What is the difference between aerated concrete and foam concrete. What is lighter aerated concrete or foam block - which is better for building a house and what is the difference, how does aerated concrete differ from foam concrete

“A good specialist bricklayer always puts on his conscience...”

Hello, dear friends builders and everyone who looked at this page!

Today is an interesting topic for those who are thinking about building housing or utility buildings from lightweight cellular concrete.

How is the choice of wall material usually made (aerated concrete or foam concrete)? Options: “son-in-law advised”, “neighbor built”, “called the company, and they said ...”, “a familiar foreman says this is the same material, they just call it differently.” Choose your option or add your own.

So, let's figure it out - foam blocks or gas blocks, which is better for the planned construction? Let's take a closer look at these related materials...

The first thing that distinguishes materials in appearance is the color and size of the cells (pores). The pores of foam concrete are larger, and the color range is gray tones, unlike white (and close to this color) aerated concrete.

I'll start with the positive aspects that unite both materials.

  • Relatively affordable price;
  • Excellent performance in heat and sound insulation;
  • Fire resistance and immunity to biological damage;
  • Low weight, allowing you to save on;
  • Big size block makes it possible to quickly build a structure.

From this article you will learn:

The main differences between the foam block and the gas block

What and how are the "white-gray bricks" made of:

foam concrete

It is based on a cement-sand mortar and some types of industrial waste (blast-furnace slag, etc.) with the addition of reagents, namely, a foaming agent (which includes sulfide lye) and a hardener.

Briefly: the created mixture is mixed in a special device called a foam concrete mixer, after which it is poured into molds. Further, they must be kept at an air temperature of 50-60 °, for two days. After that, solidification (hardening) occurs and can be removed from the molds.

Air bubbles in foam concrete are formed due to the reaction of the concrete solution and the foaming agent. Bubbles form separate closed cells filled with air in the "body" of concrete.

aerated concrete

The raw materials are: cement, lime, quartz sand, ash and slag components, and of course water. Mandatory "ingredient" - aluminum powder and additives that provide White color. This material is obtained by a certain chemical process, as a result of which gas is released. Production technology requires a certain temperature and humidity.

Briefly: successively mixed mass is poured into molds of the required dimensions and steamed for several hours in an autoclave*, at a temperature of about 200°C and under a pressure of ≈ 12 atm. After that, the material is cut with string cutting, which provides an even geometry of the blocks.

* autoclave - an apparatus for performing processes associated with heating under pressure (above atmospheric pressure).

Air bubbles in aerated concrete are the result of the reaction of aluminum chips (ground to a powder fraction) with oxygen and high temperature produced in an autoclave. The result of the process is the release of gas, which is formed by the cells. However, unlike foam concrete, here they are of an open type and this is the fundamental difference.

One expert made an interesting comparison. Figuratively speaking, the production of foam concrete has the logic of whipped cream, and aerated concrete - yeast dough. What's better? Both are good in their own way.

Consider the advantages and disadvantages of each of the materials

What is stronger?

Both materials are available in various densities ranging from 100 to 1100 kg/m³. But there is a fundamental point. Thanks to autoclave steaming, aerated concrete, which has the same density as foam concrete, will be stronger. For example, aerated concrete with a density of D500 will withstand 30-35 kg / cm², and foam concrete D500 will not exceed 10 kg / cm². Therefore, you can’t argue here, the winner is aerated concrete.

What is easier?

If we make a neutral comparison of materials with the same density, then they are approximately equal. Therefore, this round is a draw.

What is warmer?

  • Thermal conductivity of foam concrete D 500 = 0.22.
  • Thermal conductivity of aerated concrete D 500 = 0.12.

Thus, to ensure the same thermal insulation, a foam concrete wall should be almost 1.5-1.8 times thicker than aerated concrete of the same density. When compared with brick, both materials are great for building a house. Since thermal conductivity often intersects with sound insulation, I note that aerated concrete is “quieter” in this sense.

Water absorption

Enough important property. How will the material behave when it rains? And here, a simple experience. Having immersed pieces of “white brick” in a bucket of water for a while (for example, for 1 hour), we will see the following:

The foam block will float on the surface, absorbing ≈ 5% of water into its structure, and the gas block will be saturated with water (≈30%), so it will sink into it, about half.

The winner, by a clear margin, is the foam block. Although it should be noted that aerated concrete dries out pretty quickly (faster than wood, for sure). Given the developed porous surface, it has better vapor permeability than foam concrete.

But, for example, it will be much more practical and reliable.

That is why gas-block houses need to be protected from moisture at the construction stage, with plaster, tiles, siding and other things. Imagine the situation, the material got wet from the rain, and the next day frost hit ...

Convenience in construction

1.Geometric matching linear dimensions in the vast majority of cases, aerated concrete is better. Everything is logical. It is produced in the factory. But the foam block is made in a semi-handicraft way and it is more difficult to control here.

Review : When buying foam concrete, be sure to check the quality of the blocks, otherwise you will be tormented when fitting. There are "craftsmen" producing foam blocks with a difference in linear dimensions, reaching up to 2.5 cm.(Grigory, Tula)

2. Laying of foam blocks is carried out on cement mortar, and gas blocks, on special glue. At the same time, the cost of the glue is about 2.5 times more expensive than the mortar, but ..., the thickness of the cement joint reaches 10 mm, and the glue is ≈2 mm, that is, 5 times less.

And the quality of the masonry of high-precision aerated concrete in dimensions on a thin layer of glue has better indicators than foam concrete with possibly disturbed proportions on a thick layer of mortar. Well, there is also a difference in the laboriousness of preparing cement and glue ...

In addition, the cement joint, having other thermal insulation characteristics, forms “cold bridges” in the masonry, which increases heat loss.

Tip: when building from this kind of materials, always purchase a special adhesive for cellular concrete. And do not "warm your head" about self-prepared solutions.

What is more natural?

As one friend says - a question for discussion. Some criticize the addition of aluminum powder to the aerated concrete mixture, but according to the manufacturer, this is a harmless ingredient, which largely evaporates during the heating process.

Given the relative cheapness of the capital costs required for the production of foam blocks, many produce (or try to produce) it. Before you buy a product, make inquiries about the quality and availability of the necessary certificates. Take an interest in customers and chat with them.

What sizes?

Everything is simple here. What will be the form, such is the block. Both materials have similar linear dimensions. The main thing is their impeccable observance by the manufacturer. And yet, gas blocks have models with handles for gripping and a groove-comb laying system, which is very convenient during installation. This is to some extent reminiscent of a "Finnish type".


As an answer, I will review : I built my house from foam blocks. The masonry is monolithic, the walls keep warm. My neighbor was built from aerated concrete. In terms of costs, it turned out to be a little more expensive. The houses were built 3 years ago. It will take 15-20 years, then we will find out what is more durable. In the meantime, the houses are warm and comfortable.(Yuri, Izhevsk).

What is the price of materials?

On average, aerated concrete is 1.3-1.5 times more expensive than foam concrete. Well, this is understandable, because the manufacturing technology is much “cooler” ...

The conclusions we come to

Expert opinions vary as to which is better. But they have one common focus, which sounds like this: both materials are good for construction, subject to the quality of workmanship.

I also fully support this opinion, since I had to see a poor-quality product that collapsed after a couple of years. Always pay attention to the manufacturer's brand and trust only a trusted supplier ...

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Good luck and warm walls Your home! See you on other pages of the blog...

Wisdom Quote: Seriousness is more pronounced if it is preceded by a joke. (Heinrich Heinrich).

Absence natural gas in many suburbs and cottage settlements, it is especially acute during the heating period, when you have to pay literally exorbitant prices for every kilowatt of thermal energy. But possession own house has its own advantages. One of them is that a low-rise building can be made arbitrarily warm by using structural and heat-insulating materials - cellular concrete blocks - when building walls. They are made of foam concrete and aerated concrete, and what is the difference between them and which ones are better - let's try to figure it out.


These two types of lightweight concrete only have the same classification. The difference between foam concrete and aerated concrete lies in the density and belonging to the type of materials, although in the regulatory documents the thermal conductivity of foam concrete and aerated concrete at the same density is considered equal.

Yes, the lightest foam concrete blocks with a density of up to 500 kg / m³ are heat-insulating. And for aerated concrete, blocks with a density of up to 400 kg / m³ are considered heat-insulating.

Aerated concrete blocks with a density of 500-900 kg / m³ are considered structural and heat-insulating and serve as building materials for self-supporting walls without reinforcement. And when laying in every fourth row of an armored belt, it is possible to build load-bearing walls of low-rise buildings from them. In foam concrete, these include blocks with a density of 600-1000 kg / m³.

Foam concrete and aerated concrete blocks with a density above 1000/1100 kg / m³ are structural.

For reference! Due to the optimal ratio of strength / thermal insulation, the blocks D500 and D600 are most in demand (the number indicates density).

A visual difference between blocks of different densities, using the example of aerated concrete

But density and thermal conductivity are the only indicators that closely match these two similar, but still different materials. And the differences between them are laid down at the level of composition and production technology. Therefore, to choose aerated concrete or foam concrete, which is better from this, you need to carefully study all the properties of both materials, and the conditions for their use.

Production technology

If we consider the structure of both types cellular concrete, you can see that even here there are differences between them. With the same density, foam concrete visually has a larger variation in cell sizes from smallest to largest, and aerated concrete is more uniform. This difference in structure is determined by the way cells are formed, but this is not the only difference between aerated concrete and foam concrete.

Foam concrete production

In terms of composition, foam concrete is a classic concrete with a binder of Portland cement and a sand filler. Moreover, the filler is added only for foam concrete of medium and high density, starting from the D500 grade. The cellular structure is obtained by mixing the prepared concrete mixture with a foaming agent or ready-made foam. This is the difference between the two main manufacturing methods: classical and barotechnology.

Set for the production of foam concrete using barotechnology

Barotechnology consists in adding a foaming agent directly to the mixture without using a foam generator. Usually these are mobile plants that allow you to get foam concrete directly on the site. They have low productivity, but quite sufficient to provide building materials for the construction of a low-rise facility. The disadvantage of the technology is the increased consumption of the foaming agent and the slightly lower strength of the foam concrete compared to the classical technology.

The classical technology is a little more complicated - the same prepared concrete mixture is used, but it is mixed with ready-made foam, which is obtained in a foam generator from a foam concentrate and water. The production process looks like this:

    sand is first poured into the concrete mixer (in order to “bind” the remaining water from the previous portion);

    add cement and water, mix until a homogeneous consistency;

    separately, a portion of foam is prepared in the foam generator (in accordance with the required density of foam concrete);

    add foam to the concrete mixer and mix for 3-5 minutes;

    liquid foam concrete is transported through a flexible hose into a mold or formwork.

On our website you can find contacts construction companies who offer . You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

The general advantages of the production of foam concrete include:

    simple production technology;

    low-cost equipment, including “mobile” equipment, which can be installed on site;

    the possibility of laying in the formwork during monolithic construction of walls;

    a variety of ways to make blocks.

For the manufacture of foam concrete building blocks, three types of equipment are used:

    pouring into special molds, followed by stripping;

    pouring into cassette molds;

    pouring into a massive form, followed by cutting into blocks.

Stripping, removal from cassettes and cutting takes place after the initial hardening of the mixture. When modifiers and fiber are added, this period is reduced to several hours. But the manufacturing process does not stop there - the foam blocks still have to “ripen”. It is untimely stripping and incomplete ripening that can affect the final quality of foam concrete blocks. For example, insufficient exposure after manufacturing and before installation can lead to shrinkage of the blocks in the wall, and the use of mining for lubrication of molds can lead to peeling of the front part.

Demoulding of foam concrete blocks

Aerated concrete production

In terms of composition and technology, aerated concrete is closer to silicate brick, therefore building blocks from it are often called "gas silicate".

As a binder, a lime-cement mixture is used, which consists of ¾ of quicklime, crushed to a powder state.

Classical filler - quartz sand.

To obtain a cellular structure, a blowing agent is used - aluminum paste or powder, 90% consisting of an "active" metal.

And, as in any concrete, clean (drinking) water is added to the mixture to "mix".

The technological process for the manufacture of aerated concrete blocks looks like this:

    The sand is washed, water is added and ground to the state of sludge so that the particle sizes are comparable to cement and ground lime binder.

    Sandy sludge is mixed with a binder.

    The blowing agent is diluted in water, added to the mixture of sand and binder.

    Mix all the ingredients and pour into the mold.

    After completion of the initial maturation, the monolithic gas silicate is removed from the mold and cut into blocks.

    The blocks are placed in an autoclave, where, under the influence of saturated steam, the process of gas generation is completed, active aluminum is bound to the silicate mixture, and the cement stone is hydrophobized.

At the output, fully “ripened” aerated concrete blocks are obtained, ready for packaging and transportation to the facility.

For reference! The production of such blocks is possible only under conditions industrial production. In this case, it is almost impossible to “run into” handicraft products with low quality. This is the main difference between aerated concrete and foam concrete at the technology level.

Advantages / disadvantages of foam concrete and aerated concrete

The general advantages of these two types of cellular concrete look like this:

    The availability and low cost of ingredients determines the relatively low price of building blocks. But with the same density, aerated concrete is 20-30% more expensive than foam concrete (in terms of 1 m³). This is due to high overhead costs - more expensive equipment and high electricity costs for production. And when choosing, you should pay attention that many sellers get confused in the intricacies of defining technologies - quite often aerated concrete blocks are positioned as autoclaved foam concrete.

Autoclave curing is industrial technology, and foam concrete is most often produced at mini-enterprises

    High thermal insulation properties. Each manufacturer indicates their own indicators, which may vary slightly. But foam concrete is more “stable” compared to aerated concrete and its thermal conductivity does not depend so much on the level of humidity of the surrounding air. This is due to the closed cell structure, less hygroscopicity and vapor permeability.

    Both materials are lightweight cellular concrete, so the load on the foundation is low.

    Both materials are non-flammable and environmentally friendly.

Having considered what properties foam concrete and aerated concrete have, what is the difference between them can be interpreted in two ways - each sign has both a positive and a negative side.

The open cell structure of aerated concrete causes high breathability - this indicator is better for it than for wood across the fibers. But the same ability determines the hygroscopicity of gas silicate blocks - they easily absorb moisture, which leads to wetting of the structure, partial loss of load-bearing and thermal insulation qualities. Therefore, during breaks in construction, walls and partitions must be covered, and after completion of construction, the facade decoration must ensure the weathering of excess moisture.

Conservation of a block house for the winter

In foam concrete, most of the cells have a closed shell. Only in blocks that receive a sharp array, the top layer is characterized by an open structure. Therefore, the vapor permeability of foam concrete is almost as low as that of ordinary concrete. And this means that the blocks do not have breathable properties, but their water absorption is low. And in this case, the exterior finish is more decorative than protective.

In terms of compressive strength, aerated concrete blocks are slightly better than foam concrete ones. So, with the same density D500, foam concrete from most manufacturers belongs to heat-insulating with an indicator of strength class B1, and aerated concrete - to structural and heat-insulating with class B2.5.

The accuracy of the dimensions of building blocks is largely influenced by the culture of production. Gas silicate blocks obtained by cutting from the massif have an absolute match in size and a perfectly flat surface. This allows them to be laid on the adhesive mixture with a minimum thickness of the seam, which almost completely eliminates the heat loss that occurs with conventional masonry techniques. Even better in this respect are walls made of tongue-and-groove aerated concrete blocks, which do not have “through” vertical seams.

The tongue-and-groove form of the gas block

Foam concrete blocks obtained by pouring into molds do not have such an accurate geometry. And only the blocks that were cut from the array are dimensionally stable in one batch. In this matter, what better aerated concrete or foam concrete, the second loses significantly.

For a brief and visual comparison of gas blocks and foam blocks, see the video:


It is definitely impossible to answer which is better - foam blocks or gas blocks for building a house. If the foam blocks are made without violating the production technology and have gone through a full cycle of “ripening”, then they are no worse than aerated concrete, the only advantage of which is the absence of handicraft materials on the market. And some differences in gas permeability and water absorption have two sides - the lack of one property is compensated by the presence of another. Therefore, choosing a foam block or aerated concrete, which is better for building your own house, is based on an analysis of all related factors, from the properties of the land to the climatic conditions in the region.

There are many building materials on the market today. And cellular concrete blocks are among the most popular building materials. They are widely demanded both among specialists and among home craftsmen.

Today, two types of blocks are produced from lightweight cellular concrete: gas block and foam block. In this article, we will consider what is better foam concrete or aerated concrete.

Foam concrete or aerated concrete

Due to the large distribution of building materials on modern market, many home masters are trying to figure out what cinder block is better or aerated concrete, not forgetting about such a popular material as foam concrete.

These materials are characterized by almost identical chemical composition.

The common components here are:

  • Cement.
  • Water.
  • Sand.

Due to the same composition, the foam block and aerated concrete have the following positive properties:

  • Fire resistance.
  • Resistance to various biological factors (damage by rodents, decay, etc.)
  • Resistance to the influence of chemically active substances.
  • Ease of installation. Knowing the principles of brickwork, you do not need instructions for building a wall from a foam block or gas block with your own hands. Therefore, most home craftsmen have just such a choice: foam block, gas block or brick.

What is the difference

Consider the technology for the production of these materials:

  1. Foam concrete is obtained by adding a foaming agent to the concrete solution. After that, the composition is poured into prepared forms, where it gains strength.
  2. Aerated concrete is obtained as a result of the chemical reaction of quicklime with aluminum. The composition of this material includes the smallest particles of aluminum powder. As a result of the reaction, gaseous hydrogen escapes, which forms a porous structure. This material is made in large blocks. After the block hardens, it is cut into products of the desired shape.

It is these differences in manufacturing that influenced the properties of the resulting materials.

Comparing the characteristics of materials

In order to decide which blocks are better than gas silicate or foam blocks, you must first compare them specifications. Despite the rapid technological progress, today there are no ideal building materials, so you always have to choose by comparing the advantages and disadvantages of various blocks.

Determining which foam block or aerated concrete is better, we will compare the following parameters:

  • Strength.
  • Heat and sound insulation.

  • Environmental friendliness.
  • Price.
  • Hygroscopicity.
  • The need for reinforcement.
  • Ready for finishing work and installation.
  • Production quality.

Let's consider these points in more detail:

  1. moisture resistance. A good home should be dry. And foam concrete in this case is an ideal material, since it practically does not absorb moisture.

In order to verify the high water resistance of the foam block, you can conduct the following experiment: place the block in a container filled with water, leaving it in it for a long time.
The material will float on the surface of the water both after a week and after a month, etc.

In view of such a high hygroscopicity, experts recommend waterproofing only the outer walls of buildings lined with foam blocks.

Aerated concrete is also waterproof, but to a lesser extent. In addition, the drying of this material takes longer.

  1. Thermal conductivity. Warm housing is the dream of many of our compatriots. Given the rather harsh winters, everyone dreams of forgetting about the cold, drafts and heating electrical appliances placed throughout the house.

Walls built of cellular concrete need to be insulated. Especially on the outside. Aerated concrete has a lower thermal conductivity, but thermal insulation is still a mandatory procedure.

  1. Soundproofing. Separated pores in the structure of foam blocks provide a higher level of sound insulation than aerated concrete. However, soundproofing such walls is still necessary.
  2. Strength.

Our country is accustomed to building "for centuries". Given the cost of modern building materials, this desire is very easy to justify. Therefore, a durable material for load-bearing walls is needed.

The strength of the foam block is lower than that of the gas block.

Due to its lower strength, foam concrete is easier to process.
If necessary, you can easily cut such a block into the desired parts, drill a hole or grind the protrusions.

Aerated concrete blocks withstand external loads better, as a result of which they do not lose their shape and do not crumble during loading and unloading operations. Accordingly, the structure is more durable.

As you can see, in terms of strength, the answer to the question: “What is better, a gas silicate block or a foam block?” depends entirely on the nature of the proposed work. If the material is to be processed, then you should choose a foam block, but if you need a building with even, strong walls, choose products made of aerated concrete.

  1. Wall mounting. Let's figure out what is better gas silicate or foam block when laying, because ease of use is a very important parameter for any home craftsman.

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Foam concrete blocks are not afraid of either cold or rain. They are ready for use immediately after production. Therefore, you can start work immediately upon the arrival of the material at the construction site.

Gas blocks, in turn, absorb moisture, so they should be used in masonry walls only after drying. On the other hand, plaster fits better on them, which greatly simplifies the finishing work.

  1. Reinforcement. Determining which foam blocks or aerated concrete is better, it is impossible to bypass the topic of reinforcing the material in order to strengthen the structure.

Laying reinforcing bars prevents the appearance of cracks in foam concrete walls. Due to their reduced strength, this procedure is mandatory. Aerated concrete walls are also subject to reinforcement, however, in this case, reinforced blocks are laid only in floors doorways and windows.

During the construction of one-story buildings, aerated concrete can not be reinforced at all.

  1. When deciding which foam blocks or gas blocks are better, many will focus on cost.. Both materials are classified as inexpensive building blocks. However, there is still a price difference. Since the manufacturing process of gas blocks is more complicated, they are more expensive. And the difference can be about 20%.

Ease of manufacture allows the production of foam blocks not only in a semi-industrial, but also in a handicraft way. This significantly reduces the cost of purchasing equipment and the production of the material itself. Products made in artisanal conditions can be much cheaper than factory-made aerated concrete (up to 40%).

  1. Transport cost calculation. Determining what is better foam blocks or gas silicate blocks, you should not least pay attention to transportation costs, because the delivery of material to the construction site is a mandatory step, since the construction of a house requires a large amount of building materials.

Foam concrete blocks are less resistant to transportation. Requiring quality stowage, they can sustain miles of damage while being transported across bad roads. Gas blocks are more durable, but are usually transported in covered vehicles in order to prevent moisture from entering.

  1. fakes. Determining that gas blocks and foam blocks are better, few of the home craftsmen think about the fact that in the modern market it is quite easy to encounter fakes by purchasing material of dubious quality. And if the production of aerated concrete blocks excludes such cases in the bud, then foam blocks that are easy to manufacture are often faked by small cooperatives and one-day firms.

Industrial production of aerated concrete products becomes possible only with the purchase of specialized expensive equipment, so all building materials of this type meet all quality requirements.

But there are quite a lot of low-quality foam concrete on the modern market. And besides the low price, such building materials may have a number of other, more unpleasant characteristics, among which are increased brittleness and low environmental friendliness.

Facts and misconceptions

To date, there are several questions on these materials that are of interest to most home craftsmen:

  1. How harmful to human health is aluminum contained in aerated concrete?

Such experiences are absolutely groundless, since aluminum, being one of the most common materials on earth, is also present in ordinary ceramic brick. Moreover, its mass fraction in brick is much greater than in aerated concrete. Any harmful effects on the human body given material does not render.

  1. The gas block is laid on glue, while cement mortar is used for laying the foam block. Will work with a gas block be cheaper due to saving the solution?

The layer of cement mortar when laying the foam block is at least 1 cm. Adhesive layer when building a wall of gas blocks is only 2 mm. Accordingly, the consumption of glue is 5 times less, while its cost is only 2 times higher than the cost of concrete.

Laying on glue allows you to virtually eliminate the occurrence of cold bridges, which will allow you to significantly save on wall insulation.


As you can see, modern building materials have certain differences, reflected in both advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, even experts, among whom there are different opinions, cannot decide which is better for a gas block or a cinder block. Therefore, given all of the above, the final decision should be yours.

In the presented video in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

On the construction market there is a huge amount of closely related materials. They are divided into groups and classes, characteristic features and areas of application. The gas-block and foam block are analogues and belong to the category of lightweight concrete. However, they are not always used in equal conditions. You can understand how a gas block differs from a foam block by comparing their characteristics and properties, pros and cons, as well as production technology. Let's try to figure this out.

The gas block has a rough surface and white color. Its cellular structure consists of small pores, and microscopic cracks are rather a feature of the material, rather than a manufacturing defect. The process of moisture saturation under these circumstances occurs quite quickly, which affects the loss of the gas block of its original shape and further destruction. artificial stone under negative temperatures.

Constructions of gas blocks need additional protective coating.

Foam concrete blocks gray color have smooth walls, so even outwardly the products differ from aerated concrete counterparts. They also have a cellular structure, but with larger, closed pores. This structure provides the best performance:

  • moisture resistance;
  • thermal insulation;
  • noise protection.

The study of the structural features of the two materials can be carried out at home. To do this, you need to chip off a small piece from each block. Experimental specimens should be placed in two containers of water so that they float and do not lie on the bottom. Observations will show a significant difference between gas and foam concrete. The first one will quickly get saturated with moisture and sink, and the second one will not sink to the bottom for several days.


The name of the blocks explains the technology for producing lightweight concrete. The prefix "gas-" means that the production process is associated with a gas formation reaction, and "foam-" - with the presence of components capable of releasing foam during mixing of the concrete mixture. Both materials include:

  • cement;
  • water;
  • lime - gives stability to the characteristics of finished products;
  • fillers - quartz sand is present in aerated concrete, and industrial slag or sludge is present in foam concrete.

The manufacturing technology of foam blocks requires the presence of soapy or sulfide liquor. It is this component that is responsible for the formation of the foam component. In the case of gas blocks, aluminum paste or suspension enters into a chemical reaction. As a result of a properly organized process, the harmful component, as it were, dissolves, turning into a gaseous state. This makes it possible to assert that ready-made aerated concrete blocks are completely safe for the environment and humans.

Foam blocks are allowed to be produced in artisanal conditions, and aerated concrete products - only in the factory.

How does the process of manufacturing piece building materials from lightweight concrete take place?

gas blocks

Products are manufactured on high-tech equipment, so they differ more high quality and price compared to foam blocks made in artisanal conditions. The shape of the "bricks" turns out to be ideal, without significant deviations, and therefore, much less mortar is used during masonry. The advantage of gas blocks is the possibility of using adhesive solutions that provide a minimum joint size.

The strength of aerated concrete blocks is increased by processing products in autoclaves.

Foam blocks

A simple technology allows you to make masonry material almost at home. The process itself includes:

  • mixing the main components mechanically;
  • addition of a foaming agent;
  • pouring concrete mortar into molds;
  • curing in vivo.

Often finished products have large deviations in geometric dimensions. This drawback is eliminated by a greater thickness of the seams when laying walls, which affects the quality of the completed structure. When building walls, it is recommended to contact professionals.


Differences in manufacturing technology and composition of lightweight concrete are reflected in their quality and performance. For clarity, we present a table.

What conclusions can be drawn? The thermal conductivity coefficient of gas blocks is lower and the sound insulation is worse, but they weigh, in terms of cubic meter, smaller. The density of foam concrete is higher, water absorption is lower, but appearance leaves much to be desired. Only the vapor permeability of materials remains the same, although foam blocks have another attractive side, which is often taken as the basis for buying building products. It refers to a lower cost.

What will be the choice and what will be a priority, it remains for the owner of the future object to decide. Much depends on the purpose and importance of the structure, on the location of the blocks and exterior finish walls. Both materials are used to build load-bearing fences for low-rise buildings and partitions, but a higher house can be built from gas blocks, since their laying technology allows the use of reinforcement.

06/06/2016 at 12:06

Foam concrete or aerated concrete? What's better?

Modern technologies for the construction of country houses widely use blocks of foamed concrete. They are light, strong and large in size, which allows you to build walls quickly. But it is not always clear what is better to choose - foam concrete or aerated concrete.

And is there a difference between them?

There is a difference and it is in the method of obtaining the material. Foam concrete and aerated concrete are related materials, both of them are lightweight concretes with small air bubbles inside. In fact, it is foamed and frozen concrete in this state.

But the way these bubbles form is different.

Why is concrete foamed?

As you know, the best heat insulator is air. The most effective heat insulating materials are those that contain a large number of air pores inside.

But the more voids inside, the less durable such material. Foamed cellular concrete successfully combines the strength of concrete and good heat-insulating properties of air.

Production features

foam concrete made from a cement-sand mixture with the addition of a chemical reagent - a foaming agent. Foaming agent for foam concrete can be of synthetic and organic origin.

The mixture is thoroughly mixed and poured into molds. Hardening occurs naturally, which makes it possible to produce foam concrete blocks for small enterprises.

aerated concrete or autoclaved foam concrete is made only in the factory.

It does not contain any chemical additives for foaming, it consists entirely of mineral raw materials: sand, lime, cement, gypsum, water and aluminum powder as a blowing agent. As a result of a chemical reaction, bubbles form, and they form pores. Hardens the material at high temperature in a pressurized autoclave.

What are good houses made of foam concrete and aerated concrete blocks?

Both foam concrete and aerated concrete are durable building materials, they do not burn, are not environmentally harmful, durable and, at the same time, are easily processed.

Houses made from these materials are much cheaper than those made from traditional bricks. There are several reasons:

  • The low cost of the blocks themselves.
  • Savings on heat and sound insulation. The low thermal conductivity of materials allows you to build walls of reduced thickness, the house will still be warm.
  • Large block sizes allow you to spend less connecting material (cement or glue) and build faster.
  • Both aerated concrete and foam concrete are lightweight materials; building a house does not require the construction of a massive foundation.

Comparative characteristics of foam and aerated concrete

The advantages and disadvantages of these building materials are about the same. The advantages include the following features:

  • High strength.
  • Ease.
  • Ease of handling and use.
  • Good heat-insulating and sound-proofing properties.
  • Does not rot, is not damaged by rodents.

Disadvantages of materials:

Compared to ordinary concrete, both aerated concrete and foam concrete withstand less mechanical stress.

Differences between the foam block and the gas block are clearly visible:

If you break off a piece, then the pores of foam concrete are much larger.

After placing pieces of both materials in water, after a while you will notice that the open-pore aerated concrete will quickly absorb moisture and sink to the bottom, the foam concrete will remain on the surface for several days.


Foam concrete or aerated concrete are made in various densities depending on the purpose of the materials. At the same density, foam concrete loses a little to autoclaved aerated concrete in terms of strength. Aerated concrete is stronger. In addition, the quality of aerated concrete is controlled by a large manufacturer, and in the production of foam concrete at small enterprises, its strength is difficult to control.

Its strength depends on the quality of the foaming agent. It is no secret that manufacturers can use low-quality, cheap blowing agents to reduce the cost of blocks.

The strength is also affected by the factor that the structure of aerated concrete is more uniform. In foam concrete, there may be larger and smaller pores, which affects the strength indicators.

Ability to retain heat

The denser the structure concrete block the worse it keeps warm. Therefore, foam concrete, which has a low density, will be a better heat insulator than aerated concrete.

Exact block sizes

The accuracy of the geometric dimensions of blocks made of autoclaved aerated concrete is greater.

It is regulated by GOST, tolerances- in length up to 3 mm, in width up to 2 mm, in thickness - up to 1 mm, while for foam blocks the deviations in geometric dimensions in thickness can reach 5 mm.

This is due to the fact that when pouring molds for foam blocks, there are always deviations in size. Gas blocks are cut after hardening with a special string and their dimensions are more accurate.

At first glance, 5 mm is small relative to the total block size. But the violation of the geometric dimensions of foam concrete blocks leads to deterioration of the masonry and a greater consumption of masonry materials.

Environmental friendliness

Autoclaved aerated concrete is an absolutely environmentally friendly material.

During its production, a reaction occurs between lime and aluminum. The hydrogen released as a result is not all released during the solidification of the material, but it is not a poisonous gas.

Aerated concrete is made from mineral raw materials, therefore it is completely not subject to decay, and due to the ability to regulate the humidity of the air in the room, the likelihood of fungi and mold on it is completely excluded.

Foam concrete is also a safe building material. It is made from cement, sand, ash, crushed stone production waste, and chemical additives are used as foaming agents.

Blowing agents that form foam concrete, both proteinaceous and artificial, harmful substances do not contain. The quality and environmental friendliness of such additives cannot always be strictly controlled. This fact large enterprises for the production of aerated concrete are used to promote their product in the construction market. But even if there is a possibility that the chemicals are not entirely safe, their concentration in the foam concrete itself is extremely low.

In addition, the pores of foam concrete are closed and airtight.

Both building materials do not have significant environmental deficiencies and this parameter cannot be decisive when choosing.

Water absorption

Both foam concrete and aerated concrete have a porous structure, which means that they absorb moisture to one degree or another.

Aerated concrete absorbs more moisture than foam concrete. This is due to the fact that in foam concrete the pores closed type, and in aerated concrete - pores of both open and closed type. Aerated concrete wall must be covered protective layer Otherwise, it will pick up a lot of moisture. During frosts, wet aerated concrete does not behave in the best way - it cracks.

As a coating, plaster, siding or tiled lining are used.

Foam concrete can also be used without a waterproof coating, but usually the walls are finished, leveling them, as well as for decorative purposes.


Foam concrete is cheaper, the components for its manufacture are not very expensive, and the equipment is not complicated.

Foam block or gas block, what to choose for building a house

The production of autoclaved aerated concrete is more expensive. But during the construction of foam concrete, more may be needed than aerated concrete due to the fact that it is less durable.

It is also important that aerated concrete is laid on adhesive mixture, and for foam blocks and inexpensive cement mortar is quite suitable. True, with glue, laying is faster, and it will take much less than a cement mixture.


If you want to build a low building, block it with blocks wooden building, make an addition to country house, then the best choice there will be concrete.

If you need to build a big house with reliable bearing walls- use aerated concrete.

But do not forget that you need to build quickly, you can not leave an unfinished house to get wet in the rain.

We hope that this comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of foam concrete or aerated concrete was timely and helped you.

Good luck building!

The choice of building material: aerated concrete or foam concrete

Building blocks made using special cellular material technologies are often used in the construction of private houses, houses and other buildings.

The most common are concrete and foam concrete. Due to its properties and technical properties, the elements of this material have many advantages over other building materials in this segment, but in order to understand the best foam from concrete or carbonate concrete, the technology of their production and use should be carefully studied.

Then you can answer the question: “foam concrete or concrete, which is better”? And how you can read about the characteristics of foam concrete blocks here. By clicking on this link, you will learn the technical properties of aerated concrete blocks.

The combination of foam concrete and aerated concrete is the main technology for their production, namely the presence of materials in the raw material that ensure the formation of foam.

Foam concrete or aerated concrete have a relatively low weight as well as the consistency of their processing due to their porous structure.

Product characteristics. Foamed concrete and foam concrete - the difference

The main difference between aerated concrete and aerated concrete in the production of these mortars is that the production of aerated concrete blocks involves the use of aluminum powder.

It is its interaction with lime during mixing that forms the basis for the formation of hydrogen, which in turn creates the porous nature of aerated concrete. Find out more about ribbed plates on this site.

Special foam concentrates and solutions, and sometimes conventional detergents and means used in the production of foam concrete blocks.

This is not the last sign of what separates aerated concrete from concrete foam.

The second difference between foam concrete and concrete concrete is that autoclave technology is used in the production of aerated concrete elements, and foam technology does not guarantee this process during production.

The obvious difference between aerated concrete and foam concrete is small, but the performance of buildings or other elements of their manufactured material manifests the properties of each of them.

The answer to the question of what emits aerosol from aerated concrete lies in the mechanical and technological planes of the characteristics of the production of these building materials.

Having completed the description of the nuance of the production of these building elements, it can be easily concluded that the production of foam concrete blocks can be used in production facilities without any special requirements, and in some cases their production is literally organized at home.

The organization of the production of aerated concrete elements has several functions and requirements, and therefore its start is required by the conditions of production. Difference between concrete slabs from spray concrete have a significant impact on the cost of their production, which cannot affect the policy of the final sale price.

Foam concrete or aerated concrete: advantages, disadvantages, comparison

Depending on the differences in aerated concrete from concrete foam during their production, their properties, characteristics during assembly, laying, as well as the difference in price should be described in detail.

Comparison of aerodynamic concrete and foam concrete in terms of strength is not the result of this material.

The strength of waterproofing elements is confirmed by numerous tests and technical interventions, and this fact is not hidden even by the leading manufacturers of foam concrete blocks.

Surface treatment of a wall made from aerated concrete blocks is much easier and more efficient, since the coating of building and gypsum mixtures on the building elements of this material is the most effective and reliable.

Foamed concrete and foam concrete have differences in water absorption.

Aerated concrete blocks, due to open external pores, absorb a little more moisture, unlike foamed concrete analogues.

An example of this is a small experience of immersing small fragments of materials described in water.

What is the difference between aerated concrete and foam concrete - comparison of strengths and weaknesses

In this case, the aerated concrete part is slightly submerged under water.

However, this comparison of concrete foam and aerated concrete speaks of other advantages of the latter. G/B blocks have a greater degree natural ventilation, made of them designs, breathe more efficiently.

Foam concrete or concrete that is better for construction

When choosing the option to use this or this material, it is necessary to take into account the options for the assigned budget for the construction.

Using building blocks, monetary costs will be somewhat lower, which will be due to the quality of certain indicators and characteristics.

What to choose foam concrete or aerated concrete? This issue is increasingly seen on various construction forums and other websites.

And a definite answer is very difficult to find, because the production technology is very similar, and some functions have not changed much.

Taking into account all of the above, taking into account the volume of demand, the number of reviews from experts, as well as construction experts, we can conclude and answer the eternal question "What is better than concrete or foam concrete."

Naturally, there are pluses on concrete gases. A material that is optimally suited for the construction and insulation of prefabricated buildings. And how can you find out the main blocks of their size and what prices they have here.

Comparison of aerated concrete and foam concrete

Nowadays, the issue of thermal insulation of a house is very important, and this has greatly increased the demand for cellular concrete, which is divided into aerated concrete and foam concrete of various densities. In this review, we will compare autoclaved aerated concrete and foam concrete.

  1. The structure of aerated concrete and foam concrete
  2. Production process
  3. Strength and density
  4. Thermal conductivity
  5. moisture absorption
  6. Frost resistance
  7. Shrinkage

The structure of aerated concrete and foam concrete

In autoclaved aerated concrete, the pores are interconnected, and in foam concrete, the pores are isolated from each other.

Foam block and gas block: the difference

The distribution of bubbles in aerated concrete is more uniform. From such a structure it follows that the thermal insulation of foam concrete is better, but the strength is worse.

Production process

Autoclaved aerated concrete is produced exclusively on high-tech factory equipment, all components for aerated concrete are accurately weighed, which improves quality.

Factory aerated concrete necessarily passes autoclaves - installations with high pressure and temperature.

Autoclaves make aerated concrete stronger and reduce block shrinkage to a minimum. The geometry of autoclaved gas blocks is almost perfect, which simplifies the construction process.

As for foam blocks, their production is much simpler and cheaper.

In this regard, people prepare foam concrete in their garages and dachas. Foam concrete consists of mixed concrete and foam, and does not pass heat treatment. In this regard, foam concrete gains strength for a long time and has big shrinkage, but more on that below.

Thermal conductivity

Since the pores are isolated in foam concrete, this makes it warmer, with the same density.

But, the compressive strength of foam concrete is many times worse.

In other words, in order to achieve the same strength characteristics at the same density, the foam concrete wall should be twice as thick, which will turn out to be more expensive.

Moisture absorption and frost resistance

Aerated concrete absorbs water very well, and can absorb more than half of its own weight.

Too much moisture worsens thermal insulation characteristics and reduces service life.

Foam concrete has much less water absorption. But aerated concrete gives off moisture as quickly as it gains.

To protect the blocks from moisture, apply facing bricks, plaster or siding.

Strength and density

For the construction of private houses, a density of 400 to 800 kg / m3 is usually used.

With the same density, aerated concrete is stronger.

Moreover, the strength of the foam block is unstable, and in one part it can be more, and in the other less. The aerated concrete block is homogeneous and its strength is constant, which makes it more preferable for calculations.

For the construction of load-bearing structures, it is better to use aerated concrete.

Foam blocks are suitable for partitions and unloaded elements of buildings.

But there are also foam blocks with the addition of fiber, which significantly increases the tensile strength of the blocks. See the video for more details on this.

Strength testing of cellular blocks


Since foam concrete does not go through the autoclaving process, its strength gain and shrinkage will take a long time to occur.

As a result, a fresh foam concrete wall may become covered with cracks, and they may take more than a year to form.

The shrinkage index for foam concrete is from 1 to 3 mm / m. Shrinkage for aerated concrete is from 0.1 to 0.5 mm / m.

Service life and cost

Buildings made of foam concrete will last less, which is again associated with shrinkage cracks.

Cracks destroy the material over time.

Cost per cubic meter of materials:

  • Aerated concrete - about 4000 rubles.
  • Foam concrete - 3000 r.

Foam block or gas block: which is better for the construction of low-rise buildings, differences, characteristics

These materials belong to the class of lightweight concretes. Each has its own benefits. It is not a subjective opinion that will help to make a choice when choosing, but knowledge of the basic properties of foam concrete and aerated concrete.

What is the difference between a foam block and a gas block.

Foam concrete and aerated concrete - which is better and what is the difference


Cellular concrete. from which foam blocks (foam concrete) and gas blocks (aerated concrete) are made - this is a wall material, in which small pores are evenly distributed over the entire surface. The production technology and the main components affect the characteristics of these largely similar building materials.

about the difference between foam concrete and aerated concrete (plus polystyrene concrete), comparison.

How to produce

Lightweight concrete is made from environmentally friendly components.

The production method has significant differences, but pores appear as a result of different technological processes.

  • the components are combined, a special foaming filler is added;
  • concrete and foam are mechanically mixed;
  • hardening takes place in natural conditions;
  • equipment for production is affordable for an entrepreneur of the “middle hand”.

    Foam blocks are often produced in small artisanal industries;

  • finished products often have an uneven surface. Deviations in size are quite significant, which worsens the quality of the masonry.
  • the cellular structure appears as a result of a chemical reaction between the main components;
  • to increase strength ready blocks processed in an autoclave;
  • aerated concrete can only be produced in the factory on high-tech, expensive equipment; the quality of the material is much higher than that of artisanal foam blocks;
  • the geometry of gas silicate blocks is almost perfect.

    The installation of the structure is progressing at a high speed, the masonry comes out solid and monolithic.

And this article talks about glue for foam blocks.

What are they made from

Both types of cellular concrete can be safely attributed to environmentally friendly building materials. Some builders are wary of the aluminum powder required for the production of gas silicate blocks. But, in finished products this component is absent.

For the manufacture of foam blocks, lime, water, cement, some types of industrial waste are used: blast furnace slag, and others.

An obligatory component is soap or sulfide lye, which form the foam structure of the material.

Composition of aerated concrete. cement, quartz sand, water, lime. An obligatory component is aluminum paste. In its pure form, this component is harmful to human health, but the particles dissolve during the production process.

about the production of gas blocks and foam blocks, the difference between aerated concrete and foam concrete.

How to distinguish aerated concrete from foam concrete

The differences between the foam block and the gas block are clearly visible:

  1. Foam block: gray shade, smooth surface.
  2. Gas-block: color - white, surface rough, embossed.

Compare the block structure.

The differences are visible to the naked eye. The pores of foam concrete are much larger.

  1. Break off a small piece from the gas block and foam block, put them in two glasses
  2. Aerated concrete with open pores will quickly absorb moisture and sink to the bottom.
  3. Foam concrete practically does not absorb moisture.

    A piece of material will remain on the surface for several days.

  4. If we compare the foam block and the gas block: what repels moisture better, then the answer is obvious.


Foam concrete is a material with closed pores.

Walls built of foam concrete have excellent heat and sound insulation characteristics. The material absorbs water less than aerated concrete. But, exterior finish is still needed.

Fine-mesh pores with microcracks - this is the structure of aerated concrete. The material absorbs water more strongly than foam concrete. This feature of the material requires the obligatory application of a special coating that protects against moisture penetration.


Aerated concrete or foam concrete - which is stronger?

This indicator largely depends on the density of the material. The density of foam concrete is about 650–700 kg/m3, the density of aerated concrete is 450 kg/m3. Perhaps foam concrete should be stronger.

But, thanks to the use of modern technologies and the factory production method, gas silicate blocks with a strength of 35 kgf / cm2 and a density of 400 kg / m3 can withstand the same load as foam concrete with a density of 700 kg / m3 and above.

aerated concrete is considered a higher quality and durable material. For the durability of buildings, choose gas silicate blocks. Please note that costs will also increase.

Application features

Gas silicate and foam blocks are used in the construction of low-rise buildings. From foam concrete erect:

  • partitions;
  • load-bearing walls (not higher than the third floor);
  • various types of fences.

Aerated concrete is suitable for:

  • construction of partitions;
  • erection of load-bearing walls;
  • filling frames in monolithic structures;
  • durable gas blocks are used for the construction of buildings with a higher number of storeys using a stiffening belt.

And here is an article about cinder block houses.

Advantages and disadvantages. Reviews.

What is warmer?

Foam block or gas block? Gas blocks have lower frost resistance than foam blocks, but thanks to the ideal geometry, it is possible to lay on cement-adhesive compositions.

High-quality fitting of gas silicate blocks ensures the solidity of the structure, and "cold bridges" are minimized.

  • thermal conductivity coefficient of aerated concrete with a density of D 500–0.12;
  • coefficient of thermal conductivity of foam concrete density from D 700 and above - 0.24.

Foam blocks have high thermal resistance, they accumulate heat well. This fact reduces heating costs.

But, to achieve such a result, foam concrete walls should be almost 2 times thicker than those of a house built from gas blocks.

houses made of aerated concrete are almost twice as warm as those built from foam concrete with the same wall thickness. Insulation of buildings and the installation of ventilated facades will provide a pleasant microclimate in the house.

This article talks about the pros and cons of foam blocks.

And here http://ru-house.net/bezopasnost/ you will find many more informative articles about the safety of your home.

What is cheaper foam block or gas block? Prices

Foam concrete or aerated concrete?

The cost of equipment for the production of aerated concrete blocks reaches several hundred thousand dollars. Sophisticated technology for the production of high-quality material also requires considerable costs.

Foam blocks are produced in artisanal conditions, often right on the construction site. Equipment costs several times cheaper. The quality and geometry of the finished foam blocks are inferior to aerated concrete.

The conclusion is obvious: aerated concrete is more expensive than foam concrete.

But, the costs are fully compensated by the durability of the structure. The consumption and cost of glue for laying aerated concrete blocks with ideal dimensions is much lower than the price of a larger volume of cement mortar, which will have to equalize the errors of the sides of the foam blocks.

Modern trends in the construction of private houses require the replacement of traditional brick and wood with more technologically advanced materials. It remains only to decide: foam concrete or aerated concrete, which is better?

The use of foam and aerated concrete in construction

The technology for building buildings from cellular concrete was mastered relatively recently, but it has already managed to successfully pass the test of time:

1. Foam and aerated concrete have a low specific gravity, they are lighter than other materials. And this factor is decisive when choosing a material for buildings on lightweight foundations.
2. Unlike brick, masonry is built quickly, such work does not require high qualifications.
3. The non-susceptibility of these materials to corrosion or decay allows them to be connected to structures made of other materials using metal fasteners.
4. Any concrete products are not of interest to insects.
5. Fire safety- also an important thing.
6. Even if the design of the house was completed with errors, they are quite easy to eliminate in the walls of cellular concrete. So, in order to cut out just one niche in the wall from monolithic concrete for an outlet, you will have to spend up to five hours. During the same time, it is possible to mount in the living room in in full hidden wiring. Provided that the walls are made of cellular concrete.

Along with general positive characteristics, the use of a particular material is due to its characteristics. Before making your choice: which is better, foam or aerated concrete, you should familiarize yourself with their characteristics, comparing them to solve a specific problem.

Foam concrete and aerated concrete: similarities and differences between materials

Cellular concrete, as a rule, is used for the manufacture of foam concrete and aerated concrete blocks. By analogy with red and white bricks, there is one root in the name of these materials.

For the preparation of both materials, the technology of foaming a solution from cement is used, which is then formed into blocks. On this their commonality technological features ends. Due to the fact that air bubbles form in the petrified shell, the structure acquires its most basic qualities: heat and sound insulation. Such characteristics of this material allow cellular concrete to successfully compete with wood. The method of forming a petrified shell for gas and foam concrete is different for everyone.

Manufacturing technology

How Foam Concrete is Made:

To impart porosity to the material, a foaming solution consisting of water, cement and sand is produced. To give greater stability to the composition of the liquid structure, synthetic reagents are added to promote the formation of a foamy mass. After the solution has obtained the desired consistency, it is poured into molds. There, solidification occurs, the process requires any positive temperature.

In order to make blocks, it is enough to have an ordinary concrete mixer and a simple foam generator. The entire production process is easily organized directly on the plot.

How Aerated Concrete is Made:

In the manufacture of aerated concrete blocks, foam formation occurs without the addition of synthetic additives. Aluminum powder and lime are added to a solution consisting of cement, water and silicate sand. After the reaction between the reactants takes place, the entire volume of the mixture is filled with stable gas bubbles. If you do not create special conditions, such foam will settle very quickly.

In order to prevent the foam from settling, the mass, which was formed into blocks, is subjected to autoclaving. Long-term processing at a temperature of about 200 degrees and high (up to 14 atmospheres) water vapor pressure ensure the formation of a petrified block structure.

Such production requires industrial conditions. But in mass production it is possible to produce blocks in large volumes. At the same time, they will be of the same size and with identical mechanical properties.

The method of fastening the blocks during their laying is determined by the specifics of their manufacture. So, for fastening foam concrete blocks, ordinary cement mortar is used, and for fastening aerated concrete blocks, the use of special glue is required.

What to choose: the advantages and disadvantages of each

In order to answer the question: what is better, foam concrete or aerated concrete, you must first answer the question: what is “good” in general. In some cases, the individual properties of each of the materials are useful, sometimes they make these materials indispensable. related to each other, they are united by a common concrete base. Therefore, they have the following general useful properties:
  • Low specific gravity (lightness);
  • High thermal insulation;
  • Low sound conductivity;
  • Simplicity and ease of processing;
  • Ease and ease of installation;
  • Lack of combustibility;
  • Not afraid of damage from rodents and insects.

The only drawback of both materials is their high ability to absorb moisture. This negatively affects the thermal insulation qualities of materials, and negative temperatures threaten to destroy the structure of the material. However, this disadvantage can be easily eliminated if the surface is simply revetted.

It is conditionally possible to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of each of these materials in comparison with each other:

Aerated concrete, advantages:

1. Higher thermal insulation;
2. Better block geometry;
3. There is a possibility of reinforcing masonry;
4. Smaller specific gravity;
5. Masonry is more durable;
6. Reducing the load on the foundation;
7. Great resistance to low temperatures;
8. More durable (service life - from 50 to 70 years);
9. Does not shrink;
10. It lends itself better to processing with finishing materials.


1. Great cost;
2. More high ability absorb moisture;
3. The worst soundproofing properties.

Foam concrete, advantages:

1. Lower cost;
2. Higher soundproof qualities;
3. The best waterproofing qualities.


1. Lower thermal insulation properties;
2. Worse block geometry;
3. The inability to reinforce the masonry;
4. Shorter service life (up to 30 years);
5. The material is heavier (has a higher specific gravity);
6. Less masonry strength;
7. Creates a large load on the foundation;
8. Subject to shrinkage;
9. More difficult to process;
10. More susceptible to low temperatures.

To evaluate the remaining features of cellular materials, it is necessary to understand all the conditions of application in specific conditions. It would seem even obvious.

The cost of shipping the material is another not unimportant component. Cellular blocks cannot be stored under open sky due to the threat of precipitation. Therefore, they must be used immediately. And foam concrete blocks can be made right on the spot, as needed during installation.

The device of cold bridges, which are common for a cement screed, is unacceptable for an adhesive joint. But this is a disadvantage only for external walls that are not finished. Considering that for any wall made of cellular material, finishing with plaster or siding is provided, this factor does not really matter.

They have standard sizes, the accuracy of their implementation is up to 1 mm. This circumstance helps to significantly facilitate the laying of flat walls and significantly reduce the consumption of glue. Gas blocks are made strictly in the form of a parallelepiped. Foam concrete blocks can have any shape, as they are made independently. The result is the possibility of making walls in the form of rounded, and sometimes even more complex profiles, made in the form of complex architectural elements.

There is an opinion that foam concrete is not environmentally friendly. As an argument, the use of foaming agents of synthetic origin in the manufacture is given. However, if you enter a query into the search engines: reviews of the owners of aerated concrete houses, it will be possible to make sure that this material does not pose any threat to human health. Moreover, these people have the opportunity to select a specific drug. The market offers a wide range of such drugs, they have a different composition and cost. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that when buying ready-made blocks of aerated concrete, the consumer does not have confidence in their quality and sanitary safety.

The creative space when using cellular concrete materials is limitless. It remains only to wish the owner of the house to plant a tree and raise a son in it!
