How to install a pump to increase the water pressure in the apartment. Pump to increase water pressure: a solution to the problem of low pressure

It is not sad, but the problem of low water pressure (or its complete absence) in water supply systems is familiar to almost every inhabitant of our country. I think most of you have suffered from similar incidents that can ruin not only the morning, but sometimes bring the most calm and balanced people to white heat. First of all, due to their enviable regularity.

Many had to stand in the shower with a soapy head when someone from the household was doing the cooking or, God forbid, went to water the beds.

Where do problems come from?

Actually, it's shameful trickle flowing from your faucet, does not necessarily indicate the malicious intent of utilities. There are a number of reasons why this might happen:

  • natural wear of pipelines;
  • water breakthroughs on the water supply line;
  • clogging of water supply systems with salts or foreign objects;
  • low pressure at water intakes or highways.

The main problem is that these questions have the unfortunate quality of happening simultaneously and in different combinations. If the owners of private houses just took pity on the residents of high-rise buildings and sighed calmly, then in vain. All of the above, in full measure, apply to them.

The only difference, in most cases, is the water source. If the city is talking about the shortcomings of the system centralized water supply , then in the private sector it is usually insufficient performance water systems.

Do not forget about the seasonal overload of water systems. For instance, summer period increased water intake as in apartment buildings due to the heat, and in the countryside, due to the active implementation of household and agricultural work (even when it comes to watering the lawn in front of the house).

One way or another, this happens all the time, and something needs to be done about it.

Who is to blame and what to do?

If, in principle, we have more or less dealt with the first question, then regarding the second, there are several options. To enlarge and water pressure stabilization There are two main types of equipment used:

Worth it in in general terms, outline the differences and scope of this equipment. The principle of their operation is similar, if only because both are based on a pump (a forced water supply system). Perhaps this is where the similarities end.

Pumping stations

This type of device is more suitable for private houses than for multi-apartment high-rise buildings. The system consists of high pressure pump and reservoir (hydraulic accumulator). The inconvenience is primarily associated with the dimensions of the buffer tank.

Depending on the number of people using the system, a tank of the appropriate capacity is selected. It is generally accepted that the average daily water consumption is about 500 liters, which is a lot. Again, it all depends on the habits of the residents: a small basin is enough for someone, and two hundred liters will not be enough for someone.

Actually, mainly for this reason, pumping stations are very rarely used in apartment buildings, where they simply nowhere to install such a massive receiver. As for mansions, the situation is much simpler. It is possible to install such stations in attics and basements. IN last resort it can be simply buried in the ground next to the house.

High pressure pumps for plumbing systems

With these devices, everything is much simpler, and mainly due to their relative compactness and almost complete noiselessness. Using their example, I would like to analyze the main nuances of planning, installation and operation of such equipment. Moreover, most of them are valid for both types of systems.

Nuances of functioning

First of all, it is worth talking about units of measurement. So, historically, water pressure is measured in three different units. It is generally accepted - Bar. However, it differs so little from the atmosphere (1 bar = 1.019 atmospheres) that they are conditionally considered equal in value, which is equal to 10 meters of water column.

Normal water supply pressure should be approximately 4–4.5 bar. But in fact, the upper floors often reach about one and a half. To be clear, this is the minimum pressure for the simultaneous acceptable operation of two taps.

If it comes to your mind to connect a washing machine or dishwasher, you can’t do less than two. Well, in case you managed to become the proud owner of a hydromassage shower or jacuzzi, get ready to organize four or more Bars.

With a high probability, you will be able to solve these kinds of problems with the help of high pressure water pumps. Without it you not being able to use the shower properly, not to mention the washing machine - it simply will not turn on. So, increasing water pressure, what to do?

What should be the pump?

There are some parameters that must be present:

  • productive enough to ensure normal operation household appliances and comfort. At the same time, no frills. Remember that overpressure above six to seven bar can seriously damage the above equipment, stop valves or pipe connections;
  • relatively inexpensive but not too cheap either. You are unlikely to grow money on trees, and the cheapness of the pump may be proportional to its service life. Another important factor in pricing policy is the manufacturer. You are unlikely to find a noname service center, while relatively inexpensive brands have service centers;
  • dimensions and low noise. The small dimensions make it easier to choose the place of installation and allow you to keep the original design of the premises. As for noise, think about comfort, which is very important. The noise increase is very annoying.

There are two modes of operation of such pumps:

  • constant - means virtually round-the-clock operation of the pump;
  • automatic - involves connecting the pump only if necessary, for example, when opening a tap, and is equipped with special automation.

They are considered rather impractical for installation in plumbing systems due to the huge idle period, which leads to excessive power consumption, overheating and premature failure of the pump. It is advisable to use such units for one-time work, for example, watering flower beds. After that, it is simply turned off until the next time.

The only plus is the price. But it is hardly worth starting from this criterion to the detriment of the durability of the system as a whole.

Automatic pumps

The first thing that catches your eye is the price. Yes. She is superior to their non-automated counterparts. However, these financial costs will be more than offset by energy savings and uninterrupted operation of water supply. On top of that, don't forget about a significantly longer work-to-failure resource, and, consequently, savings on repairs.

Particular attention should be paid in the event that a complete shutdown of water occurs on your line. Pump motors cooled by the flow of pumped water. In the case of dry operation, the pump will quickly overheat and soon fail, which I would not like very much.

To be fair, let's say. To date, there are many models that are initially equipped with protection systems against "dry" operation and current sensors to turn on the pump.

Before the final choice of equipment for your water supply, think about how the system will be replenished. In general, there are two options.

Installation of several pumps in front of water points that need high blood pressure(washing machines, showers), or at the entrance of the water conduit to an apartment or house. In the first case, you will have to purchase several relatively low-power pumps. In the second, one will be enough, but one to ensure the minimum required water pressure at all points of water intake.

Another issue is that you are unlikely to be able to correctly assess the water pressure in your water supply in order to select correct power pump. Remember that exceeding the latter can lead to serious damage, up to rupture of pipe joints.

This problem is fairly easy to solve. Most companies selling such equipment practice departure for measurements of a specialist, and it's usually free.

Approximately the same situation with the installation in the apartment. But this time, specially trained people from the public service can help you, and already for money.

Well, quite a human moment. If you have low water pressure, then most likely your neighbors on the floor (and above, even more so) have a situation, if not the same, then perhaps even worse. Thus, increasing the water intake of your apartment may leave the above citizens without water at all.

Is high water pressure a problem?

One way or another, there are a lot of specific issues associated with the installation of such equipment that increases water pressure. And even if you are confident in your plumbing abilities, it is better to contact a person with a decent experience in installing such installations. At least when planning work and selecting equipment. Believe me, it will not be superfluous.

Often, in the existing water supply system in the country, the pressure is insufficient. This is a common occurrence if the system is built on the basis of a storage tank and enters the system by gravity. IN best case we have a pressure of 0.8-1 atm. This is not always enough even for a shower, and you can connect a boiler or washing machine only at 2 atm. There are two ways to solve the problem. The first is , which automatically supports the specified parameters. The method is good, but there is not always the required amount of money. The second output is a pump built into the system that increases the pressure in the water supply in the country. This option is much less expensive. Booster pumps and how to use them will be discussed further.

Booster pump for a summer residence: what are

This device small size, which increases the already existing low pressure. That is, they cannot create it from scratch. This device crashes into existing plumbing and pumps up water, raising the pressure by 1-3 atm. There are several types of booster pumps:

How to choose

In order not to be particularly confused, a booster pump for water supply in the country is usually taken in-line (embedded) with a wet rotor. This is the most optimal suburban option A: little noise, easy installation.

Type of installation vertical or horizontal - depends on the place where you will install it. Regarding speeds, of course, multi-stage adjustment is better, but such pumps cost a lot, therefore they are rarely installed in the country water supply.

You can also pay attention to the material of the case. It can be cast iron or stainless steel. Of course, stainless steel is better, but also more expensive. It is necessary to pay attention to the material from which the pump impeller is made. In the cheapest models, it can be made of plastic, in more expensive ones it can be made of bronze or brass.

Specifications and their meaning

First of all, you need to remember that the pump is powered by electricity, and it needs a normal power supply. Basically, they are demanding on voltage. If, suddenly, the selected booster pump does not produce the required pressure, check the voltage. Perhaps it is low and the required work power is simply not achieved.

Main specifications, which determine whether the pump that increases the pressure in the water supply system in the country will cope with the task - this maximum working pressure. This is the amount that the equipment can output at the output.

The following characteristics are also important:

We draw your attention to the fact that usually the maximum values ​​\u200b\u200bare indicated. To find out the real indicators, divide the declared parameters by 2. Then you definitely won’t be mistaken.

Another important thing is at what flow rate the automatic booster pump for giving is turned on. The values ​​can be different: both 0.12 l/min and 0.3 l/min. It depends on this figure whether the pump will turn on when, for example, the tank is filled in the toilet, or it will start working only after the faucet in the shower opens.

A few words about what modes the pump should work to increase the pressure in the water supply in the country. It is best to take those models that can work both in manual and automatic mode. Here's why: not all tapping points provide the flow required for automatic switching on. If the device has only automatic mode, you will not help the trouble. But if it can be switched to manual, turn it on before use and enjoy normal pressure. Just remember to turn it off.

The next option is maximum and rated power, measured in watts (W). Shows how efficient the motor drives the impeller. In principle, the more powerful the pump, the more pressure it is able to provide, but much still depends on the design and materials used.

The temperature of the working environment. Measured in degrees. Here everything is more or less clear. There are booster pumps only for cold water, there is for hot. This is what this index represents.

Also important connecting dimensions. The booster pump is installed in a cut - a piece of pipe is cut out, a device is installed in this place with the help of fittings. The size of the connecting nuts should ideally match the diameter of the pipe.

About device country water supply(according to the site) - the choice of pipes, the development of the circuit and the connection - read.

Installing a pump that increases water pressure

The location of the pumps depends on specific situation. For normal operation of the faucet and shower, it is enough to put a pump at the outlet of the storage tank, if we are talking about such a system. If you want in the country or a washing machine, other pressure-demanding devices will most likely have to be placed in front of them. With sufficient power (with sufficient flow), one pump can be enough for two devices. Only then it is necessary to think over the scheme accordingly.

In any case, when designing the circuit, consider the possibility of removing or bypassing the pump. This is done using a bypass (there must be a blocking valve in the bypass).

Installation of several low-power booster pumps - not always best idea. In this case, it may be worth considering more powerful and efficient models that can stabilize the pressure at a significant flow rate. Some of them even provide the rise of water from a well or reservoir, replacing, in a sense, a pumping station.

Pump station for boosting pressure

This outlet is very convenient, but not very cheap, although there are inexpensive models (for example, Gilex Jumbo units cost from $130). These units can lift water from a well or well, but the suction hose can also be lowered into a tank. Then storage tank can stand anywhere, not necessarily at the top.

Their advantage is that the pressure is maintained constantly, without human intervention (as long as there is electricity). The main thing is to choose the right parameters. They can even be used to increase pressure when connected to a centralized water supply. If you have this option in your country house:

Everything can be fixed by putting a volumetric tank (liters per 1000) and a pumping station. You will have a supply of water and a shower at any time you wish. For irrigation, such a container may not be enough, but no one bothers to put bigger size or somewhat smaller. We read about the selection and installation of a pumping station

A pump to increase the water pressure in the water supply is purchased to stabilize the pressure in the system. Indeed, for the simultaneous operation of several points of consumption, for example, two taps, the pressure in the system must reach 1.5 atmospheres. washing or Dishwasher will only work at a pressure of 2 atmospheres (and no less). And jacuzzis and showers with a hydromassage function “start” at a pressure of at least 4 atmospheres.

At the same time, in domestic water supply there is often no minimum pressure (1.5 atmospheres), not to mention the standard indicators (4-4.5 atmospheres). As a result, installing a water pressure booster pump is the only way to provide any acceptable living conditions in the house. Indeed, without this pump, neither the shower cabin nor washing machine.

And in this article, we will discuss the choice of devices used to stabilize the pressure in domestic water pipes at an acceptable level.

Firstly, if there is water only on the lower floors of the house. Secondly, if you open one tap, it is no longer possible to use the second source of consumption. And, thirdly, if the system has a frankly weak pressure, which is not enough to service household or plumbing fixtures

In a word, both an ordinary pump and a powerful self-priming pumping station are used if your water supply does not have a stable pressure. Moreover, problems with plumbing will certainly affect general level comfort, reducing the very "quality of life".

Therefore, you will have to buy a pressure pump or pumping station:

  • Firstly, it is quite powerful, but no frills: after all, an increase in pressure to 6-7 atmospheres can destroy the internal elements (seals, valves, and so on) of shut-off and control valves.
  • Secondly, it is relatively cheap: after all, money needs to be spent “wisely”.
  • And, thirdly, it is compact and quiet: after all, the immodest dimensions of the unit will spoil the entire interior of the home, and noise pollution will disrupt the comfort of living.

But both a conventional pump and a pumping station fit these criteria. What's better? Let's figure it out.

Domestic water pressure booster pumps

Such devices are installed in the internal water supply of a house or apartment. Therefore, pumps should not be large and noisy.

Moreover, there are two schemes for operating such equipment:

  • A permanent option, assuming almost round-the-clock operation of the device.
  • Automatic option, including the unit "on demand".

In the first case, we only need a pump, and in the second, we will have to add a flow sensor to it, which, of course, will affect the price of the equipment.

But the more expensive automatic option is still more profitable than the cheaper permanent one. We will explain why: during operation, the pump heats up and fails due to overheating. Therefore, continuous operation of such equipment is strictly contraindicated.

And the automatic pump, which works from time to time, turns on only when the flow is provoked by water consumption (an open tap, turned on washing machine etc). Therefore, it will never burn out. And such a pump consumes much less electricity.

As a result, any prudent homeowner will choose the automatic option, despite the slightly inflated cost. And permanent pumps are good only in one case - if they will be used in one-time operations. Suppose, if necessary, to stabilize the pressure after activating the irrigation system. In this case, the pump is simply “plugged in” and turned off after the procedure is completed.

Pumping stations

In fact, this is the same high-pressure vibration or centrifugal water pump with a hydraulic accumulator or hydraulic tank. However, unlike pumps, stations are mounted between a water source and a water supply. As a result, it is the pumping station that generates the pressure in the water supply system.

Moreover, almost all systems are equipped with similar installations. autonomous water supply. And in order to stabilize the pressure in the system, it is necessary either to replace the existing station with a more powerful one, or to replace only the pump or station accumulator with a more productive analogue.

In addition, to increase the pressure in the pipeline, you can even change nothing! It is enough to simply adjust the operation of the pressure switch. The essence of this solution lies in the fact that a special device is “responsible” for the pressure of the station - a pressure switch that monitors the operation of the pump and accumulator.

Let us explain in more detail: the pump pumps water into the drive, which gives it to the water supply. In this case, the pump does not work constantly, but only when the pressure in the accumulator is less than the minimum. Then it turns on, pumping water until the pressure in the accumulator rises to the maximum possible.

The maximum and minimum pressure in the accumulator is determined by a special relay. Increase the time the lower pressure limit in the accumulator, and it will increase in the entire water supply.

How to choose a pump?

The selection of a high pressure pump is based on the following rules:

  • Firstly, the pump must work as long as necessary, without pauses and long breaks, without overheating and without shutting down. Therefore, you need a unit from a trusted company with a good reputation, and not a Chinese-made clone.
  • Secondly, the pump must increase the pressure in the system to an acceptable level of 4-5 atmospheres, and no more. Therefore, the purchase of a heavy-duty station for deep wells is not always justified. And if you cannot calculate the required performance of the unit yourself, contact the specialists. In specialized stores, this service is offered to all pump buyers absolutely free of charge.
  • Thirdly, the pump must fit the budget of the purchase. Good equipment is expensive. But it pays for itself through trouble-free operation. Cheap pumps require frequent maintenance and practically self repair. After all service centers no-name manufacturers simply do not. Therefore, if you do not have plumbing and locksmith skills or do not have time for such work, buy a reliable unit from a trusted brand, for example, a wilo water pressure booster pump. This technique will pay for itself 100 percent.

As you can see, the selection rules are very simple. But if you have doubts about your decisions, contact the experts.

Majority specialized companies offer a turnkey solution to the problem of insufficient pressure. That is, with the call of the master for diagnostics, calculation and selection of equipment and the subsequent installation of all units in the water supply system.

Why quarrel with the city water utility or public utilities because of a thin stream of water when you can safely organize a normal water supply in your apartment. Choose any portable pump, connect it to water pipe and get a normal flow.

On the upper floors in apartments, it sometimes happens that the water in the system enters with a small pressure. To eliminate such an obstacle, you should not swear with the employees of the water utility, but just buy a small pump, install it on a water pipe and get as much water as the family needs. To do this, it is necessary to study the features and capabilities of at least several models of such pumps. After all, now such household goods are in demand on the market and have a large assortment of models and brands.

Why do you need to definitely buy a silent pump to increase the water pressure in the apartment

In general, pipes always use pressure to supply water, mainly 1 bar, equal to 1.0197 atmospheres = 10.19 meters of water column. In total, according to the norm in cities, the pressure in the pipes of the city water supply should be no less than 4 atmospheres for all apartments. However, the differences are so significant that the inhabitants of the upper floors have to purchase pumps that increase the water pressure in the water supply, the prices of which on the market vary, depending on the model and model power.

If the pressure rises greatly, at least by 6 or 7 atmospheres, then this can harm the water pipes in the apartments. And at a water pressure in pipes of 2 atm. in the system, even a washing machine or dishwasher will not work. Therefore, when buying, you should ask the seller if it can household pump adjust the most optimal pressure - 1.7-2.5, which will allow all the equipment in the house to work normally and get enough water for people. Although according to the rules fire safety, the pressure in the domestic water pipes should not be less than 3 atmospheres.

What to look for when you need to buy a water pump to increase the water pressure in the apartment

In addition to the working pressure, which can be achieved using a pump installed on the pipes in the apartment, you also need to pay attention to other subtleties when choosing. If you buy a water pump in our company to increase pressure in an apartment, you should be concerned about the price along with the following factors:

  1. Pump specifications - for example, what are the performance bandwidth, the pressure created in the system.
  2. Does it meet the task that he must perform - not just increase the pressure, but optimize it to normal.
  3. The quality of the construction details.
  4. Ease of installation and clear instructions for operation.
  5. For which room and how many people the water consumption and pump power are calculated.
  6. Silent operation after installation.
  7. The operating modes of the pressure boosting pumps must be in two directions - manual and automatic.
  8. The prestige of the brand and the final price, which is obtained in reality, compared to the money that you planned to spend on buying a pump.

It is desirable that the household pump can be easily installed in the apartment on its own, without resorting to the services of plumbers. If you need qualified help on a particular pump model, or installation or cost, our specialists are always ready to help you figure it out in order to make the final choice of model.

What are the pumps that increase the water pressure in the water supply, and how to buy them

For example, which are installed in plumbing system fixtures, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with some models. Any pump for an apartment creates an increase in pressure, but you can buy a quality one only through direct suppliers. We offer Moscow residents models only from the manufacturer, so they are all original, have the appropriate stamping - serial numbers. Any household pump purchased from us is far from fake.

Affordable pump "Comfort"

Advantageous characteristics and features of pressure boosting pumps "Comfort":

  1. Manufacturer - Russia.
  2. Low cost.
  3. Electricity consumption - 90-120 watts.
  4. Maximum pressure - 10-18 m., Estimated - 8-10 m.
  5. Throughput (nominal) - 8-12 l / min.
  6. There are two modes of operation - manual and automatic.
  7. Pipeline installation.
  8. Can be used for hot and cold water.
  9. The pump runs silently.

The price needs to be checked with our manager, especially since there may be discounts and promotions for such a model.

"The Russian Comfort pump, according to consumers, lasts longer than the operating period indicated by the manufacturer"

High build quality - WILO pumps

Key features of models such as Wilo booster pumps:

  1. Production - Europe.
  2. The pump is absolutely silent.
  3. Service hot and cold plumbing.
  4. The rotor is wet.
  5. There is a flow sensor.
  6. Types of protective functions - "from dry running" and from overheating.
  7. Electricity consumption - 90-550 W, depending on the operating mode.
  8. The pressure is the largest - 9-20 m.
  9. Throughput - 2.4-35 l / min (depending on the mode of operation).

If you need just such a pump for an apartment that creates an increase in pressure, then its price will be much higher than the domestic one. But it will also work longer.

Durable Grungfos

When looking at options such as the Grundfos pressure booster pump, you will find the following popular features:

  1. Production - Europe.
  2. Quiet operation is guaranteed.
  3. There is a water flow sensor.
  4. Types of protection - from overheating and "dry running".
  5. Two modes of operation - automatic and manual.
  6. The rotor is "wet".
  7. Electricity consumption - 118 watts.
  8. Pressure - 8 m.
  9. Throughput maximum - 1.5 l / min.

Can perform tasks not only to pump water, but also to optimize the circulation in heating system if there is an autonomous system in the apartment.

There are also many other models that are the same type as the above options. Therefore, you choose! Our specialists will very quickly place an order and deliver the pump to the address if delivery is required. It is easy to order installation - call us so that we can form your application and agree on a time for you to be at home. Our master will arrive on time and do his job efficiently and reliably.

We will send the material to you by e-mail

Insufficient pressure in the water supply system worsens the level of comfort and makes it impossible to fully use household appliances. To eliminate this drawback, a special pump is used to increase the water pressure in the apartment. Proper acquisition and installation of the appropriate equipment will ensure its subsequent operation without unnecessary problems and costs for the owner.

Comfortable use of several devices will require good pressure

What tasks will the pump help to solve to increase the water pressure in the apartment

Before the implementation of this project, it is necessary to make sure that it is necessary, to study the equipment market, to clarify the price level. This will help to more accurately determine the amount of funding and time costs.

Why use this technique

In autonomous water supply systems of private cottages, appropriate user adjustments are provided. But in standard city apartments there are no such opportunities.

Utilities do not always fulfill their obligations exactly. Sometimes the power of centralized equipment is poorly calculated. In other cases, attempts are made to "save" at the expense of ordinary consumers. Be that as it may, but as a result the pressure is too small:

More serious difficulties arise in the presence of a separate heat supply system. Built-in sensors turn off gas boilers even when the pressure drops below a certain level.

How to determine your real needs

The list of possible troubles is clear. But first it is necessary to clarify the state of the existing engineering system.

It is fashionable to remove hard plaque from calcium salts using citric acid, or with the use of specialized means of the category "from scale". Such deposits can gradually accumulate in pipes. Over time, they will reduce the working holes to a critical level, which will create a corresponding negative effect.

To check, you need to go to the neighbors. If they also experience a drop in pressure, you can try to influence legal methods on management company, or direct service provider. If the result is negative, you will have to buy a pump to increase the water pressure in the apartment.

When the study did not reveal any shortcomings in the neighbors, the condition of the pipeline is checked. In some cases, you will have to turn to the help of specialized enterprises.

Note! Pipe replacement is not always necessary. Sometimes problems can be solved with the use of flushing.

Criterias of choice

To consider suitable equipment samples, pay attention to the following factors:

  • Critical is the pressure drop below 1-1.5 atm.
  • The norm for the operation of household appliances is from 2 to 3 atm.
  • The maximum threshold is from 4.5 to 5 atm.

Note! If a pressure gauge is installed in the inlet line in combination with a filter, then an on-line pressure check will become available, and the causes of mechanical clogging of pipes will be eliminated.

Manual control of the pump is not convenient enough and less productive. The drive will not consume electricity economically. But due to relative simplicity, the overall reliability of such a system is higher, and the cost is lower.

Automated counterparts are more expensive. However, they not only provide rational use energy resources:

  • Such a pump for increasing the water pressure in the apartment performs its functions for a limited time, which increases its resource.
  • When fully equipped with sensors and emergency valves, an increase in pressure above a critical level will be prevented. It should be remembered that such drops can provoke maintenance and repair enterprises.

  • To accumulate water and dampen pressure surges, some projects include special tanks. Such a reserve is useful in case of increased consumption and interruptions in the operation of centralized networks.
  • Systems of this kind are convenient. They work independently, without settings and other user actions.

Related article:

How to get the right pump to increase water pressure: prices, models, manufacturers

To refine the study modern market it is recommended to consider products well-known manufacturers. It is created on the basis modern technologies And scientific research, with good consumer characteristics.

A typical Wilo water booster pump has the following parameters:

  • Its inclusion occurs automatically when the water consumption increases above a certain threshold (1.5-2 liters per minute).
  • It is designed for fluid operating temperatures up to +85°C. This means it can be used in hot cold water systems.
  • Special nodes cut off the power in the "dry run" mode and when the drive overheats.
  • The low noise level at maximum speed allows installation close to living quarters without additional insulation.
  • Such a device is able to perform its functions fully without an additional pressure sensor and storage capacity.

Equally well equipped are Grundfos water booster pumps. The following table lists the features of several popular models from these manufacturers.

Table 1. Features of several popular pump models.

ImageModelHead, mProductivity, l/minPower consumption, Wprice, rub.
PB-088EA8 35 140 3000-5000
PB-200EA15 55 340 4500-6000
PB-400EA20 75 550 11000-12000
UPA 15-909 40 118 4000-5000

Despite the general similarity, some important parameters differ. So, for example, the manufacturer Grundfos claims the working temperature of the liquid is not more than + 65 ° C. Therefore, a careful check is necessary to take into account comparability with certain operating conditions.

Installation of equipment

Installing a pump to increase water pressure in a house is no different from inserting another device into the main pipeline:

  • The water supply is blocked.

  • At a suitable site, the pipe is cut and a pump is inserted into the gap with two separate taps at the inlet and outlet.

  • When installing equipment, be sure to take into account the normal direction of water movement.

  • Depending on the material, appropriate technologies are used.
