Dream interpretation long rope. Why do white ropes dream - Longo's dream book

Seeing a rope in a dream is an indication of your attachment to living or an obsession with some special one. There will be difficulties in business, relations with the second half will become uncertain.


What actions were performed in a dream with a rope?

Tie a person with a rope in a dream ▼

Why dream of tying a person with a rope? You want the person from the dream to come to you, to make her depend on you. See connected person This person is incapable of own words, actions, it is better not to mess with her.

Hang things on a rope in a dream ▼

I dreamed that things were on a rope - to receive a win, an unexpected amount of money or an unplanned one. Improving your financial situation will be most welcome.

Go down the rope in a dream ▼

You dream that you are going down a rope - you are confused, you don’t know where to move on. Going down the rope is a rejection of previously planned ones, a rethinking of values.

To be tied with a rope according to the dream book ▼

To be tied with a rope in a dream - sensations, feelings will prevail over the mind. You will not hesitate to embark on love, get indescribable from the moments experienced.

Dreaming that you are pulling a rope ▼

Why dream of pulling a rope? Difficult business will be completed successfully and on time. Relatives, as well as colleagues with whom you do not get along too well, are able to provide what is possible.

I dreamed that you were unraveling the rope ▼

I dreamed that you were unraveling the rope - soon from moral oppression on the part of a certain person. You will feel much better both physically and spiritually.

Dreaming that they are pulling out a rope ▼

The dream interpretation regards the fact that you have a rope from as an opportunity to overcome the difficulty that has arisen in business. Old relationships will be completed, you are open to everything new and interesting.

Why dream of clinging to a rope ▼

She dreams that she is hooked on a rope - your communication with others depends on external circumstances. At favorable conditions you show gentleness, courtesy, express benevolent intentions.

What rope did you dream about?

I dreamed of a white rope ▼

A dream about a white rope means the fulfillment of desires, a successful period in life. Your cherished dreams will come true, you will be able to improve your old relationship, go to. White color indicates the positive nature of the dream and the benefit of waking events.

Dreaming of a clothesline ▼

Seeing a clothesline in a dream - soon fight your own. The confrontation will not be unplanned, you prepare for it in advance, calculate possible moves.

I dreamed of a rope around my neck ▼

Why is the rope dreaming? The dream indicates incredible fatigue. Relax, take a breath. Arrange yourself an unplanned one, push the work fuss into the background.

Seeing red ropes in a dream ▼

I dreamed of red ropes - unexpected events are possible in personal life. A lonely dream promises to meet your soul mate, those who are in a relationship expect some changes.

Dreaming of rope in hair▼

Felomena's dream interpretation interprets the rope as an obsession with someone. A certain person does not come out, you constantly think only about her. Similar mental connection can be dangerous, get a grip.

I dreamed of a long rope ▼

A long rope dreams of longevity, but a long life path will not be completely happy. Do not relax, do not get involved in adventures, so as not to waste your life in vain.

See rope in hand▼

A dream about a rope in hand promises very useful, the emergence of new friends. Keep the old rope - beware, there will be dangers. It is worth being vigilant.

I dreamed of a torn rope ▼

Seeing a torn rope in a dream - a dream warns that you should not take risks in the near future, otherwise you can suffer serious losses. Hold a piece of rope in your hand - they will answer yours.

How do other dream books interpret?

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Rope dreamed, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what the Rope is dreaming of in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    Very distinct physical sensations in a dream - I see that four long ropes woven from horsehair are sticking out of my navel. Someone who is next to me says “this cannot be from the inside, this is something from the outside, remove it” and I pull the rope with my left hand, and keep my right hand on my stomach, on the side, and I feel it, inside and out, how it comes out of me - you can see the movement under the skin, and I feel how it passes through internal organs, scary, I can’t pull it out to the end ... this is where the dream is interrupted.

    • Such a dream most likely indicates that you can try to get rid of your old attachment. but it won't be easy.

      I had a dream that ex-husband(we divorced a few years ago) tied a lot of clotheslines on the balcony and hung clothes on them. and in the apartment on the clothes dryer also hung a lot of ropes. what could that mean?

      Hello! I had a dream that some kind of man was calling me. My name is Dob, there was only an English name. And he tells me that I worked for him. And he tied me with a rope by the leg, legs to the chair

      in a dream, I notice that something is sticking out between the breasts on the left, I begin to pull it out in every possible way, it turned out to be a rope.
      when I pulled it, felt it and saw under the skin how it stretched and I was scared to pull it out to the end, I gave it up, and when I wanted to pull it out again, I saw that the place was swollen and a rope was hanging from there ... so I didn’t pull it out

      Hello! My name is Tatyana.
      I dreamed that I went to the toilet in a small way and sorry from there a rope of 10 centimeters fell out gray color and pieces of medical calcut (in fact, I had an operation to remove the uterus and ovaries 2 months ago), then I myself began to pull out another rope a little more of the same color.
      I have never had such dreams, I will be grateful if you help me solve this dream.
      Thank you in advance. Sincerely, Tatyana

      In a large half-empty hall (the walls are light Blue), a rope with knots hangs next to a familiar one that is unpleasant to me, but in a dream I find that it is not so terrible, but completely different. She asks to untie the rope and I quickly do it, she says wow how quickly and deftly you did it. But then I turn around and see that the rope is hooked on me.

      • A karmic knot has been tied between you and an unpleasant acquaintance, she asks to untie, that is, she wants to solve the problem of relations between you, you untie the knot, but find that you cannot free yourself from emotions in relation to her, because the rope clings to you.

    • Hello! I had a dream as if I was with some familiar man (I actually don’t know him) walking through the forest and picking mushrooms, he had a rope tied, either to his leg or to a thing so that he would not get lost, it was long, and dragged along the ground. I asked if he had an extra one with him, in case I get lost too, but it was not there. Please tell me why you have such a dream?

      As if the girl I love was tied to a rope, I went to untie her, but after I untied the rope, some sticky white threads appeared and tied her back so that she could not move away. Then, from behind a tree, four shaitans (devils) poured something on my head, over the head of my beloved. I threw stones at them and tried to kill them, but it didn’t work, finally I killed and pulled out the girl and took her to her own house, she went in and closed the door

      Suddenly I was at my grandmother's house. She has already died. In a dream, I understood this, but vaguely. She was sitting under a tree on a chair near the swing. She asked me to sit on the swing. I started to swing. She asked how things are. I don't remember what she said. Then I noticed that the chair was tied by a leg with a rope to a tree. I asked why she was tied. She answered something, but since she began to pull somewhere, I did not hear. I shouted "Take me with you!". I do not know why. Instantly realizing that I was asking, I covered my face with my hands and began to say "NO, no, no ..." At the same time, I heard "It's too early for you." I woke up….
      The fact is that I already had a dream with my grandmother, but there I said hello to her and ran away, and she just looked after me ...

      The dream is very long and “filled”, but what I remember very clearly: I pull the rope out of my mouth. Although this is not a "rope" - it is a long, long and thin section of fabric. In a dream, I am very afraid that it would break off in the process, but I pull it out completely. And almost immediately something appears from the tooth. This is something somewhat reminiscent of a magnetic tape cassette. It breaks several times, but I manage to grab the tip and continue to “drag”. In the strongest excitement, I look for the “tip” and find it - I understand that I pulled it out to the end.

      I dreamed of blue long rather tight ropes that were woven from three into pigtails. They weren't confused. Whether I got them from somewhere - I don’t remember exactly, but I held them in my hands for sure. Sleep experience is good.

      Good morning! Looking at right hand, two new ones are sticking out of it, I ask my husband to help, He takes flat ones, tries to pull them out, and breaks them. I’m slowly trying to pull out what’s left, I’m pulling, but it’s so long, I’m pulling everything, and the first one was pulled out by a beautiful green long branch, and then I started to pull the other one, I start pulling, it somehow went into my mouth, I pull, there’s a lot of it, at first it’s like a rope, then leaves, flowers, and all this is a rope, I start to accelerate, but it does not end, it’s somehow easier and scary for me, I don’t understand where it comes from? I already dreamed about it, there was a thread last time, the same endless! And so I went to my mother for advice, she says you can’t pull it, go to the doctor, and then I became really scared, in one hand what I pulled out, and it continues to be in my mouth.

      i dreamed that I was going to climb a hill but I couldn’t, and therefore I climbed a tree. ropes hung on a tree like a bungee. I tied another one, my rope was like a rubber band. I got entangled in it and flew down top down top bounced off. then I liked it. then I saw classmates and I felt uncomfortable, I immediately unraveled, climbed down from the tree and went. for some reason, when a classmate passed by me, it was terribly dark, although it was light before him.

      I'm going on business and suddenly I began to walk along a thin rope and, in order not to fall, I hold on to another rope. then the rope that I was holding on to became a log. And I walked more confidently. and next to me on other ropes are a girl and a man. but I overtook them thanks to the log.

      i dreamed how my husband and I had to cross a high tena and there was a rope that my husband said, I’ll cross then you, but the rope started to tear and my husband had a floor on a black car with 2 nagas and laid on right side then the table and from the matrel on me and I shouted to him if everything was in order and cried then I woke up

      The snow is all around in front of me, a cliff, looking down, I notice on the left a dinosaur that has fallen below the cliff, which cannot get out in the center, a dinosaur that is completely under the snow, only the tail sticks out and moves in different directions, and on the right, a dinosaur entangled in a multitude of ropes that cannot move and get out by itself, so I with the help of a rope, I get a dinosaur out of the snow and lift it up, pulling it off a cliff, pulling it out on his face, there was a red rope, I untied it and told him to go help the dinosaur on the right and on the left, which he stood and roared in my direction. I had such a dream from Friday to Saturday, why is this a big dream for trouble or what to expect?

      The action of the dream took place in Africa. I was betrayed by a team of people with whom I fought with someone. I was tied to a chair. Next to the chair was a cage with a rabbit. I was told not to freak out. Tried to keep my head straight. For some reason, I thought that the cage is a landmark for a sniper, and the target is my head. As a result, I shouted that the sniper was an amateur and couldn’t hit me without someone else’s help (despite the fact that I didn’t even see him), after which a girl unknown to me approached me from behind and tried to inject me with a syringe into my back something. The dream is over.

      Hello! I dreamed that I was pulling a long white rope out of my mouth, at first for some reason there was an association with a worm. The rope was pulled out in pieces different size I don't remember anything else from the dream.

      Hello, it means that in a dream I was at home, and suddenly it became not very convenient for me to breathe, as if my throat was blocked, I thought that something was stuck there when I ate, and started to get it with my fingers, it turned out to be a thread, only it was covered in blood or something similar in consistency (in some places the frozen clots are large) and quite thick, but I didn’t feel pain while taking it out, it turned out to be very large, I didn’t take it out completely, I just had to cut it off, and then I woke up waiting for your reply, thanks in advance!

      I got a tattoo on my stomach and somehow the tattoo moved to my back, when I decided to look at the tattoo, I turned my back to the mirror and saw thick gray ropes on my back, as if they had come. And the person who made the tattoo left a number for me to finish the tattoo, but he somehow disappeared and the number too

      I pull the rope across the field with a man and it constantly breaks, and the man runs and ties it to a tree and returns. I understand that there is not enough length of the rope I go back and teach a person to tie knots

      Hello, I often dream that different things come out of my mouth Once paper clips, buttons came out, then I dreamed it came out long rope, she did not end, woke up from nausea. Then I often dreamed that I was vomiting. Yesterday I dreamed that I was pulling food out of my mouth. I constantly dream that incomprehensible muck comes out of my mouth.

      Hello! I dreamed that I was pulling a rope out of my mouth, about 2 meters long and on it, after about 10 cm, nuts and wrenches were tied. Then the rope ended and the second one started! !then the other day (every other day) the grandmother of the employee at work dreams (I never saw her and I don’t even know if she had her), and this employee difficult situation connected with the law (possibly bringing to criminal responsibility), and this grandmother, as it turns out in a dream, had abilities (black magic), and the employee herself allegedly prays and asks her for help. and in a dream, this grandmother tells me that she will help her, but I understand that the grandmother is taking action and is calm, that everything will be fine with her! Help me figure it out, are these just dreams or do they mean something?

      I dreamed of some guy, we had sex, and then he took two ropes for legs and arms to tie me up because they were long, he twisted them. But I didn’t have time to tie them, because a lot of people came, and I dispersed them .And the guy left too.

      I'm on the bus, stop soon. I got ready to go out, went to the door, I stand, I wait, two young people come up, beautiful girls. They laugh, one of them brushes me and walks forward closer to the door. The bus stops, at stops and we get off. I just got out, I see this is not my stop, I returned to the bus, sat in an empty seat. A male conductor, of Slavic appearance, sat down next to him. We laugh at the fact that I went out in the wrong place, he says that he had one too. He starts to tell, and in my mouth, I feel something horrible, I start to get it, pull it. This is a long rope, the bus conductor says I pull, pull and not noticeably pull it out and squeeze it in my hand. While listening, getting the rope, I passed the stop, I say stop and get out. The road is new, asphalt! I go down the steep hill from the road and go towards work. That's all! Here I woke up!!!

      I felt a hair in my mouth, I decided to pull it out, pulled on it, and it stretched and got thicker and seemed to consist of still tangled hair and already the twine was woven and ropes and I pulled and pulled and finally pulled it out and at the end it was already, as it were and ropes of hair and twine turned out to be several keys. the sensations while pulling out were unpleasant ..
      Thank you!

      Dreaming like me and mine ex girlfriend and some other guy I don’t remember the face, but for some reason it seems to me that this is her ex. And so the sea in front of us is some kind of hill and I’m trying to throw somewhere rope for something to get out and it doesn’t work out. We talked with her about our relationship that we had. The guy doesn’t interfere. P.S. I love her very much.

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations, evaluate your emotional condition? We suggest reading selected interpretations of dreams about the Rope in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these interpretations of dreams, there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream of Rope

Dream Interpretation of Pastor Loff

Why dream and what does Rope mean?

“No matter how the rope twists, it will still curl into a whip!” This line from a song by V. Vysotsky quite accurately expresses what a dream with a rope can promise. If you knit knots on a rope, then in life you tend to confuse an already difficult relationship. If you untie the knots, then a thankless job awaits you, which, in addition, will turn out to be both difficult and tedious at the same time. If you see a lot of clotheslines, then you are probably getting ready to fight back against ill-wishers.

If you are tied with a rope, then this dream portends the imposition of obligations on you that are very difficult to fulfill, and you don’t really want to. If you yourself tie someone with a rope, then in life you will look for a person on whom you can shift part of your burden. If you see how the rope is made, then you should prepare for life's trials, this is how this dream is interpreted, in which Rope dreams.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Strung, hanging rope - receive a letter, document; a piece of rope - get an answer, a share letter, a request, a lying rope - confusion in business, debt, failure.

Summer dream interpreter

If you dreamed that you were pulling a clothesline, you have a difficult task ahead of you.

Autumn dream interpreter

I dreamed that in a dream you were climbing over some kind of obstacle along a stretched rope, and it suddenly breaks and you fly down, but this is where the nightmare ends and you wake up - life will take you to unprecedented heights, as the dream book says about this dream , details, if Rope is dreaming, see below.

Psychological dream book

Why does Rope dream in a dream?

Symbolizes your destiny. If the rope breaks, it means that you will be in mortal danger, which you can avoid only by showing caution and forethought. A very long rope is a symbol of long life. Unravel the rope or untie numerous knots on it - to liberation from the oppression of an unworthy person

Modern dream book

According to the dream book Rope, which means a dream:

They saw a Rope in a dream - the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga believed that the appearance of a rope in a dream denotes the fate destined for the dreamer. Here are the interpretations she gave to dreams in which the rope was present: If you dreamed that the rope broke in your hands, then in reality your life would be in mortal danger. You will be able to avoid it only if you show caution and forethought. Tie knots on a rope - in real life you're hanging out with the wrong people. Expect big trouble if you do not break off relations with them.

They unraveled the rope or untied numerous knots on it - free yourself from the power of an unworthy person over you. This event will be decisive in your life: after it, you will be able to reveal your abilities and realize your plan. They tied something with a rope - stop interfering in the fate of the people around you. So you invite trouble on yourself. A very long rope in a dream prophesies a long, but not a carefree life. Do not lose your vigilance and do not take unnecessary risks, because such long life given to a person for a reason.

Spring dream interpreter

To a confusing matter.

Old grandmother's dream book

Why does the sleeping Rope dream?

Rope hung and drawn in (in a dream) - receiving a letter; a piece of rope - getting an answer.

Slavic dream book

Rope dreamed in a dream, what is it for:

Rope - karmic bonds bind you with an unpleasant face. Pull the rope over yourself - emerge victorious in a duel, but also burdened with karmic debts. A clean rope - says that you owe your marriage partner. A dirty and old rope speaks of large debts, karma, karmic hosts. Break the rope - pay off debts.

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

I dreamed of Rope in a dream, interpretation:

The rope is the course of life. To make a rope is to control your own life; climb or descend it - achievements or failures; long rope - a long period of time; to be connected - restrictions; tying knots on a rope - the emergence of new relationships that bother you; untie numerous knots on a rope or unravel a rope - free yourself from restrictions; tying something with a rope - an attempt to limit someone, to restrain one's own feelings; the rope broke - broken relationships; braided rope - reconciliation of someone or one's own feelings.

Jewish dream book

What does it mean if Rope dreamed:

You dreamed of a Rope - A Rope with knots A dream that occurred on Monday night means that you will be able to avoid big trouble; on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - you are in serious danger of damage; on the night of Saturday or Sunday - to intrigue and gossip. Break the rope A dream that occurred on Monday night means that you risk breaking off relations with an old friend; on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - you will be freed from the need to do unpleasant things; on the night of Saturday or Sunday - that your long-standing desire will come true. A rope entangling the legs portends despondency; there will be boredom, longing and unwillingness to do anything. Rope around the neck - to regret the perfect deed, fatigue and disappointment in life. Hands tied with a rope speak of upcoming doubts and the need to make a choice.

Dream Interpretation of E. Erickson

Rope dreamed in a dream, interpretation:

What does the Rope mean in a dream - a grumpy partner, wind it around your hand - receive money, measure something with a rope - get the planned profit. Climbing or descending a rope - to participate in a complicated business with varying success. Tie a rope - deceive others.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

Rope dreamed - what does a dream mean?

You dreamed of a Rope - you contacted the wrong people. The choice of business partners was extremely unfortunate: they will soon let you down. Imagine that the rope burns down, and nothing remains of it, not even ashes.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Rope dreamed, why:

rope - you are dreaming of a rope - your affairs may have come to a standstill, and only you can solve your difficulties, do not rely on someone else's help; your love is also at an impasse - you didn’t expect it from her, you didn’t see it like that; you do not know how to be; you can only count on time, which one day will set all the accents very clearly. You see yourself bound hand and foot - you are a person of a good analytical mind, but when you see this girl, you cannot help yourself; charm magic gives your mind a rest; you are ready to be a prisoner of love; feelings, not reason, now determine your attitude to reality; and you see how wrong you were before, suppressing nature in yourself. It’s as if you are breaking the fetters - in reality, someone is very hostile to you; you will do an act that will destroy enmity. You climb the rope - you will cope with all difficulties, overcome enemies. It is as if you are descending on a rope - after some very vivid impression, you will feel emptiness; perhaps you yourself are to blame: you wanted to further enhance the impression and ruined everything. You have an old rope in your hands - danger awaits you, be careful.

English dream book

Why does Rope dream in a dream?

You dreamed of a Rope, what it is for, a cord - Ropes and cords can be used in many ways, and in many cases they are associated with a sense of security. What is the dream about: Did the rope help you climb up or go down? Has your life depended on being well anchored? Or was she tying up the package, preventing you from looking inside? Or was it holding back an animal that wanted to attack you? If so, you may be feeling in danger right now, even hanging by a thread. If a tug-of-war appeared in a dream, then do you feel that you are being pulled in different directions? Maybe soon you will need to make a decision. If you dreamed of a cord, did it tie something up or did you have to pull it to call someone? Or was it the umbilical cord? In the latter case, are you too dependent on someone close to you, voluntarily or involuntarily?

Psychoanalytic dream book

I dreamed of a rope in a dream, what is it for?

What does a rope mean in a dream. 1. A rope that appears in a dream means tying up, perhaps to provide some kind of reliability, or an attempt to keep the situation under control. 2. On psychological level a rope, like a rope, is considered a link between two objects (see Rope). 3. From a spiritual point of view, everything that connects involves a direct relationship with someone inner essence like Silver Thread.

Russian dream book

Rope dreamed in a dream, why:

What does Rope mean in a dream - confusion and confusion in business.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (short)

Dream Interpretation Rope

  • Attachment to a person, place or thing.
  • May symbolize kundalini.
  • Life line.
  • A twisted rope means organization, inner composure and balance between body, mind and soul.
  • A frayed or knotted rope symbolizes discord.
  • You feel bound hand and foot.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (detailed)

Dream Interpretation Rope

  • A rope can be a guiding thread, or it can be a symbol of affection for a particular person or thing.
  • A twisted rope can symbolize organization, inner composure and balance between body, mind and soul. A frayed or knotted rope symbolizes discord.
  • Do you feel like your hands are tied? Declare to yourself: "I feel free in all areas of life and know that my life is flowing according to a higher plan."

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Maya

Why is Rope dreaming

  • good value
    If the rope hangs, it means that new horizons are opening up before you, new opportunities are emerging. To do so, cut off a section of your hair, put a few hairs in envelopes and send to different countries unknown people.
  • bad value
    If the rope is wrapped around something, then you may soon have problems with your lungs. To avoid this, of course, it is worth protecting yourself from tobacco smoke and every day for a week, tie a white ribbon around the wrist of the left hand.

Dream Interpretation: Russian Dream Interpretation

See Rope in a dream

  • Get bad news;
  • but if you wrapped a rope around a man - this portends a wedding

Dream Interpretation: Noble dream book N. Grishina

Dream Interpretation Rope

  • The rope hangs - the warmth of friends.
  • The scrap in the hand is the answer to the letter.
  • To see a rope coiled or tangled - to come into doubt, to hesitate.
  • To untie the knots on it - something will happen that you previously sought in vain.
  • Untie the rope - the secret will become clear.
  • Tie with a rope - worries, difficulties.

Dream Interpretation: Gypsy dream book

See Rope in a dream

  • Seeing or holding a rope means that you will make some very useful friends. If there are knots on the rope, you will have some problems, but you will overcome them. Cut off the rope - to break a relationship that could be very useful.

Dream Interpretation: Eastern female dream book

Dream Interpretation Rope

  • Symbolizes your destiny. If the rope breaks, it means that you will be in mortal danger, which you can avoid only by showing caution and forethought. A very long rope is a symbol of long life. Unraveling a rope or untying numerous knots on it - to liberation from the oppression of an unworthy person.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Aesop

See Rope in a dream

  • You could see a rope in a dream under the influence of the work of the subconscious, which thus tried to convey to you the well-known phrase: “No matter how much the rope twists, the end will still be!” This means that no matter what dishonest actions you commit, no matter how much lies you say, the truth will still emerge. Perhaps the subconscious mind also encrypted another statement: “Twist a rope out of someone,” that is, dispose of this person according to own will, to lead him, to have an undivided influence on him.
  • In a dream, to see a rope with knots tied to it or tangled - you have to get into an awkward situation due to the fact that you will say too much or lie.
  • To tie something with a rope, to tie something together - you will have to resort to lying for salvation, and this will really help to settle things and maintain good relations with others.
  • If the rope is torn in your hands, then this is a sign warning you to be more careful, not to say too much, so that you do not have to regret what was said later.
  • A very long rope is a symbol of the road, a long trip.
  • Winding the rope - in reality, freeing yourself from the influence of a person who has been using you for quite a long time for his own purposes.
  • To dream that you are in the house of a hanged man and suddenly those present begin to discuss the murder weapon - someone will try to hit you below the belt, be careful in revelations and seeking support, because ill-wishers are not asleep.
  • To dream of a man who is dragging a mountain of sand and is going to twist ropes out of it - you will spend money where you did not expect, because your companion is a fair economy, and this will harm the business.
  • Unraveling numerous knots on a rope - you will solve problems caused by other people; to gossip; to complicated cases; get in trouble with the law.
  • Look for a strong rope in a dream - determination will visit you and you will put the final point in the matter; you will be able to save someone who needs your help.
  • Making a rope ladder in a dream - a flimsy hope will not come true; you need to change your occupation; don't rely on what you don't believe in.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Veles

Why is Rope dreaming

  • Seeing your white linen hanging on a drying line for a woman is a man with whom they will soon love relationship, will not be up to par as a partner. You drag the corpse of a friend along a rope - a conflict with a person who will die soon

Dream Interpretation: Old Persian dream book Taflisi

Dream Interpretation Rope

  • To see a rope in a dream - to oaths and promises in reality. Throw a rope that suddenly hangs in the air - to career growth; the higher the rope hangs, the higher you will climb career ladder. The rope thrown by you, which was caught by a stranger - this dream portends the need to seek advice from a person unknown to you. A rope falling from above - to be fired. If you managed to catch the end of a rope hanging from the sky - to the fulfillment of all dreams. To dream of a rope around your neck - a dream promises problems with compliance with the terms of the contract. If you are trying to throw a rope around the enemy’s neck, but to no avail, in reality everyone will turn away from you. Going down the rope from the roof is a rejection of everything previously planned.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov

Dream Interpretation Rope

  • road;
  • to twist - to friendship;
  • untie - broken relationship;
  • torn - great grief;
  • long - long life.

Dream Interpretation: Wangi's Dream Interpretation

See Rope in a dream

  • A rope in a dream is a designation of the fate destined for the dreamer.
  • If in a dream a rope broke in your hands, then in reality your life will be in mortal danger, which you will be able to avoid only by being careful and foresight.
  • Tie knots on a rope - such a dream warns that you are messing with the wrong people, so expect big trouble, and the best way out for you is to break off relations with this group.
  • A very long rope in a dream prophesies a long life, but this does not mean that it will be carefree. Do not lose vigilance and do not risk in vain, because such a long life is not given to a person in vain.
  • Unraveling the rope or untying numerous knots on it - soon you will be freed from the power of an unworthy person over you, and this will become a decisive event in your life, after which you will be able to reveal your abilities and fulfill your plan.
  • To tie something with a rope - you do not have the right to interfere in the fate of the people around you, by your involvement in their problems you bring trouble on yourself, even your sincere desire to help should be overcome, because this is not your destiny.

Dream Interpretation: Modern Dream Interpretation

See Rope in a dream

  • If in a dream you are weaving a rope, then in real life you will find yourself in a situation from which only your iron will and attitude to win will help you get out. If you dreamed that you were hanging washed clothes on a rope, then you cannot be characterized unambiguously. Many people who don't know you well can't understand how you manage to be tough and demanding at work, while still being gentle and caring at home. A dream in which your hands are tied with a rope means that you are oppressed by a situation in which you are powerless to do anything.

Dream Interpretation: Esoteric dream book

  • tangled rope - come into doubt, hesitate
  • ropes - a meeting of foreigners or that the departed will be caught, and the lost will be found
  • knit a rope - enough strength to subjugate people to your will
  • winding a rope - money
  • tie with a rope - worries, difficulties
  • a piece of rope in hand - receiving an answer to a letter
  • to go down the rope - to be on a tangled path
  • untie the rope - the secret will become clear
  • climb the rope - be on a tangled path
  • tie a rope to something - deceive others
  • untie the rope - break off the relationship
  • broken rope - great grief
  • break the rope that binds you to someone - break ties, business or personal
  • twist a rope - to friendship
  • untie the knots on the rope - by chance what you wanted will come true
  • rope ladder - a difficult task will end happily
  • In the dream book, the site itself big dream book Runet, contains 75 best dream books: a mirror dream book of psychological states, an oriental female dream book, a new family dream book, self-teaching dream book (Vrublevskaya's dream book), numerological dream book of Pythagoras, Old Persian dream book Taflisi, ancient french dream book, Miller's dream book, Solomon's dream book, psychotherapeutic dream book, modern dream book, Slavic dream book, Vanga's dream book, dream book of symbols (symbolic), dream book of lucky signs, Aesop's dream book, Azar's dream book, Egyptian dream book of the pharaohs (Kenkhepeshef), dream book Yellow Emperor, Jung's dream book, Loff's dream book, Health dream book, Veles dream book, Shereminskaya's dream book, and others.

    Dream interpretation rope

    Some symbols in a dream have many meanings. One of them is rope.

    Why is the rope dreaming? Interpreters also talk about the attachment of a sleeping person to a certain place, person, thing. Others point to a life path. A number of other predictions are also given, which will directly depend on the accompanying symbols.

    How much rope does not twist

    First of all, you should indicate the plot of the dream, remember the color of the rope, your actions. And a variety of interpreters of dreams and other sources will give the necessary information.

    What do psychologists think about this?

    A similar symbol represents the presence of ties, family or friendship. When you see knots, these are hidden messages that your brain is trying to process. Perhaps some secret will be revealed to you soon.

    A dream that has occurred may indicate a parallel that the dreamer draws between his past life and future events.

    No self-respecting psychological dream book will give you a definite answer. It is believed that such symbols should only be considered in individual consultation with a specialist. The rope is just a symbol that lies on the surface, and you may need to resort to hypnosis to find out true reason sleep.

    Interpretations of other dream books

    I dreamed of a strong long rope

    Interpreters of dreams happily express their assumptions about what the rope is dreaming of. Each individual source provides unique information that is not similar to other predictions. This symbol is so multifaceted that it simply cannot be considered in one single source.

    Velesov dream book

    To see a rope in a dream means that the dreamer is quite tired of the events taking place. Experiencing moral exhaustion.

    If it is long, then you will live the same long life. Take a close look at her condition. It will show whether you will have an easy life, or you will have to overcome constant difficulties.

    Twist the ropes - there is a road ahead. There is a prediction that the dreamer will soon find a true friend.

    Tearing them is a quarrel or break with a friend or loved one.

    Seeing already torn - to sad events. When the rope just hangs, then you will receive news or a letter.

    Wanderer Interpreter

    When the rope was dreamed, the dreamer experiences a strong attraction to a certain person. The dream also indicates that at the right time you will receive the necessary help.

    Interpreter of the sorceress Medea

    Untying knots in a dream

    Rope - the dreamer's attachment to something. To a certain person, animal, place of work, home, some habit.

    Do you see knots in it and untie them? Although you used to have difficulty communicating with people, soon you will feel much freer.

    Your hands or feet are tied - it is a burden for you to communicate with a certain person. An employee, friend, or family member. The main thing is that you experience irritation at the mere sight of this person.

    Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Kananit

    It will be quite difficult for you to watch how the ropes are produced on the way to your goal.

    Climbing, descending the rope - you have chosen the wrong path, it is rather confusing, and you risk losing yourself.

    To become attached to something - you are a dishonest person who often deceives the people around you.

    Esoteric interpreter

    Seeing a rope suspended horizontally means a long road ahead of you.

    When it hangs vertically, various dangers and obstacles will await you along the way.

    Dreamed of a loop

    See the loop - get stabbed in the back, you are in great danger.

    It just lies, curled up in a ring - it’s worth checking the condition of your lungs, don’t delay going to the doctor.

    Modern dream book

    This interpreter negatively considers dreams about a similar symbol. It is believed that in whatever interpretations you see it, it will not be easy for you in life. The dreamer will face grief, trouble in business, constantly growing debts.

    Interpreter Tsvetkova

    The esoteric Tsvetkov gave clear and concise predictions about the rope in night vision:

    • by itself - get ready for the journey;
    • make a rope - find a friend;
    • unravel, untie - a quarrel, a break in communication;
    • torn - a huge misfortune;
    • kilometer - long life.

    Interpreter of the 21st century

    When you dream that the rope hangs evenly in a vertical position - you will receive a letter, news. The longer the segment, the longer and happier the dreamer will live.

    To see only a fragment - get an answer to the questions that tormented you.

    See in a dream torn or unusable

    The lace is tangled - there will be a hitch in business, there will be an obstacle on the way.

    To see that the noose is wrapped around your neck - you are working too hard. You are tired both mentally and physically, and you urgently need a rest. If you do not want to have health troubles and the development of prolonged depression, allow yourself to take a break from everyday affairs. Do not think about the essential, just switch off for a while.

    To encircle any object with a cord - you will be busy with work, troublesome and difficult.

    Untie a knot in a dream - you will be able to find a solution to the trouble that is already long time does not give you rest.

    What can twine dream about? The dreamer will have a difficult path, he will have to cope with many troubles and obstacles. If in a dream you tore it apart, then, despite all the obstacles, you will be able to cope with the task and achieve your goal, just don’t give up.

    A lace in a dream can have different meaning for women and for men:

    • such a dream promises a woman an influential sponsor, a rich boyfriend;
    • a man predicts receiving false information from seemingly trusted sources.

    Aesop's dream book

    Tie an object in a dream

    This source believes: if the image of a rope comes in a dream, then this is a warning of the subconscious and higher powers. All the actions that you perform in real life will eventually come back to you. If you behaved dishonestly, offended people, deceived them, then in the end you will have to pay for it. And the man leading right life who does no harm to people around him will be rewarded by fate itself for his righteous deeds.

    When the lace has many knots, then the dream book believes that you will have to find yourself in an unpleasant situation. And you will get into it because of your misconduct and lies.

    To tie or tie any object - you will have to lie, but this will be done with the best of intentions. If at this moment the rope broke, then you should be extremely careful with your statements. Do not say too much, which you will later regret very much.

    When the lace is very long, you don't even see its edges, you have a long way to go.

    Wind it up - you will be able to get rid of the guardianship of the person who is next to you for self-interest.

    A vision in which you saw the house where the hanging was committed is considered quite negative, and the people around you speak loudly about the rope. You're about to get hit hard. It is believed that this will be a stab in the back from a person you trusted, and it will be quite difficult for you to recover from him.

    Unravel the knots in a dream

    Engage in unraveling many knots - you will begin to rake up a pile of problems that have been created by other people. The dream also suggests that there are false rumors and gossip about you.

    The whole dream is in search of a strong rope - you are determined to achieve what you want, nothing and no one can stop you.

    If you twisted a ladder out of it, then your hopes are not justified, you will soon understand this. The sooner you give up on your idea, the better.

    Female interpreter

    According to this dream book, the rope is a sign of fate. The longer it is, the longer the woman will live. At the same time, the dream does not at all indicate that the dreamer's life will not be full of bitterness and sadness. Don't be overly frivolous.

    When the lace is torn in the dreamer's hands, she will be in serious danger. A woman will come out of it with the least losses if she is prudent and begins to think through her every step.

    Knitting knots is a message from higher powers that you are communicating with completely the wrong people. If you continue to make friends with them, you will have a lot of trouble.

    On the contrary, unravel the rope and untie the knots - you will be able to get out of the obedience of a person who uses you for his own purposes. Once you make decisive step, you will be able to discover new abilities in yourself and heal in a new way.

    See in a dream how it is torn

    To tie someone or something - you constantly interfere in the affairs and lives of strangers. BUT higher power warn you not to do it.

    I dreamed that you yourself were tied - you will contact a person contrary to the voice of your mind, and you will be with him. The interpreter says that the sooner you interrupt communication, the better it will be for you.

    according to Vanga's dream book

    A rope in a dream is a designation of the fate destined for the dreamer. If in a dream a rope broke in your hands, then in reality your life will be in mortal danger, which you will be able to avoid only by being careful and foresight. Tie knots on a rope - such a dream warns that you are messing with the wrong people, so expect big trouble, and the best way out for you is to break off relations with this group. A very long rope in a dream prophesies a long life, but this does not mean that it will be carefree. Do not lose vigilance and do not risk in vain, because such a long life is not given to a person in vain. Unraveling the rope or untying numerous knots on it - soon you will be freed from the power of an unworthy person over you, and this will become a decisive event in your life, after which you will be able to reveal your abilities and fulfill your plan. To tie something with a rope - you do not have the right to interfere in the fate of the people around you, by your involvement in their problems you bring trouble on yourself, even your sincere desire to help should be overcome, because this is not your destiny.

    Why is the rope dreaming

    according to Tsvetkov's dream book

    road; to twist - to friendship; untie - broken relationship; torn - great grief; long - long life.

    The meaning of sleep about the clamp

    according to Freud's dream book

    In a dream, to see a collar on a horse's neck - the routine has completely exhausted you, there is no place for a holiday in your life, therefore, more and more often you are irritated at the sight of completely normal things that have always brought you joy and peace. If the clamp was on your own neck, then you urgently need to change something in sex. Maybe a new posture will be a good way out of the current situation. And do not be afraid to be the first to offer this innovation to your partner.

    Why dream about a knot

    according to Vanga's dream book

    The appearance of this symbol in a dream portends you problems, life difficulties. In a dream, you are tightening a tight knot - this means that in reality you are trying to solve your problem without anyone's help, but you only confuse the situation even more. The dream in which you cut the knot indicates that in reality you are on the right track and all your actions are correct and concise.

    The meaning of sleep about the knot

    according to Freud's dream book

    In a dream, a man tries to untie a knot - you should not worry so much if during love date not everything will go well with a woman. Most likely, this is just a consequence of excitement or fatigue. If this dream was seen by a woman, then she will have to show maximum restraint and steadfastly endure all the whims of her beloved. Breaking a knot in a dream - you are looking for a way out. from a difficult situation that you find yourself in, but your efforts do not work because you are weak. You may have to lose something to achieve success, but your peace of mind and the well-being of your family is worth this sacrifice.

    Dreamed of a knot

    according to Miller's dream book

    To dream that you are looking at a knot means great anxiety over trifles. Tying a knot in a dream is a sign that you will behave like an independent person and will not agree to endure the society of a person unpleasant to you.

    Rope dream meaning

    according to Freud's dream book

    A rope in dreams means a strong relationship with a loved one. Seeing a rope suspended from the ceiling in a dream - you can solve some problem with your partner thanks to good sex. You will be amazed at the closeness and understanding that seemed to have long been lost. To dream of a tightrope walker performing his trick professionally and beautifully - you consider yourself a talented lover, but your partner has a different opinion. Try discussing it with him. Climbing up the rope - you constantly want something new in your intimate life, while coming up with such unusual additions that often surprise and amaze your partner. For a change, you can also try traditional sex with your loved one, then, perhaps, your problems will be solved. Falling down from the rope - you rush into sex, as if into a whirlpool with your head. After some time, carnal pleasures will bother you so much that even at the thought of some innocent kiss you will be disgusted.
