What to do if a wasp sting is very itchy. How to treat a wasp sting? Wasp sting, tumor: what to do

With the onset of warm days, city dwellers rush to their summer cottages. Tired of the winter cold, the noise of city streets, people go to nature, where they will communicate not only with beautiful fluttering moths, but also with stinging poisonous insects bees, hornets. This is where the trouble starts. After all, even if you don’t have a predisposition to allergies, you will still experience pain that turns into itching and get inflammation and swelling in the place where she stuck her sting.

Therefore, when going out into nature, make sure that your first-aid kit contains antihistamines and other drugs that may be required when meeting with poisonous insects. And be sure to find information on how to treat a wasp sting yourself. To make this task easier for you, in our article we will talk about various methods and the means of treatment in such a situation.

Bee and wasp stings are very similar. The only difference in them is the fact that the first bites lose their tools and die. The latter, on the contrary, can use it several times and at the same time do not leave a sting, but fly away with it. In addition, they are more aggressive than bees and therefore it is much easier to become their victim.

It is quite easy to determine that these insects have been attacked. This is primarily signaled by a rather tangible pain. And literally instantly, redness of the skin appears at the site of the bite, a burning sensation, which subsequently turns into itching, and may swell.

The tumor can escalate to large areas of the body, if an insect has stung in the foot, then it can smash the entire leg.

If a sting remains in the wound, it means that you were stung by a bee. It should be removed immediately to avoid getting an additional portion of the poison under the skin. In the absence of a sting, it is safe to say that you have become a victim of another insect.

Itching after a wasp sting can also be one of the symptoms of a developing allergy.

Consequently, the symptoms may be more pronounced, including:

  • Rash all over body
  • The appearance of chills
  • Dizziness
  • Vomiting.

Even people who are not susceptible to insect venom note some swelling in the place where the sting entered.

Many people ask if the sting remains if you are stung by a wasp? Let's repeat again. No, this organ has smooth walls, which allows it to easily slide inside the skin. Therefore, she can deliver several blows at the same time and at the same time not lose her sting.

The swelling of the eyelids can be so severe that the person cannot open their eyes.

First aid for those attacked by a stinging insect

Depending on whether it was a bee or a wasp, the priorities in rendering first aid to the victim. If there is a sting in the wound, it must be removed. After all, the longer the weapon stays there, the more poison will enter the tissues and organs, and the stronger its effect on the body will be.

It is forbidden to pick at the bite site in search of a sting. Wasps, unlike bees, do not leave their stinger in the body.

If they ate a wasp, they immediately begin to process the wound. For this you can use:

  • Ammonia
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • A solution of potassium permanganate.

They will help relieve swelling after a wasp sting. Then a cold compress or ice can be applied to the inflamed area. Exposure to low temperature will make the nerve endings less sensitive, which will lead to a slight, but still relief.

The loss of fluid in the body will help make up for warm tea, fruit drinks or ordinary drinking water. With a strong reaction and dehydration, you can use special powders, such as Regidron, which are diluted in water and are designed to replenish fluid in the body.

Suck out the poison from the wound, use the acid immediately after the wasp sting within 3-4 minutes after the attack

But after all, a wasp could also bite a person prone to allergies. In such a case, he must have a special passport. Such documents are issued in medical institutions and contain the contacts of the patient, as well as ways to help him. In addition, he should have a set of antihistamines and a syringe with him, in case of a transient reaction.

What to do if a child is bitten by a wasp?

The children's body is more sensitive to various poisons. Therefore, if a stinging insect managed to bite a baby, then the reaction may be stronger than that of an adult.

However, nothing terrible will happen if it manifests itself with symptoms such as:

  • Redness
  • Swelling.

In this case, remove the sting, treat the wound with an antiseptic and apply a cold compress to it. But the first few hours you need to carefully monitor the condition of the child. Noticing its deterioration, the manifestation of an allergic reaction, immediately contact a doctor who knows what to do.

It is necessary to apply a cold compress to the place bitten by the wasp, this will help reduce the severity of edema.

Since it is not common for babies to endure, then as soon as the wound begins to itch, they will constantly disturb it. A gauze bandage will help to avoid this, under which you can put a compress with anti-inflammatory ointment.

Gardex Baby - use to treat wasp stings, even in infants.

Assistance to the child depends on his age. Teenagers and children preschool age sufficient treatment of the wound. Compresses with tincture of calendula or valerian will help relieve swelling and itching for babies, and the baby should be immediately shown to the doctor.

Methods and means for removing the tumor

The consequences of meeting with a stinging insect can be eliminated different ways, using medicines for this and the so-called folk remedies. The former are necessary for the development of an allergic reaction, and the latter can be used for any outcome.

To folk remedies Wasp stings include:

  1. Activated carbon. It has excellent absorbent properties and can be taken internally or dissolved in water, applied to a cotton pad and applied to the wound.
  2. Parsley - this plant is in every garden and is widely used in cooking, so it is present in every good housewife. Parsley has anti-inflammatory properties and it is worth applying a gruel from the leaves of this plant to the place where you have been stung, as pain, itching and redness disappear.
  3. Plantain can be found in any yard. The juice of this plant is widely used in folk medicine, as it promotes the rapid healing of wounds. A compress of its leaves tones the skin and removes irritation.
  4. Bow is considered best remedy to relieve swelling from a bite. The substances contained in it bind the components of the poison, removing redness and having a bactericidal effect.

An infusion of tansy to reduce swelling, and a decoction of St. John's wort will relieve itching

When using the plants listed above, you can not only make compresses with their juice, but also apply whole leaves, after removing them from them. upper layer skins. We examined how to treat with a normal reaction to insect venom. But how to remove swelling after a wasp sting if an allergic reaction has begun.

If an allergic reaction has started

In this case, the plants will be ineffective and it is necessary to use antihistamines, as well as anoint the wound with such gels as:

  • Mosquitol

They include components that have a cooling effect, relieve redness and swelling. But having provided first aid, you cannot leave a person unattended. And if the swelling increases, then you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Waiting for his arrival, take emergency measures.

A wasp sting differs significantly from the stings of insects such as bees or mosquitoes. A bee at the moment when it stings a person leaves its sting in his skin, and therefore dies some time later.

The sting of the wasp has no notches; after the bite, it remains in the body of the insect, which flies away safely and continues to exist. In addition, a wasp is much larger than a bee, which is why it stings a little more painfully.

Like most insects, wasps appear outdoors with the onset of warm weather, usually in the last month of spring. You can encounter this Hymenoptera anywhere, most often outside the city, in the country or in the field. Wasps can choose a human dwelling. They build nests under rooftops wooden houses, outbuildings, garages. This nest is a small cocoon. gray color. Such a neighborhood with insects is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous for humans. It is sometimes quite difficult to remove wasps that have settled under the roof of a house.

Unfortunately, the wasp injects a small amount of poison into the human body, which can cause an allergic reaction and lead to its general intoxication. Usually, the sting of a single wasp does not pose a danger to human life, since the amount of poison injected into it is so small that it is not capable of provoking serious poisoning.

At the moment when a wasp stings, a person feels a sharp pain from her sting, then reddening of the skin occurs at the site of the bite, and slight swelling may be observed. In some individuals, usually women and young children, against the background of a wasp sting, well-being may worsen, there may be a slight increase in body temperature. Similar symptoms last for several hours or 2-3 days, then completely disappear.

The bite of any insect is dangerous due to its ability to cause severe swelling, provoke the occurrence of . Therefore, immediately after it has occurred, some actions should be taken to avoid the unpleasant and even dangerous consequences of intoxication of the body with the resulting poison.

What should you do if a wasp stings?

The wasp sting site must be disinfected, washed gently with antibacterial soap, then lubricated antiseptic, since the sting of an insect can contain various pathogens that can cause various human diseases. For example, staphylococcus aureus. Cold can prevent the spread of poison throughout the body, as well as reduce swelling. Ice should be applied to the sore spot for 15-20 minutes. Wasp venom is also known to be able to neutralize common Aspirin. The tablet can be taken orally, if there are contraindications, crush it, add it to warm boiled water and lubricate the bite site with the resulting solution. This will relieve inflammation of the skin and significantly reduce pain.

What to do if a hand is swollen from a wasp sting?

A moderate and short-lived swelling in the place where the wasp sting has been is a kind of reaction of the body to the toxin that is present in it and has entered the bloodstream. Therefore, after local therapeutic measures, it is recommended to take any antihistamine. It should be taken for several days until the swelling and redness of the skin is completely eliminated. The antihistamine is taken 2-3 times a day in accordance with the instructions. Before taking, you should familiarize yourself with the existing contraindications and side effects medicines. Pregnant women and persons with serious illnesses internal organs, kidney failure, diagnosis of HIV infection, children under 14 years of age.

In what cases should you see a doctor?

A wasp sting is not a mandatory reason to see a doctor. Professional help is needed only if:

  • the victim has a sharp deterioration in well-being;
  • there is a strong swelling of the tissue at the site of the bite;
  • extensive urticaria is observed;
  • the bite is located in the head and neck;
  • the victim was already stung by a similar insect, and he had a violent allergic reaction to the poison that got into the body;
  • he was stung not by one, but by several wasps at once.

How to prevent a wasp sting?

An insect stings a person when he poses a danger to him. If a wasp has landed on your clothes or skin, you should not wave your hands sharply, start screaming, and even more so try to slap it with your hand. When in contact with an insect, you should behave calmly, do not make any unnecessary movements that may frighten him. In most cases, with this behavior, the wasp flies away safely without stinging.

In no case should you try to knock down a wasp nest found somewhere with a stick, whether it be a house or a tree branch. Since in this case the insect will protect its housing and bites cannot be avoided. In this case, it should be borne in mind that families of wasps living in nests can have a large number of individuals. The more bites, the higher the dose of poison received by the body, which means that its intoxication is stronger and the recovery process is longer.

How to remove edema after a bee sting is a question that requires careful consideration, since at least once in a lifetime it concerns absolutely any person. The symptoms of a bite are very unpleasant, especially for young children, so it is important to be able to provide first aid to the victim, and in case of an allergic reaction, consult a doctor immediately.

Features of bee and wasp stings

The attacks of these insects are often confused, but meanwhile they have different mechanisms effects and effects on the body.

The sting of the bee has notches on the surface. During the attack, the insect immerses the sting into the upper layers of the skin and can no longer pull it back. As a result, the "tool" of the bee is separated from the body and remains in the skin, and the insect itself dies. The sting is the "tool" with which the poison is injected. Its toxic effect causes unpleasant symptoms that characterize the bite. Bee venom contains toxins, causing a reaction similar to the action of an acid. This is important, as it determines the choice of a method for neutralizing the poison.

The “tool” of the wasp is smooth and sharp, so it does not separate after a bite. The wasp may sting more than once if any aggression prompts it to do so. Unlike bee venom, wasp venom provokes an alkaline reaction, leading to:

    damage to the walls of skin cells;

    violation of neuroregulation;

    destruction of mast cells and release a large number histamine.

In addition, the pain from a wasp sting is more pronounced than from a bee attack.

Bite symptoms

It is not difficult to determine that a person was stung by a bee or wasp.

First, you need to carefully examine the wound. If a sting remains in it, this indicates a bee attack. After a wasp sting, a pinpoint wound can be seen on the skin as if from an injection.

Secondly , the bite site turns red, itchy and painful. Moreover, the pain is growing pulsating in nature.

Thirdly, around the wound gradually pronounced edema develops, which has a fairly wide localization area. If an insect has stung a limb, then swelling can spread to its entire area, disrupting full functionality. Edema can last from several hours to 2-3 days.

Other clinical manifestations are possible:

    the appearance of a rash;

    body hyperthermia;

    dizziness, weakness;

    nausea, vomiting.

These symptoms are indicative of non-specific reaction of the body to a bee or wasp sting - allergies. The clinical picture in this case consists of manifestations of a moderate or severe degree of intoxication. In the latter case, signs of anaphylaxis are observed:

    edema oral cavity, larynx;

    pain in the abdomen, chest;

    pallor of the skin;

    labored breathing;

    heart rhythm disturbances;

If an insect has stung in the face (eyes, mouth) or neck, then in this case the edema will be the most pronounced and dangerous, since it can provoke severe complications (, suffocation). These symptoms require immediate medical attention.

First aid

How to help a person who has suffered from an insect bite, and how to remove swelling?

    If it is clear that the victim has been stung by a bee, the sting should be removed from the wound using disinfected tweezers or a needle. You should not try to squeeze out the sting or pick at the bite site, since such actions can lead to an even greater spread of edema or infection of the wound.

    The bite site is treated with soapy water or ammonia, hydrogen peroxide. This will disinfect the wound, remove redness of the skin.

    To eliminate swelling and pain, a cold compress is applied to the affected area. You can use ice or a suitable container of cold water.

    It is advisable to move as little as possible and drink plenty of fluids. It can be sweet tea, fruit drinks, Regidron solution or ordinary drinking water. Plentiful drink helps to remove toxins from the body.

As a rule, these actions are enough to cope with the unpleasant consequences of a bite of stinging insects. Of course, this is true if the victim does not have allergic reactions. Otherwise, the above measures will not be enough.

If an insect has stung a child, then the answer to the question of how to remove the edema should be unambiguous for his parents. In no case do not panic, calm the baby and carry out all of the above actions. In this case, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the child, especially in the first hours after the bite. At the slightest sign of an allergy or a deterioration in general well-being, it is necessary to call " ambulance". Emergency medical attention will also be needed if there have been several bites, as the amount of injected toxins can be life-threatening.

Wasp sting allergy treatment

An allergic reaction to a bee or wasp sting has a rather acute and soon manifested symptomatology. In this case, you need to act quickly to slow down the spread of toxins as much as possible and neutralize their effect on the body.

    To the injured give an antihistamine, the overwhelming development of the allergic process. It can be:

    • suprastin;


    • diphenihydramine;


    The drugs are taken in the dosage and frequency prescribed by the doctor. Children are shown medications like Erius, Eden, Claritin, Kestin.

    In addition to antiallergic medicines, how to relieve swelling from a wasp sting will help special ointments and gels:

    • fenistil;






    These drugs also have an antihistamine effect, relieve redness and swelling, and relieve itching.

    It is possible to use hormonal drugs, for example, Fluorocort or Diprosalik, but possible side effects must be taken into account.

    It is also advisable to appoint adsorbent drugs:

    • enterosgel;

    • activated carbon.

    These drugs bind toxins and quickly remove them from the blood, thereby cleansing the body of poison.

    In case of severe manifestations of allergies help the victim:

    • Cordiamin, which normalizes breathing;

      demidrol, which restores the normal functioning of the heart and relieves pain;

      adrenaline, which suppresses the development of an allergic reaction.

The victim is urgently hospitalized and provided with all necessary assistance in a hospital setting.

Folk methods and means

Many are interested in the question of how to relieve swelling after a bee sting without resorting to drug therapy. In the absence of allergies, means and methods traditional medicine can really help to quickly and effectively deal with the consequences of a bite. If there is an allergic reaction, then the indicated therapy is used as an auxiliary therapeutic measure.

    In the absence of antiseptic preparations, the wound is treated with aspirin powder obtained by crushing the tablet. The salicylic acid contained in the drug has good antimicrobial properties.

    A good way to relieve swelling is to apply a gruel of salt and water to the affected area.

    The drug based on parsley has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect that relieves redness and itching, and relieves pain. Fresh leaves are rubbed into a gruel, a swab is moistened in it and bandaged to the affected area. The compress is kept for 3 hours, then it is replaced with a new one.

    Plantain has an effective wound healing and tonic effect. The leaves of the plant are applied in the form of a compress and bandaged. Due to its ubiquity, this “green doctor” is always at hand, which sometimes turns out to be very useful if a bee has stung outside the city, but there are no medicines with you.

    Onions are also great for relieving swelling from a bite. In addition to bactericidal, it has a sorbing property, neutralizing the effect of the poison.

    To relieve swelling in children, lotions from strong tea or calendula decoction are used. Keep 30-40 minutes.

    Mint helps with itching. The bandage is moistened with crushed leaf juice and fixed for 1-2 hours.

    Remedies based on tansy, St. John's wort, wormwood, dandelion, thyme, Kalanchoe will also help with swelling and itching. Only fresh plants and flowers are suitable.

    Lemon will help neutralize wasp venom. A freshly cut slice is applied to the bitten place. Fruit can be replaced with a table solution or apple cider vinegar. It is used for lotions.

    Apples, garlic, tomatoes, potatoes help in the fight against puffiness. The latter is rubbed on a grater, collected and squeezed out the juice. A swab is soaked in it and applied to the affected area. Keep 30-40 minutes.

    With severe swelling that persists for more than a day, use sea ​​buckthorn oil, which lubricates the swollen place. Due to the powerful wound-healing effect, the edema disappears within 24 hours.


Of course, a person cannot foresee all cases in which a bee or wasp can sting him. Getting out of the city to the river or into the forest, he least of all thinks about possible dangers. Meanwhile, it is worth knowing that bees and wasps never attack just like that. This happens if:

    encroachment on their territory (hive, nests) is carried out;

    sudden movements are made near them (attempts to drive away with hands);

    prey is selected (fruits, sweets, etc.);

    is affected by aromatic stimuli (perfumes, household chemicals, cosmetics).

Being in nature, you should not consider bee hives or wasp nests, especially attracting children to this. To protect against insects, you can use special repellents that repel them. Insects are attracted not only by strong aromas, but also bright colors. It is worth considering this when choosing clothes.

If the wasp and the bee are in close proximity or sit down, for example, on the hand, you can’t brush it off sharply or try to kill it. In this case, the insect will react aggressively and release a sting. It is better to try not to move or move slowly until the “guest” flies away.

Being near a bee hive or hornet's nest you can not make sudden movements, run away. You should stop and slowly leave, then the insects will remain calm.

Alcohol increases vascular permeability, which can become very dangerous factor by a bee or wasp sting. The reaction in this case will be more transient and severe.

It should be remembered that wrong actions can provoke insects to a mass attack and then there will be many bites. Wasp venom can kill a person if its amount in the blood is too high (more than 100 bites) and its action is not neutralized in time. Therefore, being in nature, care should be taken to ensure that uninvited guests do not interfere with rest, provided that no one disturbs them.

It must be remembered that there must be a reason for a wasp sting. This often happens due to:

Human intrusion into the territory of the wasp nest, which is a direct threat to the uterus, as well as eggs and larvae;
violent human activity: sharp, aggressive movements that can be perceived by wasps as a sign of danger;
irritation of insect receptors, which is caused by a pungent odor that comes from a person.

If we compare the sting of a wasp and a bee, then the first is more dangerous: the fact is that when a bee stings, its small, rough sting remains in the human body along with a small piece of the stomach, which leads to the death of the insect; wasp stings, on the contrary, are very sharp, and also carry poison. In addition, after the wasps sting, they simply fly away.

Wasp venom is a substance that, when ingested, causes an alkaline reaction, as well as the release of histamine. It is because of him that swelling occurs, irritation (rash) pours out, and severe itching begins. Unfortunately, the main danger lies precisely in a second bite, because it can cause an allergic reaction.

The symptoms that arise due to a wasp sting are different, and this is due, first of all, to individual characteristics organism. In addition, the degree of poisoning is also important. The main symptoms of intoxication:

pain, which is characterized by a pulsating character, that is, attacks appear periodically;
at the site of the red spot where the bite was, there is a strong burning sensation;
in addition, swelling of the damaged area occurs:
it is also possible to increase pain and the appearance of various rashes:
there is a possibility that hemorrhage may occur;
if the bite fell on the head or face, then the symptoms will be more acute;
the child or woman will have an increase in body temperature;
swelling not only of the throat, but also of the tongue, palate, most often leads to difficulty breathing.

What should you do if you are bitten by a wasp?

1. First of all, you need to know that the swelling of any part of the body into which the bite was made is a manifestation of your body's struggle with a pathogenic toxin. This response of the body is quite common. The swelling may remain long time. Do not be very nervous, if there is no allergic reaction, then the bite is harmless to you. What can a person do to reduce a wasp sting and how to remove the swelling that formed on the second day? First you need to wait 48 hours, because during this time the swelling will subside and nothing will need to be done - this is a normal reaction of the body.
2. However, it often happens that the edema reaches large sizes or cause discomfort. In this case, you can use an antihistamine, which will help stop the production of histamine, which means it will stop pain and swelling, and get rid of unpleasant consequences. Unfortunately, this drug has a lot of contraindications, and there are also groups of people who are not recommended to use this drug. medicine(pregnant women, children under 14).
3. After a bite, in no case should you drink alcohol.
4. It is recommended to consume as much liquid as possible, because it will remove harmful toxins from your body.
5. At home, a tea bag, as well as plantain leaves, can reduce swelling at the bite site, fresh onion or parsley juice.

It is important to remember that the need to call an ambulance is mandatory if:

the child was bitten. In this case, it is necessary to consult a specialist, especially if there are more than five bites;
more than ten wasp stings in an adult is also the reason why you need to call an ambulance;
there was a severe lesion of the throat or oral mucosa;
a person has an allergic reaction to wasp venom;
bite symptoms do not go away within three days.

Wasp venom is fatal to humans. So, if a human body is bitten by half a thousand wasps, this will lead to death.

That is why, there are a number of measures that should be taken if you are bitten by a wasp:

1. Be sure to rinse the bite with water room temperature soap is recommended.
2. If there is a sting in the wound, pull it out. This will help you with tweezers or a needle.
3. Wipe the bite site with a cotton swab moistened with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol tincture.
4. It is recommended to use a cold compress, such as ice or a cold mug of water.
5. Be sure to drink painkillers so as not to endure pain, and anoint the place with an ointment or cream with hormones.
6. To neutralize toxins that have entered the bloodstream, you can drink an aspirin tablet.
7. In no case do not scratch the bite site, otherwise you can bring a bacterial infection into it!
8. If you or the person who was bitten has an allergic reaction, then adrenaline must be injected.
9. If it was not possible to improve the situation on your own, you need to call an ambulance.

A wasp sting is always accompanied by swelling ranging from minor swelling to life-threatening airway edema, which must be removed urgently. First aid, people's councils, medicines.

After a wasp stings, first of all, there is pain. It is sharp, burning, intense. Following her for a short time puffiness is formed at the site of the wasp sting, as a result of a pronounced inflammatory response of the body to the penetration of wasp venom. In order to reduce inflammation, stop pain, relieve swelling after a bite, there are not complicated recommendations.

Severity of edema

The amount of swelling depends on many factors:

  • the volume of poison that has entered the skin and blood vessels;
  • individual reaction of the body;
  • type of wasp;
  • bite sites.

Toxic compound

The venom of different wasps differs somewhat in its composition. It is especially dangerous if it is a "road" wasp. Their body is elongated, striped and slender. The composition of wasp venom in different proportions in different types includes substances that:

  1. Damage to skin cell walls.
  2. Cause inflammation and swelling.
  3. Destroy mast cells that contribute to the development of an allergic reaction.
  4. They have a toxic effect on nerve cells, disrupt the conduction of nerve impulses.
  5. At times, they increase the release of histamine, as the main mediator of an allergic reaction.

Given the composition of wasp venom and its effect on the formation of an inflammatory response and edema, the following measures should be taken to reduce these manifestations:

  1. Block or slow down the spread of venom as much as possible after a bite.
  2. Reduce the severity of the inflammatory response and edema.
  3. Stop the severity of an allergic reaction.

In order to decide how to relieve swelling, you need to find out whether there is an allergic reaction to wasp venom or not, that is, whether the immune system has coped with the poison without allergy manifestations. The severity of the allergy, the danger of its manifestations for life, the age of the bitten person are also important.

Whether to remove the sting

Many first of all seek to remove the sting. This is only partly correct and justified if a bee has bitten. Its sting is notched, it breaks and usually remains in the skin. The sting of the wasp is sharp and smooth. It usually does not remain in the skin. Except in those cases when the wasp was killed on the skin, and therefore left a sting in it. Then you need to try to remove it gently with tweezers. This is not difficult to do if the hand is stung, but extremely problematic when biting the face, for example.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to immediately see which insect has bitten. The wasp sting site looks like a pink-red bump-like swelling with a red dot inside, which is a trace of a sting puncture.

It is also wrong to squeeze out poison. It is dangerous to do this, as the capsule may be damaged. Then the poison will get from the blood into more straightaway. Then the inflammation and swelling will be much greater.

How to get rid of puffiness in the absence of allergies

If a person bitten by a wasp is not allergic to the venom of bees and wasps, then the swelling will subside by itself, even he will not do anything with the bite in 2-4 days. The immune system healthy person able to cope with wasp venom on their own.

In order to reduce swelling, you need to lubricate the bite site with an antiseptic (iodine, ammonia, vinegar) and apply cold. The cold will constrict the blood vessels. This will prevent the spread of wasp venom. And in the meantime, it will be destroyed in the tissues at the site of the bite. The less it is, the less inflammation and, consequently, swelling.

If swelling is a symptom of an allergic reaction

The danger of bites is that many do not know if they are allergic to wasp stings or not. And bites are always unexpected. There may not be any allergic reaction to the first bite. However, it may occur on the second or fifth time. This phenomenon in medicine is called sensitization.

If an allergic reaction immune system moderate, the swelling can reach large sizes. It may not provoke life-threatening conditions, but it will not allow a person to lead a normal life. The swelling of the eyelids can be so severe that the person cannot open their eyes. If the hand swells, then pain and swelling will reduce the volume of habitual movements.

In this case, it is extremely necessary to apply a cold compress. This must be done as soon as possible. In addition, be sure to lubricate the affected area with an anti-allergic or anti-inflammatory ointment (Fenistil gel, Advantal, hydrocortisone ointment). It is recommended to drink at least once an anti-allergenic drug (Suprastin, Tavegil, Diphenhydramine).

On this, the spread of edema can stop. But it can be the beginning of a severe allergic reaction with swelling of the airways, high fever, headache. Then it is obligatory to call an ambulance, the use of steroid hormones intravenously, adrenaline.

Cold on the site of the bite and swelling, removal of the stinger are the first recommendations to reduce swelling. In addition, you can use the following tips:

  1. If you attach a piece of refined sugar to the bite site, then it will pull out some of the poison. You need to do this without wasting time.
  2. From an Aspirin tablet, ground into powder and mixed with a drop of water, you need to make a gruel and smear the bite with it. This will reduce the severity of inflammation and swelling.
  3. A gruel of mashed raw potatoes, which is not difficult for any housewife to make, will relieve puffiness well. If the whole arm is swollen, then it is worth smearing not only the bite site, but the entire area involved in the swelling.
  4. Soda compress from gauze. A bandage soaked in a solution of a teaspoon of soda and 100 ml. water should be applied to the sore spot for 20 minutes.
  5. Freshly squeezed juices from parsley, plantain, garlic can be used to make a compress that relieves inflammation and swelling.
  6. It is recommended to apply a cut onion to the bite site, green apple, a slice of lime, lemon, crushed aloe leaf, Validol tablet moistened in water.
  7. Compresses from thyme decoction.
  8. It is recommended to make a compress on the site of edema for several hours with white or blue pharmacy clay. So, if the hand is swollen, then you can, having smeared it with clay, wrap it on top with a bandage and leave such a compress for the night.

For children, balms "Picnic Family", "Gardex Family", "Insectline", cream "Rescuer", balm "Gardex Baby" for children under one year old are relevant. If a wasp has stung a child in the neck, eyes, be sure to immediately seek help.

The most pronounced swelling occurs if the wasp stings in the nose, lip, eyelids. Bites are especially dangerous, followed by swelling in the eyes and neck.

So, if a person has an allergic reaction, then you can not hesitate. Edema can increase to a significant size in a short time. The body will react to the penetration of the poison with an increase in temperature, a rash, difficulty breathing until it stops due to a decrease in the lumen of the upper respiratory tract of the swollen mucosa. Then help is provided in the intensive care unit.
