Growing early potatoes: care and methods. Echinacea white swan Alexander Lukshin Mordovia spruce forests

I became interested in Tladianta many years ago, dreaming of acquiring this rare unusual plant with useful properties.

Tladianta dubious(Thladiantha dubia) is the only winter-hardy perennial species among other heat-loving representatives of the Tladiantha genus, which belongs to the gourd family.
Tladianta doubtful is a powerful herbaceous vine with edible fruits. In nature, it grows in the Russian Far East and Northeast China.

In the works of I.V. Michurin, I read that Ivan Vladimirovich wanted to use Tladianta in breeding. He planned to create perennial pumpkin crops with her participation. For example, perennial cucumber and perennial watermelon, it's nice to have such plants on your site.

I began to look for planting material tlandianta. In one of the magazines, I came across an article by a vegetable grower from Lipetsk with the title "You won't forget Tladianta." After correspondence with the author, I managed to get a few nodules of this plant, grow and propagate Tladianta.

At first, I also became interested in this culture for breeding purposes, to create perennial pumpkin crops -, and. But my experiments did not give any results.

Tladianta dubious has been growing on my site for over 20 years. The main thing that I can say about this liana is, yes, you really won’t forget the tladianta ...

Disadvantages and advantages of dubious tladianta

At first, knowing little about this vine, I assigned the best place for the tladianta on my site, where I planted its nodules. But in the end, after a few years, this plant became malignant with me.
The fact is that tladianta has tuberous roots - it forms tubers in the soil, like in. This creeper has yellow-skinned, oval-shaped tubers. During the garden season, roots grow in different directions from each mother plant of dubious Tladianta, as a result, daughter tubers are formed within a radius of up to 2 meters. And you need to be careful when digging up these tubers: if even a tiny part of it remains in the soil, it will again grow into a powerful vine and give a large offspring of new tubers.

I had such a case. The dug-out tubers of dubious tladianta lay in a bucket for almost the whole summer, drying in the sun. But as soon as they were poured out on moist soil in the fall, green shoots soon appeared.

Yes, this climbing plant can be very weedy in the area. The disadvantage of tladianta is the rapid growth of tuberous roots in the soil over long distances. But it is worth planting Tladianta tubers in some kind of container, thus limiting their distribution, and then the plant will not “run away” anywhere. It is possible to isolate the area with planted tladianta tubers by digging sheets of iron or slate along its edges (to a depth of 50-60 cm).

The leaves of the tladianta are heart-shaped; they have pubescence. Therefore, when touched, the leaves stick to clothing and even just to open skin. However, there is no harm from this - tladianta leaves are not poisonous and do not burn, but simply stick like Velcro.

But dubious tladianta has not only disadvantages, but also advantages. Tladiantu was called the "red cucumber", and the planting material of this plant was in great demand.
Powerful shoots of dubious tladianta, reaching 5 meters in length under favorable conditions, grow very quickly (several centimeters per day), forming a large green mass. Tladianta, thanks to its violent growth and rough shoots with antennae, actively rises in height and curls any support. In just a month, an overgrown vine can completely cover a vast space with greenery - cover everything that is next to it. Therefore, the tladianta is used as a way to create green arches and verticals in the garden and vegetable garden with its help, as well as to cover the unsightly corners of the garden with greenery. Liana blooms from July to September.

I use the tladianta as a one, which, with its long shoots with powerful growth, is able to quickly decorate the wall of the house, the fence, the gazebo, the arch, the curly supports of various configurations.
Just imagine how this powerful vine with shoots up to 5 m looks, hung with bright ripened fruits - “red cucumbers”. And, besides, in our region this plant winters without problems, has no pests and diseases.
One could say that the dubious tladianta is just a treasure for the gardener and gardener. But not everything is so great here.

The ripened fruits of the tladianta are red, small (from 2 to 5 cm), similar to miniature cucumbers. But on top of its fruits are pubescent, and not everyone will like them. After ripening, the tladianta fruits become sweeter, their taste is something unusual - it resembles a mixture of pumpkin and exotic plants, such as baked pumpkin with notes of and.
You can use green unripe fruits of tladianta in the same way as ordinary cucumbers.

But even with the fruiting of this vine, not everything is so successful, due to the fact that the tladianta is a dioecious plant. And in our region, local insects refuse to visit the yellow medium-sized (2.5 cm) Tladianta flowers. Therefore, in order to obtain fruits, it will be necessary to carry out artificial pollination of flowers in the summer: you need to manually transfer pollen from male flowers to female ones. Broadly bell-shaped male flowers of Tladianth dubious with recurved petals are placed in racemose inflorescences, and flat female flowers are located singly.
Often, fruits can be tied to tladianta without pollination, but there will be only a few of them on the shoots. In the ripened fruits small full-fledged seeds are formed.

In the photo: blooming tladianta; Liana tladianta decorates the wall

Tladianta in medicine

Tladianta refers to medicinal plants.

Ripe tladianta fruits - red "cucumbers" - normalize blood pressure.
From the flowers, tladianths brew a healing one and drink it for a cold.

Tladianta tubers are also used for medicinal purposes. When boiled, their taste resembles potatoes with peas, only with bitterness. Tladianta tubers are used as a lactogonal (enhancing milk production in lactating women), as well as a diuretic and choleretic agent.

Reproduction and cultivation of tladianta

Tladianta propagates quickly and easily - both by seeds and tubers.
Seeds are sown for seedlings in April, then the seedlings are planted in cups.

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This unusual lilac settled in my garden recently. Having planted a small bush, I looked closely for a long time, it didn’t seem to look like a lilac, I thought something else. What and what kind of flowering this bush will please me, it was not known.

They gave me a tiny bush, so the plant developed for three years and did not want to bloom. But now the long-awaited time has come, I didn’t even think that I would see her flowers this year. Ordinary lilac has long faded, and Meyer's lilac has just begun to grow buds. The buds developed rapidly and began to bloom in mid-June.

The inflorescences of this lilac were completely different than those of the usual one. They were much longer, the flowers themselves were small pale pink, gradually blossomed from the base to the top of the inflorescence, so the flowering was long. The leaves are not at all like lilac - they are large, rounded, leathery, very dense. The tree itself grew small, compact. In the fifth year, it rose only one meter in height, the branches of this lilac are powerful, with large buds. As I understand it, a beautiful small tree can be formed from this lilac. Also, unlike ordinary lilacs, Meyer lilacs have absolutely no shoots. But here I asked myself: how to propagate this lilac, I decided to propagate it with green cuttings. In July, I cut cuttings 12-15 cm long, treated them with a root growth stimulator and planted them in a cutting. The composition of the soil in the cuttings consisted of equal parts of sand, peat and earth, evenly mixed, covered with a film and sprayed daily. Soon all the leaves fell off the cuttings, but the cuttings looked alive and healthy. So they sat until the fall, at the end of September I tried to dig out one cutting, and it turned out to have an excellent root system. Every single cutting is well rooted. It means that this lilac is perfectly propagated by green cuttings.

As for the seeds, unfortunately, after flowering, not a single fruit was formed on my tree. Maybe in the future they will, but for the first time my lilac did not want to give seeds.

Based on observations of this plant, it became clear that it is very winter-hardy, so it will be a wonderful decoration in more northern regions. In the spring, as soon as the snow melts and the sun warms, the buds of this lilac immediately begin to grow. But return frosts are fatal for her, blossoming buds may suffer. But, if this does happen, Meyer's lilac quickly recovers from spare buds.

I will really like this pretty bush with its beautiful flowers, as well as the fact that it develops low, compact, and most importantly, does not give overgrowth. I recommend decorating your garden with Meyer lilacs.

Address: 431370. Mordovia, Elniki, st. Zarechnaya, house. 263.

Lukshin Alexander Vasilievich

I also offer free LOFANT seeds to everyone.
To receive seeds, include an envelope with your address and a note (for lofant seeds) in your letter.

AT From this data and photos were taken from the All-Union Book of Memory:

LUKSHIN Alexander Vasilyevich, corporal, machine gunner, b. 2/2/1964 in Chelyabinsk. Russian. He worked at the Chelyabinsk electrometallurgist plant. In Armed. The forces of the USSR were called up on 10/27/82 by the Traktorozavodsky RVK of Chelyabinsk.
In the Rep. Afghanistan since Dec. 1982.
Repeatedly as part of the assault, the company took part in the hostilities.
01/23/1984 during combat operas in the district of us. points Gardez and Urgun was wounded, but did not leave the battlefield. Machine gun fire ensured the platoon's exit to the flank of the pr-ku.
Covering the actions of his comrades with fire, he was wounded a second time, this time mortally.
For courage and bravery. ord. Red Star (posthumously).
He was buried at the Gradskoye cemetery in Chelyabinsk.

AT from this data and photos were taken from the Chelyabinsk book of memory:

A native of Chelyabinsk. Russian.Secondary vocational education.Member of the Komsomol. Single.
Mother - Lukshina Claudia Mikhailovna.
In Afghanistan - machine gunner 3rdparachute company (military unit 44585).
After graduating from 8th gradeschool number 102, Chelyabinsk entered SGPTU-32.
After graduating from SGPTU, he worked untilconscription into the army, in Chelyabinskelectrometallurgical plant.
October 27, 1982 TraktorozavodskyRVC Chelyabinsk was drafted into the ranksArmed Forces of the USSR.
Since December 1982 - Afghanistan.
On January 23, 1984, he was killed in action.
Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme CouncilUSSR on June 13, 1984 was awarded(posthumously) Order of the Red Star No. 3770054.
He was buried at the Gradskoye cemetery in Chelyabinsk.
Mother Lukshin A.V. lives in Chelyabinsk.
Before being drafted into the army, Alexander was trained in the section of paratroopersChelyabinsk Aviation Training Center DOSAAF. Made 50 jumpsparachute. He was fond of judo wrestling. He liked to play chess. Finished withhonors SGPTU-32, conscientiously worked for ChEMK.
In the autumn of 1982, he began his service in the legendary airbornetroops.
In December of the same year, he was already in Afghanistan, in one part with
Chelyabinsk, Guard Lieutenant Lavrov S.S.
Fate took him to stay in warring Afghanistan for 13 months...
January 23, 1984, participating in a military operation in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe settlementGardez-Urgun, Guard Corporal Lukshin A.V. was wounded, but despite thisleft the battlefield and with machine gun fire destroyed four rebels.
Continuing to fire, he gave the platoon the opportunity to go to the enemy's flank.
And the machine gun fell silent only when the second enemy bullet hit Alexandra.
He was with friends until his last breath and died on the battlefield the death of the brave.
Alexander Lukshin was buried at home, in Chelyabinsk. Installed on his gravemarble monument. School number 102 on Gorky Street, where he once studiedAlexander, named after him...

Decorating the house with flowers, we think about how good it will be to live among living plants. But if a plant pleases not only with its beauty, but also is medicinal or fruitful, it is doubly pleasant. I’ll tell you about a plant that will decorate your window sill with its creeping stems and bring you not fruits, but sugar: not in the form of the usual sugar for tea, but in the form of a sweet substance that is contained in its leaves. One of these plants is the well-known stevia. , whose homeland is Paraguay. Stevia contains more than twenty glycosides of varying degrees of sweetness, exceeding the sweetness of sugar beet sucrose by 300 times, moreover, it is a low-calorie vegetable, that is, it can be consumed by those with diabetes, it is also rich in vitamins, especially group B, and microelements. Yes, stevia is 300 times sweeter than sugar, but this plant has not justified itself. She has a sweet taste, but at the same time there is a strong grassy aftertaste, in addition, this sweetness does not go into solution when brewing, for example, tea. It does not become sweet from the addition of stevia, and if you chew its leaves, there is a strong pleasant sweet taste at first, but soon it turns into bitterness. I think that stevia will soon be replaced by another new and better non-sugar-bearing sweet plant - this is lippia.

Lippia sweet (lippia dulcis) belongs to the verbena family. Her homeland is Nicaragua. In general, lippia has several species widely distributed in the tropics, one species creeping liipia. As an alien plant, it grows in the south of our country and is a weed, but this species does not contain sweet alkaloids. And only sweet lippia has been used as a sweetener by the Indians and other peoples since ancient times. Lippia is 500 times sweeter than sugar, besides, it is low-calorie and rich in vitamins, microelements, which help to remove radionuclides and heavy metals. Lippia restores blood composition, stops inflammation and caries, its biologically active substances normalize metabolism.

Lippia is an original plant, the leaves are a bit like nettles, but they do not burn, but, when touched, they emit a wonderful, unique, sweetish aroma. She prefers to grow in a creeping form, and the shoots, in contact with the ground, quickly take root, so it is advisable for her to put props and tie up the shoots so that they grow up and do not crawl along the ground. Under favorable conditions, lippia blooms profusely and for a long time, its flowers are very small, less than a millimeter, white, collected in inflorescences on a long pedicel in the axils of the leaves. Flowers are self-pollinating and form seeds even in the middle lane under favorable conditions, if flowering and seed ripening occurs at a stable temperature of at least + 15 ° C and daylight hours of at least 12 hours. Lippia is a tropical plant, therefore it is thermophilic and grows well at an optimum temperature of 23-25 ​​° C, it absolutely does not tolerate frost.

Lippia propagates by seeds and cuttings. The seeds are very small, so they are sown in a light substrate, lightly sprinkled with earth, covered with a film and placed in a warm place. Seeds germinate for a long time, about a month. Seedlings grow slowly at first, and only after the appearance of 3-4 true leaves, growth accelerates. While the seedlings are small, they are demanding on lighting and humidity. Over time, having grown stronger, they grow well and tolerate arid conditions, even if the plant is very dry. But once it is watered, it will quickly come to life, which means that liipia tolerates drought very well.

It is easier to propagate this plant from cuttings. It is enough to cut off a piece of the branch and put the stalk in water for a week, it will give a good lobe of roots. Liipia itself reproduces well, as soon as the shoot touches the ground, it immediately takes root.

I grow lippia as follows: in winter, the plant is at home on the window in a flower pot, it looks good, decorating with its curving shoots, and in the spring at the beginning of May I cut cuttings, root them in water and plant them in separate cups. At the end of May, when the threat of frost has passed, I plant the seedlings in open ground according to the 20x20 cm scheme. I select a place that is not too lit, suitable if there is a large tree nearby that gives partial shade. The fact is that in the bright sun the plant is greatly inhibited, the leaves acquire a bronze hue. Plants take root well and give a strong increase. I put pegs nearby, tie up the shoots so that they do not tend to the ground.

And most importantly, the procurement of raw materials. The content of the sweetener in the aerial part of the plant is highly dependent on the conditions and age of the plant. The sweetest leaves are from the central part of the shoots, grown at a moderate temperature of about + 25 ° C and with a moderate amount of nitrogen fertilizers. With a lack of light and heat, the sweetness in the leaves decreases, and it also becomes less in older leaves. On raw materials, shoots are cut and dried in the shade, like any grass. Subsequently, the dried herb can be added to tea or homemade preparations.

It is difficult to imagine the life of a modern person without sugar, but if it is contraindicated due to illness, then plants that have a sweet taste but do not contain sugars will help us out.

Address: 431370. Mordovia, Elniki, st. Zarechnaya, house 263.
Lukshin Alexander Vasilievich
Tel: 89053780288
Please include an envelope with your address on the letter.

In rural areas, a personal plot is an integral part of the life of every family. So, from childhood, from spring to autumn, I was engaged in gardening: starting with spring soil preparation, planting and sowing - and up to weeding with watering and, of course, before harvesting.

Plants have become my passion. I was educated as an agronomist, but with the collapse of the USSR, collective farms and state farms collapsed in the village, and my profession became unclaimed. Therefore, he began to grow plants on his home acres.

At first, everything was grown for their own needs and to decorate the site with ornamental plants. Subsequently, the whole family began to engage in reproduction and the sale of planting material.

Now we are professionally engaged in the cultivation of high-quality planting material of seed potatoes. Every year we test various novelties of high-quality potatoes. We plant more than 120 varieties, we select the best ones in terms of yield, taste and disease resistance and offer them to customers.

For example, in the 2016 season, potato varieties Irbitsky, Lux, Mayak, Natasha, Sarovsky, Charodey, Alena, Fritella, Yubilei Zhukova have proven themselves well on our site.

We were among the first to propagate and offer customers dietary varieties of potatoes with red and purple flesh: these are the varieties Cranberry, Explosion, Purple Majesty, Russian Blue, Boro.

In addition, we are interested in rare and unusual vegetable crops. For example, the amazing baby melon Vietnamese is small, on average, about the size of a goose egg, but beautiful, fragrant and tasty. Or the Golden Vilent cucumber, which strikes with unusual fruits. They are long and white, with a length of 10 cm they have a thickness of no more than 1 cm and have a rare sweetish taste, which children will undoubtedly appreciate.

Another popular crop is the onion. We grow shallots or, as many people call it, family shallots. Various types of this onion were collected from different parts of Russia: according to the shape of the bulb - from round to long, according to the color of the husk - from white to dark red.

We are engaged not only in vegetables, but also in fruit and berry crops. We offer amazing varieties of currant - black with berries without seeds or with berries of emerald green color.

Many varieties amaze with the properties, size and weight of berries. For example, the fruits of the red currant of the Marmeladnitsa variety hang on a bush until frost, without losing their qualities.

There are amazing varieties of strawberries: for example, the Dutch variety Panberry with white berries will decorate any table. And the zemklunika Kupchikha is distinguished by a peculiar large berry of a flattened shape with the aroma of strawberries and a unique taste of wild strawberries. About these varieties, you can say: "When the Dutchman turns pale, the Merchant turns red."

To decorate the site, we grow various ornamental shrubs. For example, the amazing Clematis is burning - unpretentious, winter-hardy, originally from Siberia. The rhizome winters in the soil, and in the spring powerful shoots-lianas up to 3 meters in height quickly grow. In the middle of summer, the entire bush is covered with small, no more than 2 cm in diameter, white fragrant flowers. They are so densely packed that the whole bush looks like one solid white cloud.

It stands out for the early flowering of Forsythia. In the spring, when there are still few colors on the shoots that have not come to life from hibernation, yellow flowers bloom on it - there are so many of them that the whole bush seems to be decorated with yellow paint.

In the middle of summer, the time comes for the flowering of the mock orange bush, in our area it is called street jasmine. And indeed, during flowering, a wonderful smell of jasmine emanates from it for several meters around. In our garden, there are several varieties of mock orange - with ordinary and double flowers, and in the Suzdal variety, the leaves from spring to late autumn have a yellow-whitish color, which gives them a high decorative effect.

The warm summer is quickly flying by in our area, and winter is coming. On long cold days we miss our green pets so much! And so they took up indoor gardening. Now we grow indoor lemons of various varieties: from the most common (Pavlovsky, Meyer, Panderose) to little-known varieties (Florentina, Kammune, Variegated).

Next to lemons, tangerines, oranges and pomelo, pomegranate, figs, muraya and rosemary coexist well. Green pets delight us both in the garden, in the garden, and in the house, warm the soul and give their fruits.

We offer potato planting material, seedlings and seeds of which you can purchase directly on this website. We have been distributing planting material by Russian Post for over 15 years. We have accumulated a lot of experience in packaging, so all plants reach every corner of Russia in excellent condition - from Kaliningrad to Sakhalin.

Alexander Vasilyevich Lukshin, agronomist

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