Mediterranean apartment design. Gorgeous Mediterranean style in the interior

During the renovation, it is very important to choose the right design so that it pleases the owner, and he was pleased to be in the room. The wrong style can spoil a good layout and make the interior tasteless and even dull.

Everyone, of course, different tastes, and it is impossible to say unequivocally which design should be used in the interior. Therefore, we propose to consider various options design. If you are a cheerful person, love free space and a lot of light, you should definitely pay attention to the Mediterranean style in the interior.

The main feature is simplicity and lightness. Rooms in this style are spacious and bright, they do not have complex ideas, bulky furniture and heavy colors. They are literally saturated with the sun, salty air and greenery of the coastal countries of Greece and Spain - the founders of this trend. The main concept of conciseness and convenience is observed in everything: furnishings, colors, decorations.

There are two main directions, Greek and Spanish - depending on the ancestral country. They support the general idea and concept, but differ significantly from each other.

Currents of Greece

This type is distinguished by the use of cold clear tones. Often the basis is white, the whole spectrum of blue and blue, bright yellow, lemon. It is characterized by their alternation in a certain order. The base is based on two colors. The combination of white and blue is especially important. For the Greek Mediterranean direction, the use of blue and white stripes in the interior is a landmark, as it is also an ornament of the country's main asset - the flag. Also, this combination is associated with vests, which brings it closer to the sea.

As for the furniture? In this image, the main emphasis is on simplicity, convenience and a large amount of free space. Therefore, furniture is selected in the most simple design, as it should serve as comfort.

A distinctive feature is the attention to detail. "Greece" is characterized by interspersed bright pink or red decorations. For example, the gifts of flora or a pillow of this in such colors act as bright accents. There are also black details. It can be ceramic dishes, a frame or other accessories.

For the bathroom, you should choose ceramic tiles in green or blue tones. A lot of open space indoors and floral ornaments are welcome.

In general, the Greek touches in the interior make the room fresh, spacious and bright, and all the little things are designed to serve as comfort.

Light room design in Mediterranean style

Mediterranean style apartment interior

Modern mediterranean room design

Italian trends

The Italian Mediterranean style is somewhat different from its Greek counterpart. It applies only warm colors designed to create a cozy and gentle atmosphere in the room. All shades of brown, gold, olive, yellow, orange are welcome. A distinctive feature is the brickwork, which, combined with a delicate background, creates a special coziness. This element is reminiscent of the loft style, also characterized by simplicity. However, the former is more sophisticated. Often a fireplace is installed with brickwork, which gives the apartment a special warmth and creates comfort.

As in the previous one, it welcomes the presence of a large amount of textiles. Only in this case we observe a different color scheme. White or olive pillows with a gold, black or yellow pattern will do.

Furniture in this subspecies is often purchased forged or carved with patterns and interesting design. Handwork is welcome. Various details - mosaics, paintings, all kinds of accessories, candlesticks, figurines - are also made by hand. Despite the fact that some elements are massive, they do not make the image heavy, and even give a special aristocracy, which is combined with simplicity in the rest of the design.

Large windows are also a special touch. This makes the room as bright as possible and visually expands it. They are often framed carved frames and large wooden window sills.

Interesting! In Italian design, it is imperative to use windows, even in the bathroom, or make an imitation of a window opening.

It is characterized by a combination of a large number of details, and warm shades create an incredible cozy atmosphere. In spite of a large number of various combinations it is nevertheless distinguished by simplicity and comfort, fulfilling the basic conditions of the Mediterranean style in general.

Mediterranean style in the interior of the room

Luxurious mediterranean-style apartment design

We decorate different parts of the house

The Mediterranean interior of each room, while maintaining the general idea, will still be different, having its own characteristics. You can sustain the apartment completely in one of the species. However, if you have not yet decided where you want to go, in "refined Italy" or "spacious and fresh Greece" you can combine them. Using elements of different trends within the same room will be somewhat inappropriate, but you can easily create a unique design by choosing different types of style for each room.

How to act? Following a simple instruction, you can easily determine what you need to use, what actions to take to create the design of your dreams.

  • First, decide what kind of room you would like to see, spacious and bright, or darkened and cozy.
  • Next, select a color palette (determine which look it corresponds to).
  • Choose furniture (more massive, or simple and comfortable).

This information will help you decide which option to choose. Next, we proceed directly to the arrangement of various spaces.

Light room design in Mediterranean style

Mediterranean style apartment interior

Modern mediterranean room design


For the design of the bedroom, a warm background is suitable, which means it would be more appropriate to resort to the Italian style. Soft shades contribute to relaxation and good rest.

Be careful! Don't use too much brown. It is considered depressive and in excess negatively affects the psychological state.

The obligatory background in the Mediterranean style is white. In the bedroom, it can be combined with beige, peach and other pastel colors.

Details in black colors (figurines, photo frames, etc.) will be a good addition. A massive carved bed will emphasize the design.

Living room

If the living room is small, light shades will visually expand it. In this case, it is better to give preference to the Greek direction, and fulfill it in accordance with all the rules of the Mediterranean theme.

Furniture should be as simple and comfortable as possible, but at the same time delicate and refined. White carved table and chairs are well suited. A sofa of the same color with many accessories will complement the image (it is better to take the whole spectrum of blue as a basis). The walls can be executed in pale blue shades, decorated with marine or vegetable patterns. It remains to focus on some bright red or pink details (ornament on the wall, flowers, etc.), and the delicate, spacious and sophisticated dream living room is ready.

Mediterranean style in the interior of the room

Luxurious mediterranean-style apartment design

If you want to make it warm, cozy, and gather in the evenings with your family by the fireplace, use Italian trends in the interior of the living room. In this case, you need to pick up a massive carved sofa, also decorate it big amount pillows with olive, gold, brown color.

Brickwork or its imitation is suitable for wall decoration. Then place a fireplace in this wall. On the mantelpiece put various decorative items of your choice, containing black.

Would be a good addition wide window sill, equipped as a sofa with beautiful pillows. Window opening also lay out decorative brick in line with the wall. Such a room will be very cozy and create a warm atmosphere.


A bathroom in Mediterranean motifs will be spacious, bright and at the same time gentle. A good base will be green or blue tiles with floral ornament. It will be complemented by a large bath, which is usually installed in the center. The sink is best made in the form of a bowl made of granite or natural stone.

Light room design in Mediterranean style

Mediterranean style apartment interior

Modern mediterranean room design


Italian style is the best fit for the kitchen. It is made in a warm manner, which favorably affects the appetite.

Important! It is believed that cold tones, especially blue, discourage appetite, so it is not advised to make a kitchen in these colors, which is typical for Greek performance.

Set for the kitchen you need to pick up beige, yellow, peach. It is better to choose darker shades of the proposed colors. You can choose kitchen set with a worn effect, which will give it an old-fashioned look.

There can be many little things in the kitchen, which will well emphasize this direction. It could be different kind decorative dishes, jars, candy bowls handmade.

Mediterranean style in the interior of the room

Luxurious mediterranean-style apartment design


When choosing options for a loggia, you first need to decide what function it will perform. If it is intended for warm friendly or romantic gatherings, it is better to give preference to the Italian style.

In this case, you can choose a low sofa in brown, handmade wicker rocking chairs lighter by a tone or a few. Decorate all the furniture with pillows. Arrange lighting to create a romantic atmosphere. It should be soft light, you can pick up light bulbs in the form of candles. A cozy interior for pleasant gatherings is ready.

If the loggia has a beautiful fresh view from the window and is intended for daytime relaxation, you can use the Greek design. To do this, you need to choose not very dark shades of green, blue, blue, etc. As furniture, pick up a white ottoman, or a swing in which it will be comfortable to sleep, relax, and even work.

Light room design in Mediterranean style

Mediterranean style apartment interior

Modern mediterranean room design

You can decorate such an interior with an abundance of pillows, and various accessories in the Mediterranean style (decorative anchor or steering wheel). Complete the look bright accent as a basket with red flowers, and a bright spacious loggia is ready.

And a prerequisite for each room is the presence of large windows. Even in the bathroom, you need to make an imitation of a window, or build a real one, and choose curtains for it.

Mediterranean style in the interior of the room

Luxurious mediterranean-style apartment design

Main idea

The considered types of the Mediterranean direction are very different, however, they are saturated common ideas. When arranging the space, you can combine different ideas, use parts of different types, embody everything that comes to mind, but respect main idea currents. Here are its main principles:

  • simplicity and ease in everything;
  • the use of a large amount of textiles (pillows, bedspreads);
  • emphasis on small things that are made in a contrasting tone with the main color;
  • availability of handmade items;
  • big windows;
  • Lots of free, uncluttered space.

Keeping these basic rules in mind and sticking to them, as well as using the tips and examples above, you will be able to create your dream room using the Mediterranean style in the interior.

The Mediterranean style has long been a recognized classic of interior design and, today, is one of the most popular and sought-after mixed styles. A wonderful kaleidoscope of many cultural traditions and historical values ​​of the peoples who inhabited the Mediterranean region in different eras underlies the unique flavor and charm of this unique style.

The history of the Mediterranean style

Perhaps it will be difficult to find at least one more style of interior, on which nature would have had such a significant influence as on the Mediterranean style. In everything - from finishing materials to interior decorations, the influence of natural colors, textures and shapes is absolute and unconditional. The layout and arrangement of the living space is based on traditional simplicity, cordiality and friendliness - features that are so characteristic of the local population at all times.

Since ancient times, the southern region of the Mediterranean has been alternately dominated by two great states - Greece and Rome, and while the citadel and pearl of Greece - Athens, was famous for its crafts and trade, the Roman Empire was famous, above all, for its extensive conquests and numerous colonies. . In both cases, the culture of these great states over the centuries has been enriched by many original and original styles of various peoples. The Mediterranean Sea greatly contributed to this, because since ancient times it has been the most important center of navigation, linking several continents at once - Europe, Asia and Africa. Spain, which once had significant military and commercial influence in the region, also made a huge contribution to the formation of the cultural heritage of the Mediterranean. It is the cultural traditions of Greece, Italy and Spain that are traditionally recognized as the basis of the classical Mediterranean style. The cultural traditions of Turkey and Africa had a certain influence on the style.

Design Features

It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to the question - what is the hallmark of the Mediterranean style and makes up its individuality. Italian regularity and majestic simplicity of planning, Greek sophistication of finishes or original exotic decorations, or maybe Spanish abundance of natural bright colors - all this in the right proportion makes up the unique charm of the Mediterranean style.

Finishes and materials

The use of natural materials for interior decoration and interior design will be most welcome. When applying decorative plasters, preference should be given to rough, natural textures. Natural stone, travertine and sandstone effect plasters will give a great effect, but use them accentuated. Classic Venetian plasters can be used both as the main material and for individual zones and structural elements. Ceramic tiles, mosaics, as well as porcelain stoneware are typical materials for the Mediterranean interior, while the abundance of bright mosaics for the Italian type of interior will be more appropriate than in any other style. Terracotta tiles, as one of the classical materials of antiquity, are also widely applicable.

To finish the floor, a parquet board, an array, or a regular laminate can be used. Traditional types wood for the region - oak and pine. The solid oak floor, although quite expensive, is a very stylish addition to an authentic Mediterranean interior. original design decision can become constructs from natural wood, or imitating its texture: beams, ceilings, partitions, etc. Among fabrics, preference should be given to dense rough textures, materials made from natural cotton.

Color solutions in the Mediterranean interior

The color scheme of the Mediterranean style, just like the texture of the finishing material, is formed by the local incredibly picturesque nature in combination with the traditional crafts of the indigenous population of the region. The southern region of the Mediterranean Sea has such a rich palette that the designer will have to work hard to reflect at least part of this abundance in the interior. The unusually bright turquoise of the sea waves, the shining golden of the endless wheat fields, all sorts of shades of green - from the rich emerald vine, olive branches and cypresses, to soft mint, yellow, like warm sunbeams, energetic red - the color of spiced wine, orange, and, of course, sky blue - are only the basis of the colors of the Mediterranean.

However, the abundance of colors and the use of bright colors is a phenomenon more characteristic of Italian and Spanish types of interiors. Terracotta, light yellow and gray - the colors of clay, sandstone and natural stone, traditional building materials, are universal. The palette of a truly Greek style is distinguished by restraint. Bright blue and intense blue are the traditional colors of an authentic Greek interior, which, however, are more often used for decor, murals and individual accents than as background colors. White, as well as light shades of natural colors - beige, lemon, olive, on the contrary - give a great effect when used as the main colors of the interior.

For murals, ornaments and other decorative elements of the interior, you can use any bright colors, but remember that color abundance is typical mainly for Italian interiors, while the Greek style implies, above all, simplicity, including in color perception.

The principles of space design

For competent interior design, regardless of its stylistic orientation, it is important not only to complete the finishing with materials that match the style, using correct colors and textures, it is necessary, first of all, to create a unique atmosphere and comfort in your home. This principle is especially relevant for mixed styles, which is the Mediterranean type of interior.

In order for your interior to be complete, harmonious and truly stylish, you must decide on the main style direction- the Mediterranean type of design, as mentioned earlier, consists of several ethnic cultures, while the project must have a basic thematic focus, i.e. your interior, one way or another, will be either Greek, or Italian, or Spanish, elements of the rest cultures will only complement it. Since each of the styles has a distinct personality, the wrong balance of elements can destroy the integrity and harmonious perception of your interior.

Mediterranean interior in Greek style

The Greek style is based on the attractive simplicity of the interior, unusually light colors and a lot of light in the space. In the decoration are used mainly bright hues natural colors - blue, lemon, cream, olive and gray. Bright tones of rich ultramarine, green, yellow and even red are suitable for creating a colorful ornament, painting, and not too bright color accents.

White, a symbol of purity and impeccability, is considered to be the basis of the interior in the Greek style, although it is not classical, and gained its popularity only at a later time. White can be used both for interior decoration and for interior decoration, with proper use, the effect of the interior is created, as if shining from the inside, and, in addition White color is the best background for such a popular and so characteristic of the Greek culture of decorative ornament. Ornaments and artistic painting in the Greek interior should be made in the same technique, while an excessive abundance of colors is not typical. this style. As a rule, only two or three colors are used in such interiors.

The traditional finishing material is ceramic tiles with various patterns and ornaments. Another very characteristic feature of the Greek interior is the presence of handicrafts in it - this can be wicker furniture, original embroidery, as well as any product in the style of an original ethnic craft. Statues, stucco and, of course, all kinds of vases and amphorae with antique texture and ornament are widely used as decorative elements.

Mediterranean interior in Italian style

Italian style is the scale and solidity of the interior. Its characteristic features are the rough sophistication of the finishing textures and the simple and majestic layout with a huge living room, which traditionally has a fireplace, and sometimes even a small decorative pool. Materials are used for decoration various types. Decorative plasters with rough (sandstone, travertine) as well as noble (marble) textures, bright mosaics and rough masonry are traditional solutions for the Italian style.

Color solutions bright, juicy and diverse - unlike the Greek style, you can actively use red, orange, bright yellow, emerald and, of course, sky blue and all kinds of combinations of them. Natural wood furniture will be a great addition Italian interior. For decoration, you can use small clay figurines and various exotic (including African) products and objects. But do not forget that the excessive luxury of the interior is not consistent with the moderation and simplicity of the Italian style. An exquisite addition to the interior can be a painting in the style of the world-famous majolica.

Mediterranean interior in Spanish style

For spanish style to a much greater extent than for all of the above, the brutal aristocracy characteristic of medieval castles is characteristic.

Rough forged elements, wooden beams and ceilings, majestic massive furniture with luxurious dressing are the invariable elements of the Spanish style.

The use of vegetation in the interior is typical for all areas of the Mediterranean style, fruit vases, plants and flowers will be great additions to any such interior.

Mediterranean house exterior

The exterior of the Mediterranean dwelling plays an important role in the organic completion of the style. small open veranda with indoor plants in clay pots, or a luxurious terrace with a real garden and decorative ponds will perfectly complement the beautiful, sunny and unusually colorful style of your Mediterranean interior.

The Mediterranean style in the interior of living rooms and other premises has become one of the leading trends relatively recently. Combining some of the trends from past centuries with modern design principles, the updated style has gained mass popularity. He was loved for his unique southern charm, sunny warmth, soft color scheme and various decorations.

The style has absorbed the cultures of several countries. Intersected in it details of several civilizations, fragments of various interior genres were printed. The result was a kind of mix with elements of country, provence and shabby chic.

At the same time, there is room for innovative ideas, whether it is an image of an elegant butterfly on a wall picture, a pair of Byzantine arches in the hallway, a tiled table top in the living room, or forged furniture details in the bedroom interior.

As the name suggests, the style originated on the banks of south sea. Some of the ideas came from Turkey, France, Spain. The other is from the African coast of Morocco, Egypt, Tunisia. But still the main influence was made by Italy and Greece. It was they who played the first violin in determining the style, giving birth to two directions: the Italian Mediterranean and Greek.

Features of the Mediterranean interior

The main distinguishing features of the style are open space and an abundance of light. Even in a small room, light and other accents are arranged in such a way as to create the illusion of volume. Here are just a few of the Mediterranean style living room design tips that help achieve this effect:

  • arches, wide doorways and large windows to the floor;
  • lighting with several switching modes;
  • tulle, curtains, light awnings air materials and fabrics;
  • lack of bulky furniture in the interior;
  • ease of finishing with natural materials without pretentiousness and pomposity.

At the same time, elements of unpretentious mannerism are almost mandatory, which highlight the uniqueness of the home. Among them:

  • ceramics, whether it be a couple of earthenware jugs in the room, a fireplace with tiles or tiles of soothing shades on the walls or floor;
  • ethnic accents, for example, in the pattern of pillows or curtains;
  • decorative components: from sewing and lace to forged armrests, lattices, chandeliers;
  • wooden or wicker furniture, including chests of drawers, open shelving, cabinets, chests, rocking chairs;
  • natural vegetation, incl. in the kitchen and bathroom;
  • lack of pathos and pomposity, and with them - carpets, tapestries, bright color prints on the walls and upholstery.

The color scheme of the Mediterranean-style apartment differs slightly in the Italian and Greek versions, but there are no clear criteria for distinguishing between them. So, Italian prefers the whole spectrum of warm tones with its modulations from sand to yellow, from creme brulee to coffee, from cream to chocolate, from terracotta to chestnut. Their combinations with different shade white will create not only warmth and comfort in the interior, but also an atmosphere of hospitality and southern charm.

The Greek version presents and accentuates the entire palette of the white and blue sea.. This is turquoise, and blue, and emerald, and aquamarine, and beige, and ivory, and sea waves, and gray clouds. You can choose the scale and decor so that the splash of the waves of the coast of Attica will be felt in the living room, and the peaceful sand of the beaches of Thessaly will be felt in the bedroom.

Mediterranean style house

The Mediterranean style façade keeps pace with its overall concept. But since this housing option is more common on the south coast, all the details of the architecture are aimed at keeping the house cool.

House facade

The façade is characterized light colors in the exterior, flat tile roof, the presence of large open balconies or terraces, shutters or awnings, a natural stone or in decoration. The interiors of Mediterranean villas range from simple one-story and small-sized spaces to luxury mansions with their own pools, cypress courtyards and hanging gardens.

Mediterranean style in landscape design

The arrangement of the patio, at the same time, is considered a key element. landscape design. The courtyard area can be small, but at the same time cozy and stylish, overlooking the sea, a mountain range or just an emerald slope of a rural pasture.

In design patio there should be a place for a small lawn, and a stone frame around the flower beds or an unpretentious fountain, and a bench with forged legs. The flowerbed decor of clay flowerpots, amphoras, vases with stylized cracks and chips will well emphasize the southern flavor. In conjunction with ampelous plants they will become a real piquancy of landscape design. And the paths paved natural stone or wooden roundels, will create a rustic mood.

Mediterranean style in the living room and bedroom

The romance of the Mediterranean style extends to its interior. Anyone entering the house should feel its warmth and light, comfort and practicality, lightness and freedom. Therefore, the main rule of interior design is considered a ban on overloading it with pretentious details and monumentality. So, if a design is created with zoning of the common space, then the plasticity of the transition between the zones is obligatory. If a pair of columns is chosen in the hallway, then only in the simplest Doric design.

Illumination of a living room in a Mediterranean style

Since the living room is the place where the whole family usually gathers to discuss the news, the design should fully contribute to the soft flow of relaxation and conversation. And here the factor of light is very important. A window to the floor or even its imitation due to a long light tulle will create the illusion of the middle of the day in evening time. Wide arches in the design will not allow the space to become closed and turn into a small patch of light. The same principles apply to the bedroom.

A special place is given to the chandelier in the Mediterranean style. Let it be multi-track forged, or strict classical, or in the form of a polyhedron, the main thing is that it is in complete harmony with the space. Like a sheaf of bright sparks turned on at the same time, the chandelier should resemble the sun's rays. That's why predominantly fluorescent lamps are used. The modes of changing the brightness of the light to create a particular atmosphere are very welcome. If the room is divided into zones, then the light source should be in every corner, leaving no dark spots in the interior.

Walls, floor, ceiling

When planning to equip a living room or bedroom in a Mediterranean style, even at the project development stage, you need to choose your own stylistic genre: Italian warm or Greek cool. After all, this is exactly what you have to do.

  1. If preference is given to Italian, then, in addition to choosing the appropriate range of colors, you need to take care of worthy finishing materials. Coarse plaster is suitable for walls, and it is better if with simulated creases, roughness, and irregularities. The contrasting decoration of one of the four walls with an ornamental pattern of the Mediterranean is not forbidden. The ceiling, complemented by wooden beams, will only decorate the interior. The beams can be parallel to each other, in a “herringbone”, rhombus or three-dimensional triangle, have a contrasting or matching color with the ceiling, but at the same time not create the impression of something hanging over your head.
  2. When choosing a Greek profile for finishing part of the walls, preference should be given to ceramic tiles and polyurethane blanks. With their help, you can finish both the surface of the fireplace and the edges of small niches, and lay out the pattern of the floor or the space between open shelves. Polyurethane beams are perfect for finishing arched lines, creating a border on the ceiling or an elegant embossed strip in part of the room. It's not scary if the Greek motif is partially intertwined with the Italian one.

The floor should be in harmony with the overall appearance of the room, whether it's just a living room or a kitchen-living room. In the Mediterranean style, a high-quality laminate with a discreet texture, or linoleum with imitation of wood veins, and even stone or stone-like material, especially near the fireplace or bar counter, will look good. A rug of coarse fiber or straw, thrown casually on the floor, will perfectly complement the interior.

Furniture and decor

Mediterranean style gives preference to upholstered furniture. These are sofas, armchairs, and poufs. Colors range from delicate plain and slightly pockmarked to striped and geometric. The abundance of pillows of various sizes will give the interior even more comfort and practicality.

From cabinet wooden furniture, any chests of drawers, cabinets, open cabinets, shelves, tables, both with a flat and rough top finish under an aged tree or with a deliberate chip in the most prominent place, are welcome.

This is a kind of chic Mediterranean style. It will be appropriate rattan or wicker furniture. It can be either a separate item, for example, a rocking chair, or a series of decorative elements: slats at the coffee table, armrests soft sofa, baskets with small change on the shelf.

A special role in decorating the interior is played by the presence of color spots on the walls and floor. Do you like still life or landscape painting? So hang it up. Are you a fan of various wall displays? So organize an exhibition of ethnic plates, stylish southern hats or seashells with beautiful forms. Love edging? Then make a mosaic frame around a window or mirror, a rattan edge around a clock face, or a tile pattern on the stairs. Anything will do if it is pleasant and desirable.

Mediterranean style in the interior of the kitchen is subordinate general principles directions. Therefore, everything related to lighting, curtains, furniture remains in force. But with the decoration of the walls you can dream up. It is very appropriate in the kitchen to use Mediterranean-style tiles. Patterned ceramics on a countertop or on a wall called an “apron” will not only become beautiful part interior, but will serve as good for many years.

Furniture for the kitchen is selected as functional as possible, but not bulky. If the kitchen is combined with the dining room, then a small sofa and a pair of matching chairs will be in place. If you want a lot of lockers, then let them be with matte surface and smooth lines. Minimalism in the interior is also possible, when one vintage sideboard will replace all the furniture, and the dining area will consist of a pair of chairs and a miniature table.

Mediterranean style bathroom

She, of course, should be not only beautiful in a Mediterranean way, but also functional. Ceramic tiles, this time glazed, will again help to complete this task. It will protect the surface of the walls in the bathroom from high levels of humidity. Embossed or smooth, the color of a sea wave or coastal sand - any tile model will do. She can finish not only part of the wall, but also lay out the floor ornamentally, like a bath or shower rug, make a mirror frame out of it, decorate built-in niches or shelves with it. The main thing is that all these details create harmony and unity of style.

In the bathroom a window made of opaque glass blocks is allowed. Stylized as sea ​​wave or white-green foam, they will give the room additional illumination and airiness.

The Mediterranean style is varied and unpretentious. He accepts everything that is beautiful, practical and down to earth. But this apparent simplicity can become that gloss that you don’t want to leave.

Unlike almost any other Mediterranean style in the interior is not defined by a clear set of details. Its much more characteristic feature is the presence of an atmosphere of peace, relaxation and tranquility, which is so characteristic of the life of the southern sea coasts. This style absorbed the features of many coastal cultures of the Mediterranean: Greek, Italian, Spanish, Turkish, North African. The warm sea, the abundance of sun and light, the territorial proximity of these cultures led to the presence common features who created the unity of style.

Traditional mediterranean house interior

In contrast, say, the Mediterranean style is mostly committed to a cold range, combining a large amount of white and saturated, bright colors blue and blue: azure, turquoise, emerald. As contrasting accents - bursts of pink or purple.
This style is typical for the traditional houses of the Greek villagers, entirely carved out of blocks of limestone. Inherited from these uncomplicated dwellings mediterranean style there were also rough white walls and rough furniture, knocked together from wood or woven from reeds, floors of earthy colors and reed mats on them. Niches were often cut down in the walls, using them for shallow shelves. The shelves were decorated with uncomplicated utensils: dishes with hand-made home-made painting. The life of the peoples of the sea was distinguished by a fair amount of asceticism. Therefore, the Mediterranean style in the interior is functional, utilitarian, devoid of pomposity and embellishment. These features make him related to. But, at the same time, it is precisely the rejection of excessive decor that creates an atmosphere of relaxation, typical for interiors in the Mediterranean style.

The ascetic style is emphasized by the almost complete absence of textiles: wooden benches without soft seats, the absence of curtains (they were replaced by shutters), carpets, bedspreads - one of characteristic features. A lot of textiles can only be in the bedroom: there are bedding with multiple ruffles and handmade lace. As elements of decor, lace napkins are often used, for example, on chests of drawers or small tables.

Furniture - either wooden, roughly knocked together and heavy, or wicker from cane, or forged. Wooden furniture is most often painted. It can be dark brown, blue, blue, olive, less often white or one of the light sand shades.

Mediterranean style in the interior of the apartment

Modern Mediterranean style is eclectic. Being originally the receiver of a whole galaxy of related cultures, today it has absorbed the features and modern world. Not only materials, but also lifestyle changes have left their mark. But the main thing in interior design in the Mediterranean style is the transfer of the same mood of relaxation and peace.

Today, of course, no one will build limestone walls. A variety of modern materials will perfectly cope with the imitation of the complex texture of a poorly processed stone: from plasters to textured ones. But the color of the coating is better to choose white. Wall decoration in absence sea ​​view become, painting, or fresco with a suitable plot. They will do an excellent job with imitation of wall niches.

Floors are best done unglazed earthy - terracotta shades. True, one should take into account the peculiarities of our northern climate. Therefore, in order to be comfortable in the room, it is better to provide.

The mediterranean-style ceiling is white. Often the ceilings are decorated with imitation of massive wooden beams in traditional colors: brown, blue, white. The surface of the beams imitates an old, not too smooth, withered tree. Another decoration is a chandelier. It can be forged or made of natural materials, for example, cane.

No room is complete without furniture, but the Mediterranean-style interior should not be overloaded with it. Forged or wicker furniture will do. A massive wooden table or chair will also fit perfectly into the interior.

Mediterranean style in the interior of the living room

Despite all these assumptions, the spirit of the Mediterranean-style bedroom is still the same bright, peaceful, relaxing and relaxing atmosphere.

Mediterranean style will suit you if:

  1. You are a happy owner of an apartment or house in the southern latitudes, on the seashore or other body of water
  2. If you prefer natural materials
  3. If you value comfort, lack of ostentation and pomposity
  4. If the main purpose of your home is a comfortable stay
  5. If you want to save on repairs. Such an interior, as a rule, is quite cheap.

The Mediterranean style was born in the interior in the south of France, in Italy, Greece, Spain, on the western coast of Turkey and northern Egypt. Its design is very simple, without unnecessary luxury and chic. So, the design will not entail too high costs, repairs can be done even with your own hands. The decor of the house is dominated by light colors and smooth lines. Best of all, the style is suitable for people who love peace and tranquility.

The main characteristics of the style

In the photo: Mediterranean-style interior

Recently, the style has undergone some transformation. Initially, it served to decorate houses in small fishing villages. From here comes the simplicity and functionality of the design, a small amount of furniture and textiles in the interior. After all, in small house can fit only the most necessary things. But over time, the Mediterranean style in the interior migrated to large estates, acquired sophistication, while maintaining its conciseness. Here are some style signs:

  • Simple laconic decor.
  • Forged metal jewelry in dark color.
  • Furniture made of natural wood with elegant carvings without unnecessary details.
  • Stained glass windows.
  • Smooth architectural lines (arched openings, spiral steps).
  • Woven carpets, tiles and mosaics on the floor (parquet can be laid in the bedroom).
  • Wicker furniture on the terrace.
  • White color is the basis of the wall decoration and contrasting dark furniture.
  • Use in decor saturated shades- blue, olive, turquoise, terracotta or sand.
  • Active use of imitation frescoes, decorative mosaics with marine symbols.

The Mediterranean style has its own variations depending on which country's traditions underlie it. The most popular are its Italian and Greek subspecies. In the Italian version, warm tones are more often used (terracotta, sand, yellow, ocher, brick and cream). You can see frescoes on the walls of the apartment, and stained-glass windows on the windows. The house is replete with wrought iron decorations, the furniture is low and dark in color.

In the Greek style of design, the primary colors are cold (green, turquoise, blue or cyan). The texture of the walls is rather rough. Mosaics with traditional patterns are often laid out on the floor. In the house you can see wicker chairs and the same mats on the floor. This gives the interior lightness and brings it closer to nature. The Greek version is most suitable for country house or cottages.

Mediterranean inspired kitchen

Pictured: Mediterranean style kitchen

Most people in southern Europe love to eat well and cook delicious food. So, the kitchen in their apartment occupies one of the central places. It is worth noting that here they not only cook, but also gather the whole family for lunch. A Mediterranean-style kitchen must have the following features:

  • More light.
  • Simple finishing (whitewashing of light colors, areas of tiles or mosaics near the work wall).
  • Tiles on the floor.
  • Two zones - for cooking and for eating.
  • The furniture is wooden (or wood-like) with simple carved elements.
  • Big kitchen table with wicker or forged chairs.
  • It is desirable to hide household appliances.
  • It is best to cover the windows with shutters or hang simple linen curtains on them.
  • The main decor elements are ceramics, forged lamps, flower pots. On the floor, you can lay a wicker rug or mat.

If the design of the Mediterranean-style kitchen is closer to the Greek version, its walls should not be too even. It is best to cover them with plain white paint or paint with a light pastel tint (maybe blue, light green). High ceilings can be decorated with dark wood beams. The Italian type provides for great imagination. The walls are leveled working area lay tiles or mosaics. Whitewash tone - white, beige, lemon or sand.

Furniture is desirable to be made of wood. It should look a little rough, be functional and practical. An oak table will look great in the center of a Mediterranean-style kitchen. If there is no possibility to order solid wood furniture, MDF with inserts imitating wood on the panels will also do.

It is better to replace the stove with a hob. Hide the refrigerator, oven, microwave oven in special cabinets so as not to spoil the whole design. Instead of a washbasin, you can put a square sink made in marble or ordinary stone. The wall near the slab is finished with stone, mosaic, tiles with Mediterranean motifs, or tiles imitating brickwork. In our climate, it is desirable to make the floor heated. Floor color - terracotta, brick, clay color. Tiles with different antique (Roman or Greek) patterns will look very nice on the floor.

In the photo: a simple Mediterranean-style kitchen

The interior of a Mediterranean-style kitchen should not be overloaded with details. Therefore, curtains, colored napkins will be superfluous here. The maximum that can be allowed is a plain linen tablecloth on the table and the same curtains. For lamps, it is best to use "antique" lampshades, wicker or forged ones are suitable. Cute pots of flowers or a large tub of ficus will complement the overall atmosphere.

Mediterranean style living room

The living room is a place in the apartment designed for the rest of the whole family, pleasant meetings with friends. In the Mediterranean, such meetings are always accompanied by a meal, unhurried conversations. Therefore, the central place here should be a table with many seats (small sofas, chairs, couches). But cabinets and sideboards, on the contrary, should be smaller. The maximum that would be appropriate here is shelves with books along the walls. So, a Mediterranean-style living room has the following characteristic features:

  • The walls and ceiling are light, the type of finish is whitewash.
  • On the floor, ceramic or stone tiles of terracotta, brick, brown color (in a cool climate, you can replace parquet or bring electric heating under the tiled floor).
  • The main furniture in the room is a table made of natural wood (oak, pine), forged chairs with wooden seats in the Italian version, or wicker chairs in the Greek version.
  • You can put small sofas with wrought iron armrests or wicker couches.
  • Oak or pine shelves with books, a small coffee table as an addition.

For whitewashing in the living room, you can use warm colors - beige sand, light yellow. For a Greek living room, white is best. Dark beams on the ceiling will bring a highlight to the design. You can lay a simple rug or mat on the floor, although in the classic mediterranean interior the floors are bare.

Pictured: Mediterranean style living room

Furniture in the living room should be wooden. It is best if it is old. If you can’t buy this, various antique-made headsets will do. Should not be abused ottomans and other upholstered furniture. One sofa or couch will be enough. But there should be more chairs in the living room than in the whole apartment, so that there is somewhere to seat all the guests.

There are also few textiles in the design of the room. You can limit yourself to a light, plain cape on the sofa, the same tablecloth and a simple curtain on the window if there are no shutters on it. You can decorate the living room with bronze lamps, caskets, antique vases, flowers in large tubs or small pots. Items should not be too much. It is better to place the TV on the wall so that it is not conspicuous.

Mediterranean style for the bedroom

The interior of a Mediterranean-style bedroom should be as concise as in the rest of the apartment. Traditional light whitewash is combined with a dark floor in brown or terracotta tones. Instead of tiles on the floor, it is better to lay parquet, as it is quite cold in our latitudes. And the bedroom should be warm, especially the floor, which is often stepped on. bare feet getting out of bed.

Pictured: Mediterranean style bedroom

There should not be a lot of furniture in the bedroom, only the most necessary. Traditionally, a bed is placed here, a small cabinet or a table near it, and a wardrobe (if the house does not have a dressing room). For the Greek bedroom suitable wooden furniture with elements of weaving. In Italian - more often you can see a metal bed with a wrought-iron back, a table made in the same style.

Softness and warmth can be brought into the bedroom with the help of textiles, this is almost the only decoration that fits here. White or linen-colored bedspreads, pillowcases, duvet covers will look very nice. They can be carefully embroidered with your own hands or decorated with delicate lace. It is better to make the light in the bedroom muffled, cover the windows with shutters or thick curtains.

Mediterranean style in the bathroom

Pictured: Mediterranean-style bathroom

An elegant Mediterranean style bathroom will look very beautiful. With the help of tiles and mosaics, you can turn it into real antique baths. And the conciseness of style allows you to create original design even in a small apartment. Primary requirements:

  • Tiles of various sizes and textures are used to decorate walls and floors.
  • All communications are hidden in the walls, this creates more space.
  • Furniture is chosen compact and functional, if possible they hide it in niches.
  • The light should be dimmed, illuminate only separate zones(washbasin, bathroom, shower).

Different types of tiles allow you to show your imagination. You can create very interesting designs, combining mosaics, large square or rectangular tiles, ordinary plaster. A Mediterranean-style bathroom can be antique or more modern look. Color solutions - the most diverse. Italian version - warm colors (terracotta, brown, brick, ocher, olive). Greek bathroom - white with blue, green, blue or turquoise patterns.

In the photo: Greek-style bathroom

For illumination, you can use frosted lamps, forged lamps or light bulbs built into the ceiling. Furniture can be put wooden, but specially treated for greater resistance to moisture. Instead of a conventional washbasin, a stone sink is suitable. In the same style, you can make a bathroom or shower.

Mediterranean style in the interior is becoming more and more popular. It is suitable for decorating both a small apartment and a country house. The kitchen, bedroom, living room and bathroom will have a magnificent view. Its simplicity and conciseness will satisfy the most sophisticated tastes.

Video - Mediterranean style kitchen
