a sign that you are surrounded by an unhealthy atmosphere.

The dream in which you stepped on a snail warns that you will have to communicate with unpleasant people.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Snail - the need to hurry or slow down.

Dream Interpretation Grishina

A snail is a good, pleasant, reliable hearing.

Giant snails to see or snails all around stuck around - your laziness.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

The dream in which the snail appears is evidence that you will need to postpone all important steps and changes in life. Do not rush, carefully consider your every step, your haste can lead to unpleasant consequences.

A snail almost hidden in a shell is evidence of self-doubt. You are afraid to take a decisive step and wait. The main thing is that your wait does not last too long. This could lead to a financial crisis.

Snail big size, in human growth - the appearance in your life of a strong and influential person.

Moreover, if the snail shell is elongated - this person is a woman, if the shell is flattened or rounded - a man.

If the snail has put out its horns and is trying to attack you - be careful, you may have a problem, the new bosses are not too favorable to you. A snail that does not show aggression - luck will smile at you, catch a lucky chance.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Snail - long and uninteresting communication with unpleasant people for the sake of business necessity.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

A snail in a dream - portends that some of your plans may move too slowly, the reason for which is your excessive caution, indecision, excitement and isolation.

Meanwhile, a spiral snail shell - suggests that your fears about some business are not so justified. Apparently, you yourself are winding yourself up, intensifying the worries and experiences that only interfere with you. Act more decisively, and your affairs will go much better.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

Snail - you will be reproached for being closed, for not communicating with people much.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Snail - you will deliberately play for time and with great success.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Snail - to red tape.

Chinese dream book

Snails - there will be no disease on the side.

Miller's dream book

A snail crawling into your dream means that an unhealthy situation has developed around you.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Snail - success in business.

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

If you dreamed of a crawling snail, this means that an unhealthy situation has developed around you.

Stepping on a snail in a dream is a sign that you will have to deal with unpleasant people.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Snail - inaction, passivity, laziness.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

I dreamed of a snail - it means you are surrounded by an unhealthy atmosphere.

Step on a snail - to communicate with people that are unpleasant to you.

If you dreamed that you saw someone step on a snail - soon one of your friends will put a pig on you.

Freud's dream book

Snail - symbolizes the female genital organs.

If you are watching a snail, you are affectionate towards your sexual partner.

If you crushed a snail - in sexual relations you allow elements of sadism towards your partner.

If you eat snails, you are frivolous in your sexual contacts.

If you dream that you are a snail in a shell, you have become a victim of numerous stressful situations and are on the verge of severe depression.

French dream book

A snail in a dream is a sign of family strife.

Watching a snail crawling towards you in a dream - to unexpected obstacles in your affairs.

Universal dream book

Snail - your dream suggests that the worst is behind, and ahead is a slow movement forward, as the snail crawls calmly, overcoming all obstacles. The dream also says that a person should slow down the development of events and do things slowly.

Gypsy dream book

Snail - it seems that you are slowly but steadily developing. However, if you stop to analyze your affairs, you will find that you are moving in the wrong direction.

Erotic dream book

A snail crawling on a plane, seen in a dream, symbolizes your subconscious desire for oral sex. Probably, your partner in bed is not gentle and affectionate enough, which does not quite suit you.

If in a dream you crushed a snail, this is a symbol of disgust for your partner in particular and for sex in general. Perhaps you had to experience all the "charms" of sexual incompatibility. You need to change the environment, get distracted and not think about sex for a while.

Online dream book

The plot of the snail is a reflection of the fact that you must change the pace of your life.

Stepped on it - you can not avoid contact with someone who is unpleasant to you.

Why do snails dream?

Many people do not believe in the interpretation of dreams, while others, on the contrary, follow all the recommendations of dream books. In this matter, it is worth finding golden mean because as the saying goes "he who is forewarned is forearmed".

Why do snails dream?

Seeing a snail crawling slowly is a symbol of the fact that in real life you do everything too slowly, which ill-wishers and rivals can take advantage of. The dream interpretation recommends being on the alert so as not to be left far behind. Another snail can be a symbol of the onset of a difficult period, at this time it is better not to do anything and just be patient. A large amount of mucus on a snail in a dream warns that you will soon be offered a business that will be profitable, but illegal. In this case, it is up to you to decide what is more important to you.

Seeing a snail in a dream that you accidentally stepped on is a warning that you will be working with unpleasant people. Such activities will not bring pleasure to you or them. A dream in which a snail is hiding in a shell is a symbol that your behavior in reality is unworthy. If you eat snails in a dream, in this way the subconscious mind tells you that it's time to change the situation and get some rest. A dream in which small snails appear warns you that minor problems can end in serious problems, so you should not let everything take its course.

Why does a woman dream of a snail?

In this case, the dream portends a significant improvement in the financial situation, as well as the increased attention of others. For a young girl, a dream promises a change personal life and even marriage.

Why is the big snail dreaming?

The giant snail is a symbol of the fact that in real life an influential person will appear who can solve all existing problems.

Dream Interpretation: What is the dream of a snail

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Snail

A dream about a snail predicts that your conceived plans will move too slowly due to your indecision and caution.

About the upcoming business with ill-wishers, portends the dream in which you accidentally stepped on a snail.

A snail moving in a dream tells you about the slow development of your affairs. But soon you will realize that you are on the wrong path.

The dream in which you saw a spiral snail shell tells you that your fears about some business are unnecessary, since you are winding yourself up.

The unfavorable situation around you is foreshadowed by a snail that crawled into your dream.

In our dream book you can learn not only about what dreams about a snail mean, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see a snail in a dream in Miller's online dream book.

why do snails shoot?


positive drop

I see everyone here conspired to tear the same thing. And is this the answer? ? The snail is an obstacle in the case, for the outcome of which you are now worried.

Elizaveta Goryainova

Dream Interpretation of those born from September to December Snail - You will be reproached for isolation, for not communicating with people much. Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August Dream Interpretation Snail - You will deliberately play for time and with great success. Women's dream book Why the Snail is dreaming - If you dreamed of a crawling snail, this means that an unhealthy situation has developed around you. Stepping on a snail in a dream is a sign that you will have to deal with unpleasant people. Small Velesov Dream Interpretation Snail - Success. Dream Interpretation for the Whole Family Snail - Erotic Dream Book Snail - Freud's Dream Interpretation Snail - Seeing a crawling snail in a dream is a sign that you are a little passive in sex. Maybe you would be in perfect harmony with someone else, but your partner is a more active person than you, so in order to achieve harmony, you need to slightly adjust your behavior in bed. If a snail crawled over your body, it means that in the near future you will experience very sharp and unusual sexual emotions, and this will leave a deep imprint in your soul. Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April Snail - To red tape. Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer. Interpretation of dreams Snail - Inaction, passivity, laziness. French dream book Snail - A snail in a dream is a sign of family strife. Watching a snail crawling towards you in a dream - to unexpected obstacles in your affairs. Miller's dream book. Interpretation of dreams Why is the Snail dreaming - A snail crawling into your dream means that an unhealthy situation has developed around you. Stepping on a snail in a dream is a sign that you will have to deal with unpleasant people. Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita Snail - Success in Business


Don't you worry



Flying on Air Express

Denis Utkin

Look at the dream book and not the answers to mail ru worry. Here and so questions to hell!

Olga Kuznetsova

Women's dream book Why the Snail is dreaming - If you dreamed of a crawling snail, this means that an unhealthy situation has developed around you. Stepping on a snail in a dream is a sign that you will have to deal with unpleasant people. Small Velesov Dream Interpretation Snail - Success. Dream Interpretation for the Whole Family Snail - A dream in which a snail appears is evidence that you will need to postpone all important steps and changes in life. Do not rush, carefully consider your every step, your haste can lead to unpleasant consequences. The snail, almost hidden in the shell, is evidence of self-doubt. You are afraid to take a decisive step and wait. The main thing is that your wait does not last too long. This could lead to a financial crisis. A large snail, human-sized - the appearance in your life of a strong and influential person. Moreover, if the snail shell is elongated, then this person is a woman, if the shell is flattened or rounded, then this person is a man. If the snail has put out its horns and is trying to attack you, be careful, you may have a problem, the new bosses are not too favorable to you. A snail that does not show aggression - luck will smile at you, catch a lucky chance. Erotic dream book Snail - A snail crawling on a plane, seen in a dream, symbolizes your subconscious desire for oral sex. Probably, your partner in bed is not gentle and affectionate enough, which does not quite suit you. If in a dream you crushed a snail, this is a symbol of disgust for your partner in particular and for sex in general. Perhaps you had to experience all the "charms" of sexual incompatibility. You need to change the environment, get distracted and not think about sex for a while. Freud's Dream Interpretation Snail - Seeing a crawling snail in a dream is a sign that you are a little passive in sex. Maybe you would be in perfect harmony with someone else, but your partner is a more active person than you, so in order to achieve harmony, you need to slightly adjust your behavior in bed. If a snail crawled over your body, it means that in the near future you will experience very sharp and unusual sexual emotions, and this will leave a deep imprint in your soul.

eat a snail

Dream Interpretation Eat a snail dreamed of why in a dream Eat a snail? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of eating a snail by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Snail

A dream in which a snail appears is evidence that you will need to postpone all important steps and changes in life. Do not rush, carefully consider your every step, your haste can lead to unpleasant consequences. The snail, almost hidden in the shell, is evidence of self-doubt. You are afraid to take a decisive step and wait. The main thing is that your wait should not last too long. This could lead to a financial crisis. A large snail, human-sized - the appearance in your life of a strong and influential person. Moreover, if the snail shell is elongated, then this person is a woman, if the shell is flattened or rounded, then this person is a man. If the snail has put out its horns and is trying to attack you, be careful, you may have a problem, the new bosses are not too favorable to you. A snail that does not show aggression - luck will smile at you, catch a lucky chance.

Dream Interpretation - Snail

Dream Interpretation - Snail

Dream Interpretation - Snail

Dream Interpretation - Snail

Dream Interpretation - Snail

Dream Interpretation - Snail

A snail crawling on a plane, seen in a dream, symbolizes your subconscious desire for oral sex. Probably, your partner in bed is not gentle enough and affectionate, which does not quite suit you. If in a dream you crushed a snail, this is a symbol of disgust for your partner in particular and for sex in general. Perhaps you had to experience all the "charms" of sexual incompatibility. You need to change the environment, get distracted and not think about sex for a while.

Dream Interpretation - Snail

Dream Interpretation - Snail

Dream Interpretation - Snail

Dream interpretation giant snails

Dream Interpretation Dream Interpretation giant snails had a dream, why dream about giant snails in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see giant snails in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Snail

A dream in which a snail appears is evidence that you will need to postpone all important steps and changes in life. Do not rush, carefully consider your every step, your haste can lead to unpleasant consequences. The snail, almost hidden in the shell, is evidence of self-doubt. You are afraid to take a decisive step and wait. The main thing is that your wait should not last too long. This could lead to a financial crisis. A large snail, human-sized - the appearance in your life of a strong and influential person. Moreover, if the snail shell is elongated, then this person is a woman, if the shell is flattened or rounded, then this person is a man. If the snail has put out its horns and is trying to attack you, be careful, you may have a problem, the new bosses are not too favorable to you. A snail that does not show aggression - luck will smile at you, catch a lucky chance.

Dream Interpretation - Snail

If a snail crawled into your dream, then an unhealthy situation has developed around you. Stepped on a snail in a dream - you have to deal with unpleasant people. To dream of a crawling snail means that you are a little passive in love. Perhaps the fact is that your partner is a more active person than you. To achieve harmony, both of you need to adjust your behavior a little. If a snail crawled over your body, then soon you will have to experience very sharp and unusual emotions. It will leave a deep mark on your soul.

Dream Interpretation - Snail

Snail - Seeing a crawling snail in a dream is a sign that you are a little passive in sex. Maybe you would be in perfect harmony with someone else, but your partner is a more active person than you, so in order to achieve harmony, you need to slightly adjust your behavior in bed. - If a snail crawled over your body, it means that in the near future you will experience very sharp and unusual sexual emotions, and this will leave a deep mark on your soul.

Dream Interpretation - Snail

Seeing a crawling snail - you will experience very unusual sensations. Perhaps decide on extreme entertainment. If the snail is crushed - entertainment can end sadly, it is better not to risk it. Imagine that a snail crawls over your body without leaving a trace. You admire her beautiful mother-of-pearl shell.

Dream Interpretation - Snail

A snail in a dream is your laziness. Do you know the proverb about the snail? In a saying, she is called sedately and respectfully: a snail. And the proverb itself is slow: "the snail is coming, someday it will be." Have you ever been called a snail? As a joke, of course!

Dream Interpretation - Snail

A man sees her - to poor health. A woman - to increase her husband's salary. A girl sees a snail - for a wedding with a rich man and a happy life. The guy sees a snail - to an unexpected inheritance. The patient sees her - to a long illness. Employee - to promotion. If you saw in a dream how you killed a snail - to victory over enemies.

Dream Interpretation - Snail

A snail crawling on a plane, seen in a dream, symbolizes your subconscious desire for oral sex. Probably, your partner in bed is not gentle enough and affectionate, which does not quite suit you. If in a dream you crushed a snail, this is a symbol of disgust for your partner in particular and for sex in general. Perhaps you had to experience all the "charms" of sexual incompatibility. You need to change the environment, get distracted and not think about sex for a while.

Dream Interpretation - Snail

A snail crawling into your dream means that an unhealthy situation has developed around you. Stepping on a snail in a dream is a sign that you will have to deal with unpleasant people.

Dream Interpretation - Snail

If you dreamed of a crawling snail, this means that an unhealthy situation has developed around you. Stepping on a snail in a dream is a sign that you will have to deal with unpleasant people.

Dream Interpretation - Snail

A sign that clouds are gathering around you. Shows the horns of a snail - to infidelity. Stepping on a snail in a dream - to communicate with people that are unpleasant to you or an undesirable change in lifestyle or place of work.

slug snail

Dream Interpretation Slug snail had a dream about why the slug snail dreams in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a snail in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Slug (snail)

Meet an unpleasant person who will crush a tear.

Dream Interpretation - Snail

A dream in which a snail appears is evidence that you will need to postpone all important steps and changes in life. Do not rush, carefully consider your every step, your haste can lead to unpleasant consequences. The snail, almost hidden in the shell, is evidence of self-doubt. You are afraid to take a decisive step and wait. The main thing is that your wait should not last too long. This could lead to a financial crisis. A large snail, human-sized - the appearance in your life of a strong and influential person. Moreover, if the snail shell is elongated, then this person is a woman, if the shell is flattened or rounded, then this person is a man. If the snail has put out its horns and is trying to attack you, be careful, you may have a problem, the new bosses are not too favorable to you. A snail that does not show aggression - luck will smile at you, catch a lucky chance.

Dream Interpretation - Snail

If a snail crawled into your dream, then an unhealthy situation has developed around you. Stepped on a snail in a dream - you have to deal with unpleasant people. To dream of a crawling snail means that you are a little passive in love. Perhaps the fact is that your partner is a more active person than you. To achieve harmony, both of you need to adjust your behavior a little. If a snail crawled over your body, then soon you will have to experience very sharp and unusual emotions. It will leave a deep mark on your soul.

Dream Interpretation - Snail

Snail - Seeing a crawling snail in a dream is a sign that you are a little passive in sex. Maybe you would be in perfect harmony with someone else, but your partner is a more active person than you, so in order to achieve harmony, you need to slightly adjust your behavior in bed. - If a snail crawled over your body, it means that in the near future you will experience very sharp and unusual sexual emotions, and this will leave a deep mark on your soul.

Dream Interpretation - Snail

Seeing a crawling snail - you will experience very unusual sensations. Perhaps decide on extreme entertainment. If the snail is crushed - entertainment can end sadly, it is better not to risk it. Imagine that a snail crawls over your body without leaving a trace. You admire her beautiful mother-of-pearl shell.

Dream Interpretation - Snail

A snail in a dream is your laziness. Do you know the proverb about the snail? In a saying, she is called sedately and respectfully: a snail. And the proverb itself is slow: "the snail is coming, someday it will be." Have you ever been called a snail? As a joke, of course!

Dream Interpretation - Snail

A man sees her - to poor health. A woman - to increase her husband's salary. A girl sees a snail - for a wedding with a rich man and a happy life. The guy sees a snail - to an unexpected inheritance. The patient sees her - to a long illness. Employee - to promotion. If you saw in a dream how you killed a snail - to victory over enemies.

Dream Interpretation - Snail

A snail crawling on a plane, seen in a dream, symbolizes your subconscious desire for oral sex. Probably, your partner in bed is not gentle enough and affectionate, which does not quite suit you. If in a dream you crushed a snail, this is a symbol of disgust for your partner in particular and for sex in general. Perhaps you had to experience all the "charms" of sexual incompatibility. You need to change the environment, get distracted and not think about sex for a while.

Dream Interpretation - Snail

A snail crawling into your dream means that an unhealthy situation has developed around you. Stepping on a snail in a dream is a sign that you will have to deal with unpleasant people.

Dream Interpretation - Snail

If you dreamed of a crawling snail, this means that an unhealthy situation has developed around you. Stepping on a snail in a dream is a sign that you will have to deal with unpleasant people.


Dream Interpretation - Snail

A snail in a dream portends obstacles in a case for the outcome of which you are worried.

Dream Interpretation - Snail

A snail is a good, pleasant, reliable hearing. Giant snails to see or snails stuck all around - your laziness

Dream Interpretation - Snail

I dreamed of a snail - you are doing something, but it does not bear fruit, maybe you should change your field of activity. It seems that you are slowly but steadily developing. However, if you stop to analyze your affairs, you will find that you are moving in the wrong direction.

Dream Interpretation - Snail

A man sees her - to poor health. A woman - to increase her husband's salary. A girl sees a snail - for a wedding with a rich man and a happy life. The guy sees a snail - to an unexpected inheritance. The patient sees her - to a long illness. Employee - to promotion. If you saw in a dream how you killed a snail - to victory over enemies.

Dream Interpretation - Snail

A sign of family strife. Watching a snail crawling towards you in a dream - to unexpected obstacles in your affairs.

Dream Interpretation - Snail

It portends that some of your plans may move too slowly, the reason for which is your excessive caution, indecision, excitement and isolation. Meanwhile, a spiral snail shell: suggests that your fears about some business are not so well founded. Apparently, you yourself are winding yourself up, intensifying the worries and experiences that only interfere with you. Act more decisively, and your affairs will go much better.

Dream Interpretation - Snail

It symbolizes the reduction of the personality to a level at which it is no longer possible to restore its historical structure.

Dream Interpretation - Snail

Dream Interpretation - Snail

You will be reproached for isolation, for not communicating with people much.

Dream Interpretation - Snail

To the fiddly things.

A snail seen in a dream warns that a temporary pause will come in the affairs of a sleeping person, the dream book advises devoting this time to rest and restoring health. What this mollusk is dreaming of should be interpreted based on its appearance, behavior and interaction with the character.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima dreaming of a snail is positioned with the slow progress of plans, the cause of which is the dreamer's excessive caution and indecision. The spiraling shell of this creature in a dream is a hint that the dreamer's fears are unfounded. You yourself wind yourself up, coming up with excuses for your inaction, thereby increasing your worries and feelings.

External signs

According to General dream book, a dream with a snail predicts the need to postpone the implementation of important steps in life, any haste can threaten to disrupt the plans. If the shells are empty, the period of difficulties has come to an end.

Seeing how the creature practically disappeared into the "house" indicates self-doubt. It can be seen that the dreamer is waiting auspicious moment to take important steps. The main thing is that the wait does not last very long, since such a plot threatens a financial crisis.

A large, human-sized snail promises the appearance in the life of a dreaming influential and strong man. Moreover, if the shell of a large snail was elongated, it would be a woman, flattened and rounded - a man.

Miller’s dream book positions what the slug is dreaming of as the current unhealthy situation surrounded by a sleeping person. If it is big in a dream, reconsider your contacts and limit communication with people who bring negativity into your life.

Snail behavior

A peculiar interpretation of what a crawling snail dreams of is offered by Freud's dream book. So, a dream that occurred indicates excessive passivity in sex. To achieve complete harmony in intimate relationships with a partner, you need to slightly adjust your manner of "communication" in bed.

Seeing a snail moving slowly through your body predicts a spicy and unforgettable pleasure. If it is in the sink, numerous stressful situations in real life can provoke severe depression. If she bit at the moment of admiring her, then you should listen to your loved one.

I dreamed that the animal was set up aggressively, trying to attack and even bit - to unpleasant communication with a person vile for the dreamer. And his peaceful behavior in a dream predicts a successful resolution of protracted disputes and conflicts.

According to Miller's dream book, to meet a snail on the threshold of your home predicts an early meeting with an old admirer or lover. Seeing that she stuck to the body in a dream reflects the laziness of the character, his unwillingness to move on as planned. Perhaps this situation is associated with excessive fatigue or complexes of the dreamer.

Mollusk interaction

Collecting snails and shells in a dream is a kind of clue from the universe to think about your lifestyle and actions. Putting the find in the aquarium is for profit. For a young girl, a dreaming creature in the water, along with aquarium fish symbolizes an early pregnancy.

Stepping on a snail in a dream, according to Miller's dream book, predicts an imminent need to communicate with unpleasant people. Cooking it is an unusual situation, the solution of which will require an extraordinary approach.

What dreams of boiling in water or eating snails is explained by Freud's dream book by the frivolity of a sleeping person in sexual intercourse. Watching her in a dream - you treat your sexual partner with tenderness.

Why do snails dream?

Many people do not believe in the interpretation of dreams, while others, on the contrary, follow all the recommendations of dream books. In this matter, it is worth finding a middle ground, because, as they say, "he who is warned is armed."

Why do snails dream?

Seeing a snail crawling slowly is a symbol of the fact that in real life you do everything too slowly, which ill-wishers and rivals can take advantage of. The dream interpretation recommends being on the alert so as not to be left far behind. Another snail can be a symbol of the onset of a difficult period, at this time it is better not to do anything and just be patient. A large amount of mucus on a snail in a dream warns that you will soon be offered a business that will be profitable, but illegal. In this case, it is up to you to decide what is more important to you.

Seeing a snail in a dream that you accidentally stepped on is a warning that you will be working with unpleasant people. Such activities will not bring pleasure to you or them. A dream in which a snail is hiding in a shell is a symbol that your behavior in reality is unworthy. If you eat snails in a dream, in this way the subconscious mind tells you that it's time to change the situation and get some rest. A dream in which small snails appear warns you that minor problems can end in serious problems, so you should not let everything take its course.

Why does a woman dream of a snail?

In this case, the dream portends a significant improvement in the financial situation, as well as the increased attention of others. For a young girl, a dream promises a change in her personal life and even marriage.

Why is the big snail dreaming?

The giant snail is a symbol of the fact that in real life an influential person will appear who can solve all existing problems.


Miller's dream book

The snail crawling into your dream- means that an unhealthy situation has developed around you.

Step on a snail in a dream

Freud's dream book

Seeing a crawling snail in a dream- a sign that you are a little passive in sex. Maybe you would be in perfect harmony with someone else, but your partner is a more active person than you, so in order to achieve harmony, you need to slightly adjust your behavior in bed.

If a snail crawled over your body- it means that in the near future you will experience very sharp and unusual sexual emotions, and this will leave a deep imprint in your soul.

Snail- symbolizes the female genital organs.

If you are watching a snail- You are gentle with your sexual partner.

If you crushed a snail- in sexual relations you allow elements of sadism in relation to your partner.

If you eat snails- you are frivolous in your sexual contacts.

If you dream that you are a snail in a shell- you have been exposed to numerous stressful situations and are on the verge of severe depression.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Snail in a dream- portends that some of your plans may move too slowly, the reason for which is your excessive caution, indecision, excitement and isolation.

Meanwhile, the spiral snail shell- suggests that your fears about some case are not so justified. Apparently, you yourself are winding yourself up, intensifying the worries and experiences that only interfere with you. Act more decisively, and your affairs will go much better.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

A dream in which a snail appears- evidence that you will need to postpone all important steps and changes in life. Do not rush, carefully consider your every step, your haste can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Snail almost hidden in the shell is evidence of self-doubt. You are afraid to take a decisive step and wait. The main thing is that your wait does not last too long. This could lead to a financial crisis.

Large snail, human size- the appearance in your life of a strong and influential person.

Moreover, if the snail shell is elongated This man is a woman if the shell is flattened or rounded- the male.

If the snail has put out its horns and is trying to attack you- be careful, you may have a problem, the new boss is not too supportive of you. A snail that does not show aggression - luck will smile at you, catch a lucky chance.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Snail- long and uninteresting communication with unpleasant people for the sake of business necessity.

New family dream book

If a snail crawled into your dream- an unhealthy situation has developed around you.

Stepped on a snail in a dream- have to deal with unpleasant people.

Modern combined dream book

See crawling snails in a dream- a sign that you are surrounded by an unhealthy atmosphere.

The dream in which you stepped on a snail- warns that you will have to communicate with unpleasant people.

Eastern female dream book

see snails- a sign that you will be surrounded by some unpleasant, low people. Try to keep them at a distance

Complete dream book of the New Era

Snail- the need to hurry or slow down.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Snail- you will deliberately play for time and with great success.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, December

Snail- you will be reproached for isolation, for the fact that you communicate little with people.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Snail- to red tape.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Snail- success in business.

Women's dream book

If you dreamed of a crawling snail- this means that an unhealthy situation has developed around you.

Step on a snail in a dream- a sign that you have to deal with unpleasant people.

General dream book

Dreamed of a snail- it means you are surrounded by an unhealthy atmosphere.

Step on a snail- to communicate with people unpleasant to you.

If you dreamed that you saw someone step on a snail- soon one of your friends will plant a pig for you.

English dream book

see snails- this is not a very good dream, foreshadowing that some low people full of evil intentions will annoy you. Be careful, otherwise you will suffer from their intrigues, this dream warns.

Chinese dream book

snails- there will be no disease on the side.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Snail- inaction, passivity, laziness.

Modern universal dream book

Snail- your dream says that the worst is behind, and ahead is a slow movement forward, as the snail crawls calmly, overcoming all obstacles. The dream also says that a person should slow down the development of events and do things slowly.

Dream interpretation of a gypsy

Snail- it seems that you are slowly but steadily developing. However, if you stop to analyze your affairs, you will find that you are moving in the wrong direction.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Snail- good, pleasant, reliable hearing.

Giant snails to see or snails all around- your laziness.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Snail- success.

Erotic dream book Danilova

A snail crawling on a plane, seen in a dream- symbolizes your subconscious desire for oral sex. Probably, your partner in bed is not gentle and affectionate enough, which does not quite suit you.

If in a dream you crushed a snail is a symbol of disgust for your partner in particular and for sex in general. Perhaps you had to experience all the "charms" of sexual incompatibility. You need to change the environment, get distracted and not think about sex for a while.

Collection of dream books

Snail- events flow slowly. Get out of your shell. Move!

Snail in a dream- a sign of family strife.

Watch in a dream a snail crawling towards you- to unexpected obstacles in your affairs.

why do snails shoot?


positive drop

I see everyone here conspired to tear the same thing. And is this the answer? ?
A snail is an obstacle in a case for the outcome of which you are now worried.

Elizaveta Goryainova

Women's dream book

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Snail - Success.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Erotic dream book

Freud's dream book

Snail - To red tape.

French dream book

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Snail - Success in business


Don't you worry


Dream interpretation of those born from September to December

Snail - You will be reproached for isolation, for not communicating with people much.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Dream Interpretation Snail - You will deliberately play for time and with great success.

Women's dream book

Why the Snail is dreaming - If you dreamed of a crawling snail, this means that an unhealthy situation has developed around you. Stepping on a snail in a dream is a sign that you will have to deal with unpleasant people.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Snail - Success.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Snail - A dream in which a snail appears is evidence that you will need to postpone all important steps and changes in life. Do not rush, carefully consider your every step, your haste can lead to unpleasant consequences. The snail, almost hidden in the shell, is evidence of self-doubt. You are afraid to take a decisive step and wait. The main thing is that your wait does not last too long. This could lead to a financial crisis. A large snail, human-sized - the appearance in your life of a strong and influential person. Moreover, if the snail shell is elongated, then this person is a woman, if the shell is flattened or rounded, then this person is a man. If the snail has put out its horns and is trying to attack you, be careful, you may have a problem, the new bosses are not too favorable to you. A snail that does not show aggression - luck will smile at you, catch a lucky chance.

Erotic dream book

Snail - A snail crawling on a plane, seen in a dream, symbolizes your subconscious desire for oral sex. Probably, your partner in bed is not gentle and affectionate enough, which does not quite suit you. If in a dream you crushed a snail, this is a symbol of disgust for your partner in particular and for sex in general. Perhaps you had to experience all the "charms" of sexual incompatibility. You need to change the environment, get distracted and not think about sex for a while.

Freud's dream book

Snail - Seeing a crawling snail in a dream is a sign that you are a little passive in sex. Maybe you would be in perfect harmony with someone else, but your partner is a more active person than you, so in order to achieve harmony, you need to slightly adjust your behavior in bed. If a snail crawled over your body, it means that in the near future you will experience very sharp and unusual sexual emotions, and this will leave a deep imprint in your soul.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Snail - To red tape.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer. Dream interpretation

Snail - Inaction, passivity, laziness.

French dream book

Snail - A snail in a dream is a sign of family strife. Watching a snail crawling towards you in a dream - to unexpected obstacles in your affairs.

Miller's dream book. Dream interpretation

Why the Snail is dreaming - A snail crawling into your dream means that an unhealthy situation has developed around you. Stepping on a snail in a dream is a sign that you will have to deal with unpleasant people.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Snail - Success in business


Flying on Air Express

Denis Utkin

Look at the dream book and not the answers to mail ru worry.
Here and so questions to hell!

Olga Kuznetsova

Women's dream book

Why the Snail is dreaming - If you dreamed of a crawling snail, this means that an unhealthy situation has developed around you. Stepping on a snail in a dream is a sign that you will have to deal with unpleasant people.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Snail - Success.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Snail - A dream in which a snail appears is evidence that you will need to postpone all important steps and changes in life. Do not rush, carefully consider your every step, your haste can lead to unpleasant consequences. The snail, almost hidden in the shell, is evidence of self-doubt. You are afraid to take a decisive step and wait. The main thing is that your wait does not last too long. This could lead to a financial crisis. A large snail, human-sized - the appearance in your life of a strong and influential person. Moreover, if the snail shell is elongated, then this person is a woman, if the shell is flattened or rounded, then this person is a man. If the snail has put out its horns and is trying to attack you, be careful, you may have a problem, the new bosses are not too favorable to you. A snail that does not show aggression - luck will smile at you, catch a lucky chance.

Erotic dream book

Snail - A snail crawling on a plane, seen in a dream, symbolizes your subconscious desire for oral sex. Probably, your partner in bed is not gentle and affectionate enough, which does not quite suit you. If in a dream you crushed a snail, this is a symbol of disgust for your partner in particular and for sex in general. Perhaps you had to experience all the "charms" of sexual incompatibility. You need to change the environment, get distracted and not think about sex for a while.

Freud's dream book

Snail - Seeing a crawling snail in a dream is a sign that you are a little passive in sex. Maybe you would be in perfect harmony with someone else, but your partner is a more active person than you, so in order to achieve harmony, you need to slightly adjust your behavior in bed. If a snail crawled over your body, it means that in the near future you will experience very sharp and unusual sexual emotions, and this will leave a deep imprint in your soul.

Snails in a dream

Here you can read dreams in which symbols occur snails. By clicking on the link Interpretation of a dream under the text of a particular dream, you can read online interpretations written for free by the interpreters of dreams on our site. If you are interested in the interpretation of sleep according to the dream book, follow the link Dream Interpretation, and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, in the form in which they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream in the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what the dreams of the Snail mean, or what it means to see Snails in a dream.

Snail cookies in a dream

In the morning before work, I bought cookies in a square transparent box. Cookies in the form of bagels. I ate some with tea on the first day, and left some. I left about 4 things. On the second day, when I started eating them, having bitten through one of them, I saw snails, it became very bad, I almost vomited. I broke the rest, and there are small snails in all of them. Threw everything in the trash can.

Snails on a laurel in a dream

I go to my place. It's kind of like a throne. Growing next to him a big tree very pretty and soft. I know there in a dream that this is a laurel bush. I see that two branches have strongly bent down and are beginning to dry before my eyes; I notice on them huge, with a man's fist of snails. I try to tear them off, but it's very hard. With difficulty I tear off one, but she, then the other (which fell on me), sticks to me - to my head, crawls onto my face to my hands. I feel that I am losing strength from their "suction", I am terribly weak ... Everyone sees this, but they treat it like I'm playing with snails. I shout to my husband to help. With incredible effort I tear off one ... I'll sleep through.

Snail berries in a dream

First, the late aunt dreams, I am visiting her, but the house is not hers, but some kind of big one. I go into the garden and see cherries and strawberries, I start eating them. The aunt does not mind, but the grandmother (also deceased) says - do not eat, leave it for the kids (my nephews). I answer that there is enough for everyone. The berries are ripe and tasty. Next, the aunt carries a jar of aquarium fish, she wants to give them to the pigs, because there are too many of them. Further, my daughter and I swim in the pool, the water is clean and transparent, but at the bottom I see a lot of small snails, one even crawls over my body. This is unpleasant for me, I decide that I will no longer swim here. I pick up my daughter and we leave.

Sleep with turtles and snails

I had a dream that I was on a huge mountain, a bulk pile of a huge number of small dried mussel snails (opening into two halves). I was drowning in this mass, but I tried to climb up, I succeeded, and around me there were dozens of live turtles, which also rowed up, very lively and energetically. Then I woke up.

In general, a lot of things were dreamed of that night, but this dream seemed somehow the most vivid and juicy. Colored.

I would be grateful to someone who will explain to me the meaning of sleep, and tell me what to expect in the near future.

Thank you.

Severed head snail squirrel in a dream

Someone gave me a severed head, I took a knife and began to cut it. When I cut off the face, I saw a huge snail in the shell inside the head. I dropped my head and then the snail began to crawl out of my head, slowly crawled along the floor, then it turned into something at the same time similar to both a squirrel and a rabbit, it began to rush around the room, jump on me and scratch. Then I finally caught her, pressed her to the floor and began to look for a knife to kill her. But then he changed his mind and let her go, she hid behind the sofa. I moved away from him, then approached again. This time the squirrel did not run away from me and scratch, I even managed to touch it.

Aquarium in a dream

The dream is already the third time in the last 2 months. A huge aquarium with bright, colorful and different fish, which I watch with fascination. In the first dream, it was as if I didn’t feed them for a long time, then, remembering this, I began to pour handfuls of food, and they greedily eat. In the second dream, the aquarium increased in size, the fish too, just watched. In the last dream, it seemed to me that it was even crowded, and large yellow snails appeared and there were many fry that had just been born. The fish jumped out of the aquarium, falling to the floor. I deftly caught them and put them back into the water, then I looked for a long time, but I found a suitable net to close it

Fire change of dreams friend snake elephant in a dream

Hello! I rarely remember dreams, but today I had a very long and strange dream, consisting, as it were, of four.

It means that the President of the United States came to my house (in reality there is no such house), began to tell everyone through the mouthpiece how bad it is to live in Russia and show the photo on the projector in the air, offered to change.

Then he dragged the US flag and began to raise the flagpole near my house. Then someone from the Russian government came and burned the flag, setting fire to the house along the way, it was windy and the fire quickly flared up, but it was extinguished.

Then my young grandfather (now deceased) and I one year old baby fled to Vitebsk. The child was not mine. Also, the child was silent, did not cry, we were at the station square for a long time, then we got on a minibus and left.

The child and grandfather disappeared, but I was still in Vitebsk helping my gay friend who was stalked by him ex-boyfriend. I decided to buy him a self-defense weapon so that my friend would not be afraid to walk the streets. I went to the store and started choosing with someone *I don’t remember who*. I thought about choosing something like a club without spikes, but the interlocutor dissuaded me, saying that this pervert could use it for other purposes. In general, they chose for a long time, then they asked the seller, he thought for 3 seconds and took out a huge cage with a huge python, and said that it the best remedy. Bought and decided to build a paddock.

In general, I, sitting on this huge python, seduced him with a large snail. The python tried to devour it and spun around its axis with me, then I got off and he began to catch birds, he caught one small one. In the meantime, I ran to finish building the corral (I ended up in Moscow), and then someone pushes me hard, I get up and see a strange gray huge something, I try to get away from it, but it trails behind me with a tail.

After that, I realized that it was a baby elephant, and a bag of apples was hanging on me, then I remembered that elephants remember the road very well, sat on it and returned it home to the circus.



If you dreamed of a crawling snail, this means that an unhealthy situation has developed around you. Stepping on a snail in a dream is a sign that you will have to deal with unpleasant people.
The dream in which the snail appears is evidence that you will need to postpone all the important steps and changes in life. Do not rush, carefully consider your every step, your haste can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Svetlana Nikolaevna

to gossip about you

Rita Vladimirskaja

Temporarily shield yourself from everyone

collect snails

Dream interpretation Collect snails dreamed of why in a dream to collect snails? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see Collecting snails in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Gather

Guests gather for a treat or a feast - portends the ruin of the family.

Bowing to a buddha, a deity, about to make a move - portends great wealth.

A lot of people gathered near the stove in the house - harmony in relationships and happiness.

They are going to put pads on the body, shackles - you will soon get sick.

Centipedes gather in a heap - portends a loss of wealth.

Are you going to cut down a big tree - portends a big profit, material well-being.

If you are going to strike with a hammer - there will be support from the side.

If you are going to cut down a big tree - portends a big profit, material well-being.

Dream Interpretation - Collect

Reaping rice on the vine, harvesting - portends peace and prosperity in the family.

Getting rice in the vine and unexpectedly losing it is the establishment of order, the acquisition of the correct sequence.

fold, collect new clothes- there will be various adversities, failures.

Dream Interpretation - Collect

Dream Interpretation - Collect

Collect - Something scattered - to material losses. S. designer, details into a whole - to the improvement, the successful completion of the work begun.

Dream Interpretation - Collect

Collect - Something scattered - to material losses. S. designer, details into a whole - to the improvement, the successful completion of the work begun.

Dream Interpretation - Collect flowers

Picking flowers is a joy.

Walking through the forest, picking mushrooms or berries - a dream portends a good income, only if the mushroom berries were not poisonous.

Imagine that you are returning home from the forest with baskets full of mushrooms and berries. All of them are edible.

Dream Interpretation - Collect

To dream that you are collecting gold and silver portends deceit and loss.

Dream Interpretation - Collect things

See Packing.

Dream Interpretation - Collect (mushrooms or berries)

A lot of work - little benefit



In a dream, I saw surfaces covered with snails in shells, rounded, and I saw the snails themselves, slimy, in the shell. Moreover, I talked with a man (known to me, NOT a husband) that I really want oysters and tried to find out if he could cook them :) He answered that of course he could.
The feeling of sleep is incomprehensible, and I have never eaten oysters :) I am 35 years old, married

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Ira, perhaps the dream in which you see oysters indicates that some new impressions await you associated with some man.


In a dream, I saw how snails in shells crawled over my body, there were a lot of them. I honestly don't remember anything else. I'm 39 years old. Single. Maybe something to watch out for? Just when I woke up, I had some kind of excitement.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Alya, a dream may indicate that you need to change something in your life, as it flows in that direction.


i dreamed of a building full of snails and among the snails there were crystals, one of them was an amethyst. and other stones


Hello. I dreamed that I tore off its shell from the snail, and I was very worried, I thought that she would now die.


I dreamed that at work I sat down to chat with our secretary, with whom we usually do not communicate. And it turned out that she breeds snails, for some reason there at work. Snails crawled all over the floor, there were a lot of them, so small, in beautiful orange shells.


I dreamed of a very large snail, that is, the size of me (my height is 174 cm). I stroked her and was not at all afraid. It is strange that it was not slippery, and my hands were dry. she cuddled sweetly like a cat, arching her neck for me to pet her. Most importantly, I enjoyed petting her.


I go into the garden and see a snail under my foot, I pick it up and throw it to the side, and then turn my head to the side and see that the snails are almost all over the garden


I dreamed of a lot of frozen snails, served them on the table as treats, then they came to life and crawled, one crawled onto my arm and dug into my arm very hard and painfully, I tore it off with difficulty, the wound remained, but without blood


dreamed of giant snails without a shell, red with a black stripe. They crawled, like some kind of reservoir, only a small one, and the water Brown. There were a lot of them. I just watched them in horror


I dreamed of a large (up to the level of the belt), colored like a rainbow, iridescent snail without horns. The shell was slightly elongated. She crawled not on me. I just watched her and was surprised, admired how amazing and beautiful she was. In a dream, there were pleasant feelings, similar to delight and joy. I always dream only of color dreams, but this one stuck in my memory


I often see snails in my dreams or in the shadow of the forest, they follow me, appear everywhere, sit on leaves, bushes or at home on a chest of drawers, in dreams they try to tell me something


one of my classmates found a snail in my closet, and I knew that she was there and started playing with her, not torturing her, but just having fun with her. The snail was waiting for attention and she liked that someone was interested in her . Then this childhood friend brought it up to my face and put the snail's eye right up to my eye. It became very unpleasant for me, in other words, zhudkovato .... I later told her that I think not this account; the snail then crawled along the floor, even without its shell, but then returned to the same place. Nothing happened during my dream as a snail, she remained alive, only she was a little larger than her relatives, and the color was lighter than they usually are without mucus and the eye I was forced to look into was light gray color... closer to hazel with a pupil, generally not a natural eye and larger than the usual size of a standard cochlea.


Snails crawled under my skin, there were a lot of them. Cutting the skin, I pulled them out, some with blood. I understood that if I did not remove all the snails, then something not very good might happen to me.


Running my hand through my hair, I noticed snail caviar, began to remove this caviar from my hair, there was a lot of it, then I look - and there are a lot of living large snails in the strands of hair. And I shake them off my head. Then I woke up.


Hello Tatiana. From Tuesday to Wednesday (in the early morning) I dreamed that I was in an unfamiliar room, modestly furnished, like a cheap hotel. I am there temporarily, but I can not leave the territory. On the ceiling I see snails moving towards me, different in size and color, I pay attention that some of them are very large in size and quite beautiful in color. I change location - they crawl towards me. Throughout the dream was accompanied by a feeling of fear, hostility, discomfort. What does it mean? Thank you.


I had a dream on Sunday morning, when I woke up out of habit, but I wanted to sleep off on Sunday. I was in the museum with my deceased husband in the museum. We approached the exhibit - a snail toy lilac color and I took it in my hands. When pressed, her horns stretched out and she herself became slightly thicker. Then I don’t remember how it happened, but in a dream I woke up in this museum and went to look for my husband, but I didn’t find it and woke up.
Thanks in advance.
[email protected]


The snails crawled over my palms, I started to shake them off, then I began to tear them off my palms, and as soon as I tore one off, a new one appeared straight from my palm, and when I tore them off it hurt me


an unknown creature, it seems to me that this does not exist on the planet. the body is like a black snail without a house and without horns, rounded at the end of the body and the head is also rounded. on the head was only a mouth resembling an anus. the same hole was at the end of the body from below. the whole body was covered with large needles, except for the part on which it crawled. it left no trace. i.e., it consisted of a head, passing into a fairly long neck, the neck into the body. It's hard to describe what you've never seen.


I dreamed that a snail settled in me. She lived in a big cage white color and without armor. Then there were several dozen of her children. What does it mean?


wife had a dream on the night of December 30-31. The giant African snail Achatina lives at home. In a dream, I dreamed of a large package of the same snails, only a little smaller and the colors were beige and brown (their natural color). All the living ones drank, and she thinks how much she needs to sort through them, and then she sees her snail. She is big, got out of the house and examines the snails with interest. The wife selects the weaker ones and gives them to her snail to eat them. They say they will die anyway, but at least I will feed my own. But she does not see that her snail would eat these snails and the spouse herself does nothing more with them. On this he wakes up.


snails crawled along the bed, the walls and the ceiling multiplied, the room was renovated, something like a bee or a wasp but stuck its sting into the snails much more, it seems


I dreamed of a beautiful smiling snail, it crawled out from the ceiling in the kitchen of my house, which I am now selling, I tell the buyer of my house, look at what kind of snail it will now fall on your son’s head, although my buyer does not have a son, but only girls, but the snail is somehow soft went down and did not affect the boy. The dream had a dream from Saturday 10.01 to 11.01.2015


she ran her hand through her hair, and felt something solid like a big lump, she began to feel, and this is a snail! I quickly began to peel it off my head and threw it away. There was a feeling of disgust later. Then I saw tigers in the distance.


I followed someone and when I passed under high climbing plants I understood the head and saw that very large snails stuck to them and all were hidden in their shell. For some reason, I realized that they would now fall on me. She covered her forehead with her hands. And then immediately a snail fell to me, it should have hit my forehead, but since I covered myself with my hands, it hit my hands


Hello, please help me interpret the dream! Today I dreamed that I was swimming in a clear blue sea, somewhere in a beautiful foreign resort, I was swimming, and then huge ones appeared out of nowhere, even I would say giant snails and there are so many of them, I got scared, and the people around me began to climb them to get to the shore, but they did not succeed, because the snails were hurt when they were touched, and the people who touched them had something similar to burns on their bodies. And I woke up...


Rainy weather. On some pnesit sits a lot of snails. I want to drive them away and I put 9 kittens on this stump too) The snails start to get hysterical))) They start to run away and climb out of the shells. Brad in general


The snails in the aquarium crawled out of their shells and swam, then got scared of the noise and crawled back. they were hungry, I went to my grandmother to take plants from her aquarium, it turned out she accidentally broke it, but she managed to save 3 of the most big fish and some plants


I dreamed of two snails that stuck together and I wanted to separate them. There was a lot of mucus. And then I was going to put them in an aquarium, but I don’t remember if there was water or not.


Hello. I dreamed that I was putting all kinds of different fish in the aquarium and there were a lot of snails from the floor and also different ones: big and small, but all alive.


Highly weird dream. It seems that a cockroach is sitting on the curtain at my house, I am in shock, I start screaming and calling someone to pick it up, and then I fall silent, because when I stand a little to the side, I notice that the cockroach is sitting on a snail, there were two of them and they mated .

O.o hmmmm


I dreamed that I went into the room and saw a snail. She was alive and crawling on the floor. I took the snail with my left hand and it was dead.


In a dream, I had two snails living with me. When I wanted to take them, there were a lot of them, I don’t know where they came from. And some died.


I bought a large snail for 60 UAH, but it ran away from the shell and I can’t catch up with it. When I caught it, instead of a snail, I had a “chestnut” (color) playful toy terrier puppy in my hands.


it was already dark, and I swam into the sea, I swam out and stood on plankton, and there are a lot of snails, small ones, 2 of them climbed onto my soles of my feet and I brushed them away, I look at the sea and it is black and raged, and I ran along the shore, where there were a lot of people and light, and I ran joyfully


I go into the room, and there are a lot of black snails on the floor. But there is neither fear nor disgust, the main thing is to understand where they are crawling from and get rid of them - I go to the window in front of which I am standing. big palm tree in a pot - they crawl from there - I pull a flower out of the ground - out of a hundred - and start shaking them into a trash can ... and for some reason they rustle, knock on their shells, despite the fact that in my life I have them appearance unpleasant, more annoying sound in a dream


i dreamed of a snail that was sitting on my hand, or rather on several fingers, the colors of the dream were not very clear, but not dark and blurry.


brought home two goldfish and while she was adjusting the pebbles and shells in the aquarium, two snails stuck to two fingers on the index and middle


hello, well, in short, such garbage, I dreamed of a snail today. but not simple, but without a sink!!! the juice is that she just crawled. and what is that supposed to mean? I’m already sitting for the 3rd couple of times, I’m breaking my head poiogi pliz


For the second time in a month, I dreamed of snails the size of a fist, they crawled out of the shell and tried to climb on me, there was a feeling of disgust of fear of several, I threw off the landscape around me, it was bleak, almost black and white, dark but not muddy water and large sharp stones


Hello! I dreamed that there was a green carpet in our house, and a newly born but for some reason already large snail crawled along this carpet.


ulitka bila raznocvetnim i kogda ya hotela poymat yevo to togda ono uskolznula. koogda ya pitalsa poymat yesho raz moya mama zapritila menya poymat etu beluyu i roznocvetnomu ulitky.


I dreamed of quite familiar people (but not friends), but these people, including me, got out black snails without shells ... different parts body...


I saw a snail that crawled into the bag, but it was the size of a large doll and without a shell and five eyes on its face. Why is this.?? Thanks


Why is the snail dreaming and does it have five eyes? The snail was big and without a shell in my bag, I still took it in my hands, it stood on its paws and looked with five eyes, blinked and smiled. And I was surprised so beautiful in clothes.


Just above my eye level is a concrete fence. And I see that small snails are crawling. And then the last one starts to eat the previous one, eating everyone and increasing in size. As a result, it becomes the size of a brick and crawls on me. Her shell is round and her whiskers stick out


I saw the light very brilliantly inside the snails and took them away I wanted to sell them for a very high price, but the snails ran away, I wanted to let them go myself


Achatina (snail) left the shell and was dying, burrowing a little into the ground and died. After a similar snail appeared nearby, but smaller in size.


In a dream, I accidentally stepped on a snail, thereby crushing it.


I dreamed that a snail was crawling on me. Mom screamed it was Achatina.
I rejoiced. She crawled from the kitchen to my room. And she had sharp teeth. Then I began to run away, she crawled very quickly. She was at my mother's house, my mother screamed to run away. But I ran up and this snail bit me and I woke up.


In the dream book, I dreamed of my Achatina snail, a large one and a bunch of small ones., 3 medium ones. One of them was medium without a shell. He was eaten by other snails. When I opened the lid, this little button crawled out with a gnawed tail and hid where the lid was. When I caught the rest of the fugitives and removed them back, I imagined the one without the shell, but she remained alive. I went back to the aquarium and woke up.

What is the dream of the dead grandfather alive Why is the dead sister dreaming of the living What is the dream dead dog alive

A dream in which a snail appears is evidence that you will need to postpone all important steps and changes in life. Do not rush, carefully consider your every step, your haste can lead to unpleasant consequences.

The snail, almost hidden in the shell, is evidence of self-doubt. You are afraid to take a decisive step and wait. The main thing is that your wait should not last too long. This could lead to a financial crisis.

A large snail, human-sized - the appearance in your life of a strong and influential person. Moreover, if the snail shell is elongated, then this person is a woman, if the shell is flattened or rounded, then this person is a man. If the snail has put out its horns and is trying to attack you, be careful, you may have a problem, the new bosses are not too favorable to you. A snail that does not show aggression - luck will smile at you, catch a lucky chance.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Men

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Dream Interpretation - Snail

A snail crawling on a plane, seen in a dream, symbolizes your subconscious desire for oral sex. Probably, your partner in bed is not gentle enough and affectionate, which does not quite suit you.

If in a dream you crushed a snail, this is a symbol of disgust for your partner in particular and for sex in general. Perhaps you had to experience all the "charms" of sexual incompatibility. You need to change the environment, get distracted and not think about sex for a while.

Interpretation of dreams from

This slow insect is an infrequent guest in dreams; however, despite this fact, there are many interpretations of such an image, both from different seers and dream books, and from the point of view of psychology. Therefore, in order to understand what snails dream of, it is enough to turn to the most famous dream books, as well as to famous psychologists.

Interpretation of seasonal dream books

If you dreamed of a snail in the spring, then this indicates long delays in business, as well as the fact that all the dreamer's problems will be solved very slowly and slowly. If the insect was gigantic in size, then major troubles should be expected in financial life. A snail crawling along the arm indicates that the dreamer himself is the cause of all the delays; it is in his power to speed up the processes, as well as to correct the mistakes he has made.

A summer dream about a snail is more positive - a gastropod mollusk personifies a delay in time, which is beneficial for the dreamer. It is very likely that the person himself will strive to be “late”, as this will be beneficial to him. However, this explanation is suitable for the male half.

If the question is why a woman dreams of a snail, then it is necessary to turn to a different interpretation: a snail means problems that a woman tries not to notice. It is possible that in the summer the dreamer will have to sort out the accumulated "baggage" of unresolved problems.

Those who dreamed of a snail in October or November should be more relaxed in communication.- they not only "climbed into the shell" like a mollusk, but also did not have strong ties that could support them in difficult times. Also, such a dream may indicate the dreamer's disappointment in his friends and relatives, because of which he is forced to lead a closed and secluded lifestyle.

The darkest interpretation is, of course, connected with winter period. Winter itself symbolizes withering, cooling, old age and death, and a defenseless and slow insect is also added to it. Such a dream indicates a person’s longing, his fatigue from life, as well as indifference, primarily in relation to himself. A frozen snail promises failure and unfulfillment of a person’s plans and hopes, and a barely alive one indicates a possible disease in the near future.

Interpretation of ancient dreamers

A large snail with distinct horns on its head has always been perceived by people as a positive sign. Of course, speed is not the virtue of this insect, however, many dream books of the past have left encouraging interpretations of this image in a dream. For example, if you need to understand why snails dream in a house , then for this you can refer to the dream book of Simon Kananit:

In addition, many small snails that surrounded the dreamer or observed by him from the side predict problems in communicating with people. If in a dream such insects pour from above and fall by the collar, then this indicates the appearance of unexpected worries that can upset all a person’s plans.

Also, to see a snail in a dream (large or with a very bright coloring) means the need to abandon the planned events, since the changes will not benefit the dreamer. However, this is true only on the condition that the attention of a person in a dream was concentrated on a giant insect and the plot of the dream was built around this snail.

Small Velesov dream book

An insect that did not cause disgust in a dream promises good luck and profit in the near future. Disgust for the snail indicates that there is someone in the close circle of the person whom the dreamer does not like. The fear of touching a snail speaks of the dreamer's resistance to drastic changes in his life. When a huge number of horned mollusks were observed in a dream, this is a sign of inevitable changes. caused by the slowness of the person himself. Should be ready for unpleasant events and also learn to behave more decisively and boldly.

Mayan interpretation

The interpreters of one of the famous and mysterious ancient civilizations explained the image of small mollusks in a dream as a symbol of travel and a long journey. Catching these insects promises a person health problems, and eating them - diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Slugs, which were especially large in size, represent everything that is unnecessary that a person has. How more insect, the heavier the dreamer's load (obviously, the load is understood not so much as material things as spiritual or emotional).

Eastern dream book

Dislike for a snail in a dream indicates the presence of low and unpleasant people who are plotting evil against the dreamer. If in a dream the mollusks have a large shell, then this is a sign of a person's tightness and fearfulness.

The mucus left after the snail is considered a positive sign, symbolizing profit and successful resolution. financial matters. A slug crawling over a person and not causing rejection in him - future pleasures of a sensual nature, as well as a cure for the disease (if any at the time of sleep).

Folk omens

Slugs have long been considered one of the signs of luck, patience, and also slowness. These qualities can manifest themselves in those affairs of the dreamer that concern him most at the time of sleep. If the observation of this insect in a dream was accompanied by fear or excessive caution, then this indicates that some acquaintances or friends of a person are not such - the dreamer should be careful.

For men and women, the interpretation of slugs in a dream is different. If you need to find out why a girl is dreaming of a snail, then you need to remember the location of the insect in a dream: to see a snail on the ground (creeping from a dreamer) means vain hopes for love in the near future, but to observe a small mollusk on the leaves of a tree or bush - to a stormy relationship that will result in the creation of a family.

The “male” interpretation of such a dream is based on the small speed of the insect, as well as on its size: the larger the shell of the slug, the more lucky the dreamer will be in future affairs. Watching mollusks slowly crawling along a tree trunk is envy of competitors, which may include close people. This is a hint to a person that his insecurity and fearfulness are the main cause of failure.

Popular interpreters also attach great importance to the so-called warnings. The image of snail slugs not only promises positive changes in life, but may also indicate undesirable events that may occur if the dreamer does not change his "vector of motion". These signs include:

An insect without a shell seen in a dream can be interpreted in two ways: on the one hand, it is a sign of a person’s vulnerability and defenselessness before external circumstances, a sign of his fear; on the other hand, the dreamer will soon find the courage not to hide from difficulties, but to solve them on their own.

Modern dream books

Most often, interpretations of modern dream books are based on the human perception of this specific insect - this explains the large number negative interpretations dreaming slugs. For example, English dream book portends the dreamer a meeting with vile people who will not hesitate to use a person for their base purposes; and the stronger the aversion to the insect in a dream, the more unpleasant the events in real life will be.

Also, the snail, from the point of view of some interpreters, personifies human laziness, which becomes the cause of most troubles. The noble dream book of Nina Grishina describes the snail as a symbol of rumors and legends that will be pleasant for a person (for example, he can hear something good about his children or about his project).

Family interpreter

A person should not rush into changes if in a dream he saw a slowly crawling snail - the dreamer should show wisdom and patience, allowing events to develop without his volitional intervention. Otherwise, the person will not only not achieve the goal, but will be thrown back.

A snail without a shell testifies to the recklessness of a person. Courage is always commendable, but in some cases such behavior can harm not only the dreamer, but also his loved ones. An insect that has completely hidden in a shell represents fear of the future; if a person is used to waiting for signs from fate, then he can simply “oversee” a good chance, which means depriving himself of success through his own fault.

To see a flattened shell of a mollusk is to meet a man, and an elongated shape portends a meeting with a woman; regardless of gender, this person will slow down the dreamer's plans.

In rare cases, the snail may be aggressive, try to bite or even crush (if, for example, it has a gigantic size). This may indicate a new boss or an acquaintance with an influential person who will try to suppress the dreamer. Similar dream, dreamed of by the newlywed, indicates that her husband may suddenly turn out to be a "domestic tyrant."

Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Touching a slug or a snail with your hand - to a forced pause, which will arise as a result of excitement, indecision, isolation and shyness of a person. Many insects speak of accumulated affairs that the dreamer does not want to do because of his laziness.

Watching a spiral shell means unreasonable fear and anxiety about a problem that worries a person. The key to solving such difficulties is determination and self-confidence. The snail symbolizes not only stagnation and slowness, but also the potential resolution of problematic issues, depending on the dreamer's reaction in real life. Therefore, it is necessary to interpret such an image as an incentive to action.

Psychologist Gustav Miller

According to the psychologist, a dream with a snail indicates an unhealthy environment that exhausts and unnerves the dreamer. Most often this is due to the work team or the family circle of a person. Much depends on the reaction of a person in a dream to this insect:

The interpretation of such a dream will be the same for both sexes. A dream that an elderly person had should be interpreted from the position of time - the snail represents the slowly dragging time, as well as the process, the end of which is expected with impatience. Therefore, for an elderly snail in a dream, it can mean both long-awaited relief from torment (death), and the arrival of one of the relatives who has not visited their “old men” for a long time.

Sigmund Freud

The symbol of the snail is the genitals of a woman, as well as everything connected with them. Watching a crawling snail symbolizes a tender attitude towards a partner; it may also indicate a hidden need for voyeurism.

Crushing an insect - sadistic tendencies in sex, as well as in interpersonal relationships. If a person dreams that he ate a snail, then this indicates his frivolity in choosing sexual partners.

A dream in which a person sees himself as a snail and feels the need to climb into the shell indicates a severe depressive state. It was caused by numerous stressful situations in his personal life. Among other things, this insect is hallmark passivity in sex, characteristic not only of women, but also of many men.

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