We make panels with our own hands for the interior. Panels in the kitchen - options for beautiful design and design (80 photos)

Wall panels can vary in many ways:

  • Anything can serve as a material: plastic and fabric, wood and cardboard, paper, wire and fur, postcards and photographs, buttons and yarn, mirror fragments and mosaics, branches, dry leaves and more.
  • A performance technique using knitting, embossing, embroidery, woodcarving, gluing and inlay. In this case, the decorative element may be an interweaving of lines and geometric shapes, abstract image or have a specific plot.
  • A shape that can be of any size and geometry. Decorative wall panels are made in the form of ovals, polygons, curvilinear figures and often consist of several individual elements. Depending on the size of the picture, they can serve as the main accent of the interior or its decoration.
  • The 3D effect, which is a new trend of the times in creating such compositions. It is difficult to make such a panel, but it is quite real. The three-dimensional effect in this case is achieved with the help of voluminous paper applications, various projections, etc. Applications can imitate bas-relief, high relief and unique carvings. Looks good "soft" three-dimensional panels with a pattern created using small wallpaper nails equipped with decorative caps.
  • Lighting, which makes the panel not only an element of decor, but also gives it practical properties. LED lights allows, for example, to use the panel as a night light. Lighting level can be adjusted by the number of LED elements.
Before you make a panel on the wall with your own hands, you should think about its location. Depends on color solution, size and shape of the future canvas. The distance from the floor surface to the panel is usually 170 cm.

If you plan to make a mirror panel, it should be installed so that an artificial or daylight. At the same time, reflected and diffused light will create visual harmony in the room.

Wall panels made of cardboard, cork and other improvised materials look great in free space. Therefore, it is not recommended to place such decor near other interior items, for example, shelves, photographs and paintings.

Preparatory work before making a wall panel

There are many manufacturing options decorative panels on the walls of any room. Photos of finished products can be found in catalogs or you can develop your own project. To begin with, you can try to put the planned panel drawing on a sheet of paper. Having such a sketch, it will be easier to determine the future dimensions of the picture and the materials needed to create it.

If fabric is used as a decor, you can take a piece of plastic, a board or any material that has hard surface. You need to stretch the fabric on the base, and fix its allowances with back side blanks. The finished craft is installed in a frame, and then on the wall.

The fabric can also be stretched directly onto the frame, and the surface can be decorated with glued pieces of cork, coins or decorative paper elements.

Panels can be made without a frame. This will require a piece drywall sheet or plywood. The front part of the workpiece must be pasted over with foam rubber or padding polyester, and then the resulting “pillow” should be covered with a cloth. After that, the product can be decorated.

How to make a wall panel with your own hands

Below we will consider the process of making the most popular panels from various materials.

Wall panel of colored buttons

Each house probably has a jar or box, in which buttons of different colors were put for several years: small and large, with holes or bows. If there are too many of them, a panel of such elements can easily decorate a wall that is familiar to the eye.

To make it, you will need a base, which can be a board, cardboard or fabric stretched over a frame, glue, carbon paper, buttons, a pencil, a selected drawing or your own imagination.

An original solution may be to create a “money tree” panel on the wall with your own hands: it is believed that it should bring prosperity to the house. Of course, it is better to make it from coins, but they are not green. Therefore, colored buttons for such a panel would be quite appropriate, especially since no one forbids arranging them in the same pattern with coins.

You can make such a panel like this:

  1. A drawing of a tree with a powerful trunk and a lush crown should be applied to the base.
  2. Choose brown and green buttons various sizes and shades.
  3. The necessary places of the base must be smeared with glue and alternately stick buttons on them. Pasting should begin with a tree trunk, as it will be partially hidden under the crown. Buttons that imitate leaves must be glued, leading them to the trunk - the green "foliage" should hang down.
In the autumn version money tree» Additional red and yellow buttons can be used. In this case, their arrangement with coins would be appropriate: silver color can create a background of fallen frost, and yellow can decorate the crown.

Dough wall panel

A suitable material for the manufacture of panels is salty dough. It is well kneaded and lends itself to modeling. Unlike plasticine, dough can be dried to a firm and durable state. And if after that the stucco is varnished, it can be stored for centuries.

To prepare salty dough, you will need two cups of flour, a glass of fine salt, 125 ml of water and a tablespoon of dry wallpaper glue or skin care cream. Instead of the last two components, unrefined oil is often used. plant origin.

High-quality dough should be elastic and dense, knead well and not stick to your hands. Its viscosity is adjusted by adding flour, and its stickiness is adjusted by oil. Dough can be colored with food coloring and flavored with turmeric, cinnamon, nutmeg, and other spices.

The panel is made in the following order:

  • From the prepared dough, you should mold a picture or make separate fragments for it in the form of figures, which can then be assembled into a single composition. Its themes and details depend only on the imagination of the performer and his artistic taste.
  • After completing the modeling, the panel must be sent for drying for an hour in the oven, the temperature of which should not exceed 80 degrees. Instead of an oven, you can use the heat of heating radiators, but in this case, the process will drag on for five days or more.
  • The dried panel can be painted with watercolor, gouache or acrylic enamel. An additional layer of varnish applied to the surface of the painting will make it durable.

Wall panel made of nails and threads

Using ordinary threads and nails allows you to create truly amazing paintings for wall panels. For work, you will need a board that will serve as the basis of the composition, a lot of small nails, scissors and a hammer, adhesive tape, multi-colored threads and a pattern stencil that can be printed by finding it on the Internet.

The production of panels from nails and threads is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. First of all, you should cut out the stencil and fix it motionlessly on the board with adhesive tape.
  2. Then, along the contour of the drawing and its parts, you need to stuff the carnations, duplicating them with the location of the stencil part. At the same time, the meaning of the drawing should be clear even if, after stuffing, the stencil is completely removed from the board. Its detailed outline with nails will help not to get confused in the future when highlighting fragments of the picture by wrapping threads of a certain color.
  3. After driving in the last nail, the stencil can be removed and work with yarn can begin. To do this, the end of the thread must be fixed on one of the carnations and the yarn must be wound on a specific area: for example, on a flower petal. The specific order in this work is not important. The main thing is to observe uniform winding of threads everywhere.
  4. In a similar way, each individual fragment of the pattern should be “painted over” with yarn.

Tile wall panel

Wall decor can be made from fragments of any tile: tiles, mosaics, mirror products and others. To work on the panel you will need: a base for sticking the material, pieces of different tiles, glue and decorative additional elements- corks, pebbles, beads, etc.

Further actions are performed in this order:

  • It is necessary to pick up whole tiles different kind and additional decor. The tile into the desired fragments can be cut with a “grinder” or a tile cutter.
  • The surface of the base of the future panel should be cleaned. It can be plywood, board or part of a drywall sheet.
  • After cleaning or washing base surface should dry.
  • Using transparent glue, the main fragments of the panel should be fixed on the basis. For the main layer of the coating, you need to use neutral shades of tiles to highlight the sophistication of the rest of the fragments of the tiled panel.
  • Making a preliminary sketch can simplify the work. To do this, you need to decompose everything decorative elements and mark them. After that, it will be possible to understand where and in what order each piece of tile should be glued.
  • The composition can be additionally diversified with small details: shells, beads, pebbles that can be found at home or bought.
  • After laying the tiles, grout the joints. The space between the elements of the panel must be filled with a special mastic using a rubber spatula. After that, the excess mastic must be carefully removed with a damp sponge and allowed to dry.

Wall photopanel

A unique author's decor can be obtained on the wall using photographs from a personal archive. When choosing them, it must be remembered that the photopanel should evoke only positive emotions. Therefore, it is not recommended to use photos depicting dead people or lost pets, which in the future will cause a constant feeling of depression. Much more appropriate in the panel will look like materials from the places of rest where you managed to visit, or pictures with a beautiful landscape.

It is not difficult to make panels from photographs. To do this, you need to buy a large glazed frame and fill it with memorable fragments from life. However, it will be even better to create a unique photo panel with an openwork pattern. For this, a special quilling technique is used (from the word quill " bird feather» English), which does not require special expenses.

To work according to this technique, you will need: cardboard, scissors, five wooden slats, a can of white paint, PVA glue and four photo frames.

Using wooden slats, you need to make a frame, and then stick frames on it. After that, a pattern should be laid out between the frames, consisting of strips of paper twisted using the quilling technique. After finishing the design of the panel, its supporting structure should be painted from a spray can.

Mirror panel on the wall

To make a mirror panel, you need to go through several stages of work:
  1. Create a sketch with the required dimensions.
  2. Cut out the elements of the future panel from the mirror sheet and number them.
  3. The edges of the parts should be processed and laid in the right order on the plywood sheet.
  4. When creating a composition from fragments, its details should be glued on “liquid” nails.
  5. The mirror panel can be decorated with small mosaics laid in the form of a rectangle or rhombus.
When installing the panel, you should follow some rules:
  • The surface for attaching a mirror composition to it must be perfectly smooth, otherwise the images may be distorted.
  • The side edges of the picture should not coincide with the lines of the outer corners - a baguette or border should be provided.
  • The boundary lines of the panel can be anything: straight, inclined, vertical, horizontal and round.

Bamboo wall panel

To make a bamboo panel, you just need to stick a plant on the wall in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal direction. In this way, you can decorate the head of the bed, allocate space for household appliances or post winter Garden in the living room. In addition, bamboo trunks often divide rooms, forming decorative columns, bar counters or partitions.

When making a bamboo panel in a wall niche, a number of requirements must be observed:

  1. The composition should not be placed near heating appliances.
  2. A certain humidity must be maintained in the room.
  3. To ventilate the plant from the inside, a small two-millimeter hole must be made in each vertebra of its trunk.
  4. Bamboo needs to be varnished in several layers.

Stone wall panel

For making your own wall panels, you can use a natural stone. It can be granite or marble, although this mineral is fragile. Elements for panels are usually cut out according to a template. They are glued to a prepared polymer base or installed directly on the wall. The stone mosaic looks great.

Ceramic granite is suitable for wall panels. The production of the composition is carried out using small tiles with a smooth surface and a side size of 1-2 cm. Rough tiles are usually used when installing floor panels.

Newspaper wall panel

Such a panel looks quite creative, especially since everyone can find the material for its manufacture. For work you will need newspapers or magazines, paint, scissors, glue and a clerical knife.

Further instructions are:

  • Newspapers need to be cut into sheets.
  • The resulting paper blanks should be twisted into tubes, fastening each of them with glue.
  • Tubes must be painted in different colors.
  • Alternating the multi-colored elements of the future panel, they need to be laid in a circle.
  • There should be a lot of circles of different sizes.
  • Then it is worth sewing a strong twine made circles with each other.
  • Ready-made panels can decorate the walls.
In this way, you can make very different panels that look unusual, and it is almost impossible to guess that they are made from an ordinary newspaper.

Watch the wall panel video:

We hope you figured out how to make a panel on the wall. Such work gives unimaginable scope for creativity. You can create any author's decor and decorate the room with your masterpiece. For many, this activity has become not only a pleasure, but also a permanent hobby. Good luck!

This is not only a way to apply all the accumulated ideas and give vent to wild imagination, it is also a great opportunity to create a truly individual design walls in your home, and as a gift, such a thing will always appeal to you! A sea of ​​ideas and incarnations, the most interesting options, the use of various, sometimes very unexpected materials, helpful tips and recommendations - from the already familiar to you Helena the Immortal! Meet, learn, implement! Happy viewing!

Fast, cheap and easy. Fourteen ideas on how to make your home perfectly beautiful. panel on hastily. All ideas for NON-ARTISTS, that is, extremely simple. And they are designed to help you believe in yourself and make a panel with your own hands.

What is a panel, you ask, and what is it for? :) A lot of all sorts of differences fit the definition of "panel". We need to start from functionality. And the function of all the panels is the same, and the mother of Uncle Fyodor from the famous cartoon “Prostokvashino” spoke the homespun truth about it many years ago. Remember, there was such a dialogue. Dad asks what is the use of this useless picture on the wall? And my mother replies: “This picture is very useful. She closes a hole in the wall!” Roughly, of course, it is said, but it is a fact: the panels cover design gaps. It is far from being a painting, but it is no longer a piece of the wall. This is an item that seems useless, but at the same time remove it, and you will understand how the entire interior was fragmented into fragments. The panel is the final touch in the decoration of the house, giving chic and completeness to the look. These are several items, beautifully laid out and framed. That's all. The mystery is what and how to decompose.

Panel made of plastic micromosaic and rhinestones

A panel does not have to be a masterpiece. It should be a good spot of color, and located in right place. It has to match exactly your home, so it's silly to buy something more or less suitable. It is better to make a panel with your own hands, using what is under these hands and buying only what is necessary.

Let's look at several ways to make panels. Absolutely different. When you practice and understand what the principle is, then any other will not be a question! The only thing they have in common is the frame. The frame and base is canvas, like a painting. So.

We make panels ourselves

Idea number 1. Using Lightning

We find several zippers for clothes. We intertwine them in random order, focusing on color. Glue with super glue to the substrate. The panel is ready!

Idea number 2. Of the most common hair ties

We buy a lot of them, bright and different. Or we make, if there is something. Randomly attach to the substrate. I would not even glue, but fastened with pins. Such work will sooner or later become a chic gift for hundreds of girls.

You have already understood that the feature of these panels is the variety of colors with the uniformity of the form. That is, many identical objects of different colors. You can make your own perfectly with buttons, ribbons, bottle caps... the list goes on!

Idea number 3. Diversity of form

The central part of the composition is silicone spiders. Approximately the same as in the photo. Next, take three identical empty frames, paint in White color, with black paint we imitate birch bark. From a thread of the "iris" type we weave a "web": we cross 6 threads in the center, fasten them to the buttons to the sides of the frame. Then we tie knots in concentric shapes that form a web. We glue insects on top. Birch can be decorated with leaves, you can leave it like that. Voila!

Idea number 4. different size frames

In order not to be unfounded, we take them already 13. Frames that do not differ too much in size. And a Chinese regular alarm clock. At 12, we make applications according to the principle of patchwork in country style. That is, such cheerful little pictures are primitive. In the thirteenth, we make a hole in the center, insert the clock mechanism, turn it over, fasten the arrows, and they can be anything, even straws for a cocktail. We fasten the arrows through the hole to the mechanism. Don't screw it tight, the clock must run!

Even if you are too lazy to do such simple things, fasten finished watch to the wall and 12 patchwork frames around. Very nice decoration for the kitchen wall.

Idea number 5. Marine panel

Favorite topic for many of us. Need a sisal frame. We buy or do it ourselves. And a lot of sea souvenirs brought from vacation. We arrange it beautifully, glue it with superglue. It is only important not to shift the center of gravity. A hollow shell, a round bead will be difficult to glue with a small amount of glue. And if you pour a lot, even the most transparent, the untidiness of the work will simply repel. For this kind of work, we only use glue gun. He holds the parts together with silicone-based hot glue.

When we fix hollow parts with a thermal gun, we apply hot silicone so that it covers the edge well and goes inside the part, and not out.

Idea number 6. Triptych

Three stretchers of the same size are covered with fabric. Different flaps that communicate with each other either in color or pattern. This option is called textile decor.

Or fabric with large pattern we divide into three parts. In this case, stretchers can be taken different shapes. We fasten the fabric with buttons. Very thin and transparent is better not to take. But it is very interesting when such a triptych is consistent with the curtains.

Option: three shapes - one pattern

Idea number 7. Black and white panel

Anything you want but black and white. Ideal Solution for decorating a multicolored interior.

Idea number 8. Compositions of artificial or dried flowers

Need a frame with or without a backing and floral material. Flowers, even fake ones, are beautiful in their own right. So you need to work hard to spoil the composition. On inspiration, she will always be beautiful. Since dry petals are very fragile, feel free to cover the finished ikebana with Presto spray car varnish.

Idea number 9. Fruits, berries

A very fashionable theme is dry and artificial fruits, berries and spices. Sisal (palm fibers), nuts and branches will also fit well here. The principles are the same as in flower bouquets, but the emphasis is more on the clear outlines of the lines than on the color.

Idea number 10. Panel from CD disks

Give a second life to vinyl CDs. They lend themselves perfectly to painting and decoupage (details in the article Decoupage master class ), have a perfect round shape!

Idea number 11. Embroidery

It is not necessary to embroider with a cross or stitch. A wonderful crazy style gives ample opportunities (for more details about the crazy technique, see the article Crazy technique in the interior ). This means that we fasten what we want and how we want with the help of threads. Here is the embroidery. The main condition is stunning beauty.

Idea number 12. feng shui panel

A beautifully designed hieroglyph with a good meaning attracts happiness to the house according to the statement Chinese sages. Looking at how fast China is taking over the world, maybe it's worth a try? Cut a bamboo stick into 4 parts, tie it into a frame with a rope, pull a piece of thick fabric, cardboard or leather over the frame. And draw a beautiful hieroglyph - happiness, love, wealth, good luck!

Hieroglyphs "happiness" and "money"

Idea number 13. Mosaic panels

We buy a decorative mosaic in an art salon, one set costs about 20 UAH. And post a cute picture. Mosaic always wins (details on working with mosaics in the article DIY mosaic ). It is also difficult to do badly, as is the case with flowers. Just do not rush to glue tightly, first lay out the drawing “dry” several times, play with mosaics. When you think that there is nowhere better, then take it on the glue.

Idea number 14. Abstract speed painting

We draw any bright things with construction paints and construction brushes. The main thing is to repeat this several times and remember that the colors should emphasize the interior colors. We add an accent for volume in the form of buttons, glass pebbles, etc. Why not charm!

As you yourself have already understood, a panel is something made in one breath, without painful preparations and efforts. Go ahead and decorate your home!

Many thanks to Elena for a very interesting article!

Good luck to everyone and endless creative inspiration!!

We spend a lot of time in the kitchen - cooking, family meals and intimate gatherings with friends. How to do the most favorite place the house is even more comfortable, without spending extra money, and even give new life littered with wine corks, buttons, yellowed books? Decorate the wall by hanging a hand-made panel on it! Moreover, such a wall decoration does not require the skills of a decorator.

The main themes of kitchen panels

A wall panel for the kitchen is a themed decoration that allows you to create an accent in the interior or divide the space into functional zones.

The theme of the decoration should match the style of the room. For country style, and these can be paintings depicting rural life, still lifes of fruits, vegetables, panels using spices, cereals, dried fruits, flowers, herbarium.

However, for classical cuisine such panels are also suitable, which are not difficult to make with your own hands.

Stylish graphic panels in a chic strict or minimalist frame will fit in.

And for home-made paintings in bright or contrasting frames with letters, words, sparkles, bows, images of butterflies, animals are suitable. You can make such panels using nails, threads, metal buttons, sequins, rhinestones, buttons, shells, stones, newspapers and magazine pages.

- stylish retro-style panels from newspapers, chalk wallpaper, old posters, yellowed book pages, old boards and wine corks.

Loft-style interior letters can be ordered on the Internet, or you can do it yourself.

The winning images will be three-dimensional images that match the theme of the ceramic tiles used for cladding.

Decoupage kitchen panels

A do-it-yourself panel using decoupage technique is a real author's work, it will decorate your kitchen for as long as you want.

To make such a decoration on the wall, you will need:

  • Glue - PVA and for decoupage;
  • Rice paper (napkins);
  • egg shell;
  • Primer, brushes;
  • Sponges;
  • File;
  • Acrylic paints - to guide the contours.

As for the work, they are carried out in several stages with interruptions. A primer is applied to the fiberboard with a sponge - a thin layer so that it dries faster. Then you need to make egg crackle, that is, an imitation of a three-dimensional vintage texture. To do this, the shell is crushed into small pieces and applied to the surface of the fiberboard.

Important! The shell must be cleaned of the inner film before use. It is also undesirable to use those parts of it where there is a factory stamp.

The entire surface of the base is pasted over with pieces of shell - so that small gaps remain between them. After the glue dries, you will need to prime the surface. To apply the image, paper with a selected fragment (still life, for example) is used. The secret of creating a picture is simple - the paper is placed on the file "face", poured with water, applied to the primed workpiece. The paper is leveled, the file is removed, after which the dried image is covered with decoupage glue.

With the help of special napkins or rice paper, you can make a wide variety of panels - and they will look like amazing author's paintings on the wall.

Kitchen panels from improvised materials - applications and installations

A Provence-style kitchen may well be decorated with a textile panel created using the patchwork technique. By the way, such a decoration can also be practical - for example, a “picture” made of fabric can be supplemented with capacious pockets where a variety of kitchen trifles can fit.

If you like the use of improvised means, then it is quite possible to make a picture with your own hands from what is stored in your kitchen cabinet:

  • Aromatic oriental spices;
  • coffee beans;
  • beans;
  • tea leaves;
  • Bay leaf;
  • cinnamon sticks;
  • orange peel;
  • Croup (by the way, you can use any cereal - from semolina to peas);
  • Orekhov;
  • Even from bagels and bagels!

Suitable and such improvised (and even old) materials such as:

  • Paper origami figurines;
  • Nails;
  • Old boards (as a base);
  • Pieces of fabric, buttons, yarn, rhinestones;
  • bottle caps;
  • Wine corks;
  • Maps of the native country or region;
  • Magazines and newspapers, yellowed books and atlases;
  • And many many others.

Such a panel will fully demonstrate your creative imagination in the design of the kitchen and will become original decoration kitchen apron. As for the manufacturing process, everything is very simple here:

  1. Thick cardboard is covered with clarified high-quality burlap.
  2. The web of the base material is tightly stretched onto the cardboard using decorative nails.
  3. On the front side laid out compositional elements e.g. cereals.
  4. All materials are firmly fixed with glue.
  5. To hang the picture on the wall, you will need a strong cord, but you can also use a magnet if you plan to place the decoration on a metal surface.

Luxurious installations can also be made for the kitchen - for example, from unnecessary cutlery. It is better if such panels are in harmony with the design of the apron - original stickers are suitable for this. Or you can make several of the same type of paintings at once.

Such a picture with your own hands will look extraordinary in any room - the main thing is to choose the right arrangement of devices and colors. As the basis for the plot, bright colors are most often chosen. dense fabric, and the frame is painted wooden frame. Unnecessary knives, forks, spoons are placed on top of the fabric - they need to be cleaned, degreased and painted over to create a striking contrast with the background.

Experienced needlewomen have long known that wine corks do not need to be thrown away, because they can be used to make such stylish and functional wall decorations.

Do you have a lot of magazines and newspapers? Is your library full of old books with yellowed pages? Then you will love the ideas for making paper panels.

A panel using flowers and plants is simple and beautiful! Such an accessory can decorate a kitchen in the style of a classic, Provence, country.

With the help of lace, paint and canvas, you can create an elegant picture.

Other techniques for creating panels - mosaic and embroidery

If you do not want to use cereals or decorate the wall with spoons, then you can use traditional techniques - especially since their implementation with your own hands requires a minimum of skills and tools.

The most beautiful kitchen paintings on the wall are obtained with the help of embroidery - cross, ribbons, beads. There are many "kitchen" motifs - from still lifes to ethnic ornaments, including flowers, dishes, food. Do-it-yourself embroidery will take a little more time than a paper picture, but the result will be amazing.

There is only one but - it is undesirable to use embroidery to decorate a kitchen apron, it is better to hang it on the wall near dining table. And do not forget to close the picture with glass, otherwise the canvas will get dirty very quickly.

Many do-it-yourself ideas can be realized with the help of mosaics. The resulting paintings can duplicate the images on the backsplash tiles, or they can decorate the wall as a self-sufficient work of art. Rhinestones, glass, broken tiles, eggshell or, sequins and so on. The mosaic is laid out on thick paper or cardboard with glue applied on top. Then all the laid out elements are varnished for durability.

Very revive modern kitchen here are such panels of buttons. It is very easy to make them, and single buttons, which are a pity to throw away, will find their rightful place on the wall.

Making kitchen panels is a pleasant and exciting process that allows us to look at familiar things from a non-standard angle. We wish you creative success!

There is no more functional room in the apartment than the kitchen. Here they cook, receive guests, meet the morning with a cup of coffee and make tea before going to bed. It does not always work out to make this room stylish and comfortable, since large sums of money are needed for this. A do-it-yourself panel can become a wonderful and inexpensive decoration - this is the very thing for the kitchen.

Panel - a picture made with paints or three-dimensional elements. For the kitchen, it has a special use - behind it you can hide the repair error. The most best hostess can't always save workplace from cracks greasy spots, drips. If your goal is to hide some kind of problem, then the size of the panel is chosen based on the scale of the problem.

If the task is simply to decorate the room, then the choice already depends on the size of the kitchen. A huge picture on the entire wall will not fit miniature rooms, and one small application will be lost against the backdrop of a large space. Pick something in between.

A universal option is small paired panels. Moreover, there can be more than two of them, but always one subject. The kitchen is decorated with triptychs - three paintings that continue each other.

Interesting: the panel can not only decorate the kitchen, but also divide it into functional zones. Above the coffee table - images and photos with mugs, and near the work surfaces - various fruits and vegetables.

Subject selection

In the kitchen, it is important that the details match the design concept. The panel should decorate, stand out, match the color scheme, style and functionality of the room.

Don't worry if the kitchen doesn't have a specific theme or style, then you can "set the tone" with decorative pieces.

Materials for creating a panel

In fact, panels are created from anything! The main thing here is to take into account the relevance of the plot and not overload the image. It must also be remembered that many materials absorb odors, so compositions from them are not placed near the stoves.

To create a panel for the kitchen with your own hands, any kitchenware(spoons, plates, cups), spices, magazines, photos, fabric scraps, threads, bottle caps, paper and various little things. The main thing is inspiration and evening to create a masterpiece.

Panel of prints of fruits and vegetables

Even a child can create this image, and your creation will look just wonderful.


  • hard fruits or vegetables (apples, pears, citrus fruits, Chinese cabbage);
  • paint (oil, acrylic, gouache);
  • base (canvas, wooden plank, cardboard).

Everything is done simply: pour the paint into a plate, cut the fruit into halves, dip it in paint and make a stamp on a pre-painted and degreased surface. The color can be chosen according to the color scheme of the room.

You can make prints anywhere on the canvas, but symmetrical images look better.

Beautiful and functional

If there are wine corks or cork coverings lying around at home, then create a small board on which you can cling notes, recipes, or photos.

To create a panel of corks you need:

Cut the corks lengthwise, glue the halves onto the base. If you want to use the cork on the other side, then it is important to cut it into equal parts.

Horizontally, vertically, with a pattern - you can lay it out as you like, the main thing is to cover the entire base. The panel can be framed or hung on the wall without a frame. You can attach notes, photos, recipes, a picture and little things to it using pushpins.

New life for old kitchen utensils

Do-it-yourself panels for the kitchen can be made even from unnecessary forks, spoons, scoops and pans. The idea can be easily realized with cutlery, a base, paints and glue. If you are not sure that the composition will hold well on the glue, then use small nails.

The basis for the panel can be anything, but it is important that it can withstand the weight of all the details that you want to attach to it.

Images and inscriptions with threads

Designers have been actively using the String Art technique for a long time. It does not require special skills, but threads can create design panel for the evening.


At the beginning, a drawing is applied to the base. You can choose any, but for the kitchen the ideal options are inscriptions, mugs, cups, fruits. You need to choose an image with clear outer lines.

After the drawing is transferred to the base, it is necessary to drive nails along the line at a distance of 0.5 - 2 cm from each other. For convenience and so that all the nails are on the same level, it is better to hold them with pliers.

When the nails are hammered, you need to take a skein of thread, and tie the end to one of them. The thread is hooked in all places in a certain sequence or in random order. If the pattern is round, it is better to move from one edge to the other. Do not pull the thread too tight - it may break.

Tip: if you don’t like the color of the base, then apply a layer of paint. Do not do more than 2-3 layers: when you hammer in nails, cracks will appear.

Cooking panels for the kitchen

Salt dough creates beautiful and voluminous paintings. It is easy to prepare, dries quickly, paint fits well on it, and most importantly, anything is created from it. Ready product it is better to cover with a colorless varnish so that it lasts for a long time. It is important to think in advance how you will attach the panel to the wall - make a hole or insert a hook.

For salt dough you need:

  • 200 gr flour;
  • 200 gr salt;
  • Water.

Mix everything, add water for the desired consistency. During the manufacture of the panel, keep the dough in a closed bag, store for up to two days.

The finished mixture replaces conventional clay. The product is dried in the oven, or with room temperature. You can color the finished panel or the dough itself with a dye.

Volumetric still lifes are suitable for the kitchen, different flowers, fruit. They are glued to the base or ready-made plates are made from them, as in the photo.

If modeling is not your forte, then create small panels with prints of plants. If desired, they are decorated, decorated with ribbons and threads.

Glue + base

Traditionally, in the kitchen, coffee, pasta and cereals are used to create panels. It is not always cheap and far from original.

If you want to create an unusual panel, and not just a picture of pasta, then use other materials: dried fruits, spices, nuts, buttons, broken dishes, bottle caps. They are laid out in random order or adhering to the selected pattern / pattern.

The main thing is that the material used is hard and durable, the base is strong, and the glue is quick-drying and reliable.

Pallet Jewelry

Pallets today are a popular material for needlework. They make a lot of them: furniture, shelves, walls, gazebos. They are also suitable for kitchen decor.

Important: before decorating pallets, the surface is carefully polished using a special machine or sandpaper, degrease and dry all elements.

Pallets make original small shelves for plates or photos. They will successfully fit into the Provence interior, suitable for apartments and summer country kitchens.

If you insert pots with plants into them, then a hanging flower stand will come out. Plants that hang from the structure look perfect.

Pallets are also used as a canvas for drawings - for example, as in this photo.

soft details

The kitchen is associated with comfort and warmth, so fabric panels will decorate such a room.

And even small pieces of material will do. The scraps are cut into equal pieces and sewn using the patchwork technique. The finished product is stretched onto the canvas or loops are made on top and the finished panel is hung on a wooden stick or a miniature cornice.

So sew and textile mugs, attach to the wall individually or together on the same surface.

Compositions from dishes

If there are unnecessary plates lying around at home, then they are suitable for creating an original panel for the kitchen with your own hands.

You will need:

  • 3-5 plates;
  • paint for ceramics;
  • glue;
  • printed images.

A common pattern is created on several plates. It is arranged according to the type of triptych paintings, where together the canvases create one picture, or 3-4 separate drawings of the same subject.

The image is applied manually or using the decoupage technique. For the latter, you need to print the image in advance on thin paper or buy special sheets for decoupage. Arrange the image on previously fat-free and dry plates. Apply PVA glue to the dishes in a thick layer, and tightly attach the printed pattern on top. Then apply another thin layer glue over paper.

When everything dries, cut off the excess, varnish the plates.

Tip: to facilitate the construction together of ceramic dishes, use disposable paper.

A panel can be made from anything, but for the kitchen it is important that the materials are easy to wash and do not absorb odors. This must be taken into account when choosing those decorations that will be placed near work surfaces and stoves.

What exactly you want to hang in the kitchen depends on your personal preferences, design features and desires.

DIY kitchen panel: 40 photos

1. We apply a putty with a spatula (we had a small plastic one) on the surface of plywood or tiles (whatever) putty, about 2 mm thick. Putty is suitable only for Tex! latex and "pro class" is also written on the side. A bucket of 1.5 kg will last for a long time, the sticker on the bucket is blue.

There, there will be a picture, putty should not be applied.

2. Then apply the spatula with pressure to the applied putty in the same plane, i.e. parallel to the turn and lift sharply. The spatula, as it were, sticks and comes off with difficulty, pulls the putty behind it and it becomes “on the bydy”, it looks like decorative plaster under the name "fur coat" or as a huge territory of rocks photographed from the window of an airplane. Wow, how hard it is to explain in words, you can show everything in a few seconds!

So, with a spatula, you pierce the entire surface of the panel, where you press harder, there will be larger rocks.

3. Dry for 5 hours.

4. Then we take a large skin in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bNo. 100 and sand all these points without regret! Do it in the bathroom, very messy part of the job. The texture becomes even more interesting, an interesting relief appears.

5. We prime with soil (very good artistic "Sonnet"), with a sponge. Can be dried with a hair dryer.

6. We take a printer picture, thin it with adhesive tape, glue it in the middle, first lubricating the middle of the panel with PVA glue diluted with water to the state of cream, and then on top of the picture from the middle to the edge, grease the glue on the panel under the edges and again over the picture. Dry with a hair dryer.

7. Coat Karinka once with acrylic varnish (a trifle, but useful! If later when further work paint will accidentally get on the picture, it can be removed with a cotton swab dipped in water).

Then we select the color of the texture layer based on the colors of your picture. With the color that will be on top of our "lambs" i.e. bulges, it should be contrasting. milky and brown or white and dark blue.

I have the color of baked milk. With a sponge paint, we touch the panel, climbing onto the edges of the carinka, thereby, as it were, washing off the edge of gluing. The outline of the picture should not be visible so that it looks like one! Feel free to climb onto the background of the picture (touch it with paint) and onto the shadows of objects, we will then draw them with the colors we need. The background should be the same as on the texture layer. I never thought of this before! Only artists can suggest and show at the master class, thanks to them for that!

8. If our "lambs" we will paint in Brown color, but we also make the bottom of the picture (so that it is not cheerful in the air) brown, in my version it is like a tabletop on which this still life stands, without fear of painting the table and shadows with a brush and, as if stretching them, we climb onto the lambs with a brush. At the top, the color of the shadows should be lighter so as not to weigh down.

9. The contrasting color of our lambs is made with a sponge, a little paint is applied to it with a brush over the entire surface, and it is pressed over the paper. The sponge should not be wet! It should feel completely dry to the touch! And in a circular motion or back and forth WITHOUT PRESSING AT ALL! we walk along the panel, thus our most convex textured "mountain ridges" are painted over.

10. We cover with several layers of varnish. If you want the work to look like a vintage varnish, you need to use only matte. And finally, a little vintage secret: I even went over the picture with a dry sponge with a milky background paint. She became not so bright, but as if powdered.
Pictures here-vkontakte.ru/album-13228505_106816240#/album-13228505_106816240
