Difficult tasks for a crocodile. Game: "Crocodile"

Games are something that will always be in fashion. Both adults and children love them. When gathering with a company, there is always time for fun and board games. Now it has become especially popular. Hundreds of different desktops are sold in online stores.

But what if there was no one at hand board game? A list of popular puzzles for which nothing is needed will come to the rescue. If you search, you can find a huge number of games for the whole company. But still the most popular is "Crocodile". How to play this game, we will consider further.


Probably everyone knows how to play Crocodile. This is a universal game. She doesn't even need a big company. If there are three of you already, you can cheer each other up by developing non-verbal thinking.


The popularity of games like "Crocodile" is caused in many ways by our psychology. Even in kindergarten, we often played in groups, with comrades, tried to copy someone and come up with non-existent events. Such games already then helped us develop thinking, improve speech, improve memory.

If you remember, we often became teachers, doctors, firefighters and accountants. In addition to these role playing, we played "Broken Phone", "Ring", "Words". We grew up, but the love of games remained. Of course, playing Broken Phone is already less interesting.

Such entertainment was replaced by: "Mafia", "Earthquake", "Shipwrecked". But these games often require a host. He must monitor the whole process, compliance with the rules, the movements of the players. At any moment, the host intervenes in the gameplay and prevents conflicts.

But it is not always possible to find a person to lead. Perhaps there are not so many people in the company that one person becomes a guardian. Therefore, you have to choose games in which such a person is not needed. And, if you know how to play the Crocodile game, then you understand that the host is not there.

"Crocodile" also refers to psychological games. But this is the most harmless option. Of course, there are group therapies in which the trainer presents such a game as an identification of the participants' problems.

But if we are talking about companies, then Crocodile rather helps to have fun and unite all participants.

This is a pantomime game. The one who knows how to control his body and facial expressions, and also carefully looks at the details, wins easily. A lot of people underestimate this game. It helps adults express emotions and feelings through gestures. Therefore, not only children and teenagers, but also mature people can play Crocodile.


Not everyone knows how to play Crocodile. There are several types of it. If we talk about the game as an associative puzzle, then the rules are more than clear.

Participants can be divided into two teams. The first one thinks of a word, passes it to a participant from another team, and he, in turn, shows this word to his friends. He can use gestures, facial expressions to help his team, he can nod his head.

If the company is small, you can play against each other. In this case, the first player himself comes up with words, when one of the players guessed it, he takes the place of pantomime. He, in turn, makes him a word. This can go on for a long time. You can play for points. It happens that out of 4 people only two actively participate in the game. The rest just can't guess the words.


Someone immediately understands how to play Crocodile, but for someone this game is very difficult. For beginners, you can use elementary words. You can start with the simplest associations. For example, when you see a glass on the table, try to show it.

After that, you can use abstractions. For example, show your friends the word set. If the company plays the same computer game, you can show characters or artifacts from it. It is also always very fun and funny.

If an experienced team has gathered, you can take not only words and phrases, but also whole sentences. For example, words from songs or films.

In words

Trying to figure out how to play Crocodile with a friend, you may come across one of the varieties of this game. Interpretation can be built not on facial expressions and gestures, but on words.

The essence of such a game is to guess what the opponent is up to. But this is done in a slightly different way. A person who invents a word, divides it into several syllables, comes up with words for each that begin with these syllables. These nouns are called "tails".

Each of these words is shown by gestures and facial expressions. Players guess each "tail", and then try to make the main word out of it.


Due to its popularity, this game has taken many forms. In addition to the classical one, which is used in companies, there are desktop version. In such games, special cards are used and there is an hourglass.

"Crocodile" got to our computer and phone. There are many apps that will help even two friends have fun. In addition, you will always have new words at hand.

For little ones

Many parents believe that playing Crocodile Swampy is the same as playing the classic associative puzzle. It's not like that at all. For young children, the classic "Crocodile" will be very difficult. This is because they do not have such a large vocabulary. Of course, you can play this game with them, but it is important to choose very simple words that they know and that they encounter every day.

But playing Crocodile Swampy is a lot of fun. This is a small browser game that already has several versions. She tells a story about Swampy, a cute crocodile who loves to swim. But he doesn't always succeed. The fact is that Swampy is the only crocodile in the sewers who loves cleanliness. The rest of his relatives can only misbehave and harm. Therefore, you will need to help the green clean to swim.

Game "Crocodile" is able to amuse absolutely any company, regardless of its age and views, it reveals the acting abilities and ingenuity of the players. One has only to start playing, as all the participants have excitement and unprecedented enthusiasm in the eyes. My friends and I have been practicing this game for a very long time, and, nevertheless, it always goes with a bang, and if new people appear in the company, they join it with great pleasure. Can be all entertainment program make up parties from different variations of this game, and your guests will be very pleased. In addition, the game does not require pre-training, as well as special equipment and premises, just the desire to play is enough. And now I will tell the beginners the rules of the game and give some tips.

The essence of the game

A word, phrase or phrase is guessed (at the discretion of the facilitator or participants). One of the players must show what was hidden without words, only with gestures, facial expressions, and postures, that is, pantomime.

There are two versions of this game - individual and team.

In the first case, one of the players calls the other a task (a word or phrase), and he tries to explain what was hidden to the rest by means of “pantomime”. The player who is the first to name this word or phrase will, in turn, have to explain the next task given to him by the previous driver in the same way. You can prepare task cards in advance, and the players will pull them out at random.

In a team game, all players are divided into two teams. One of them gives a task to a player from the opposing team. For a certain period of time (for example, 3-5 minutes), he must depict the meaning of this task so that his team can guess the given word or phrase. If they did it, they got a point, and now it's the turn of the second team to guess. And so - until you get bored!

Rules of the game "Crocodile"

1. The player shows the word using only facial expressions, gestures, movements. He is forbidden to pronounce words (any, even “yes”, “no”, etc.) and sounds, especially those by which it is easy to guess the word (for example, by the sound “meow” you can easily guess that the cat is guessed).

3. It is forbidden to show the hidden word by letter, i.e. show words, the first letters of which will add up the hidden word!

4. Guessers can: ask the player any questions; ask the player to show synonyms; list any options that appear. Remember that a lot depends on the activity of those who guess, on their ability to ask the most significant questions.

5. To display a word or phrase, allotted certain time. If the correct answer is not heard before the end of this period, then the word is considered not guessed.

6. If one word is guessed, then it should be a noun in the nominative case and singular(for example, any object or animal).

7. Attention! The word is considered guessed if the word is pronounced exactly as it was guessed (with the same prefixes, suffixes, etc.). For example, the word "sun" was guessed - in this case, "sun" would be the wrong answer.

Special gestures

It is best for players to agree in advance on special gestures denoting certain concepts. For example:

  • first, the player shows on his fingers how many words are in the task, and then begins to depict any word (the team helps the player and asks: “Is this a noun?”, “Is this an adjective?”, etc.)
  • cross with hands - “forget, I show again”
  • the player points his finger at one of the guessers - he named the word closest to the solution
  • circular or rotational movements with the palm - "pick up synonyms", or "close"
  • a large circle of hands in the air - a broader concept or abstraction associated with a hidden word
  • the player claps his hands and makes a wave with one hand - you need to add a suffix to the word named by the team, the root of the word is named correctly (cute - cute, dress - dress)
  • crossed fingers - prefix "not"
  • the player points the finger behind the back - the verb is in the past tense
  • the player claps his hands - “hooray, the word was guessed correctly”, etc.
  • Come up with your own variants of gestures for the concepts of “repeat”, “quite the opposite”, “show in parts”, “close in meaning”, etc.

Tasks for the game

For those who are just learning the game, it is better to start with simple words on any specific topic, then move on to more complex abstraction words (for example, "perfection", "science", etc.). Experienced and artistic players can guess phrases, famous expressions, films (it is desirable to immediately show the number of words on the fingers), or famous personalities and characters.

When tasks are no longer thought out, you can use the available art and philosophical books. Experience shows that guessing phrases from books is much more difficult than those invented on the go.

You can draw whatever you want:

  • Any arbitrary words
  • Words related to a specific topic (any topic can be: circus, office, shop, school, fruits, candy names, animals, clothes, sports, professions, etc.)
  • Emotions, feelings
  • Famous personalities
  • Fairy tale characters
  • Phrases from songs
  • Films
  • Sayings and proverbs
  • and many many others…

Variants of the game "Crocodile"


Each in turn pulls out a note from the box indicating which of the animals he needs to portray, and the company must guess which one he portrays.

Emotions and feelings

Players take turns pulling out cards on which various emotions and feelings are written (joy, sadness, boredom, surprise, disappointment, etc.). Each participant is given two minutes to portray that emotional condition which he got.

catch phrases

Task: on the sheets are written known to everyone idioms From the movies. Players must, without words, only with the help of pantomime, depict these catchphrases to your team. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Silent poet

Task: poems are written on the sheets, the players read them to themselves and, with the help of facial expressions and gestures, retell to their team so that they can quickly guess.

famous person

Prepare cards with the names of famous personalities in advance, fold them and put them in a hat. The essence of the game: players draw cards from a hat, read the name of a celebrity on it and try to depict this celebrity without words (with gestures, facial expressions). The one who guesses, himself pulls a note from a hat and depicts a celebrity that has fallen out to him. You can award a point for each guess and give the winner a prize at the end of the game.

Picture a song

Print out the lyrics of songs known to everyone in advance, fold them and put them in a bag. Then choose the first driver from all the players. He pulls a song from the bag, reads the text "to himself" and, using pantomime, tries to convey to the players the meaning of each line. The one who guesses the song changes places with the driver and takes the next song out of the bag.

TV show

The task of the players is to portray a TV show: to show its brightest, distinctive features. The rest must guess what the “TV” is showing.

Guess the item

Prepare in advance various items: trinket, toothpaste, pen, soap, chocolate, balloon, notepad, etc. The names of these items are written on separate pieces of paper, which are then rolled up so that the participants cannot see what is written. Then the participants take apart the papers. Everyone must depict the object that he got, and the rest of the participants must guess what is being depicted. The participant who first names the displayed item receives it as a gift.

Witness testimony

You need to choose one person who will guess. He retires for a while while the company (or host) figures out who the perpetrator will be. You can guess anyone, including the guesser himself. When the player returns, everyone present, without the help of words, but only with gestures and facial expressions, portrays the appearance of the criminal to him. If the player does not guess the criminal after three attempts, he drives again. If he guesses, then he chooses new person, and the game continues until you get bored.

original, originally team game. The name is due to the fact that the explainer of the rules usually thinks of the first word "crocodile", then shows it. Game idea. One of the participants thinks of a word or phrase. One of the participants shows what was hidden by any gestures, postures, etc. etc., but you can’t speak at the same time. Two game options:
1. The participants are divided into two teams, one team guesses, then chooses a player from the other team and he shows the participants from his team, and they try to guess. If they give up, then guessing a point.
2. Everyone guesses, except for the person who guessed the phrase. When one of the participants guesses the phrase, he then goes to show, and the phrase is invented by the one who showed. Some details. First, showing on the fingers makes it clear how many words. Then he starts showing from the word with which it is convenient.
The guessers first ask, "Is this a phrase from a movie? A proverb? A wise thought? From a book? Newspaper? Just some kind of nonsense?" By nodding your head "yes" or "no" showing simplifies the task. When the players in the process of guessing say some words, the pointer points his finger at the one who has more similar. He tries to vary the word, asking: "Is the ending wrong? The meaning is the opposite? The word is not the same, but the meaning is the same? Not at all?" You cannot show the letters of words, but you can show words in parts if they are separate words. For example, "skirting" - you can depict shots. Experienced players use special signs to play:
a) if you point your finger behind your back, then this is a verb in the past tense,
b) crossed fingers or hands - the word "not" or "no". It is undesirable to use any objects and people in the room. With them it is easy to show actions, as well as prepositions like "in", "on" and others. The most difficult to show color. The game is very fun, especially when adults show "fat gophers" and other animals. In a youth company it is interesting to watch how the words "perversion", "sex", "pornography" show...
When the participants no longer come up with proposals, you can use the available art and philosophical books. Experience shows that guessing phrases from books is much more difficult than those that just suddenly come to mind. The phrases don't have to make sense.
Examples: 1. Violet-azure aquamarine turns blue turquoise. 2. The owl caught flies, mice, moles and grasshoppers. 3. Sex without a girl is a sign of a fool.

Game-competition for the Day of the Medical Worker

Good afternoon, dear ministers of the beautiful science - medicine!

We invite you to cheer yourself up and take part in a fun competition for honey. workers. The members of the first team are representatives of the medical professions, the members of the second team are their potential patients.

Competition task

Game-competition "Guess the gift"

This contest is funny enough. The host and several couples take part in it. The man speaks in the ear of the presenter what he is going to give to his half. In turn, the lady tells what she will do with the gift, not at all knowing what her man has prepared for her. In the case of a guess, she is awarded the corresponding prize. Thus, it seems quite amusing that the lady is "putting the pot on for work", or "boiling the book".


With the help of hair bands, you can hold a "Harem" contest. In it, the main roles belong to men. Each of the men gets rubber bands certain color(one is red, the other is green, and so on). In a few minutes, each of the participants should “ring” as much as possible large quantity women. Ring - an elastic band is put on the ladies on the wrist. Then the number of rubber bands is counted and the most agile participant is determined.


Before the start of the game, tell the participants that men, like birds, are most attractive precisely in mating season. Let each of the participants choose a partner for the game and make him the most ruffled out of him. To do this, give the ladies multi-colored hair bands. The task of the participants is on the head of men with the help of rubber bands to make the largest number khokholkov. The partner of the most ruffled is awarded a prize.


Put a bottle on the table, on top of which put a deck of cards. The task of the participants is to take turns blowing cards from the deck. Whoever blows away the remaining deck (the last cards), he lost and was eliminated. The game is played until one winner is determined.


Guests should split into pairs. In each of the couples - a woman and a man. Clothespins are attached to the back of the partner's clothes. The partner's task is to move the clothespins from the back of the clothes to the clothes on the partner's chest with their blindfolded teeth. The first pair to complete the task wins.

Game "Crocodile" versatile, able to cheer up any company. There are no age restrictions. The players develop ingenuity, and acting abilities are revealed.

It is enough just to start playing, as all the participants will have excitement and enthusiasm in their eyes. The game "Crocodile" is not limited in time.


  1. It is forbidden to pronounce any phrases, you can use only gestures, postures and facial expressions.
  2. It is impossible to show what was intended letter by letter.
  3. Do not use foreign objects or point at them.
  4. It is forbidden to speak with lips.
  5. The word is considered guessed if it is pronounced exactly as it is written on the piece of paper.

Special gestures:

  1. First, the player shows with his fingers how many words are guessed.
  2. Cross with hands means "forget".
  3. Circular movements of the hand or palm say that you need to select synonyms, the answer is close.


Number of players : from 3 people, unlimited.

A word or phrase is guessed. One player must show the hidden without clues and objects, using only his wit and ingenuity. The participant can use only facial expressions, postures, gestures.

The one who guesses the conceived phrase takes his place. For greater involvement in the game, you can assign a prize to the person who turns out to be the most ingenious, having shown ingenuity.

Funny words for the game "Crocodile" can be printed in advance and put in an opaque bag. Participants will draw cards with words, and depict the content. The one who guesses what was conceived takes the sheet for himself (to make it easier to calculate who will win), takes out a new sheet with the task, depicts what was written, and so on.

You can download, pre-prepared, a mix of all kinds of words or prepare it yourself, preferring one direction.

For example: professions; animals; plants; TV shows; hobbies and hobbies; films and cartoons; fairy tales; songs; famous people; global brands or aphorisms.


Stewardess; fireman; policeman; psychiatrist; plumber; trucker; midwife; gynecologist; urologist; beekeeper; architect; archaeologist; miner; sculptor; artist; writer; electrician; accountant; lawyer; judge; elevator operator; promoter; director; actor; veterinarian; astronaut; manager; salesman.

Living beings

Raccoon; shrimp; octopus; skunk; pelican; sloth; a fox; a lion; crab; snail; squirrel; peacock; snake; platypus; bear; ostrich; giraffe; elephant; pony; duck; goose; rooster; donkey; spider; cat; caterpillar; butterfly; starfish; sea ​​Horse; bee; fly; scorpion; dog; monkey; pig; cow; hamster; parrot; swan; cancer.

TV shows

Guess the melody; In the animal world; House 2; Himself a director; Where is the logic; Let them talk; Fashion sentence; Improvisation; Comedy club; tomboys; Moment of glory; The voice of the streets; Let's get married; While everyone is at home; Bachelor; Last Hero; Eagle and Tails; What? Where? When?; The fight of extrasensories; Field of Dreams; Stars on ice; Drive in Russian; You will not believe; Big difference.

There is no way to make cards in advance

In such a case, items can be used. Collect various items in an opaque box small size. Then, instead of a card, the player takes out a thing and tries to depict it according to the same rules. Whoever guesses the item can take it for himself. Thus, for the guests there will be not only entertainment, but also symbolic memorable gifts.

For example: toothpaste; tea bag; the spoon; handkerchief; tie; pen; chocolate; pencil; soap; notebook; ruler; Apple; banana; orange; toilet paper; candy; biscuit.


  1. Download file
  2. Print 6 A4 sheets (27 words on 1 sheet).
  3. Cut along the lines, put in an opaque bag and enjoy the game!
