I dreamed of a treasure. Why dream of a treasure from a dream book - "A large universal dream book for the whole family of O. Smurov"

The dream in which treasures happened to be found is intriguing. And, of course, I want to know: why is the treasure dreaming? The dream interpretation interprets such a vision positively, predicting success, victories, recognition, respect for others. But there are other interpretations that are no less interesting and useful.

Everything you have ever dreamed of!

Dig up a cache full of old coins in a dream is very good. This is a sign that all the worries associated with the extraction of livelihoods have come to an end. You can stop saving and start living for your own pleasure, without denying yourself anything, because there will be plenty of money. AT real life you will meet influential, wealthy people who will take you under their wing.

In life, the dreamer will be very lucky, but being mistaken, he will be grateful for this, not to his secret, modest patron, but to an outsider. According to the dream book, the treasure is often a symbol of ideas, memories, impressions.

In the interpretation of the Eastern female dream book, the lady who found the treasure will be happy, rich, lucky.

We don't need someone else!

There are other ideas among the people about what a valuable find is dreaming of. In the old days, it was believed that such a phantasmagoria is sent to a sleeping person from an evil spirit dreaming of an unfortunate person. It was believed that the dreamer would first be seduced by something, and he would be innocently delighted, but then he would have to bitterly regret it.

Your labors will be in vain, dreams are not destined to come true, this is how the success of a treasure hunter is interpreted in the Small Veles Dream Book. If you dreamed of coins in a cache, then in reality you can be deceived, betrayed. From here - tears, disappointments, insults. This is echoed by the collection of dreams of the Slavs, who are sure that the values ​​\u200b\u200bhidden by another person are unfortunately, tears.

According to Miller

Miller has his own version of why he dreams of looking for values ​​hidden from prying eyes. This American psychologist claimed that only empty chores await the sleeper. But if the dream had a continuation, and the treasure was found, then we can hope that in reality it will be possible to implement the most ambitious plans. The opposite interpretation of the vision, in which they dug a hole for a long time, and as a result, not a chest with gold and silver, but human remains were found at the bottom. - a hint that the dreamer's plans are doomed to failure.

Oddly enough, but the dream that expensive things were found in a secret place prophesies to the sleeper only problems and additional responsibilities in reality.

Why dream that you are burying a treasure chest? Such a plot tells the dreamer that something important will be told to him under a great secret. But this secret has long been of no interest to him, or known. Another interpretation of the same vision suggests that this is an allegory, suggesting that a person buries his talent, does not appreciate it.

A dream in which a certain character points you to a place where, this is a warning. In real life, clever attackers will try to draw you into a scam and swindle your savings. Stay away from these scammers!

In the arms of Morpheus, all night painfully and painstakingly searched for a treasure? Then, upon awakening, difficult, painstaking work lies ahead - only in this way will you be able to improve your financial situation.

In your night dreams, did you notice that someone else discovered the values? Then get ready to help someone from your family - they have problems, mainly financial.

Islamic interpretations

The East has its own interpretations of dreams about buried treasures. So, if a student found them in a dream, then he will successfully pass the exams, and at the same time be enriched with knowledge and experience. Businessman? Then he will be lucky in trade, and if this plot is dreamed of by a municipal, state employee, then he will be promoted, and he will receive great power.

Even in a dream, it’s a shame if those found were stolen. In reality, this unfortunate incident will result in the dreamer incurring financial losses due to the fault of outsiders. So, even in a dream, keep your eyes open so as not to lose a valuable find.

From the point of view of psychology

Why, being in the arms of Morpheus, do people search for treasures? Psychologists say that this is not evidence of commercialism, but rather an unconscious desire to change something in one's destiny. Perhaps the sleeper seriously thought about the meaning of life, wants to change the type of professional activity, delve into the intricacies of philosophy. Sometimes it is a confusion of feelings of unrecognized talent. If a treasure is found in a dream, then a person waking up may feel a desire to try his hand at different genres of creativity. And he will succeed!

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Finding a treasure in reality is an unexpected and joyful event, especially if the find is of real value. Based on this fact, the soothsayers consider the treasures discovered in a dream a good sign. However, everything is not so simple, so do not draw premature conclusions. When interpreting, it is important to consider the plot of a dream, which can radically change the meaning of the prediction. Key details: the dreamer's actions and the contents of the treasure. If gold coins represent financial well-being, then an empty chest symbolizes the onset of a difficult period in the life of the sleeping person.

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    The plot of the dream

    First of all, it is necessary to consider the actions of the sleeper in a dream and the contents of the treasure. The dreamer's actions in the Kingdom of Morpheus:

    • The search for a treasure portends vain chores. The interpretation is especially relevant if the sleeper could not find anything of value and only spent his time and effort. The subconscious tells a person that he should manage his time wisely and really do important things. Do not take on a lot of things, because nothing good will come of it. The best option: completely surrender to what will lead the dreamer to success, and for a while put aside all secondary affairs.
    • If the treasure is still found, then this is a good sign. In the life of the sleeper will happen happy event or he will witness the triumph loved one. Success will inspire him and charge him with positive energy. The dreamer will have a desire to create and demonstrate to others that he can achieve a lot in his life.
    • An excavated chest with gold coins is a symbol of wealth and material prosperity. But there is a detail that should not be overlooked. The very process of working with a shovel personifies diligence and perseverance. In reality, the sleeper will have to show these qualities in order to achieve success at work, which will provide him with financial stability.
    • If the treasure is of value to the sleeping person, then the dream promises the fulfillment of secret desires. But the dream book warns that the dreamer should not tell anyone about his dreams. Envious people can interfere with the implementation of his intentions.
    • Hide a treasure of money - to receive news that the dreamer had long guessed about. For him, she will not become a sensation, and the sleeper will react calmly to the news.
    • If you dreamed of looking for a treasure with your loved one, and instead of a chest with jewelry to find wooden coins, then the dream book predicts deception.

      If, instead of a treasure, the dreamer found a human grave in the ground, then his wishes are not destined to come true in the near future.

      Where was the treasure found?

      If the treasure pot was found under water, then the sleeper will have to face his fears. If he can overcome himself and is not afraid to take risks, then he will feel like a different person. Getting rid of fears frees a person from internal negativity, gives self-confidence and a sense of freedom.
      Finding a treasure in an old house is a sign that the sleeper is inquisitive and is attracted to everything mysterious and unknown. The dream book advises to use these qualities to good use. We need to devote more time to self-education, develop our abilities and achieve success.

Sometimes, waking up in the morning and getting out of bed, a person cannot recover because of a strange, bizarre dream he has seen. However, it is precisely such extravagant dreams that carry very important information, although it can take a long time to decipher these dreams. The dream interpretation of finding a treasure is interpreted as a change in life, the acquisition of spiritual viability.

Dreamed of treasures, and you are grateful for them to a stranger? Such a dream prophesies in reality a major success, which will be facilitated by a person from your environment.

If in your dreams you saw how a person found a treasure, your subconscious mind is disturbed by the remnants of the past that you are trying to forget. In a dream, did you stand in front of a house decorated with precious? It is a symbol of the beauty of your inner world. There has come a moment of reassessment of values ​​in your life.

AT in general terms jewels in dreams are a symbol of:

  • Acquisition of wealth.
  • Implementation of ideas.
  • Good health.

A dream in which you are looking for a treasure, applying all your ingenuity, means that some sad events will soon be replaced by great and bright joy. Searching for treasure in a dream and doubting its existence is a signal that you need to take a closer look at the business you are doing, this is a waste of time.

Find a stash filled with precious stones, is a harbinger of disappointment in people whom you have immensely trusted. But resentment will be short-lived, everything will soon change and develop in the best way for you. Seeing a treasure in a dream, but not being able to dispose of it - to the chores associated with household chores.

Why dream of the treasures that you are trying to put away from prying eyes? Such a dream can be interpreted as knowledge of a secret that will be revealed to you in the near future. A dream in which you were initiated into the secret of the location of the treasure means that in reality a certain person will soon pay a visit to you. This person will make a business proposal that you can hardly refuse.


If you dream that someone you know found the treasure, pay attention to your relatives: they may need financial support in the near future. Treasures in a dream that radiated an unusual brilliance prophesy to you:

  • Success in commerce.
  • Great power.
  • New ideas.

A treasure with small coins says that in life you cannot grasp the meaning of some actions. You are often visited by creative anxiety. If in a dream you saw a large amount of money, this is a symbol of something important and long-awaited. You will have a chance to show hidden talents.

Did you see a group of treasure hunters in a dream? In the near future there will be significant financial injections into your budget. I dreamed of a treasure, on the search for which you spent a lot of effort - most likely, you will feel the need to communicate with pragmatic people.

If in your dream you accidentally stumbled upon hidden treasures, success awaits you, mutual understanding in the family and, of course, luck will smile at you. To dig up a treasure in a hurry in a dream - for the patient, this is a sign of a speedy recovery, getting rid of the disease. For healthy person this is a harbinger of a great reward that he dreamed of receiving.

About the treasure seen in dreams, we can say that it is a symbol of priceless and unique ideas, precious memories. in a dream speaks of the imminent completion of very important matters, the result of which will be rich and busy life. Why dream of finding a treasure with large coins? Let's turn to the dream book - such a dream says that you will receive an inheritance, there will be prospects to improve your financial situation.

If in a dream you became the owner of a whole collection of jewelry - this is good sign speedy progress on career ladder. This will happen thanks to your competence, your professional qualities and diligence.

Life values

Why dream of finding a treasure with the same ones? This is a harbinger of prosperous, stable and wise deeds. If in a dream you were immensely happy with the find, in reality you can be called independent person with a stable mindset.

What is the dream of a treasure from antiquities found in an old chest? Such a dream can be interpreted as a warning: you should not use prohibited methods and techniques to achieve your cherished goals.

Finding a treasure in a dream and at the same time knowing who it belongs to is evidence that soon you will have to come into conflict with loved ones. This will take an unexpected turn and leave a mark on your soul. If in a dream the treasure found did not live up to your expectations, in reality you need to pay as much attention to your health as possible.

Well, if the found treasure was stolen from you, this can be interpreted as various obstacles on life path. It is necessary to show perseverance and patience for their successful resolution. If in a dream there were gold, silver and other metal coins in your treasure, this is very auspicious sign, speaking of extremely high profits in any enterprise.

If the treasure consisted exclusively of paper ones, this portends the receipt of reliable information. Worn bills in a dream - to empty talk, gossip that you can easily refute.

If you counted coins found from a dream, such a dream indicates your practicality and frugality. If in a dream you wanted to donate the treasures you found as a gift, this indicates that you will find yourself in a dual position: you will have new worries that bring with them a sense of calm and peace.

The treasure that appeared in your dream is a symbol of material wealth, the fulfillment of the most secret desires, meetings with the rich influential people and indicates that in real life you experience material need or lack of communication with literate independent people.

It is unlikely that there will be a person in your environment who does not dream of finding a treasure, or at least something remotely resembling it, but not everyone thinks that, according to an old folk legend, a treasure is sent to a person evil spirit and when reading a prayer, it immediately crumbles into small fragments or even turns into dust.

This tradition served as the basis for the well-known folk wisdom: "It crumbled like a treasure from an amen."

Looking for a treasure in a dream is a sign that in real life you will have to work very hard to achieve material prosperity.

If you dreamed that you found a treasure, then soon you will accidentally find something valuable. But, unfortunately, this find will not bring you the expected joy and will confirm one simple truth: “Not every find is a treasure”

In a dream, thanking the earth for finding the treasure indicates that in real life you will have great luck, for which you will thank the wrong person.

If in a dream someone points out to you the place where the treasure is buried, then you will be offered a profitable, unfortunately, only at first glance, business that will bring you not only a lot of various worries, but also lead to financial ruin.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient dream book

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Dream Interpretation - Treasure

Search for treasure - to vain hopes, deceit.

Find - to temptations, difficulties in relationships with loved ones.

Digging - to health, success, good luck.

Dive to the bottom for a treasure - get a gift.

If you already hold the treasure in your hands, this is a joy.

However, sadness usually follows joy (especially if the treasure is large).

To transfer the treasure, to get rid of it - to release from some worries or work.

Interpretation of dreams from

Why dream of finding a treasure in a dream? Let's look into the dream book and find an explanation for this.

There is no single opinion of dream books on such dreams. Their explanations are sometimes contradictory.

Some say that this is a messenger of good changes in life. The beginning of the time of good luck, luck. It is recommended to carry out various investment operations in order to make a profit. You can participate in the drawing of lotteries, sweepstakes. You will be provided with income. When investing money, it is important not to overdo it.

Other dream books, on the contrary, argue that there is no reason for joy from such dreams. Do not take the treasure seen in a dream literally. They predict material difficulties, poverty, illness.

Interpretations on various dream books

Miller's dream book

  • Dig up a treasure - to triumph and success
  • Treasure hunt - portends useless chores
  • Where you dug in order to find the treasure, there was a corpse. This is the collapse of your plans
  • If the treasure is not of great value, everything in life will remain the same
  • Admiring the found treasure predicts many difficulties and no benefits.
  • During the whole dream, search for treasure - to achieve success in financial sector you have to put in the best effort

Freud's dream book

  • Treasure to find or treasure - personifies the face of your loved one or himself
  • Look for treasure - try to get the attention of a loved one

Dream Interpretation of David Loff

  • Real money complications
  • In real life, you want to become proficient and wise man. These qualities are symbolized by the treasure
  • Quite by chance, you find a treasure in an unexpected place. Tells you about your untapped possibilities. You don't even know about them

Spring dream book

Warns of impending illness

Autumn dream book

Success in money that will not last long

Summer dream book

If there is a lot of jewelry in the treasure - to poverty, poverty

Small Velesov dream book

Your dreams and plans are useless and unrealizable

Russian folk dream book

Predicts well-being, the fulfillment of your cherished desires

Gypsy dream book

Your life difficulties will be temporary

Aesop's dream book

A valuable find awaits you

Esoteric Dream Interpretation E. Tsvetkov

Worthless thoughts, empty desires, temptations

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Prosperity and happiness in the family

Dream Interpretation Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

  • Misfortune and tragedy await you
  • Dig yourself - a gradual recovery

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

  • Embodies your precious memories and valuable, original ideas.
  • Dig up a treasure - joy, health, prosperity, abundance

Dream Interpretation Tarot

Do not put off solving problems until tomorrow, you may not have time

Modern dream book

We remind you of unfulfilled dreams

Azar's Bible Dream Book

Unreasonable expectations and hopes

Esoteric dream book

Grief, loss

Explanatory dream book

Islamic dream book

The treasure is filled with precious coins - a good sign. Prosperity in trade, knowledge, power

Jewish dream book

Pipe dreams

Dream Interpretation of Solomon

Unfulfilled hopes

Modern combined dream book

  • Good news awaits you
  • The treasure is rich in gold, jewelry - trouble, no profit

Eastern female dream book

Says that your desires will soon come true

Dream Interpretation Dasha

Welfare and prosperity in life, dreams come true

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

A small treasure - well-being, a large one - displeasure

Family dream book

In search of happiness, you will be lucky

Dream Interpretation for Lovers

A respectable person will show generosity towards you

Arabic dream book

  • Everything related to gambling will bring you profit
  • Failure in business haunts you. Take a rest break
  • You can expect love, as a result of which you will create a happy family
  • You may receive an expensive gift
  • You will get bad news that your friends are lying to you and wish you a bad end.

European dream book

  • You will find what you have long wanted to find
  • Success will bring you a different job than what you are currently doing

Velesov dream book

  • Your plans in work and personal life will not come true
  • Predicts you illness, worries
  • Don't be tempted. They will harm you

Interpretations from other sources

  • The treasure contains a lot of coins - to the end of material difficulties
  • A student found gold coins - to acquire new knowledge and skills
  • Find a treasure - material losses await you, in which an outsider will be guilty
  • Symbolizes about your feelings about events in the past
  • Informs you of imminent disappointment in the people to whom you trusted your affairs.
  • The found treasures radiated a strange glow - this indicates that all your affairs will soon go uphill

The mystical meaning of a dream about finding a treasure

  • Someone close to you has bad intentions about you. If you found a treasure in a dream, then you actually got to the bottom of this relationship with you.
  • There is also a positive side here. If the found treasure is rich in gold, coins and jewelry, your discovery of the truth about your loved ones will not give you bitter disappointment. You will have real friends in the future

The psychological meaning of a dream about finding a treasure

Finding a treasure in a dream can mean:

  • Qualitative changes in personality, character, knowledge and skills
  • Unused desires and aspirations. This suggests that you have now been given another attempt to declare your importance from the other side.
  • It is your turn to put into practice your competence and practical experience that you have managed to accumulate over the entire period of your career.
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