Business plan balloons with helium. Balloon business - pros and cons

To begin with, we advise you to study at least some useful literature on aero design and business in particular. No need to delve into just the basics of making balls. At the same time, you need to learn the basics of sales, the intricacies of communicating with customers, create conversation scripts, look for like-minded people and future employees of your company, work out clear goals and objectives. You can't build a business without an integrated approach. To understand how to build a business in balloons, we advise you to look at the following courses:

  • (author, popular businessman in the field of aero design).

For a general motivation of the entrepreneurial spirit, we advise you to read the books of the famous business coach Sergei Azimov. In particular, his very popular book: "How to make money without start-up capital". All Asimov's materials can be borrowed from him. There are both paid and free products.

“The first year for beginners is the hardest. The main test that the lion's share of start-up entrepreneurs cannot withstand is the lack of faith in the success of the business on the part of others (relatives, friends, acquaintances). They will constantly tell and inspire you that nothing will work out for you, that you are doing nonsense, it is better to go for a stable salary, etc., etc. As a result, a person ceases to believe in himself, and this is a sure way to defeat . You don’t need to listen to anyone, just go to your goal, ”says Anatoly Piksaev, successful businessman, author of a number of books and master classes on aerodesign.

Popular misconceptions of newcomers to the aero design business:

  1. “We definitely need a lot of start-up capital.” But you can start a business without start-up capital. Take an advance payment from the client for the order, buy balls, a hand pump with this money. Complete the order - get the money. Buy with this money optional equipment etc. If there is some money, then 20-30 thousand rubles will be enough.
  2. “Anyone should be able to make some cool things out of balloons.” This is another common misconception for beginners. In order to make money on balloons, you need to be able to make 20 - 30 of the most popular positions: hearts, helium balloons, flowers, garlands, etc. These are the most sold items. You can learn the basics of making such figures in a few days through videos on youtube.
  3. The third misconception of newcomers is that the market for aerodesign services has long been divided and it is almost impossible for a new player to break through. But everything is much simpler than it seems at first glance. If you want to seriously engage in this direction and take part of the market in your city, then you can do it. First, thoroughly study the market of your city, identify the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors. Based on this, create your own unique offer.

The main goal in this case is to learn how to sell a service. It is necessary to direct the main forces, time and means to this. If you can learn how to make incredibly cool things out of balloons, but don't find a buyer for them, then it will be a waste of time.

Balloon business - pros and cons

This activity has the following benefits:

  • Low entrance ticket, as mentioned above. Today, there are few such ideas that you can open from scratch and subsequently earn good money.
  • At the initial stage, you can do without an office and a warehouse. At first, all minor work can be done at home or on the territory of the customer.
  • This business can be considered "proven". The service is in constant demand, as there are always holidays and birthdays.
  • A bunch of available material and books with which you can learn the basics of an aero designer without leaving your home.

There are also disadvantages of the balloon business (or pitfalls):

  • Often there are difficulties with the purchase and delivery of material for registration. Especially in small towns. The following situation may arise: an urgent order has been received, which must be completed within 1-2 days. And the right amount of material (mostly balls) is not enough. Falls into urgently go to the regional center to wholesalers. Ordering via the Internet may not help, as the delivery will take at least 3 days.
  • Low income at the start of the business. Some may think that this matter is not so serious and big money you won't make money here. This is partly true, because by fulfilling small orders for friends and acquaintances, you will not earn much. There is a high probability that this may end if the bar is not moved from a private designer to a full-fledged aero design services company (and maybe not only aero design) in time.

How much can you earn?

When calculating the cost of an order, the costs of materials, frame, delivery, installation, urgency of order fulfillment, working conditions (room or street), working time (day or night), etc. are taken into account. children's holiday - 1500 rubles, decoration of the hall for an anniversary or corporate events - 2500 rubles. If you process at least 20 orders per month, you can earn about 50,000 rubles, of which the net profit will be 25 thousand rubles. The main expenses are material, fuel and lubricants and the salary of the designer.

The graph of profit depending on the number of completed orders is as follows:

50 clients will allow you to earn about 60,000 rubles, and 100 clients - already 120,000 rubles. Income can be much more if you take more average check(in different cities it can differ dramatically). We took as a basis the average check of 2500 rubles. In your city, it can be 4000r - 5000r. Then the profit will be 1.5 - 2 times higher.

According to experts, the profitability of the balloon business is 30-40%.

Business registration

Before running to register a business, you should first work without registration (I hope the tax office does not read it). The fact is that at first you will have very few orders and, accordingly, income. Your main customers will first be among friends and acquaintances. And you will either take very little or no money from the order (well, perhaps, only for the material). The main thing is to master the business and create a portfolio. Excess running around with papers and reports will be useless here. Moreover, as a taxpayer, the tax inspectorate itself will not be interested in you yet. Business registration will be required only when you reach stable orders and you have corporate clients paying for services by bank transfer.

Most often, ordinary individual entrepreneurship is registered to provide aerodesign services. As a taxation system, it is most advantageous to use the patent taxation system. You pay once and you work quietly for a whole year, without financial statements. But the patent system is not accepted in all regions of the Russian Federation. In this case, it is beneficial to apply the special regimes of UTII or USN, but with the corresponding financial statements.

The most suitable OKVED for this activity: 92.3 "Other entertainment and entertainment activities" and 92.72 "Other activities for the organization of recreation and entertainment."

The cost of registering an individual entrepreneur will be only 800 rubles. is the amount of the stamp duty. After 5 working days, after submitting documents to the tax service, you will receive a certificate of registration of IP. Now you are an official entrepreneur. You can go to the bank and open a current account to accept payments by bank transfer, to pay tax payments and just to store your finances.

Basic equipment and materials

A successful aero designer needs to have an air compressor, a hand pump, helium tanks, latex balloons, fishing line, decoration tape, scissors, tape, sticks for balloons, a cable, a pressure gauge.

Market professionals advise taking 40l cylinders. Although it weighs 60 kg, it is enough for 450 - 500 balls. The price of such a balloon is 6000 r. And cylinders of a smaller volume (10 - 20 l) quickly end. If such a balloon ends in the midst of the decoration of the hall, when the deadlines are still running out, it will not be pleasant.

To inflate balloons, it is better to use a two-way hand pump or an electric compressor (zibi z 32 compressor). The latter costs about 5000 r.

As for balloons, 5, 9, 12-inch latex balloons are great for decorating the hall. The most popular colors are white, red, yellow, pink, gold, lilac. Foil balloons go well for weddings, figures and surprises in a balloon for children's parties. Recently, glowing balls have been popular. Don't buy a lot of them at once. Professionals recommend buying no more than 2 - 3 packs popular color, the rest - one by one. Subsequently, depending on the order, you can buy the necessary items. And the extra money is better spent on more useful purposes, for example, for advertising.

“For decorating events, you can purchase fabrics, as well as make an arch from metal-plastic,” advises user AnnJoy, from the business forum.

Do-it-yourself balloon figures - technology

There are two basic rules for blowing up balloons. 1. No need to re-inflate balloons. It will be difficult to make something out of inflated balloons and there is a high probability that they will simply burst. 2. It is necessary to properly tie the balls. Forget about threads and ropes. Balls should be tied with their own tail in a knot.

In aero design, there are such concepts as: cluster, primitive, twos, threes, fours, etc. What is a two cluster? These are two inflated balls connected by tails. Connecting two clusters of two together, we get a cluster (primitive) of four. Clusters and primitives are everything from which more complex shapes are subsequently assembled.

The basics of the correct inflation of balloons and the manufacture of primitive figures can be studied in the following video clips:

You will also need to study the technology for making frames for figures: hearts, numbers, etc. For the manufacture of a frame, professionals often use an AVVG 4x25 cable (ordinary power electrical cable). Such a cable consists of 4 cores, each of which is in a plastic winding. You can buy it in construction markets and in specialized stores.

Cable cores are cut with special knife by cutting the insulation. The result is four strands. More details in this video:

Advertising - how to promote a service in your city

Recently, such events as: birthdays, anniversaries, children's parties, March 8, professional holidays, New Year's corporate parties, wedding events, solemn discharges from the hospital - rarely do without aerodesign. There is a lot of work, especially in large cities. The largest orders are weddings. Some jobs take at least a day to complete.

There are a lot of options for advertising such services. Let's highlight the main ones. First up is the internet. Advertising on the network is cheaper than everyone, and the effectiveness is growing every year. On your own site or in a group in social networks You can post examples of work, vivid photos and customer reviews. This gives very big effect, as opposed to the usual ad in the newspaper like "decoration of balloons for weddings." Although the benefits of advertising in the media also cannot be discounted. Contextual advertising in Yandex Direct is no less effective, especially in large cities such as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, etc. According to Yandex search query statistics, the phrase “balloon decoration” was searched for about 20,000 times in October 2015. Of these, 2800 requests fall to Moscow - this is a solid audience of customers (although not all of them were looking for a particular service):

Posting ads with tear-off contacts at bus stops and busy places - also good tool. For a small fee, students can cover half of the city with your ads.

An original and very successful advertisement is “promotion through installations” (the idea of ​​the same Anatoly Piksaev). The essence of the idea is to show the product with its face. To do this, a colorful figure is created from balls (for example, the Eiffel Tower) and installed in popular shopping centers. Next to the figure is a stand with business cards of the company. The main thing is to agree with the administration of the shopping center. There will be no end to clients.

Business Outlook

Building a big business on balls alone will not work. You will always earn money for bread and butter, but there is always not enough money. Therefore, be sure to plan in which directions you will move on. Aerodesign goes well with the business of organizing holidays. You can not only decorate the hall, but also hold holidays, collaborate with showmen, animators, DJs, photographers, etc. You will already have a client base, so it will be much easier to promote new services. All in your hands!

Balloons are an integral part of the holiday for people of all ages. They decorate rooms on birthdays and weddings, they are ordered to offices and hospitals, they are presented at festivals and promotions. An ordinary balloon can be bought at any store, but only specialized sales departments offer a variety of sizes and shapes, design services, delivery, and installation of decorative structures. Selling balloons with the right organization can be a profitable and fast-paying business, as well as being the first step in the decoration and celebration industry.

This article discusses various options for opening a company for the implementation balloons and provision of services using them.

Variety of services offered

The year 1997 is considered the beginning of the formation of the holiday decor industry in Russia. The idea to decorate the premises for the holiday and create figures from balloons came from abroad, but long time its implementation was very primitive due to the meager range of basic materials and insufficient understanding of technology. AT modern conditions there is a fairly strong competitive base, so the success of the enterprise depends on the breadth of the proposed range of balls and services.

Retail point of sale

The fastest start will be the opening of a shopping island or a corner in a shopping center. The island is a shopping area in a gallery between shops, the windows of which can be approached from all sides. Corner ("corner") is a view of the island, limited by one or two walls. Balloons are a spontaneous purchase, on the go, so a necessary condition for attracting a buyer is the original design of even a small area. Special conditions: good traffic and proximity to children's shops, playgrounds and points of sale of sweets.

The original design of the corner with a mini-zoo of air animals

The counter can be supplemented with the sale of bright sweets, postcards, crackers. It is also profitable to provide a gift wrapping service and the sale of paper bags, boxes, ribbons, soft toys as related products.

The most popular type of product in the balloon corner is foil cartoon characters and animals. During themed holidays, hearts, cakes, planes, pumpkins on a stick are popular. Especially loved by children are "walking" balloons that are inflated with helium, but because of the small load at the bottom they cannot take off. They are made in the form of pets that "walk" on cardboard legs for their little owner.

"Walking" ball in the form of a dog

This type of trade does not require the attraction of credit funds and belongs to the category of projects with low risks. Depending on the cost of rent, about 100 thousand rubles will be required to start, and a car is also required for the transportation and delivery of products. With absence additional goods and services outlet can occupy no more than 2 square meters. m.

Counter with foil balloons

In the case of opening a full-fledged store, a wider assortment will be required for payback. If buyers, especially young ones, rarely manage to pass by the colorful island, then a store with a separate entrance is easy to bypass. Therefore, first of all, the anchor is determined - what the buyer comes for. Such an anchor can be carnival products, gifts, souvenirs or decor items. It is obligatory to have products with a high price and, accordingly, a margin: masquerade costumes, wigs, makeup, large soft toys.

The cost of display equipment for a full-scale store also significantly increases the amount of capital investment. In the absence of a formed customer base and a recognizable brand, this format is not recommended for single products. The only exception is if the premises are owned by the entrepreneur, and there is no need to pay for its rent.

Shop selling carnival products

Room decoration

Retail sale of balloons is ineffective without the provision of services for the design of premises. Aerodesign is a direction in decorating art, which deals with the creation of three-dimensional figures from balloons for temporary decoration of the interior. This service can also be provided outside the retail store by selling through groups in social networks, an online store, event agencies, advertising magazines and booklets.

For design, latex balloons are more often used, complementing them with foil, curly, using the "ball in a ball" technology. On plastic frames, garlands are formed from balls of various sizes, which are ranked using templates. Frames are assembled into figures, flat or three-dimensional, depending on the wishes of the customer.

The most popular aerodesign is when holding children's birthdays, holidays, performances, and in this niche all competitors are of approximately the same level with comparable income. More interesting is the profit from the design of large "adult" events: corporate meetings, conferences, parties, wedding banquets. Sometimes installation work for holidays of this magnitude begins the day before, or the night before the celebration.

Aerodesign in the design of the conference

Particular importance should be given to the portfolio, designed in print and electronic form. It is necessary to collect examples of all the services that are provided, even if some of them for the photo will have to be done for free or with a low margin. Works from the portfolio should be photographed from the most favorable angle and emphasize the atmosphere and status of the event.

Without examples of what a company designer is capable of, corporate orders cannot be obtained. Namely, they represent the category of clients, work with which can recoup capital costs in a few days of design work. To reach this level, you will need special equipment: a printer for printing logos on balloons, a truck for transporting several cylinders at once, assembly ladders and plastic frames.

The famous balloon arches of McDonald's

The interior design firm should have a designer on staff, as this area requires an understanding of the basics of composition, color combinations, compliance with the format and level of decorated events. As a designer, a business owner is also suitable for a start if he has creative inclinations. The basics of working with balls are studied in special courses, which include the following topics:

  • various materials and their features;
  • safety when working with cylinders and compressors;
  • techniques for inflating and tying balloons;
  • schemes for creating garlands and bouquets;
  • work with frames;
  • installation features at different air temperatures.

The cost of courses depends on the number of hours of training, on average it is 12 thousand rubles. for 6 academic hours group lessons. Such training will give a general idea of ​​​​work in the industry, but not an understanding of current schemes for decorating premises. Trends become obsolete very quickly, and in order to keep up with customer requests, knowledge will need to be updated regularly.

Modern aero design in shop window decoration

Sale of balloons at city events

At children's parties and festivals, a foil balloon serves to entertain the child and makes the baby clearly visible in the crowd. Therefore, at city events, balloons - not only a souvenir, but also a security measure - are in high demand.

If you have a trade permit, you can organize a business at virtually no cost, on the go. If the seller moves and sells balls from his hands, then no stationary point, tent, trading equipment is needed. Minimum costs are determined by the lower threshold of wholesale purchases - 10 thousand rubles. This amount is enough to buy a portable helium tank for 25 large foil balloons, a hand pump for small balloons on a stick and Supplies.

Sale in parks, especially during events, allows you to make a markup of up to 400% of the wholesale cost of an uninflated balloon. Even focusing on average prices in online stores, with the full implementation of the “starter package”, the revenue will be about 20 thousand rubles, that is, the initial costs will pay off twice.

The share of the cost of various types of balls in the total revenue from trading on the street

This option is suitable for students and those who are just starting to try their hand at entrepreneurship. Its profitability is limited, and customer demand is not constant, which leads to zero income on weekdays and during the cold season. In addition, retail trade without documentation, payment of taxes and permission from municipal authorities threatens with problems with the law.

However, with an already existing balloon retail business, participation in the holidays will become in an additional way income and advertising. In this case, you can think about purchasing a portable trading tent-tent and expanding the range with small toys, luminous key rings, and souvenirs.

Street ball vendor

Bouquets and toys from balloons to order

Another niche in the "air" business is the manufacture of bouquets and toys from balloons for modeling. They are presented in various sizes and are inflated with a hand pump, the purchase price starts from two rubles apiece. A finished composition with a height of about 80 cm costs 1000 rubles or more, depending on the complexity of the figure. They decorate the entrance areas of banquet halls, shops and offices.

Dinosaur figure from balloons for modeling

The skill of twisting toys and bouquets can be gained by training with videos and books that are in the assortment of balloons and equipment suppliers.

Giving toy bouquets instead of real flowers five years ago was very modern. It looked original and was popular among the school environment, as well as among those who do not buy cut flowers for internal reasons (protectors of nature, environmentalists, ethical vegetarians). Today, such a bouquet looks a bit old-fashioned, although balloon stores are encouraged to have this position in the list of goods.

Flowers from balloons as a gift junior schoolchildren

Much more relevant, if we talk about the small size of products, figures of animals and cartoon characters. Of particular joy in children is the process of twisting itself, which can also be used for entertainment and promotional purposes at various holidays.

The main disadvantage of this niche is that the production of figures practically does not require any talents, equipment, or investments. Those who want to give such a gift can make it themselves in a few minutes, having 15 modeling balls and a training video on the net.

Delivery of balloons

Balloon delivery is the second most profitable part of the business after aerodesign. Delivery is carried out at home, in the office, in hospitals in order to cheer up the gifted person or decorate the room on their own. To make a sale, you need to open an online store or a group on social networks. It is enough for the owner of a retail outlet to print colorful booklets with design options for various holidays and an approximate estimate.

Balloons with delivery in the decor of a wedding banquet

The main buyers are parents of small children, young people, owners of small offices. Depending on the volume of the order, a store representative can deliver already inflated balloons or fill them on the spot. The price of the order in this case does not change. inflated balloons transported in safety nets or plastic bags, it is advisable to have a minivan for this purpose.

Customers most often use the delivered balloons in three types of room decorations.

  • Ceiling decoration. Helium balloons, rising to the ceiling, fill the room with a festive atmosphere. Ribbons hanging to the middle of the height of the room can be made of various materials depending on the theme of the holiday: hemp rope for pirate party, satin ribbons for a newborn in the house or bright paper "tails" for children's day birth.
  • Point - the central point of the holiday, on which there is a photo of the birthday man, a wedding book for guests, snacks, sweets, drinks. Decorated with latex helium balloons or figured foil balloons.

"Point" for a wedding with helium balloons
  • Floor decoration. Most a budget option, for which the number of balls is more important than the quality. The balls are filled with air and serve as a kind of carpet for the place of the holiday. The floor strewn with white or transparent balls looks spectacular.

The organization of an online store with courier delivery is in many ways similar to retail. The capital investment is the same: the lack of retail equipment and rental covers the development of the store interface and its maintenance, an extended marketing campaign and fuel costs. A quality start is possible if you have 100 thousand rubles.

The range can be expanded with expensive items: balls with LEDs, musical, mother-of-pearl, crystal, shiny. In the assortment, it is also desirable to have elements of aero design (garlands, poles), figurines from balloons for modeling, cakes and bouquets from balloons.

Business registration

Registration is obligatory for any type of retail trade, and hence the choice of legal form. Without this, it is impossible to conclude lease agreements, hire employees, make bulk purchases and work with large clients. Documentation is not so important when selling via the Internet and providing decorating services for private clients, but this makes it impossible to further develop and reach corporate clients.

Choice of legal form

Opening a company selling balloons is ideal to start with individual entrepreneurship. Registration takes three working days and costs less than 2 thousand rubles. taking into account the payment of the fee, the design of the seal and the opening of a current account. In this case, the last two points for petty trading are not required.

With an area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe outlet less than 15 sq.m, a simplified taxation system is applied. A single tax on imputed income allows you not to buy a cash register, but to fill out checks by hand or using a small typewriter. This analogue cash register does not require registration with the tax office, but allows you to remove all types of financial statements, connect a barcode reader and print all the necessary details on the check. A small laptop is enough to connect such a device in the corner.

From July 1, 2018, by order of the Ministry of Finance, mandatory online cash registers are introduced for entrepreneurs who provide any type of sale individuals. In this case, it is more logical to use the simplified tax system for trade (as well as for decorating services) and pay 6% of income or 15% of income minus expenses. The second option with a high margin is not profitable.

OKVED codes

The type of economic activity code is determined by the main component of business income. This is the code from which you will have to report to the tax. If an entrepreneur has a retail department, then the main code will be 47.78.9, when sold through an online store, code 47.91.2 is added, and 74.10 allows you to provide aero design services.

47 Retail trade, except for motor vehicles and motorcycles
47.78 Other retail sale in specialized stores
47.78.9 Retail sale of non-food items not included in other categories in specialized stores
47.9 Retail trade outside shops, stalls, markets
47.91 Retail trade by mail or via the information and communication network Internet
47.91.2 Retail trade carried out directly with the help of the Internet information and communication network
74 Other professional scientific and technical activities
74.1 Activities specialized in the field of design
74.10 Activities specialized in the field of design, incl. interior decor

Required documents

The activity of selling balloons is not included in the list of licensed activities. Thus, to get started, an entrepreneur needs:

  • certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur;
  • quality certificates for the goods and used gas cylinders;
  • sanitary book of the seller of non-food goods.

Quality certificates are available from major suppliers upon request. A personal medical book is issued in a week, a medical examination costs about two thousand rubles.

How to open a retail point of sale?

Before opening retail outlet sales, it is necessary to carry out research work: study the market, communicate with representatives of wedding agencies and organizers of children's parties, compile a list of local competitors, find out their assortment, conditions, prices. This is followed by the rental of premises, the purchase of equipment, the conclusion of contracts with suppliers and courier services. While the goods are on the way, it's time to get training in the basics of aero design, recruit employees and create social media profiles. On the final stage it is important to think over the eye-catching decoration of the outlet, marketing policy and special offers for the first buyers.

Where is the best place to open?

The main points of sale are shopping islands in shopping centers near the entrances with high traffic. When placing in other places, you need to focus on the proximity of stores for buyers with children. Such places can be large toy supermarkets, entertainment centers, a cinema, a shooting range, a children's cafe.

The rooms under the escalators are convenient, as they have the opportunity to organize a small hidden warehouse for storing consumables. Renting an island with an area of ​​5-8 sq. m in the regions is 5-15 thousand rubles. per month. Making a showcase to order - up to 30 thousand rubles.

Decorating an island in a mall

There is a slight subtlety in renting a place in a shopping center - not all landlords allow the use of gas cylinders on their territory. Helium cylinders work under pressure, which means that a safety rule applies to them, prescribing their use only in open areas where there are no crowds of people.

In some cases, entrepreneurs use a 10-liter bottle, the dimensions of which allow it to be hidden under the counter. However, it is better not to wait for fines and warnings from the administration, but to clarify this issue before concluding a lease agreement.

An alternative solution may be to place the cylinder in the back rooms of the shopping center, or the sale of pre-inflated products.

For the provision of decorating services, you will also need warehouses. They should be spacious, clean from dust, well ventilated or have forced ventilation: helium in large quantities can cause poisoning. There must be enough space for storage plastic frames, ladders, gas cylinders, boxes with balls. At the initial stage, the owner's apartment or garage can act as a warehouse.

Necessary equipment

Balloons can be inflated with helium or air. Helium is used for floating balloons, balloons with legs, large foil balloons, and also for creating some figures. Balloons on a stick are filled with air, for modeling, for assembling structures, for creating walls.

A 40 liter gas cylinder is purchased empty and must be refilled every 500 30 cm balloons. Some suppliers provide a cylinder with a 100% deposit when buying gas. The most budgetary Orenburg helium can be purchased for 4,700 rubles, leaving the same amount as a pledge. You can buy gas in smaller volumes - 20 liters, 10 liters or portable home devices for 5 liters, but the cost of filling one balloon in this case will be twice as high.

Helium cylinders

In order to inflate the balloon, it is necessary to attach additional equipment to the balloon: adapter, pressure gauge, reducer. Using a pressure gauge, you can control the balance of gas, its consumption per shift to prevent theft by sellers. Simple set of equipment Russian production BAMZ costs 1,700 rubles.

Gas equipment for a helium cylinder

In order to inflate balloons with air for twisting - twisting figures and bouquets - you need a regular hand pump. A high-quality Italian model costs about 300 rubles.

Hand pump to fill balloons with air

Electric compressors are used to fill the balls in large quantities. Theoretically, any device of this type is suitable for this purpose, even for inflating tires. However, in practice, such devices heat up too quickly, do not pump enough air, and are very slow. A special compressor for aero design fills a standard balloon in 2 seconds, has three different nozzles and costs about 6 thousand rubles.

Aero compressor for balloons COOL AIRE MINI

In order for the most expensive products - large foil figures - to please customers for a long time, after filling the balloon with helium or air, a seam should be welded. A foil balloon sealer costs 2,700 rubles. and increases the loyalty of the client, who notes the desire of the seller to increase the life of the figure.

Seam sealer

When filling balloons for decoration purposes, uniform size is especially important. To do this, use a plastic calibrator containing templates of several diameters. The cost of such a device is 2800 rubles.

Balloon calibrator

Optional expenses - the purchase of a machine for printing on balls. With its help, client logos, wishes or drawings are applied. The cost of a manual model is 11 thousand rubles, five different colors of ink for printing with a volume of one liter - 10 thousand rubles.

Thus, the cost of equipment will amount to 23 thousand rubles. without a printing press.

Expendable materials

Consumables are divided into basic and auxiliary. The main materials are balloons. For different needs, different products are selected:

  • for weaving garlands and creating figures - dense latex, Italian production, 1200 rubles. for 500 pieces;
  • for filling with helium - thin strong latex, Mexico, 355 rubles. for 100 pieces;
  • budget for large volumes of work - bright latex made in China, 209 rubles. for 100 pieces;
  • with a pattern - a wide range, Belgium, 252 rubles. for 100 pieces;
  • for modeling - soft latex, Colombia, 349 rubles. for 100 pieces;
  • foil large - from a film, Spain, from 90 rubles / piece;
  • large round ones - thin mylar film, USA, from 85 rubles / piece;
  • small on a stick - foil on film, Spain, from 16 rubles / piece;
  • figures with a load - polymer film, USA, from 300 rubles / piece;
  • balls on legs - polymer film, China, from 250 rubles / piece.

Variety of latex balloons

Auxiliary consumables include ribbons, plastic holders, fishing line, glue to extend the flight time of helium balloons. In total, for the first purchase of basic consumables, approximately 50 thousand rubles will be needed. for retail trade, from 70 thousand rubles. - with additional decorating services.


At the very beginning of the journey to a retail outlet, one or two salespeople with a shift schedule and a salary-bonus wage system are needed. Sellers must be over 18 years of age, be proficient in sales techniques and artistic taste, and must have a medical book for a domestic services worker with access to non-food products. At official work at children's events (showing master classes, training, trade in educational institutions) you need a medical book with an extended list of examinations passed. But drivers and couriers of the delivery service will not need any additional documents, except for a passport.

In the future, the state will also need a decorator who has completed an aero design course. A minimum of two people are required to carry cylinders for safety reasons, these workers can be hired for outsourcing. The same is true for erection workers of structures (arches, pillars, walls), they can be recruited under an agreement with a labor agency or from the staff of a shopping center.

The positions of director, marketer, accountant, driver at first are combined by the owner of the business.

Position Number of persons Average salary per month, rub. Personnel costs per month, rub.
Salesman 2 20 000 40 000
Designer 1 30 000 30 000
Ancillary workers 2 15 000 30 000
Total: 5 100 000

Table "Personnel costs"

How much money do you need to open?

The initial investment consists of capital investment and the cost of working capital. The minimum investment amount for organizing the work of a retail outlet and providing decorating services is 190 thousand rubles. The amount of investment can be reduced due to the amount of consumables, but do not forget that the breadth of the proposed assortment significantly affects the amount of revenue.

The volume of investments for opening

Opening a franchise store

There are several types of franchises in the field of selling balloons on the Russian market. This type of activity is suitable for those who do not lack funding, but do not have any entrepreneurial experience. The franchisor provides full information support, design of promotional products, supplier base and staff training. In return, the businessman pays a one-time lump-sum fee, or shares the monthly profit with the parent organization.

The initial costs in this case can be even more impressive than with an independent start. This is explained by the fact that the franchisor often requires strict adherence to all corporate rules: showcases of a special design, software, monthly full development of the advertising budget require additional funds.

There are several companies on the market that offer franchises for various conditions. Each has its own recommended trading format, which varies depending on the individual requirements of the entrepreneur.

Franchise Terms "Stylish ball" "Merry Fun" "MosShar" "Mikhail Sharikov"
Lump sum 50 thousand rubles 100 thousand rubles 100 thousand rubles
Royalty 10 thousand rubles / month 7% of revenue
Minimum investment 150 thousand rubles 600 thousand rubles 250 thousand rubles 500 thousand rubles
Format Corner Score Corner Score
Peculiarities With aero design services The whole range of goods for the holiday Ready-made own online store Online store with its own CRM system

How to put an end to a city event?

To obtain a permit to trade as part of a city event, you need to decide who is its organizer. This information is usually listed at the bottom of the posters, with contact details and a phone number. By contacting the organizer, you need to clarify the intended format of participation in the holiday.

You can set up a table with balls for a certain "entrance" fee, or try to negotiate with the organizer about barter and decorate the entrance area with growth balls. This will save liquid funds and serve as additional advertising.

If the holiday is citywide, then the city administration issues a permit for trade. The permit contains information about the enterprise and the field of activity.

We should also discuss the possibility of putting a helium balloon on the holiday. For this, a certificate for helium is requested from the company that fills the cylinders. It states that the gas is non-flammable, non-toxic and non-explosive. In the case of an approval decision of the administration, the certificate must be carried with you all the time of trading.

To sell the balls, you will need a minimum of equipment: a table, a chair, a gas cylinder and balls various forms, sizes, colors. The emphasis in the nomenclature is on the theme of the holiday, for example, for an ice cream festival, it is logical to stock up on all kinds of balloons with the image of a cone or learn how to make it from balloons for modeling.

Sale of balloons at the holiday in honor of the Day of Russia

Supplier search

A superficial analysis of purchase prices shows that the conditions of various enterprises for the supply of goods for the industry differ insignificantly. Russian suppliers are concentrated in large cities, which must be taken into account when choosing, since the cost of delivery affects the formation of the cost of the product.

Some items are more profitable to order directly from China, for example, small curly balls. Low-quality Chinese balls are not used to create frame figures, they do not hold their shape well and often have an uneven color. In addition, such a product does not have Russian quality certificates, it smells strongly and stains hands. Here are some of the wholesale suppliers.

Supplier name Minimum purchase, rub. Delivery terms Discounts Terms of payment Cost of 40l helium cylinder
"Merry Idea", Zelenograd 10 000 To shopping center in Moscow free of charge from 20,000 rubles. From 150 000 rub. -15% next year Prepayment 4 975
SibShar, Kemerovo 2 000 To the shopping center in Kemerovo free of charge from 4,000 rubles. Not Prepayment 5 800
Don Ballon, Moscow 5 000 To shopping center in Moscow free of charge Over 150,000 rubles - 15% for the current purchase, discount savings system Prepayment 4 975
"Many Sharoff", Yekaterinburg 7000 At the expense of the buyer Over 50,000 rubles. – 15% next month Prepayment 5200


The creation of a successful firm is largely determined by the direction and aggressiveness of the marketing policy. Retail sales of balloons are difficult to promote, as the island trade format is aimed at spontaneous, unconscious purchases. The emphasis in advertising should be done not on the product, but on the services: the design of the premises in an individual style, the unique atmosphere of the holiday, fast delivery. For this purpose, pages on social networks with a regularly updated portfolio, seasonal offers and a package of services for birthday people are suitable. Such promotion does not require a lot of money and is effective if regularly filled with colorful content.

All niches of the event business are the rare case where print advertising still works. Booklets, samples and mini-compositions left on counters in registry offices, kindergartens, schools, banquet halls, pastry shops, give customers an idea not only about the list, but also about the level of services provided. Collaboration with advertising, wedding and event agencies for 10% of revenue brings new customers and increases their loyalty due to the completeness of the range of services.

Separately, it should be noted social advertising - decoration of charity concerts, orphanages for the holiday, participation in flash mobs to launch balloons, and so on. Such activity does not require large expenses, increases the loyalty of future customers, and also serves as additional free advertising.

Flash mob to launch balloons in Yoshkar-Ola

How much can you earn?

Despite the pronounced linkage of sales volumes to national holidays, this type of business can be provided with a uniform workload throughout the year by expanding the range of services. The main income is formed by the services of mobile design and home delivery of balloons, much less is brought by retail sales and outdoor sales during the holidays.

The average percentage of profitability in the retail trade of balloons is 100-150%, design services - up to 400%, exit trade - 200%. When purchasing materials for 50 thousand rubles. monthly profitability will be about 200 thousand rubles, which hardly covers the costs of maintaining a retail outlet in a large city.

You can increase the profitability of the organization by eliminating the retail outlet in favor of an online store, delivery and clearance services. Then operating expenses will be reduced to the cost of materials, gasoline and advertising, which will allow you to receive 100 thousand rubles. profit per month.

The profit structure of the business on the balls


The balloon trading market has reached saturation point in 20 years, and as a result, there is a high level of competition and an oversupply in large cities. Conditions for maintaining profitability in such conditions:

  • compliance with the latest fashion trends decorating art;
  • social networks as the main marketing tool;
  • continuous updating of the assortment due to new textures and materials;
  • obligatory presence at city-scale events: exhibitions, festivals, festivities.

In general, responsible, technologically and creatively developing balloon companies will always have a buyer. In the event of a decrease in business profitability, you can expand the package of services by decorating fresh flowers, draperies and paper decorations.

All of us from childhood are familiar with multi-colored inflatable balls. They have the ability to miraculously cheer up, give joy and faith in a fairy tale. However, marketers are sure that the sale of balloons, with the right approach, can be a source of excellent income.

Imagine, after all, behind the bright holiday that these objects can give us, in fact, there is practically nothing - only air and cheap raw materials. And this means that the sale of balloons can rightfully become very profitable business. But where should it start? How to find clients? What problems can you face? We hope that you will receive answers to all these questions from our material.

money in sales

So, there are several ways to get rich on balloons. The first one is sales. Think for yourself, there is always a demand for bright toys for children, which means that your balls will be sold out. True, you will need to spend a little.

For a successful start of this business, it is necessary to acquire a trading place. It can be located in the market, in the pavilion of the mall or in any theme store in the city. The most important thing is that the place should be visited, and a kindergarten or some center of creativity and youth should be located nearby.

In a word, in order for the helium balloon business to go uphill, it is necessary that you yourself come to your potential audience, that is, to children. In addition to the trading place, you will also need colorful balloons, helium tanks and various pumps. But it won't cost you a lot of money. The business still promises to be profitable.

Flowers for women, but for children?

However, keep in mind the fact that sales volumes are very dependent on the availability of holidays and red days of the calendar. Therefore, when preparing for any event that involves increasing your sales, consider the specifics of the holiday.

So, for example, on Valentine's Day, a bright red heart made of balloons will look very relevant, by the First of May multi-colored balloons of curly shapes will go better, but on International Women's Day you can take orders to decorate perfume sets and other gift items with these bright harbingers of joy and happiness. products.

Giving miracles, don't expect sales. Until you yourself engage in high-quality and full-fledged advertising of your business, no one will do it for you. Make sure that you have a good visited site, and bright and capacious messages remind you of you from the TV and radio screens.

Decorate and earn

The second type of business in terms of earnings is the design of special events: weddings, corporate parties and anniversaries. Stunningly beautiful garlands, assembled from plain or bright (originally selected) balloons, can decorate any event, bring celebration and joy to it. The most important thing is that recently this kind of entourage has become very fashionable.

Many companies and individuals are happy to use the services of design firms. The latter, by the way, went even further and often offer their customers special crafts made from balloons in the form of flowers or animals, which also occupy a worthy place among the festive tables.


This business requires some skills from the entrepreneur. Namely, you will need knowledge or at least skills in aero design. Helium balloons should take on slender and harmonious shapes that can visually delight the eyes of your customers. To obtain such knowledge, you should take special courses or try to study aerodesign on your own using specialized literature.

You will also need to purchase a huge number of balls. After all, you never know how many of these elements to compose compositions and in what volume you may need. Therefore, you should always have a variety of colors, shapes, sizes and colors on hand. Most importantly, raw materials are inexpensive. And after you breathe your creativity into it and add a pinch of creativity, crafts from balloons can not only please the eye, but also bring you good money.

Catalogue, machine and creative

As with the first type of business, you need to purchase special equipment. We have already mentioned it above. What else does this business require from you? Balloons need to be shown in a favorable light. You will definitely need to create a catalog-offer for customers. After all, you will not tell everyone on your fingers about the possibilities of your company.

It is better to spend money on a good portfolio once, in which you will tell about all your advantages, and most importantly, post photos of all possible crafts from balloons and all kinds of room design options.

You should know that, for example, garlands or solemn arches are more often ordered for weddings. And at children's parties, customers are more likely to want to see compositional works and various figures. For successful business development, purchase a car.

It is needed in order to transport a helium cylinder. Keep in mind that some of the work (if not all) will have to be done directly on the site of the celebration. If your business plan does not include the purchase of a car, then just rent it.

Clients, only clients

Many entrepreneurs, answering the question of how to start a business in balloons, mistakenly believe that the most difficult thing is to organize this business (documentation, find a team). In fact, it is more important to find a client. This is the most difficult task. Moreover, there are already plenty of companies on the market that provide such services. In order to stand out from the general background, you will have to learn how to compose original compositions, find an approach to customers and, most importantly, constantly engage in advertising.

We print and sell

The third way to make money in this business is the sale of balloons, on which any inscription or logo is applied. In general, today it has become very fashionable to print on unusual surfaces. Modern equipment allows you to realize any idea.

However, here immediately there is a problem with the acquisition of special machines capable of printing. However, you can not buy them, but place orders with the owners of such printing houses. you without special investments you can make money on ideas.

In other words, find a client, offer an original design and give a print as a bonus or, on the contrary, demand a separate payment for it. Selling balloons is a multi-faceted business that can not only bring you good money, but also bring untold pleasure from the process.

original approach

Entrepreneurs who are already successfully working in this area note that the most important thing is the ability to approach business in an unconventional, creative way. Try to look at your customers and own company through the lens of creativity. Make sure that it is not only in the name of your organization, but also in the methods and principles of work. In this case, they will start talking about you and asking for your services.

By the way, to promote the company, it would be useful to shoot some original video. Ideally, it should be viral, that is, viewers should watch it with pleasure, recommending it to friends and acquaintances. There should be no problems with the plot, because balloons can give an extraordinary scope for imagination and creativity. Consider a video within your team, shoot interesting video- and right amount customers will be provided to you.

As experience shows, you can earn absolutely on everything. The main thing is to choose a suitable niche for yourself and take it seriously. Even we are talking for the sale of balloons. It is very important to take into account all the main nuances and avoid common mistakes at the opening stage. In this article, we will talk about how to start a balloon business, share the secrets of how to promote it and make a good profit.


Speaking about the business of selling balloons, most often it also includes aerodesign. It means that you not only sell inflatable products, but also decorate premises for corporate, family holidays and other celebrations. If you decide to do aero design professionally, you will need to complete special courses. We offer you to get acquainted with the most common areas that you can choose for business:

  • registration at weddings, birthdays and other holidays;
  • decorating with balloons for the opening of a store, cafe, etc.;
  • design of premises for presentations, corporate parties, etc.;
  • sale of balloons on the street or in a store (the most common option is flower shop opening or gifts, where they also sell ordinary balloons and helium).

You can choose all directions at the same time, choose one of the options or come up with something exclusive. In any case, in the CIS countries they love holidays very much and celebrate them on a grand scale. That is why the balloon business is profitable and promising if done right. Please note that any activity must be legally registered. Register your business as an individual entrepreneur or LLC in the tax authorities.


How to start an "air" business? Oddly enough, but we propose to invest the bulk of the funds in advertising. You do not have to rent a room or open a store, but making a beautiful and understandable website on the Internet is a necessary condition. It is advisable to hire a specialist who can create a bright template and will promote your project. Of course, the price will be more expensive, but the result is worth it. Believe me, in the era of technology, half the success depends on this, so this item must be completed 100%.

Of course, in addition to creating a website, in order to develop a business, you must systematically advertise in newspapers, magazines, local television and on the Internet. It is also necessary to print business cards and flyers that can be distributed on the streets and thrown into mailboxes. In addition, you can try to directly contact the companies in your city with a proposal for cooperation. If you don't have good reviews yet, offer very favorable conditions. Do not forget about "word of mouth" - be sure to tell all your friends, relatives and acquaintances about your idea. In general, you need to do everything so that as many people as possible learn about your balloon business.

Every entrepreneur strives to find a business that would bring him not only a good income, but also pleasure. It's nice to do what you love and get a lot of money.

Aerodesign- This new business for which demand is growing. He means design decoration various rooms with hot air balloons. This service is used when decorating birthdays, weddings, parties and other celebrations. This business does not require expensive equipment and additional costs for renting a room.

A balloon is a toy made of latex. It is correct to call it an "inflatable" ball. Because the toy is inflated with gas, usually air or helium. If the gas used is lighter than air, then the balloon gets the ability to fly.

In this case, fantasy and ingenuity are important, so it is suitable only for creative people. Should come up with original elements decorating events with balloons. In addition to multi-colored balls, you can also use other materials.

There is some difficulty in this business, since the wishes of customers can be different and the difficulty arises precisely in creating a design at the request of the customer. Therefore, there are special courses that teach the features of aero design. On them you will learn how to decorate different rooms. If you don’t want to waste a lot of time, you can find useful video tutorials online that will teach you how to create simple compositions.

The tail of the balloon through which it is inflated is called " pucka» .

For any business, you need a business plan that will spell out all the costs and detailed instructions actions. This document should also highlight the marketing strategy, thanks to which you can take your place in the market, avoid mistakes and unnecessary expenses.

Advertising is required to tell customers about yourself. Try to advertise your business around so that people know about it a large number of potential clients. You should prepare for serious competition, and for this you need to constantly develop, offering new original ideas.

Be sure to create your portfolio to show customers your professionalism. All your successful works should be presented in the catalog. To do this, it is enough to take pictures of your projects.

Note that basically you will have to serve children's celebrations, opening ceremonies of various shops and clubs, various corporate parties.

To create complex and unusual designs, additional elements and other things, manufacturers make balls of various types.

Classic latex balloons- as the name implies, these are classic inflatable balls, which are spherical or pear-shaped, of various sizes, with one bag.

Spheres for creating three-dimensional structures- special balloons with several bunches or special tails. From such balls you can create very complex and voluminous structures. The most common type of such balls is Link-o-loon (link-o-loon) - a ball with one poutska and an additional tail located on the opposite side of the putska.

"Classic" link-o-loon construction. Garland (arch) of balloons.

Gift Wrapping Balls- original, large balls (up to 50 cm in diameter) with a wide neck into which you can place a large object. Used for original decoration of gifts. They are transparent and translucent.

Foil (mylar) balloons— original balloons, of various shapes, are balloons made of foil material, as a rule, a full-color pattern is applied to them.

Foil balloon in the shape of a cartoon character

Modeling balls- long sausage balloons, from which various shapes are twisted. A typical figure is a dog.

To organize such a business, you will need about 90 thousand rubles. These costs quickly pay off, as people like unusual decorations for the holidays.

Additional balloon business

You can import from China different kinds balloons large wholesale lots. As we have already said.

You can also open a station for the sale, maintenance and filling of cylinders with various gases, including helium. But how to do it is a completely different business idea, which we will cover in next time, subscribe .

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