Fun tasks. Merry Christmas forfeits for adults

New Year's forfeits for adults are suitable for any company of people, whether it is a close circle of friends or colleagues working together. Table forfeits for the New Year's company will help not only relax and have fun, but even the most unfamiliar company will get closer.
In this article:

Forfeits for colleagues at the New Year's corporate party

Colleagues holding a corporate party in public places or in offices most often invite a host. But if they get bored or there is no host at the holiday, you can bring the time yourself in a fun and interesting way. Funny fantas for an adult audience will help you with this.

"Kiss the Boss"

This player needs to kiss the boss, regardless of whether it is a man or a woman.


This person needs to repent of his sins before the boss, think carefully before deciding to take such a step.


Tell all colleagues about some of your professional secrets.


You need to give a back massage to your boss or senior in rank.


Working in the same office, people rarely hug and even exchange pleasantries. You have such a task: you need to hug each of those present with good words in the shortest possible time and say something good to everyone.


Confess your love to the most beautiful girl, woman (boyfriend, man) in the office and invite you on a date.


Depict for everyone a pig in all its glory in his pigsty, show how she eats, how she wallows in a puddle.


It is very sexy to eat a banana, without hands, you can squeeze it between the legs of an assistant or an assistant.

"Pop your booty"

The player needs to quickly inflate the ball, tie it and burst with his fifth point, leaning with all his weight.


A man needs to collect as many kisses on his face as possible. If the assignment went to a woman, then she should collect as many little things as possible that every man keeps with him, such as: lighters, cigarettes, keys.

"Work makes a man"

A person needs to collect all the dirty dishes from the table and take them to the kitchen, so to speak, to help the kitchen workers.


This phantom should go to the kitchen of the institution (or to the kitchen where the event takes place) and bring (or organize) some tasty treat in two minutes. Guests should definitely try and appreciate the dish.


The player must make a compliment to everyone present, by which the character of a colleague will be recognized. For example: you are the most modest, you are the most fashionable, you are the most insightful.


A girl or a guy is blindfolded and employees of the opposite sex are put in front of him. He or she must guess by touch who is standing in front of him.


The one who pulled out this phantom should dance a slow dance on a paper napkin with a neighbor or table neighbor, regardless of their gender. You can’t get off the napkin during the dance.


To tell a funny anecdote, if the audience does not laugh, you will have to tell a second one.


In this task, you must apologize to those when you offended not so long ago. If there are none, by virtue of your character, apologize to the boss for different thoughts.


Name the short deliveries of colleagues present at the New Year's holiday.


Praise your virtues in public and make sure that each adjective is with a question, and the guests must confirm whether this is so.

"I am a magician"

Wishes come true on New Year's Eve. You must make a promise to any of your colleagues on the first working day to help him with his work.


Depict in a pose or in dynamics any person present here, whose character is recognizable by everyone.

"Christmas tree"

You need to dress up any participant like a Christmas tree. Make toys using improvised materials, for example: insert stacks on legs between your fingers, and put napkins on snowflakes.

"Guess the melody"

Perform the verse and chorus of any song (or the anthem of the department, if any) replacing the words in the verse with “yum-yum”, and in the chorus with “oink-oink”. The rest have to guess what the song is.

"Boss Portrait"

Draw a portrait of the boss with your eyes closed and give it to him.


Tell the fairy tale "Kolobok" replacing all the characters with employees, including the bun itself.

"Je ne mange pas six jours.."

Pass with a hat in your hand and collect as much money as possible from those sitting at the table.


In one minute, collect as much as possible from the guests on any item of clothing and put everything on yourself.


Imagine that you are a toad and squat to move around the room, all the time, croaking and eating flies.


Sing the song "I am a chocolate hare", inviting guests to try themselves.


Give the dates of the birthdays of those present, at least approximate.

Fanta for friends in the apartment

Guests in the apartment at the New Year's feast will be happy if on New Year's Eve you please them not only with an excellent snack of the festive table, but also with entertainment events. For fun, you can play forfeits with them. Funny New Year forfeits will help cheer up any company.



With the help of friends who will be your “paint actors”, you need to draw a picture of a famous artist, for example “Three heroes”, if you want a “peppered” picture, you can try to depict the scenes of “Sodom and Gomorrah”.


In a minute, you must persuade at least three girls at the New Year's table and put the Can-Can dance on them, for 20 seconds.

"Without memory"

Go out onto the balcony and ask passers-by about what century, year and date it is.


Depict the animal during molting, how it loses hair, how it reacts.

"Lion hunter"

It is necessary to show a male lion during the period of hunting for some weak, but very fast animal and “eat” him.


You need to show the male gorilla in the maturation period with all the ensuing consequences. For example, how he looks at females, how he feels at the same time, etc.


Show the guests Adriano Celentano trampling grapes in the film "Grump", but found manure instead of grapes under his feet.

"Summer resident"

The dacha season will not come soon, but the images of ardent fans of this business are so vivid that they remain in memory for a long time. Depict the summer resident himself, let other guests guess what you are planting.

"Old" night butterfly "on the street" Red Light District "

Even if you have never seen this kind of picture, showing you an old "moth" offering itself on the street is not difficult.

"Symbol of the coming year"

You will need to show the symbol of the New Year in all its glory, walk around the hall in this image, give out an accurate voice sound that would be recognizable.


In one or two minutes, you need to compose a poem, stand on a stool and tell everyone loudly and with expression.


Pick up any woman. (Choose a woman, of course, is light and thin).


Organize a choir that will perform the chorus of the Russian folk song “Kalinka” (Kalinka-Kalinka-Kalinka is mine, in the garden there is a raspberry-raspberry berry ...) and the New Year's phantom who has stretched out should perform a squatting dance.

"Excellent singer"

In a minute, remember 10 songs about the New Year.

"I am a crow"

Shout out the window or from the balcony 5 times: “I am a crow, kar-kar!”


From those around you organize a fairy tale "Turnip". To make it more interesting, prepare costumes in advance, for more laughter, you can mark the roles of men and women.


It is necessary to dress up as a gypsy and tell fortunes to the whole honest company.


From any three ingredients, make a delicious cocktail and give it to friends for judgment.

Phantom "Transition of the move"

You are free from the fulfillment of desires, but to give the task to another person, and funnier.


Enter the image of a celebrity three times and show the guests who have to guess who exactly you "created".


Choose a partner and feed an apple without hands.

"Question answer"

Ask 10 questions to guests in a minute and get an answer. If you made a mistake, drink one hundred grams without hands.


Eat fruit slices laid out on a flat plate with your eyes closed and without hands.


Choose an assistant for yourself and try to make him laugh, respectively, he should not laugh.


You must choose one or a group of people silently, without uttering a word, to create a sculpture of them that will be recognizable. For example, Peter I on horseback.


This person should give a ride on all fours to one of those present at the holiday with a cry of “yoke”.


You are destined to be the toastmaster at the New Year's holiday all evening, spend a couple of games, make toasts. You can pay off only if someone at the table can volunteer to take on this role.

Phantoms on the street

If an adult company of friends has become bored of sitting within four walls, you can get dressed and take a walk on the street, pulling out funny forfeits. It should be remembered that New Year's forfeits for adults should not only amuse the company, but also be safe for all players.

"Loving Man"

You must confess your love to every passer-by you meet on the way. If the task went to the representative of the stronger sex, then the oncoming men should be hugged, and kneeling in front of the women. And if the lady, then vice versa.


It is necessary to come up with a complex riddle and for the sake of fun, guess it for three passers-by in turn.


You are the director, passers-by are your troupe, even if they are not yet aware of it. Ask passers-by who do not know each other to portray lovers. To do this, stop any man and any woman.

"Hidden camera"

Play a passer-by, and then point to any place and say: “Smile, you were hidden by a hidden camera.” For example, you can faint in front of him, or on your knees and ask for forgiveness for supposedly some kind of misconduct.

"Not enough for a bottle"

Dress more modestly and stand in a crowded place with an outstretched hand. Without fanaticism, of course, but still you need to bring at least a couple of coins.

"Transition of the move"

Today you are lucky, make a wish and indicate who from your company will have to fulfill it.

"fell into childhood"

On the central Christmas tree or in a crowded place, recite a poem out loud or sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.” The singer must definitely gather spectators, at least a couple.

"Round dance"

You need to organize a children's round dance around the Christmas tree in a crowded square. As musical accompaniment, you can choose the song "It's cold in the winter for a little Christmas tree."


Drink champagne with passers-by of the opposite sex for brotherhood. You need to take a bottle with you.


Roll down a hill three times in a minute. To cope with the task, you should choose a smaller slide.

"Pair Skating"

Roll down a hill, take a person of the opposite sex with you or ask for a bun or sled.

"How to warm up fast"

You need to find your whole company for a glass of coffee, "to warm up."

"The president"

Play the role of the president under the Christmas tree, make a speech and congratulate loudly like him, everyone passing by.


Arrange a train around the Christmas tree, first collect all of your own, then hook on unfamiliar "carriages" along the way. You need to collect as many people as possible in your New Year's train.

"The reporter"

Interview 10 people you meet who should tell you about their plans and hopes for the next year.


Invite the men to pull the rope and, of course, the winner should receive a prize from you. If the player is a girl, then a kiss on the cheek is enough, and if the player is a man, then the winner cannot be released without 100 grams.


The player must ask at least 3 people they meet to tell a joke.


Arrange mass skating of balls for a snowman on the square or build a snowman yourself. If there is no snow, then you need to make a snowman from improvised materials.


You should stand on a hill and loudly predict to all Russians their near future for a year.


The path from the house to the square where the Christmas tree is located is to go with your back. Friends, of course, should help you for the sake of safety.


For men: kiss the hand of 5 women you meet. For women, kiss 5 men on the cheek.


Throw yourself on the neck of a passerby, name him, kiss him or shake his hand, depending on your and his gender, and then say: “I'm sorry, I misunderstood.”


Make a star out of sparklers and, with the help of your friends, set it on fire at the same time.


Depict drunk, swinging and singing songs. We must try not to offend anyone.


Scare 5 people with a loud, deliberate sneeze next to their ear. Then immediately apologize.


Distribute sparklers with different wishes to people. There must be at least 10 lights.

"Flash mob"

Arrange a small flash mob under the Christmas tree.


Meet a passerby of the opposite sex.


Get a compliment from 10 passers-by in a minute and a half.

"Symbol of the Year"

Laughter, as folk wisdom says, prolongs life. A fun pastime in the company of positive people charges doubly! There are always enough reasons to laugh, although you can create them yourself. For example, by playing forfeits.

Fanta has been tested by no generation of people, so there is no doubt: the game is good! Everything else is magic of your own hands and thoughts. Come up with funny tasks, complete them and have fun from the heart.

Rules of the game

If you forgot how to play, we remind you! We will need:

  • a large hat, bag or bag;
  • forfeit items from each player.

If there is a person in the company who wants to be the leader, he has a responsible role to come up with funny tasks for the forfeits. He will answer the question of the players: "What should this phantom do?"

It may be that no one wants to be the leader. Or the game is part of a well-planned celebratory evening. Then forfeits on the cards will become a lifesaver. They can be printed on beautiful thick paper or handwritten. From the cards you will get a playing deck, from which players will take turns pulling tasks for themselves. The one who copes with the task, returns the phantom. That's the whole point of the game.

And here are the options for funny tasks for forfeits that you can use:

  • Apply makeup to yourself with watercolors with your eyes closed;
  • Draw a cartoon for the whole company;
  • Come up with at least 5 funny jokes in the Comedy Club style;
  • Depict a drunken stripper in the trash;
  • Juggle two apples and one egg for thirty seconds. If the egg is intact, the task is completed;
  • Point out the best quality in each participant. You can not repeat;
  • Go outside and tell a stranger a compliment;
  • Read a nursery rhyme in rap style;
  • Make some unexpected toast;
  • Pop a balloon booty in 15 seconds;
  • Build yourself a companion for the evening from improvised items;
  • Look out the window and shout loudly: “I see the stars!”
  • Go to the neighbors and ask them for a corkscrew for the evening;
  • Change the avatar in the social network on the photo of Alla Pugacheva;
  • Walk around the apartment on your hands or in single file;
  • Go to the store for bread, putting socks on your hands;
  • Portray DiCaprio at the time of receiving the Oscar;
  • Tell a funny story from your childhood;
  • To take out the brain of everyone around with your whining for a minute;
  • Confess love to the participant of the game, who will be appointed by the presenter;
  • Tell fortunes to all participants in the game on the book of fairy tales;
  • Eat a candy with your hands tied behind your back;
  • Get for the girl on the left, a star from the sky. (The star is made of paper, and placed somewhere upstairs);
  • Dance like Michael Jackson
  • Quickly name 10 words starting with the letter "B";
  • Depict a kid to whom strict parents did not buy a car for bad behavior;
  • Imagine that you have come home, and an outsider is sleeping in your bed. What will you do?
  • Put a few slices of lemon in your mouth and, with a happy expression, wish everyone health, happiness, prosperity;
  • Climb under the bed (in the closet) and not agree to the persuasion of friends to get out of there;
  • Beat a friend in arm wrestling;
  • Come up with a funny task for the phantom and assign it to the host / player to your right;
  • Exchange an item of clothing with the player on the left;
  • Make an alcoholic cocktail in a hurry, drink it and talk about the sensations;
  • Ask all the players for a word and come up with their own rhyme for each;
  • Make a mummy out of the player to your left using toilet paper;
  • Sit down 20 times and quack like a duck with each squat;
  • Sing the song "I love you to tears" in the voice of Dzhigurda.

More fun

It happens that the execution of the task by one player is stretched. The rest can only passively observe what is happening. You can get more joy and pleasure if you resort to contests for forfeits. For example, write on the card not tasks, but small contests. The winner takes his phantom for himself. Or the owner of the fanta will have to hold a competition on a topic determined by the presenter.

Types of competitions for fans:

  • eat a banana at speed;
  • burst the booty ball faster than anyone;
  • crawl under a stretched rope without hitting it;
  • catch buttons from a basin of water using a spoon clamped in your teeth;
  • stand in a rack on the elbows for the longest time.

As you can see, the game of forfeits is very diverse and will please any company.

Table of contents:

For decades, and even hundreds of years, they have remained one of the most fun and popular entertainment. Once it was the favorite pastime of the Russian aristocratic society. This slightly adventurous game reached its greatest popularity in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. at the time of A.S. Pushkin and I.A. Krylov, who, along with other authors of that time, often described it in their works ...

Fanta is entertainment, interesting for both adults and children. They can be played by any number of players. Here is where to fully show their unbridled imagination, inventing the most incredible tasks.

Fanta game rules

Fant (German pledge, pledge) is the thing that the player lost, gave to the host, and then must redeem by completing the task.

  • “Whose phantom, what should he do?”, “What should this phantom do?” - the host asks the leading player, and he comes up with the next task.
  • Fanta can be collected in different ways:
  • just walk in a circle, taking from each of those present one little thing (watch, phone, ring, cufflink, belt, hairpin, etc.), and then give the owners of things tasks for their ransom;
  • you can play several games in advance, the losers will have to give a phantom to stay in the game;
  • guessing riddles: if the player did not guess correctly, the fant pays.

There are a lot of options - it all depends on imagination, mood, desire and company:

Classic version with leader

Each player takes off one item and puts it in a bag. The host stands with his back to the players, someone takes things out of the bag one by one, asking what the phantom should do. The facilitator gives everyone a task. The deposit is returned when the task is completed.

Option with cards

On a piece of paper, players write their wishes, after which all the pieces of paper are mixed. Then, the players either pull their phantom themselves, or the host does it.

game for one

All participants sit in a circle, light a match and pass it to each other. The one in whose hands it went out will have to fulfill the wishes of all the players.

Tasks for children

Birthday fanta games for children require considerable ingenuity: not just guess a riddle and get an answer, but the child must draw a guess so that other children can guess. You can come up with tasks in a poetic form in advance. If a child is shy, for example, to sing a song, then everyone else should help him together. Children's forfeits, as a rule, are accompanied by eating sweets as prizes and presenting various souvenirs to the most active participants. It would be nice if the hero of the occasion himself made wishes. Of course, if he wants it. Tasks can be something like this:

  • Pop a balloon without using your hands.
  • Walk all evening with a painted mustache.
  • Put a pan on your head and jump on one leg.
  • Sing a song in dog or cat language.
  • Draw something with your eyes closed.
  • Quickly repeat the tongue twister.
  • Picture an alien.
  • Curtsey like a princess.
  • Tell me what you want to be when you grow up.
  • Name 3 best character traits of a birthday man.
  • Jump like a frog all over the apartment, etc.

adult birthday fantas

Fanta in an absolutely adult company is a lot of fun! They can be with a slight erotic overtones or be overtly sexual in nature. Most often, they try to attract the birthday man to the most active participation, or, conversely, for him, guests fulfill wishes, which can be, for example, such:

  • Tell the poem, inserting after each word some of the same strong expression.
  • Collect as many lipstick prints as possible on the face, as well as on other parts of the body.
  • eat grapes lying on a dish without helping yourself with your hands.
  • Depict famous paintings: “Again, a deuce”, “Girl on a ball”, “Three heroes”, etc.
  • Stick your head out the window and shout 3 times: “Ku-ka-re-ku !!!”
  • Name 50 words with one letter.
  • Dance a striptease.
  • Tell an anecdote, rhyme, tongue twister on the topic of the day, that is, on the theme of the name day.
  • Sing a birthday song.
  • Sitting astride a chair, portray Chapaev.
  • Tell a fairy tale about "Turnip", "Kolobok", "Little Red Riding Hood" or any other in a new way.
  • Make it so that the balloon located between the man and the woman bursts - they need to hug so tightly!
  • Go outside and shout loudly: “How beautiful I am, who will get me!?”
  • Advertise some thing so that one of the guests buys it.
  • A man to make an unusual hairstyle for a lady.
  • Be able to confess your love without words.<
  • Kiss the neighbors on the table.
  • Depict any animal or bird during the mating season.

Good old birthday forfeits will not let you get bored under any circumstances! If you approach the preparation of entertainment in advance and with due attention, then this particular day can remain in the memory of the birthday man and his guests for a long time. Fanta is always a game without losing, in which friendship wins, and therefore after it only a great mood remains, plus pleasant memories of the time spent cheerfully and carelessly with friends!

Funny, not vulgar, tasks for playing for forfeits. Find the best ones for you and don't forget to bookmark them. Fanta is a well-known game that is suitable for a large and fun company. Its roots go far back in history, and the name is translated from German as "pledge".

The essence of the game is to perform the so-called tasks for the phantoms. But none of the participants can guess what kind of assignment he will get.

It is a mistake to think that this game is only for children. It is also interesting to play for adults of different ages. And this is a fact that has already been proven by time.

3 Types of Fanta Games

  • With the help of a leader. Players give the host any of their things, for example, jewelry, mobile phone, keys. The leader puts everything in a special bag, which can be used as a regular hat. Now the players take turns taking something out of there and asking: “What should Fanta do?”. The host comes up with a task for each fan. After the end of the game and the completion of all tasks, the item can go to its true owner.
  • The second version of the game is with the help of cards. All players come up with any funny tasks for the forfeits and write them on small pieces of paper. Then everything is mixed and placed in a bag. They take turns and do what is written. When coming up with tasks, do not forget that you can also get on your own card. Therefore, it is better to write what you yourself could do. But you also don’t need to come up with very easy and elementary desires, for example, jump on one leg ten times. This will make the game as uninteresting as possible.
  • Fanta with matches. This type of game is not safe, so you should not play like this with children. But still, it has its place. Players set fire to a regular match and pass it around to each other. The task must be carried out by the person who puts out the match.

As you can see, there are many ways to play this game. The main condition for a good party is a good and slightly noisy company.

But how to come up with tasks for forfeits if nothing comes to mind?

This article will come to your rescue. We have selected only the most interesting and funny fanta tasks that you and your loved ones can easily use and not bother.

So, friends, to your attention the 50 best fanta tasks:

  1. Show without words some of your actions, for example, what you do at school or work.
  2. Take a picture with all the players, but a prerequisite is to place everyone in some original poses.
  3. Fill your mouth with corn sticks, popcorn or candy. And then say some funny phrase. This is a good task for fans, but be careful!
  4. Approach any person and wish happiness, love and health. But you need to do this only on your hands! You can ask friends for help.
  5. Pretend to be very drunk and start pestering everyone in a row, and then defiantly lose consciousness.
  6. Put on a bathrobe and sunglasses and so go to the store. Ask the seller for a fly swatter and a pinch of salt. This is one of the best fantasy tasks in the summer, and preferably in the evening.

    Game for forfeits - find your task

  7. Draw or glue on a cute mustache and walk like that for the rest of the game.
  8. Go outside or onto your balcony and shout, "People, I love you all!"
  9. Feature an athlete, animal, plant, stripper, Harry Potter, famous politician or singer, etc.
  10. Let your imagination run wild and make delicious cocktails for the players.
  11. within an hour, inform all players, every five minutes, that five minutes have passed. If you forget at least once, then start again.
  12. Give any player a beautiful haircut or massage.
  13. Play a prank on someone on the phone.
  14. Tell us the most ridiculous incident in your life that you are ashamed of.
  15. In the winter season, bring a snowman from the street into the house. It is possible in parts.
  16. Make a special medal for each player. From what and for what exactly - you decide.
  17. Spoon feed the players.
  18. 10 minutes pretend to be a foreigner. Speak any language, even your own.
  19. Say unfunny jokes for 10 minutes.
  20. Drink something with a pierced straw. If you pierce well, then it will be very difficult to do it.
  21. Do yourself a bright evening make-up. Continue like this until the end of the game.
  22. Juggle eggs. Be sure to clean up after yourself.
  23. Transform into a fantasy or cartoon creature for 20 minutes.
  24. Exchange clothes with one of the players.
  25. Drink something from a glass, but only without hands. A good fantasy task, especially in a company where alcoholic drinks are drunk.
  26. Write your phone number in lipstick on a napkin and toss it to someone when everyone forgets about this task. If a person notices, he has the right to throw a napkin to someone else. The one who ends up with it must kiss any of the players.
  27. Act out the scene with other players. For example, about how the husband returned earlier from a business trip.
  28. Play a performance called "Blue Light". Assign yourself to other role players.
  29. Kiss your neighbor on the knee.
  30. Pretend that you are a hereditary fortune teller and predict the fate of each of the players.
  31. Think of the best way to escape from prison. Don't be banal.
  32. Confess and repent to all players about your three worst sins of the last couple of years.
  33. Say 10 times how good you are in different voices and intonations.
  34. Picture a baby.
  35. Eat food that doesn't go well together. For example, herring with sugar. Be careful what you choose.
  36. Pop a balloon with your own buttocks.
  37. Imagine that you are running for president. Give your campaign speech.
  38. Dance a dance, such as a can-can, while holding a glass of water in your hands.
  39. Beg until you collect 100 rubles.
  40. Draw what they tell you, holding the pen between your teeth.
  41. Imagine that you are a reporter. Spread "yellow" and not true news about people sitting near you.
  42. For half an hour, call absolutely all the players by the same name, for example, Gennady is perfect.
  43. Make a marriage proposal to the neighbor on the right. Do it beautifully and as romantically as possible.
  44. Put tights on your head. Walk in this hat with ears until the end of the evening.
  45. Imagine that you are now graduating from high school. Give a heartbreaking speech.
  46. Recognize 5 different blindfold objects by touch, of course.
  47. Sing a popular song, but only use the vowels. It's fun.
  48. Talk in the style of Dzhigurda for 5 minutes.
  49. Draw yourself a solid eyebrow and sit like that until the end of the evening.
  50. Invite five people to a common slow dance. Do it as beautifully and sensually as possible.

Any children's holiday becomes even more colorful with fun games, competitions and cute pranks. Perhaps one of the most popular entertainments is the fanta contest, in which tasks for children develop imagination, talents and a sense of humor. It is forfeits for children that will not let little guests get bored and will leave a lot of impressions about the event.

Fanta game rules

There are at least three ways to organize fun forfeits for children:

  1. In the first case, a leader is selected from the children's team, who collects some thing from each child in a bag - it can be a scarf, a handkerchief, a notebook, etc. Then the presenter turns his back, and his assistant begins to take things out of the bag, accompanying him with the question: “What should this phantom do?” And here the host, showing all his imagination, comes up with wishes for forfeits for children, assigning his own to each and, of course, not knowing who gets what. And the thing is returned to the owner only after the task is completed. This version of the game is suitable for older children.
  2. You can offer another way - each participant is given a piece of paper on which he writes the task, then all the pieces of paper are collected in a bag and everyone pulls out his "lucky ticket".
  3. The third option for playing funny forfeits for children can turn out to be the most interesting, since you can prepare well for it. Original questions for forfeits for children are compiled in advance and fit into the cards, which the participants then draw out.

What can be tasks for forfeits for children?

It is very important that the tasks for forfeits for children are truly funny, new and unexpected. At the same time, it is necessary to maintain the line so that the game does not become offensive, vulgar or dangerous. When inventing interesting forfeits for children, it is necessary to remember their age and understand which tasks they can physically cope with and which ones can lead to injuries. You should also think about the aesthetic component of the game, after all, in the children's team, awkward situations are remembered for a long time and often become a reason for teasing. And finally, cool forfeit tasks for children should be quick to complete so as not to delay the entertainment and not lose the attention of the players.
