Amulet from damage and the evil eye - effective rituals for everyone. Corruption protection

In this world, almost anyone can provide energy impact on another. And the impact is not always favorable. Someone believes in the presence of sorcerers and witches, someone does not, but even the most a common person, without suspecting it, maybe, as the people say, " jinx» another, simply envying him or getting very angry. After all, each of us has a biofield and energy and they are all different in strength. It happens that a person with a strong energy, offended, it’s just not good to look at you, how evil eye you are provided. How does it manifest evil eye? What are its symptoms? How, in this case, conspiracies from corruption and conspiracies from the evil eye can help you?

Usually evil eye manifested by a sharp deterioration in well-being, relationships, affairs, or both. The person who jinxed may change character and behavior. Usually evil eye"Hits" in that sphere of life where a person is not all stable and good. But evil eye is one of the milder forms of negative energy impact. Much more difficult is the situation with damage and curse. Corruption is always applied to a person knowingly, for its effect the most different means and methods that sometimes make your hair stand on end. Inducing damage, a person gives a lot of energy and strength, while, of course, not without support from the dark forces. Miss with spoilage and curse almost impossible. Corruption will not affect only that person who has a powerful energy protection. If damage and evil eye have already reached their goal, and you have disappointing guesses about this, then reflect negative impact, the response will help energy impact - conspiracies for protection from evil eye and damage! With protective conspiracies, you can be sure of a favorable outcome of the situation. When you start reading conspiracies for protection that can ward off any damage from you, you will surely see retribution from those who sent it to you. The process of cause-and-effect relationships and the law of conservation of energy will work. With the powerful energy of the conspiracy, you will push the negative energy of corruption back to its supplier.

Conspiracies from evil eye and damage is read on the waning moon!

Strong protective conspiracies against corruption (charm-charm)

Read this strongest conspiracy from corruption with special respect and reverence!

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen. I will become, a servant of God (name), blessed, wash with honey dew, dry with the sun in the heat, pray to the King of Heaven, Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos: she gave birth to Christ and swaddled in swaddling clothes, also close and protect me, the servant of God (name), with silk shrouds, silk belts, with his Holy Spirit from evil sorcerer, from a sorceress and from all evil, the dashing of a person, from evil blood, from evil thoughts, from evil industry. I will still submit, servant of God (name), to Elijah the prophet: you are light, Elijah the prophet, a fiery carriage and a fiery chariot, you pull hard, shoot accurately, kill the enemy and adversary and scorch with fire so that I, the servant of God (name), do not to spoil, not to conjure either a sorceress, or an evil dashing person, or evil blood and an evil thought, a thought that is met and prestigious, and for drink and for a hedgehog in a feast, in conversation, in every mortal fun. I will also submit and pray to the Savior-keeper: and you observe, save, all-merciful Nicholas of Mozhaisky, Izosimus and Savvaty the Solovetsky miracle workers, Tikhon the Monk, John the Baptist, John the Friend, John the Conception of Christ, John Chrysostom, John the Faster and all the power of heaven, put an iron tyn near me, the servant of God (name), from earth to heaven, from age to age, so that I, the servant of God (name), do not spoil, do not conjure, do not look and do not see, and do not hear at the feast, during conversation, in every fun and forever and ever, from now on and forever, amen, amen, amen, forever and ever, amen. Most strong conspiracy from spoilage."

Conspiracies from damage to death

If every day you feel worse and worse, your strength leaves you and suicidal thoughts begin to arise, you may have been cursed to death. This powerful conspiracy will help you!

“Water flowed from a krynichka through the city of Jerusalem from a sorcerer, from a sorceress, from a heretic, from heretics, from scientists and born, from children and infants, from typhus and fever, from empty childbirth, from bleeding, from fear, damage, from melancholy longing thorns, prickly, oppressive, sour, insipid, met, transverse, windy, watery, sown and sent (here you need to baptize water and say): and in the city of Jerusalem, before the throne, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, Elijah. the prophet with his golden rod strikes demons with holy fire-flame, Jordanian water. I call you with a passionate fire - I expel you: get out, Satan, from the servant of God (name) from the mouth, from the hair, from the voice, from the violent head, from the white bone, from the red blood, from the neck, from the spine, from the heart, from the stomach , from the kidneys, from the liver, from greens, from the uterus (if a woman), from the ovaries, from Bladder, from the intestines, from the hands, from the legs, outlived, outlined, from the fingers and knuckles. You won’t be here, you won’t drink pure blood from a born, prayerful baptized servant of God (name) forever and ever. Amen".

Vintage conspiracies from damage and the evil eye on the grandmother Solomonida

The grandmother of Solomonida is one of the strongest, well-known healers of antiquity. Her miraculous healings and protective spells were legendary. The conspiracy below from the evil eye, very ancient, is believed to have come to us since the 15th century.

Read this conspiracy dark room and all alone.

“There is a great sea in the east, a wide sea, a deep sea. A great island stands in the middle of that sea, and on it is a stone church. In that church stands a holy throne of pure gold, and the grandmother of Solomonides sits on it. The servant of God (name) will come to that island in the middle of the blue sea, will come to the golden throne, and to the very grandmother of Solomonida, who swaddled Jesus Christ himself, wrapped him in a silk belt, threw an imperishable robe on his body. Take off you, grandmother of Solomonida, everything from the servant of God (name) evil eye evil, all the turmoil, spoiled, night, evening, morning, mid-baptism, and midnight.

Just as water cannot be held in the fist of one, so on the servant of God (name) and evil eye can't hold on. Like a gray goose swims in the water, but swims out, but shakes off the drops and remains dry, so are the commotions, yes evil eye from the servant of God (name) they will descend, dry up. As the morning dew dries on the grass, so do the commotions, yes evil eye dry on the servant of God (name) will be.

As fire goes out from water, so does power evil eye fade away, let it go. Come on you evil eye , yes, commotion beyond the dark forests, black in the mud, where not a single person goes, where a horse does not go, where dogs do not run, where birds do not fly. Go to green moss, go to quicksand swamps, and stay there, but stay forever. As it is said, so it will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

A powerful conspiracy to holy water from all corruption

Take holy water in the church and say the following words to it:

“Bless, Lord God, all the Orthodox people, and me too. Take it, Holy Mother of God, this water, and wash it off me with all the hairstyles and lessons.

All enviable eyes, let the holy water wash away from me, all the hateful looks, the looks of men, women, girls.

Thought, promised, guessed, whispered, stuck on, forged, let all the envy take in the holy water from the servant of God (name).

May it come true what is said. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After a conspiracy to water, wash your face with it in the morning and evening, and you can also sprinkle whatever your heart desires (clothes, corners of the house, bed or workplace).

The strongest ancient protective conspiracy against corruption

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen. This conspiracy is not for an hour, not for a day, not for a month, not for a year, but for the whole century and for life, amen, amen, amen, over amen, amen. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. From God, holy miracle workers, reverend fathers and martyrs in the sea, and the sea is indignant from the clouds, rising from the sea to thirty fields of cursed, unclean spirits, damned demons, visions of the devil. Asking them about them, the holy miracle workers, the venerable fathers and martyrs Nifont and Maroth, Cyprian, Justinia, Conon of Isauria and Dimitry of Rostov spoke to them:

"What kind of damned demons did you come by the prayer of Christ?" Izhe rekosha: "We are cursed and unclean spirits, children of Satan, the prince of hell." And the saints and great wonderworkers and reverend fathers and martyrs asked the rest, and said to them: “Why have there come unclean spirits?” They are rekosha:

“They came to torment the human race of Christians, break the bones, the mind and the feeling of breaking, betraying illnesses and ailments, doing dirty tricks and harm, hurting the heart, into melancholy and sadness, relax everything, take away possession, act various intrigues, destroy and lead to death who walks without prayer, drinks, eats and takes what he takes, and who attends feasts and weddings, that is our servant and house, we move into that, we live nesting, into that we are planted and sent by sorcerers.

And these holy miracle workers will pray: “Do not torment the human race, do not break bones, do not break the mind and feelings, do not betray diseases and ailments, do not do dirty tricks, do not hurt your heart, do not go into anguish, but go into the abyss of hell, into the earth empty, and live there from now on and forever. Amen ".

At the present time, there are many types of conspiracies. And it is very difficult to understand which one to use.

This can help sorceress Praskovya Ivanovna. She gained a lot of experience working with conspiracies for most of her life. Praskovya's grandfather was a sorcerer white magic and passed on knowledge to the still young Praskovya.

For my long life Praskovya helped more than one hundred people who are grateful to her to this day. The situations in which the healer had to work were also varied. This gave great experience in working with all sorts of conspiracies for get rid of problems and improve life.

Witch Doctor Praskovya Ivanovna is able to help anyone who needs her help, who is tired of difficulties and hardships. To everyone who wants to change their life, Praskovya wishes not to deviate from decision and you will definitely find good luck and prosperity.

you forget what it is debt and credit problems, quarrels in the family, failures. Praskovya Ivanovna writes a conspiracy individually for each person and his specific life situation. Therefore, it is very important to tell your story as openly and honestly as possible in order to achieve the maximum result.

Together with the plot, you get a prayer to enhance the effect. It is imperative (!) to follow the instructions that Praskovya Ivanovna sends with each plot. All instructions are built individually to your life situation because all the problems and life difficulties of all people are different. You need to decide for yourself that you need to change your life, turn it in a happy direction and follow your goals. You must be prepared for the changes that await you. Realign your energy and your thoughts to receive the blogs of life. Forget about doubts and become happy. Any questions you can ask on Praskovia Ivanovna's website.

An amulet is a means of protection against diseases, evil spells, and the evil eye. You don't have to carry it with you all the time. They take the amulet with them when they want to harm a person. Absorbing negative energy and emotions, the amulet protects the owner.

Lunar and sunlight helps to activate the protective function. Therefore, the amulet, after its manufacture or acquisition, must be held under the light of the moon. Or expose to direct sunlight.

The amulet cannot serve as protection for the whole family. Its protective properties are aimed at one person individually.

There are protective amulets that must be put on public display. Only in this case they can protect the mental field of the owner from damage and other magical influences. Another type of amulets must be hidden, not shown to anyone, worn under clothing.

There are protective products in the form of collecting herbs. They are collected in certain time, read over them prayers, conspiracies. The composition of the amulet from damage includes 3, 7 or 9 different herbs. Such numbers are considered by magicians to be the most powerful.

Certain colors can protect against the evil eye, eliminate evil spells. Red color energy protection. It should be worn by pregnant women to avoid spoilage.

Red berries or flowers will help protect your home, workplace from unkind words and looks. These are geraniums, red apples, branches of viburnum or mountain ash.

Red thread

Red wool thread has strong protective properties. Certain number nodules on it will protect from witchcraft interference. In addition to wool, linen and silk threads are in demand. Such amulets from the evil eye are worn on the wrist.

Tie 3 knots on the thread. Above each node read:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

“I’ll tie the thread tightly, twist it. So I take trouble. As tied - so it is said. As said, so done"

Only true faith in the power of prayer or conspiracy will help make the thread an amulet, protect it from damage.


A ring without engraving and a stone can become an amulet against the evil eye. A recently purchased ring is periodically worn for a month on the finger, kept under the pillow at night. So it is saturated with the energy of the owner. The strongest rings are those that are inherited from generation to generation.

First you need to clean the ring, wash off unnecessary information. Dip it in settled or consecrated water for 10-15 minutes. Then put on your finger with the words:

"El hibus assana Ain gibul, ain gol"

You should know that such an amulet is temporary. As long as the ring is on the finger. After removing the ring, the protective properties of the amulet disappear. AT next time magic needs to be done again.

A rock

Precious and semi-precious stones can become an amulet from the evil eye and damage. For example, amber or tiger's eye. The stones recommended by the horoscope will protect their owner from the external influence of negative energy.

It is important to feel your unity with the stone. To do this, before you buy it, you should take the stone in the palm of your hand. Hear his response. If you don’t like the stone, it’s better not to buy it, choose another one.

You can have several stones with you at once, on different cases. Chrysoberyl - from damage and the evil eye. Lapis lazuli - for a successful marriage and a happy family life. Sardonyx - will bring good luck in love. Pomegranate - will make a person hardworking and healthy. Amethyst - protects against thieves, reduces cravings for alcoholic beverages.

Eye of Fatima

Blue eye or - an ancient oriental amulet. It protects from evil, damage, attracts the desired. Its action is “to treat like with like”, an eye from the evil eye. They wear Fatima's eye in the form of a bracelet, hang it at the door of the house, pin it to outerwear.

Such an amulet should not be hidden. It works in plain sight, reflecting negative energy or witchcraft influence. Hidden under clothing, he will not be able to protect the owner.

Most of all, people with weakened energy or those who are easily harmed need his help. These are children, the elderly, pregnant women, newborns, lucky and creative people.

If a piece breaks off from the amulet, it means magical effect was strong. Do not repair or wear it. Such an amulet should be replaced, a new one purchased. How more eyes Fatima - the volume of more negative, witchcraft power, he will be able to reflect from the owner.

Instant Protection

A dried clove of garlic, if worn under clothing, serves from spoilage and the evil eye. A pin stabbed on the inside of clothes will protect against magical influences.

If you feel the approach of envious words or curses, reflect them with a mirror shield. Mentally put a mirror in front of you that will bring back the negative and say:

"Your words will come back to you"

Poppy seeds consecrated in the church will protect from negative words and views in the house. If a bearer of evil is expected among the guests, scatter poppy seeds on the floor. An unkind person will try to quickly leave the house or apartment.

If you feel an unkind look, bite the tip of your tongue, clench your fists and whisper:

"Heretic heretic, eat your meat, drink your blood, don't listen to your words"

A simple but very strong protection against the evil eye and damage.

Amulets are objects of power that not only protect a person from the evil eye, but also strike back at ill-wishers. Any object can become a charm.

It is advisable to charge the amulet intended for the child. To do this, on September 6 and 16, take the amulet and say to it: “I am on my knees, I pray to the Lord. The wound is not for the body, envy is not for the cause, to attack from the side, the mute groan, the tears are not for the eyes, the grief is not for the shoulders, the blood is not for the flesh. Lord God save! Amen".

Another way to charge the amulet. Take the amulet and pass it from top to bottom and from left to right three crosses above the candle. Then dip the amulet in holy water, then in salt and hold it over the flame.

Repeat all actions three times: water - salt - fire. Take the amulet, put it in left hand on the open palm, and with your right hand, run it from top to bottom and read at this time:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I do not cleanse with my own power, I cleanse with the power of the Lord God. I do not sanctify with my soul, I sanctify with the Holy Spirit. I do not give my strength, Jesus strengthened it with his strength and will. Keep my house with your word and strength, Lord. Cleanse me with your will, O holy God. Amen"

Cross and bow. After that, cross the amulet three times.

Great magical, protective power has a "Thursday" salt. To prepare it, on the Annunciation or Maundy Thursday (Thursday of Holy Week), during sunrise, place salt in a linen bag in the oven for 10 minutes. While the salt is in the oven, read the Lord's Prayer three times. After 10 minutes, take it out of the oven and store it in a bag in a secret place all year, gradually using it.

So, if children often get sick, the usual is kneaded with this salt. yeast dough, small unsweetened buns are baked at dawn. They are served for breakfast in the morning one at a time for seven days. Seriously ill patients should eat them for 21 days or until they recover. Buns should be fresh every morning.

If the children are naughty, pour "Thursday" salt from the side of the hallway at the threshold - sparsely, but along the path, so that everyone who enters crosses it. Sprinkle it also on the floor around the perimeter of cribs. Let her lie there for three days and three nights. Then notice all the salt with a broom and bury it in the snow or in the ground (but do not throw it in the trash or in the toilet - all evil will return again).

In order for the "Thursday" salt to serve as a talisman, sew a very small linen bag, pour salt into it and sew it up. Attach the bag with inside to the clothes or underwear of the child.

Various plants are also used as amulets.

♦ St. John's wort, tied in a bunch of red woolen thread, should be hung over the crib.

♦ A wreath of nine carnation flowers is a good protection for children of any age: it should be hung in a secluded corner so that the child does not get it.

♦ A wreath made from an elderberry branch will reliably protect the baby from the evil eye and spoilage. To do this, hang it over the cradle or crib.

♦ Maple amulet will protect children. And alder is considered the patron of the family and home. Therefore, amulets for women and children are often made from it.

It has long been known amulet from the evil eye - a cross. Another amulet is a red thread on the wrist of the right hand.

There are also amulets with a word. They are placed for children on the day of their angel or on the feast of finding a patroness icon. Charm for the son:

Guardian angel, patron saint, protect my son, the servant of God (name), from envious enemies and from combustible arrows, and from drunken brew, and from an evil girl. Save him, my falcon. To look at the evil eye - not to see, do not touch the sorcerer-raven, the laziness-disturbance of the soul of the servant of God (name), do not mock the body. my. Amen".

Charm for daughter:

“O Mother of Christ, O Guardian Angel, you are the intercessors of my daughter, servants of God (name). The servant of God is like lightning, not to spoil it to the enemy and the sorceress, nor the evil enchantress. Protect the servant of God (name) in all matters, in all ways, in the sun and at night, save, Lord, my daughter. I lay three crosses: Jesus Christ is in front, the Most Holy Theotokos is behind. Guardian angel above your head, keep your daughter safe. Amen.

If your child is tormented by sadness and longing, read such a talisman over the water:

The Lord created the servant of God (name) happy and called despondency a sin. Satan tempts with grief-sorrow. The enemy closed the servant of God (name) with a black veil, a bitter fog, the Lord God killed the joy of life, help, free the servant of God from grief. Save his body, soul, sanctify the mind. Amen".

This amulet is read with a premonition of trouble: once aloud, once in a whisper and once to yourself: In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I'm standing at the cross. The cross is a church beauty. The cross is praise for the martyrs, and help for the suffering. I will come closer to the cross, bow to it lower. Protect and defend from enemies and enemies, from their tongues, their batags, from their fire and sword, from attack. Lord, send blessings so that I stand unshakable and indestructible, like the Holy Cross. Amen".

There are also protective words, for example, "chur". Therefore, it is not for nothing that you can hear such a phrase: "Chur me." Keep chocks from the evil eye and damage in the house. And at the sight bad man mentally say: “Do not touch”, “Salt in your eyes, salt on your tongue”, “Take everything that is yours.” So you protect your child from him.

  • Triple protection from the evil eye

    Triple protection from the evil eye! Simple conspiracy. I have two classic Russian amulets at home - a horseshoe over the front door and a broom, though decorative. But I…

AT Everyday life We are often in trouble and trouble. The use of amulets and protective talismans will solve the problem of sudden failures.

Key: buy an unnecessary key that does not open anything. Keep it small and inconspicuous. Since ancient times, keys have been, if not magical, then certainly important items for well-being. Magicians used them as protection against spells and evil spirits. Now the keys can be placed at front door in the corridor or hang on the walls next to the exit to protect housing from negativity. Every time you leave the house, you need to say to the key: "Guard my house, drive away evil and misfortune."

Each of the amulets can be used independently of each other. Together, they will help build effective protection for your home from negative energy, as well as bring good luck in business and outside the home. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

Today I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will tell you about the use and selection of protective amulets. The world of talismans - protection is rich and diverse. This is knowledge that is indispensable. The more you know about amulets and protection from negativity, the more likely you are not to make a mistake in choosing personal guardian amulets. Before you come into contact with the amulet, learn all about its strength, its meaning, try to understand if this is your amulet from the evil eye and damage, and whether you can handle it.

Magic talismans from the evil eye and damage - symbols of protection and security

  • Amulet - Pentagram. It is a symbol of dark sorcery. A mystical talisman symbolizing a strong shield. Amulet - a pentagram is used by magicians for protection, performing complex rites with spirits that can harm. The townsfolk, i.e. not magicians, also often wear strong talisman of protection against damage - a pentagram, knowing that he is able to protect his carrier from many negative influences: gossip and gossip, bad thoughts and wishes, the evil eye, magical damage, the influence of astral beings. An amulet is a pentagram, not only protection, it is also a seal that closes the corridors, locking evil spirits in the world from which it came.
  • The magical talisman - the Egyptian cross of life Ankh, is an ancient, widespread and used not only by magicians talisman of protection from damage and the evil eye - the Egyptian cross of life Ankh. The sacred meaning of the amulet is the second birth. It has the ability to endow its owner with power, to give protection from witchcraft. A mystical key that opens the gates to the world of gods and spirits. The one who wears a protective talisman from the evil eye - the Egyptian Ankh Cross of Life, is strongly protected from everyday negativity associated with energy attacks, cuts off the evil eye, vampire bindings, gives strength to the body in resisting diseases, protects a person from accidents and troubles.

  • Talisman - Seraphim. Christian amulet, the image of a powerful being, who is near God. For those who wear this strong amulet from the evil eye, the protection of angels is given. You can keep in touch with the talisman through prayers asking for protection from the evil eye and damage.
  • Strong amulet Key of Solomon. Legends are associated with this talisman, the Key of Solomon gives protection to its owner from hostile sorcerers, as well as from the attacks of evil spirits, hungry spirits, astral beings. The talisman of protection against damage is activated in moments of danger. It has the ability to make a person invisible to evil spirits, which makes it difficult for a black magician to plant dark spirits in a victim with such protection.
  • A magical seal with the inscription - Time that has passed irrevocably - is another amazing amulet of protection from negativity, both magical and those undesirable features of a person's character that interfere with him on life's roads. A magical amulet is capable of almost any gravity, through which they try to influence a person. Another one great feature strongamulet from the evil eye and damage- a change in the perception of the life of the bearer of the magic seal. Old attachments are gone, resentment, pain, hostility and regrets are erased. If you feel empty in your soul, the amulet will help you cope with this condition.
  • The amulet is the sword of Themis, an instrument of justice. Wear powerful talisman from envy and the evil eye can be the person who needs a reliable shield from magical powers, despite the fact that the person himself does not want to attack others. If the bearer of the Amulet - the sword of Themis is offended undeservedly, harmed, the amulet will punish the offender with its power. However, if a person himself is unjust to others, his evil will return back.
  • Talisman - Anchor. A popular amulet for sailors, an effective amulet against envy and the evil eye for everyone who is not used to sitting still. On long journeys, the amulet will protect against diseases, dangers and the elements. A strong male talisman, women should not wear it, because it conflicts with the female energy. Help will come to the bearer of a strong amulet at the right time, faith in oneself. Talisman - Anchor will help a person find his true destiny.

Cat's eye - a strong amulet against the evil eye

The beautiful stone green quartz and yellow chrysoberyl are called the cat's eye for their amazing optical effect - a vertical strip of concentrated light, reminiscent of a cat's narrow pupil. People, including those involved in magic, wear a charm cat's eye from the evil eye, And How reliable protection from vampire and magical bindings, damage, curses. A strong amulet cat's eye, gives its owner positive energy, brings success and good luck.

The cat's eye talisman is recommended to be worn as an amulet to protect against the evil eye, it will give self-confidence, cleanse the energy field. A stone - an amulet, a cat's eye will help a person avoid sudden and early death. The golden hue of chrysoberyl stone carries the energy of wealth and luxury. Its magical properties have a positive effect on a person, helping to gather his thoughts, cultivate patience, calmness, and confidence.

Cat's eye amulet, actively used in witchcraft, especially in positive magic for well-being and prosperity. Strongtalisman protecting from the evil eye and negativity, can become support and energy replenishment in financial terms. Jewelry with a cat's eye stone is recommended to be worn by those who rely on luck and luck - gamblers.

A huge plus of the talisman is the cat's eye, in its ability to quickly adapt to the person who wears it, recognize its energy, and repel the dark energy of a magical attack. A protective amulet from damage and the evil eye helps the person who wears it to see signs that previously went unnoticed, and which carry certain information that is important for a person. The cat's eye talisman with its mystical power is able to make friendship stronger, ignite love in the heart, and maintain marital fidelity.

The power of the blue eye amulet - protection from the evil eye and vampires

In the East, they love to tell the legend of the love of the beautiful Fatima and her chosen one Ali. Seeing off her lover on a campaign full of dangers, she gave him a Nazar boncuk stone - an amulet to protect against dangers, misfortunes and dark witchcraft. Fatima put all her love into this pendant; the amulet began to be called the eye from the evil eye, when Ali returned safe and sound. The Nazar stone gained great power, becoming an assistant to people, a powerful amulet from the evil eye and protection from sorcerers.

The amulet from the evil eye and negativity can be worn without a frame, but you can also make precious jewelry, works of jewelry art, such as golden eye pendant from the evil eye protecting and decorating its wearer. Powerful amulet from damage and curses, it is not customary to hide. It must be visible to reflect the negative impact of any nature. Hidden by clothes, a strong amulet from the evil eye loses the intensity of its qualities.

When an amulet stone breaks, it means that it has exhausted its capabilities for a person. It means that blue eye from the evil eye repulsed a powerful attack, a directed blow of a sorcerer. Cracked Stone Talisman, must be gratefully buried. Thank protective amulet it is also necessary if it has disappeared, since its disappearance can be caused by the same reason.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

Golden amulets against the evil eye - the magic of jewelry

AT modern society gold is perceived as an indicator of status. But, this metal is not only associated with material well-being. magical properties gold is used in positive witchcraft to bring good luck to life, to gain a high position, for wealth and fulfillment of desires. Magicians create strong talismans of protection against damage and the evil eye talking gold bars and jewelry. And each such decoration has its own character.

Gold loves decisive creative people who know how to go to the goal and do not betray their nature. I note that gold jewelry and amulets should not be worn by those who are not able to fight. All that an amulet in the form of a golden pendant with a magical eye from the evil eye can do for such a person is to protect a weak person from the claims and accusations of others. But how good and necessary is strong protection, and is it harmful, because an already not ambitious person completely relaxes, stops even trying spiritual development loses sensitivity to the situation.

Golden amulets against the evil eye teach a person to keep the situation under control, pacify their emotions, be balanced, calm. The power of the amulet enables its wearer to remain independent of negative emotions, mood, accept Constructive decisions staying on a rational, not an emotional level.

Gold gives a person power over people, and financial success through the ability to see new opportunities, through determination and willingness to take risks where, most likely, material wealth can be obtained.

However, as I, magician Sergey Artgrom said, gold, like a strong amulet from the evil eye and a powerful talisman that attracts good luck, multiplies the power of the strong, but does not give it to the weak. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, would like to note once again that, like any other talisman or amulet, golden amulet against the evil eye and other negative influences magical and household plan, helps only those who believe in its power, ask for help and give thanks.

If you want to do more than just wear jewelry from precious metal, but also to enlist the magical power of gold, treat it with due respect. And try to match the nature of gold. Next, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will talk about how to make an amulet from the evil eye with my own hands. I will bring to your attention several conspiracies used by sorcerers to establish personal protection against damage and curses.

Do-it-yourself amulet from the evil eye and damage - speak the moonstone for protection

On the full moon, read the plot on the moonstone. How many times to read the conspiracy, decide for yourself, let your witchcraft intuition tell you. Wear a charmed stone around your neck as a protective amulet from envy and the evil eye. In addition, as follows from the conspiracy, the moonstone, with its power, helps a person who is in direct physical and energy contact with him to find his life purpose.

“As this stone sparkles, so does life (name) shine and rejoice. Come, peace and fortune, go away, storms and storms. Help, stone, (name) find the main life purpose, develop his creativity to the highest limits. Help (name) realize yourself, help you become wiser and think clearly. You, stone (name), listen, and he will hear you. Amen".

Black protective talisman from the evil eye and damage to the bullet

In order to independently make black protection against witchcraft and magic - an amulet of protection against the evil eye and what is commonly called magic war, you need a bullet that has tasted blood, through which a person or a wild forest animal was deprived of life. Take this bullet, speak three times, holding it so that the breath touches that bullet. Spellbound Artifact - protective amulet against damage and the evil eye must be carried with you.

The defense is strong. real mages put this shield either on permanent wear (it is activated in moments of danger and extreme need), or before a dangerous, lengthy witchcraft ritual. And here's how you can independently make a talisman from the evil eye and damage with your own hands and his witchcraft conspiracy.

The text of the conspiracy to initiate the amulet of protection against damage and the evil eye must be read three times:

“Beyond the black field, and the fiery sea, no one has seen, no one knows, there is a stone courtyard, but in that stone courtyard there is a black archer, yes. Yes, his eyes are burning, yes, his speeches rumble with thunder, then the black book is read to him, I bow to him firmly, and he speaks to me with a retreating word. Yes, those words were fired with a bullet, then they were filled with power, but all my enemies were killed, my thin eyes were gouged out by a bullet, the bad words were muffled, the chains were torn, the keys were open, the crooked paths were closed. Everything bad has been thrown away from me, driven away at a distant mile, and whatever comes along, or crawls like a bastard, thinks of harming me, but thinks badly of me, that black archer will kill that bullet, that bullet will take it. Amen".

A very strong, protective talisman from envy and the evil eye, made by yourself, you need to carry with you. Put the charmed bullet in a small linen bag, it will protect you from trouble, avert trouble. good, strong thing. And at the end of the article, one more good way, for independent application. So, how to make a talisman from the evil eye and damage to the fang of the beast with your own hands.

Protective talisman amulet against the evil eye and damage to the fang of the beast

Eat a lot ancient conspiracies, with the help of which sorcerers created strong protection for themselves. And they used fangs, claws and skins of wild animals for these purposes. Here effective way do strong protection, make an amulet from the evil eye with your own hands on the fang of the beast. First you need to make the amulet itself - the basis, arrange it as you see fit, in the form of a necklace, for example, or a rosary. Plot to read while holding right hand over your personal amulet. It should be very clear, very, setting the program for the talisman.

Visualizing the work of the future talisman from the evil eye and corruption, merge thought, intention, witchcraft word and deed together. It is necessary that from you to the amulet, and from the amulet to you power went. It's important to feel it. Created with your own hands and revived this strong animal amulet from the evil eye and damage during the period of the full moon.

Read a strong conspiracy on the amulet from the fang of the beast three times:

“From the realm of the hidden, from the realm of timelessness, I call on the great beast. I call through the passage of centuries. You, a wonderful beast, a forest wolf (fox, bear), above all wolves, the elder prince. I want to be your grandson, under your protection, put part of your spirit into the fang, cover me, save me. Give strength and power to my work and body, make the amulet strong and faithful. Let it be connected with you, feed on your spirit, fill with your strength and power. This fang will help me, strengthen my spirit, save my body, save me on the way, and ward off enemies. By your spirit my deeds are fanned, by your strength they are closed, my words are intertwined. I release the beast, I receive a talisman. Let it be so".
