Animate and inanimate nouns. Complete Lessons - Knowledge Hypermarket

Russian lesson on the topic: Animate and inanimate nouns. Grade 3.


    Subject: organize the activities of students to familiarize themselves with animate and inanimate nouns.


    • cognitive: the ability to distinguish between animate and inanimate nouns;

      regulatory: organize your activities; evaluate the results of their work in the lesson and the work of their comrades;

      communicative: to develop the ability to enter into a dialogue with the teacher, peers, to participate in the conversation; to carry out joint activities in pairs, in groups, taking into account specific educational and cognitive tasks.

    Personal: the formation of a positive attitude towards cognitive activity, the desire to acquire new knowledge, to promote the development of students' awareness of the practical and personal significance of the studied educational material.

Lesson type: training session for the study and primary consolidation of new material


I. Organizational moment

Exhale anxiety, sadness, bad thoughts. Breathe in joy, self-confidence. You will succeed!

Guys! Are you ready for the lesson?
I hope for you, friends,
So that the lesson was not in vain.

- To make the lesson interesting, informative, we need your help. I want to take thinking, active students with me. Who is ready to work hard? I'll ask these guys to sit down.

II. Preparation for work at the main stage

- Today at the lesson we are working with self-assessment sheets. After completing the assignment, evaluate your own work. ( Appendix 1 )

Task type



Work in pairs (distribution of words into groups)

Independent work on options (problem situation)

Group work.

Independent work on cards.

1. Calligraphy

1) Work in pairs

- Take a close look at this entry:

rich - poor
health - ….
distant - ...
slow - …
bright - …
little - …

- If you correctly formulate and complete the task, you will find out what letter we will write today at the calligraphy minute. (It is necessary to choose words with the opposite meaning, antonyms)
- That's right, pick up antonyms, but one condition, these words must begin with the same letter. ( Appendix 4 . slide 2)
– Have you guessed what letter we will write at the minute of calligraphy? (letter B)
What is the sound of the letter B? (consonant, voiced, paired for deafness-voicedness, it can be hard or soft)

2) Letter of letters Bb bb
3) Self-esteem.

III. Self-determination to activity

- Read the words

Sparrow, pencil case, cucumber, girl, cow, teacher, computer.

What do these words have in common?
What do we know about nouns?
Divide them into two groups and work in pairs. Write two examples of your own for each group.
- On what basis did you separate the words? (Words that answer the question who? and words that answer the question what?)
who? (animated nouns)
What are the names of the words that answer the question? what? (Inanimate nouns)
– Evaluate your work in self-assessment sheets
- What is the name of the topic of today's lesson?
What are we going to learn about this topic? (slide 3)

IV. Stage of assimilation of new knowledge and methods of action

- I have prepared tasks for you that will help improve your ability to distinguish between animate and inanimate objects, help develop memory, attention, and thinking.

Problem situation(slide 4)

Guitar, mouse, rose, dog, wheel, tit

- The first option write down animate nouns, and the second option write down inanimate nouns (work is done independently)
- What words did the 1st option write out? Why?
- What words did the second option write out? Why?
Now let's check our answers. (Slide 5)
– What did you notice?
What is wrong with your answers? (The wordsmouse and rose written in 1 and 2 columns)
– Why do you think?
- In the first column, what does the word mouse mean? And in the second? (In column 1 - an animal, in column 2 - a computer mouse)
What about the word rose? (In 1 column - a girl Rose, and in the second - a rose flower)
Conclusion: in the Russian language there are many such words that are animate and inanimate. They change their lexical meaning depending on the sentence in which they are used. Such words have a certain name - polysemantic. (Slide 6)

V. Physical education

The eyes need to rest. (Guys close their eyes)
You need to take a deep breath. (Deep breath. Eyes still closed)
The eyes will run around. (Eyes open. Pupil movement in a circle clockwise and counterclockwise)
Blink many, many times (Frequent blinking of eyes)
The eyes got better. (lightly touching closed eyes with fingertips)
All my eyes will see! (Eyes wide open. Wide smile on face)

VI. The stage of consolidating new knowledge and methods of action

1. Work in groups

The envelopes contain words that need to be divided into animate and inanimate nouns. ( Annex 2 )

Caterpillar, book, iceberg, sailor, table, aster, dolphin, jellyfish, steamer, smoke, whale, tulip.

2. Independent work(multi-level task)

- And now the last task is offered to you, with the help of which I can check how much you have learned the material of today's lesson.
- You have cards of two colors on the tables, you need to choose a task according to your strength.

Card #1 (Appendix 3 )

Words are given if the word answers the question who? above, write the letter O (animate objects), if the word answers the question what? write the letter H (inanimate objects).

Starling, house, bed, Olya, bucket, tiger, car, window, flowers, student, driver, goose, mushroom picker, TV.

Card #2

Words with missing spellings are given, it is necessary to insert the necessary letters, and then, after asking a question, write down the desired letter on top, if the word answers the question who? above, write the letter O (animate objects), if the word answers the question what? write the letter H (inanimate objects).

Spring ... on, in ... yes, frost ..., well ... raf, daughter (?) ka, h ... ynik, Deer ... ka, chick (?) chick, d ... horns, p ... cash, s ... nitsa, h ... ynik , to ... shade.

- Choose a card, sign it and get to work (Checking cards is carried out after the lesson by the teacher)

VII. Reflection of activity

- What did you learn in the lesson?
- What did you study?
- Which task did you like best?
- Where will you use the acquired knowledge?

Work with self-assessment sheets.

The purpose of the lesson:

  • to form knowledge and skills to distinguish animate nouns from inanimate ones,
  • to study the features of the declension of animate and inanimate nouns,
  • remember words that are inanimate in Russian.

Lesson type:

Educational and educational.

Nouns according to the type of objects designated are divided into two categories: animated nouns and inanimate nouns.

Animated nouns necessary to refer to all living beings - people, birds, animals, insects and fish. Animated nouns answer the question " Who?"- mother, father, dog, cuckoo, crucian carp, caterpillar, mosquito.

Mostly animate nouns are male and female(child, girl, soldier, fish, frog, etc.).

Animated nouns are rare neuter(animal, child, insect, monster, monster, etc.)

An exercise: Listen to "The Waterman's Song". Name the animate nouns you heard in the song.

Since in grammar and in scientific representation, living and dead nature criteria for animateness or inanimateness differ, animate nouns also include:

  • names or nicknames of fairy-tale characters, myths and legends (Baba Yaga, Koschei, ghost, Pegasus, centaur, cyclops, etc.)

  • names of children's toys (bear, car, doll, tumbler)

  • names of card suits of figures (king, jack, queen)
  • names of chess pieces (queen, bishop, round, knight, etc.)

An exercise: watch the sound filmstrip "Fly-Tsokotuha", pay attention to what letter the names of the characters of the Fly-Tsokotuha, Grandmother-Bee, etc. are written. Name all the participants in the tale whose name is capitalized, explain why.

Inanimate nouns are necessary to designate all objects and phenomena occurring in reality that do not belong to living nature. Inanimate nouns answer the question " What?- snow, rain, door, darkness, laughter.

Also inanimate are the collective names of many living beings: army, people, herd, flock, swarm and names plants: chamomile, cornflower, oak, coltsfoot, aspen, boletus.

You should know that when writing the names of plants, words that are quite familiar to living beings are used - plants "breathe", "bloom", "reproduce", "are born" and "die", but do not move.

However, attention should be paid to cases in which it is necessary to clearly understand the differences between animate and inanimate nouns. For example, nouns detachment, group, class, (denoting a collection of people), but nevertheless are inanimate nouns. Or the noun microbe - in biology, a microbe is a living being, but in grammar, a microbe is an inanimate noun.

Activity: Listen to "Song of the Pirates". What type of nouns do the words "pirates", "dearlings", "robbers", "murderers" belong to? Name similar words belonging to this category.

Features of the declension of animate and inanimate nouns

To divide nouns grammatically into animate and inanimate, it is necessary to take into account the features declination :

The accusative form is the same as the genitive form:

  • in animate nouns plural.

Example: Genitive case (plural) - no (who?) - guys, queens, crucians, girls, forty, dolls = Accusative case (plural) - I see (who?) - guys, queens, crucians, girls, forty, dolls) .

Example: Accusative case (singular) - saw (whom?) the dead man = Genitive case (singular) - there was no (whom?) dead man.

Accusative case (singular) - I see (who?) father = Genitive case (singular) - there was no (who?) father ..

The form of the accusative case is the same as the form of the nominative case:

  • plural inanimate nouns.

Example: Accusative case (plural) - I see (what?) - curls, cans, canned food = Nominative (plural) - there is (what?) - curls, cans, canned food

  • for animated nouns (masculine 2 declensions) singular.

Example: Accusative case (singular) - saw (what?) a stone = Nominative case (singular) - there is (what?) a stone here.

Accusative case (singular) - saw (what?) a corpse = Nominative case (singular) - there is (what?) a corpse.

Bewitched by the invisible

The forest slumbers under the fairy tale of sleep.

Like a white scarf

The pine has tied up.

Bent over like an old lady

Leaned on a stick

And under the very crown,

The woodpecker hammers at the bitch.

S. Yesenin.

An exercise. Listen to the short story. Which nouns are animate and which are not?


The mouse dried the dryers,

The mouse invited mice.

Drying mice began to eat,

The teeth broke right away.

An exercise. Answer the questions:

"Living and non-living questions"

Who is flying? What flies?

Who's drumming on the roof? What is drumming on the roof?

Who is swimming? What is floating?

Who is silent? What is silent?

Who goes underwater? What goes under the water?

Who hisses? What's hissing?

Questions to reinforce a new topic:

Question answered by animate nouns?

Question answered by inanimate nouns?

Does the animateness-inanimateness of nouns always coincide with the belonging of an object to living (inanimate) nature?

- Is Pinocchio an animate or inanimate noun?

Which noun refers to: "dead man", "people", "detachment"?


An exercise: write the words in 2 columns - animate nouns and inanimate nouns:

Creature, janitor, monster, tin, journalism, youth, insect, engine, coal, corpse, warmth, stubbornness, student, hazel grouse, mushroom, doll, peddler, midge, infantryman, spirit, Sakhalin, children, detachment, steel, coal, poverty, cap, infantry, small fry, general, herd, canned food, table,

larva, aluminum, snake, red tape, crow, fox, humanity, relatives, boyar, Karakum, horse, young, genius, youth, bell, milk, chick, silk, scarecrow, pea, tentacle, pea, comrade, cooking, oil, crockery, cement, poor, relative, sugar, tea, honey, kettle, yeast, tea-leaf, herd, whiteness, pity, stubborn, hero, furniture, radiance, delight, heroism, running, journalist, walking, pearls, generals, pearl, freshness, crow.

List of used literature:

Malykhina E.V., Russian language, Geneza, 2008.

L.A. Akhremenkova "To the five step by step", M., Enlightenment, 2008.

Baranova M.T. "Russian language. Grade 6 ”, M. Education, 2008.

Lesson on the topic: “Noun”, Bogdanova G.A., Moscow

Lesson on the topic: "Inanimate and inanimate nouns", Kunina L.V., Rozhdestvenskaya secondary school

Lesson on the topic: “Animate and inanimate nouns”, Ayvazyan N. V., secondary school No. 4, Meleuz, Republic of Bashkortostan

Lesson on the topic: “Animate and inanimate nouns”, Babchenko T. V. MOU secondary school No. 4, Tatarsk, Novosibirsk region.

Edited and submitted by A.A. Litvin

Working on the lesson

Bogdanova G.A.

Ayvazyan N.V.

Kunina L.V.

Babchenko T.V.

Litvin A.A.

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Subjects > Russian language > Russian language grade 6

Have you ever heard words that were put in inappropriate cases? Surzhik sins with this - mixed speech from Russian, Ukrainian and Jewish words. This is due to the fact that the rules of declension in different languages ​​are different.

To correctly choose the case of nouns, you need to know what form they belong to.

Animate and inanimate nouns

Words misused hurt the ear. For their proper use, there are certain rules, not so complicated. In Russia, from ancient times, living and non-living things were changed in different ways in cases. When the language was systematized, it was determined that there are proper nouns and common nouns, animate and inanimate. Moreover, it is not always possible to independently determine what kind a particular word belongs to. The deceased is inanimate, does not have a soul, but the word is grammatically animated. But plants are alive - they grow, breathe. But inanimate. Why?

There is one aspect of this question that is rooted in mythology. In ancient times, people adhered to other ideas about the living and nonliving things. Hence the set of well-established expressions showing the inanimate nature of the sun (it looks out, gets up, sits down, wakes up, in fairy tales it is asked for advice, and it answers) and dolls (in games it eats, sleeps, walks, speaks, cries). Previously, they were really considered alive and this was reflected in linguistic forms. The word "corpse" has always been considered inanimate, because under it only the shell of the being is considered, while the personality is absent. How to identify animate and inanimate nouns?


Since living and non-living answer different questions, it is good to use this method. Then check the result obtained. After that, we can refine our study in accordance with the exceptions that are better to remember.

1. So, first it is worth finding out who or what is in front of us. So in most cases, you can understand what type the word we need belongs to.

2. In the future, the plural of the desired word is put in the accusative case (for simplicity, it can be designated VP) and find out which case it coincides with. If with a nominative (IP) - this is inanimateness.

  • Toys.
  • Armchairs.
  • Games.
  • Noses.
  • Nicknames.

If with a genitive (RP) - animation.

  • Puppies.
  • Birdies.
  • Animals.
  • Chickens.
  • Friends.

Often this is enough to identify animate and inanimate nouns. The rule has exceptions.

living inanimate

These are dolls, Teddy bears, dogs, bunnies, robots and the like. That is, those toys with which they perform actions, as if they were alive. The existing forms of words will look like this:

  • Dolls.
  • Mishek.
  • Zaichikov.
  • Dogs.
  • Robots.

Some symbols in games are also considered animated. This should be remembered:

  • Kings.
  • Valtov.
  • Queens.

People who have died or perished are considered to be animate: suicide, deceased, deceased, deceased.

  • Suicide.
  • Deceased.
  • Reposed.
  • The dead.

There are many such words, but they are all animate. When it comes to a mortal shell (corpse, body, carrion, carcass) - this is already inanimate.

Fairy-tale and non-material characters (angels, demons, nymphs) are also animated. A regularity is observed: if in the people's mind something is alive - in the declension of such a word VP = RP.

living inanimate

A group, any set, a collection of people, animals or beings classified as living beings are considered to be inanimate. This is a crowd, an army, a people, a herd, a flock, a host. It is correct to say: "I see crowds, armies, peoples, herds, flocks, hosts."

All plants and fungi are inanimate. They have long been considered as food, and not as part of wildlife. Interestingly, some types of seafood (lobsters, oysters, lobsters) first appeared in Russia as exotic dishes. Therefore, in the recipes there is their declension according to the inanimate principle: boil the squid and cut it into the shape of noodles.

What is not visible to the eye is considered inanimate.

These are microorganisms, viruses, embryos, yeast, bacteria. There are interesting exceptions here, though. For example, the attitude towards an embryo changes when it becomes visible - in a test tube.

When it is impossible to determine animate and inanimate nouns

Examples showing the impossibility of attributing a word to a particular division:

  • do automation,
  • see the swordfish.

These words do not decline in numbers. When changing by cases, they have their own form of endings. Therefore, they are beyond animation.

Helper adjectives

Animate and inanimate nouns are determined by the form of the accusative case of agreeing adjectives. Examples:

  • We saw a new student - we saw a new table.
  • Stroked a beautiful puppy - stroked a beautiful blouse.
  • Got big calves - got big trouble.

First, there is a phrase, where the accusative case is equal to the genitive (VP = RP), and then - the nominative (IP).

These adjectives will make it easier to distinguish between animate and inanimate nouns.

Own and common nouns

All proper nouns got such a name because they are the only ones of their kind. Usually these are names, but there may be nicknames and nicknames. If they find a match - it's rather nonsense. For such cases, there is the word "namesake", for example. Even if it is the nickname of an inanimate toy, it is still animated. There are also inanimate names. These are names given to an institution, work of art, or composition. There are also geographic names.

Common nouns - from the Old Slavonic "to name" (to name) - these are the names of groups of objects or concepts.

The table will help to change them by cases correctly.

Skills develop well when filling out such a table. You can fill it in by putting all the words in the accusative case, although this is not necessary. You can simply divide the sheet into four parts and write out the suggested words in groups.

Even better to deal with this topic will help special exercises.


They will help to consolidate skills, how to identify animate and inanimate nouns, exercises. You need to substitute the correct word, choose the right case or check the spelling of the written phrase.

Exercise 1

Substitute the correct words in the following sentences.

  • Coming to school, students see (teachers, director, new desks, posters, friends, duty officer, old doors, school crayons).
  • Purchased for the city park (songbirds, carousels, benches, visitors).
  • Being late for work, I had to catch up (a trolleybus, a tram, a familiar taxi driver).

Exercise 2

Choose the correct case in the following sentences.

  • We housed (kittens) and gave (food bags) for them as well.
  • Coming out into the clearing, we saw (boys and baskets of mushrooms).
  • At the zoo, keepers feed (birds) and water (trees).

Exercise 3

Give examples of animate and inanimate nouns suitable in the following cases:

  • Sitting at the table ... and dreaming.
  • The doctors said that ... he was no longer breathing.
  • Ours ... completely crumbled.
  • How brightly this ... today burns.
  • The old one… completely fell apart.


In order for students to remember the above rules well, the teacher can devote a lesson to animate and inanimate nouns. It is good to use a scheme denoting the equality of cases.


Recalling that the plural is being tested, as an exercise, you can suggest naming five animate and five inanimate nouns while looking at the picture. A photo of a puppy with a toy chicken in its mouth will do.

The resulting phrases will not always be correct, this is natural. But especially funny teacher can emphasize. Such a method "on the contrary" will help to remember the incorrect use of cases.

Examples of animate and inanimate nouns that are substituted for missing words will help to understand the rule well. For this exercise, write out in advance on a sheet of sentences with missing words. In their place, one of the suggested words written on the board should be inserted. The teacher makes sure that the students have different options: on one side of the board they are animated, on the other they are not.

As one of the options, the following set of words can be used:

Text suitable for this exercise:

The weather was beautiful on the weekend. The guys ran out into the yard. (?) fed and dressed up their (?). (?) did not attract such games, they launched (?) from the mountain. (?) and (?) pleased the old (?). “Where else can you find such (?),” they said, and were in no hurry to call their (?) and (?) home. And the guys have already taken (?) and (?) and made noisy (?).

The kids will love this lesson. The main thing is to prepare visual material and diagrams well. Good luck!

Synopsis of the "open" lesson of the Russian language in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Grade: 5

Lesson topic: Nouns are animate and inanimate.

UMC: educational complex edited by T. A. Ladyzhenskaya and others. Russian language. Grade 5 M., "Enlightenment", 2013

The purpose of the teacher's activity: to update students' knowledge about the noun as a part of speech; to form the concept of animateness and inanimateness of nouns and be able to define these categories.

Lesson type: Combined.

Planned educational results:

Subject: knowledge of the main differences between animate and inanimate nouns; recognition of animate and inanimate nouns, understanding of their role in speech, explanation of linguistic phenomena.

Personal: the acquisition of new knowledge, the desire to improve their skills, the manifestation of cognitive interests and creative activity, awareness of their capabilities in learning.


    Regulatory: planning your own activities, assessing the quality and level of assimilation.

    Cognitive: the ability to extract the necessary information from the listened teacher's explanation, identifying and formulating the goal of the educational action, performing educational and cognitive actions, developing an action algorithm.

    Communicative: the use of speech means to solve communicative problems, the possession of monologue and dialogic forms of speech.

Methods and forms of education: language observation, heuristic method, individual, frontal.

Equipment: interactive whiteboard, computer, projector.

Visual demonstration material: multimedia presentation in P formatowerpointon the topic "Inanimate and Inanimate Nouns", made by the teacher.

Basic concepts: grammatical categories, animate and inanimate nouns.

Technological map of the lesson.

Emotional, psychological and motivational preparation of the student for the assimilation of the studied material.

Introductory speech of the teacher:

Is everything in place?

Is everything all right? Books, pens and notebooks?

Checked? Get in!

Work diligently!

Shares the screen, shows slides.

(slide 1)

Listens to the teacher, participates in a dialogue with him. Places teaching materials in the workplace, demonstrates readiness for the lesson. Reads the epigraph. Answers the teacher's questions.

Cognitive: understands the learning task.

Regulatory: plans in cooperation with the teacher the necessary actions, operations.

2. Actualization of knowledge. identifying the location and cause of the problem.

Previous playback

studied material,

establishment of successive

links between old and new knowledge

and applying them to new situations. E Heuristic Conversation with Elements


In our lessons, we not only learn to write correctly, but also discover the secrets of grammar. That is what we will be doing today. But first, let's remember what part of speech we talked about in the last lesson? The words encrypted in puzzles will help us with this. Try to guess them (slide 2)

The words of what part of speech were hidden in the puzzles? Correctly. All of these are nouns. How did you define it?

Fine! Now let's see what signs of the noun are hidden in the poem. I will read it, and you listen carefully (slide 3)

And now let's combine everything that we remembered about the noun, call the definition, grammatical features

(slide 4)

In the course of the answer, the teacher asks leading questions if the student finds it difficult to answer.

And now let's return to our unraveled words and designate their gender, number and try to determine whether this is a living or inanimate object. Let us dwell on the last sign of a noun. How do you define a living or non-living object?

Answers the questions. Builds a statement. Watching a presentation, mastering linguistic terms. Thinks about answers to questions and understands that knowledge is not enough for complete answers. In collaboration with the teacher draws conclusions. Formulates his own thoughts and substantiates his point of view. Performs an exercise.

Personal: has a motivation for learning activities, a desire to be aware of their difficulties and seeks to overcome them, shows the ability to self-evaluate their actions, deeds.

Cognitive: performs educational and cognitive actions in a materialized and mental form, carries out synthesis operations to solve educational problems, establishes cause-and-effect relationships.

Regulatory: accepts and saves the learning task. Recognizes the insufficiency of his knowledge.

Communicative: asks questions in order to obtain the information necessary to solve the problem.


We walked along the path (walking in place),

They jumped in the clearing (jumping in place),

We made friends with you (hands to the sides),

It's time for us to go home now (walking on


Performs basic physical exercises.

3. Goal-setting and building a project to get out of the difficulty.

Disclosure of the essence of new concepts, the assimilation of new ways of educational and mental activity of students. Conversation, discussion of the results of observation.

So, we remembered what we already know about the noun. Now we can continue to study this part of speech. Before you a new task - a snowball. But it is unusual, there are letters inside it. Your task is to make as many words as possible using each letter.


What part of speech words

you made more

Total? (nouns).

Let's divide them into two groups:

Living beings and things

items. Which of them will

answer the question WHO? And on

question WHAT?

Organizes and accompanies joint educational activities, supplements the answers. Try to formulate the topic of the lesson. Then read the slide (slide 5).

Write the topic of the lesson in your notebook. Now read what are the goals of our lesson (sweet 6).

Formulates the goals of learning activities together with the student who takes it upon himself.

(slide 7).

In the first column, write down the animate words that answer the question - WHO ?, and in the second - inanimate words that answer the question - WHAT?

Writing in notebooks.

Vocabulary dictation.

Who? Driver, hero, coach, cosmonaut, officer.

What? Herbarium, health, collection, railway station, orange.

Let's check (slide 8). First, tell me how you distributed the words? When the child says the words, the teacher clicks the mouse and the words appear on the screen.

Compare your spelling of the words with how they should be. Remember how these words are spelled.


The words of the first group answer the question "who?". So they are animate.

The words of the second group answer the question "what?". So they are inanimate.

The main question of our lesson is why some nouns answer the question “who?”, others answer the question “what?”.

Formulates the purpose of learning activities in a dialogue with the teacher. Correlates the tasks with the texts, gets acquainted with the material. Highlights the main thing, establishes causal relationships between individual linguistic phenomena.

Personal: is aware of his abilities in learning, is able to adequately reason about the reasons for his success or failure in learning, linking success with efforts, diligence.

Cognitive: extracts the necessary information from the listened explanation of the teacher, systematizes his own knowledge.

Regulatory: plans in cooperation with the teacher the necessary actions, operations, works according to the plan.

Communicative: builds small monologues.

4. Creative practical activities for the implementation of the constructed project.

Disclosure of the essence of new concepts, the assimilation of new ways of educational and mental activity of students. Performing creative tasks to increase spelling vigilance, develop logical thinking, independence and self-control.

Today we will learn to distinguish between animate and inanimate nouns.

It would seem that there is nothing simpler: he raised the question and determined - an animate noun or an inanimate noun. But biologists and linguists do not have the same ideas about the living. Biologists think. That the sprout and shoots are alive. Our ancestors “saw” the world differently than we do, therefore a tree, grass, tulip were animated for them, but we consider people, animals, insects to be animated. What do you think animate means? (living, breathing, having a spirit). What is the root of the word animate?

What do inanimate nouns mean? (non-living matter).

Let's continue to distinguish between animate and inanimate nouns. In addition to the question, there is another unmistakable way to determine animate and inanimate nouns.

You must discover this method yourself. Decline nounsbrothers, sisters, stones, boards. And now let's look at the table (slide 9).

What difference did you see in declension? What word forms match? What do we conclude?

Conclusion: in the plural, for animate nouns, the C. p. coincides with the R. p., and for inanimate nouns, the C. p. coincides with the I. p.

The definition of the category of animation and inanimateness does not coincide with the division of objects into living and inanimate in nature.

Objects are devoid of life, but the category is defined in different ways. Therefore, toanimated nouns include both the names of people, animals, birds, fish, insects, that is, living creatures, as well as the names and nicknames of mythological and fairy-tale characters likened to a person or animals (cyclops, centaur, Koshey, wood goblin, etc.), names of children's toys (doll, parsley, bear, etc.), chess and card pieces (pawn, jack), which is associated with the personification of these items in the game.

(slide 10)

Toinanimate include the collective names of many living creatures: people, crowd, army, swarm, flock, herd

(slide 11).

Toinanimate nouns include the names of objects and phenomena of reality that are not related to living nature, as well as the names of all plants (although when describing them, words familiar to living beings are used - they are “born”, “breathe”, “bloom”, “reproduce” , and “die”, but are unable to move).

Are the following nouns animate or inanimate?

I see an eagle - I see an eagle.

Call the janitor - turn on the wipers.

Conclusion: the distinction between animate and inanimate nouns depends on their lexical meaning.

Formulates own thoughts. Expresses and justifies his point of view. In collaboration with the teacher, draws conclusions about ways to distinguish between animate and inanimate nouns in difficult cases. Works with the table, observes, compares, independently draws conclusions.

Personal: wants to acquire new knowledge, skills, improve existing ones.

Cognitive: reads and listens, extracting the necessary information, and also independently finds it in the materials of textbooks, workbooks.

Regulatory: controls the learning activities, notices the mistakes made, realizes the control rule and successfully uses it in solving the learning problem.

Communicative: knows how to ask questions to clarify the sequence of work.

5. Primary consolidation with commentary in external speech. Independent work with self-test according to the standard.

Generalization and systematization of knowledge, the formation of rational ways to apply them in practice. Heuristic conversation, selection of own examples illustrating the nature of the studied linguistic phenomenon, compiling coherent stories about the studied norms. Performing exercises based on a textbook or books for extracurricular reading.

So, let's make a general conclusion.

The conclusion is made by the students.

Conclusion : the grammatical way of dividing nouns into animate and inanimate is the coincidence of the forms R. p. and V. p. of the plural of animate nouns, and

I. p. and V. p. - in inanimate.

Animation and inanimateness is a constant feature of a noun.

Independent performance of exercises of different complexity, selected by the teacher.

Find the “extra” word, write it down in your notebook and make a sentence with it.

(slide 11)

Perform parsing. Insert words in place of gaps (card work).

Completing a test task from the resources "Who or what?"

Working with printed text "Titmouse's nest". Specify animate names.

Do exercises and answer questions.

Personal: has a desire to master new activities, participates in the creative, creative process.

Cognitive: performs educational and cognitive actions in a materialized and mental form, performs analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification operations to solve educational problems, establishes cause-and-effect relationships, makes generalizations, conclusions.

Regulatory: independently plans the necessary actions, operations, works according to the plan.

Communicative: formulates his own thoughts, expresses and substantiates his point of view.

6. Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition.

Checking work. Summarizing the information received in the lesson. Evaluation.

Let's summarize.

1. What nouns are animate? (answering the question Who?)

2. What nouns are inanimate? (Answering the question What?)

3. What is the main rule to remember when defining animate and inanimate nouns?

Answers the questions.

Personal: understands the importance of knowledge for a person.

Cognitive: acquires the ability to use the acquired knowledge in practical activities and everyday life.

Regulatory: evaluates his work, corrects and explains the error.

Communicative: formulates his own thoughts, expresses and substantiates his point of view.

7. Reflection of educational activity in the lesson (outcome of the lesson).

Final conversation on questions.

(slide 12).

Let's turn to the table "ZHU", fill in its third column.

Rate our work: choose one of the offered cards and show it to me. Tell yourself: "I'm good. I thought, I tried, I made discoveries.

Determines his emotional state in the lesson. Completes the achievement diary.

Cognitive: establishes the relationship between the volume of knowledge, skills and operational skills acquired in the lesson. Research, analytical skills as integrated, complex skills.

8. Explanation of homework.

An accessible and understandable presentation of the essence of homework, an explanation of how to do it.

As a homework, I offer the creative work "Guess the fairy tale of H. H. Andersen." I sent you a file containing cards with the words written on them. You need to find out from them which fairy tale by G. H. Andersen is in question. At the same time, indicate with the letter O - animate, with the letter H - inanimate nouns.

Listens carefully to the task. Asks questions if something is not clear.

Word check:



Study microbes or microbes? Animation of nouns

1. What is the animation of nouns?

“The category of animate-inanimate nouns is a grammatical expression of the opposition between the living and the inanimate, but understood not in scientific terms (in the sense of living and inanimate nature, that is, the organic and inorganic world), but in terms of everyday life.”

(Eskova N.A. A Brief Dictionary of the Difficulties of the Russian Language. 6th ed., Rev. M., 2008.)

2. How is animation expressed?

“Firstly, animateness-inanimateness is expressed by the endings of the noun itself:

1) animated nouns have the same accusative and genitive plural endings, and for masculine nouns this extends to the singular;

2) inanimate nouns have the same accusative and nominative plural endings, and for masculine nouns this extends to the singular.

Animation has and extraverbal expression: the ending of an adjective or participle agreed with the noun in the accusative case differs depending on the animateness or inanimateness of the noun, cf .: (I see) new- s students, but new- s tables».

(Litnevskaya E.I. Russian language. A short theoretical course for schoolchildren. M., 2006.)

3. When Do Hesitation and Variations Occur?

“All fluctuations between grammatical animation and inanimateness (found in the variative formation of the accusative case) are explained precisely by the ambiguity in assessing the object as living or inanimate.

Some of these cases refer to those objects whose belonging to animals or plants may seem non-obvious: amoeba, bacteria, bacilli, vibrios, viruses, ciliates, microbes and etc. ( study microbes and microbes).

The second typical case is the name of those living beings that we tend to perceive primarily as food: squid, shrimps, mussels, lobsters, sea cucumbers, oysters and etc. ( eat oysters and oysters).

Another clear case is the names of inanimate objects imitating living beings: kite (paper), doll, puppet, robot, sphinx and etc. ( make dolls and dolls)».

(Eskova N. A. A Brief Dictionary of the Difficulties of the Russian Language. 6th ed., edited by M., 2008.)

Seafood should be mentioned separately. Words like squid, crabs, shrimps, mussels, lobsters, oysters, according to most reference books, can be used as inanimate and animate nouns when talking about food, but only as animate when talking about living beings. However, in the "Grammar Dictionary of the Russian Language" by A. A. Zaliznyak, the words squid, crab, mussel, lobster given as animate in all senses (we reproduce the recommendations of this dictionary below in the answers of the "Information Bureau") .

Names of canned fish sprats, gobies, sprats, sardines(in plural) are used as inanimate nouns: open sprats, eat sprats, love sardines.



How to: cook anchovy or cook anchovy?

Answer: Noun anchovy in the meaning of "food" inanimate. Correctly: cook anchovy, pickle anchovies. However, it is true to say about a living being: catch anchovy, breed anchovies.


Would the phrase be correct? as well as Gazprom decided to support its subsidiaries if the word daughter used in the sense of "subsidiary"?

Answer: Word daughters in the meaning of "subsidiaries" is used as an inanimate noun: Gazprom decided to support its subsidiaries.


How to: catch a sunbeam or sunshine bunny?

Answer: Both options are correct. "Grammar dictionary of the Russian language" A. A. Zaliznyak indicates that the word bunny in the meaning of "light spot" can be used both as animated and as


Is the word animated germ?

Answer:Germ - inanimate noun.


At school, the task was to make a sentence out of words. The child made: The boy bought a kite. The teacher corrected The boy bought a kite. Who is right?

Answer: According to dictionaries, the word snake in all meanings The children flew a kite.


How to: boil squid or cook squid?

Answer:Squid - cook squid.


How to: slaughter the goat or goat(about playing dominoes) jump over the goat or through the goat?

Answer: Noun goat can be used both animate and inanimate, depending on the meaning. In the meaning "animal" as well as "card game or domino game" is an animated noun: feed the goat, slaughter the goat, play the goat. In the meaning of "sports equipment" options are possible: jump over the goat and jump over the goat. See: Zaliznyak A. A. Grammatical Dictionary of the Russian Language. 5th ed., rev. M., 2008.


How to: export crabs or crabs?

Answer:Crab - animate noun. Correctly: export crabs.


How to: ate shrimp or eat shrimp?

Answer: Noun shrimp is animate when it comes to a live shrimp ( I saw tiny brown shrimps in the aquarium). If it's about shrimp as food, options are possible: the word shrimp in this case, it can also be declined as an animated noun ( ate with pleasure tiny brown shrimp), and as an inanimate noun ( ate tiny brown shrimp with pleasure).


How to: love dolls or love dolls?

Answer: doll in the meaning of "toy" can be used both as an animate and as an inanimate noun. And here doll in the meaning of "man" (a doll can be called a soulless and empty person, as well as a person blindly acting at the will of another) - only animated.


How to say: we invite interested persons or stakeholders?

Answer: Word face in the meaning of "man" - an animated noun. Correctly: we invite all interested persons. N. A. Eskova writes: Noun face in the meaning of "man" behaves like an animate, but in combination actor fluctuates between animate and inanimate (cf. character).


How to: salmon or get salmon?

Answer:Salmon - animate noun . Correctly: harvest salmon.


How to correctly about the machine gun: Ribbons inserted into "maxima" or in maxim?

Answer: Word " Maxim" in the meaning of "machine gun" is declined as an inanimate noun. This means that the form of the accusative case will be the same as the form of the nominative case. Therefore it is true: ribbons are inserted into the "maxim".


Who do I eat: mussels or mussel?

Answer: Mussel- animated noun eat mussels. See: Zaliznyak A. A. Grammatical Dictionary of the Russian Language. 5th ed., rev. M., 2008.


How to say: studying microbes or studying microbes?

Answer: Word microbe can be used both as an animate and inanimate noun. Both options are correct.


What is correct when it comes to cars: attempt on "Muscovites" or assassination attempt on "Muscovites"?

Answer:Moskvich in the meaning of "car" - an inanimate noun: attempt on Muscovites.

An object

How to: or consider pathogenic biological objects?

Answer: Word an object is not animated. Correctly: consider pathogenic biological objects.


How to: The film won an Oscar or Did the movie win an Oscar?

How to write in an essay: introduce a comic character or introduce a comic character?

Answer: Options are possible. Here is what N. A. Eskova writes about the word character: Word character simultaneously names a person and expresses a certain literary concept. hesitation depicts a character, characters and depicts a character, characters obviously connected with the fact that it is the writer (or the speaker) who wants to emphasize (Eskova N. A. A Brief Dictionary of the Difficulties of the Russian Language. 6th ed., Rev. M., 2008).


How to write: make parsley or parsley(about dolls)?

Answer: Noun parsley used as animate in the meaning of "doll; theatrical character" (correct: make parsley). In the meanings of "puppet theater; ridiculous thing" and "plant" parsley - inanimate noun.


How to: drive through a speed bump or through a speed bump(about a traffic obstacle)?

Answer: Both options are possible (cf. goat as the name of a sports equipment can also be used both animate and inanimate) .


What is the best way to write: believe in ghosts or believe in ghosts?

Answer: According to the "Grammar Dictionary of the Russian Language" by A. A. Zaliznyak ghost may be animate or inanimate.


Correct way: created prototypes or created prototypes?

Answer:Prototype - inanimate noun in meaning. "original pattern, prototype of smth.": I see a prototype of a new weapon. In the meaning "a person who served as an original for the author to create a literary image" prototype can be used as an animated noun.


How to: or use robots for body welding?

Answer: Word robot- an animated noun. Correctly: use robots for body welding.


How to: The kids made a snowman or Did the kids make a snowman?

Answer:Snowman- an animated noun. Correctly: The kids made a snowman.


What about the subject? I see a suspicious person or see a suspicious person?

Answer:"Grammar dictionary of the Russian language" A. A. Zaliznyak indicates that the word subject(in philosophy, in law) can be used both as an animate and as an inanimate noun. When used in other meanings: subject(in logic, in grammar) - only inanimate, subject(personality, person) - only animated.


Answer: According to the "Grammar Dictionary of the Russian Language" by A. A. Zaliznyak, the word creature in the meaning of "something alive" can be used both as an animate and as an inanimate noun.


How does the word talent? As an animate or inanimate noun?

Answer:Talent - inanimate noun (including about a person). Correctly: He came to support folk talents.


How to: pull an ace or pull an ace(in a card game)?

Answer: Word ace- an animated noun in the meanings of "playing card" and "important person". Correctly: pull an ace, turn into a financial ace.


How to: chop the tuna or cut tuna?

Answer:Tuna- animate noun, correct: chop the tuna.


Is a snail an animated noun?

Answer: Yes, even when it comes to snails used for food. Correctly: eat snails.


How they behave oysters? As animate nouns or as inanimate ones?

Answer: Noun oyster is animate when it comes to a live oyster ( breed oysters). If it's an oyster as food, options are possible: buy oysters and buy oysters.


How to: carries an embryo or an embryo?

Answer:Embryo - inanimate noun. Correctly: bears an embryo.


    Belchikov Yu. A. Practical stylistics of the modern Russian language. 2nd ed., M., 2012.

    Graudina L. K., Itskovich V. A., Katlinskaya L. P. Dictionary of grammatical variants of the Russian language. -3rd ed., ster. M., 2008.

    Zaliznyak A. A. Grammatical Dictionary of the Russian Language. 5th ed., rev. M., 2008.

    Eskova N. A. Brief dictionary of difficulties in the Russian language. 6th ed., rev. M., 2008.

    Russian Grammar / Ed. N. Yu. Shvedova. M., 1980.
