Make an artificial waterfall in the apartment. decorative waterfalls

Many people who have a country house on their own property only dream of decorative fountains and waterfalls. However, in reality this is not a serious problem. After all, you can install such structures, albeit the simplest variations, literally over the weekend! In this you will also need knowledge of some skills in matters of construction, a list of materials that you will need in the process of work, as well as excellent instructions in a “language you understand”.

How to make a decorative fountain for the house?

A fountain in your own garden is the best solution for humidifying the air, especially in the summer heat. Regardless of the chosen style of such an installation, as well as its shape and size, it will perfectly decorate and complement your landscape design. To install a decorative fountain in your own yard, some preparatory work should be done. And so, let's look at all this in more detail.

First stage. Fountain type selection

Based on their design, decorative fountains are:

  • Stationary, which are very reminiscent of a variety of sculptures, as well as other masterpieces of architecture, very often decorating parks, etc. recreation areas. They are rightly considered a real art. The designs are based on some figures, for example, animals / children. Fountains are made of stone (polymer concrete), it has a very high degree of strength, as well as resistance to temperature changes.
  • Submersible hydraulic installations are made directly in reservoirs, and they consist of: a pump with a pipeline through which water enters. As well as nozzles, with the help of which the very necessary form of a water jet is provided. It is these structures that are most often made in the territories of suburban household plots. They look just great, from the side it seems like splashes of water are flying straight from the ground.

Second stage. The choice of shapes, sizes

The simplest and one of the most common options for a jet type fountain. In it, water moves upwards, and already there it is divided into smaller streams. Thanks to this design, your garden pond will look much better.

The forms are symmetrical, in other words, correct - speaking from the point of view of geometry. Fountains are rectangular, square, round, others. However, they do not need additional decoration. It is only important that the boundaries of your pond are marked, which will look beautiful with the help of natural stone / stucco. Here it is very important to ensure that the design of the decorative fountain fits into the style of the exterior of your site.

The size of the structure depends on the total area of ​​the land, respectively, the larger it is, the larger the overall dimensions of the fountain can be.

Third stage. Deciding on a place

As a rule, fountains are located in the most beautiful places in the backyard. But they don't have to be directly under the baking sun, so that microbes can multiply there. At the same time, there should not be much shading, otherwise it will look too faded.

The location of the fountain in partial shade would be ideal, and the sunbeams playing in its water will complement the original location.

A place where wind and drafts predominate is not very suitable, so that gusts do not break the jets, spoiling the whole appearance of the decorated composition. Also, cluttering with trees is not very suitable, since the leaves will constantly fall into the water.

In general, we can conclude that the best place for your fountain is a light penumbra, there is a variety of flowers around, and all garden paths intersect.

The fountain should be located where the area will be viewed from different points of your site. It is very good if you arrange a structure on a playground for children, or, for example, in the area where you relax. At the same time, the fountain should not be an obstacle in order to get to other elements of the scenery, as well as buildings / households. buildings.

If your decorative fountain is located in a lowland, you will receive such advantages as:

  • Humidification of the air, which is very important and relevant in the summer heat.
  • Facilitated adjustment of groundwater in the required, correct direction.

It's important to know! There should be no trees near the fountains. This is due not only to contamination with leaves, but also to possible damage to the waterproofing layer by the roots of the plant.

If the size of the structure is not very large, you can use a plastic container. But, if the fountain is large in size, you will first need to build a foundation. As for the pipeline, it should be made from pipes (plastic), since they will not rust, and connecting them is quite simple (you only need a soldering iron for this). The pump plays a special, important role here. Thanks to him, it forms a pressure of water supply, as well as its ejection with the help of nozzles.

Fourth stage. Pump selection

How long the fountain will last depends on how high-quality hydraulic equipment is. Accordingly, we can conclude that it makes no sense to save when buying a pump.

The principle of operation of pumps is not complicated. Water enters the pipeline, draining into the bowl, after which it flows into the pump nozzle. Already in it, the necessary pressure is created, due to which water is ejected through the nozzles. Further, there is a cyclical repetition.

The power you need to apply depends on how much power you need and how big the bowl is.

It's important to know! The circulation pump requires electricity to operate. Accordingly, you should consider its connection even before installation!

If you want to save money, while ennobling the site, install the Heron fountain. This design consists of three vessels located one on top of the other, coordinating with each other.

The upper vessel looks like a bowl where water is poured, and at the same time the lower containers are closed. When water is poured into the container in the middle, it immediately closes. There are tubes in the design, and due to pressure, the liquid circulates. However, this design has its downside. In the process of using it in the bowl, the amount of water becomes larger. At this time, it decreases in the vessel - in the middle. As a result, very soon, the fountain will not work.

Fifth stage. We make a fountain

Among the most popular options for fountains, one can distinguish a design made and materials, so to speak, at hand; as well as stones.

Making a decorative waterfall for the garden

This design is also able to embellish your site very much. And if there is already a reservoir, we can say that half the battle is done. Whatever decorative waterfall we are talking about, such structures consist of 2 elements, namely: a container into which water will flow, a hill and a pump, due to which air circulation is ensured.

Well, if you don’t have any reservoir on the site, it is with its construction that work should begin. You should also make a decision at this stage regarding fish and plants, whether they will be in the reservoir.

By the way, this design is an ideal habitat for plants and fish, because:

  • Here they are provided with constant oxygen.
  • The optimal temperature regime is maintained, and this is very important on hot summer days.
  • Yes, and the fish feel much better in water that circulates than standing still.

At the same time, there are some types of plants, such as water lilies, which are adversely affected by circulating water. In this state, the plants are constantly in discomfort. This factor is very important to consider if you still prefer to ennoble your home waterfall with plants.

At the first stage of work, a foundation pit is erected

To begin with, it is important to understand what shape and size the structure will be. Then you can proceed to further work and the arrangement of the waterfall.

  • Sod, debris, etc. should be removed from the site. Since it is very important that the surface is even, it should be leveled, that is, if there are hills, remove it.
  • The contours of the future structure should be softened. To do this, you will need a rope to which pegs are “attached”, or lime.
  • Dig a hole without throwing away the earth. She will still be needed.

In order not to complicate your work, the land that you dig must be cleared of existing debris.

To prevent the walls from crumbling at this stage, they should be rammed and also moistened.

  • When you have dug a hole to the required depth, you should dig another 10 cm, and then fill this height with a river type of fine sand. As a result, everything needs to be tamped neatly and scrupulously.

It's important to know! If you launch fish into a pond, a smaller hole should be made in the center of the resulting pit, to a depth of 25 cm.

At the second stage, we make a waterproofing layer

Of course, if you have a ready-made form for the bowl, then we will not do waterproofing. Well, if this is not the case, waterproofing will need to be done very high quality.

Materials such as:

  • Concrete
  • PVC film, butyl rubber, ERDM

Flexible coatings are easier to install and much cheaper. But for this, it is necessary to lay a protective material, such as geotextiles or cardboard. The protection should be in the region of 2.5 cm in thickness.

A layer of concrete will be more reliable, but it is quite a laborious procedure to equip it, which will require the following work:

  • At the bottom of the pit, a "pillow" of gravel should be made, and waterproofing as polyethylene or PVC film.
  • Make a frame using reinforcing bars. Fasteners may be plastic.
  • Make a formwork by filling the bottom with a concrete solution. At the same time, cement must be at least three hundredth grade, crushed stone in fractions up to two centimeters in size.
  • After the bottom has completely solidified, walls should be formed, that is, formwork with pouring. The reinforcement should be tied with steel wire, but not fastened by welding.

At the third stage, we build cascades

Garden waterfalls should be up to one and a half meters in height. If ledges are needed, sandstone should be used, which looks quite natural. In addition, it does not need to be processed.

Start laying from the bottom. Keep an eye on the evenness of the first tier. The rest can be any. Lay out the tiers, while the stones should be fastened with cement / polyurethane foam. Along the edges you need to make small bumpers. So the water in your waterfall will flow directly into the channel.

If you are using mounting foam, you will need to immediately sprinkle it with sand in order to hide its protruding edges.

At the fourth stage, the pump is selected and installed

So you got a one and a half meter design. For her, just right there will be a pump with a power of 70 watts. Accordingly, with a greater height of the pit, a more powerful pump is also required.

When you have purchased the mechanism, you should install it on the bottom of your pond, but it is important to make sure that, like the wires from it, they are invisible.

There should be two windows on the pump housing:

  • Water suction (hose from the window should be left at the bottom)
  • Water ejector (the hose should be brought to the top of the structure)

Then the pump should be connected to a transformer installed indoors.

At the fifth stage, we decorate a decorative waterfall

We checked the performance of the device and the entire structure. Everything is fine?! Now decorate it, for which stones with plants, sculptures with LED type of lighting can be used. Near the waterfall you can install a bench, hang a hammock. And in general, then you can already safely show your imagination and decorate the exterior of the site as soon as you wish!

Decorative fountains and waterfalls - 100 photos of finished projects

an apartment or a private house, an unusual element can be used for this indoor waterfall.

In addition, it performs a healing function: it humidifies the air, which in the apartment, especially in winter, becomes very dry.

Also, a do-it-yourself indoor waterfall helps to relieve fatigue and emotional stress.

Therefore, it is not just an interior decoration, but makes the house more comfortable and contributes to peace of mind.

Indoor waterfalls vary in shape, have different heights of water rise and the method of its fall.

It is quite possible to make an indoor waterfall in accordance with your own design, using natural or artificial materials for.

Products for the premises are divided into several types:

  • Exotic. This type has natural stones, living plants, reeds, trees, jugs, mirrors and other elements in its decor. The designs create a great decorative effect. The capacity of such waterfalls is made of metal, glass, ceramics, concrete or constructed from stones. Almost always it has a glass railing, an open structure is rarely done. This type of waterfall is rarely built in a home or office due to its bulkiness, but its manufacturing technology is very simple.
  • Strict. In this design, there are few natural elements in the decor - this is a waterfall, as if placed in glass - it is called “waterfall on glass”. The mechanism of operation of the structure is the fall of distilled water over a vertically standing glass in an endless stream. On top of the structure is a container with water, which enters it by means of pumping. Such species are divided into jet and rain (drops of water flow down thin capillaries).
  • Combined. This type of waterfall is the same as on glass, but decorated with details of natural decor: stones, plants or trees. Based on the method of lifting the liquid, there are jet, drip, foggy and cascade.

According to the design of the structure, collapsible and monolithic, mobile and singing are made. At the place of installation, they are, desktop or wall-mounted, like a column or screen, as well as a waterfall window.

desktop waterfall

How to make an indoor waterfall with your own hands, a master class on construction technology can be found on the Internet. If there is little free space in the room, then you can make a desktop mini.

For a small room, this is the best solution, since a small structure can perform its functions qualitatively, that is, please the eye with its design and humidify the air in the room.

For its manufacture, it is necessary to prepare the following:

  • A small pump for circulating liquid, pumping it from the lower vessel to the upper one. A pump pump is suitable for this, it should be placed in the lower tank and pump water up. You cannot buy such a pump in a store, but you can take it from an old electric samovar.
  • A plastic 5-liter bottle, the lower water tank will be made from it. Separate the lower part to a height of 6-8 cm.
  • A round tray on which a cake is placed, 30 cm in diameter. This is the base for the structure. You can use any shallow dish.
  • Soft hose, pebbles, construction foam, paint, glue.
  • Connecting the pump to the lower tank. With a heated soldering iron, make a hole in the container on the side surface. It should be 0.5 mm smaller than the pump tube to make a tight connection with it so that there is no leakage. If water oozes, then a fragment of a soft hose should be put on the pump tube, and then passed through the hole - this will seal the connection.
  • Glue the bottom container and pump to the base. Put a soft hose on the supply tube and make a box out of cardboard to close the pump. Having done this part of the work, you should check the operation of the pump and make sure that there is no leakage.
  • Relief of the waterfall. Apply building foam to the entire base and raise it by 5-6 cm. Let the foam harden - this lasts 3-4 hours, and then proceed to build up the slide. It is necessary to increase the base of the waterfall to 15-17 cm.
  • Creation of a waterfall. After 10-12 hours, when the foam has completely hardened, glue the channel along which the water will run with pebbles and lay a small lake on top. At the end of laying out the channel and reservoir with pebbles, it is necessary to coat the channel itself and the seams on the pebbles with waterproof glue.
  • Check the waterfall. In order for the water to flow beautifully, they form nests for the accumulation and beautiful fall of water streams. Using a gun (hot glue), small grooves are made at the top of the waterfall in the form of a gutter.
  • Decor. To paint the parts, you need to make a suitable paint - dilute the PVA glue with water in a 1x1 ratio and add color and sand to them. Mix well - you should get a creamy mass. Make 3-4 shades of green and paint the structure in layers, waiting for the layer applied earlier to dry completely.
  • Pallet manufacturing. It is made from cardboard and packaging paper. A round pallet is made, then it must be painted with spray paint.

Set the waterfall on the pallet, pour liquid into the lower container and turn on the pump. The room table waterfall is ready. You can enjoy its murmur in.

Waterfall on glass

The indoor waterfall on glass looks original in the apartment. The design and manufacture of such an element for an apartment is not difficult.

To build an indoor waterfall, the master class is studied in detail and performed in full compliance. To make it you will need:

  • honeycomb plexiglass of the required size
  • vinyl hose
  • compressor for aquarium, preferably silent
  • check valve
  • backlight

General view of the structure: on the podium there is a cover and a panel necessary to protect the structure from pollution and dust. For quality, you should take neon bulbs and place them as it is more convenient: at the top, bottom or side.

First you need to draw a diagram of the craft and decide on its size. Only then should one proceed with its construction, which occurs in the sequence:

  • Making a pallet from a waterproof material - you can take wooden boards, clean them with sandpaper and varnish them in several layers. As soon as it is ready, place a power supply, a compressor and a check valve on it, it will prevent the liquid from moving through the hose when the cascade is turned off, as well as batteries for lighting - these can be controllers or lamps.
  • Install and fix plexiglass on the pallet so that the backlight can be seen through it. Put a glass container in the pan and pour water into it, because the liquid column functions constantly. Then lower the tube from the compressor into it, then air bubbles will fall into the holes of the plexiglass.
  • Acrylic sprayer installation. It is required to evenly distribute air bubbles through the plexiglass tubes. The holes have individual tubes.
  • You should make the dishes for replenishing water inconspicuous. Why it can be placed on a waterfall or placed behind glass, in front of the podium. The water in the tank should not stagnate, so you need to install a small faucet.

For such a waterfall, distilled water must be used.

Such waterfalls are placed anywhere in the room and can even serve as a dividing wall between areas of the living space.

In the background, you can stick photo wallpapers or decorate with aquarium elements, the backlight will beautifully illuminate the wall and you will get a unique fairy-tale motif in the room.

Indoor waterfalls are a bold design solution for your home or office. In addition to aesthetic functions, it carries a health and psychological burden.

Because it makes the air in the room humid and promotes psychological relaxation. In addition, it gives the room a modern look and home comfort.

The second advantage of a self-made waterfall lies in its economy - if there is "trash" in the house, you can show your imagination and create an incomparable design. Involve children in the work - it's unique to get close to the kids and teach them to express themselves.

How to make a waterfall with your own hands is presented in the video:

The beneficial effect of waterfalls on the mental and emotional state of a person was noted in ancient China. Water is one of the vital energies, the basis of the foundations, and people should have the opportunity to cling to this source at any moment. In the conditions of a modern metropolis, home waterfalls in the interior are the very island of life-giving moisture.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, a waterfall symbolizes wealth and eternal prosperity in the house. To install a waterfall in your apartment means to ensure an influx of money into it. And their number will directly depend on the size of the stream. However, Eastern philosophers do not recommend installing excessively stormy and noisy waterfalls - for the atmosphere of a small apartment, this may turn out to be a violation of harmony.

Designers and thinkers alike agree that the best place to set up an aquarium is the living room. The former refer to the fact that in a small room, falling streams of water will look ridiculous and cramped. The second speaks of the energy of unrest that the foaming waves will bring.

Therefore, it was decided - we place the waterfall in the largest room, where it can play the role of an original partition between work and leisure areas, or occupy an empty corner or wall. Let's take a look at what's new in the design portfolio lately!

"On the glass"

The most popular option is glass waterfalls. Such structures look very thin and weightless, the water in them will flow along a flat transparent surface.

This allows you to make an accessory in any size, even from floor to ceiling, even in small apartments. They are usually used as partitions to separate the spaces of rooms and offices.

  • The possibilities of glass are inexhaustible - a simple surface of a waterfall can be decorated in a colorful Art Nouveau style, painting it under a colorful stained-glass window. Water overflows look great on convex or embossed glass, it can also be given a partial or full matte finish.

  • In order for the design to be clearly visible at night, a powerful backlight is built into it. This gives an additional opportunity to play with the design. Imagine how the pearl streams flash from pink, then orange, then light purple!

  • Glass can be replaced with cheaper and more affordable plastic, which, in addition, will make the weight of the accessory less. And thanks to the latest coloring technologies, your waterfall in the interior will shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow.

  • Very interesting effects can be achieved by decorating the back wall in the form of a landscape or. For this purpose, use photo wallpapers or order printing on glass panels with any image. These can be abstract patterns, tropical jungles, or even photos of family members.

  • For extra liveliness of the composition, decorate the waterfall so that it does not suddenly break off, going into a wooden pedestal. To do this, you can use the ready-made example from the photo below. creates a bright color and makes you forget that we are in a city apartment, and not in the bosom of nature.

  • A built-in waterfall has its own practical qualities in addition to being decorative. In this case, the waterfall serves as a “graceful thin” partition between the kitchen and the dining area. Hypnotic calm will be provided!


As the name implies, the jets in such a waterfall are located separately and fall down in even drops without creating splashes. This allows you to place the accessory at any height, so they are often used in offices, showrooms and shopping centers. A truly bewitching sight - as if crystal threads endlessly flow from top to bottom!

"Figured Waterfalls"

Subdued natural chaos in which you are the master and creator! Complex waterfalls in the interior will remind you of fairy tales, the action of which takes place in the underwater kingdom hidden from human eyes. You can either buy ready-made or create your own world.

  • A waterfall flowing into a pool decorated with imitation of natural clay. Such monumental forms are usually placed in large spaces, country houses, hotel lobbies. If you equip it with filters, then the water can be inhabited by luxurious large fish and exotic plants.

  • An unusual design project, a whole palazzo on the mountain hills. Nothing prevents you from building your castle, or the palace from the fairy tale about the Little Mermaid. Workshops will create an individual object for you, complementing it with artificial rocks and even small fountains.

  • The waterfall in the next photo is no longer a modest accessory, it takes on the function of organizing the whole space. These are smooth forms, like mounds of sand, hewn by the wind, soft colors and a feeling of general calm - like an oasis in a hot desert.


The design of the wall around the waterfall in the interior is also of great importance. Thanks to the original frame, the waterfall can fit into any design. If you do not live in a strict high-tech environment, use a variety of decor - stonework, mica mosaics, gathered in an armful - and create a real center of attraction!

  • In the photo, the waterfall is located in the center of a massive column - what could be more harmonious than wood and water? Here we see how freely the designers treated the form, turning the recess into a kind of viewing window.

  • In the following illustration, the waterfall is divided into two parts, and it is difficult to come up with anything more original than this. If you have been thinking about the entrance arch, you can use a ready-made solution.

  • And this illustration gives an understanding that it is difficult to overdo it with the design of the waterfall. Can you imagine a restrained and measured Niagara? The nature there is lush, colorful, lush. Wall Mount Tropical

Waterfalls on glass

The most beautiful and popular product is a waterfall on glass, very often it is called a weeping panel. Such a waterfall looks spectacular and is a wonderful element of the interior design.
A waterfall on glass can be made as a free-standing structure, which is used to delimit space. Decorative waterfall on glass comes in a variety of sizes - from very small to huge impressive structures. Literally 10 years ago, it was impossible to buy glass waterfalls in Russia, they were ordered from Europe, but now you have the opportunity to order a product according to an individual project!

String-drip waterfalls

String-drop waterfalls form a wall from which water flows smoothly and beautifully. The speed of water movement can be different, the wall can resemble a real Niagara Falls, or it can look like a softly falling rain. String-drop waterfalls will help you create an amazing environment, and with the help of lighting you will create a three-dimensional picture that everyone will remember. Most often, a string-drop waterfall is used as a partition between rooms or simply for a decorative effect.

Waterfalls in the mirror

A real embodiment of style is a waterfall on a mirror. With the help of such products you can easily make any boring environment attractive and unusual. Waterfalls on glass are installed in business centers, hotels, apartments. The use of lighting allows you to fit the waterfall into any interior.

artificial stone waterfalls

Decorative waterfalls on glass in the interior

A decorative waterfall in the office immediately catches the eye. Your visitors, customers, partners immediately get the feeling that they are with a reputable and representative company that you can definitely trust. In addition, a home waterfall performs not only a decorative function. The waterfall humidifies the air, this is especially important in winter, when many heating devices are operating at full capacity.
The waterfall in the apartment creates a cozy atmosphere, harmony. Helps reduce emotional stress, restores strength after a hard day's work. An artificial waterfall gives the apartment dynamics. With the help of well-chosen lighting, you can visually enlarge the space and profitably beat the situation.

Decorative fountains and waterfalls for the home seem to many owners of a suburban area a pipe dream. However, in fact, each of these elements can be done in a weekend (at least the simplest options). This will require some skills in construction, a list of consumables and, of course, good instructions.

Decorative fountains and waterfalls for the home - how to make

The garden fountain is the optimal solution to the problem of air humidification on hot summer days. Regardless of the style in which this hydraulic installation is made, its shape and size, it will become a worthy decoration of landscape design. To make a fountain on the site, you must first carry out a series of preparatory activities.

Stage one. Decide on the type of fountain

According to their performance, fountains can be:

Stationary systems more like sculptures and other architectural elements that often decorate parks. Such fountains are considered to be true works of art. As a rule, they are based on some figure - an animal, for example, or the same pissing boy. Fountains are made of artificial stone (this is one of the names of polymer concrete), which is distinguished by durability, strength and resistance to thermal extremes.

Concerning submersible hydraulic installations, then they are made in the reservoirs themselves; these fountains consist of:

  • pump;
  • a pipeline through which water is supplied;
  • nozzle that provides the desired shape of the jet.

In most cases, such structures are created in suburban areas, and from the side it seems as if water splashes come from an underground source.

Stage two. Decide on size and shape

The most popular variant is the simple jet fountain, in which the water splits into smaller jets as it travels upwards. With such a system, the appearance of the garden pond will change for the better.

If we talk about the form, then it is, as a rule, symmetrical, that is, correct from a geometric point of view. The fountain can be square, rectangular, round, etc., but regardless of this, it does not need any decorative design - you just need to mark the boundaries of the pond (using natural stone or stucco). Another thing is important - that the design fits into the overall style.

The dimensions of the fountain depend on the total area of ​​​​the site: the larger it is, the larger the installation can be.

Stage three. Choose a place

The fountain must be located in a place that would be clearly visible from different points of the site. A good option could be the arrangement of a water structure on a playground or, say, in a recreation area. It is also important that the fountain does not block the passage to other decorative elements and outbuildings. Do not forget during planning and about the relief features of the site.

But if we place the structure in the low, it will give the following Benefits:

  • the air will be humidified, which is especially important in the hot months;
  • it will be easier to correct groundwater in the right direction.

Important information! It is undesirable to locate fountains in the vicinity of trees, otherwise the water will be clogged with leaves, and the waterproofing layer (as well as the internal structure as a whole) may be damaged by the roots.

If the structure is small, then some plastic container can be used for it, but the overall fountain requires the preliminary construction of a foundation. It is better to make a pipeline from plastic pipes, because they do not rust and are quite simply connected (using a soldering iron). But the main element is the pump, which is designed to form pressure and eject water through the nozzles.

Stage four. Choosing pumping equipment

The service life of any fountain largely depends on the quality of hydraulic equipment, which means that you should not save on this element. There is nothing complicated in the operation of the pump itself: water enters the pipeline through a drain in the bowl, after which it flows to the pump nozzle. In the nozzle, therefore, the necessary pressure is created, due to which water is ejected through the nozzle. All this is constantly repeated, cycle after cycle.

The required power of pumping equipment depends on:

  • the required ejection force;
  • bowl capacity.

Important information! For its operation, the circulation pump needs electricity, and therefore the connection should be taken care of at the planning stage.

Although you can do without a pump at all, if you make the so-called Heron fountain - a structure consisting of three vessels that are located one above the other and communicate with each other.

The upper vessel is made in the form of a bowl into which water is poured, while the lower ones are closed. In addition, water is poured into the middle vessel, after which it is closed. The design also includes tubes, and the circulation of the liquid occurs under the influence of pressure. The disadvantage of this design is that during operation, the amount of water in the bowl increases, and in the middle vessel it decreases, due to which the fountain soon stops working.

You can learn how to make a miniature copy of Heron's fountain with your own hands from the video below.

Video - Heron fountain at home

Stage five. Making a fountain

We proceed to the main stage of work. Geron Fountain, due to its fragility, is not suitable for the site, therefore, it can resort to several ready-made options that have been repeatedly tested in practice.

The most popular of them include:

  • fountain from improvised materials;
  • stone structure.

Let's get acquainted with the features of the manufacture of each option.

The pump is the heart of your fountain

Option one. We use improvised materials

To begin with, we prepare everything you need; From the tools we need:

  • electric drill;
  • shovel;
  • scissors for cutting metal;
  • insulating tape.

You will also need the following materials:

  • sheet of iron;
  • Earth;
  • circulation pump;
  • stones of the required sizes;
  • acrylic bath;
  • elements of decorative design (plants, sculptures, etc.).

After preparation, we proceed directly to work.

First, we select stones of an oval or round shape (such can be found next to a road or a pond).

Then we dig a hole in accordance with the size of the acrylic bath.

We install the bath in a pit, after which we hermetically seal the drain.

We cut out wide inserts from aluminum that will protect the recreation area or playground from splashes. We lay the finished inserts, after which we decorate according to personal preferences.

We lay the bottom of the bathroom with small stones, at the same stage we install the backlight (if it is provided for by the design).

Install the circulation pump, fill the bowl with water. We carry out the final decoration of the fountain (here, again, it all depends on personal preferences and taste; there are no restrictions).

Important information! Natural stones will go well with various sculptures (animals, fairy-tale characters, etc.). The elements seem to merge together and will focus the attention of observers on the originality of the decor.

We also select bright plants that we place in vases. In addition, we can decorate the structure with wooden elements - mill blades, wheels, ordinary branches.

Option two. Making a stone fountain

We start by preparing the necessary equipment, such as:

  • pipe cutter;
  • mounting syringe (you will need it to fill the seams);
  • insulating tape;
  • a hammer;
  • scissors for cutting metal;
  • wrench;
  • electric drill;
  • hacksaw.

In addition, we prepare the following materials:

  • slats with boards (the structure will be strengthened with their help);
  • sealed container for the bowl;
  • flat stones;
  • water pump;
  • copper pipe;
  • clutch;
  • PVC pipe;
  • fine-mesh mesh made of "stainless steel" (for the screen);
  • gravel (to be used for drainage).

The algorithm for further actions is given below.

Table. Making a stone fountain

StepsShort description

First, we dig a hole, the depth of which is 5 cm higher than the height of the prepared tank. Additionally, we dig a small trench between the pit and the socket for laying the cable.

We fill the bottom of the pit with a gravel “cushion” about 5 cm thick, we install a tank on top. Having determined the distance between the edge of the pit and the outlet, we cut off a piece of PVC pipe of the same length. We pass the cable through the pipe, securing one end with tape to connect the pump. On the other hand, we fix the plug so that it does not climb back. We lay the pipe in a trench, after which we fill it with earth.

We place the pump inside the container. We take a protective screen, put it over the tank and mark the place where the pump outlet will be located.

Cut out a circle in the center of the screen corresponding to the diameter of the pipe. Then, in the right place, we cut out a three-way valve (as shown in the image) to access the pumping equipment.

We attach a ball valve to the discharge pipe of the pump. We attach a copper pipe of the required length to the latter. We fill the bottom of the tank with a 5-centimeter layer of gravel, lay the pump (the pressure pipe should stick up), and then install the faucet.

With a hacksaw, we cut the bars of such a length that they exceed the dimensions of the pit by several centimeters from each edge. We put them on the screen.

We take a puncher and, using a concrete drill, drill a hole in the center of each stone (it is desirable to sign the stones with the numbers 1, 2, 3, etc.). During operation, stones are regularly poured with water in order to cool the drill.

We put all the stones on the pipe. Then we remove the upper stone and, using a pipe cutter, cut the pipe so that it is 1-2 cm below the surface of the upper stone. Next, put the stone in place. We fill the tank with water, connect the pump and check the pressure (to adjust the latter, we use a ball valve).

We wedging the stone tower with small stones to maintain a stable structure. Then turn off the water and, when the stones are completely dry, apply silicone-based glue between them. When the glue dries, turn on the unit again. At the end we mask the screen with small stones.

Important information! In the future, we periodically check the level (especially in summer) and add water so that the pumping equipment is always completely submerged.

How to make a waterfall

If there is already a reservoir on the site, then we can assume that 50% of the work has already been done.

The fact is that any decorative waterfall consists of three main elements:

  • containers where water flows;
  • hills;
  • circulating pump.

If there is no reservoir on the site, then work will have to begin with its creation. Also, when drawing up a project, we decide whether there will be plants and fish in the pond.

Beautiful waterfall - photo

The waterfall, by the way, is the optimal environment for algae and fish due to the following advantages:

  • it will provide them with oxygen;
  • it will maintain the optimum temperature, which is extremely important in hot weather;
  • Finally, fish are better off in flowing water than in still water.

But it is worth knowing that some aquatic plants (for example, a water lily) are negatively affected by moving water - in it they suffer from discomfort. This should also be taken into account when choosing plants.

Stage one. foundation pit

Having determined the shape and size, we get to work.

We clear the selected area of ​​sod, boulders and debris. If necessary, remove the hills - the surface should be flat.

We mark the contours of the future reservoir using lime or a rope with pegs.

We dig a hole. We do not throw away the earth - they will come in handy when forming a waterfall.

Important information! We clear the excavated earth of debris - it will be easier to work with it.

We moisten and tamp the walls from time to time so that they do not crumble.

Having reached the required depth, we dig out a layer of about 10 cm more and fill it with fine-grained river sand. We tamp everything carefully.

Important information! If it is planned to breed fish in the reservoir, then in the center of the pit, you need to additionally dig a smaller hole with a depth of 20-25 cm (as shown in the image).

Stage two. waterproofing layer

If the finished form serves as a bowl, then this step can be skipped. If the reservoir is being dug from scratch, then high-quality waterproofing will be required.

We can make it from:

  • PVC films;
  • concrete;
  • butyl rubber films;
  • EPDM films.

Important information! It is cheaper and easier to lay one of the flexible coatings, but in this case, you must first lay the protective material (thick cardboard, and preferably geotextiles). The thickness of the protection should be somewhere around 2.5 cm.

The concrete layer is more reliable, but its arrangement is a time-consuming procedure, consisting of the steps below.

We cover the bottom of the pit with a gravel “cushion” and waterproofing (it can be either PVC film or polyethylene).

We build a frame from reinforcing bars (separately for the walls and bottom), using plastic clips.

We make formwork, fill the bottom with concrete mortar (cement should be at least “three hundredth”, and the size of crushed stone fractions should be within 0.5-2 cm).

When the bottom hardens, we form the walls (formwork + pouring). At the same time, it is important that the reinforcement for the walls is tied with steel wire, and not fastened by welding.

Stage three. Cascades

As a rule, the height of garden waterfalls is no more than 1.5 m. If we plan to make ledges, then we use sandstone for this - it looks natural, and it is not difficult to process it.

We start laying from the bottom. We try to make the first tier as even as possible. As for the rest, we can make them any. Laying out the tiers, we fasten the stones with cement or mounting foam. We equip small sides at the edges so that the water flows strictly along the established channel.

Important information! In order to hide the foam protruding beyond the edge (if it is used for fastening), we immediately shower it with sand.

Stage four. Pump

For a 1.5 m high structure, an electric pump of about 70 watts is required. If the height is greater, then the pump, accordingly, needs a more powerful one.

We install the purchased pump at the bottom of the pond, but in such a way that it - as well as the wires going to it - is invisible.

There should be two windows on the pump housing:

  • for suction of water (we leave the hose from the window at the bottom);
  • for pushing water (we lead the hose to the top of the waterfall).

We connect the pump to the transformer located in the room.

Stage five. decoration

Well, the waterfall is almost ready, everything works fine. Now it remains only to decorate the structure, for which we can use plants, stones, sculptures, LED lighting. Nearby we can put a bench for rest or hang a hammock. In a word, fantasy will be where to roam.

Video - Making a simple waterfall
