Esoteric sign of happiness. Chinese symbol of good luck

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All of the listed signs and signs associated with enrichment:

Mole small size on a bald spot, located near the crown, symbolizes the upcoming success.

Dark mole of Saturnian color on top of the head prophesies wealth and nobility for its owner.
Mole on the forehead predicts success and wealth, and the closer it is to the middle part of the forehead, the better.
Mole on any of the hands talking about wealth. A mole on the hand is a sign of fidelity and determination, as well as prosperity and generosity.
Mole in the front of the throat It is the most auspicious sign predicting a rich marriage or a successful career that will ensure prosperity.
Massive, strong palm of a square shape is a sign and a source of energy. An example is the palm of the American actress Angelina Jolie / Angelina Jolie, her palm shape refers to the signs of wealth:

Beautifully enveloping a distinctly pronounced hill of Venus, the line of life testifies to ardor and
great vitality. If there is also a long thumb this energy is tripled. The more energy, the more materially rich a person can become.

Mole on the navel is a sign of wealth and good luck.
Birthmark on (or above) the right eyebrow predicts its owner success in business, love, as well as wealth.
Moles located on any part of the nose they usually talk about the upcoming success in life, about a happy marriage.
Mole on one of the ears is a sure sign of wealth.
Mole on the chin indicates a love of travel, as well as luck.
Mole in the armpit there are about generous and attractive people.
Moles on the left chest found in industrious, prudent people, whose life usually develops successfully and brings abundance.
Mole located on the right knee, speaks of a good-natured character, honesty, great material success, and also the presence of many friends.
Mole located on the toes, predicts its owner a marriage with a wealthy person.

Birds that bring wealth and good luck

Hear how the duck quacked- a lucky sign that portends wealth. To see her in flight is an extraordinary fortune, especially for people who are in sadness or excitement.

Eagle. A very good sign. The Romans considered it the main bird, which symbolized supreme power Jupiter, often depicted next to an eagle. Guarantees prosperity.

Martin. It was also considered among the ancients one of the most happy birds. It is a symbol of spring, awakening and rebirth of nature. It was considered a lucky sign to see a lone swallow before the others arrived. If a swallow made a nest on the eaves of the house, it promised the inhabitants of the house good luck, as well as happiness.

Woodpecker. It is considered a lucky bird, a meeting with which portends success, especially received as a reward for labor.

Wren. A charming brown bird, which is a sign of good luck.

Stork. According to the Roman augurs, it is one of the happiest birds. In Sweden, it is called the sacred bird of great success in all endeavors.

Peacock. As the Romans associated the eagle with Jupiter, so the peacock was identified with Juno, who was the queen of heaven. The happiest of all possible signs was considered a meeting with a peacock. If you see how a peacock spreads its tail, you can hope for prosperity and happiness.

Cuckoo. Hearing the cuckoo, expect wealth.

Pigeon. belongs to the most lucky signs, with which signs are associated, testifying to happiness, love and a blessing for the wedding.

Wealth Animals

Ram. Is a sign life success, wealth and nobility.
Horse- symbolizes wealth.

Rituals for enrichment and good luck

To get rich, on Maundy Thursday you need bathe in gold and silver.
Wealth will bring Fern flower, found at night on Ivan Kupala.
Bring good luck chipped coins, which should be stored in the wallet.
The symbol of wealth is thumb ring.
If carry a double walnut in your wallet you will become rich.
If ride under the bridge by car and see a train traveling over the bridge, you need to urgently put any money on your head, after which the money will arrive. If there is not enough time, you can put a briefcase or a wallet with money on your head.
Buy a car from rich people- to good luck.
Detect litter on the body- to money.
planted birch at home scares away evil, protects from lightning, and also attracts wealth.
Mushrooms on the wall grew up - to wealth.
Take on the road elder staff, then you will not be afraid dangerous people nor wild beasts.
If you find and carry with you overcome-grass, gain goodness and talent. Odolen-grass is the popular name for the water lily.
dried shamrock stored in the house will bring well-being.
Accidentally spill rye- to good luck. Grain is a symbol of life and fertility.
If carry dry hops, you will become rich and be saved from corruption.
If eat Chernobyl with food, you can not be afraid of snake bites, or sorcerers, or poverty.
Eating at the beginning, as well as at the end of lunch, a piece of bread with salt become rich and happy.
Banknotes in the wallet should be placed face down(the one where the portrait is printed), to the owner. In the small compartment itself, you need to store a one dollar bill folded in the shape of a triangle.
The wallet should contain a “lucky coin”(received from a good person, the first you earned, the leftover from a successful transaction, etc.). It cannot be spent lucky mascot prosperity, otherwise the money may be "offended" and stop coming to you.
Bird flying into the house- a symbol of wealth and good luck for the owner of the house.
Before any responsible business, for example, going to the boss’s office or passing the test, you need to put your hands in your pockets, make a figure there, and then immediately go to the goal.
Floating tea leaves and bubbles in the morning coffee appear to the money.
Dip and wash with Ilyinsky rain(which went on Ilyin's day - August 2) means - to attract wealth.
It suddenly began to rain while leaving for long way - to a safe path.
mistletoe branch that was torn off before summer solstice and hidden under the pillow, let you see prophetic dreams about wealth (Wales).
It is recommended to start new business on Tuesday, as well as Thursday or Saturday - these days are considered to be the most favorable.
mice living in the house, promise wealth.
see the rainbow- to the fulfillment of desires.
Sneeze on Monday- to receive a gift: how many times you sneeze, you will receive so many gifts.
Sudden snow, rain or blizzard on the wedding day- to prosperity and wealth, to money.
Note about the bed: getting out of bed in the morning through a step or footstool, expect a good day.
In real rice, individual patterns stick together because they have a different structure. Education is rice when cooking rings along the edges of the pan promises wealth. http://site
Flip the sugar bowl to achieve abundance in the future.
Accidentally confuse sugar with salt when cooking, this is a good sign that does not depend on the taste of the cooked dish and portends good news.
If you suddenly dropped the glass, miraculously remaining intact, you have friends who are ready for you even to throw themselves into fire or into water.
Hearing, going to bed, mockingbird song, expect good luck soon.
In the past, snakes were often kept in houses for protection, so until now having a snake in the house considered a sign of happiness.
Seeing a snake in the garden, know that you can still get rich.
Seeing footprints of any wild animals in the snow who walked around your house, expect good luck in the future.
Seen in the morning, or at another time spider in the house, expect happiness.
Making a golden manicure, you will attract money to your hands.
Birds love to build their nests over good home who expects happiness in the future. This is probably due to the presence of an aura of well-being and tranquility in homes inhabited by kind and loving people. Therefore, feeling such a favorable aura, the birds begin to build nests over such houses.
Seeing a flying dove, get good news.
Tricolor cat, will bring prosperity to the family, as well as wealth.
If a cat reaches out to a person- it promises a benefit or renewal.
Japanese merchants believe that if the cat will suddenly hold the ear with its left paw, buyers will certainly come to their shop, or a good deal will soon be made.
Dropping, sweeping, a broom, you can make a wish, before you raise it - the wish will certainly come true.
Also in Russian villages there is the following sign: a large number of matches bring wealth to the home.
The Mongols of the era of Genghis Khan believed pearls are a symbol of power, wealth, as well as power.

There is a very powerful sign of wealth located in the upper chest, under the collarbone, on the lucky side closer to the center. If there are three small moles, forming a triangle, this is
a symbol of great wealth, abundance, and such wealth that does not need to be earned, one day wealth will simply fall on you, perhaps in the form of an unexpected inheritance.

The most faithful symbol of inheritance is, nevertheless, a different sign, which should be located
on the buttocks. In Old Russian, even the very word “ass” meant inheritance. This sign should be located on the lower part of the buttocks, on the happy side, in a place where a smooth line separates the buttocks from the thigh. If you have there birthmark dark or bluish shade, this is a symbol of the great inheritance that you will receive in the future. If this spot is not round, but flattened and has an almost uneven oval shape, this is a sign that the inheritance will be simply huge.
There are also signs of wealth. One of them is located in the upper region of the foot,
next to the ankle. In that place should be two moles, one above the other, but in this case on the negative side. They symbolize secret sources of income, possibly left money.
If the moles are large, they indicate incorrectly acquired wealth. People who have this sign are under constant temptation and must be on the alert. In this case, moles should be approximately the same and located, preferably horizontally.
Signs can be not only moles, but even pimples that pop up unexpectedly, which are temporary symbols. If you suddenly have pimples in one of the above places, wait early receipt wealth.

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A certain little thing that helps a person in his affairs, in love and achieving goals, is called "an amulet for good luck." Such items are usually made for each person individually, because it is an intimate thing. They help to achieve wealth, "catch the tail" of your luck, fulfill your cherished desires.

Talismans made by hand are considered to bring good luck and money more actively than purchased ones. After all, when buying talismans and amulets in a store, a person can be sure that it was made by a soulless mechanism. But the talisman of good luck and wealth, made by hand, absorbs the warmth of human hands, its energy.

Also, the fact that such an amulet does not have someone else's program, someone else's energy is considered a positive point. On the contrary, such an amulet is charged with the pure energy of its owner. Talismans and amulets can be represented by baubles and beads, pendants and caskets, figurines and dolls.

Materials such as paper and metal, wood and stone, embroidered fabric are perfect for making an amulet to attract money and good luck. Special signs are applied to pieces of paper or cardboard - pentacles, which attract good luck, success and wealth to the owner of the talisman. On the fabric, pentacles are embroidered or wrapped in a red triangle of matter with a note with an inscribed symbol.

You can make amulets from the most different materials. Clay is considered one of the best, as it can absorb the properties and meaning of the symbolism that the manufacturer puts on the amulet. The solar energy of clay can increase during firing - contact with the fire element.

Salt Dough Amulet

But it is not always possible to get natural clay. Then amulets can be made from polymer clay- You can buy it in special stores. And it’s even easier to make talismans for good luck from salt dough.

Flour for the dough is taken in volume 2 times more than salt, the dough is made steep, like dumplings. The figurine should be well dried, painted, varnished. But what kind of symbol the master decides to sculpt depends on his taste and desire.

Popular figurines and symbols


Extremely strong amulet for good luck and protection from people with bad thoughts and intentions, from injustice and evil eyes, is a figurine or image of a tiger. Tigers are especially strong, acting as a symbol of happiness and good luck to people born in the year of the Dragon or in the year of the Tiger. After all, the sign of the Zodiac itself already indicates the strength of this talisman.

Talismans with the image of this amazing amphibian, sitting on coins, serve to increase wealth, attract money. A beautiful and effective symbol of good luck and wealth will be a cute toad holding a coin in its mouth. - one of the most strong talismans for .

Pedestal of coins

It goes without saying that coins folded in a heap are a symbol of wealth. It doesn’t matter at all whether it is old or modern money, in which state they are used and in general, are they real or just a dummy. And you can enhance the effect of this amulet by placing an animal figurine on a pedestal.


Figurines of rhinoceroses are considered to be amulets for good luck, amulets against theft and robbery.

Talismans that bring money are all that, one way or another, resemble coins. And the golden petals of a sunflower just meet such requirements.


Who does not know that the symbol of happiness - horseshoe? But the very figurine of a horse, which drags money lying on a cart or cart, is a symbol of wealth, success, recognition, and a high position in society.

Someone needs fame for happiness, and someone needs an apartment. Talismans, with which you can improve living conditions - this is all that is connected with houses and apartments. The symbol of housing is the key. Therefore, the golden keys are the main amulets for the purchase of an apartment or your own house.


Amulets for good luck are often made in the form of a cat with a raised paw. The Chinese simply adore such figures, believing that the pussy brings good luck and helps to achieve success. Talismans in the form of a cat with a raised paw can be placed anywhere in the home, especially at the entrance, carried with you or depicted on clothes. And to attract happiness in love, you can use an affectionate pussy, giving it to your chosen one.


Talismans that attract money often look like a turtle with coins on its back. But most strong sign good luck and wealth are figurines of turtle-dragon. After all, they combine the courage and fearlessness of the dragon, enhanced by the protective properties of the turtle. This symbol of good luck is very useful for businessmen and creative people. It brings not only money, but also changes the very essence of a person, making him courageous, helping to implement any projects and undertakings, to achieve happiness, recognition and success.

This symbol of wealth is extremely revered in China. The Chinese believe that golden garlic means incessant cash flow. Carrying a figurine of golden garlic is a very good sign.

Talismans to attract wealth are often made in the form of a dragon fish aravana. This is the most popular symbol, with the help of which money flows to the owner of the amulet in an endless stream.

Wand of Ruyi

This amulet is a symbol of untold wealth, good luck and success. Its effect on people in leadership positions is especially noticeable. After all, the wand is a symbol of power, a scepter of the fulfillment of desires, a high social position.

Four-leaf clover

This plant is known to everyone as a symbol of love, wealth, good luck and success. And not only the four-clover found in nature has such power, but also talismans made in the form of a unique branch. It is believed that even dried clover grass, which is carried in a bag with oneself, is able to ward off troubles from a person, bring him good luck, and help him achieve success in everything. Carry with you, and luck will always be there.

Paired animals

Symbols of good luck and success in love and family life since ancient times, paired figures of animals were considered. Swans, wolves, pigeons were especially successful. Although a couple of dolphins are a symbol of true love and happiness. Not without reason, in Russian families of the last century, young people were given carpets with images of a pair of deer or swans “for a bow” - for good luck in family life.

Long gone are the days when a tattoo was a sign of belonging to a criminal community. Beautiful, bright drawings today adorn the bodies of men and women, while having a special, hidden meaning. For those who want to attract luck, wealth, happiness into their lives, you need to figure out which tattoos should be used to do this.

Tattoo with meaning

History refers to the times when the application of signs on the body gave information about a person, belonging to a tribe, status in it. Modern tattoos are filling up special meaning, while people believe in the miraculous power of drawings and symbols. Before you make yourself artistic painting on the body, preferably:

  • decide what you want to add to your life with her support;
  • distinguish male signs from women;
  • know the meaning behind the symbols and pictures.

Wrongly selected images are harmful hidden meaning. You can look at the photos, read the descriptions in the Tattooed Souls online magazine to make an informed choice. What is the meaning of the images on the body? Masters order:

  • symbols of good luck and success;
  • inscriptions - an appeal to society and oneself;
  • charms and amulets;
  • images of children, loved ones;
  • commemorative signs of important events;
  • symbols of love and relationships;
  • signs of attracting wealth, health, luck.

For girls

For modern girls, drawings on the body are a tribute to fashion, a piece of jewelry that can emphasize originality and attract attention. A small sign in a secluded place will add piquancy, sexuality. Tattoos with meaning for girls are selected taking into account individuality, character, from photographs in tatu salons. Very important point- you need to know exactly the meaning of the image, so as not to get into an unpleasant situation.

What do girls prefer to prick, what tattoos bring good luck? Popular female body drawings and their subtext:

  • cat - independence, elegance;
  • butterfly - beauty, freedom;
  • dragon - wisdom, power;
  • panther - grace;
  • tiger - aggression, determination;
  • star - luck, prosperity, happiness;
  • heart is love;
  • scorpio - attractiveness;
  • snake - wisdom, intuition.


A completely different attitude to the drawings on the body in men is very rarely an element of decoration. The main task is to emphasize leadership, authority, strength, courage. Men's tattoos with meaning are found in the form of symbols, drawings, inscriptions and hieroglyphs. They are pierced on the arms, back, chest. It can be a tattoo for good luck and luck, attracting wealth, wisdom, love.

To figure out what the meaning is male symbols what they mean, you need to keep in mind - often the signs reflect aggression, power. What tattoos bring good luck to men, attract confidence, wealth, strength? In salons and magazines, you can see popular tattoos in the photo with a decoding of their intent:

  • lion - pride, cunning, courage;
  • dragon - power, strength, loyalty;
  • snake - abundance, wisdom;
  • tiger - ferocity, passion, strength;
  • heart - love, courage;
  • cross - power, loyalty, strength.
  • star - luck, abundance.

good luck symbol

When not everything goes smoothly in life, bad luck haunts, a person wants this period to pass as soon as possible. He believes that if she constantly wears a sign of good luck, she will turn to face him. Tattoos with such symbols are the most popular in tattoo parlors. What is more often stuffed in this case? Here are some tattoos that bring good luck to everyone:

  • feathers;
  • stars;
  • clover flower;
  • scull;
  • ladybugs;
  • Martin;
  • elephant;
  • inscriptions on the body;
  • hieroglyphs.


Among the most famous, popular with women and men, is a plant sign of good luck and luck. They stuff a clover tattoo with three or four leaves - this has its own meaning. To enhance the meaning, a symbol with a harsh meaning is applied on top. Interpretation of this flower in images:

  • a shamrock, where each leaf carries its own idea - the unity of the soul, body and spirit, and also - hope, faith and love;
  • four sheets, since they are rare, bring luck, happiness.


It is considered to have a horseshoe over the door in the house a good sign since ancient times. It is a symbol of success, wealth, confidence and optimism. Those who want to attract good luck and happiness apply it to the body so that the talisman is constantly nearby. A horseshoe tattoo has interpretation features that depend on its image:

  • the ends are directed downwards - all troubles and misfortunes leave the person, leaving only the good;
  • turned up - symbolize a filled cup, an increase in fortune, bring happiness;
  • directed to the left - a sign of the birth of the moon, the growth of wealth.


One of the most stuffed images for girls is a cute red insect with black dots, which is considered a symbol Mother of God. This is very powerful amulet, symbolizing fertility, helping the birth of children. This image is believed to be:

  • brings good luck;
  • saves from problems;
  • warns of danger;
  • protects from the evil eye.

This amulet is considered very positive, often applied along with clover leaves. Several insects can be depicted at the same time. Of particular importance when applying a tattoo ladybug is given to the number of points on the wings:

  • one - helps in undertakings;
  • two - contribute to finding harmony;
  • three - assist in decision-making;
  • four - protect from betrayal;
  • seven - bring happiness, good luck.


The image of this bird is recognized as one of the most auspicious signs. Such tattoos prick bright, open, creative natures. Their main task is to attract the attention of others, the desire to decorate the world, to help other people. Parrot tattoo - a symbol of happiness and good luck matters:

  • optimism;
  • ease of communication;
  • striving for an interesting, vibrant life;
  • originality of thought.

Tattoo for good luck

The desire to be successful, happy is natural for a person. Those who believe in the well-being of their lives, want to attract success, fill themselves with tattoos for good luck. Signs on the body bring confidence, gaining wealth, luck, happiness. These symbols are:

  • japanese, Chinese characters;
  • mythical creatures- mermaids, dragons;
  • images of animals;
  • inscriptions in all languages;
  • magic signs, symbols;
  • abstract drawings - lines, circles;
  • Slavic, Scandinavian runes;
  • images of flowers;
  • feng shui symbolism;
  • feathers;
  • stars;
  • skulls.

rune of luck

In an effort to add mystery to themselves, to attract mystical forces to the fulfillment of their desires, people make tattoos with the rune of luck. You need to pay attention - these signs look different in the Slavic and Scandinavian interpretations. Experts who are seriously involved in runes do not recommend applying them to the body. This is due to the fact that:

  • signs can change their meaning if, over time, the thoughts and feelings of the person who pierced them correct;
  • possible if applied incorrectly serious problems;
  • even after removal, the sign continues to affect the person.

in latin

in great demand in tattoo parlors, tattoos are used for happiness and good luck in Latin. They give some mystery to the owner, become his talisman, a call to action. Popular phrases include:

  • fortuna mecum - luck accompanies me;
  • veni, vidi, vici - came, saw, conquered;
  • fortes fortuna adjuvat - luck helps the brave;
  • nunquam retrorsum, semper ingrediendum - not a step back, only forward;
  • sic itur ad astra - we go to the stars;
  • vivere est vincere - live to win;
  • per aspera ad astra - through thorns to the stars.

Tattoo for good luck and happiness

To attract happiness into your life - isn't this what girls and boys dream of at a young age? It seems that you will stick a drawing on the body, and this will bring good luck, without much effort. A lucky tattoo helps the owner to believe that everything will be in order - this is already part of the success. Among the most familiar signs are a horseshoe and clover, but you can look original and unique if applied to the body:

  • bat;
  • Yin-Yang sign;
  • scarab beetle;
  • symbols of cards, bones;
  • dragons;
  • birds;
  • acorns;
  • dog
  • Japanese gods of happiness - any of the seven.


Of particular popularity are tattoos depicting hieroglyphs. They look concise, elegant and mysterious. With the attraction of good luck, the hieroglyph can only cope if the image is filled correctly. These signs have powerful energy and deeply embedded meaning. They will help you achieve success, multiply achievements, and not be afraid of difficulties. Before applying it is important:

  • discover exact value hieroglyph, so as not to harm yourself;
  • select good master- even a slight distortion of the symbol can completely change the meaning.

For luck and love

Men and women dream of love at any age. Good luck is brought by such symbols in which a person strongly believes. Tattoo to attract love and happiness can be divided into two blocks. The first includes images that attract feelings. It can be:

  • latin inscriptions, English language;
  • hearts;
  • wings and feathers;
  • frogs;
  • elephants;
  • dolphins;
  • hieroglyphs;
  • infinity symbol.

No less important is the second block - signs that protect love, symbolizing fidelity. Among them are often used:

  • names, initials of lovers;
  • paired tattoos for men and women;
  • phrases-slogans about love, starting with one, ending with another;
  • drawings that make up a single image;
  • rings;
  • hearts;
  • keys with locks;
  • pigeons;
  • dogs.

For wealth

It seems to people that if they put special drawings and symbols on the body, they will attract material well-being, success, fortune into their lives. This is a matter of faith, but tattoos that bring good luck and money are very popular. Among them:

  • insects - bee, butterfly, scarab beetle;
  • animals - fox, cat, lion;
  • birds - hummingbird, parrot;
  • plants, flowers - lotus, peony, acorn;
  • items - coins, money, horseshoe;
  • mythical images - mermaid, dragon;
  • hieroglyphs.

Fortune is a fickle lady. Today you are lucky, and tomorrow luck may turn away from you. But there are ways that allow you to attract good luck - this is the use of symbols of good luck. With the help of them, you can long time be under the special protection of Fortune. Everything you desire will appear in your life. If you want to be lucky in all matters, then there is nothing easier than to arm yourself with symbols of success. Let's look at the most effective good luck talismans that have protected people from evil since ancient times and brought love, wealth and health into their lives.

chimney sweep- a symbol of good luck and luck. In countries central Europe and in Scandinavia this symbol has been bringing people success for centuries. As a token of gratitude and good relationship people still give each other figurines of a chimney sweep. Why does a chimney sweep bring good luck? Belief in this symbol was born in Germany. In the old days, the chimney sweep's whisk was made of birch, which has been considered a symbol of fertility since pagan times. There is another version of the origin of this belief. The profession of a chimney sweep used to be considered the most dangerous, because he had to climb roofs with little or no safety net. Therefore, people believed that if nothing happens to chimney sweeps when they are doing their job, then luck is on their side. Accordingly, the figurine of a chimney sweep should attract good luck.

gold fish is a symbol family happiness and abundance. This is still the case in China. According to Feng Shui, the number 9 brings wealth and harmony to the house, so to enhance the influence of Fortune, there must be nine fish in the aquarium: eight gold and one black. Get an aquarium and see for yourself how quickly the money will fill your wallet!

Four-leaf clover- a symbol of health and luck. Belief in this symbol came to us from Ireland. There, the origin of this plant is associated with the name of St. Patrick. In addition, clover has excellent medicinal properties. According to ancient beliefs, if you suddenly find a four-leaf clover, then incredible luck awaits you. This leaflet must be dried and always carried with you. In this case, he will protect you from negativity, help in difficulties, bring health and financial well-being. This talisman is so powerful that no diseases and difficulties will get to you!

three legged toad- one of the most popular symbols of wealth. According to feng shui, a toad with three legs and a coin in its mouth brings money and luck in all financial matters. There is a myth about the origin of this good luck symbol. Once upon a time, a three-legged toad brought people only grief. She bothered everyone and harmed the harvest. But Buddha came, tamed her and ordered to help people. Since then, the three-legged toad began to do only good deeds, and it still pays for its past sins by spitting coins out of its mouth. So get a figurine of a Chinese toad, and financial success will be guaranteed to you!

sailboat- a symbol of good luck and money. A small sailboat model in your home will bring you luck and financial stability. Since ancient times, many people associated ships with wealth, goods and gold. To this day, the sailboat is considered one of the strongest talismans of money and luck. In order for it to really bring good to the house, it must be placed with its nose towards the center of the house, that is, to create the impression of an arriving ship. This symbol can be placed in an office or at home, preferably in the southeastern part of the room. With the advent of this talisman, all things will go smoothly, you will feel a surge of energy and strength, and your problems will be resolved by themselves.

There are many symbols of good luck and prosperity. But how to choose the talisman that will become your personal protector and patron? To do this, just think about what you really want: money, love, health, harmony, fame? Feel the connection with the good luck talisman, mentally charge it with your positive energy and your dreams, try to hold it in your hands more often or focus your eyes on it. Then your symbol will become your individual assistant, you will feel that some kind of force is protecting you, and all bad things bypass you. Believe in your luck! And don't forget to press the buttons and

12.08.2013 14:38

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Slavic symbols good luck, take care.

FROM Taroslavian amulet, a symbol of Sventovit, bringing victory
in the war. Provides protection from enemy attacks
four corners of the world

FROM VADEBNIK the most powerful family amulet, denoting the unification of two Clans, the merging of two Elemental Swastika Systems (body, Soul, Spirit and Conscience) into a new single Life Way, where the Masculine (Fiery) Beginning is connected to the Feminine (Water). In this symbol, not only red (male) and blue (female) swastikas are visible. It also contains interlocking rings. But how fundamentally different they are from modern interlocking rings!

Firstly, each of the wedding rings is made up of two colors! At the same time, the amount of red (male) color corresponds to the amount of blue (female), which indicates their equivalence and proportionality.

Secondly, each ring means not a closed system, but an open system! This suggests that married couple is not closed on itself, but lives on Earth in co-creation with the will of the Gods and Ancestors, while prolonging its Kin. Confirmation of this is not two rings, but four, denoting the union of a husband, wife, the God of the male Clan and the Virgin Jiva! These four open rings also mean that four Gods are involved in the birth of each person: two earthly - Father and Mother and two Heavenly - Rod, in the form of one of the Gods that gave rise to this Rod, and the Mother of God Jiva. Not without reason in Russia they say: "Debt in payment is red"! The wedding man reminds the newlyweds that each of them for the Life given to them must be repaid to the Gods and Ancestors in the same way: to give Life in the world of Reveal to four Ancestors for a father, four for a mother, and for the first-born given by the Family - dedicate your child to serve Him a gift from both! The total is nine. This is how the fulfillment of duty to the Family is accomplished! On the first day of the wedding, gifts are presented to the bride and groom with the image of Colard and Solard ...

TO OLARD is a symbol of fiery Renewal and Transfiguration. It was used by young spouses who entered the sacred family Union to prolong the Family, waiting for the appearance of healthy offspring.

FROM OLARD is a symbol of the Greatness and Fertility of the Mother - the Raw Earth, receiving light, warmth and love from the Yarila-Sun. This is an image of the prosperity of the land of the Ancestors, a sign of Fire, giving strength and prosperity to the Clans, creating for their descendants for the glory of the Gods and Ancestors.
On the second day of the wedding, the groom gives the bride a scarf or a sundress, and the bride gives the groom a shirt, on which they embroidered amulets with their own hands in advance: Symbols of the Family, Dhata, Svyatochi, Ognevitsy, Slavtsy and Vseslavtsy ....

ABOUT ANGER is a fiery protective sign through which the Heavenly Mother of God gives married women all kinds of help and effective protection from dark forces. It is embroidered and woven on shirts, sundresses, ponies, belts together with other amulets.

FROM LAVETS - A heavenly image that bestows and protects the health of girls and women. Married women it helps to give birth to healthy and strong children. Therefore, all girls and women use Slavets in embroidery on their clothes….

IN SESLAVETS - a fiery protective sign that protects Family Unions from heated disputes and disagreements, Ancient Clans - from quarrels and civil strife, granaries and dwellings - from fires. Vseslavets brings Family Unions and their Ancient Clans to harmony and Universal Glory.

R ADINETS - Heavenly guardian of babies. Depicted on cradles and cradles in which newborn children sleep. Used in the embroidery of their clothes.
It gives babies Joy and Peace, protecting them from evil eye and ghosts.
On the reverse side of the amulet, depending on the gender of the child, or the symbol of the goddess Lely - the youngest Rozhanitsa, the patroness of babies and girls (girls) up to the age of the bride (for girls);


Slavic goddess of beauty, love and marriage, patroness of women, harvest, fertility.
One of the main female amulets.
The goddess herself is depicted on the amulet. Her appearance is very serious, since in Russia love was treated as a great sacrament. On the reverse side is her daughter Lelya. In Russia, to love meant to cherish.


Bereginya, i.e. one that protects, protects from evil spirits bad people, diseases and brings prosperity and joy to the house.

On the amulet, the goddess is depicted at the top of the pendant. She sees everything and tells you how to act in difficult situations. Below is an image of an apple tree of paradise, giving eternal youth and beauty. There are birds of paradise sitting on a tree that will bring you happiness. Circles are a symbol of the sun, which gives a person a lot of heat and light. Below is a dragon - your faithful guardian.


One of ancient amulets. Initially, it was a symbol of a plowed and sown field, an amulet of fertility. Later acquired more broad sense: luck, wealth, success in business, fertility in the literal and figurative sense.
At the bottom of the amulet are attached five pebbles of hematite, which enhances the magical power of the amulet.
Recommended for married women.


Stribog is the god of the winds. Together with Perun, he commands thunder and lightning. He was revered as the destroyer of all atrocities.
One of the strongest protective amulets for all occasions. The amulet depicts Stribog in the form of a Stratim bird sitting on seven oaks.


Veles is the god of worldly wisdom and cunning, wealth, trade, cattle breeding and hunting.
The amulet is intended for people who want to achieve great results in life solely with their mind, hands, talents.


Lada is the ancient Slavic goddess of beauty, love and marriage. In Kyiv, there was a statue of the goddess Lada - very beautiful girl with golden hair and a wreath of roses.
The amulet is intended for a young girl who wants to please others. For a girl who does not yet set a goal to get married, who wants everyone to love her and she loved everyone.


Lunnitsa - from time immemorial has been a talisman women's health. It is believed that it prevents the development of various diseases, promotes an easy pregnancy, and reduces pain during labor pains. Whereas the floral patterns on the lunar mean that the owner of this amulet is also under the protection of the Sun, and this guarantees success in business and the respect of others.
Lunnitsa is one of the favorite women's amulets. It symbolizes the unity of two moving principles: the moon - the feminine principle and the sun (cross) - the masculine principle. Designed to eliminate conflicts between partners, bring peace, kindness and happiness into their relationship.


At removal of all obstacles, help and development of new contacts, prosperity and success.

FROM a symbol of wealth, good luck and success.

FROM health symbol

Knowing the future

A symbol of help in choosing the true path of development

R ost welfare

Prayer to God for big harvest, goodness and profit in business.
