The main attributes of the goddess Themis. Themis - goddess of justice

An elegant, strict woman in a robe and blindfolded, with scales in one hand and a sword in the other, is a well-known symbol of justice. Who is she and what does her extravagant appearance mean?


According to legend, Themis was born from the union of the sky god Uranus and the earth goddess Gaia. In other words, she was a Titanides, that is, a deity of the second generation, to which the children of Gaia and Uranus belonged. Among her six sisters and six brothers, Themis occupies a special place. Having reached maturity, the clever Themis became the second wife of Zeus and predicted to him that he would be overthrown by his own offspring, born of the nymph Thetis. Cautious Zeus heeded the prediction and refrained from marrying the sea lady.

The goddess Themis is also known for taking an active part in the unleashing of the Trojan War. She has always been a support and support to her husband in everything. Zeus Themis gave birth to three wonderful daughters - justice, goodness and peace (Dike, Eunomia and Eirene).

The practice of divination and divine rites also spread thanks to Themis. This goddess not only knew how to predict, she legitimized this ability. Themis presided over a thirteen-month cycle, divided into the seasons of the summer and winter solstices. According to some mythological sources, she also gave birth to Zeus and the goddesses of the seasons and fate.

Why she patronizes law and order

Ancient Greek authors lift the veil over the secrets of life, which was led by the goddess of justice Themis. Aeschylus, for example, tells us that she was the mother of the brave Prometheus, who gave people fire. Homer wrote that she, as the first and significant adviser to the great Zeus, convenes the gods for advice and reveals to them the will of the Olympic ruler. She is always ready to tell the will of the supreme deity to people, teaches them the correct moral standards and foundations. Not surprisingly, Themis was responsible for the foundations of law and order and became what we call today the "goddess of justice." You can often hear that the court building is called the "temple of Themis", and judicial officials - "the priests of Themis." The Latin word "justice" refers to both the judiciary itself and the system of bodies involved in this activity.

Her unusual appearance

Why does the goddess of justice appear before us with a bandage over her eyes? This detail perfectly demonstrates the impartiality with which, in the opinion of the ancients, it is necessary to make judicial decisions. The judge should not look at people, he should listen only to the facts. Not seeing the differences between those who are suing, he simply blindly makes the right decisions. Let's not argue with the fact that such an understanding is highly preferable even today.

Blind to truth or lies?

The fact that the eyes of the patroness of the right court are blindfolded is often perceived with irony. It turns out that this detail can emphasize not only the objectivity and impartiality of the judicial tribe, but, on the contrary, be perceived as partiality and subjectivity, which owns people who are called to administer a righteous judgment and not be seduced by promises. In the event that the court made an unfair decision to please someone or out of fear, then, looking at the eyes of the goddess hidden under a scarf, they say with a bitter smile that the goddess of justice, alas, is blind.

Scales, sword, mantle

The scales, which the goddess of justice Themis holds in her left hand, mean that guilt and rightness are accurately weighed, justice triumphs. The sword, on which the royal Themis lays her right hand, used to be a cornucopia, a symbol of retribution for the good done during her lifetime. Such was the case with the Greeks. By the way, there was no bandage on her eyes then. Roman mythology, borrowing the image and attributes of the goddess, named her Justitia, covered the eyes of the beauty with a bandage, and instead of a cornucopia put a punishing sword in her hand: let the criminals and servants of evil tremble! The fact that the goddess holds a sword in her right hand symbolizes the correctness of decisions. The fact that the sword is sharpened on both sides indicates that the law not only punishes, but also warns against rash acts. The mantle is an ancient ritual attire, which is attributed to the symbolism of a spiritual transition to a state corresponding to the ceremony of performing one or another action, in this case, justice.

From whom is the Russian Themis defending itself?

When the building of the Supreme Court of Russia was reconstructed, a large sculpture of Themis was installed over the entrance, for some reason there was no blindfold on her eyes. In her right hand, contrary to tradition, the goddess of justice does not hold a horn or a sword, but a shield. The public was dismayed.

The authors of the reconstruction project explained that they decided not to adhere to the ancient Greek canons, because "our Themis sees everything and knows everything." And since there is no sword in her hands, she "does not cut or beat anyone." Such is the interpretation of a universally valid symbol. And here, involuntarily, one recalls the old Russian story about Judge Shemyak, who made his decisions, looking at the stone wrapped in a rag in the bosom of the defendant and mistaking this stone for a bribe or threat.

According to the mythology of ancient Greece, Themis is the goddess of justice (the Romans called her Justice). The Greeks used different names for her: Themis, Temida. Themis was a Titanide, her parents were Uranus and Gaia, for Zeus she became the second wife (the first wife was the goddess of wisdom Metis).

The value of the attributes of Themis

The usual image of the goddess is a blindfold, she holds scales and a sword in her hands. A blindfold is usually used to symbolize open-mindedness. Themis does not look at the world with her eyes physically, but sees the very essence of events. The judge should not see the people participating in the litigation, does not see their property and social differences. He takes into account only the facts and listens to the opposing sides. The goddess was awarded with scales and a sword by the Romans, the image was borrowed from the Greeks, the deity began to be called Justice.

Justice in the religion of the Romans

In the Roman Empire, during the reign of Tiberius, a cult of this heavenly inhabitant developed. She had a special priest. The cornucopia was replaced by the sword by the Romans. Spiritual strength and retribution were symbolized by him; in the hand of the goddess, he also means a symbol of retribution, punishment for a criminal act. The raised point at the blade shows what the will of heaven was, the readiness to constantly use it. Both sides of the sword are depicted as sharp, which shows that the law has not only a punitive, but also a warning function. Scales depict a symbol of measure and a fair decision; good and evil deeds that people perform in earthly life are weighed on them. The fate of a person after death was subject to which of the bowls of the device would be more difficult.

The allegorical meaning of Themis refers to justice and law. The priests of the goddess are the servants of the law, the judges. Her priests are lawyers in general.

Themis in the family of the Olympic gods

In marriage with Zeus, she became the mother of a large number of children - Or: Eunomia (goodness), Dike (justice) and Eirene (peace). Themis's children were moiras: Klotho (Spinner), Lachesis (fate), Atropos (inevitable).

One of Or, Dike, was revered as the goddess of justice. She informed her father, Zeus, about the unjust deeds that were happening on Earth. The period of her stay among people was considered as a happy "golden age". When the Iron Age came, the goddess left the planet Earth, now called Virgo, she enters the constellation of the Zodiac.

According to Aeschylus, Themis is considered the parent of Prometheus, she is like Gaia, the goddess of the earth. She was a soothsayer and revealed a secret to her son: if Zeus marries Thetis, a son will be born who is destined to remove Zeus from power. This divination upset the marriage of Zeus and Thetis. Themis was given the Delphic oracle from Gaia, she predicted fate, then passed it on to her sister Phoebe. Her grandson Apollo, in turn, also received this gift.

According to Ovid, Themis warned Atlas that the son of the Thunderer would steal apples from the Hesperides (daughters of Atlas).

Themis' role in the hierarchy of the gods

Themis was considered an assistant to Zeus in unleashing a war with the Trojans. According to Homer's poems, she proclaims the will of the supreme god on Olympus and conveys his orders, gathers the celestials for advice and leads their feasts.

As an adviser to the main deity of Olympus, she sits next to his throne. Themis's efforts lead to the observance of the external order in the structure of Olympus, and in the earthly life of people. The name of the goddess is used to denote the general concepts of legal norms that regulate order in society.

The goddess patronizes people who need hospitality, who are oppressed and who have experienced injustice. In ancient times, the Greeks in Olympia placed sacrificial altars for Zeus, Gaia and Themis next to each other. This showed how revered the goddess in charge of law and order.

Themis was a great goddess who ruled over a year of 13 months. The year was divided into seasons (summer and winter), which meant the summer and winter solstices. These periods were personified by the deities Tello and Karpo, which meant “blooming” and “ripe fruit”.

The image of the goddess in art

The image of the goddess was portrayed by artists. The French painter Prudhon painted Themis and Nemesis.
The Italian painter Vasari managed to show the goddess in his manner of painting. The Italian Luca painted a picture depicting Justice as a woman. Battista showed the inseparability of justice and courage.
The famous Raphael also dedicated one of the paintings to this topic called "Justice".
An asteroid discovered in 1853 was named after Themis, and an asteroid discovered in 1887 received the name of Justice.
The symbol of the goddess today personifies justice. The divine origin of justice is remembered even today. The statue of the goddess of justice is an almost obligatory attribute of numerous court buildings.

THEMIS- universally recognized symbol of justice; she is depicted on the emblems, her sculptures overshadow the buildings of the judicial presence. Now this is also the name of the highest national legal award, one of the nominations of which is "Notariat". The word Themis has become a household word: when, for example, they say "Russian Themis", we understand that we are talking about the Russian court, justice.

Themis- the ancient Greek goddess of law and legal order; in the pantheon of deities, Themis is a Titanide, the daughter of Uranus and Gaia; was the first wife of Zeus, and from this marriage "mountains" and "moiras" were born. One of the daughters of Themis was Mount Dike - the goddess of justice. Zeus administered justice only in the presence of Dike and Themis. Themis never rebels against Zeus, announces his decisions, gives good advice. She always stands on the right hand of the Olympian ruler. The main attributes of Themis are the sword and scales, now widely used by judicial and law enforcement agencies in their emblems. [b] Themis - a stately, dignified woman, dressed in a mantle. She holds a balance in her left hand and a double-edged sword in her right hand. Her eyes are covered with a bandage. Thus, the attributes of the goddess of justice Themis are scales, a sword, a mantle, a blindfold, and the first two are the main attributes and, moreover, so ancient and fundamental.

Scales- an ancient symbol of measure and justice. Good and evil, guilt and innocence are weighed on the scales of justice. The severity and fairness of justice also presuppose an accurate weighing of deeds. In ancient mythologies, the rulers of the underworld weighed the good and evil deeds of people, and their posthumous fate depended on which cup would outweigh. The scales are in the left hand of the goddess - the left side of the body is considered to be receptive.

Sword- a symbol of spiritual power, retribution; in the hands of Themis, he is a symbol of retribution. The sword is held with the tip up, which indicates the "will of heaven", the highest justice, as well as the constant readiness to use it. The sword of the goddess is double-edged, because the law not only punishes, but also warns. The hand holding it is the right one: this is the side of action, a symbol of strength, "just cause".

Mantle- a solemn, ritual attire designed to perform a certain ceremony in it, an action, in this case, justice. Changing clothes is designed to provide a spiritual transition to the state corresponding to the ritual. The attire should correspond to the nature of the action, therefore it is so important for the judge to put on a mantle, leaving a civil dress for worldly affairs. The bandage on the eyes of the goddess symbolizes impartiality. The judge does not look at the litigants themselves, at their property and social differences, but only heeds the facts and the truth, listening to both sides. Justice does not see the difference between people, it is blind in the sense that it repays only according to the right.

At what age does a person have rights?

It turns out that only after being born, a child immediately acquires the right to citizenship, has the right to a name, patronymic, surname, has the right to live and be brought up in a family, to know his parents. A bank account can be opened in the child's name. At each stage of life, a person has his own rights and obligations: [ 1.5 years- has the right to attend nursery

3 years- going to kindergarten

6 years- the right to go to school

10 years- can join children's public associations

14 years old- receives a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation

17 years- subject to initial military registration

18 years- becomes fully capable and can by his actions acquire any rights and impose any duties on himself Has the right to take part in elections

21 years old- has the right to be elected to the State Duma

25 years- has the right to be a judge

35 years[- acquires the right to be elected President of the Russian Federation

. In the Mycenaean era, the word "themis" (establishment according to custom) is found in the names of localities: ti-mi-to a-ke-e(Themisto Agee?), te-mi-ti-ja(Themistia?). According to Musaeus, she nursed (more precisely, brought up). Mentioned in " »

From the union with Zeus, she gave birth to three : Cloto ("Spinner"), Lachesis ("Fate"), Atropos ("Inevitable"); and three : ("benevolence") ("justice") and ("World").

By , Themis - mother , while it is clearly approaching the ground - and is conceived by one deity under different names.

Possessing the gift of divination, Themis opens the secret that the marriage of Zeus to Thetis will lead to the birth of a son who will overthrow . From mother she received , where she gave predictions, which she passed on to her sister she gave it to her grandson .

Themis helps Zeus untie . Calls the gods to council.

Themis was the first to teach divination, sacrifices and divine rites. According to some, invented the heroic . She brought up the piety of the Indians

In Olympia at Stomion (Zev, Hole) near the altar with her oracle and Zeus was the altar of Themis. As the goddess of Olympic mythology, Themis is no longer identified with the earth, but is her offspring, as well as the wife of Zeus as the basis of law and order.

Themis was a great goddess who ruled over a 13-month year divided into two seasons by the summer and winter solstices. In Athens, the personification of these seasons were and , which respectively means the deities of "flowering" and "ripe fruit".

Orphic hymn LXXIX is dedicated to her.

Themis is always depicted with a blindfold, as a symbol of impartiality, with a cornucopia and scales in her hands. Libra is an ancient symbol of measure and justice. On the scales of justice, good and evil are weighed, deeds committed by mortals during their lifetime. The posthumous fate of people depended on which cup would outweigh. The cornucopia in the hand of Themis is a symbol of retribution or not retribution to those who appeared before her court.

Allegorically: Themis - justice, law; scales of Themis - a symbol of justice; servants (priests) of Themis - servants of the law, judges. The Romans borrowed from the Greeks the goddess of justice in their world, but instead of a cornucopia they put it in their right hand sword.

Themis is a universally recognized symbol of justice; she is depicted on the emblems, her sculptures overshadow the buildings of the judicial presence. Now this is also the name of the legal award, one of the nominations of which is "Notariat".

The word Themis has become a household word: when, for example, they say "Russian Themis", we understand that we are talking about the Russian court, justice.

Themis - the ancient Greek goddess of law and legal order; in the pantheon of deities, Themis is a Titanide, the daughter of Uranus and Gaia; was the first wife of Zeus, and from this marriage "mountains" and "moiras" were born. One of the daughters of Themis was Mount Dike - the goddess of justice. Zeus administered justice only in the presence of Dike and Themis. Themis never rebels against Zeus, announces his decisions, gives good advice. She always stands on the right hand of the Olympian ruler.

The main attributes of Themis are the sword and scales, now widely used by judicial and law enforcement agencies in their emblems. It should be noted here that a mixture of images of ancient Greek Themis and Roman Justice has long occurred, and it is more fair to call a woman dressed in a mantle with scales, a sword and a bandage precisely Justicia, since Themis did not yet have a bandage and the Roman goddess is closer to the modern image. However, given the traditional nature of ideas and the fact that Justitia is an improved Roman copy of Themis, these considerations can be neglected.

In Roman mythology, the concepts of justice and law are not divided in the same way as in ancient Greek, where Dike and Themis coexist. These concepts here merge and are personified in the image of the goddess of justice and justice of Justice. The Romans added a blindfold to their "legal" goddess - this is a very significant addition.

Themis is a stately, dignified woman dressed in a mantle. She holds a balance in her left hand and a double-edged sword in her right hand. Her eyes are covered with a bandage.

Thus, the attributes of the goddess of justice Themis are scales, a sword, a mantle, a blindfold, and the first two are the main attributes and, moreover, are so ancient and fundamental that it would be wrong to attribute their discovery as symbols to the ancient Greeks.

Let us consider in more detail the symbolism of the attributes of the goddess of justice Themis.

Libra is an ancient symbol of measure and justice. Good and evil, guilt and innocence are weighed on the scales of justice. The severity and fairness of justice also presuppose an accurate weighing of deeds. In ancient mythologies, the rulers of the underworld weighed the good and evil deeds of people, and their posthumous fate depended on which cup would outweigh. The scales are in the left hand of the goddess - the left side of the body is considered to be receptive.

The sword is a symbol of spiritual power, retribution; in the hands of Themis, he is a symbol of retribution. The sword is held with the tip up, which indicates the "will of heaven", the highest justice, as well as the constant readiness to use it. The sword of the goddess is double-edged, because the law not only punishes, but also warns. The hand holding it is the right one: this is the side of action, a symbol of strength, "just cause".

Note: when the sword is lowered, the figure wins in the compositional sense (in other words, it looks better), however, the symbolic meaning of the lowered sword is the end of the fight, the return of the warrior to the world. The victory is won - the weapon is lowered. Such, for example, is the monument to the Soviet soldier-liberator in Treptow Park (Germany).

A mantle is a solemn, ritual attire designed to perform a certain ceremony in it, an action, in this case, justice. Changing clothes is designed to provide a spiritual transition to the state corresponding to the ritual. The attire should correspond to the nature of the action, therefore it is so important for the judge to put on a mantle, leaving a civil dress for worldly affairs.

The bandage on the eyes of the goddess symbolizes impartiality. The judge does not look at the litigants themselves, at their property and social differences, but only heeds the facts and the truth, listening to both sides. Justice does not see the difference between people, it is blind in the sense that it repays only according to the right.

The archetypal image of justice in the form of a woman with scales and a sword is included in the deck of magical Tarot cards, which, as is commonly believed, contain symbols of the main active forces of the universe. Thus, the symbols of justice are very ancient.


Themis is the goddess of justice in Greek mythology. She was depicted with a blindfold (a symbol of impartiality), with a cornucopia and scales in her hands.
The basis of Themis is a blindfold. This is a symbol that justice is administered impartially and impartially.
But the statue of Themis in front of the building of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation for some reason without a blindfold, why would it? Not only are my eyes not blindfolded, but there is almost balance on the scales. If the original Themis, blindfolded, on the scales, obviously outweighs the truth, then this one reads “How much will you give?” In this one, and where the scales will swing depends on the answer to this question.
By the way, also pay attention to the coat of arms of Moscow depicted on the shield. This is so that it immediately becomes clear who this very justice protects and on whose side it is. Nobody will go unpunished. Themis is a stately, dignified woman dressed in a mantle. She holds a balance in her left hand and a double-edged sword in her right hand. Her eyes are covered with a bandage.
Correct Themis Thus, the attributes of the goddess of justice Themis are scales, a sword, a blindfold, and the first two are the main attributes and, moreover, so ancient and fundamental.
Libra is an ancient symbol of measure and justice. Good and evil, guilt and innocence are weighed on the scales of justice. The severity and fairness of justice also presuppose an accurate weighing of deeds. In ancient mythologies, the rulers of the underworld weighed the good and evil deeds of people, and their posthumous fate depended on which cup would outweigh. The scales are in the left hand of the goddess - the left side of the body is considered to be receptive.
The sword is a symbol of spiritual power, retribution; in the hands of Themis, he is a symbol of retribution. The sword of the goddess is double-edged, because the law not only punishes, but also warns. The hand holding it is the right one: this is the side of action, a symbol of strength, “just cause”.
The bandage on the eyes of the goddess symbolizes impartiality. The judge does not look at the litigants themselves, at their property and social differences, but only heeds the facts and the truth, listening to both sides. Justice does not see the difference between people, it is blind in the sense that it repays only according to the right.
Here is what I found on the internet:
As it turned out, such an image of the goddess of justice is not at all some super-fashionable trend in sculpting sculptures, and not even the fruit of the author's wild imagination. The Supreme Court of Russia came up with their own goddess of justice! When the design program was being prepared, the court itself said that “our Themis cannot be with her eyes closed, since she sees everything and knows everything,” Yury Milaev, chief architect of the reconstruction project of the Supreme Court, was taken aback. “That is, it was decided not to adhere to the ancient Greek canons.” And to the astonished question: what, in fact, is impartiality? - the architect calmly explained: "If you notice, our Themis is without a sword, that is, she does not cut or beat anyone."
And perhaps it’s not Themis at all, but Nemesi; yes (Nemesi; yes, other Greek;;;;;;;) - in ancient Greek mythology, the winged goddess of retribution, punishing for violation of social and moral norms. Daughter of Nyukta and Kron, or (according to the Attic version) daughter of the Ocean; or, according to other versions, Themis and Zeus. Sometimes considered a nymph. Mentioned in the Odyssey, but not personified.
A number of myths call Nemesis the mother of Helen from Zeus (or also the mother of the Dioscuri). According to Stasin, Zeus tried to take possession of her and pursued her on land and in water (where she became a fish).
According to the story of Euripides, Aphrodite, at the request of Zeus, became an eagle and pursued the supreme god, who turned into a swan (or Hermes became an eagle, and covered Leda the swan). Nemesis hid the swan, taking pity on him, on her knees, and fell asleep, and during her sleep Zeus took possession of her. According to the mythographers, she became a goose and laid an egg, and Zeus made the swan and the eagle into constellations.
This egg was later either found by Leda, or it was brought to her by a shepherd, or, finally, was planted by Hermes. From this egg subsequently appeared Helen and the Dioscuri brothers.
According to some versions of the myth, according to which Zeus the Swan shared a bed with Leda herself, Nemesis is considered deified by Leda (Leda became Nemesis after death). In the mythological tradition, which considers Nemesis the daughter of Themis and Zeus, she is identified or, at least, close to Adrastea.
Her temple at Rhamnous, Phidias made a statue of her; or it is a statue by Diodotus or Agoracritus.
Depicted with attributes of control (scales, bridle), punishment (sword or whip) and speed (wings, chariot harnessed by griffins), as well as with an arm bent at the elbow - a measure of length in ancient times - a synonym for inevitable punishment. The attribute of Nemesis Libra was often considered a prototype of the zodiac constellation Libra.
In Smyrna, two Nemesis were revered - the daughters of Nikta. The LXI Orphic hymn is dedicated to her. Mentioned in love poems. Kratin had a comedy "Nemesis".
In ancient Rome, she was revered in the army and was considered the patroness of gladiators.


People must work honestly
And obey the laws immutably,
Though Themis' eyes are blindfolded,
But we know: you can peep.

A tear rolled into my eyes.
Life without faith in good has grown cold,
Untie Themis eyes
Let's see what she's done!

As a symbol of justice in Russia, the image of the ancient Greek goddess of law and order, Themis, is widely used, which overshadows not only the buildings of judicial presences, but also the offices of judges and law enforcement officers. It is also used as an emblem on documents, seals, and there is also a national legal award with the appropriate name. Such a "worship" of Themis is unlikely to have a religious connotation - rather, it is a tribute to fashion, a tradition.
But the Slavs had their own symbol of justice - the god Prove, whose long-earedness emphasized that he hears everything, a piece of stone in one hand personified crime and accusation, and a spear in the other - the inevitability of punishment, a chain around the neck - the sequence in unraveling the deed. The oak pillar on which Prove stood symbolized power, and the many-faced idols surrounding him looked in all directions at the actions of people. For obvious reasons, the god Prove as a pagan symbol is unattractive and incomparable in meaning with the ancient Greek image that has taken root in Europe.
The main attributes of Themis are the sword as a symbol of retribution, which is held with the right hand with the point up, which indicates the "will of heaven", the highest justice, as well as the constant readiness to use it, the scales as a symbol of measure and justice, on which good and evil, guilt are weighed. and innocence. A sword without scales is naked violence, scales without a sword is the impotence of law. Themis is a stately, dignified woman, dressed in a mantle - a solemn, ritual attire, intended to carry out justice in it. The blindfold on the eyes of the goddess symbolizes impartiality: justice is blind in the sense that it does not look at the property and social status of the litigants, it repays only by right. The image of the goddess of justice, whose statue is placed above the entrance to the building of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, is extremely symbolic. Our Themis turned out to be without a blindfold, in connection with which one can hear exclamations: “Blindfold Themis!”. Non-specialists are unlikely to know that initially Themis did not have a blindfold, which first arose with the Roman goddess Justice, therefore it is more fair to call a woman dressed in a mantle with scales, a sword and a bandage just Justice. But, there was a mixture of images, and the case here played a cruel joke, there was a reason for ridicule at the Russian Themis.
The strength of any symbol is in its ambiguity - this also applies to the image of the Russian Themis. So, by the peculiarity of understanding the image of the goddess of justice, one can explain the nature of such a legal institution as punishment, understood the sword as an emblem of the needs of material existence, a female figure with a blindfold as an emblem of sensual needs, scales as an emblem of intellectual needs. Thus, in meeting the needs of an individual or society, he saw the facts of material existence, the sensual side of human nature, mental, intellectual. The image of Themis can be understood specifically, taking into account the current state of the judiciary. that is, the problem lies not so much in the form of the image erected at the top of the Russian judicial system, but in the content of judicial activity. Yes, the goddess of justice in Russia is a woman in a robe, since about 70% of judges are women. Not blindfolded and scales as a sign of predilection: the haves win over the have-nots, the state wins the dispute with the citizen, in most cases the defendant is convicted - the list is endless, and, of course, one cannot ignore the psychological features of "justice with a woman's face" . Bribery in the courts has become one of the most powerful corruption markets in Russia. The shield in the hand of the Russian Themis is the protection of representatives of the judiciary from numerous complainants and intercessors, i.e. from ordinary, ordinary citizens. Remember, as the poet said, the people “…Moan in every remote town at the entrances of courts and chambers”? A century later, people continue to moan because the courts refuse to accept applications, cases are resolved for a long time, complaints are rarely satisfied, and little is justified. In the Federal Target Program "Development of the judiciary in Russia for 2007 - 2011" approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 21, 2006 No. 583 (as amended on February 14, 2008) it is solemnly stated that "... in order to increase the accessibility of justice, the number of the judiciary has been significantly increased, the remuneration of judges has been significantly increased." And at the end, it is noted with regret that "...many problems related to the activities of the judicial system could not be resolved." What does the new program involve? As stated in it, it "... involves a comprehensive solution to the problems of ensuring accessibility, openness and transparency of justice, increasing public confidence in justice and the effectiveness of the consideration of cases." However, measures to implement this ambitious task with immodest funding come down to informatization of the judicial system, the creation of structural units in district courts to receive applications from citizens, public monitoring of the quality of court work, the commissioning of new court buildings, equipping courts with technical security equipment and providing judges , and judiciary housing workers. Only the most important thing is missing - attention to the quality of judicial personnel. Is it possible to change the image of the Russian Themis, only by obliging judges to declare their income and report all informal appeals on this case before the hearing, as the developers of the Program with a promising name suggest? The answer is obvious. And here we also come to the conclusion: the matter is not in the form, but in the content. For many years, an active reform of the judicial system has been going on in Russia. A lot is changing before our eyes and very rapidly. But the transformations that have begun are not being carried out correctly, I personally propose to remove many articles from the category of criminal ones. Those who have committed minor crimes should have a chance to reform and start over with a clean slate, as well as economic crimes.
The law and the court should be harsh to all who deliberately committed a serious crime, but humane to those who stumbled. We need a humanization of the judicial system, you can’t treat everyone with the same brush, it’s stupid and unprofessional. After all, every second criminal case that has reached the court is connected with petty minor crimes. And this practice, in my opinion, should be abandoned. Look who is in jail. Uzbeks, Tajiks and all those foreign workers who were "thrown" by employers for money did not pay their wages and from hunger they go to petty thefts. So, it is necessary to make professional criminals out of them? Packs of police officers and security forces in general are imprisoned. But they plant the wrong ones. "The fish rots from the head". Yet families are falling apart. And what will come of this or that officer, embittered at Russian justice? Nothing good, a professional criminal and this criminal will be raised by the state. "What goes around comes around".
Russians, including very young ones, end up in places of deprivation of liberty, in prison. Staying there, the conviction itself, as a rule, negatively affects their future fate, and often leads to subsequent crimes, and therefore our Themis needs to decriminalize the Criminal Code and transfer crimes that do not pose a great public danger to the category of administrative offenses.
The quality of the investigation is another important aspect of justice. The investigation is deliberately separated from the prosecutor's office for its greater independence. But the oversight body has enough control over it. The prosecutor's office has tools such as canceling the decision to open a criminal case, refusing to approve the indictment, or even support the prosecution in court. But often they not only do not use their right and a fair law, but, on the contrary, ignore the Law of Russia and its Constitution, most often violate it themselves or deliberately cover violators in pagons. A good example is my criminal case No. 1-131 \ 2012 Pushkinsky District Court of St. Petersburg, later judge V.N. Fomin. I suspect that at the request, on a call right in the courtroom, Deputy Prosecutor General A. Gutsan, falsified my sentence, which has all the legal evidence, but the Supreme Court did not even accept my cassation for consideration, standardly referring to some articles understandable to the layman. And there are hundreds, thousands of people like me. We need to make more active use of what is available, and only after that we will be able to analyze what is happening in practice. In addition, I believe that during the investigation on economic offenses, detention should be used as a last resort, and bail, recognizance not to leave, house arrest should be used, and not as I was arrested under Article 159 through Article 30 preparation for fraud and before the trial, I spent two and a half years in two prisons and a psychiatric hospital without any evidence, without statements from the victims, without objects of crime, on bare charges. Let me emphasize that the role of the law enforcement and judicial system is to protect the economy, citizens from fraud and criminals and to protect the rights, property, dignity of all who follow the law and honestly conduct their business.
Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in Part 1 of Art. 6 states "Everyone has the right to a fair and public hearing within a reasonable time by an independent and impartial tribunal established by law."
The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of December 16, 1996 establishes that everyone has the right “on the basis of full equality ... to be tried without undue delay” (clause “c”, part 2, article 14). attempts by the prosecutor's office to find and deliver (already filed) the victims and witnesses do not constitute a "justified delay". At the same time, every person arrested or detained “has the right to a trial within a reasonable time” (Part 3, Article 9). The International Code of Principles for the Protection of All Persons under Any Form of Detention or Imprisonment, adopted by the UN General Assembly on 12/09/88, speaks of holding court proceedings within a reasonable time after arrest. Prolonged unjustified delay in the process is almost tantamount to a denial of justice. Justice must be swift, for delay is a form of refusal. In my case, a number of International Articles of the UN, the Criminal Code, the Code of Criminal Procedure, the Constitution of Russia were brazenly violated by both the investigation and the court, and the verdict was grossly and unprofessionally falsified, that even a schoolboy will figure it out. And what can we Russians expect from such Themis?
