Fanta on desires for adults online. New Year's fantas assignments are funny

Fanta with jokes is one of the best entertainment for celebrating the New Year 2019.

Both friends and colleagues can perform various funny and funny tasks. You can arrange a game of forfeits in a close family circle. The main thing is to pick up interesting tasks in advance, the implementation of which will cheer everyone up.

The game of forfeits is an exciting entertainment. It is advisable to prepare for it in advance. You can write tasks on cardboard cards or small sheets, and then fold them into big box, jar or other container. During the game, invite each guest to pull out a card. Phantoms should be fun and funny, but safe. They should not contain tasks that can offend a person or are physically impossible.

Merry forfeits for friends

If you are preparing new year party take care not only of holiday menu but also entertainment. Forfeits prepared for friends will help make the celebration of the New Year 2019 fun and memorable.

  • Eat sliced ​​fruit from a plate eyes closed while hands cannot be used.
  • Within a minute, name 20 famous writers. It can be both poets and prose writers.
  • Invite a girl/boyfriend to dance. You need to dance on a sheet of A4. You can't leave the leaf.
  • Make one of the guests laugh in 2 minutes. The person performing the phantom can choose the “victim” himself.
  • With your eyes closed, draw a pig, because this is a symbol of 2019.
  • Depict a pig using gestures, facial expressions and sounds.
  • Depict a famous artist, and those present must guess who it is.

  • Name 10 songs on the New Year theme.
  • Get the candy out of the saucer, in which sour cream is poured, without hands.
  • Eat an apple or pear without using your hands. To complicate the task, the fruit should be tied up with a rope.
  • Inflate quickly balloon and sit on it to make it burst.
  • Drink a glass of champagne without hands.
  • Dance with a glass filled to the top with water.
  • Draw a self-portrait. To make it funnier, the person performing the task can be blindfolded.
  • Sing a song about a Christmas tree with a Caucasian accent.
  • Show all animals from Eastern calendar: Pig, Rooster, Horse, Snake, Dog, Rabbit, Dragon, Sheep, Tiger, Ox, Monkey, Rat. You can divide this task into several forfeits, for example, 3 or 4 animals in each card.
  • Draw a Christmas tree, but the pen or felt-tip pen should not be held with your hands, but with your teeth.
  • Predict the future of three guests.
  • Dance the dance of the little swans. A person can choose partners for dancing himself.
  • Sing a children's New Year's song, for example, "It's cold in the winter for a little Christmas tree" or "A Christmas tree was born in the forest", while holding your nose with your hands.
  • Make a New Year's toast like a robot or a foreigner.

Be sure to make a phantom called "Transition of the move." It means that you are released from the task and pass the move to the next guest. So that the task does not seem too simple, you need to come up with a phantom for the next participant. It must be funny. To prevent guests from refusing to complete the task, come up with a penalty for refusal, for example, to drink a glass of champagne.

Merry Fantas for the New Year 2019

Show Santa Claus on the beach (crocodile)
Show Snow Maiden on a date (crocodile)
Depict a cat that is very afraid but still curious. (crocodile)
Show devoted dog, throughout the evening to fulfill the whims of some girl
Show others the wedding night (crocodile)
Today you are Boris Moiseev (don't tell anyone)
Today you are Alla Pugacheva (don't tell anyone)
Today you are Marilyn Monroe (don't tell anyone)
Today you are Superman (don't tell anyone)
Today you are the Terminator. (do not tell anybody)
Today you are Renata Litvinova (don't tell anyone)
Make a tattoo (marker) for everyone, which one, what size and where the guests will say.
Start dancing Lambada and use everyone in the snake.
Jump on one leg and grunt at the same time.
Stand in front of a mirror and sincerely, convincingly congratulate yourself on the New Year, be sure to wish yourself something special;
Depict drunk Santa Claus, who is trying to do something. For example, get a gift from your New Year's bag or open the door;
Depict a child who did not get a gift at the New Year's party;
Read a nursery rhyme or sing a children's song dedicated to the new year;
Eat New Year's candy without hands or drink a glass of champagne;
Tell me about the most memorable New Year's party. Tell what rhyme he read in front of Santa Claus and in whose suit he was dressed;
Draw your own New Year's self-portrait;
Sing a song about a Christmas tree, but be sure to use some kind of unusual accent. For example, a Caucasian accent.
Take a sheet of paper and draw the oriental symbol of 2019, the pig. Perhaps the task will seem simple to you, but you need to draw with your eyes closed.
Jump around the Christmas tree or just in a circle twice on one leg. At the same time, tell some serious, almost tragic story.
Draw a portrait of any guest with your left hand.
Give five compliments to each girl in the room. These should be actual compliments about how good and beautiful the girl is.
It is necessary to write cheerful New Year wishes for all those gathered with your left hand.
A very interesting phantom for the New Year 2019 for a corporate party with jokes: you need to ask quickly to say what day of the week January 1, 2019 falls on. You can also ask for a quick answer to the question of when to go to work on the first working day in 2019.
Without words, portray the chiming clock so that all the guests agree that it turned out well and really looks like a chiming clock.
Come up with ten compliments for the mistress of the house. These should be such compliments that the owner of the house is proud of his wife, and does not become jealous of her.
Tie a pencil to your belt long ribbon and you have to hit the throat empty bottle from under champagne with this pencil. Of course, do everything without using your hands.
Without hands, eat any fruit that lies on the table.
From the drinks on the table, make your own New Year's cocktail. It must be delicious cocktail, which is pleasant to drink and the recipe wants to be repeated.
From balloons make a cute snowman.
At the waist of any girl, tie a bow out of the rain.
Take sparklers and dance with them.
Read three different tongue twisters in one minute.
Depict a deer that carries Santa Claus to the children in new year's eve.
Close your eyes and try to remember what toys are hanging on the Christmas tree: their color, shape.
Dial at random three any numbers and congratulate subscribers on the New Year 2019.
Drink a glass of juice through a straw. This must be done in ten seconds. Start each new glass again if the previous drink did not work out in ten seconds.
Choose a partner for yourself and sing a song with him: “Tell me, Snow Maiden, where have you been?”.
Sit on a balloon so that it bursts;
Say five sentences that would begin with the words: “I want to in the new 2018”;
Tell a funny New Year's joke;
Tell about your biggest flaw and how a person plans to deal with it in the new year and whether he plans at all. If not, why not.
With the help of pantomime, tell about some event so that those present understand it;
Remove candy from a saucer with flour without the help of hands. Instead of flour in a saucer, you can pour sour cream;
Crawl under the festive table;
Take a glass in which water is poured to the brim. Dance the cancan with a glass;
Shout from the balcony: “People, Happy New Year! I love you!";
Eat an apple hanging from a string without using your hands. Or eat a peeled banana without hands. Put the banana on a plate. You can also lower the apple into a bowl of water;
Drink wine or champagne from a saucer without using your hands;
Draw a mirror. That is, everyone can look in the mirror, and the phantom must repeat the facial expressions and movement of a person;
From those drinks that are on the table, make a delicious cocktail;
Quickly pronounce any tongue twister and do not stray;
Depict a fortuneteller and predict some events in the new year to the neighbor on the right;
Dial a random number and congratulate the person on the other end of the wire on the New Year;
Depict an athlete so that other players can guess the sport;
Hold a felt-tip pen in your teeth and draw a Pig - a symbol of 2019 or any other animal;
Become a leader and hold any competition with the players;
Imagine that you work as a journalist and you just need to turn inside out your personal or professional life neighbor on the left
Play some New Year's melody with your finger on your lip. Other participants must guess what the melody sounded;
For one minute, sit with an offended face, other participants in the game should by all means try to make the phantom laugh;
The host reads some kind of New Year's poem, and the phantom should act as a sign language interpreter. By the way, fans on New Year in verses and related to verses - an interesting and fun option for the development of the game;
Two eggs are given, it is said that one of them is raw, and the second is boiled (to avoid trouble, let two eggs be boiled). Now you need to choose one egg and break it on your forehead;
With the help of friends who will be your “paint actors”, you need to draw a picture of a famous artist, for example “Three heroes”, if you want a “peppered” picture, you can try to depict the scenes of “Sodom and Gomorrah”.
In a minute you have to coax over New Year's table at least three girls and put on them the Can-Can dance, for 20 seconds.
Go out onto the balcony and ask passers-by about what century, year and date it is.
Depict the animal during molting, how it loses hair, how it reacts.
It is necessary to show a male lion during the period of hunting for some weak, but very fast animal and “eat” him.
You need to show the male gorilla in the maturation period with all the ensuing consequences. For example, how he looks at females, how he feels at the same time, etc.
Show the guests Adriano Celentano trampling grapes in the movie "Grump", but found manure instead of grapes under his feet.
The dacha season will not come soon, but the images of ardent fans of this business are so vivid that they remain in memory for a long time. Depict the summer resident himself, let other guests guess what you are planting.
In one or two minutes, you need to compose a poem, stand on a stool and tell everyone loudly and with expression.
Pick up any woman. (Choose a woman, of course, is light and thin).
Organize a choir that will perform the chorus of the Russian folk song "Kalinka" (Kalinka-Kalinka-Kalinka is mine, in the garden there is a raspberry-raspberry berry ...) and the New Year's phantom who has stretched out should perform a squatting dance.
In a minute, remember 10 songs about the New Year.
"Fairy Tale" From those around you organize a fairy tale "Turnip". To make it more interesting, prepare costumes in advance, for more laughter, you can mark the roles of men and women.
"Gypsy" It is necessary to dress up as a gypsy and tell fortunes to the whole honest company.
"Celebrity" Enter the image of a celebrity three times and show the guests who have to guess who exactly you "created".
You must choose one or a group of people silently, without uttering a word, to create a sculpture of them that will be recognizable. For example, Peter I on horseback.
"Tamada" You are destined to be the toastmaster all evening on new year holiday, spend a couple of games, make toasts. You can pay off only if someone at the table can volunteer to take on this role.
Grab the first hit with the words "Let's dance!?" and dance the waltz with him.
Parody the laughter of everyone who laughs only louder, continue for an hour.
Draw a secretary bird and try not to laugh.
Within half an hour, answer any phrase of those present - “Well, what!”
Walk up to a guy or girl and say temptingly "All in is free"
Play any scene from the cartoon "Prostokvashino" (or any other famous cartoon). You can take a few helpers.
Write in the air the name of the girl who is sitting to your left. It is allowed to jump, squat, wag the tail
You have a difficult task ahead, you need to: Depict how a chicken carries an egg.
You are the nanny all around the children in the manger, you must fulfill their every whim.

Fanta for cheerful company is a great way to entertain every guest on New Year's Eve 2019. If you see that the game has become annoying, then come up with such fantasies that go beyond your apartment. Go to the store for bread in one pajamas, hug a passer-by and congratulate him on the new year. The tasks of New Year's forfeits can be completely different, remember only that they must be kind and not offend the feelings of guests or people around them.

Fanta for the street

If you are tired of sitting at the table and decide to go with the whole company to the Christmas tree, to the park or to the central square, you can also play forfeits on the street. And here are a few relevant ones.

  • Sing a children's New Year's song near the Christmas tree or in another crowded place in such a way as to attract the attention of the hallways.
  • Pretend to be poor and ask for alms from people passing by.
  • Organize a round dance around the Christmas tree or in a crowded square. For musical accompaniment, you need to sing a New Year's song.
  • Have a drink with three passers-by on brotherhood. A bottle of champagne and disposable cups should be brought from home.
  • Interview 5 passers-by. You need to ask questions about future plans, upcoming prospects, personal life.
  • Draw a pig and walk around the Christmas tree three times.
  • Make a snowman in 5 minutes. If the weather did not please with snow, the task can be complicated - to make a snowman or a Christmas tree from improvised means.
  • Roll down the hill alone, with a stranger or a stranger.

Fanta for colleagues

Merry forfeits can also be used for corporate parties for the New Year 2019. If you want the holiday to be a success and long time remember, write down fun tasks in advance on cards or pieces of paper.

  • Draw a portrait of the boss. To make it funny, you need to blindfold.
  • Depict one of the employees, and colleagues must guess who you are portraying.
  • Promise one of your colleagues to help with the work. It's better to do it in a playful way.
  • Cut out snowflakes from napkins and decorate one of the employees with them, imagining that he is a Christmas tree. You can use other improvised materials for decoration.
  • Choose epithets for each employee.
  • Confess to the boss in your misconduct: being late, not submitting a report, etc.
  • Name the shortcomings of colleagues in a joking manner.
  • You need to sing the motive of your favorite song like “oink-oink”, and those present must guess what kind of song it is.
  • Ask each employee for some thing, and then put on yourself.
  • Hug all colleagues in turn.
  • Within a minute, come up with a wish for each employee. If the team is large, the time can be slightly increased.
  • Be a mirror. It is necessary to repeat the movements of the person standing opposite.

  • Tell a New Year's poem. And to make it funnier, you need to stand on a high chair, like in kindergarten.
  • Congratulate yourself on the New Year and wish you all the best, looking in the mirror.
  • Depict a drunk Santa Claus. It is desirable that he tries to do something, for example, to get a present from a bag, but he does not succeed.
  • Drink any alcoholic drink from a saucer. Hands cannot be used.
  • Using only one hand, fold a sheet of paper 4 times, and then write congratulations on it for the team.
  • A portrait of fame must be attached to the back of the person who pulled out the phantom. A person takes turns approaching colleagues and asking leading questions that will help to guess the identity, and employees must answer only “Yes” or “No”. Questions can be of a different nature, for example, “Is this a woman?”, “Is this an actress?”, “Is she blonde?” and etc.
  • Play a scene from a famous cartoon or fairy tale.
  • Say a few sentences. Their text should be put on a card or invite the guest to say tongue twisters known to him.
  • Sing the song "Tell me, Snow Maiden" with one of your colleagues.
  • Give the boss a massage. It could be the boss or the head of the department. Gender doesn't matter.

  • Guess which employee is standing. To complete this task, a person needs to be blindfolded. He must guess by touch who is standing in front of him.
  • Make a toast with an Estonian accent.
  • Put grapes or nuts on your cheeks and sing any New Year's song.
  • Draw a snowman blindfolded.
  • Draw with closed eyes one of the employees, and those present must guess who it is.
  • Read New Year's or winter poem as if you are falling asleep.
  • Draw a Snow Maiden or Santa Claus, while holding the pen between the palms.

Choose your favorite forfeits and create good mood friends, guests and colleagues. It will take a little time to prepare, but everyone present at the holiday will be able to have fun from the heart. A charge of positive and ringing laughter is guaranteed.

New Year's forfeits from Ilya Noskov: video

Everyone is well aware of people like "Salki", "Burners", they love to play them, despite their advanced age. Why are the games that entertained our grandparents so attractive? Reached to modern people Fun is liked by the fact that almost everyone can play it, both adults and children. In them important element is the independence of game actions from the number of players: you can play with two participants, or you can play with a large group, the effect of the game will be equally positive. The rules of such long-standing games are simple and accessible even to a preschool child, they do not require laborious preparation. That is why they have not lost their attractiveness and are easily passed on from generation to generation. The game of forfeits is one of those ancient pastimes and is still interesting to everyone who has ever taken part in it. Despite the simplicity of actions, it develops imagination, attentiveness, promotes verbal communication, teaches to obey the rules of the collective game.

What you need to know about the game of forfeits?

If we translate the name of the game into Russian, it becomes clear that it contains rules at the same time: forfeit from German is a pledge (object), it is given under certain conditions, then it is redeemed. This game is good for its variations: you can play directly forfeits, and there is the possibility of using them as an element of another entertainment. Depending on the choice of option, the following types of forfeits are distinguished:

  • Forfeits are like cards: participants write down an interesting task on cards for other players. The host collects them, mixes them up and invites the players to draw one of them in turn. The card is read out, and the player completes the task.
  • Forfeits in the form of lots: the players take turns throwing a die with dots (dice). The one who has the smallest (or the largest) number of points, performs the task of one of the participants (the choice can be made through a children's counting rhyme).
  • Forfeits from the leader: in advance, an item (deposit) is taken from each player. Deposits are collected in a bag. The host should not see the forfeits of the players. During the game, the leader takes out each forfeit and gives funny tasks playing, prepared in advance. This version of the game is very interesting for kids, but it requires careful preparation: funny forfeits, funny tasks for children, funnier prizes.

How to play forfeits with preschool children?

The game "forfeits for children" is an excellent tool to entertain and amuse preschool children. It can diversify family leisure, enrich children's holidays, for example, playing forfeits on a birthday, on New Year's Eve. How to organize a game of forfeits with children? Parents would like to know that it can be used as:

  • an application to any other game where the rules provide for a penalty in the form of a deposit for a player who has made a mistake;
  • an independent game of forfeits with entertaining tasks.

Such options dictate certain rules preparation for entertainment.

  1. If in the first case it is enough for an adult (leader) to come up with funny tasks for redeeming forfeits, and for children - small items for collateral, then in the second - jointly invented original assignments, which are the plot of the game.
  2. Fun for forfeits will be interesting for both children and adults if the tasks are unexpected and funny. But do not overdo it, you should pay attention to the fact that the game actions are safe and harmless for the children.
  3. Fun activities should be age appropriate for preschoolers to complete. Then you will not lose interest in the game.
  4. Ethics is also important for preschoolers, as at this age children can come up with offensive nicknames if the player is in an awkward situation.
  5. When thinking over tasks for playing forfeits, it should be remembered that too long and protracted actions of some players can reduce or even lose interest in the game among other participants. Everything should be done quickly, funny and not offensive!

The funniest tasks for ransom forfeits

"Edible" tasks for children

They do not require special preparation, you can use treats for the holiday.

  1. Blindfolded, without helping yourself with your hands, take a piece of fruit from the dish with your mouth and guess what it is (apple, pear, kiwi, strawberry)?
  2. With caramels on your cheek, quickly utter tongue-twisters, for example, “The tea saucers are about to break”, “The chick grabbed a lollipop”, “The crow blew it”.
  3. Eat a slice of lemon and not wince.
  4. Find candy in flour with your teeth.
  5. Compose a riddle about fruits or vegetables on the table, then treat the participant who guessed the fastest.
  6. From pieces of fruits and vegetables, make a funny face (olives - eyes, strawberries - mouth, pieces of cucumber - eyebrows, hair - parsley or dill).
  7. Imagine the birthday boy as a small child, tie a bib and feed yogurt from a spoon.
  8. Come up with and show what you can drink water from if all the dishes suddenly disappeared (from a palm, a paper bag).
  9. Without helping yourself with your hands, drink water from a plastic cup.
  10. Blindfolded, pour water from a small bottle into a plastic glass and drink it.
  11. Pour water from glass to glass and read a poem at the same time.
  12. Depict a kitten that laps milk (soft ice cream) from a saucer.
  13. Depict a cockerel that pecks at grains (small nuts, such as pine nuts).
  14. With the help of sweets (candied fruits, caramels, fruits), draw a picture of a salute.
  15. Make a salad out of pieces of fruit and treat those present.
  16. Find the hidden fruit on the dish and eat it, for example:
  • The fruit looks like a tumbler, wears a yellow shirt (pear).
  • Blue shirt, yellow lining, take a bite - sweet (plum).
  • He came to us from hot countries, and his name is ... (banana).
  • With orange skin, like a ball (orange).

"Inedible" tasks

Assume a special preparation for the game.

  1. Draw a portrait of one of the participants.
  2. Draw a self-portrait.
  3. Draw any object with a pencil clenched in your teeth: a snowman, a Christmas tree, an apple, a candy.
  4. Draw and color simultaneously with both hands some kind of figure: a square, an oval, a bunny from two circles and ovals, a kitten, a camomile.
  5. Fold any object out of paper as quickly as possible: an airplane, a boat, a bow.
  6. With a blindfold, draw a pet, for example: a cat, a goat, a dog.
  7. With eyes closed, determine by touch which object the leader put in his hand.
  8. Find an object according to the description in a magic bag by touch, for example, oval, smooth, with pimples (cucumber); fluffy, with ears, antennae (kitten).
  9. Play "teaser": mirror reflection repeat all the movements and grimaces of the other participant.
  10. Dance with a full glass of water in your hand.
  11. Without helping yourself with your hands, move any small toy with your nose to a specific goal (flag, cube).
  12. Jump from wall to wall with a balloon in your knees.
  13. Climb under the table and portray a dog that guards the house.
  14. Remember as many polite words as possible.
  15. Change shoes from the left foot to the right, walk in this form with a beautiful gait.
  16. Puff out your cheeks and sit like that for a while, trying not to laugh at the jokes of those present.

Creative tasks for fans

Thorough preparation of props, music and artistic word is required.

Playing forfeits for children will become their favorite entertainment if parents show creativity, interest in preparing for entertainment and take an active part in game activities themselves.

Good luck in your creative search for organizing holidays!

What kind assignments for the game of forfeits to use depends on the imagination and the "audience level". For children's holiday forfeits with wishes to drink vodka without a snack will not come up. For corporate party not suitable forfeits that need to be performed under the table or on the street. And in a youth company or in the company of best friends, you can play bold and original forfeits. But still it is better to preliminarily stipulate the scope of the tasks performed. In order for the game to be fun and varied, invent difficult tasks that require the player to either make an effort or be brave.

In case the players run out of options, you can offer blanks (on paper or cardboard).

Fun tasks for playing forfeits for a youth company or a company of close friends:


  1. Move the ruble with your nose so that it falls off the table into the substituted glass.
  2. Make a paper medal for each player. The name of the medals must correspond to the truth (for incomparable taste, for honesty, etc.)
  3. Make a plan of the apartment, providing all the rooms or other objects with comic captions.
  4. Drink all the alcohol that is poured into the glasses at the moment.
  5. Show without words what you do at work.
  6. Say a Caucasian toast.
  7. Turn into a foreigner for 15 minutes and say a toast in some foreign language.
  8. Go to your neighbors and bring a kilogram of salt or a bucket of water from them.
  9. Depict the scene "You must marry me" with a neighbor on the left.
  10. Drink a glass of champagne hands-free.
  11. Have a drink with a neighbor on the right "to brotherhood".
  12. Extinguish the lit candle with a cry (you can’t blow it).
  13. Put on flippers (felt boots) and dance the dance of little ducklings.
  14. Stick your head in open window and shout loudly "I see Japan!!" or "People, I love you!"

crowded places

  1. Grab stranger by the sleeve: “Don’t you trade in the market? I definitely saw you, you sold me a defective blouse! She is female!
  2. Coax 5 passers-by on the street to jump together while holding hands.
  3. Go to the store in pajamas or a dressing gown and slippers and ask for matches and salt to salt the soup.
  4. Pretend to be drunk, stick to a passerby and borrow money for a bottle of vodka.
  5. Walk into a store wearing a gauze bandage, coughing out loud, "Fucking swine flu."
  6. Meet 7 people at the entrance to the entrance, greet each one (without repeating) and say a compliment.
  7. If you play in winter, bring a snowman from the street.
  8. Collect 50 rubles by addressing similar people with the phrase: “Compatriots! I am not a local…”
  9. At the bus stop, ask a stranger: “Excuse me, but how can I get to the Vodka Museum? What stop should I get off at? How do you not know, have you not been to the Vodka Museum, or what?

Cafes and restaurants

  1. Put a sign on your table or attach a badge to your clothes with a bright inscription such as “I don’t give tips on principle”, “All catering workers are crooks”, “Please don’t spit in my soup”, etc.
  2. In a loud voice, address the waiter or others: “Tell me, why is there glass in the salad ?!”
  3. Start getting to know your roommates: send them compote “from our table”, offer something from your plate in exchange for something from their plates.
  4. Pretend that you are a visitor from a distant country, and the contempt of others for your national customs (of course, completely idiotic) will mortally offend you.
  5. Eat everything with your hands. Try to eat soup with a fork or Chinese chopsticks and wonder out loud why it's so uncomfortable. Pretend that you are unfamiliar with the devices and ask the people at the next table to teach you how to use them.

Where everyone works and you need to keep silence (office, lecture, meeting)

1. Speak quietly but clearly the following set of phrases:

“Well, of course, it’s easy for you to talk about it,”

“In my opinion, complete nonsense, what do you think?”,

“Yes, he does not understand anything at all in this matter!”,

“I’m itching from these words, look here! ..”,

"Could you scratch it, right here? ..",

“Y-yes, you don’t have to think about sex ...”

2. Meow, bark, or chirp like a horse.

3. Trying not to draw too much attention to yourself, moan softly at intervals of 1 minute and pretend that you are hardly losing consciousness.

Long-playing forfeits

1. Put it on your desktop in the office, a photo framed with hearts is awful ugly girl. Show everyone a photo of “your bride”, say that you love her madly and get married in the summer. For the married - to the photo of your wife in Photoshop, attach the gel-filled lips of some victim plastic surgery. Show everyone a photo with the words: “My wife made plastic surgery Look how beautiful she has become!

2. Sign all correspondence during the week: “Lovely, Ivan Ivanov, finalist of the All-Russian competition for tying knots”, “Lovely, Svetlana Petrova, Miss Bikini-95”, “I sell manure, delivered to your home, call [your number cell phone]”, “Married but available, call [your cell phone number]” or “Respectfully, Ivan Ivanov, master of the universe.”

3. Send a message to all contacts in your ICQ: “Hello! Now I work as a distributor in Avon, I want to offer you a new men's mascara "Narcissus". This mascara was created specifically for men like you ... ”and further in the same vein.

4. Send a declaration of love to the addressee selected by the previous phantom. The confession must contain at least 500 words.

A long-awaited event is coming - your name day, and maybe someone close, daughter or friend, for example. In any case, I want to be able to boldly declare after the holiday: it will be remembered for a long time! What is needed for this? To organize a game part, and forfeits as one of the entertainments is a great solution.

We get acquainted with the "pledge" fun of the XIX century

They were played by Pushkin's contemporaries (and the poet himself, too). And they did it this way: the participants were offered to solve the charade. Those who did not cope with the task gave some thing as a pledge. Well, it was possible to return the given item for a ransom in the form of performing some action. The famous fabulist, Krylov, in order to get his forfeits back, was once forced to compose a fable under the table.

Centuries later, the game has come down to us in a slightly modified form. Rarely is the first part of it - guessing the puzzle and returning the deposit. Now forfeits for a fun company are limited to comic tasks, which are most often played out by lottery.

We are looking for a suitable game option

The simple pulling out of a bag, which has already become a classic, is best left for those cases when there is absolutely no time left for preparation. Well, if the deadlines are not running out yet, try something new!

  • Hybrid games are gaining popularity, i.e. combining forfeits and any of the contests. Interestingly, they can be played as a team. Here is a simple example: we inflate balloons with phantoms inside, fix them on the wall, hand out darts to the teams and start the accuracy competition. The task is carried out immediately by the entire command staff.
  • Add fun and unusual ways casting lots-tasks: hide them inside confectionery, at the bottom of a glass of wine and the like. Ideal for a fun company of adults at the table.
  • It is not forbidden to return to traditions, at least partially. Pledge in the form of any thing from each player is able to stir up interest in entertainment. Just change the object of the draw. First voice the upcoming "test", and then pull the item, the owner of which will be subject to it.

Find out what not to puzzle the participants

Not all gaming commitments will be met with enthusiasm. In order not to get into a situation where you have to go to persuasion or a new draw, exclude from the list:

  1. Everything related to food. First, no one wants to get their holiday attire dirty; secondly, it's not so funny to look at a person eating a lemon (what if he is allergic to citrus fruits?).
  2. Age-appropriate game requirements. Birthday fantas for children are hardly suitable for an adult team. Agree that jumping on one leg will look at least stupid in the performance of a thirty-year-old uncle.
  3. Banal vulgarities like "dance a striptease." It is better to forget these remnants of the past completely, anyway, no one will see beautiful undressing, but the embarrassment and awkwardness of a person is for sure. This, by the way, is also a great way to beat off interest in participation for a long time.
  4. Unnecessary complexity. Run to the neighboring house and crow - while such a task is being performed, the guests will have time to get bored, and the desire to play will dry up.

We borrow ready-made ideas

Don't know where to start? Take the already tested options as a basis, and add your own to them.

For children's party:

  1. Invite mom / grandmother / dad / older brother or sister of the birthday boy to a slow dance.
  2. Depict any grimace (protruding tongue, pouting cheeks, etc.) for a photograph.
  3. Write “Happy Birthday!” Holding a felt-tip pen with your teeth (or you can use your feet).
  4. Infect with yawning one of the guests, or better, the hero of the occasion.
  5. Hold on to as many balls as possible, having previously magnetized them on the hair (whose exactly, you can not specify).
  6. Walk in a straight line to the birthday boy after preliminary unwinding on the spot.
  7. Blindfolded to the touch to determine who is in front of you.
  8. Listen to music through headphones and try to lip read what your friend has to say.
  9. Go to the other end of the room, stepping only on the marked places.
  10. Show with gestures and facial expressions a line from the song so that the others recognize it (you can try this one: “Let the pedestrians run clumsily through the puddles ...”).

For those who are older:

  1. How about exchanging a couple of your things (which you are wearing, of course) with the neighbor on the right?
  2. Demonstrate innovations in tying a tie (2-3 ways).
  3. Bite through an inflated balloon.
  4. To convey line by line the essence of the poem on behalf of a sports commentator (Tyutchevskoe “Winter is angry for a reason...”) is perfect.
  5. Come up with a quatrain with rhymes for the words "star" and "choice". And no foul language needed!
  6. Get to know the guests at the next table using the famous “King, it’s very nice, king” (if the celebration takes place in a crowded place).
  7. Play the role of the very person who “always spoils photography”, and ... and do it!
  8. Feel free to tell us about your most best sides, along the way, demanding undeniable evidence from others.
  9. Make a solemn invitation to the birthday boy to climb with you and a glass alcoholic drink under the table, and there alone wish something intriguing.
  10. Imagine that all the guests are different animals, tell us about the habits of each animal.

Here are such comic forfeits, which are not at all difficult to prepare on your own, can turn any name day into a bright and memorable event. And as a bonus from the holiday, there will also be magnificent photos - there will definitely be something to surprise users on social networks!

Any birthday celebration is a ritual, and especially for children. They always look forward to this holiday, prepare for it, order gifts, invite friends to visit, help set the table. But how to make sure that the child is not disappointed in the event he so expects? So that the holiday leaves only the most vivid memories? After all, a birthday is always an active, noisy and fun pastime, where dances, contests and games must be organized. Playing birthday forfeits for kids is one of the best options.

Old version. The word fant itself is borrowed from German language and literally means "pledge". This wonderful game was first mentioned in the 19th century (for example, Anna Petrovna Kern wrote about it in her memoirs), and its essence is as follows: each participant puts on a dish (or in a bag, as it is more convenient for anyone) some small object belonging to him. It can be a chain with a pendant or a hair clip, lipstick, keys, a small notebook, a key chain, and so on. The leader at this moment should turn away: he is not supposed to know to whom what thing belongs. The leader then takes these items in turn, shows them to everyone, and assigns a task that the owner must complete in order to get his property back.

These tasks, as a rule, are simple and comic, but you can find some benefit in them: the child learns not to be shy to speak in front of an audience and at the same time develops some of his skills, for example, singing, dancing, reading poetry, and so on.

Second option. This version of the game - the very first, original - has survived to this day, but others have appeared where neither a leader nor pledged items are needed. For example: the participants in the game themselves come up with a task, write them down on pieces of paper, and then the sheets are mixed in a bag, and everyone pulls out a “fanta” for themselves.

There is another version of the game- for the most desperate, perhaps. In it, participants cast lots, for example, toss a dice, and the one who gets smallest number, must complete the tasks of all other participants in the game. In the next round, accordingly, this person no longer casts lots.

There are a huge number of options for playing forfeits: for children and adults, comic and serious, simple and complex, more or less popular, and some especially interesting and unusual. Let's look at the options that will be the most successful at the celebration children's day birth.

Is it worth buying the game

Of course, if there is no time, opportunity and desire, then there is nothing shameful in buying a ready-made game and selecting acceptable forfeits in it. But it is much more interesting to do those tasks that are suitable for the age of the kids. You can make them according to the theme of your holiday: on the one hand, a picture of an angry bird, a batman or a princess from a cold heart, on the other hand, a task. You can decorate them with stickers or decorate them as pirate birthday scrolls, or wrap them in lucky stars. There are endless possibilities before you when you make them yourself.

And the tasks that I may have prepared for you.

Print themed forfeits

I have prepared some of the most popular hero phantoms among children: ninjago phantoms, batman, ninja turtles. You can save and print them for free. On one side of the sheet, print the “cover”, on the other side of the job. Don't forget to uncheck the "image fit to frame" box when sending to print. Pictures enlarge by clicking. You can print on heavy paper or plain paper, and then stick it on cardboard for strength if necessary.

Funny and funny forfeits

coming up with funny fantas for the participants, it is important not to go too far: no one should leave offended or upset that the others laughed at him. If the child refuses to perform some task - do not insist and pick up another “fantasy” for him.

So, what funny and fun tasks can you ask the participants to complete?

Crow loudly (meow, bark, grunt - there are a lot of options);
jump around the table, holding a balloon between your knees;
also with a ball: sit on it so that it bursts;
do ten squats, while holding your fingers behind your ears and sticking out your tongue;
pronounce your name backwards (for example, Polina - Anilop, Maxim - Miskam);
five minutes to talk like a robot, answering questions from other players;
portray a capricious baby who begs for candy from his mother in the supermarket;
hide somewhere (under the table, in the closet, and so on) and sit there for five minutes.

Creative forfeits

Their presence will be especially useful if children attending some creative circles and studios have gathered at the table, dreaming of becoming artists, musicians, singers or artists. In the end, not everyone dreams of the professions of an astronaut and a veterinarian, right?

Creative options:

Sing a song (ideally, if it is the birthday boy's favorite song);
dance, in the middle of the dance, inviting the birthday person to the dance;
recite a poem by heart
draw a portrait of the birthday man (or one of the guests);
make up a story on the go and tell it
those present;
the same thing, only you need to compose a poem.

Developing forfeits

Combine business with pleasure: some forfeits may well be not only funny, but also educational. Here are some examples:

Depict some hidden object without words (according to the principle of the Crocodile game);
tell a little about yourself (as in an interview);
tell a little about each of the players, paying special attention to their good qualities;
pronounce a tongue twister three times in a row quickly and without errors;
pick up any object in the room and “sell” it to the birthday man, praising him beneficial features And positive traits;
interview the hero of the occasion.

This, of course, is only a small part of the tasks that can be used to play forfeits. You can come up with tasks and write them down on cards in advance or compose as you go. The larger and more creative the company is, the more interesting and unusual tasks they will be able to come up with, and the more exciting the holiday will turn out to be.

If you know more interesting options tasks, share in the comments.
