What color clothes do men like. What men don't like in a women's wardrobe

A real man with his appearance can say a lot. Clothing, shoes, hairstyle, accessories and other attributes - all this speaks for its owner. An attractively dressed man can win the heart of any woman.

We will tell you what elements of the men's wardrobe will help attract women's attention and gain recognition from the beautiful half of humanity.

Business suit made to order

An elegant, solid suit is a classic. And as you know, classic clothes never go out of fashion. If a woman sees a man dressed in a perfectly matched suit, she will never remain indifferent.

White top and jeans

This simple-looking, but rather attractive combination will give a man a masculine look that most women really like.

Henley T-shirt

The Henley style T-shirt is a popular item of clothing for famous Hollywood actors and world athletes. A casually unbuttoned collar attracts the eyes of the fair sex.

Quality shoes

Good shoes are the most important element of the wardrobe, which says a lot about a person. Girls are well aware that they should always be clean, of high quality and elegant. And the main thing is the combination of shoes with clothes. That is why ladies often pay attention to this element of men's wardrobe.


Girls love it when a guy wears a T-shirt or V-neck sweater. This gives masculinity and grooming. That is what attracts the eye.

Rolled up sleeves and thin tie

This look is the perfect combination of business style with carelessness. A tie adds seriousness, and rolled up sleeves dilute the look, as if to say: "My work is not the only passion that drives me."

T-shirt with print

Even the most ordinary things will sparkle interestingly if you complement the image with a T-shirt with a stylish and original print - it can be an inscription, a drawing or a pattern. When choosing such a T-shirt, pay attention to the quality of the print itself. This is important because after washing, poor-quality application may be erased and the item will be damaged.

Tasteful accessories

Nowadays, all kinds of leather, wicker, metal and rubber bracelets, scarves, glasses are in fashion. They add a little romance. And this is what girls find very sexy.


A tastefully chosen headdress transforms a person and distinguishes him from the crowd. So choose the right cap/hat/cap/baseball cap and get ready to be the center of attention of girls.

Well maintained look

A man can wear stylish clothes and fashionable accessories, but if he looks unkempt and sloppy, we doubt that he will make a good impression. If a man wants to see a well-groomed and beautiful woman next to him, then he himself must take care to have a well-groomed and neat appearance.

When conducting numerous surveys among women on the topic “What style of men's clothing do women like”, in addition to the leading answers “No clothes at all”, it was noted that women like those men who dress expensively, stylishly and with good taste.

Almost none of the women gave the answer “fashionable”, most often in the answers of women there were the phrases “maximum accuracy” and “your own style”.

Women especially like jackets and stylish handmade men's suits, it's no secret that the weaker sex is especially attracted to men by their representativeness, solidity, neatness and grooming, as well as emphasized masculinity and restrained elegance. Even little fashionistas try to look 100% to attract the attention of their girlfriends. So, school uniforms are dominated by classic trousers, shirts, jumpers and, of course, jackets.

But this does not mean at all that strictness and formality must be present in suits and jackets. On the contrary, judging by numerous polls, it frightens and repels the majority of the fair sex. But modern fitted jackets and suits of individual tailoring, with an original cut and unusual details, well-fitting to the figure, are very popular with women. Such suits and jackets speak without words about your impeccable taste, leaving room for freedom and creative improvisation.

No less important is such a detail in men's clothing as a shirt. Under a fashionable fitted jacket, it is better to wear a stylish shirt with a modern fitted silhouette with non-standard eye-catching details.

Some of the women may be impressed not so much by the elegance of a man as by his smartness and athletic figure. In this case, the sporty style of clothing will not be repulsive, but, on the contrary, will be attractive. We just have to remember that sporty style does not mean sportswear.

If we mention what women like most in men's outerwear, then the leading place, as before, remains with leather jackets.

In conclusion, I would like to note that in fact the weaker sex is annoyed, as a rule, because of the tastelessness, lack of measure and sense of style, as well as from carelessness in relation to their appearance of men.

Women do not like it when men incorrectly combine the things they have or dress according to the multi-layered “cabbage” principle. Therefore, try to purchase only those clothes that will be fully combined with your style, emphasize the male personality and will be perfectly combined with the things you already have in your wardrobe.

If you want to win a woman's heart, then do not forget about various little things - unusual accessories, stylish details and original cut of clothes. All this, of course, will cause unprecedented admiration for you in any woman.

To the eternal question - what to wear to please him? - Approach from different angles. You can study scientific works on the most pleasing to the male eye shades, styles and textures of fabrics. And you can answer the question from the contrary. What to wear so as not to dress incorrectly?

Our list of the nastiest pieces of women's clothing, compiled from our survey of men, held up a few surprises. As you might expect, on the blacklist are Afghani pants, thongs (especially those that look out from under jeans), platform shoes, moccasins and ugg boots. Men also dislike capri pants, low-waisted jeans, high-waisted jeans, and jeans tucked into boots. With disdain, they reacted to flesh-colored tights and lingerie and surprisingly categorically rejected mini-skirts, leggings and cropped sleeves. What thoughts, images and desires are behind their preferences?

The main conclusion is extremely simple: men, whatever one may say, still continue to think in simple and quite traditional clichés, even if they never admit it to anyone. These stamps grew out of images familiar from childhood and beginning, like Motherland, from a picture in your primer. The girl is depicted there in a dress or skirt, a woman in shoes, a hat for warmth, glasses for vision or from the sun, sleeves should cover the wrist bone, and trouser legs should cover the lacing of boots. Everything that deviates from these canons, at worst, men subconsciously did not like, and at best, caused uncertainty and alertness.


First of all, in order to evoke a positive reaction in a man, a woman's garment must be understandable. If we are talking about a dress, then it should be a dress.

More or less like this. A dress worn with pants simply does not count as a dress. Moreover, they do not look like a tunic worn with leggings (which, in turn, cannot be classified as trousers in any way). In the same way, a dress in the form of a bag and a dress with displaced proportions (bat sleeve, for example, high waist, etc.) are rejected.

“Clothes of a simple style,” they say in unison, “that’s good.” Just a T-shirt, just jeans, just a bell skirt. Simple means familiar. From a girl in a T-shirt and jeans, as well as in a classic skirt, you do not expect a dirty trick. Another thing - overalls to toe. And why is she dressed like that? Why does she have three petticoats? Is there something hidden there? What if she's up to something? Or maybe she only pretends to be a girl, but in fact she is a swamp witch?

The same with shoes. Shoes are shoes. Shoes must be clear and identifiable. What kind of shoe did we draw from early childhood? That's right, heels. Without a heel is something else. Platform shoes are nonsense. Why does she need a platform, a shoe? And a completely losing option from this point of view is sandal boots. These are not boots, and not sandals, and certainly not shoes. Or knitted boots. Not socks. And not boots. How to call them? How to live next to them? Lest we be too sad, on the basis of the same considerations, we can confidently assume that many, many men will love shoes with bows on us. The bow is long familiar, feminine and firmly attached to shoes, both in production and in the mind.


Although the bow is good, however, as it turned out, we should be more careful with embellishments. Excess decorative elements are not very welcome.

The following conclusion is based on a well-known psychological stamp: a woman sees the details, and a man sees the whole. Only us, girls, the mere presence of lovely and original beads can make us buy a whole T-shirt. Meanwhile, the men shudder: “Such pretentiousness: ruffles, frills ...”

So, ruffles are pretentious? Are frills bad? Far from it. In fact, neither the frill on the hem nor the frill on the collar has scared away a single man. But if you suddenly say to him: “Darling, I saw such a pretty dress with ruffles here,” a kind of Lady Gaga, hung with frills from head to toe, will immediately appear in his mind.

Therefore, in order to convince a young man of the undoubted attractiveness and necessity of this dress, one must not speak like that. It should be like this: "Darling, I saw a beautiful red dress in a figure here." At first, the object's attention will be diverted to simple, understandable and pleasant images - beautiful, bright and in shape, and there, against their background, he will not notice any ruffles at all.

Or here is the “decoration the other way around” - they unanimously say that they “do not like torn jeans, clothes with artificial damage.” Doesn't it remind you of anything? That's right, all girls should be clean and tidy. And without any holes in the clothes. Even if it's highly artistic.


It’s not just about clothes, young people also discuss other details of appearance - and condemn. Very pleasant for men, as it turns out, "non-obvious cosmetics and a light hairstyle." Not otherwise because of the secret uncertainty. Under non-obvious cosmetics, an unpleasant surprise will not hide from him. Bright make-up and “Babylon” on the head, sticking out contrary to the laws of physics, knock the ground out from under the feet of a young man who has his eye on a girl. They fool poor men, make lilac eyes out of blue, how to live on? What if her hair is not her own or her lips fall off?

By the way, about the hair. Here, as nowhere else, the difference between the picture in the head and the real woman is manifested. Anyone will tell you that long hair is good, because it is feminine and romantic. If, languidly shaking his curls, you ask a man: “Sun, can I get a haircut?”, The “sun” will surely start waving his arms and shouting “No way, leave it as it is!”, Because it is difficult for him to think in terms of “square” or "bob". He either has hair or he doesn't. In his imagination at that moment, it was not at all a pretty bob to the middle of the neck and not even a stylish haircut, like Rihanna's, but immediately Sinead O'Connor, whose bald head he would be forced to lubricate with Vaseline before going to bed.

Therefore, despite all his protests, you can safely go to the hairdresser and embody a pretty square. Everything will be fine. He sees you, exhales noisily, mentally guides the ghost of Sinead O'Connor home and admits that it's even very okay, and an open neck is, it turns out, sexy.


Men also discovered in themselves a dislike for milky, beige, flesh and other colors of designer tenderness. They like “pretty, bright colors.” Have you noticed here an invisible equal sign between beautiful and bright? Yes, it is difficult for him to understand the play of complex shades of the same gray, and even more so it is difficult to accept the fact that steel gray is good, and aluminum gray has not been worn for two years now. For the sake of experiment, you can take a man, bring him to a women's clothing store to the counter, on which identical blouses of 5-6 colors are laid out, and ask him to choose which one is the most beautiful. I bet that in most cases they will choose red or blue, and not earthy brown, milky white or dusty beige.

I was also surprised by the dislike of men for corporal tights. “They look like bare legs,” the gentlemen say about them. Approximately in the same terms, one reader expressed about nude nail polish: “Where is the varnish?”

Here is how one respondent responded to a question about the dislike of flesh-colored tights: “The point is not the tights themselves, but the fact that some people wear them all year round - both in summer and in winter. And then such a girl walks in the cold, on top of a down jacket or fur coat, hat, scarf, everything is as it should be in the cold, boots (often black) from shoes, and between that and that - bare legs! It’s a pity for her, and it somehow looks wild, something like a miniskirt or a short jacket in the cold.

You understand their logic: tights are thin, so they are not for warmth, but for beauty. And if for beauty, then they should be visible. Therefore, they must be black or variegated. And flesh-colored tights fall under the definition of "a useless easily torn item that can be unpleasant to find on a woman's legs." Like, why are these transparent things needed if everything looks the same without them? Nothing but fooling the poor fellow. Insidious, insidious women.


Some men noted that they do not accept women's coats and jackets with elbow-length sleeves and really, really dislike capri pants. Why? We already know the logic. A coat with a sleeve to the elbow is not a coat at all. Short trousers - but what kind of trousers are they? Surprisingly, men do not perceive well mini-skirts - those that are the size of a maxi-belt. Is it a skirt, girls?! If a thing looks like a belt, then it should be called a belt. And wear over a good, understandable skirt with a length somewhere up to the knees.

What are we to do? Here's what I propose. Asking a man what he would like to see on a lady is not necessary at all. Don't we dress and make up for ourselves? So let our clothes be pleasant first of all to ourselves.

And if you want to reconcile your loved one with a non-banal item of your wardrobe, it’s enough to come up with a convincing answer to his question “why?”. The more down to earth the better. We wear tights so that the shoes do not rub. Trousers tucked into boots save you from the autumn slush. The wide skirt has very comfortable pockets. And it's warmer in general. All the same, the men unanimously declared that the main thing is not the details (in which, as it turned out, they understand little), but "the general harmony of appearance."

Irina Berlinova

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Not all things in a women's wardrobe are considered attractive by men. Fashion dictates some rules, while the representatives of the stronger sex like other looks. To look attractive not only in terms of trends, but also in the eyes of men, it is necessary to study what kind of clothes they like.

sexy outfit styles

Among the attractive styles it is worth noting:

  1. Form-fitting. It is important to observe the measure. The outfit should not look depraved. Suitable dress on the figure with a medium length. A shallow neckline or a slit on the skirt is allowed.
  2. Emphasizing the waist. No matter how comfortable oversized clothes are, men like to see a clear silhouette of a female figure. You can highlight the waist with a belt or choose a fitted model.
  3. Opening shoulders. Slender and beautiful arms and shoulders should be shown. It is necessary to slightly open them, and not openly demonstrate them. Remember about the edge, so as not to look defiant.
  4. Midi skirt length. It is this length that is considered the most attractive for men. Scientists conducted research and proved that things up to the knees or covering them slightly are very popular with the stronger sex.

Attention-grabbing color

In addition to styles, the color range of products also matters. It has been proven that guys like plain things more than colorful ones. Various prints, patterns create a more blurry silhouette.

Reference! When choosing the right color, do not forget about the combination of gamma with skin type. The selected models should be in harmony with the figure and appearance of the girl.

Among the shades that are attractive from a male point of view, it is worth highlighting:

  1. White. Allows you to add elegance to the image. Guys perceive it as a tone that gives a feeling of youth.
  2. The black. Differs in mysticism and sexuality. Creates an image of a confident woman.
  3. Red. Men like it very much. It is associated with passion, sexuality. A great option for seducing the stronger sex.

It is recommended to follow these tips:

  1. Neatness. Any outfit should be clean, fresh.
  2. Shape selection. Pick up things worth those that fit the proportions of the body. The outfit should emphasize the dignity and hide the cons of the figure.
  3. Color palette. It has already been noted that men like monotony more. Do not combine more than 3 colors in one image, so as not to become a bright parrot.
  4. Material. The fabric is better natural, soft. May slightly miss part of the body. Rude materials should be discarded.
  5. Blouses. Better models with a small neckline or styles with buttons in front.
  6. Skirts and dresses. It has already been noted that the ideal length is knee level or below. It is better if the waist is highlighted, the style can slightly fit the silhouette.
  7. Pants, jeans and shorts. The last two items guys like because of the pull back effect and the fact that you can see the exposed legs. Pants are not a very attractive piece of clothing, and when choosing an outfit to attract a man, they should be discarded.

What outfit do men dislike?

It is worth noting the things that guys do not like too much:

  1. Oversize. Everything that hides the figure, and does not show it, including shapeless sweaters, outerwear.
  2. Pants with a low waist. If the jeans are lowered so that the underwear is visible, this will rather repel the strong floor.
  3. Maxi skirts. They hide their legs.
  4. Child T-shirts. Looks very ridiculous.

Also on the list of forbidden things were overalls, leggings, empire dresses, harem pants, trousers with a high waistline. These things do not attract guys.

In the desire to please a man, choosing the perfect outfit, it is important to remember about moderation and the combination of things with the type of figure and appearance.

What men's things do girls like, and what, on the contrary, repel them? This question is extremely relevant today for the strong sex. After all, clothes for men are like bright plumage, in which they try to win the attention of ladies.

Of course, men's wardrobe items should cover nudity, protect from wind and sun, and keep warm in cold weather. But their functions do not end there: nothing prevents men's clothing from being beautiful and having an attractive appearance. Modern fashionistas are well-versed in style trends, they learn to experiment in clothes and harmoniously combine men's things. Let's find out what they need to pay attention to in order to please women.

Shirts for men. Many ladies admit that they love to look at men who wear shirts. Free style, unexpected details, original cut are welcome. A shirt is a versatile thing, as it is indispensable at work, and is also suitable for walking, going to the cinema or going to a nightclub party.

Leather things. Men should also pay attention to outerwear - the combination of a jacket with trousers and shoes plays an important role in the eyes of a girl. Especially stylish are things made of genuine leather. In the online store today it is very easy to order men's jackets for every taste: "rocker" leather jackets, jackets, jackets, etc. Sexuality and drive that come from leather things are very attractive to women.

Sporty style. A healthy lifestyle, athletic physique is the "trump card" of men who take care of themselves. You can dress your muscles in clothes for men, which will emphasize the dignity of the figure. Purely sports items are appropriate only in the gym, but stylized wardrobe items are suitable for the street. For example, beautiful men's sweatshirts can be worn with jeans to please the female gender. All kinds of T-shirts and expensive sneakers are also appreciated.

Men's jackets. The fair sex appreciates masculinity, grooming and elegance most of all in guys. Not surprisingly, men's jackets are among the top most attractive wardrobe items. But these are not strict office items with a touch of officialdom, but fashionable fitted jackets, decorated with original details. This image is close to improvisation and spontaneity, which acts on girls like a magnet.

What annoys women in menswear

What is it that scares women so much in the appearance of men and their manner of dressing? Of course, this is a matter of taste: some girls are horrified at the sight of “baby” hats with a pom-pom, others are alarmed by knee-high ties, shiny or striped gangster-style suits, and others pay attention to too short or white socks worn under dark shoes. . The list is endless, but there are still a few general observations that most girls will agree with.

Most often, women are annoyed not by the presence of a particular detail in the wardrobe of guys, but rather by carelessness, the inability to select things with taste, to correctly combine them with each other. It is unlikely that you will see admiration on the face of your companion if you come to a meeting in a crumpled, dirty, awkward, even a suit assembled from fashionable things.

Men are advised to discard stretched sweaters and holey socks, and instead buy fresh, high-quality new clothes. Women love men in clothes that suit their personality. Bright unusual accessories will help to reveal your personality even more: belts, scarves, gloves, ties.

The answer to the question of what kind of men women like is quite simple - dressed stylishly and tastefully. There is no need to spend a lot of money on your men's wardrobe and hunt for branded items. The main thing is to follow the accuracy, neatness of appearance and skillfully create suitable ensembles. It is important to choose the right outerwear and accessories for men.
