How to celebrate the birthday of a child 1 year. Baby's birthday at home

Over the past year, your baby has come a long way from a helpless baby to a child standing on her own legs. This has been the most amazing year of your little one's life. And then came the first birthday, his first important date in life, touching and bright.

Holiday event for the whole family! Even a little kid should definitely arrange a holiday - he is unlikely to understand a lot, but he will forever keep in the very depths of his subconscious, memories of this day, of a wonderful, fun and special atmosphere! The peculiarity of the first birthday is that the baby is still small, he is only a year old. Therefore, it is desirable to limit the circle of guests to the closest, relatives and friends of the baby people.

How to celebrate this day? Where and with whom? What to lay on the festive table and how to decorate it? What ideas, scenario of competitions, riddles to prepare? How to choose a birthday cake? Let's try to figure it out.

If you decide to celebrate your child's birthday at home, in the circle of your closest and dearest, it will be a good idea simply because the baby has a homely atmosphere, every room is familiar and familiar. Here he feels safe. Make his day magical and extraordinary.

Start the morning with a smile, a kiss and say congratulations to the baby, affectionate and gentle words. It is better to decorate the house with balloons, ribbons, serpentine, flowers, toys - there is a lot of room for imagination. Create the atmosphere of a children's paradise at home.

Make a photo tour of the baby's pictures at the time of his growing up for a year, sign with funny slogans. Pre-order or bake your own birthday cake. It is important to discuss with the guests the time of the beginning and end of the holiday. Since this is a children's celebration and a violation of the regime during the day can adversely affect the health of the crumbs and his sleep.

To make the solemn event interesting and bright, remember - the script is the head of everything! In the scenario, participants must be both adults and older children. Pick up riddles, birthday contests for kids. For example, the script can be played around an entertaining journey with tasks and tests, games and contests, guessing easy riddles.

Toddlers are amazing creatures that can play anywhere, anytime. They can easily "get used to the role" and wander through the rooms of the house, imagining that they are in a fairy forest, jungle or desert. All you need is a little imagination and minimal decorations.

First birthday 1 year old

Celebrating a birthday in a cafe

It is a convenient idea for parents to celebrate this day, the first year in a cafe. The location must be chosen in advance. Based primarily on safety, cleanliness, as it will contain small fidgets.

The room should be free of drafts, steep steps and other risk factors. How can you make this day unforgettable?

To make the holiday fun and creative, you can turn to the services of professionals who have sufficient experience in organizing holidays for the little ones:

  1. funny fairy tale characters,
  2. funny clowns,
  3. Balloons,
  4. Serpentine,
  5. Toys,
  6. Contests.

The theme can be chosen at your discretion. And the kids will be delighted. Riddles and contests for children of this age, as a rule, are the simplest and most uncomplicated. Pick up riddles on topics understandable to the youngest children. It's a great idea to prepare themed costumes in advance for children, and maybe for adults too.

If all kinds of food and snacks are suitable for adults, then for children you need to choose foods and dishes. Do not give children unfamiliar food from an adult table. The holiday should not violate the usual menu of the baby, who is only a year old. But all dishes can be decorated with imagination, arranged in the form of various figurines of animals and cartoon characters familiar to kids.

The main decoration of the festive table, of course, will be the birthday cake. The cake can be ordered at a pastry bakery or bought ready-made. You can bake your own, there are many good baking recipes for children.

The room must be decorated in advance with balloons, serpentine, garlands. Balls can be interestingly painted with a marker, draw emoticons and funny faces. At the entrance, hang large letters with the inscription "We are a year old!" It is also interesting to make a photo collage of the birthday boy on the walls and various hand-made posters with riddles and funny stories for a year of life.

The music sounding this day should not be too loud and annoying, otherwise the children will quickly get tired of it and become capricious. Be creative in your choice of musical repertoire.

Perhaps the cafe will offer you:

  • live music,
  • Children's well-known melodies,
  • Calm beautiful music.

Celebrating a year in nature

If you are lovers of an active lifestyle and cannot imagine your pastime without fresh air, and if the time of the year and the weather allow during the day, organize a festive event in nature. The main thing is not to forget and plan all the little things for such a holiday. Pick a spot, it could be a neat lawn in a park or near a body of water.

You can go to the camp site with an overnight stay. It is interesting to tie balloons to trees, decorate with serpentine and garlands. At the end of the holiday, you can untie and release balloons into the sky. Children are usually delighted with balloons flying into the sky.

In nature, it is convenient to use disposable tableware. If you are planning a barbecue, gather everything you need for a barbecue. It is better for children to cook food at home, using options for dishes familiar to the child's body, diet.

Don't forget the birthday cake. Pack it in a sealed package so as not to damage it. It is better to choose a cake for nature with a small amount of cream, as the cream may leak. Stop the choice on a glazed surface or a well-cured jelly.

Put food and snacks in lunch boxes to keep them fresh and warm. Drinking water should be in sufficient quantity.

Don't forget to cook:

  • condiments,
  • Bread,
  • Paper towels,
  • Wet wipes,
  • Trash bags.

Think over the scenario for games and entertainment in advance, prepare riddles. You can use the ball for active outdoor games during the day. Don't forget the first aid kit. It is important to remember when relaxing in nature that everyone must return safe and sound.

The right idea would be to invite a professional photographer who will take beautiful photos of this day, not intrusively shoot a video for memory. Or entrust this important matter to someone close to you.

How to choose a holiday menu?

Regardless of the place of the event: at home, in a cafe or in the bosom of nature, an adult festive table can be set according to your preferences and wishes.

An excellent solution for a buffet or buffet at home or in a cafe. For children, you can cut fruit into pieces, put children's pastries and berries. Use juices in bags with straws, water in small plastic bottles. It is also interesting to arrange plates with sliced ​​​​cheese, boiled meat, tartlets with delicious stuffing of minced meat or cottage cheese and other healthy snacks.

Make a bright accent on the design of the table, bright napkins and tablecloths. Beautifully decorated dishes, carved figures from vegetables and fruits. Of course, the theme of decoration should be childish, fabulous.

And of course, the central figure of the festive table is a birthday cake. If you know how to cook perfectly, you can bake such a cake yourself. In this case, you will be sure of its composition, freshness and usefulness. If not, entrust this important matter to professional chefs or pastry chefs from cafes. The shape of the cake can be very different, but decorate it thematically, for a year.

For example, a cake can be made in the form of a car for a boy, and marzipan dolls for a girl. And of course, a traditional decorative candle is a symbol of one year in the center, in the form of a number. The script for a children's holiday should be drawn up so that it has the main moment - blowing out the candle. Perhaps a baby of one year old will not yet be able to put out the fire himself, parents and guests will come to the rescue. Don't forget to take a photo and make a video as a memento of this solemn moment and day.

Games, contests and riddles for fun

In the first year, it is better to wait a little with crackers, firecrackers and other noisy paraphernalia, as loud claps can scare children. To make it interesting and fun to celebrate, make a script for the event in advance with contests, riddles and games for adults and older children.

If you entrusted the organization of the holiday to professionals, then you and your guests will surely be able to relax and enjoy the process while sitting in a cafe. And if not, feel free to fantasize. Any fairy tale will serve as a ready-made scenario for you.

What are ideas and scenarios born of, fairy tales, riddles? From everything: from raindrops and snowflakes, from a leaf in the grass, from toys and adult objects, from everyday life and magic. Of the many things around us. Children easily turn us into fairy-tale wizards, they have no doubt: parents can do everything, and illuminate the darkness (including light bulbs), and kindle a flame (under some kind of burner), and create waterfalls (by touching the tap with their hand). We become wizards immediately with the birth of the baby.

And if you just can’t come up with entertainment ideas, birthday puzzles for children, the Internet will come to the rescue, all kinds of forums for young parents who are happy to share their experience. Below are several options for contests from the Internet forum, which you can entertain guests, use in cafes, at home and in nature.

What to give for 1 year

You will certainly want to shower your precious child with a mountain of surprises and gifts. But it’s not worth it: the baby’s attention will dissipate, and he is unlikely to be able to fully enjoy all the gifts and toys in a year. It is advisable to make one good purchase.

For example, a large designer or a children's car. And if this gift is expensive, ask relatives to join. Gift ideas for boys are: cars, robots, soldiers, designers, etc., gift ideas for girls: dolls, toy household items, a kitchen, a vacuum cleaner, a small stroller for dolls, etc.

Think of gift ideas for children's guests. Let them receive them not only at the end of the event, but also as a reward for participating in games, answering riddles, activity and courage. Small gifts, balloons can be waiting for the guys during the game. You don't need expensive gifts.

Even an apple, orange or candy wrapped in unusually shiny packaging will light up their eyes with joy. Bouquets of multi-colored balloons can serve not only as decoration of the room. At the end of the event, balloons can be distributed to all guests as a mini present to remember this day.

It will take only a few years, and you will be able to arrange a real children's holiday. But the very first birthday, the first year and your congratulations will forever remain in the memory of the baby among the deepest, most basic memories of his family, parental home and happy childhood.

Competition "Questions for guests"

The meaning of this task is as follows, participants receive prizes for the best correct answer to questions about the birthday person. In turn, the guests pull out a piece of paper with a question, for example: what was the weight of the newborn birthday boy, how tall is the baby, what color are his eyes, what does he like to eat when he started walking, favorite toy, etc. Questions can be prepared in advance and put in a special box for the competition. Guests with correct answers receive prizes.

How to celebrate a year old baby / baby?

The birthday of a child, although it happens every year at the same time, always creeps up too quickly and unexpectedly, dragging behind it a heap of organizational questions, which, as always, there is neither the strength nor the time to answer. Where to celebrate, whom to call, how to take into account the allergies of all the invited children, how not to run into a half-educated fairy and - the most painful thing - how not to forget to order a cake with Winx, Smurfs, Princess Celestia, transformers and not confuse one with the other?

The Village and Working Mama have jointly selected 29 proven places in the city where it is not a shame to invite guests.


Darwin Museum

Vavilova, 57

Age: 6 to 12 years old

Price: for a group of up to 20–35 people with no more than 16 children - 10,300–12,500 rubles on weekdays, 10,900–12,500 rubles on weekends; summer discount

The Darwin Museum Birthday Celebration is an interactive tour and tea party where you can bring cake and treats with you. You can choose from excursions on different topics: about animals from different continents, about birds, about dinosaurs, about insects or about zoogeography. You need to pay for a children's holiday in the museum, where you can also buy nice invitation cards for guests.

Museum "Experimentanium"

Butyrskaya, 46/2

Age: from 4 to 15 years

Price: 12,000 rubles (up to 15 children) or 18,000 rubles (16–20 children)

Additionally: any science show
from the museum's repertoire - 12,000–14,500 rubles

The Esperimentanium offers a choice of several holiday scenarios for different ages: The Magician Experimentanius (4–6 years old), The Spontaneous Celebration (6–9 years old), The Academy of Scientific Magic (7–11 years old), Wonderland" (up to 11 years old), "Secrets of the Manuscripts" (7-11 years old), "Flight School" (from 9 years old), "Brain Peck" (from 13 years old). These are interactive games with riddles about museum exhibits and tasks for them. In the museum cafe you can order a festive banquet, and you are allowed to bring a festive cake with you (bring your own drinks into the cafe is prohibited). During activities, children can be accompanied by two adults for free, the rest will need a ticket. All birthdays in the "Esperimentanium" are congratulated on the museum radio.

Moscow Planetarium

Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya, 5, building 1

Age: 6 to 14 years old

Price: by agreement; birthday for 10 children and 5 adults without a festive table will cost 28,100 rubles

For birthdays, the Planetarium has excursion programs with competitions: "Save the Planet of Knowledge" (6-9 years old), "Expedition to Distant Planets", "Star Team" (8-11 years old), "Intergalactic Intelligence" (9-12 years old) , as well as the course of a young cosmonaut. The program includes a session in the Big Star Hall (30-50 minutes) or 4D cinema (15 minutes). All participants will receive memorable prizes and souvenirs. You can additionally order face painting and a photographer. Unfortunately, the Telescope cafe is temporarily closed, so you will have to continue the fun somewhere else. The cost of the holiday is calculated depending on the program, the number of participants and additional services. For example, a birthday for 10 children and 5 adults without a festive table will cost 28,100 rubles. All programs are designed for a group of up to 12 children.

The museum says that the age of the guests does not matter, but the festive programs will be more interesting for those who are over five. There are two holiday options to choose from: economical (13 thousand rubles) for 15 participants and more expensive (16-20 thousand rubles). Children will go on a tour of the museum, shoot their own cartoon and watch it on the big screen. The birthday boy will receive a museum diploma and a DVD with his cartoon as a gift, and all participants will get a disk with a program for creating cartoons as a keepsake. The more expensive program includes, among other things, congratulations from Grandfather Cartoonych, a solemn removal of the cake, a fun children's disco and tea drinking. Up to 10 adults can accompany the birthday boy and his guests for free.

There are no special programs for children's birthdays in the museum, but you can rent the entire room after hours (on weekdays until 13:00 and on weekends until 11:00) or have a picnic on the museum balcony. In the first case, the museum will be entirely at the disposal of the birthday boy and his guests, who will be able to play on the machines as much as they like. The second option is gatherings on the balcony, designed for 10 people. The birthday boy and his friends will each receive 15 slot tokens. During the festival, an employee will be present at the museum who can talk about the exhibits or help. Parents can bring all the treats with them, in the museum you can order tea, coffee, milkshakes or drink soda from a Soviet machine.

In the company of fairy-tale characters, children will complete tasks and pass tests, lie on the stove, try on heroic armor, try rejuvenating apples and find a guiding star. The program is designed for an hour and a half, after which the holiday can be continued in the courtyard with your parents. The birthday boy will receive a gift from the museum, and with the fairy tale characters you will be able to be photographed as a keepsake. Treats for the festive table are brought by parents.

In the magical land of Pinocchio, children will complete tasks and pass tests, and then they will find the Golden Key, open the door behind the painted hearth and get into the magic theater "Lightning", where a festive concert will take place, congratulations with games, competitions and dances. The program lasts an hour and a half, after which you can drink tea at the Tavern of Three Minnows. The birthday boy will receive a gift from the museum, and you can take a picture with fairy-tale characters as a keepsake. Treats for the festive table are brought by parents, half an hour is allotted for the feast.

Animators will hold a master class on costume design or a game quest in the halls of the museum. If the weather is good, the quest will take place outside while the parents, for example, set the table. You can bring all the treats with you, museum staff can decorate the hall with balloons and decorations. In the branch of the Museum of Moscow - in the Museum of Estate Culture - in the servants' wing for children from seven years old, the program "Angel's Day" is being held. This is an interactive tour, a festive tea party and a musical program with ancient music and dances. The cost of the program is 13 thousand rubles, up to 15 guests. Birthdays can also be celebrated at the Horse Yard. There will be a tour of the World of Childhood exhibition, historical games in the children's room, acquaintance with horses, outdoor games and entertaining quizzes. Additionally, you can order a walk in the museum carriage (100 rubles for children, 150 rubles for adults). The cost of the program is 13 thousand rubles.


Andropov Avenue, 39

Age: from 6 years old

Price: 9,300 rubles and the cost of entrance tickets; interactive tour
"The male half of the palace of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich" (3,000 rubles) or
"The female half of the palace of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich" (1,500 rubles)

There are several festive excursion programs in Kolomenskoye - for example, the "Family Circle" - a walk through the territory of the Sovereign's Court and the House of Peter I, along the way with children they learn songs and dances, try on royal outfits. Guests are treated to tea and pancakes with jam. A festive feast can be arranged in one of the cafes and restaurants located on the territory of Kolomenskoye.

The museum offers three game programs for birthdays: "Flight to the Moon" (4-8 years old); “Happy birthday, young astronaut!” (from 7 years); "Meet Planet Earth!" (from 7 years). Guests can visit different halls: learn how to make tea in zero gravity or find out what astronauts eat. Children will have a bright tour of the museum and a banquet in the company of a cheerful animator. Parents take care of food and drinks.

They just launched "Birthdays at the Museum" in Tsaritsyn. "In search of the sixth sense" is a quest through the territory of the Grand Palace, where you need to help another fairy-tale character to free himself from the curse. During this adventure, you will be introduced to the theater, have a photo session in historical costumes. Another program - "Secrets of the Tropical Forest" - takes place in the jungle of the Tsaritsyno greenhouses. You can hold a festive banquet in the cafe of the Grand Palace or the Greenhouse complex by renting tables. You can bring your own food and drinks (alcohol is not allowed). If you don’t have the strength to cook yourself, you can order from catering companies that work in the museum.

Cafes and restaurants

Cafe "Sea inside"

Sand alley, 7

Age: from 3 years

Price: animators - from 2,000 rubles, entertainment program according to the scenario - from 15,000 rubles, banquet - children under 8 years old - order from the menu, children over 8 years old - deposit 1,000 rubles per person

For the birthday man, the animators of the "Sea Inside" arrange a quest-adventure. You can spend a holiday in an animation studio or in a creative laboratory. The Children's Hall "The Sea Inside" can accommodate up to 40 children, but for a larger celebration, another room can be allocated. For a birthday, you can bring your own cake, provided that a deposit of 2,800 rubles is made for each adult, and a thousand rubles for a child over 8 years old.

Chain of cafes "Khachapuri"

Krivokolenny Lane, 10/5, Ukrainian Boulevard, 7, Bolshoy Gnezdikovskiy Lane, 10

Age: 4 to 14 years old

Price: animation services - 8,000 rubles for 2 hours, script development and props - 8,000 rubles, participation of ram Tolik - 8,000 rubles

Each holiday is thought out separately, there are no standard programs in Khachapuri. Here you can hold a small family feast at a separate table or rent a separate room or a whole restaurant. The holiday program can include educational or applied workshops, outdoor or board games, contests, competitions, or even a large-scale street quest on the street. You can bring your own cake for your birthday. The cafe says that if the celebration takes place in the common room, guests are not allowed to invite animators in costumes of fairy-tale characters or superheroes, because this violates the concept of the institution.

Family restaurants "Ribambel"

Botanichesky per., 5, Kutuzovsky pr., 48

Age: from 1 year

Price: from 6,500 rubles per hour for 5–6 children, a deposit of 1,000 rubles per person is paid separately

"Rimambel" is both a family club and a restaurant that has more than a hundred holiday scenarios: from the mystical "Spies" to the "Kingdom of Princesses". Each program can be supplemented with creative master classes, soap bubble shows, alchemical tricks or performances of robots or trained animals. There is also a pool with balls, and a magical river, and children's houses. You can only invite a photographer or cameraman, everything else will be organized by the club staff.

Family cafe "Siren"

Sand Alley, 1, Sokolniki Park

Age: 0+

Price: from 50,000 rubles for 20 adults and 10 children, a soap bubble show - 10,000 rubles, a musical performance - 15,000 rubles.

The family cafe "Siren" is designed for family holidays. There is also a children's room, and attractions, and toys, and tables for needlework. The birthday program can be a children's performance, a concert or, for example, a science show. You can choose from cooking classes (for example, painting gingerbread), soap making lessons, painting T-shirts, creating jewelry, crafts from feathers or salt dough, beading, pottery, origami or macrame. They offer to invite a living statue or a caricaturist, magicians, animal trainers, a children's DJ or mimes to the holiday. The cafe has a confectionery where you can order a birthday cake of any complexity.

Culinary Bureau Kitchen

Academician Anokhin, 13, Udaltsova, 15, Architect Vlasov, 18, Rodionovskaya, 12,

Age: from 2 to 16 years old

Price: hall rental - 3,500–5,000 rubles per hour, culinary master class - from 8,000 rubles, children's animation - from 3,500 rubles per hour, banquet - from 1,500 rubles per person for adults and from 600 rubles per person for children

Any Kitchen chain cafe has halls for family celebrations, children's rooms and playgrounds with play mats, slides, a climbing wall, toys and coloring books. The Kitchen hosts culinary workshops on candy making, canapé sandwich building, pizza making, or learning table etiquette and etiquette. You can also order a soap bubble show or scientific experiments, play mafia or watch an interactive performance. You can invite the Winx fairies or Spider-Man to your birthday. You can't bring your own cake, but the Kitchen says they'll make a cake with any filling themselves.

There are several programs to choose from with theatrical performances, musical concerts and creative workshops. You can invite a children's DJ, decorate the hall with balloons or flowers, print personalized invitations for guests. Treats for guests must be ordered at the restaurant - the Bocconcino confectioner will prepare a birthday cake.

This is a place for children who cannot imagine a holiday without a lot of chocolate. There will be lectures on chocolate, chocolate tasting, chocolate drawing lessons or candy making workshops. Here guests are offered to bake a birthday cake on their own.

AnderSon Family Cafes

Bratislavskaya, 6, Gilyarovskogo, 39, Leningradsky pr., 74/8, Ostrovityanova, 5, M. Gruzinskaya, 15/1

Age: from 1 year to 14 years

Price: program - from 7,500 rubles, rent of a banquet hall - from 1,500 rubles per hour

Anderson is an empire of children's restaurants that literally ate a dog at birthday parties. This is both an advantage and a disadvantage: often all restaurants will already be booked for the number you need. The festive program includes puppet shows, pillow fights, cake throwing, and anything else. For example, you can order "The Puppet Show Anderson" - an interactive performance in the style of "Sesame Street". Since Anderson has its own pastry shop that specializes in children's cakes, you are not allowed to bring your own cake. For a birthday, you need to book a hall and time in advance, you need an advance payment of at least 30%. The holiday can be arranged in any cafe of the network, except for the cafe on the Academician Tupolev embankment and on Strastnoy Boulevard.

Other places

Actors and animators, as well as the Hamley bear, offer several festive programs: "Pirate Party", "Princess Ball", "Transformers Battle" or "Soap Bubble Show". It's a real treat for shopaholics or fans of the movie Miracle Shop to celebrate among a million toys.

The youngest (3-7 years old) are invited to the "Magic World of Fairy Tales", the program of which includes acquaintance with the heroes of Russian fairy tales in their natural habitat in a petting zoo. For older children (6–13) there are several other programs: “Your Birthday at the Zoo” with a performance, excursion and animation, “Aibolit Surprise” and “Around the World Travel for Wild Animals” (quest). The birthday boy is handed a birthday cake in the banquet hall.

The climbing wall has its own birthday scenario, which is called “No clowns”: they don’t invite animators to it, but offer to organize competitions for the birthday boy and his friends. You can choose a shortened version (relay race, climbing wall, equestrian fight, game of saboteurs or a coliseum). For older children, jumping and biathlon are offered.

Rope towns "PandaPark"

Neskuchny Garden, Izmailovsky Park, Sokolniki, Lianozovo, Tsaritsyno, Fili Park

Age: from 4 years

Price: from 20,000 to 22,000 rubles (for a group of up to 8–15 people)

In the rope town, you can spend a birthday according to several scenarios: "Visiting the Panda", "Real Indians' Holiday" and "On Board the Pirate Ship". These are sports games, competitions for dexterity, speed and ingenuity. It is recommended to book a holiday no later than three days before the event, which can be arranged in any PandaPark in the city.

Equestrian club "Izmailovo"

Entuziastov sh., 31v

Age: from 4 years

Price: depends on the program, renting a cafe or a banquet hall - 200 rubles per hour, menu - from 500 rubles per person

During the celebration of the birthday milestones of the horses are decorated with ribbons, and the holiday is held by specially invited hosts. On the territory of the club there is a cafe, a banquet hall for 70 people and a forest glade for a picnic in the warm season. If desired, you can order a chocolate fountain for the holiday.

In Kva-Kva Park, both those who know how to swim and those who are just learning can celebrate a children's holiday. During the program "The Secret of the Seven Seas" (3,800 rubles), the child and his friends will be initiated into seafarers and treated to a birthday cake, however, you have to pay for entrance tickets separately. For a holiday, you can order a photo or video filming, set a festive table.

During the holiday, an experienced instructor (among the employees are former Cirque du Soleil artists) will conduct a master class, a fun relay race and teach you how to jump correctly. The trampoline arena also has separate rooms where you can eat cake and blow out candles.

The program "Beauty Birthday" is a festive styling, light make-up, manicure and a master class on creating jewelry for the birthday girl and her girlfriends. You can bring food and cake with you.

Innopark in Sokolniki is a natural science museum where you can blow giant soap bubbles, make friends with a robot, look at the stars in a mini planetarium, and collect 3D puzzles. The science park has several holiday programs for different ages: “Greenbeard’s Riddles” (for children aged 8–13), “Space Odyssey” (10–13 years old), “Message from Space” (for children from 5 to 10 years old) . Additionally, you can rent a children's room, hold a competition, a master class, invite a photographer. There are discounts on weekdays.

“Main Victoria's House” is a project by Victoria Novikova, curator of the Kartoniya art project, which helps children create cities and worlds out of cardboard. Their master classes can be ordered at home or in a kindergarten, or you can come to them for a shadow performance and take part in an animation master class. For children's parties, you can rent a half-meter chocolate fountain, as well as order homemade sweets to the table.

Good time to everyone gathered on my blog. Today I will delight young parents with interesting ideas on how to celebrate 1 year old child.

Although, this topic will be relevant for godparents, grandparents. So sit back, read and bookmark this article.

Organization of a children's holiday in a cafe

Of course, of all the possible options, this is the easiest, but also the most expensive.

It is clear that if financial opportunities allow, then holding a birthday in a cafe is an ideal option. Mom will be fresh and rested, guests will be entertained by a professional presenter, and waiters will watch the table. You don't have to worry about music or dishes.

What should you be concerned about in advance?

  1. hall decoration. To give the holiday a thematic focus, prepare the decoration in advance. You can contact a company organizing children's holidays and they will decorate the hall in advance. Your guests will only have to be surprised and delighted with your taste and great ideas.
  2. thinking through menu, consider the age and preferences of all guests. If children are invited, a separate children's table with sweet snacks and drinks can be provided for them.
  3. Take care of good music and photos holiday.

Celebrate at home: fun and cozy

Yes, of course, ordering a restaurant, animators and professional presenters is great! But what to do if the budget is very tight, but you want to celebrate by inviting loved ones to the celebration?

Do not be upset, because at home you can also organize a fun and unforgettable holiday. Of course, it will take much more effort and time to organize an event, but the preparation itself also has its own certain charm.

Turning to a professional agency for organizing holidays, you will be deprived of the opportunity to independently create a holiday atmosphere for your baby and invited guests.

So where should you start?

Planning is everything. Everything will have to be taken into account so that the holiday is fun and without unforeseen troubles and inconsistencies. If you are not completely confident in your abilities, ask your best friend or mom for help. Try to distribute the responsibilities for organizing a party.

We make a list of guests. This is a very important part, which will give a complete picture of the scale of the event and determine the entire further organization.

We are preparing an invitation. It is very nice and memorable to send out an invitation to all guests. Can:

  • order them in a professional studio;
  • use templates-blanks (by printing from the Internet);
  • Together with your husband, hand-create cute and funny invitations.

Which option to choose is up to you. But if there is time, energy and creativity, then handwritten invitations are a memory for grandparents and godparents for life.

An original idea would be if you put an author's stroke of the baby's fives on each invitation. To do this, just dip your palm into finger paints and touch the finished invitation with it.

Decorate invitations with ribbons, bright buttons, corrugated colored paper - there are no limits for imagination here.

Or you can fold the invitation in the form of papyrus and tie it to a balloon.

We think over the menu

A very important stage in the preparation of the holiday. Try to take into account the tastes of all invited guests.

If among them there are vegetarians, diabetics, allergy sufferers, then it is worth considering alternative dishes. Everyone should be tasty and satisfying at the birthday party of a little birthday boy.

Of course, if you plan to invite fifty guests, then you cannot cope with the preparation of the festive menu alone. There are 2 ways out of this situation:

1st option. We turn to our friends for help. If the degree of intimacy allows, ask friends and relatives to come with a festive dish. It is not difficult for them to cook according to 1 option, and by bringing them all together you get a chic table. You need to schedule in advance for everyone who cooks what.

2nd option. We invite a female chef. Now you can find a good inexpensive chef through an agency or through an ad who will cook the entire holiday menu. Of course, this is a more expensive option, but much cheaper than a cafe. Yes, and you will not strain the guests.

Tip: do not take the whole feast on yourself. Even if you are currently full of strength, enthusiasm and determination, you should not be a hero. You already have enough trouble on the day of the holiday.

Your task is to look fresh, rested, cheerful and entertain guests. Agree, they do not need to see a tired, exhausted hostess, who until 4 o'clock in the morning cut Olivier in the kitchen.

Thinking about decorating the house

The day before the scheduled day, clean the house and decorate it. Buy bright balloons, use paper pom-poms, ribbons.

Let everyone around say that the baby is celebrating its first birthday in this house! Guests, having crossed the threshold, will freeze in admiration and immediately recharge with a positive mood.

Organize a photo area for guests. Now it is a fashionable attribute of any party. Decorate the corner of the house in an unusual and original way. Hang pictures of the baby there, prepare funny props for the photo. It can be hats, boas, mustaches on sticks, funny paper glasses.

Even the most strict and embarrassed guests will quickly loosen up and succumb to the general fun. And how pleasant it will be for everyone to look at such photographs later.

Thinking about entertainment

This is the most important part of the organization, without which no holiday will turn out.

You can order a children's animator at home. This will be especially interesting for the little guests, who will be happy to take part in competitions, play bubbles, jump with the ball and sing.

Or you can write an independent script, demonstrating your talent as a presenter. If everything goes fun and easy, be prepared for the fact that for 5 years working as a toastmaster at all family holidays - you are provided)))

What should be considered when organizing the entertainment part?

Take care of the musical arrangement of the party. These can be children's songs from cartoons and children's films that everyone loves.

Such music creates a festive mood and sets everyone in a cheerful, perky mood.

Celebrate children's holiday in nature

I especially like this format of the holiday, however, it is possible only for those families whose birthdays were born in the summer.

What is the main thing here?

  1. Plan a picnic menu. It should be light and unpretentious. No need to make salads, complex casseroles, etc. Cook plenty of vegetables, snacks and traditional kebabs.
  2. Consider also the children's menu. It can be healthy sweets, fruits. As for drinks, the amount of alcohol, of course, is up to everyone to decide for themselves. But do not forget that this is still a children's holiday.
  3. Organize outdoor games. It can be the most stupid and childish games: jumping in bags or through a rope, inflating soap bubbles and bursting balloons. And what? The birthday boy is 1 year old - let the audience entertain him!

In nature, you can arrange a fun and unusual photo shoot. Since you significantly save on renting a hall and a cafe, you can order a professional photographer.

I end with this. Found interesting and useful ideas? Share the link on social networks with your friends! Subscribe to the blog and do not miss new articles. See you soon!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoreva

Hello dear readers and guests of my blog! Many parents do not like to celebrate the birthday of their beloved child at home for a clear reason, the kids make noise, scatter everything around, sometimes swear and even fight.

I have two children, so very often it falls to attend children's celebrations. I noticed that such chaos occurs if the adults did not take the organization of the celebration seriously enough.

I carefully prepare for every birthday, no matter where the event will be held. This year we decided to celebrate the child's birthday at home. Last year we celebrated at the entertainment center, I did not like the food that was fed to small children, but otherwise everything was great.


Where to start the celebration?

First of all, give the invitees the opportunity to get to know each other, as well as with your home. Show guests in which rooms you can play and what you absolutely cannot do. In our case, all the children who came were strictly ordered not to climb onto the second floor of the bed.

As soon as the kids get comfortable, you can feed them a hearty lunch. After dinner they usually play with toys or among themselves. A little later, you can start competitions and games.

Contests and games

I will tell you about the contests that children simply adore. My friends and I always entertain them with the games of our childhood, I'm sure you know them well.

"Ring, ring, come out on the porch." The host takes the ring, the rest of the participants in the game line up, put their hands together, and the host walks along the row, as if pushing a ring hidden in his hands between the palms of the participants, someone gets a ring, the host calls the lucky one with the well-known phrase “Ring, ring ... ". If the participant of the game manages to run out of the crowd, and no one catches him, then he becomes the leader and continues the game.

Freeze. While the music is playing, everyone is dancing, as the music stops, everyone should freeze in place, and the leader looks out for someone who moves. The loser is out of the game. You can also play music while running around the chairs. There should be one less chair than the participants. When the music stops, the participants must take the chairs, those who did not get it are eliminated, and one chair is removed. At the end of the game, there should be a chair left with the winner sitting on it.

"Loaf, loaf, choose whom you want." For those who have forgotten this fun entertainment, I suggest watching the video to remember.

"Balloons with phantoms and confetti." Pour confetti, sparkles and a leaflet with a task rolled up into a tube into balloons that have not yet been inflated. The task should be such that the child can cope with it, select according to the age of the invitees. During the game, each participant in turn chooses a ball, the leader bursts it, and the child completes the task, which is indicated on a piece of paper.

And another game with balloons. Two participants are selected, a balloon is tied to each leg, the players should try to burst the balloon with their free foot to the music, the one who bursts the balloon first is the loser, and the next who wishes competes with the winner ..

I think a lot of people know the game when two people hold the rope, and the rest, to the music, take turns passing under it, trying not to hurt it, gradually the rope falls lower and lower, and the participants in the game become less and less. In the end, there should be one winner who never touches the rope.

Idea for celebration

Some of them have already been posted on my blog. I will add one more.

Children's disco

It was a children's disco that I decided to arrange for my daughter's sixth birthday. At this age, girls are still worried, so they prefer to wear puffy dresses in white, pink, frilly skirts and big bows.

Older guys can wear something in the disco style (ripped jeans, a trendy shirt ...), dye their hair with a colored spray, make up their lips with bright lipstick.

A mandatory attribute of a disco is a disco ball. It will also be necessary to cover the windows with a dark cloth. Do not forget to prepare collections with incendiary music, or you can connect your computer to the player and turn on one of the collections on YouTube.

I share with you a collection that we especially liked. Kids from 3 to 6 years old came off to this music to the fullest.

And do not feel sorry for the neighbors on such a day, turn up the music louder))). One mother was present at our birthday celebration, and so, she suggested aloud that we were on bad terms with the neighbors, because we turned on the music so loudly. No, we have a wonderful relationship, everyone in the house has children, someone has grandchildren, and birthdays are very noisy and fun, the main thing is to stop the celebration in time.

Let's play dancing!

Celebrating a children's birthday at home, just dancing, is not interesting, but playing dancing is great! Before you dance, announce a competition for the best dancer. During the dance, you put on a hat, invite the children to form a circle, stand in the middle of the circle yourself and, to the music, give them a wide variety of movements that they must repeat.

After dancing a little, you pass the hat to another child, he comes up with something of his own. Thus, all children must show their skills. At the end of the competition, give everyone small prizes and offer to drink some water, I assure you, the kids will sweat a lot.

What about gifts?

It is better to open gifts when all the guests are assembled. They sit in a circle, each holding a birthday present. You can hand it in turn, the main character of the holiday opens the package in front of everyone, says something like “wow!”, puts it aside and accepts the next present.

Today I decided to summarize my own articles and collect all the ideas for a children's holiday together to help you navigate the site, and cover the amount of work done yourself.

Children's birthday: step by step instructions

This article is for those who do not want to be limited to the usual children's table. Believe me, you can arrange a magnificent holiday for your baby once a year, using the advice of experienced organizers. I will try to make everything short and clear.

Do not be lazy to go to my articles with detailed tips and pictures - this is real wealth!

Holiday theme

Why is choosing a topic important in the first place? It is on this choice that your whole flight of thought depends. I immediately come up with ideas for all the other points from my instructions, so start with this.

If you don’t want to dedicate a holiday to one hero or one fairy tale, just choose a color! Well, let's have an orange party where everything will be in an orange mood. However, study the article and be inspired!

Location selection

If we are talking about an apartment, there is not much choice. It just has to be the most spacious room with a minimum of furniture and sharp corners. It is better to separate the dining and play areas in the apartment. Let the program take place in one room, and the table with refreshments is in another. It is safer, and there are more places for active games.

But if you decide on a cafe or a kids club, then it already makes sense to choose a room taking into account the theme of the holiday. Agree, it’s strange if you spend the “Princess’s Birthday”, and there are only Minions or Batmans on the walls.

Room decoration

For those who like to do everything with their own hands, I am happy to send to the article. There are interesting techniques for decorating a room with the help of improvised materials and ready-made paper decor elements, which are sold nowadays in any city in Russia.

Naturally, we stick to the chosen topic, but we try not to overdo it. You don't have to use all the design methods at the same time. Everything should be beautiful and joyful.

The work of a decorator who makes handmade jewelry (letters, numbers, candy bar) is amazing. Email me and I'll send you a link to view my portfolio.

photo zone

A photo booth is a must! Let it be something simple, but photographing children against the backdrop of wallpaper and cabinets is a shame. To organize such a bright wall you need quite a bit, believe me. .

If you have chosen a character, print pictures on the Internet and create a photo zone with Luntiks and Fixies. Beautiful photos from a child's birthday are a wonderful memory and a source of positive for many years.

And who will take pictures

This is an important question. Appoint a person responsible for reportage photography before the start of the holiday, because the preparation shots are also very interesting. How mom sets the table. How dad hangs balloons. How the whole family together cuts out the petals for a giant flower.

If there are many volunteer photographers (for example, someone's parents), ask everyone to collect photos on Yandex.Disk so that later you can choose the best shots and exchange “happy moments”.

Festive printing, invitations and napkins

The stores have enough of this stuff. I remind you again! Do not buy napkins-tablecloths-caps until you decide on the theme of the holiday. Well, fairies with a picture from the Masha and the Bear series on their foreheads look strange. And it was. And more than once.

There are lovers of individual jewelry. There are many designers on the net who will create all this beauty with the name of your child. We also have)).

And I can give you a selection (invitation, bonbonniere, guest cards, cupcake decorations and chocolate packaging) in style.


However, you can create masterpieces from ordinary napkins. .

Here's what I got

And I once made cards for guests in the form of animals. It was just killer! .

There are not only dogs - many different animals and birds. They can not only be placed on plates, but also hung from a chandelier at different heights in the form of a mobile, used as elements to decorate a photo zone.


Yes, it's easier to order pizza. They'll go, for sure. But, if you are still a creative mother, let's try here too. I send you to . Pigs and chicken skewers (cooked in a frying pan and in the oven) are especially popular.

You can cook the most ordinary dishes and sandwiches, but try to decorate them in an unusual way. AT . Something you will definitely need!

What to do with guests before the party

Children rarely arrive at the same time. Sometimes it takes 30-40 minutes to collect guests. During this time, the “first swallows” manage to get bored, so you need to take care of their leisure time. The easiest way, of course, is to turn on cartoons.

You can also hang a large sheet of paper with some kind of pattern and give the children pencils so that they can participate in a joint congratulatory newspaper for the birthday man.

Great idea - a cardboard house-coloring. This is a fairly large structure (up to 1 meter high), which can be painted from all sides at once. Just don't give paint! Wax crayons and pencils are also good!

Here are two options for pirates and princesses (large cardboard "homes")


This is a program in which children take an active part. If you feel the strength to arrange such a holiday on your own, take ready-made scripts and selections of competitions, which I have been generously sharing with you for many years now.

Fortunately, since 2011, I began to collect all the selections of contests into one convenient list:

  • (all can be printed)

Home quests according to "out of the box" scenarios

A show in which children are just spectators

You can actively have fun for 1.5-2 hours. Then - everything! Children get tired. You need to arrange a small snack and organize something where you don’t need to run around and answer questions. Toddlers can be shown a puppet theater, older children need something more interesting - for example.

If nothing of the kind is planned, the showing of old recordings from previous holidays is very successful. I remember my daughter's guests were delighted when I played them a record from the birthday of "7 years" in the 7th grade. They saw themselves small and funny, laughed a lot and were touched.

Master classes

All materials for decoupage, painting and creating jewelry can be easily bought in the online store. Children enjoy painting T-shirts, making rainbows in a bottle with colored sand, and decorating photo frames with a hot gun. Even boys don't mind doing this!

As a memento, children take home a souvenir that they themselves made with their own hands.

Prizes and gifts for guests

During competitions, I do not recommend giving prizes. It is distracting and sometimes even leads to conflicts. All the time something gets lost, falls, comes off, etc. children begin to change and beg each other for little things.
