How to choose the color of curtains. How to choose the right curtains: professional advice

Are curtains needed? Previously, this question could not even arise in the minds of our parents, grandparents. Since curtains in their view are an integral element of the interior of any room.

Today, most people strive for minimalism and simplicity in design. Therefore, doubts about the need for curtains are quite common.

On this account, one can only answer that this is a purely individual choice of each and it is up to you to decide. However, it should be noted that the curtains are still important element interior and not only as part of the design, but also perform practical, protective functions. Moreover, in our time there is huge selection colors, styles, materials and designs. Therefore, one can find suitable option even for the most non-standard premises and realize the most fastidious fantasy.

Why curtains are needed

First of all, let's figure out what function the curtains perform in the room. After all, the choice of the desired option also largely depends on the purpose for which you acquire them.

Functional purpose of curtains:

  • protect from sunlight;
  • help to keep warm and prevent drafts;
  • provide privacy, close from prying eyes;
  • can help in modeling the room;
  • create a feeling of comfort and coziness, will be a great addition to the design of the room.

What are the curtains

Today there are a huge number of types of curtains. Basically, they can all be divided into the following groups:

  • textile;
  • blinds;
  • roll;
  • bamboo;
  • Roman;
  • roller shutters.

Each of the presented types has its own advantages and disadvantages. It should be noted that not every type curtains fit for a particular room, the shape of the opening, the interior, the style in which the room is decorated. Therefore, the issue of choosing curtains must be approached comprehensively.

How to choose curtains for a certain style

If the room is decorated in a certain style, curtains must be purchased in accordance with it.

Below are some tips.


This style is suitable for light, airy fabric and delicate shades. You can use white, cream, olive, blue colors.

From the material suitable linen, cotton, chintz.


Characterized by pretentiousness and abundance decorative elements. For decoration, lambrequins, cords, various pickups are suitable. Lined fabrics are often used to give it more volume.

Curtains made of the following material are suitable for baroque style:

  • velvet;
  • silk;
  • jacquard;
  • Damascus.

Of the colors, preference should be given to golden, emerald, ruby, silver hues.


This style is characterized by brightness, contrast, color saturation and at the same time simplicity of texture and form.

Preference should be given to plain or pleated curtains without frills and small decors.

The colors should be bright, contrasting, the pattern should be large (most often these are large squares, circles, rhombuses, winding lines).


This style is characterized by the use of light fabrics, tulle, organza, taffeta. Curtains should not look pretentious, the use of fabric ties is allowed.

Also for window decoration in this style, roller blinds, Roman and bamboo blinds are perfect.

High tech

This style is characterized by simplicity and practicality. Suitable for medium weight fabrics. Solid colors (mainly gray, white, steel, brown), without patterns and complex drapery.

Today, monochromatic roller blinds, Roman blinds are especially popular in the design of this style.

How to choose curtain color

First of all, the color of the curtains should be combined with the furniture and the shades of the walls.

If you don’t have interior items in your room yet, and you are just planning the design, pay attention to the fact that with the help of curtains you can visually simulate the premises.

Here are some tips:

  • if the room is small, light colors should be chosen to visually expand it. Either plain or large pattern;
  • dark tones visually reduce the room;
  • if you choose curtains to match the wallpaper, they should be slightly lighter or darker than the wallpaper so that everything does not merge. In general, advice is to refrain from using the same tones with wallpaper and focus on the color of interior items;
  • the use of cold tones (blue, lavender, mint) will visually “deepen” the room;
  • if the interior of the room is made in rich colors - it is better to take curtains in plain, neutral, delicate shades;
  • if you want to focus on the window in order to distract your eyes from other less successful interior items, you should use bright canvases, complement them original elements decor (tiebacks, lambrequins).

For the bedroom and nursery, it is better to take calmer colors: green, mint, beige, blue, sand.

Yellow, orange colors refresh the room, better fit for the living room.

Can also be combined different variants flowers, which will give the design of the window a certain zest.

How to choose curtains to correct the weaknesses of the room

Perhaps you have never paid attention to the fact that with the help of properly selected curtains, you can visually remodel the room and hide its flaws, emphasize advantageous points.

So, consider which curtains are suitable for different forms and room dimensions:

  • if the room has low ceilings, it is better to choose curtains of medium density, with a vertical pattern and in cold colors, floor-length. At the same time, if you want curtains with a pattern, it should not be large. Do not use pelmets and small decor, fringe, cords. Give preference to simple straight curtains with a little drapery. It is also better to use a hidden cornice, which will visually create the impression that the fabric is falling directly from the ceiling of the room;
  • if the ceilings are high, you should use long curtains with gathers, several times the length of the eaves. Lambrequins and various decorative details are suitable here. If the ceilings are high and the room is narrow, you can choose curtains with a horizontal pattern and cold colors. This will help visually expand and deepen the room. If the windows are wide, the curtains should be selected strictly according to the width of the opening. If you need to take your eyes off high altitude- bright abstract drawings on the canvas will help with this;
  • a wide, low-set window is better to arrange roller blinds, multi-tiered curtains made of light airy fabric. You can also combine textile curtains with blinds so as not to close the window, decorate it beautifully with a thin tulle or veil, and on the other hand, if necessary, protect the room from sunlight;
  • if there is little light in the room - choose curtains of warm, bright colors, if there is an excess - cold, neutral ones;
  • in a small room with low openings and a low ceiling, the curtains should be wider than the size of the opening itself, the cornice should be mounted as high as possible. In large rooms with wide windows, it is better to use curtains clearly according to the width of the opening.

The choice of curtains in combination with stretch ceilings

Stretch ceilings are very popular today. Basically, their use indicates a choice in design. modern style, minimalism, high-tech style. Therefore, in a room with stretch ceilings, it is better to use light, thin fabrics or medium-density material. Heavy lambrequins, velvet, fringe, jacquard will not look harmonious.

According to the color of the curtains, it is better to choose in the same color scheme as the stretch ceiling. In no case do not allow the merging of colors, they should complement each other in shade. If the color stretch ceiling light - it is better to take curtains darker in shade, if dark - lighter.

In rooms with a two-level stretch ceiling part, roller blinds, Roman blinds and blinds will look very nice.

Curtains are also beautifully combined with a two-level ceiling part.

How to choose the right curtains for stairs

The selection of curtains for the stairs (more precisely, for the opening of the flight of stairs) is determined by some points:

  • narrow small window openings;
  • the height from the floor to the ceiling is often greater than the length of ordinary curtains.

Given these points, it is better to use curtains here translucent, made of thin or medium density fabric. You can combine tulle and curtain on one side.

Original pickups, ties will not be superfluous.

What curtains are suitable for the south, west, east

Some tips on how best to choose curtains for windows different parts Sveta:

south windows

Choosing curtains from thick fabric, which have a reflective coating or a special sun-protection lining. The canvas must be resistant to fading, so natural fabrics, cotton, linen will not work. You should focus on fabrics with the addition of synthetic materials; curtains made of polyester or viscose with the addition of cotton are very practical. Colors are best used neutral or cold.

Northern part

In this case, it is better to use light translucent curtains made of organza, viscose, taffeta in light colors. This is due to the fact that the room does not darken. Little light enters the room through the northern openings.

Western part

Curtains of any density are suitable here. Red, orange, green colors should be avoided.

Eastern openings

Curtains look very beautiful at sunrise delicate flowers, blue, mint, pink, beige.

Choice of curtains from different types

And then came the moment when you need to pick up the curtains.

What is the first question you have?

First of all - what kind of curtains to choose. Indeed, today the market offers us a huge number of different types: textile, roll, blinds ... What is better?

But there is no unambiguously correct answer here, because the main thing is your desire for you to be cozy and comfortable.

However, here are some tips:

  • in small rooms with small openings, it is better to use blinds, roller, Roman, bamboo blinds instead of textiles, as they take up very little space and are very easy to manage;
  • for openings non-standard forms(triangular, trapezoid, round) fabric and roller blinds are suitable;
  • roller blinds are very convenient because they can be opened from top to bottom;
  • in very sunny rooms, it is better to use roller blinds and blinds instead of textile ones, as they have the best sun protection qualities.

Textiles on the windows complement the style of the interior, emphasize individual parts(e.g. decor, upholstery upholstered furniture), can become a bright accent in the room. Choosing curtains for windows so that they harmoniously fit into the overall picture of the space is not difficult, you just need to know the features of the material, style and style of fabric products. Also, when choosing window curtains, one must rely on the functions of the room in which they will be located.

With the help of fabrics on window openings, you can make the interior stylish, cozy and warm at home. Most people have had a stereotype since childhood: a translucent tulle and two thick curtains should be hung on the windows.

On the one hand, it is practical and beautiful, but on the other hand, this option is not suitable for every room. Often curtains become decoration of the windows of the living room, bedroom, nursery.

In the living room, which is sometimes referred to as the “hallway”, the “hall” is where the family spends time together, meeting guests. Curtains in this room should emphasize style and perform practical functions:

  1. scatter the color of the sun;
  2. hide what is happening inside the room from prying eyes from the street;
  3. protect from cold, wind and insects (in the absence of mosquito nets).

In addition to the practical use, the curtains in the living room perform a decorative and aesthetic function, emphasize the advantageous sides of the room and hide the flaws. It is best to choose textiles for windows in apartments common use by style. For example, for classical and antique style, as well as Empire and Renaissance, Roman, French or Austrian curtains are ideal.

Roman curtains resemble blinds: strips of fabric lie symmetrically horizontally on top of each other, and wooden slats are laid between them to stiffen and maintain their shape.

French curtains are reminiscent of a ceremonial curtain on a theatrical stage. Ruffles, frills, frills and several layers of fabric on the window openings in the living room can become the central detail of the interior. Austrian curtains are a shortened version of the French ones. They will harmoniously fit into the interior of the room with low ceilings and a beautifully designed area under the windowsill (new heating radiators, decorative mesh on batteries).

In order for tulle or curtains on the windows in the living room not to “press” on the psyche, add freshness to the atmosphere, it is better to select products from light, airy fabrics (satin, satin,). A small hallway will be decorated with simple-shaped curtains, without lambrequins. To visually raise the ceilings, use shelf cornices.

Curtain Solutions for the Nursery

In the child's room, the functionality of the curtains comes first. They should scatter daylight, cover the window at night (to protect from moonlight so that the child is not afraid) and not accumulate dust in their fibers.

According to psychologists, every detail in the baby's room should develop his imagination, thinking, and creativity. As an option for textile decoration of windows in the nursery, tulle is used. Often it is decorated with a pattern: a picture from a cartoon, a natural calm landscape.

When choosing tulle, you need to pay attention to the style of the room: if there are a lot of bright details in the room, then the curtain should soften this brightness, have a pastel solid color. In rooms with a restrained design, pale walls and a minimum of decor, tulle can dilute the “dullness” of the situation. Suitable colors for such a nursery - turquoise, raspberry, light green, red and orange.

What to look for when choosing

Just to take and buy curtains even before the repair begins - this is at least stupid. In 99% of cases, window textiles are selected after alteration and are guided not only by the style of the rooms and the dominant colors in the room. Competent designers advise before buying curtains to get acquainted with their types, materials used and fasteners.

Curtains and room style

To disassemble each of the interior styles in detail is only possible for professionals or very pedantic personalities. People who are doing home renovations do not have time to study the topic in depth, so they can use the advice of experienced designers:

  1. In strict classic interior curtains should emphasize solemnity - curtains are made of thick satin, decorated with decorative braid, embroidery or fringe. Tulle - light, holding its shape, decorated with embroidery.
  2. In a light Provence style or rustic country style window textile should enhance lightness. It is better to choose products from satin, organza.
  3. Modern, Art Deco will look stylish if for decoration window openings use well-draped fabrics - cotton, linen.

Another good advice from the designer: a game with a pattern. This is when the print of the fabric of the curtains is repeated in the interior, but in a smaller or larger size. For example, small bouquets of poppies are painted on the curtains, and a large picture with one bright scarlet flower hangs on the wall.

Color range of fabric accessories for windows

“There are no comrades for the taste of the color,” as the saying goes. folk proverb. But designers think differently: only a few colors can harmonize with a certain environment. You can choose the shade of window textiles based on the size of the room, style, and a little from the wishes of the owner of the house.

For example, light translucent coral curtains are in perfect harmony with light green walls, but dark red can only be used in combination with milky, pink or peach colors.

To bring to the fore some decor items (painting, panel self made, an antique mirror), the windows are covered with light blue curtains. In this design option, the blue fabric merges into one tone with the color of the sky, and becomes the backdrop for brighter objects.

Fabrics used for sewing curtains, popular textures

Basically, textiles for windows are divided into two types: curtains and curtains (tulle). For sewing curtains, such dense fabrics are used: linen, cotton, polyester and silk. More specifically, for sewing curtains, manufacturers use taffeta, blackout, brocade and fukra. Tulle is made from silk, polyester (organza, satin) and thin cotton. These are such popular types of fabrics: organza, crash (harvester), veil.

The shape and style of products

Today in great demand five styles of textiles for windows are used. The first - Roman blinds in the form of fabric blinds, are relevant in the kitchen, hallway or bathroom. The second version of textile design - classic curtains with two curtains made of dense fabric and tulle. Japanese panels are the peak of fashion in Europe, they are narrow straight canvases without folds and additions.

Cafe style is simple, comfortable and stylish. Window textiles made in this form without fasteners are hung on the eaves. The last popular option is french curtains and their shortened subspecies - Austrian curtains. Products of this kind resemble a dress of the Middle Ages - there are also many folds, frills and decor.

Fixing options for window textiles

Initially, the curtain is put on the following types of fasteners:

  1. curtain tape (braid);
  2. rings made of plastic or metal;
  3. eyelets;
  4. ties, loops;
  5. drawstring.

Then the fabric, together with the fasteners, is placed on the cornice. Today on sale there are such types of cornices: rounded wall, baguette ceiling, string and profile. You can also use lifting cornices and "cafe" options (the fabric is hung over the cornice).

Tips for self-selection of curtains for the interior

The first thing to consider when choosing textiles for windows is the size and shape of the opening. The color, style, type of textiles depend on these parameters and the style of the interior.

Not only furniture, but also textiles in the interior allows you to achieve comfort in the house. That's why it's so important to choose the right color scheme for window curtains. In this case, it is recommended to be guided by simple and understandable rules. For example, remember the ability of a warm range of shades to increase the amount of light in a room. Or, on the contrary, invite overly intrusive sun rays with the help of a cold spectrum.

Any designer to the question: “how to choose the color of the curtains?” will answer that it is not enough to combine the shade of wallpaper, furniture upholstery and textile elements in the interior. But there is another option, which implies the calculation of the contrast between all interior items. For example, bright sunny curtains contrasting with a black sofa.

It is more cost effective to duplicate the color of the furniture and curtains rather than to match the color of the walls. After all, the replacement of household items occurs much less often than repair work. However, if the issue of saving is not in the first place, you can confidently sew curtains to match the wallpaper.

Ideal Solution

It is not necessary to proceed when choosing textiles for reasons of compatibility with everything together. Experts agree that the largest or brightest object should occupy the dominant position in the interior. A huge soft corner or a chic one can be chosen as the base. kitchen set. If you associate the color of this base with the shade of the curtains, the result for any design will be winning.

Neutrality is always in fashion

Photo of curtains beautiful color belonging to the neutral range of shades, suggest one more profitable solution by design. Beige, cream or white canvases on the windows will harmoniously fit into any interior, and will also suit people with different financial situations.

How to connect decor elements to each other?

Even a neutral-colored fabric bought for decoration window opening, can be connected with the rest of the items in the room. To do this, it is enough to sew draperies or inserts on the curtains of that bright color that matches the design elements.

Window in focus

It happens that the room cannot boast of beauty individual elements. In this case, it is advisable to push the window opening to the fore. He emphasized his bright striped or checkered curtains. It is important to repeat the color of the curtains in all components of the room. For example, in the lining of pillows, a lampshade or bedspreads.

All the colors of the rainbow

The most creative personalities create a real riot of colors at home. Tones and shades in the same room sometimes simply hurt the eye. To balance this variegation, it is worth sewing soft curtains, preferably in a muted color. The walls of the room, or at least one of the walls, should act as a base.

The realm of monochrome

The monochrome interior looks elegant and graceful, accentuated by equally graceful storms. The color of textiles in this case should be a couple of tones darker than the main color in the room. A real find will be combined curtains that do not fade against the background of upholstery and walls.

Color as a means of visually changing space

Those who intend to change the size of the room with the help of curtains should remember: warm shades visually make the window closer, therefore, the room begins to seem a little larger. This rule also works in the opposite direction: the cold spectrum allows you, as it were, to move the window opening away, while at the same time reducing the spaces.

How to choose the color of curtains for a separate room?

The bedroom carries a functional load, concluded in rest and tranquility. Therefore, it is best to curtain the metal-plastic windows in the bedchambers with plain curtains. In no case should you destroy the intimacy of the sleeping area with too aggressive or bright decor.

The living room appears as an experimental platform. It is on these square meters it is advisable to combine catchy curtains with original bedspreads, as well as upholstery materials.

The kitchen, a kind of study of the mistress of the house, requires sufficient lighting for proper cooking. This need dictates general rule for kitchen curtains: use exclusively light and light fabrics.

What colors harmonize with each other?

Turquoise looks chic in any interior, but it is most advantageous to use this cold shade combined with golden tones. Appropriately turquoise curtains look exclusively in rich houses.

Red, due to its aggressiveness, should be diluted with pink or beige tones. Complemented with such an image, the red material will make any room cozy. With the help of coral curtains, you can easily shade natural wood furniture.

50 photos of the perfect color for curtains in the interior

What curtains to choose if the wallpaper is plain? And if there is a large pattern on the wallpaper? Properly selected curtains can become a highlight of the interior and give it a logical completeness. From this article you will learn the rules for choosing curtains and their combinations with different types wallpaper.

Secrets of the right choice of curtains

  • Bright curtains enliven the design, light curtains make the interior softer and more tender, and dark ones bring a touch of contrast.

  • In order for wallpaper and curtains to harmonize with each other, they must be of a similar texture. To light fabric or natural wallpaper airy tulle curtains and translucent curtains are suitable, and durable vinyl or non-woven wallpaper will also be combined with thick curtains.

  • You can mix cold and warm tones, they will balance each other: for example: blue and orange, gray and yellow.

  • In rest rooms it is not advisable to hang bright and catchy curtains. In the living room or kitchen, on the contrary, such curtains will become a color spot, and the corresponding shade can be duplicated in other textiles (sofa upholstery, tablecloth, carpet, etc.).

Which wallpaper is suitable for which curtains?

Three methods of color decoration are common:

  • Monochrome.
  • Bright shades.
  • A game of contrasts.

For monochrome interiors you need to choose curtains to match the walls (lighter or saturated shade).

For bright accents curtains with a catchy ornament or a rich shade are suitable.

Remember bright colors visually reduce the room, so they need to be shaded with light shades. The most common example of a contrasting design is black and white.

Shades should complement each other and not upset the balance. To make it easier to choose related tones, a color wheel is used:

5 rules for choosing curtains for wallpaper with a pattern

1. If the walls are decorated with wallpaper with a large and catchy ornament, curtains and curtains should be plain or with a small pattern. It is not advisable to choose textiles and wallpapers with the same pattern, they will simply merge.

2. For wallpaper with a small pattern and plain, curtains are bright plain or with a large ornament. You can focus on complex draperies and layering.

3. Always take into account the style of the wallpaper: vertical stripes, geometric patterns, abstraction on the walls will only be combined with plain curtains. Small floral ornament and flowers on the wallpaper can be duplicated on the curtains. You can combine floral themes and geometry - it will turn out very interesting. If there are large flowers on the wallpaper, then on the curtains a small print will look sparse and poor, it is better to choose a rich monophonic material.

4. Consider the illumination of the room: for sunny rooms it is worth experimenting with cold and dark tones. If natural light is not enough, bet on warm-colored curtains and sheer tulle.

5. Mother-of-pearl and metallized details on the wallpaper can overlap with the curtains. But so that the room does not look like a box, there should be discreet embroidery on the curtains.

Curtains and interior

The choice of wallpaper, furniture and textile decor is subject to the rules of an integral interior. Wallpaper with a geometric pattern or bright will be in perfect harmony with discreet Roman or French curtains.

Modern style is impossible to imagine without plain walls and contrasting curtains with abstraction.

Eco style - natural colors with a discreet pattern, baroque - Chinese silk, massive curtains embroidered with gold.

Hi-tech and East style goes well with roller blinds in discreet colors.

A few more examples successful combination general style interior, wallpaper and curtains.

Curtains in the interior should be a concise and final accent. The room should not be overloaded with prints or mismatched colors, then it will be easy and pleasant to be in it!

Window decoration is usually the finishing touch that helps us complete the look of the room. How to choose curtains for the interior so that they look harmoniously in the room, make it more comfortable, and, if necessary, hide flaws? It is worth paying attention to the design style, color, and material from which they are made. How to choose the color of curtains? It depends on what color your room was made in, on its dimensions, and also on its purpose.

Basic criteria for choosing a color

To decide on a color, you need to decide what exactly your curtains will be combined with.

  1. Under the color of the furniture. Most often they are matched to the color of the furniture. And it's practical because new furniture we don't buy that often, so we don't have to change the curtains.

    The most common option is the selection of curtains in the color of furniture

  2. Under the color of the walls. These curtains look beautiful. But every time after the next repair, you will have to buy new curtains or constantly select wallpaper or paint of the appropriate color. If you still decide to purchase such curtains, choose a color that will be a little darker or a little lighter than the walls, otherwise they will simply merge into one. In order not to be mistaken, take a piece of wallpaper to the store. If your wallpaper is decorated with a large pattern, choose plain curtains. Monochromatic wallpaper combined with curtains, which can have a large pattern.

    Curtains should be slightly darker or slightly lighter than the walls.

  3. They are combined in color with some large detail in the room, which also catches the eye. For example, if you choose curtains for the bedroom, they can be in harmony with the bedspread on the bed. Rooms look interesting in which the same detail, for example, a drawing, decorates not only curtains, but also other interior items: pillows, carpet, etc.
  4. A very interesting effect is created by a room in the design of which a similar detail is used on different interior items.

    But it is not necessary to adhere to these rules; if desired, you can choose other curtains, for example, bright ones with an unusual pattern. Then the eyes of visitors will be riveted to the windows.

    When choosing a color, keep in mind the fact that it may change with different lighting. The interior of the room should not have more than 3 colors, so it will be easier for you to think over its design. If you want to fill the apartment with paints, consult with experts, they will help you choose the right combination.

    Curtains in different rooms

    Select curtains and depending on the size of the room. dark colors not suitable for small rooms, as then they seem even smaller. If you want to visually expand the room, you need to buy light and cool colors. Cold shades visually move the window away, the room seems larger, while warm ones, on the contrary, move the walls closer, making the atmosphere more cozy, comfortable, and the room visually smaller.


    How to choose the right curtains for the bedroom? Remember that, first of all, this is a recreation area, so flashy colors will not be appropriate here. If you cannot imagine a room without such shades, you can use them in the design of accessories. It is better to take curtains in muted shades that will promote relaxation: blue, blue, green, delicate cream tones and pearl shades will do.

    Green, blue and blue colors are perfect for decorating the bedroom.

    Living room

    What curtains will look good in the living room? The choice of color for this room is not limited, this is exactly the part of the apartment where any design and any color will be appropriate. The main thing is the selection of curtains for the interior, that is, they must be in harmony with the environment. If the style is airy, creates a feeling of lightness, then the textiles should be the same, with the effect of a flowing fabric, which, as it were, can “flutter” from any gust of wind. If this classic style, then choose curtains that emphasize solemnity, made of heavy fabric, trimmed with fringe and tassels. In the living room, lush textiles are most often used, for which expensive cornices are selected.

    Any colors are appropriate here, even red or orange, but many choose a noble brown


    What color is better to take curtains in the kitchen? Most often, housewives choose light-colored curtains that make the room visually larger (many kitchens small size) and do not prevent the penetration sunlight. What colors and patterns should be on these curtains depends on the style in which the room is decorated. So, if this is a country style, you can hang curtains with flowers, or choose a fabric in a cage, a strip. High-tech style suggests that the curtains will be cold shades.

    Light curtains will make the kitchen visually larger


    To pick up curtains in a child's room, you need to remember that very bright colors will annoy him, distract him from lessons, while too monotonous ones usually bring boredom. The color is selected depending on the design of the nursery. If they have drawings, then they should be large, and if the drawing is small, then only non-contrast, otherwise the child's eyes will be uncomfortable. Curtains should be practical, without draperies and pelmets that will collect dust.

    Green, blue and blue, and yellow - best colors for children

    The psychology of color

    Choosing curtains by color, it is important not only how they look in the interior, but also what effect they have on a person. Let's talk about it in a nutshell.

    1. White. The color of purity, which is also called the color of elegance. Thanks to him, the room seems filled with light and air, he pushes the space apart. But an overabundance of this color makes the apartment lifeless, so often its shades are used to make the room more “warm”, for example, baked milk. Psychologists say that this color helps to relieve tension, focus on the main thing, remove annoying thoughts;
    2. Brown. If you need to add nobility to the interior, use Brown color. In addition, it is the color of warmth, comfort, it helps to create a feeling of stability and security;
    3. Red. Too powerful color, color of action. It can create an atmosphere of cheerfulness, encourage activity, but you should not overdo it, because. Many people associate it with danger. You can hang red curtains in the living room if you plan to meet friends in this room and spend time actively. But it does not contribute to relaxation, therefore it is not suitable for the bedroom and for the nursery;
    4. Orange. it warm color, energetic, it attracts attention, uplifts and invigorates, evokes joyful emotions. Suitable for living rooms and kitchens, as well as offices, as it promotes mental activity, disposes to work.
    5. Green. Helps to relax, calm down, as many associate with nature. Ideal for bedroom and nursery, office;
    6. Yellow. One of the "warmest" colors, inspires joy and optimism, good for a child's room, as it stimulates activity;
    7. Blue and cyan. Removes aggression, overexcitation, helps to think clearly, create an intellectual atmosphere in the house. Gives a feeling of coolness. It stimulates the imagination, inspires a sense of trust.

    We told how you can choose the color of curtains for the interior. But if in doubt, not sure, you can always consult with designers who will help you design an apartment in a certain style. The main thing is that you feel comfortable and well in your home, that you like the way it is furnished. The apartment should tell guests about the tastes and preferences of the owners, and not just be a set of rooms copying photos from glossy publications.
