Why dream of getting lost in a building. What does the dream book of the Yellow Emperor think

Dream interpretation get lost in the city

Why dream of getting lost in the city? We must start with the fact that long wandering around an unfamiliar city means making important decisions that are of great importance. The dreamer must pay attention to every little thing, albeit insignificant. Based on the information received, it will be possible to obtain the most accurate picture of what is happening.

What to pay attention to?

As the dream book says, a long search for the right route, which remains unsuccessful, portends a great risk of failure in the planned business. It is better for you to abandon this idea until all the efforts and money spent have gone to waste.

What did you feel?

To be alone in a dream in a strange city

At the initial stage of decoding, you should pay attention to the emotions that you experienced.


If you were to be in a strange city in a dream, but there is no desire to look for a way out, then most likely you are constantly tormented by some kind of negative emotions. It is necessary to make attempts to relax not only the body, but also the subconscious. For these purposes, an all-encompassing silence and a few minutes of free time are perfect.


Lost in a dream without fear - to a favorable combination of circumstances, success in all endeavors. What you have long dreamed of needs to be realized, and therefore you need to start doing, and not just fantasize.


If you have a panic, and an unfamiliar city scares you, then in reality you are experiencing unreasonable fears of changes in life. If you want to develop, you need to stop focusing on your fears and distrust of people. Each of them can play a big role, but only if you can open your heart to new acquaintances.

Frightened in a dream of an unfamiliar place

Who got lost?

As the dream book writes, you need to decide on who is lost. Further decoding will depend on this.


Adventures in a strange city are dreamed of if a person cannot really perceive his future. Most likely, the dreamer too often hoped for luck, which has recently begun to fail him. However, constant planning and analysis will never lead to the desired result. Your task is to overcome yourself and trust your abilities.

There is another interpretation of sleep, and it is associated with improved well-being. To be in unfamiliar city in a dream - a symbol of self-blame. The dream interpretation is trying to say that in order to eliminate destructive thoughts, it will be necessary to determine the cause of their appearance. You may dream about how you wander through the city maze, this will only mean that the answers to disturbing questions have not yet been found.

I dreamed about the subway

Getting on the subway in a foreign city is a fear of future events. In the dreamer's life, events must occur that have a huge impact on everyday life. For this reason, a person begins to be afraid and sad.

Another man

If the dreamer sees that someone is lost, then the dream book will tell about a case that makes your blood move faster through the veins. What is the dream of a man wandering in a strange city? You need to decide what exactly he wants:

  • need help - to receive a profitable offer;
  • aimless wandering - to the absence of a goal in life.

If you dream of a woman with a small child, then favorable news will be received from distant relatives. The lost child is trying to warn that a parent should pay attention to the upbringing of their children. A negligent attitude will lead to big problems, and this must be remembered. If a child dreams that he can get lost in the city, then he experiences a little fear, and many fears are unfounded.

Seeing an unfamiliar country in a dream

Reading a dream book, you can see that an unfamiliar country dreamed of by a representative of the strong half of humanity portends a difficult choice between two very close people. In this case, you need to trust only your feelings and relax. Correct solution should be exclusively yours, and not come from someone else.

Note to the sleeper

Each dream reflects the real experiences of the dreamer, and therefore the dream images do not come just like that. When opening a dream book, you need to find a scenario that will most closely match yours.

If the dreamer went the wrong way, but still found the right path, then well-being awaits him.

Once in an unfamiliar place in your hometown, you can say that the sleeper has lost the purpose of his life, but do not be upset. All changes are for the better, they will help you choose a different direction.

Seeing a deserted city is loneliness. The dreamer should spend more time in the company of other people, since his forced isolation will lead to even more problems.

Your mark:

If you get lost in the forest or in the mountains, then you are confused in your sexual contacts and cannot figure them out. If a woman gets lost in a cave, labyrinth, room, etc. (in the swamp), then she has obvious lesbian inclinations. If a man gets lost in a cave, labyrinth, room, etc. (in the swamp), then he has an inferiority complex when communicating with his regular partner: this connection depresses him, but he does not dare to stop it.

Modern dream book Get lost

If you dreamed that you were lost, you will soon take part in a very unusual adventure, which you will remember for a long time later.

Esoteric dream book Get lost

In the forest - depression, bad mood. In the city - remorse, self-digging and self-action. Look for the cause of negative emotions.

Dream Interpretation Longo Get Lost

If you dreamed that you were lost in the forest, then in life you feel complete uncertainty and fear the future. Your environment is to blame for this, which constantly tells you that you need to work, work and work, so that everything will be fine for you in the future. But you work anyway, you have nothing to complain about. It's just that most of the alarmists and pessimists have gathered around you, who act on your will. What to do? Just, when they once again begin to teach you about life, plug your ears. If you dreamed that you were lost in the city, then the urban world suppresses you and paralyzes your freedom. You are a freedom-loving person, so the city, with its dusty streets and traffic congestion, can make you blue and forever kill the desire to leave the house so as not to be drawn into an endless stream of people. Perhaps you need to adapt to dynamic city life, and this happens quite quickly. You got lost in the maze - in real life you will soon face an extremely difficult task, for the solution of which you will need to mobilize all your strength and time. But after its decision, you will feel truly triumphant. You are lost in a large unfamiliar house - soon you will meet a person whose identity will cause you doubts. He, with his unexpected appearance, his appearance and rather unclear occupation, will ask you a riddle, which you will solve for the next week. However, when you meet again, he will be able to dispel the doubts that you have about his intentions.

Your personal dream book

if you dreamed that you were lost, it means that in life you have lost confidence in yourself. If you are lost and cannot find a way out, then such a dream suggests that in reality you will want adventure. If you are lost in the building itself, then in reality you should trust your intuition more. If you dream about how you are looking for a way out on the path you have lost, then in life you need to be more careful, your business may fail.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov Get lost

In the forest - gossip, loss; in the city - difficult things. Also see Forest.

Look into the depths of the subconscious and find out what your dream is about. What does what you see mean, tell you. And it will help to understand the dream even more precisely.

Why dream of getting lost: interpretation by 100 authors

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about getting lost, what does it mean?

Seeing that you are lost somewhere, for example, getting lost in a forest or in an unfamiliar city, means that in the near future you may find yourself in some kind of difficult or uncertain situation for yourself. You will feel extremely insecure, and your future will seem unclear, blurry. If you dream of getting lost somewhere, the dream predicts that you can “get lost” in your own feelings or thoughts, it will seem to you that each of your next steps can only worsen the situation. Meanwhile, in most cases, your fears will be far-fetched. The best thing you can do is find yourself a good “guide”, discuss the problem with someone.

When you dream of getting lost, the meaning of such a dream will depend on where exactly it happened. It was seen to get lost in the forest - it means that you have to endure some kind of loss, or you will become a victim of gossip that your enemies spread about you. If in a dream you were wandering in an unfamiliar city, in this case the dream predicts that you will need to do some very difficult task for yourself. You probably shouldn't rely solely on own forces or knowledge, if you need help, feel free to ask for it.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Get lost in a dream why dream

Seeing to get lost - such a dream can be interpreted in several ways. It is a dream that you are lost and cannot find a way out, find the right path - in reality you have made or will make serious mistakes in some business in the near future, you will make the wrong decision, which can cost you dearly. They saw that they got lost in the lemma - a dream warns of impending troubles.

But if you dreamed of getting lost in an open field, then on the contrary, this is a positive sign that promises you well-being and success in your affairs. A dream in which you get lost in an unfamiliar area predicts a quick and interesting journey for you, in which you will discover a lot of new things for yourself. You dreamed of getting lost - difficulties. Get lost in an unfamiliar area - get into an unfamiliar situation or unfamiliar experiences. Get lost - anywhere - to failure and possible loss memory. Water element and Neptune.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yuri Longo

If the dreamer dreamed of getting lost

If you dream that you are lost in the forest, then in life you feel complete uncertainty and fear of the future. Your environment is to blame for this, which constantly tells you that you need to work, work and work, so that everything will be fine for you in the future. But you work anyway, you have nothing to complain about. It's just that most of the alarmists and pessimists have gathered around you, who act on your will. What to do? Just, when they once again begin to teach you about life, plug your ears.

If you dream that you are lost in the city, then the urban world suppresses you and paralyzes your freedom. You are a freedom-loving person, so the city, with its dusty streets and traffic congestion, can make you blues and forever kill the desire to leave the house so as not to be drawn into an endless stream of people. You need to adapt to dynamic urban life, and this happens quickly. You are lost in a maze - in reality, you will soon face an extremely difficult task, for which you will need to mobilize all your time and energy. But after its decision, you will feel truly triumphant.

You are lost in a large unfamiliar house - soon you will meet a person whose identity will cause you doubts. With his unexpected appearance, his appearance and his rather unexplained occupation, he will ask you a riddle, which you will solve for the next week. However, when you meet again, he will be able to dispel the doubts that you have about his intentions.

Esoteric dream book

Get lost in the night dreams

If you had a dream in which you got lost, and you would like to understand its meaning, let's clarify exactly where this happened. If you saw that you were lost in the forest, this predicts a bad mood for you, which can easily turn into depression. You wandered in the city, getting lost in the city in a dream is a sign that you will be tormented or already tormented by remorse for some act. You understand that you acted cruelly or unfairly towards a person, but now there is nothing to fix. All that remains is to engage in self-digging. Yes, this happens to all of us sometimes. It is very important to draw the right conclusions from the situation.

What does the dream in which you happened to get lost mean? If this happened in the field - good sign. He predicts you success in business and good luck in business. When you dream that you are lost in the forest, then vice versa - this warns that delays, obstacles in business, some kind of misfortune await you. To find a way out, you will have to work hard, and it is even necessary to turn to a person for help. It will be extremely difficult for you to get out of this "forest".

The meaning of a dream about wandering in the forest (Lunar dream book)

According to the dream book, if you see a dream in which you get lost somewhere, its meaning is different, depending on where exactly it happened. So, if you dreamed that you were wandering in the forest and could not find a way out of it in any way, getting lost in the forest is a warning that in reality you can become a victim of gossip, slander, slander from your ill-wishers. Getting lost in a dream in an unfamiliar city - to difficult or unpleasant things. In any case, the dream is negative.

I dreamed of getting lost - you got lost in an unfamiliar city - a dream foreshadows a very difficult task for you; before you take it, study it; you will calm yourself with a saying - the eyes are afraid, the hands are doing. You are lost in the forest - material losses are possible; gossip about you will disturb you; instead of going to the goal in a direct way, you will have to explore bypass paths; you will stumble more than once on a thorny path.

Small Velesov dream book

Get lost in a dream

In order to correctly interpret the dream in which you are lost, you should take into account its other circumstances. It is a dream that you are lost in the forest, a dream can burn, both positive and negative meaning, so remember what mood you had in the morning when you woke up. If you were depressed, getting lost in the forest is a prediction of various obstacles, difficulties, delays in business, failures.

Get lost in the forest - a dream warns that you will become a victim of evil tongues, there will be at least gossip about you. Conversely, if you wake up in the morning good mood, then success awaits you, great benefits, money. They saw that they were lost in an unfamiliar city - they were going to participate in some difficult event. Great importance it also has to do with whether you were able to get out of the forest. If yes, then you will be able to get out of trouble without any consequences. If not, expect some kind of misfortune, possibly arrest, imprisonment.

Get lost in a dream - to failure, predicament, uncertainty and intrigues. If you are lost, you cannot find a way out in a dream, remember all the details of the dream, as well as how it ended.

Dream Interpretation: get lost in a dream

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

get lost in open space, in the field - find a way to success and get out of a difficult life situation;

In the forest - it will be difficult to overcome troubles;

In an unfamiliar place - a journey ahead;

It takes a long time to look for a way out - you miscalculated, and now you will have to pay for your mistakes.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Y. Longo

If a sleeper in a dream sees that he is lost and cannot find a way out for a long time, his soul is full of fears about the future. Most likely, you are surrounded by ill-wishers or simply pessimists who claim that you will not succeed:

Get lost in the city - go to nature, you are negatively affected by the noise and bustle of the metropolis;

In the labyrinth - it will take a lot of time and mental strength to solve a complex problem;

In the building - take a closer look at others, someone deliberately misleads you.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

In a dream book, you can get lost different interpretations. Remember where you were looking for a way out, and how it happened:

In urban areas - chores, troubles associated with work;

In the forest - diseases, profit;

In the field - a romantic relationship;

In a building, building - do not look difficult decision, your problems will be solved by themselves;

Do not find a way out - to prison.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

If the sleeper is lost and is trying to find a way out, he is tormented by internal contradictions, doubts about the correctness of the choice in life. You do not see prospects and do not know in which direction to move on.

Imperial dream book

If the sleeper is trying to understand why he dreams of getting lost in a dream, he needs to remember exactly where he lost his landmark and what feelings he experienced:

In the forest - your selfishness and narcissism will play a bad joke;

Get lost and not panic - resentment, troubles will be resolved by themselves;

Focus on looking for a way out - you can get out of difficulties without loss;

Get lost and scared - you do not trust others and do not believe in spiritual values.

Modern dream book

Dream Interpretation: unexpectedly getting lost portends a new, unexpected adventure that will change your whole life and disrupt its calm way of life. Get lost in a grove, among many trees - to profit, win, salary increase.

Esoteric Dream Interpretation E. Tsvetkov

In urban areas - the inability to finish the work begun;

In the forest - to insults, loss of respect.

Spring dream book

If you are lost, it means that in the near future you will have to deal with a complicated matter that you may not be able to do.

  • The primary elements are wood.
  • Elements - wind.
  • Emotions - anger. Organs - liver, gallbladder. Planets - Jupiter. Explanation and interpretation The forest is trees and the surrounding walking is even green color . The tree is a symbol of the rebirth of life and the spring coming from the east. In a healthy state, a person receives the energy he needs from nature, without focusing on it. When the correct flow of qi energy in the body is distorted (illness), the body activates the process of obtaining the type of energy it needs. When the liver is empty, a person dreams of forests. The emptiness of the liver is characterized by the fact that a person does not want to see anyone (there is no strength to look at people, to communicate), but in a dream an image of a forest is born (a tree, greenery, a desire to look at greenery - this is consistent with the ratio of primary elements, color and organs of perception). A person tries to replenish himself through images corresponding to organs that are in a state of emptiness: the eyes cannot look - an image of a forest, greenery is created, with emptiness the body is immobilized - in a dream there is a feeling of movement, walking. Forest / walk in the forest / grove and so on - restore your strength, take energy from nature. Walking in a forest in a dream is auspicious, this is an independent attempt to return to a normal state of health through calming and leveling the internal state in communion with nature. Illness or fatigue has not affected the will to move, everything else will follow. Get lost in the forest - the world is unpredictable and mysterious, and a person is only a small part of the world, which pride often prevents him from realizing. Get lost in the forest - understand your relationship and interdependence with the natural world. Involved, depending on the behavior of the lost in a dream, all body systems can be. All possible states: relaxation, helplessness or active attempts to recognize, panic or pleasure from unexpected loneliness. To get lost in the forest without feeling fear and panic is to realize oneself as part of the world. Such an understanding brings peace, contradictions and resentments disappear, the very concept of injustice is erased (nature allegedly deprived of something). To get lost and, slowly, carefully and with pleasure looking at everything, walking through the forest is auspicious, the elimination of internal contradictions will bring health, prosperity, success in business. Sleep corresponds to the season of spring. Getting lost in the forest with panic and attempts to escape without attention to the environment, fear of the forest - this means internal failure / unawareness of oneself as part of the world, fear of any changes, distrust of others and life. An attempt to escape from the forest in a dream is a desire to maintain the former habitual state of things, despite obvious contradictions and failure, a desire to return from the world of harmony to chaos. Sleep is unfavorable: isolation from the world can never be favorable and is especially dangerous in spring. Pay serious attention to health (liver) and reconsider the system of internal values. Favorable in this case, despite the dreamer's reluctance, there may be a change of scenery (rest).