Eukomis home care, winter storage and reproduction. Eukomis: planting and care (photo): how to grow a pineapple palm in your garden? Secrets of proper planting and care of eucomis

Eucomis (otherwise Eukomis, lat. Eucomis) - genus perennials hyacinth family. AT natural conditions common in southern Africa. The name is translated from Greek as "beautiful-haired" or "beautiful tuft". Among the people, the names "tufted lily" or " pineapple lily».


Eucomis is a fast growing bulbous herbaceous plant. The bulbs are large, ovoid, shiny, form a powerful root system. The leaves are collected in a basal rosette, numerous, belt-shaped, linear or lanceolate, glossy, often with brown spots in the lower part, wavy along the edge, reach 60 cm in length.

The peduncle is a thick elastic arrow with a bunch of small leaves at the top, up to 100 cm long. The flowers are collected in a dense cylindrical long (up to 30 cm) brush, multiple, wheel-shaped, white or light green with a brown or purple tint. The perianth is divided into six pale-colored lobes fused at the base, which do not fall off after flowering. Stamens (six) filiform, fused with perianth. Ovary three-ribbed, rounded. The fruit is a trihedral box, opening along the edges. Seeds are ovoid, dark brown or black.

Heat-loving flowering plant. Retains its decorative effect after the withering of the flower brush. Grown as in open field, and in containers or as an indoor culture. The flowering period is June, July, some species bloom in August.

There are 14 species in the genus Eucomis.

E. dotted(lat. e. punctata) - the most popular cultivated species. Plant height 40-60 cm. Greenish flowers, numerous (up to 100 pieces), wide open, with dark dots on the petals. The leaves are linear or lanceolate, flat, wavy along the edges, dotted with black dots or risks below.

E. red stem(lat. e. purpureicaulis) - differs in the spatulate shape of the leaves. Bracts have a characteristic color for this species - purple or purple-red with a green border.

E. wavy(lat. e. undulata) - the leaves are belt-shaped, long (up to 45 cm), wavy along the edge, without characteristic dark dots. The brush is dense, has up to 50 flowers. Bracts numerous (up to 30), wavy, green.

E. autumn(lat. e. autumnalis) - undersized species (20-30 cm). The flowers are white or cream. The only one of the whole genus is able to tolerate small frosts. Flowering later than other species.

Eucomis bicolor in a pot

E. bicolor(lat. e. bicolor) - decorative look. Arrow up to 50 cm high, painted with numerous purple risks. Flowers with bracts of light green color with purple edging. Blooms in the second half of summer.

E. Pole-Evans(lat. E. pole-evansii) - flowers are large, light green. Very rare in horticulture.

E. crested(lat. e. comosa) - a common species. The height of the peduncle reaches 90 cm, the length of the flower brush is 30 cm. The flowers are light green, pink, purple in color.

E. zambezian(lat. e. zambesiaca) dense brushes with white-green flowers.

Photogallery of species

Cultivation and care

In the southern regions, eukomis is planted in open ground, maintaining a distance of 15 cm between them. Planting is carried out in May. In regions with a temperate or cold climate, the bulbs are pre-germinated in pots, planting them in March - April. Pots pick up deep, as root system Eucomis powerful, branched. The bulbs are not buried in the ground, the top should remain at the level of the soil or protrude slightly from above. After planting, the plant needs poor watering, which is increased in the active growth phase.

Pots with sprouted bulbs are installed in outdoor flowerpots. When the soil warms up well, the plant can be transplanted into open ground by gently shaking them out of a pot with an earthy clod. Eucomis landing pattern: 15-20 cm x 30-40 cm.

Eucomis planting material

Location. Sunny, wind-sheltered areas.

Priming. Light, well-drained soils with the addition of river sand, rich in humus.

Watering. After landing, scant. During the period of active growth - plentiful, regular. After watering, it is necessary to loosen the soil around the plants. After the flowers wither, watering is reduced, when the leaves turn yellow, they stop altogether.

top dressing. When leaving eukomis needs regular top dressing. For abundant flowering every two weeks, complex mineral fertilizers, preferably water-soluble, should be applied.

It is important to know! Evkomis does not tolerate nitrogen fertilizers!

Eucomis flowers

Transfer. When growing eucomis as a container culture, a transplant is required every year with soil replacement.

bulb storage. Eucomis leaves turn yellow and die in September. The bulbs of the plant enter a dormant phase. In the southern regions, bulbs can overwinter in open ground with shelter (spruce branches, needles and other materials). In other regions, at the end of September, the bulbs are dug up, washed, disinfected and dried. Store them in a cool, dry, ventilated place in paper or rag bags. For these purposes, the compartment for vegetables in the refrigerator is well suited. Bulbs can be stored in pots with soil room temperature and minimal watering.

Eucomis crested inflorescence


Eucomis propagates in two ways: daughter bulbs and seeds.

During the period of active growth, a few children are formed on the eucomis bulb. They are carefully separated during the dormant period. When propagated in this way, all qualities are fully preserved. mother plant.

Advice! It is advisable to sprinkle the places where the children are separated from the mother bulb with crushed charcoal powder to speed up drying and prevent fungal spores from entering.

Eucomis seeds

Eukomis seeds ripen in boxes in early September. Sow them in containers with nutrient soil immediately after harvest. Growing eucomis from seeds makes it possible to obtain a new plant that is completely different in foliage and flowers from the mother. The first flowering occurs after three years.

Diseases and pests

The main problem of eucomis is the rotting of the bulbs. To prevent bulb rot, bulbs must be properly stored during the dormant period. May be affected mealybugs, spider mite, aphids, whiteflies, etc. Pest control is carried out using appropriate insecticide-acaricidal preparations.

Eucomis in a flower bed

Use in landscape design

Exotic eukomis immediately attracts attention, can become a bright decoration of any flower garden. The possibility of growing in containers allows you to use the pineapple lily as a mobile decoration of the garden, porch, gazebo or balcony. Structural clear forms make the plant self-sufficient in single landings.

For joint landings coniferous perennials, gerberas, ground cover annuals will be excellent partners. In rockeries, eukomis will become bright accent during flowering, and then decorate it with their glossy beautiful leaves. Peduncles are suitable for cutting and decorating author's bouquets.

Eucomis - very exotic plant and is rarely found in flower beds. It is not difficult to grow it, and unusual "pineapple" inflorescences will become a decoration of the garden and the pride of the grower.

Eukomis, eukomis, pineapple lily, crested lily (lat. Eucomis) is a perennial bulbous herbaceous plant of the Asparagus family. Translated from Greek the name of the plant means "beautiful tuft" or beautifully hairy. In the people, eukomis is called pineapple lily, tufted lily. The plant comes from southern Africa, in conditions temperate climate cultivated similarly to gladioli.

The bulb is large, glossy, egg-shaped, forms a powerful basal rosette. Numerous leaf blades are belt-like in shape, reach a length of about 60 cm, and have wavy edges. The leaves are green, the surface is glossy, brownish spots may be located in the lower part.

Inflorescences are similar to pineapple. An elastic thick arrow stretches about 1 m in height, about 30 cm of which are densely covered with many small star-shaped flowers that open from bottom to top, forming a spike-shaped inflorescence in the form of a cylinder. Flowers can be snow-white or greenish with a purple, brownish tint. The perianth is schistidolny, filiform stamens fused with it. The fruit is a trihedral seed box.

When does eucomis bloom?

Ecomis blooms tirelessly throughout the summer period.

Growing eucomis from seeds

Pineapple lily seed propagation is most often used by breeders. To receive a large number planting material, you can resort to this method and gardeners, but note that if you take seeds from a hybrid plant, the resulting seedlings will not inherit characteristics parent plant.

How to collect seeds

Seeds are purchased at specialized points of sale, but if there is no possibility of them self collection. Seeds fully ripen in September. You can use the following collection method. Do not wait for the seeds to ripen completely so as not to weaken the plant, cut off the arrow and put it in a container of water, when the boxes dry out, you can remove the seeds.

How to plant

Start sowing eucomis seeds immediately. Fill containers nutrient soil(a universal substrate for growing seedlings is suitable), spread the seeds over the surface, the depth of placement should not exceed the size of the seeds themselves, moisten with a fine spray. To maintain the greenhouse effect, cover with film or glass from above, provide heat (about 23-25 ​​° C) and bright diffused lighting.

Air the crops daily, maintain moderate soil moisture by spraying. Shelter is removed after emergence. In the spring, the bulbs are transplanted into open ground. Under these conditions, flowering will occur around the 3rd year of growth. In regions with a warm climate, seeds can be sown immediately in open ground in spring - then flowering can be observed already in the next season.

Reproduction by daughter bulbs

This method of reproduction allows you to fully preserve varietal characteristics.

The bulbs have a common bottom with the main bulb, so they must be carefully separated, and the cuts should be treated with crushed charcoal or fungicide. Daughter bulbs are planted for growing in containers with a nutrient substrate, deepen completely into the soil, the tip of the top should only slightly peek out above the soil surface. For normal development between individual bulbs, keep a distance of about 40 cm.

Propagation of eucomis by leaf cuttings

At the end of summer, cut the eucomis leaves and cut them into short cuttings 6-8 cm long, make the lower part of the cut v-shaped, cutting obliquely from the center to the edges of the leaf. Plant the cuttings at half their height in nutritious, loose soil, even in a food container, while remembering to make drainage holes in the bottom.

Place the container in a closed aquarium or cover with a transparent lid to create a greenhouse effect. Water occasionally with a spray bottle, without over-wetting or over-drying the soil.

After 1.5-2 months, small onions form and the first green shoots appear. Grow the plants until spring, when they become crowded, plant them in separate containers. At the end of May, seedlings can be planted in the garden using the transshipment method.

Place for planting ecoumis in the garden

Tufted lily is thermophilic. Choose a well-lit place for planting. sunlight area protected from drafts. Do not plant in lowlands ground water must pass at a depth of more than 1 m.

The soil requires light, loose, sufficiently saturated with nutrients, with good drainage (you can add river sand or pebbles).

How to plant eukomis in open ground

  • Planting eucomis bulbs in open ground is carried out with the establishment of real heat, when the threat of return frosts has completely passed.
  • Depending on the size, the bulb is buried in the soil by 2.5-3.5 cm.
  • Keep a distance of 40-50 cm between individual plants.
  • Before planting, the bulbs should be disinfected: hold for half an hour in a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate and rinse or treat with Maxim.

How to care for eukomis in the open field

Basic plant care is proper watering and the introduction of fertilizers.


Immediately after planting, water as little as possible so that the bulbs successfully take root and do not start to rot. With the activation of growth, watering is increased, avoid getting drops of water on the leaves, because they can leave stains and streaks. In very hot weather, water daily in the morning or evening. After the end of flowering, reduce watering, and when the leaves begin to turn yellow, stop completely (the plant is already preparing for a dormant period).

top dressing

The plant needs frequent feeding. During the flowering period, they must be applied every 14 days. Use complex mineral fertilizers, but minimize the proportion of nitrogen (can be applied after 1 time).

Eucomis wintering

In the southern regions, the bulbs can be left for wintering in open ground, but cover the soil surface with dry leaves, sawdust or peat.

bulb storage

Digging up the bulbs is carried out in the fall (approximately at the end of September), when the flowering ends and the aerial part dries up.

Sort the bulbs, send completely healthy specimens for storage. Place them in paper bags or wrap them in napkins, store them in a cool, ventilated area (basement, vegetable section of the refrigerator).

Diseases and pests

As a result of improper storage of the bulbs or excessive soil moisture, rotting is possible. It is important to provide suitable conditions ( temperature regime, airing) and inspect the bulbs regularly. You will recognize the rotting of the bulb in the soil by the presence of brown spots on the leaves. It is necessary to cut off the affected area of ​​​​the bulb, and treat the cut points with a fungicide.

If there is cloudy cold weather, growth rates are inhibited, and flowering may not occur.

Pests: whitefly, scale insects, aphids, spider mites. You will need to treat with an insecticide.

Eukomis in landscape design

Gardeners love eukomis for its long flowering and exotic appearance.

It will definitely draw attention. Looks great solo. It is often planted against the backdrop of a lawn, on hills, used in rocky gardens.

When landing in a container, the eucomis will become mobile, which will allow it to be placed in various places for decoration.

Eukomis will set the tone for the overall composition. It goes well, looks great against the background of plants and in. Suitable partners would be other bulbous plants:, tulips,.

Types and varieties of eukomis

The genus includes about 14 species.

Eucomis autumn Eucomis autumnalis

A plant about 30 cm high. Flowering occurs in the second half of summer-early autumn, cream-colored flowers. Resistant to the first frost.

Eucomis bicolor Eucomis bicolor

The height of the plant is 40-60 cm. The flowers are light green in color with a purple frame.

The Alba variety has white-green flowers.

Eucomis punctata Eucomis punctata

The most famous representative The flowering stem can reach a height of up to 1.5 m. The flowers are greenish in color. The lower part of the leaf plates is covered with speckles.

Red stem eucomis Eucomis purpureicaulis

Spatulate leaf blades. The stem has a purple tint, the flowers are green-purple.

Eucomis wavy Eucomis undulata

In appearance, it is most similar to pineapple. Flowers are greenish.

Eucomis crested Eucomis comosa

Very popular in our latitudes. The meter-long flowering stem has an inflorescence about 30 cm long, the flowers can be greenish, pink, purple.

Eucomis Pole-Evans Eucomis pallidiflora ssp. pole evansii

View with a light green tint of flowers.

Stricta - leaf plates on the reverse side are decorated with longitudinal stripes of a red-brown hue.

The genus Eucomis belongs to the asparagus family. That is, eukomis is a relative of domestic asparagus and garden asparagus. And he is also a relative of the hyacinth, which is striking when considering the flower arrow of our hero.

It comes from South Africa. And it got its curly name for its unusual appearance: a surface rosette of leaves, a peduncle adorned with a brush of densely sessile flowers, and finally, with the same tuft of bracts, so similar to the top of a pineapple.

The most widespread in culture - eukomis punctate(the underside of the leaves and the peduncle are covered with a scattering of contrasting dots), its variety Stricta (Stricta) it also bears longitudinal stripes of red-brown color on the underside of the leaves.

In addition to it, 4 more species can be found in the gardens.

Eucomis autumn (Eucomis autumnalis)- more flowering and more cold-resistant, with creamy or pure white with a greenish tinge inflorescences up to 30 cm high, but at the same time very large bulbs (8-11 cm in diameter).

Eucomis bicolor (Eucomis bicolor)- the flowers are framed with a purple stripe, and the seed pods turn purple in their entirety, and there are comtrost stripes on the peduncles. Interestingly, in the Alba variety with greenish-white flowers, the peduncles and foliage have a simple green color.

Eucomis crested (Eucomis comoso), perhaps the most prominent, in terms of height - the peduncle can reach 90 cm, and the inflorescence itself pleases almost 30 cm of pure beauty.

Eucomis pale-flowered (Eucomis pallidiflora), besides them, there are other relatives, but go try to find at least those listed ...

Eukomis in Greek means "beautiful vortex (whirlwind), beautifully haired." There is also another name for this plant - a tufted lily, that is, almost a curly forelock from a sentimental song popular 100 years ago.

I was lucky to get acquainted with eukomis thanks to my wife. Once she asked to pick up a certain order in one postal service. When asked what exactly I should get, the answer was: "Plants for the garden."

Since I was the only "nerd" in our family, a legitimate question arose - what exactly was there. It turned out that, among other things, pineapple lily bulbs were waiting for me.

I then very much doubted his (eukomis) ability to grow in the Moscow region. But as it turned out after only a season, he doubted in vain.

So, the order was received, and rather large bulbs opened for me in the package, similar in many respects to those of hyacinths (the relationship was clearly and inexorably manifested).

I must say that the spring of 2017 was strange in terms of weather. It was not possible to plant a heat-loving plant immediately into the ground, neither on the basis of its biological features, nor according to reviews experienced gardeners. They recommended that the bulbs be planted back in March-April, grown to an acceptable state, and only then relocated to open ground. But the bulbs arrived a bit late, and the weather was not good either.

As a result, only in May, he planted the bulbs directly into the garden. At the same time, I took into account that the plant requires a rather large volume fertile soil, good lighting, moderate watering and periodic top dressing. Just found a plastic container of 100 liters with an extra volume, which was given to the pineapple lily. But 5 bulbs in a given volume would be like lonely orphans.

I had to consider the issue of overseeding annuals to decorate the foot of the eukomis. On hand were the seeds of escholzia, adored by our family. Its bluish openwork foliage and further varied flowering (it was a mix) created a wonderful backdrop for the pineapple lily.

Although I think that shorter annuals, such as alissums, would look better “at the feet” of eukomis (and this is also a pleasant honey aroma”), as well as when growing (like mine) in a large container, some creeping or ampelous plants- lobelia, purslane, nemophila, coreopsis, bidens (string), dichondra, nolan, scaevola and others in the same vein.

The container itself could also be decorated: either with planks or, more simply, with trimmed reed or bamboo mats, which have been on sale in individual garden stores for quite some time. The hands have not reached yet ...

And then the lily bloomed ... A lot of greenish flowers, collected in a spike-shaped flower arrow, opened on the peduncles. It was unusual but attractive. And it bloomed, or rather, they, because there were 5 bulbs, until the moment threatened by frost.

And then the bulbs, along with foliage and flower stalks, were dug up and put in a place where they were not threatened. negative temperatures. When the "tops" withered and dried up, it was cut off, and the bulbs went to the "cellar" for storage. By the way, if you grow eukomis in containers buried in the garden, then after extracting the latter, you could enjoy the flowering of pineapple lilies for another month or two, since flower stalks with seed pods on still vegetative plants are also decorative.

By the way, I remembered the method proposed, probably, more than three decades ago to improve the safety of tubers and bulbs in winter time. It is based on the extremely beneficial effect of lysozyme contained in egg white and has a powerful antibacterial effect. It is necessary to dip the tubers and bulbs in the liquid protein of chicken eggs.

In this case, after drying, thin film, which protects against the effects of various pathogenic influences. Objects should be stored either in peat or sawdust conifers at a temperature of about 10°.

Thus, the algorithm of actions with eucomis bulbs is as follows (based on my experience and the experience of my colleagues).

We plant in March-April in containers (pots).

When the threat of frost has passed (or a little earlier if sheltered), we plant in the ground or larger containers in a sunny place, protected from cold winds.

Until we observe the beginning of active plant growth (the appearance of that very “forelock”), watering should be more than moderate in order to avoid rotting of the bulbs.

If there is a threat of return frosts or just cold and uncomfortable, you should cover the container with eucomis nonwoven fabric(for the night), although protection can be left during the day.

When active growth begins, fertilize the plants once every 2 weeks, avoiding excess nitrogen, and water regularly.

During the 2-2.5 summer months (May-August), we enjoy the flowering of eukomis and commemorate South Africa and the one who sold us this miracle with a kind word.

When the peduncle and leaf rosette wither, watering should be stopped and the bulbs removed for storage over time (taking into account the advice and analogies with other tuberous and bulbous).

Bulbs left in containers (pots) can be stored as is, watching closer to spring for the appearance of sprouts, after which watering is resumed and the containers are exposed to the light of God.

Do it all over again next spring!

And you can grow it on the balcony and admire the intricate beauty of flower stalks for a long time. The soil for planting eukomis requires light soil with the addition of coarse river sand, rich in humus and necessarily well-drained. As a drainage, I personally like the moderate size of the expanded clay fraction, and broken brick. The container should be chosen larger, because the scope of the basal rosette of belt-shaped leaves can reach 60 cm. And do not forget about top dressing. And it should be remembered that being an African, eucomis is picky about the level of lighting. Warmth and light are the key to success!

Eukomis (Eukomis) is a fast-growing bulbous herbaceous plant. The bulbs are large, ovoid, shiny, form a powerful root system. The leaves are collected in a basal rosette, numerous, belt-like, linear or lanceolate, glossy, often with brown spots in the lower part, wavy along the edge, reaching 60 cm in length. The peduncle is a thick elastic arrow with a bunch of small leaves at the top, up to 100 cm long. The flowers are collected in a dense cylindrical long (up to 30 cm) brush, multiple, wheel-shaped, white or light green with a brown or purple tint.

Heat-loving flowering plant. Retains its decorative effect after the withering of the flower brush. It is grown both in open ground and in containers or as an indoor culture. The flowering period is June, July, some species bloom in August.

Landing Eucomis

Before the first signs of growth appear, water carefully, the soil should be slightly moist. As soon as the bulb begins to grow actively, watering is increased. Continue to water regularly and plentifully. A plant in a pot usefully takes out to the balcony for the summer. When the plant blooms, watering is reduced. Stop watering completely when the leaves turn yellow and let the flower rest until spring. At this time, you can transplant eukomis, separate the children. Until spring, the flower is not watered.

Eukomis is planted in open ground in June to exclude the possibility of frost. Deepen the bulb by 2.5-3.5 cm. For planting choose sunny place, without drafts. The soil is loose, rich in humus, drained. After the appearance of the peduncle, the plant is fertilized every two weeks with a complex mineral fertilizer.

In the southern regions, the bulb can be left to winter in the soil, covered with dry leaves. The plant in a pot is transferred to a cool room. Since the development of the bulb consumes a lot nutrients from the soil, it becomes poor. In autumn or spring, be sure to transplant the bulb into fresh soil.

  1. crested eucomis - blooms greenish-white, cream, purple or pink flowers. The flower arrow reaches a height of up to 1 m. The leaves are covered with purple dots.
  2. eukomis bicolor (bicolor) - one of the most common species. It got its name for its original color: the flowers themselves are light green in color, and the edges of the petals, stamens and ovaries are burgundy in color, the leaves on the underside are covered with brownish spots. The peduncle grows up to 0.6 m in height.
  3. eukomis dotted - medium tall species (0.3-0.6 m.), hallmark which is the presence of bluish-red specks on the peduncles and the reverse side of the leaves.
  4. eukomis wavy - a compact low plant (up to 0.45 m tall) with long leaves wavy along the edges without a characteristic speckled pattern.
  5. eukomis autumn - undersized perennial(0.2-0.3 m.) large onion(8-11 cm). It blooms with white or cream flowers. Blooms later than other species. Tolerates slight frosts.

Cultivation and care of Eucomis

Since this plant is thermophilic, it must be dug up for the winter. You can grow it in pots buried in the ground. Eukomis also grows in spacious, well-drained containers. If you have bright window, then bulbs stored in the refrigerator can be planted for germination in a container as early as March, and if northern, wait until April.

Care The main care consists in regular watering of the plant and top dressing. Watering is stopped when the leaves of the flower turn yellow. The plant begins a dormant period, which lasts until spring. It is recommended to store the bulb at a temperature not higher than 11 degrees. This is usually the bottom shelf in the refrigerator. When stored in room conditions you won't get beautiful flowering. The bulb can be put in a paper bag.

Top dressing is carried out 2-3 times for the whole season. But it is important to know that Eukomis does not like fertilizers, which include nitrogen.

Eukomis growing in the garden

Eucomis bicolor (Eucomis bicolor) Eucomis turned out to have strong, belt-like leaves with a glossy tint, they looked almost straight up, only slightly deviating to the sides, even under pressure strong wind they kept with that one.

I was looking forward to when it would bloom, and at the end of June a thick arrow appeared from the middle of the plant, which quickly grew to almost half a meter.

And along its entire length, many buds began to bloom, and then flowers began to bloom from bottom to top, similar to white stars. I had to explain to her that it was just a flower, but she did not let up and from time to time came to me and looked to see if the pineapple was ripe.

Outdoor cultivation Eucomis

It is possible to plant eukomis in open ground only when the soil warms up enough and the threat of frost disappears, since many species do not tolerate cold. Seedlings must be hardened off before planting. To do this, you need to lower the temperature for 2-3 weeks for 5-8 hours. Eucomis seedlings should be planted at a sufficient distance from each other: 20-25 in a row and 40-50 between rows. For the southern regions, germination is not required, the bulbs are planted immediately in open ground.

Reproduction Eucomis

Children appear on the mother plant during active growth. They can be separated when the eucomis is at rest. Features of the variety with such reproduction are preserved. Another way to propagate a plant is seeds. After collecting the seeds, they are sown in containers. The seedling will bloom only in the third year. In this case, it is possible to obtain a completely new plant, different from the mother in terms of leaves and color of flowers.

Difficulties in growing "Pineapple flower" The main difficulty that can be encountered in growing eucomis is the rotting of the bulb. To avoid this, you need to properly store the bulb during the dormant period. In spring and summer, follow the rules of watering, avoiding moisture stagnation.

Diseases and pests Eucomis

The main problem of eucomis is the rotting of the bulbs. To prevent bulb rot, bulbs must be properly stored during the dormant period. It can be affected by mealybugs, spider mites, aphids, whiteflies, etc. Pest control is carried out using appropriate insecticide-acaricidal preparations.

Watering Eucomis

  • In winter - no watering
  • In summer - plentiful

Eucomis transplantation: annually in the spring. Good drainage. Earth mixture: sand, humus and sod land (1: 1: 1).

Latest articles about gardening and gardening

Use of Eukomis in landscape design

Exotic eukomis immediately attracts attention, can become a bright decoration of any flower garden. The possibility of growing in containers allows you to use the pineapple lily as a mobile decoration of the garden, porch, gazebo or balcony. Structural clear forms make the plant self-sufficient in single plantings.

For joint plantings, coniferous perennials, gerberas, ground cover annuals will be excellent partners. In rose gardens, eukomis will become a bright accent during flowering, and then decorate it with its glossy beautiful leaves. Peduncles are suitable for cutting and decorating author's bouquets.

Eukomis is a very exotic plant and is not so common in flower beds. It is not difficult to grow it, and unusual "pineapple" inflorescences will become a decoration of the garden and the pride of the grower.

Eukomis is a beautiful ornamental flowering plant, whose homeland is South Africa. In some sources, the name of the culture sounds like eukomis - both names are correct, and a slight discrepancy is explained by the peculiarities of the translation from Latin. The genus Eukomis belongs to the Asparagus family, although many mistakenly put it on a par with hyacinths due to the similarity of peduncles.

The flower is a perennial bulbous plant, which produces a spectacular peduncle at the beginning of summer, and falls into hibernation by winter. In our latitudes, eukomis in the open field feels great only in the warm season, and with a cold snap, its bulbs are dug up and stored until next spring. Despite the fact that this is a fairly thermophilic representative of the flora, growing it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

    Show all

    Eukomis - an exotic flower

    There are several species in the genus of this exotic culture, but the most popular is eukomis Bicolor (Bicolor) or two-color. The structure of the plant is typical for all members of the genus:

    • A powerful and rapidly growing root system develops in spring from a large shiny bulb with a diameter of 5-8 cm.
    • Large ovate leaves with a smooth, shiny surface and a slightly wavy edge are collected in a lush basal rosette. The length of the leaves can reach 50-60 cm, and this must be taken into account when planting. After flowering, the foliage turns yellow and dies, and the flower begins a dormant period.
    • From the center of the bulb, a powerful peduncle-sultan is formed from 30 to 60 cm high, and in some specimens it reaches 1 m.
    • The top of the peduncle is crowned with a shock of 10-15 green leaves-bracts, collected in a kind of tuft, for which eukomis is popularly called tufted or pineapple lily.
    • Star-shaped small buds are collected in a racemose inflorescence with a total length of 30-35 cm. Unlike other varieties, the flowers of Eukomis Bicolor have a two-tone color - white-green with a purple border. From 40 to 100 buds bloom simultaneously on one peduncle, and its surface is decorated with purple strokes.
    • When flowering ends, fruit-boxes are formed, inside of which dark brown seeds ripen. They are quite suitable for reproduction, however, only 3-4 years after sowing, when the bulb grows to a certain size, it will be possible to admire the flowering of young eukomis.

    Pineapple lily blooms for 1-1.5 months in June-August, and in some regions - until September.

    Landing and care

    Eukomis Bicolor can be grown both indoors and outdoors. It should be borne in mind that the flower is quite thermophilic and needs a long daylight. In the open field, the plant is not able to winter - at temperatures below + 10 ° C, vitality leaves it, and the pineapple lily may die.

    Eukomis in room conditions feels great at a temperature of + 20 + 25 ° C. If you allocate a place for a flower on the eastern, southeastern, southern or southwestern windowsill, it will delight you with a dense rosette of long shiny leaves and an unusually attractive inflorescence.

    Eukomis bulbs are planted in a large container or pot, and with the onset of warm weather they are transferred to a garden or flower bed. A separate container is taken for each bulb, although some varieties are planted with several pieces in one container.

    For planting exotic lilies use soil mix from soddy or leafy soil, sand, peat and humus in a ratio of 3:1:1:1. When planting, it is important to provide good drainage from pebbles or broken red brick, as excess or stagnant moisture can provoke the development of rot and the death of the bulb.

    The eukomis bulb is planted in March-April and is not buried in the ground - its top should be at the level of the soil in the pot.

    It is better to purchase planting material in specialized stores, where the range and quality of goods is much higher than from private traders. Usually, eukomis bulbs are packed in several pieces, creating a kind of mix - a mixture of varieties with different colors of inflorescences.

    Further care for the African handsome is simple:

    • In the period from planting to germination, the bulbs should be watered sparingly to prevent them from rotting. For irrigation, always use warm, settled water.
    • With the beginning of the growth of basal rosettes, increase watering, preventing the soil from drying out or waterlogging. In stage active flowering water often, and in the heat - moisten the air around the flowers.
    • Feed every 2 weeks using complex fertilizer for ornamental flowering plants with a minimum nitrogen concentration. During the season, carry out at least 3 top dressing - during the growth of leaves, during the budding period and at the beginning of flowering.
    • After flowering ends, cut off the flower stalks and gradually reduce watering.

    At the end of autumn, when the leaves turn yellow, the eukomis stop watering completely and prepare for "wintering".

    Storing bulbs in winter

    Depending on the capabilities and preferences of the grower, two options for storing planting material until spring are acceptable:

    • Move the pot with dormant eucomis to a dark room and store at a temperature of + 8 + 15 ° С. Moisten the soil once a month, preventing the bulb from drying out completely. In February-March, partially refresh the soil around the pineapple lily, transfer the container to a warm, lit place, resume watering and wait for germination.
    • Dig up the bulbs from the soil, carefully separate the formed babies, cut off the dry roots, dry and store at a temperature of + 10 + 15 ° C in a room with dry air. Use paper bags, canvas bags or perforated polyethylene as containers. When stored in a damp cellar, lay the bulbs in peat, sand or sawdust, which will protect the planting material from decay.

    The basement, cellar or vegetable compartment of the refrigerator with the appropriate temperature parameters are excellent for storage.

    Application in landscape design

    When growing eukomis in an apartment, the grower is limited in choosing a place. But if you have your own garden or country cottage area, much more possibilities exotic flower will attract attention in any corner, well lit by the sun's rays.

    Pineapple lily will look spectacular as a specimen plant, especially when planted on a green lawn or a small hill. Use it in front gardens and rocky gardens, combining with the most different cultures: alyssum, lobelia, gerbera, geyhera, annual ground cover and coniferous plants.


    Planting material for propagation of eucomis is obtained in two ways. In the first case, when digging up the mother bulbs, the formed babies (daughter bulbs) are separated and planted in early spring in separate containers. This method guarantees the production of young plants that are completely identical to the parent - all varietal characteristics are preserved during reproduction by children.

    Reproduction by seeds is a longer and unpredictable process. A pineapple lily grown from seeds can be strikingly different in both the color of the inflorescence and the foliage. Ripe seeds are sown in fertile soil immediately after harvest, as they quickly lose their germination.

    Experienced flower growers use interesting way obtaining eucomis seeds. They do not wait for them to fully ripen, but cut the peduncle ahead of time and put it in a bottle of water. When the fruit box dries up, the seeds are removed and sown to obtain seedlings. Such a trick allows you to save the strength of the mother bulb, which is necessary for laying the peduncle for the next year.


    Eukomis Bicolor is a unique flower. He needs good lighting and warm weather. The rest of the plant is unpretentious and does not need special care: Regular watering and fertilizing is sufficient. For beginner gardeners, digging and storing bulbs in winter can cause some difficulties. However, subject to necessary conditions planting material will be perfectly preserved and will delight you with a chic inflorescence of star buds next summer.
