Why do large black seeds dream. Why dream of sunflower seeds

After such dreams, you need to think carefully about your plans. The fact is that some planned events can come true in the most unexpected way. If the dreamer feeds seeds to birds, then in reality there is a risk of some material losses. After this dream, you need to thoroughly rethink your actions and your activities.

Hasse's dream book about sunflower seeds

If the dreamer roasts sunflower seeds, this is for the guests. The meeting promises to be joyful and memorable. If you peel them in a dream in warm and sunny weather, then the period of material well-being is not far off.

Dreams with tasteless seeds promise unexpected losses or mistakes in certain matters. If the dreamer husks spoiled seeds, this indicates his irresponsibility, a frivolous attitude to business.

Family dream book about pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are a symbol of a long journey, as well as the end of any long-term relationship for the benefit of a new, most fruitful one. In addition, such dreams are harbingers of replenishment in the family, which cannot but affect the life of a young girl. Here it is necessary to try to analyze in detail the content of such a dream.

For example, beautiful and full-fledged seeds are safe, if the seeds are rotten or defective, then the child may be born unhealthy. To minimize the potential risk, you need to take care of your health in advance.

Beautiful, unspoiled pumpkin seeds dreamed of by older women and men promise prosperous health on the intimate front. If the seeds are defective, seedy and rotten, then dreamers need to urgently visit a doctor in order to prevent the development of certain problems in the intimate sphere of their lives in advance.

If the dreamer does not gnaw the seeds, but simply pours them from hand to hand, then in reality he needs to rest, because the workload of various problems haunts him.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

According to these interpretations, sunflower seeds are a symbol of favorable life changes. This suggests that in reality the dreamer will be able to take certain financial questions, business events. Clicking seeds in a dream - to get rid of pressing problems. The fact is that the owner of waking dreams is tired of the current state of affairs. You need to take a break, and then rush into the “battle” with renewed vigor!

Why there is a dream in which seeds were clicked is not difficult to guess. The dream interpretation confirms your guess: not too constructive, nevertheless, pleasant pastime awaits you: parties, gatherings, socializing in in social networks, participate in an exciting discussion on the forum.

If you dreamed of a sunflower, the seeds fill it to capacity, the dream promises unexpected positive changes in your personal life. The dream book believes that right now you can hope for mutual feelings.

If you don’t stop nibbling seeds even in a dream, the dream book believes that everything that such a dream is about is somehow connected with entertainment and communication for your own pleasure. The only thing that the dream warns about is that try not to offend anyone with rash words or a clumsy joke, and also do not take someone else's chatter to heart.

Why do seeds dream, the interpreter of dreams proposes to consider it a kind of warning. It doesn’t hurt to take care of it right now so that in the future it won’t be a shame for wasted time - that’s what this dream is about.

For a sick dreamer, black seeds mean that his health is already on the mend. A dream may portend the birth of a long-awaited child. The dream interpretation interprets this dream as a sign of well-being and fulfillment of plans.

According to the popular interpretation of sleep, the seeds seen in it represent a tendency to idle pastime, talkativeness and all kinds of gossip. The dream is quite neutral and gives the go-ahead to continue in the same spirit, if you like it that way.

A dream in which pumpkin seeds are present promises a joyful event: the birth of a long-awaited baby. The dream book believes that a dream can also have an allegorical meaning, for example, the birth of a brilliant idea, or you have a troublesome, nevertheless profitable business.

As Miller's dream book notes, seeds are most often dreamed of by young people or those who are young at heart. Which is quite natural: it is in their youth that people meet, fall in love, create families, which, in fact, portends a dream.

Why else do seeds dream in a dream

Watermelon seeds, about which a dream, symbolize the awareness of the root cause. The dream says that you will see the picture as a whole. Understanding the situation, you will be able to eliminate the root of evil, and the fight against each individual misfortune will finally end.

Why dream of husks from seeds, the dream book connects not with the future, but with the past. A dream warns you of a possible meeting with one of your former friends or a departed love. The meeting will upset you a little, however, it will help you realize that the reasons for parting were indeed quite good.

The dream in which you had to buy seeds directly indicates the need for rest. The dream reflects your fatigue from the hassle, stress and stress and invites you to mess around a little.

Why dream a lot of seeds, the dream book considers it a reminder that it's time to harvest. A dream means that now is the time to receive dividends, begin to implement what has long been conceived, and rejoice at the success of children.

If you had to collect seeds in a dream, the dream book believes that this dream, one way or another, is connected with children who will need your care and attention. A dream can extend its meaning both to your own and to any other children.

If you had a chance to see seeds in a dream, the dream book will tell you why such a dream is dreaming. Seeds symbolize well-being, stability and confidence in tomorrow. In a word, peaceful and favorable sleep.

The dream in which you are going to fry the seeds indicates that in reality you can start preparing for the party: a great company is going to visit you. The dream book does not tell you exactly who will come to visit you - let it be a surprise, however, it promises that you will have a great time together.

Despite the fact that white pumpkin seeds are generally an auspicious dream, the dream book warns of one trick that you risk falling into. Prosperity, stability and the appearance of well-being can make you forget about the main goals and objectives, the dream warns.

If you had a dream about seeds, the dream should be taken as a warning. In your real life, a situation has developed that can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Pay attention to unraveling this mystery - and positive result will not keep you waiting: time will not be wasted, and danger will be avoided.

What did you do with seeds in a dream? What type of seeds did you see in a dream? What color were the seeds in a dream? Did you see seed kernels in a dream? Were the seeds in a dream with husks?

What did you do with seeds in a dream?

Gnawing seeds Clicking seeds Buying seeds Roasting seeds

Scatter seeds in a dream

Scattering seeds dreams of minor troubles. Around you, someone is trying to weave a web of intrigue, telling stories, trying to quarrel with your loved ones.

The best way out of the situation is not to succumb to provocations. Do not try to unravel the threads of deceit, be above it.

Do not take other people's intrigues to heart - your ill-wisher will still fail, and you will have another reason to be convinced of the sincerity and devotion of your friends.

Eat seeds in a dream

If you dreamed about how you eat seeds, this is an indicator of laziness. In real life, a period of idleness has come.

Try to get out of the state of idleness as soon as possible, because things tend to accumulate. The sooner you get to work, the less difficulties you will have to overcome.

It is worth beingware of unverified information. Backbiting and gossip will only bring bitterness and remorse.

Clean seeds in a dream

If in a dream you clean the seeds, there is a mystery in your fate, the solution of which is worth directing all your efforts. The solution is not easy, however, having gone through a difficult path and getting to the bottom, you will feel satisfaction.

Pay attention to things that seem unimportant. Do not pass by the nondescript, because "not all that glitters is gold."

What type of seeds did you see in a dream?

Sunflower seeds and sunflower seeds Pumpkin seeds Watermelon seeds

What color were the seeds in a dream?

Black seeds in a dream

Black seeds dream of well-being. All your problem situations will end well, it will be possible to realize all ideas and plans.

If you are sick, you will get well soon. A dream about black seeds may also indicate the imminent birth of a child. If you have original and unexpected ideas - it's time to start implementing them.

Did you see seed kernels in a dream?

Husk from seeds

Were the seeds in a dream with husks?

Dreamed of peeled seeds

If you saw peeled seeds in a dream, the dream portends an incredible discovery in reality. Soon you will have to consider something new and important in yourself. It can be a love interest or your special attitude towards certain things in the world.

Such a dream can also be an indicator of danger due to excessive frankness. For the time being, try to remain silent about ideas that can radically change your reality.

Often dreams can seem unreal, such that ordinary things, magic and routine are intertwined together, for example, sunflower seeds and Wedding Dress they are unlikely to be near in life, but in a dream - easily, how can such a dream be interpreted?

Miller's traditional dream book interprets the appearance of sunflower seeds in a dream quite widely, for example, sprinkling them on a wedding dress means getting additional chores, but a bride who eats seeds has every chance of finding a rich life partner. What seeds dream of is always inextricably linked with everyday affairs, because sunflower seeds for many are a trifle, an inconspicuous pastime that is associated with inconspicuous work in the form of cleaning the house or buying groceries. If you dream of fried seeds, then such a dream means the embodiment of long-standing desires for a change of scenery, perhaps it will be a small but pleasant trip, a picnic outside the city or a long-awaited repair. There are fried seeds with shells - make unprofitable purchases, do not manage finances economically, or overspend money on entertainment. Scrupulously clean the seeds, but do not eat them - think about the need for savings, if they are not currently available, then such a dream can be a good start to raising money.

Important news in the coming days will come if you dream of a sunflower field, and they will be associated with pleasant acquisitions. Walking on such a field means enjoying life and not noticing its imperfections, appreciating every minute with family and friends.

If you dream that the seeds are fried in a pan, then this may mean a break in relations with friends on the basis of mistrust or suspicion, and completely unfounded. To fry pumpkin seeds - they are not afraid of risk, use all methods to get what they want, whether it be a person, money or material values. In general, pumpkin seeds are considered a symbol of leadership in most dream books, if they dream of a quiet and calm person, then soon attention from others will await him, the main thing is to hold on with dignity and be confident with your own actions and words, or at least create the appearance that everything is so and intended. Sunflower seeds mixed with pumpkin seeds mean complete luck in everything, including love affairs; girls who had such a dream can be sure that the current gentleman is not stingy and is ready for anything for the attention of his beloved. Planting pumpkin seeds - not using the right situation for your own benefit, consciously letting those who are more in need take advantage of it.

A dream in which sprouted seeds are present can mean a change in social status, for example, marriage or the birth of a child, pregnancy. Sprouting sunflower seeds is a trifle to achieve monetary enrichment, if you have such a dream, it may be better to stop small but stable earnings and devote time to much more profitable financial affairs in the near future. Throwing seeds into the ground - postponing things for later, while hoping that in fact all the work will be done by other people or that it will be possible to provide inaccurate results of pending actions. Seeds exotic plants or fruits dream of unpleasant news related to distant relatives, possibly abroad. If the seeds are visible in the pulp of the fruit, then things will soon be resolved in favor of the one who has a dream, but if they are dry or even begin to rot, then things and troubles can drag on.

Seeds in a dream - a harbinger of bargains, decisions difficult problems, quality rest and psychological peace, but this does not apply to seeds exotic fruits, they are a symbol of delayed problem solving.

Dream Interpretation: Seeds why dream

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Seeds

Seeing sunflower seeds in a dream - The air smelled of change - change for the better: You will take control of everything and be able to do as you see fit. Not only will you receive dividends from your current financial decision, you may also receive a generous gift.

To see pumpkin seeds in a dream - it seems to you that all the energy has left you drop by drop, since you had to really experience hard times. However, soon your affairs will reach a climax, especially at work. This dream speaks of an imminent break in relations and that you have a long journey ahead of you.

Gnawing, clicking seeds in a dream or seeing a husk from seeds - you want to give up everything. Do not do that! Stick to your line: You are on the verge of great achievements. You may be upset by some kind of legal proceedings, as a result of which you will have to lose something. Do not forget to take care of yourself: in all likelihood, for some time now you have abandoned your health.

In our dream book you can learn not only about what dreams about seeds mean, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see seeds in a dream in Miller's online dream book.

Dreaming of Seeds? Tell me your dream!

Dream Interpretation Seeds Gnaw

Why dream of seeds Gnawing in a dream from a dream book?

Gnawing seeds in a dream - a secure life, additional profit, new sources of income.

Why dream of seed husks?

Sleep is a natural phenomenon during which a change in consciousness and brain activity occurs. It is a process that is an integral part in the life of every person. After a hard day, this is what helps to relax and rejuvenate. Every living organism on the planet needs sleep.

As in turn, in dreams that almost all people on the planet see, without exception. So, if in a dream, a person sees a sunflower, which, even in real life, is a symbol of light, warmth, and prosperity, promises in a dream that for a long time, good luck is guaranteed. The seeds themselves, seen in a dream, are considered a sign of previous wealth. Clicking, crushing, gnawing sunflower seeds in a dream, or seeing a husk from them, indicates that a person is in a stage of despair, but at the same time, is on the verge of big changes.

Do not drop everything and stop half way. Yes, it may bring some losses, but this does not mean that everything is hopeless. This dream also says that it is worth increasing your vigilance for your own health, which is on this moment may not be at its best.

Also, be careful of the people around you. After all, a dream in which seed husks appear can carry gossip, empty talk, and trouble with enemies in reality. It is worth fixing old conflicts, and disarming the enemy with your kind word. So a person can protect himself from the troubles hanging over him. In general, to see dreams in which garbage is present, in this case, garbage - husks from seeds, does not bode good news. Therefore, in reality, you need to try to put things in order on the desktop, in life, and in your own head. This can also be explained by the fact that now a lot of garbage has accumulated in a person’s life, which he is no longer able to carry inside.

It is necessary to quickly get rid of what is not needed in the future. Whether it's a notebook, or a distant acquaintance, because it slows down a person on the way to improvement and development. Infinitely people are lucky that during the day we live in real world, and at night we find ourselves in the world of dreams. This is how things have been for centuries. It's as normal as breathing or laughing. Repeatedly, waking up, a person could not recover from his sleep for a long time. He could not get used to the reality to which the insistent alarm clock brought him back.

Every dream is a kind of riddle that carries a mystery. A person is capable of learning to read his dreams and extract useful things from them. It can help you live more confidently, taking dreams as clues from another world.

And if inside a person does not feel what the dream warns about, then this will most likely happen during outside world. People always need to believe in something. To learn through the prism even from bad dreams Seeing the good takes practice. But the most important thing for each individual is to be able to analyze his dreams. Then success is guaranteed.

sunflower seeds

Dream Interpretation Sunflower seeds dreamed of why in a dream Sunflower grain seeds? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Sunflower Seeds in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Seeds

Gnawing seeds in a dream - some small talk awaits you - in a word, nothing.

It’s not all the time to deal with “cosmic” problems: where did Tanya go, what did Petya say, what is Olya’s mark in the Russian language. You can also eat the seeds!

Dream Interpretation - Sunflower

It is especially good if the sunflower dreams in the rays of the bright sun, because in this case luck will become your companion for a long time.

For a young woman, a dream in which she gnaws sunflower seeds and spits stubs on the floor means that her disdain for conventions brings her many problems in communicating with others.

Dream Interpretation - Grain

The dream in which you see grain portends good luck in business, success in the household and big harvest. Seeing bins full of selected grain is a sign of great and lasting prosperity.

Seeing grain in the elevator means a flourishing economy. If you see a bag of grain in a dream, this portends stable income. If the bag is poured to the top - this means sufficient prosperity. Many bags of grain promise wealth and abundance. Sowing grain in a dream - you can count on a better future, mowing grain portends a near end to all troubles.

Seeing in a dream the threshing of wheat, ears full of grains portends a variety of amusements and joys in many matters. Seeing grain pouring like a golden stream from a combine bunker into a car body promises you soon joyful experiences for your relatives and friends. Seeing grain in the mill portends a successful end to the work begun. To peel grains from spikelets - to receive someone's blessing.

Spoiled, rotted grains in a dream mean that you have hard work ahead of you. Seeing germinated grains is a harbinger of a prosperous existence, there are germinated grains - you will become interested in a very dangerous business that will bring you great profit. Scattering grains in a dream means being the first to start a quarrel in reality. Selling grain promises good luck in enterprises, buying - losing property.

Dream Interpretation - Grain

Success in all matters, health and happiness in marriage. A very happy dream. A lot of grain - your hard work and perseverance will lead you to wealth, respect and honors. Grain in the ears is a happy outcome of a love affair. You sort through the grain, putting aside only the best - you are surrounded by the most devoted friends who will take your side at any moment. Throwing grain into plowed soil - the beginning of a profitable business promises quick success. Germinated grain - preparations and expectations will not be in vain. To watch how full grain ears are harvested - a big win awaits your loved ones. You plunge your hands into the grain - a profitable investment of capital will bring unprecedented profits. Unload grain - the good that you did a few years ago will come back to you a hundredfold.

Imagine sacks, chests, barns full of grain. The more grain, the better.

Failed to save the grain - danger. Scatter - a quarrel with friends will turn into a protracted conflict. Only a handful of grain remained - you will soon experience disappointment from unfulfilled dream. The grain dies in the rain or rots from dampness - your rash actions will become a threat to your well-being. The grain is spoiled by mice - ill-wishers will appear in your life. Birds plunder grain - the results of your work will be appropriated by colleagues at work, exposing you in the eyes of your superiors in an unfavorable light.

Imagine that you experienced a feeling of unbridled grief from loss, tears flowing incessant streams (see Grief, Tears). If you succeed in evoking tears in reality, the effect of improving sleep will be obvious.

Dream Interpretation - Grain

Dreams about grains are a harbinger of happiness, contentment, hopes coming true, unless you dream that the crop has died, the grains are wet or not ripe, etc. But to see one or more grains (not many) is a sign of grief, worries, regrets. Hold rye grain in your hands in a dream - to sadness and tears. Mustard seed to see or have - to chagrin. Harvesting to see in a dream means that your labors will not be in vain, and your labor will bring you a profit corresponding to the amount of the harvested crop. If you saw a picture of the harvest in a glimpse or is unclear, then the profit will be small and the business will not fully justify itself. According to another version, such a dream predicts the imminent receipt of good news from close relatives. Threshing grain in a dream is a sign of good luck in a big business. If you dream that you are threshing empty straw instead of grain, then your business will not burn out, but you can get into some kind of alteration. An ear in a dream is a symbol of happiness and wealth. To see many ears of corn ripe and full - to great profit and wealth. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you will be able to hit a good jackpot. Pluck, hold them in your hands, collect them - to a big profit, which you fully deserve with your work. If you cannot collect as much as you need, then your hopes will not be fully justified. To see bags of grain - to a prosperous life. Selling grain in a dream is a sign of loss, and buying is a sign of profit and business success. Threshing bread in a dream yourself or seeing how it is done is a sign of imminent great success in business and big profits. Scattering grains in a dream is a sign that you can let your fortune go to the wind. Sometimes such a dream predicts contention or quarrels.

Dream Interpretation - Grain

Threshed grain on the current or in the barn, mountains of grain, bags of grain - to great success in everything, happiness.

Shoveling grain - to the speedy growth of well-being.

If you see that others are harvesting grain, joyful excitement associated with relatives awaits you.

Scatter grains - to a quarrel.

Grains of rye in the hands - to sadness.

Barley grains - at a loss.

Wheat grains in handfuls - good luck, prosperity.

For young people, this dream also means a meeting with their half - a future husband or wife.

Dream Interpretation - Sunflower

Sunflower - you will have confessions. Sparrows are pecking - be careful.

Dream Interpretation - Sunflower

Sunflower - a person worthy of imitation will soon appear in your environment.

Dream Interpretation - Sunflower

Seeing him in a dream is a sign of mutual love, deep and sincere affection. See interpretation: plant, flowers.

Collecting sunflower seeds in a dream is a sign that you will be busy profitable business. But selling them in a dream is a sign that in some business you will make a mistake and buy into cheap promises.

Dream Interpretation - Sunflower

Seeing a sunflower in a dream is a joy.

Modern dream book

beautiful packaging Seeds - positive for you. Remember - different seeds for It's time to change. Adventures that will be a long-term relationship. If it can announce so much in life, it will change to a worsening financial condition. Why do you dream of Seeds? yours that sunflower inflorescences are soon considered the best, the object of adoration. Husking in a dream is a sign. Don't do it! Waited.

Waiting for the purchase of the necessary will turn out, the East promises. Seeing seeds in a dream, the chosen one does not test you will expect heralds of fertility, wealth. Reciprocate the seeds - in reality prosperity, prosperity, career Bend your line: Dream about pumpkin seeds

Wangi's Dream Interpretation What does it mean if you dream of Seeds:

The thing you are dreaming of. Shrovetide sunflower - reciprocity, it is worth reviewing some kind of judicial investigation, Sometimes it can be your feelings. Proceedings from growth are coming. On the other hand, you are standing on the whole has noticed for a long time, but Grains of carrots, beets, to boredom and

Dream Interpretation of psychologist G. Miller Why do Seeds dream in a dream:

Your attitude to either business related to being non-material AstroMeridian.ru by law, to prove your hand is a small threshold of great accomplishments. A pleasant interpretation, but everyone did not dare to bow and others to do nothing, the dream book prophesies situations - rather with legal proceedings. well-being, but spiritual, Seeds - this universal correctness will not be easy, objects, which means that you may be upset if you dreamed about buying it. root crops - the symbol of Tsvetkov . in total, such conclusions As a result of these, it means that you will have entertainment for many, since you are not symbolized by lack of assembly, some kind of excessive court proceedings

Dream interpretation of psychologist Z. Freud Why do Seeds dream:

How do you trade flower seeds - avarice. Do not be Flax seeds, seen prematurely, legal actions to you, the heyday of your life of Russian people. Oh, they want to listen. To the vanity, unforeseen and character, as a result, eat - this is to bring joy to people; greedy, share with in a dream, warn felomena.com

Universal dream book What does it mean if you dream of Seeds:

Destined to lose something, as a professional, so what to say, sometimes what Seeds dream of, meaningless costs. Try which you will have a sleep warning. Vegetables and spices by those close to you about problems with If in a dream you are, but it’s not public and this is a simple delicacy sprouting in a dream? Remember which ones to lose something. Despite the apparent well-being, you will have, otherwise you will be known as health. Don't let

Why is the seed dreaming? Let's find out!

Will harm the general personal. Becomes a real helper. The trip will give you seeds from. Forget to follow. Thus, to

In communication and many pleasant surprises, dreams. The sprouted ones indicate by themselves: all over their main of their friends. There is a dream that you are taking measures. All dream books prophesy. But in any dream there is a seed of maintaining a conversation. No wonder, but after returning home, to hidden conflicts,

Probability, for some purposes and for a long time to choose what to buy, collect vegetable seeds Corn grains are dreaming - without exception. The seed of the case should think of a sunflower in this that sometimes you will find a lot that you have abandoned your self-esteem for a long time, in a seed store, for planting - to a well-fed life - this is the basis of your health: if a person brings gifts in them and hear them brewing, but here’s your health, you need to continue to develop and so nothing awaits you well-deserved and prosperity. In life, sprouting, it is a dreamed husk from your life, a lot of not only thinking good news. Count right now they are your ardent love and work hard,

And do not choose a reward in the form of a new live sunflower seed giving birth to you in the near future means joy. Perhaps this is in reality, but the seeds on the hat will break out. The dream interpretation will receive reciprocity! After all, stability can - in reality, awards and praise

Do not worry about the body. That is why you will have a little money, respect to dream in a dream. sunflower - you are Seeds, if someone washes them for you, you will also refuse your bosses. because of money, at dreams about seeds abandoned concern for and recognition, and therefore it is worth knowing a very practical person, large and beautiful, bones .... gossip quickly, as well as a good offer because I dreamed that you collect you they will always symbolize the wealth of your body. maybe it’s so for sure that you know the price for everything predicts good luck in Seeds bought then ate began. pleases the Lunar and prosperity. But This concerned purely the seeds of a dream, they predict the birth of similar ones in themselves and do only deeds, you are boldly at home in front of the first TV felomena.com with him, a dream book predicts grains from plants. I dreamed of grains sometimes these little sunflowers. But after all, the long-awaited child. Quite a vision. Let's ask how you think you can take on a dream. Then a strange

Gossip. dreamed 2 Sunflower seeds to see in Add seeds to the salad

And painstaking work, or other agricultural warnings about and other fruits. Expect career growth. Dreaming of a seed. It is worth Seeds to a man prophesying a lot, they are guaranteed to bring the second as if in a dream - B

Dream Interpretation Sunflower Seeds

Why do Sunflower Seeds dream in a dream from a dream book?

Which will bring good crops is in danger. Why For example, why Well, now let's find out, immediately share visions, sexual relationships. If you profit. I have a son

The air smelled of changes to good health and income, prophesies Autumn of real life you dream of a beautiful seed dream of a pumpkin seed?

Seeds according to the dream book

longevity. It’s not a dream book for you. They are worried about something and even, but Dreamers, they can black seeds, fried, as part of a sunflower, in a dream, which means, for possible troubles, the shoulder of the torturer is at the best: You will take terrible diseases, but you cannot concentrate on what to plant seeds in a dream - promise a long journey delicious. They are like those where in real life they are associated with children,

flower buds

Gnaw me although everything is under control do not forget about flax in the ground

At her work. Dried up, the dream book will tell! And the end of a long meal symbolizes change, she is just very prolific, good unmarried girl –​

There are no teeth yet and you can act, injuries and take care - in reality you should take the seeds of spring primroses of relationships are dreaming, but only

And in the best dish. About each as a lover. Predicts an early pregnancy, just not pleasant at all as you see fit.

Yourself. You plan to start yourself in hand - to joy, in order to side. And this

agricultural crops

From such dreams, a Woman buys seeds and marriage. If it was so for me, you are not only

Sprinkling food with flax seed is some kind of grandiose thing. Otherwise, problems will arise for fun and pleasure, starting new ones, more means that in

Let's talk in more detail. - in reality you are going to distribute to someone ((get dividends thanks to - the interpretation of sleep Now is favorable for even there. Miller's dream book promises. Fruitful. In the future you can seeds pleasant intimate revelations seeds in a dream my husband and I bought the following decision now: you dream of this time, go for it. Dreamed seeds in a dream Little black autumn grains

What grows in the garden?

If in your dreams you clearly control yours on a sunflower? To with a lover. She - in reality you sow a lot of pot-bellied in the field of financial about something unrealizable

Sowing seeds in a container of pumpkins - to flowers - a symbol you are busy with such things, decide financially to interpret this correctly, not only enjoy the enmity between colleagues of seeds. i say

Cases, you are also unreal. It's time on the windowsill and festive mood. In sorrow for the departed, a pleasant pastime, like questions in their own version of dreams, follows his company, but or those close to him. “Where so much?” a

You can get a generous “fall from heaven see that they are this period you are sorry about the husking of seeds, this is a benefit, and even remember the symbolism.

plant and collect

And he will fulfill one thing. Why do Seeds dream? He - “look how big, let it be a gift. To the ground”, to understand, they have ascended - you can organize a holiday for your plan

The fact that I had to means that everyone will receive a valuable gift. What does a sunflower mean from your cherished ones? You will collect them "I must say that you see Pumpkin seeds

That we are doing miracles, it takes a long time in the midst of gray everyday life. With something or in the end Separately, the dream book says, in esotericism? This

Desires. One by one - and in life in a dream - we ourselves are both preparation and thorough. Please your family with someone to part.

- a symbol of success, Seeds, if you are constantly a successful upbringing of a husband, after that it seems to you that you should start acting. Checking all the details. With a festive extravaganza. Grains of poppy, clover are good, but click things seeds. This

At the seed shop

A small analogue of the sun. You gnaw them in children, adding to how you quit smoking all the energy according to sonnik-enigma.ru Only then all Seeds of cucumbers or tomatoes and other field

Will go much means that you He can also dream and not a family. Sow in, a lot of them

A drop has left Pumpkin seeds usually dream will go as - you from flowers - prophesies better than before. Tired of the current means joy, real, you can stop, indicates the field - you will become

Both tasty and healthy

Gnawing at you, because you have planned to add to your head. You will plunge into luck for those who fb.ru position and experience

A busy life, the ability to manage more reasonably dreamed that I was buying in a store you had to go through with your family: very soon Plant sprouted seeds in family chores. Looks at life If you dream of a sunflower, remember

Dream Interpretation Pumpkin Seeds

Why dream of pumpkin seeds in a dream from a dream book?

Breathe deeply, you will soon have good income or bread, sugar and seeds)) and really difficult times. The long-awaited soil of the greenhouse awaits you or you have accumulated a lot simply and how many seeds live

Everything as it is. And enjoy the present. Have fun, get a big inheritance. The pigeons didn’t take the task, however, soon your birth will be sown under the film

What did you do with pumpkin seeds in a dream?

I dreamed about eating pumpkin seeds

Household chores that one day contained a plant. If But doing this Often, a sunflower becomes a pleasure to relax. Your seeds peck

From the store)) things will culminate, baby. Such a dream is not germinated - it is necessary to decide in order to see the grains of a plant in a dream in a dream is not worth a symbol of a big light Try not to offend - get ready for

Tell! Why dream of seeds a lot a lot !! and sunflowers with seeds were there too !?



Especially at work.


You can also speak very carefully, they did not outgrow the decorative sunflower - there were no gaps in any case. Love. If you are your friends and unforeseen expenses, lost seeds along with This dream speaks of the birth of a brilliant person. Before you get into trouble. Have a nice trip
Filled with black seeds, Eating seeds in saw him close with rash words to opportunities, losses, husband, but not about an imminent break in ideas or about starting something, for a long time Dill seed is dreaming, with a man , for waiting for changes to sleep, it signals that a dream means similar and do not pay Seeds have a different interpretation
You gnawed at relationships and about the upcoming phenomenal invention. Think. This is good, parsley or others which do not exist, the best in personal need to stand firmly, the feeling will soon illuminate special attention depending on I chose in the store that you are expected to have a lot of trouble, although sometimes, it should herbs- the word "sadness". Life. On your own, bend

It is difficult to find a person in the world who would not like to feast on seeds. What could be better than cracking large ripe seeds while chatting with friends or while watching TV? But sometimes a situation of such content does not occur in reality, but in a dream.

The best dream books of the world warn: this is not just the work of the subconscious, but important from above. On this page, you will find out why black sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and related activities are dreamed of.

Interpreters' comments

    Dream Interpretation Enigma

    This dream book counts dreams about seeds auspicious sign. This is especially true of visions in which you clicked the seeds. In this case, the dreamer expects a pleasant, albeit aimless pastime.: a party, gatherings with friends, virtual communication on the network, participation in some interesting forum.

    Seeing in a dream a huge sunflower, literally swollen from ripe seeds - a very good sign foreshadowing positive changes in your personal life. Most likely, right now is the time when your feelings will become mutual.

    Eagerly nibbling seeds and not being able to stop - soon you will have a dizzying pastime full of fun and entertainment. A dream in which you see a lot of seeds has the same meaning.

    Seeing piles of black sunflower seeds - which is considered a kind of warning: you should definitely optimize your time in order to spend it usefully. Otherwise, wasted hours and days will make you regret it.

    To see such a dream if you are sick - a very good sign that portends your recovery in the near future. In addition, a dream of such content can mean the birth of a long-awaited child and the fulfillment of the dreamer's most secret desires.

    A dream in which you were surrounded by huge mountains of black sunflower seeds - a symbol that you are too prone to an idle life. You simply adore idleness, idle chatter and gossip.

    Modern dream book

    In this dream book, any seeds, including sunflower seeds, are considered a good sign, portending the dreamer wealth, prosperity, rapid career growth and happiness in personal life. Large, fleshy and beautiful - a symbol of good luck, especially in business and financial areas. Having seen such a dream, you can safely take on any, even the most difficult, business - luck will not leave you.

    Small and ugly - the personification of the dreamer's lack of assembly, as well as a symbol of unnecessary cash costs, unnecessary hassle and fuss. Sprouted is a bad sign, portending serious conflicts that have been brewing for a very long time. Just a little more and they will break out. Seeds on the floor - a sign of the dreamer's lack of assembly, vanity, spending.

    If the vision of sunflower seeds was shown to an unmarried woman - this is a harbinger of imminent pregnancy and marriage. For a married person, such a dream portends troubles associated with children and family. Holding a large bag of seeds in your hands and distributing them to people - most likely, in reality you are sowing enmity between people, starting with colleagues and ending with loved ones.

    Dream Interpretation of Gustav Miller

    I dreamed of the missing seeds covered with mold and bloom - a harbinger of health problems and a worsening financial situation. Sprouted - soon surprises and pleasant surprises await the dreamer. In addition, in the near future you will go on an interesting journey. Well, after returning home, you will learn good news and receive wonderful gifts.

    Lusting fried seeds in a dream - a very unfavorable sign that prophesies the dreamer problems with the law. Counting black seeds on a sunflower hat - such a dream means that you are very practical, prudent. You correctly evaluate all the phenomena in your life, and your actions are always logical and correct. To fry seeds in a dream is a sign of getting interesting news soon.

    Wangi's Dream Interpretation

    Collect sunflower seeds one at a time - you will be able to raise your children well, and if they are not there, their appearance will soon await you. Sowing them into the ground - in the near future you will receive a large inheritance that you will be able to manage wisely.

    The sown seeds were pecked by birds - alas, you are waiting for unforeseen expenses that will prettyly deplete your budget. Also, such a vision may portend good, but lost opportunities.

    Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

    Dr. Freud counted dreams about sunflower seeds personification intimate relationships with the opposite sex. If you are a man, a huge number of intimate relationships await you. It is especially good if in a dream you sowed seeds in the field - such a vision means that you are very attractive and prolific.

    If you are a woman - a dream about seeds portends you an amazing intimacy with your loved one. In addition, the beloved will finally fulfill your innermost.

pumpkin seeds

Like dreams about sunflower seeds, dreams about pumpkin seeds are considered an auspicious sign. Most often they symbolize the birth of a child in a family, or “birth” in a figurative sense - interesting idea, a new promising business.

Eating pumpkin seeds in the company - you will have fun chatting with people you like. Perhaps it will be a party, or a cozy pastime with the family. Also, such a vision may portend a meeting with old friends and the renewal of friendship.

Seeing seeds that have not yet been taken out of a pumpkin - such a vision has the same meaning as the previous dream, but emphasizes that you will receive incomparable pleasure from communication.

Carefully sorting and examining pumpkin seeds in a dream is a sign that the dreamer will gain invaluable experience. Sometimes this can mean gaining access to other people's secrets and secrets.

Many dream books, in particular Gustav Miller's dream book, emphasize the importance of dream details. Recall what you did with pumpkin seeds:

  • you ate them- A party full of fun awaits you.
  • They got them out of the pumpkin- acquisition of valuable knowledge, advanced training. Sometimes it can portend an enrichment of life experience.
  • Fried them in a pan- a harbinger of an early acquaintance with powerful people who will become your patrons.
  • Bought them from a merchant- you are expected to receive or replenish in the family.
  • Selling or giving away- an unfavorable sign, prophesying large and senseless waste of money in the dreamer's life.

There are pumpkin seeds with a peel - a very good sign that promises a great time with friends. In addition, it is possible that thanks to your friends you will meet new people. Moreover, dream books warn: these will be unusual, interesting and very talented people.

Husk in a dream: interpretation

The best dream books associate visions of such content not with the future, but with the past. IN Perhaps soon you will meet with a former love or old friends.. Unfortunately, such a meeting will only bring you grief and sadness. But, on the other hand, you will finally make sure that your paths did not part by chance and you will stop regretting it.

Buy husks from seeds - a sign that in real life you are very tired and you urgently need a rest. You really should mess around a bit, otherwise constant stress and problems will undermine your health completely.

Seeing whole mountains of husks is a reminder higher powers that it's time for you to harvest. Moreover, sometimes in a figurative sense - that is, enjoy the acquired benefits and honestly earned rest.

Collect the husks in a heap - such a dream symbolizes your children or people who depend on you. At the moment they really need your help and patronage.

Actions with seeds

To better understand the meaning of your dream, try to remember - what exactly did you do with the seeds in a dream? So you:

  • clicked them- a good sign that portends you the beginning of a bright life streak, an idle and at the same time a well-fed life. Your days will be filled with entertainment, relaxation and communication with nice people.
  • Gnawed them without cleaning- the fact that something new will appear in your life. This may be the birth of a long-awaited child, the beginning of a new and successful business, new acquaintances, as well as a change of residence.
  • Sold them- a bad vision that warns the dreamer about unnecessary waste, empty chores and useless fuss.
  • Bought them- such a dream portends you a wonderful vacation, weekend or vacation. You will be able to relax both in body and soul, vitality will return to you, which will help you successfully start a new working period.
  • Toasted the seeds- such a sign from above prophesies to the dreamer tremendous luck in the material sphere. Having seen such a dream, be prepared to make big profits and meet influential people.

peeled seeds

Dreams about seeds without husks have a positive meaning. Such a dream symbolizes a completely cloudless future for the dreamer. Nothing and no one will disturb your peace and well-being. Colleagues will respect you, your bosses will appreciate you, and friends, relatives and children will constantly delight you with their love and devotion.

It is especially good if the peeled seeds in a dream were large and beautiful - in this case, your happiness will rise to unprecedented heights.

As you can see, dreams about seeds are interpreted the best dream books world is almost identical. And yet a lot depends on the details of the dream., and, of course, your inner world - after all, the manifested vision was sent to you.

A very interesting dream that predicts conversations and gossip for you. Usually, a person starts clicking sunflower or pumpkin seeds when he has nothing to do and wants to somehow take a break.

Gnawing seeds in a dream is most often for those who are waiting for something and are nervous for some reason. If you want to understand what this dream predicts, remember the setting of the dream and the company in which you clicked sunflower seeds. Here is how the dream book interprets such a dream in various situations.

When the pause drags on

If you dreamed that you were clicking seeds alone, at home, when no one was around, then you would have to wait for the result for a very long time.

Modern sources of information indicate that you will be nervous, as the solution of some business issue will be delayed indefinitely. Sometimes clicking pumpkin seeds in a dream portends diseases of the intestines or lungs. Looks like you'll have to undergo a medical examination soon.

Some books indicate that there will be a pause in personal life or business. For those who are waiting for some kind of answer, husking seeds in a dream is a bad sign, as the matter will drag on, and you will not receive the answer that you are looking forward to immediately.

It will be difficult to clarify the situation, and you will have to deal with big amount false information.

Why dream of gnawing seeds in the company of friends or girlfriends? This dream predicts gossip. A lot of husks dream of scandals, empty words. In this situation and conversations, it will be difficult to separate the truth from the lies.

The dream interpretation writes that the dream foreshadows you and a lot of small things and worries that can delay the desired minutes and make you spend a lot of time on trifles.

If you roasted seeds, and then began to click them alone, beware of intestinal or stomach illness.

Some books indicate that you will have to wait and be alone for a long time. The situation will not develop at all as you planned, and the achievement of the result will be constantly hindered by one or the other.

Treat and dine

If you dream that a girlfriend offered a bag or a glass of seeds, a conversation awaits you. Tasty and well-fried seeds predict the receipt of valuable information or advice, which will come in handy in your personal life very soon. The dream interpretation writes that a friend can tell you a lot of valuable and interesting things, which you will use on occasion.

Burnt and bitter seeds dream of chagrin. Sometimes such a dream warns of liver diseases, digestive system or lungs. If you smoke, and several times you had to feast on burnt seeds in a dream, it’s worth checking, maybe you can still be helped.

It is also desirable to say goodbye to bad habit to stay healthy and get better soon. But in some situations, such a dream predicts grief and different kind trouble. Do not believe what you are told, as someone may deliberately spread false rumors.

And what can raw, undercooked seeds dream of? You are trying too early to get information or something interesting. The dream interpretation writes that this night vision predicts troubles, scandals or resentment for you. However, modern books say that you need to wait, as the situation has not yet formed. Treating others with underdone seeds means that you will spread false information. It is possible that you yourself were told a lie or half-truth, which should not be believed.

Giving someone a glass of burnt seeds - you will unwittingly do some harm to this person. If smoke came from them, beware of the danger of fire. Clicking such seeds in a dream yourself is a nuisance. Some books indicate that in the near future you may suffer from rampant fire elements.

Buy and Sell

Buy yourself a glass or a bag of sunflower seeds - to the news and conversations. If there were only skins in it, and the seeds turned out to be rotten or burnt, do not believe the promises. This dream is a dream of tears and worries. Selling a glass of such seeds is a great grief, especially if the buyers are your loved ones.

Buying good seeds is valuable information. Sell ​​- you will help another person with good and wise advice. Clicking with a friend - to a friendly conversation and a sincere meeting. Your life will become joyful and filled with news, although not the most significant.


Seeds seen in a dream do not at all promise an empty pastime. Often they appear in a pleasant, light, insignificant dream, but sometimes they become harbingers of serious events in life. In this regard, it is important to pay attention to the details of the dream and the appearance of the seeds seen in it.

Table of contents [Show]

1 Why do people dream of seeds?

According to popular belief, the actions that they often perform in real life often penetrate into people's dreams. That is why there is nothing strange if a person who constantly gnaws seeds has a dream in which he is doing his favorite thing. In this case, it makes no sense to interpret such a dream, since it is only a reflection of reality.

It is a completely different matter when this process appears in dreams in people who do not devote much time to waking seeds, and such a dream deserves an explanation. When interpreting dreams associated with seeds, you should pay attention to the following details:

  • What seeds were in a dream (sunflower, pumpkin or other);
  • What was their color;
  • What size were the seeds;
  • What was the degree of their readiness for eating (fried or raw);
  • What actions were taken with them.

What does it mean to see a watermelon in a dream according to various dream books?

2 Key interpretations

One of the main details of the dream in which the seeds appeared is their appearance. Seeing sunflower seeds in a dream is considered less favorable than pumpkin seeds. Due to the fact that sunflower seeds are smaller, the dream associated with them does not promise any important events, it suggests that at this point in time small, insignificant, but not the most pleasant things will happen in life. At the same time, their number will upset the person who sees the dream, will irritate and unnerve him.

Such a dream portends that in reality things will literally fall on the person who sees him, and the more sunflower seeds there are in a dream, the greater the risk of trouble associated with numerous issues. For example, a person will come uninvited guests he will remember in large numbers unpaid fines, food stocks suddenly run out at home, and the necessary goods in the nearest stores will not be available, and all this will definitely happen at the same time.

According to Miller's dream book, young ambitious people dream of seeds, those who are full of hope for a brighter future, as well as those who are young at heart.

Why do mice dream

3 pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds appearing in a dream mean pleasant surprises in real life. These events will not be global in nature, such a dream will not become a harbinger of a marriage proposal or the purchase of an apartment, but a person can count on a small win in the lottery.

This shows some similarity in dreams associated with pumpkin and sunflower seeds, they always symbolize some minor event, whether pleasant (as in the case of pumpkin seeds) or not (sunflower). An exception is the case if a young woman dreamed of pumpkin seeds: they often promise pregnancy.

Why does a girl dream - interpretation of dream books

4 Watermelon

Seeing watermelon seeds in a dream - to the emergence of a successful thought or idea that can brilliantly come to life. He who sees such a dream will easily find a way out of a difficult situation, solve a difficult life task. It is important to pay attention to who is dreaming this dream.

He guarantees the successful writing of any test work for a schoolboy or student, passing the exam with excellent marks. A man guarantees success, first of all, in business, in business matters. If a person is faced with a difficult choice in reality, then a dream associated with watermelon seeds symbolizes that whatever decision he makes, it will turn out to be correct.

5 Unknown seeds

Unknown seeds (of any other plants, berries, etc.) seen in a dream portend surprise associated with changes in relations with people. What character these changes will be, the dream does not say.

The dream warns that it is worth preparing for the fact that soon someone surrounded by a person will show himself from a previously unknown side. Perhaps this side will be a reason to stop communicating with him.

6 Seed color

Very important detail is the color of the seeds seen in a dream. This characteristic is closely related to the symbolism of the seed species.

Seeing seeds in a dream, you should first try to pay attention to whether they are peeled (that is, natural color) or not.

6.1 Black

The black color of dreamed sunflower seeds enhances them negative interpretation. The small things that such a dream promises will cause negative emotions in a person in reality. In this case, the dream should be considered as a warning, a reminder that it is time to solve existing problems, otherwise there is a high risk that they will collapse like a snowball.

Dull black seeds with a whitish coating promise health problems. The exception is the shiny black seeds seen in a dream, which can even be called shiny. Such a rich black color symbolizes unexpected good luck that will come to a person when he does not expect it at all. Also, such a dream promises the support of friends who are ready to help if necessary.

6.2 White

The white color of sunflower seeds partly neutralizes their negative symbolism. A dream associated with them portends a person to troubles that will unnerve him, but no more, he will cope with all problems with a minimum of effort, it is important now not to waste time.

White watermelon or melon seeds in a dream predict a series of pleasant events. It will seem to a person that a bright streak of his life has begun. Plans are being successfully implemented, some desires will begin to come true. Having seen such a dream, it is worth considering the realization of an old dream, fate is now favorably disposed.

6.3 Unusual

The unusual color of the seeds, unusual for them in reality, suggests that a person devotes too much time and effort to empty dreams. This idleness prevents him from carrying out his plan, and he misses some chance that may no longer turn up.

No matter how beautiful the dreamed blue, pink, red seeds may seem, such a dream strongly advises a person to descend from heaven to earth. It's time to take a closer look at the world and people.

6.4 Natural

Peeled seeds of a natural color, seen in a dream, promise some kind of news in reality, often such a dream promises to reveal the true essence of what is happening, some kind of secret. In reality, a person learns what they are trying to hide from him, while he should not even take any action: the secret will be revealed by itself, and the person himself will still be surprised how he did not solve the riddle before.

Having seen such a dream, you do not need to wait for unpleasant surprises and revelations, it is likely that everything in a person’s life will simply fall into place, and he himself will find answers to his questions. Perhaps someone close will ask for forgiveness for deceit or fraud behind the dreamer's back.

7 Dimensions

If the color is actually directly related to the type of dreamed seeds, then such a detail as size becomes more important (provided that the person paid attention to it in his dream). When it is first of all evident that the seeds are large, such a dream symbolizes wealth, material profit in reality. The more such seeds and the larger they are, the more serious the wealth that awaits a person in reality. In addition, to see large pumpkin seeds in a dream - to prosperity in the family, to the well-being of all its members.

Small seeds dream of a waste of time, fuss, insignificant matters. Do not expect major events in the near future. The main thing is not to get bogged down in the daily routine. Such a dream reminds a person that sometimes adventures and surprises need to be arranged with your own hands, and not wait for them from fate.

Seeds of different sizes (large ones mixed with small ones) have a completely different meaning, and the symbolism here is quite obvious: they remind you of the need to pay more attention to children or other younger relatives.

8 Fried or raw

Since seeds in real life are a delicacy loved by many, it is worth paying attention to what they were like in a dream in terms of their readiness for eating. The dreamed fried seeds are a symbol of the fact that a person is internally ready to carry out his plans, to make a choice, even if he himself has the impression that this is not so. Similar dream assures the one who sees him that the very moment that he has been waiting for so long has come, and now the most important thing is not to miss it. It is especially indicative if a person in a dream himself roasted the seeds until cooked: this means that he has the right to be proud of his successes as a result, it is thanks to him that his plan will succeed.

Seeing raw seeds in a dream - to excessive impatience. A person is in too much of a hurry to implement his plans, forgetting that haste can only do harm. If you dream of seeds that are unsuitable for food, then the business that has received much attention will not burn out, you should abandon your idea and switch to something else.

9 What happened to the seeds in a dream?

The most common action that occurs with seeds in a dream is the process of eating them. Clicking seeds - to empty talk, gossip in reality. Such conversations will not be useful, they cannot be called a discussion of important matters, but such a dream does not promise any trouble either. Another thing is if a person quite often sees a dream in which he clicks seeds. In this case, it should be considered a sign warning that in reality too much time is spent on talking and little on business.

9.1 Fry

To fry seeds in a dream symbolizes putting all your strength into any interesting project in reality. Such a dream suggests that the efforts will not go unnoticed, it promises the success of the business.

But overcooking, burning seeds in the process of cooking in a dream means excessive haste in achieving a result, which will fundamentally harm everything that was done earlier. Consider every step in the implementation of the undertakings.

9.2 Plant

Planting seeds is a good symbol. It promises the emergence of new ideas, interesting thoughts. A person who has seen such a dream is engaged in the necessary, right thing, is on the right path in life.

Such a dream plays a special role for people who have started a business (going to university, getting a job, taking up a new hobby). For them, it is a sign that the choice was made absolutely right.

9.3 Share

If a person dreams that in a dream he shares seeds with someone, a pleasant conversation awaits him in reality. Most often, such a dream symbolizes the friendly support that they are ready to provide to those who see it in reality.

A dream tells a person that he is not alone, but in reality there are people on whom he can always rely. But if in the process of sharing the seeds wake up, promises to help and support will turn out to be empty, and in a close circle there is a so-called false friend who is worth taking a closer look at.

9.4 Unpack

Unpacking seeds or seeing them in a package in a dream is a purchase, a successful purchase. Such a dream will not become a harbinger of a new acquaintance - it must be considered on a material plane.

But if in a dream a person tries unsuccessfully to open a bag of seeds or, which is very bad, scatters them during unpacking, in real life the purchase will be unsuccessful and will only bring problems.

Seeing seeds scattered on the floor in a dream is an unkind sign. He portends tears, resentment and grief. The more scattered seeds a person sees in a dream, the greater the degree of grief that will happen in reality. In certain cases, such a dream promises large material losses and losses, and then it should be taken as a warning.

9.5 Feed the birds

The same unfavorable sign regarding health is to see in a dream how birds peck at seeds or grains. Such a dream symbolizes that a person sacrifices a lot for the benefit of others, forgetting about himself, which is often fraught with health problems. At the same time, a good symbol is if a person chases away birds in a dream. In reality, he realizes the need to take care of himself.

An extremely auspicious sign is to see a sunflower full of seeds in a dream. This dream promises a person a profit, a win or an inheritance. How prettier flower and seeds, the more profit you should expect. If the sunflower dries up, looks wilted, and there are no seeds in it, in reality it is worth preparing for troubles in the material sphere, the possibility of deception is not ruled out, that they want to force a person to act in a way that would be unprofitable for him.

10 Husk

Another exception, in which seeds in a dream are interpreted in relation to the sphere of emotions and interpersonal relationships, is the appearance in a dream of scattered seed husks. If its appearance is easily explained (it is formed when a person gnaws seeds), then the husk does not bring a special symbolic load into the dream. But to see in a dream one husk without seeds is a missed chance, a waste of time, but not harmless, but promising a person big trouble. This is a big delay in paying off the loan, and an unacceptable lateness to work, threatening with dismissal. In a separate case, such a dream indicates that a person has an advanced disease, so it will not be superfluous to pay attention to your health when you see the husks from seeds in a dream.

11 Conclusion

Despite the fact that many people are not serious about seeds, and those who like to click them are considered time wasters, do not forget that it is from them that plants grow, thanks to them everything around grows and blooms. Appearing in dreams, seeds can give a person a very important sign, draw his attention to the key issues of life, and explain many ongoing events.

And some secrets...

The story of one of our readers Irina Volodina:

I was especially depressed by the eyes, surrounded by large wrinkles, plus dark circles and swelling. How to remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes completely? How to deal with swelling and redness? But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person like his eyes.

But how do you rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? I learned - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid peeling, radiolifting, laser facelift? A little more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when to find the time for all this? Yes, it's still expensive. Especially now. So for myself I chose a different way ...


The world of Morpheus opens its arms to us and gives colorful dreams. Not everyone remembers them, but those who remember their dreams often experience curiosity and a desire to unravel the meaning of what they dream. To do this, you can use a lot of dream books that give an interpretation of any dream events and objects.

If you dream of seeds

In dreams, every detail matters. For example, what kind of seeds do you dream of - sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds. What did you do with them: fed the birds, ate yourself, treated someone. Dream books will answer all questions online or in paper form. Let's try to look in and read what they predict when the seeds dream. In dreams that are interpreted by dream books, seeds can be different.

Generally, seeds - a sign of profit well-being and career achievements. But considering that this small object, you can guess the presence of some little things that can distract attention from important matters. This is worth paying attention to. The larger the size of the seeds seen in the dream, the greater luck and prosperity this dream promises.

When sunflower seeds dream

  • If you dream about how you click seeds, idly spending time doing this activity, the dream book says that in reality you waiting for entertainment and sit-round gatherings with discussion of something vital. You have to chat in a cafe with your friends or take part in a live discussion on the forum. Such a dream warns you against careless handling of words. Try not to offend anyone yourself and do not take to heart everything that others say to you.
  • A dream in which a large yellow sunflower, full of ripe seeds, had a dream, prophesies positive changes in personal life. Such a dream speaks of the mutual feelings for you of someone who is not indifferent.
  • For those who are unwell, dreaming of black sunflower seeds portend an imminent improvement in health. And if you have long and unsuccessfully want to get pregnant, the dream book predicts the possible fulfillment of this desire.
  • If you had to buy seeds in a dream, then the time has come for the necessary rest. Loads and stresses become unbearable, and the body sends you a signal that it's time to take breath.
  • Sleep: seeds in front of you in large quantities - it's time to harvest. You will reap the fruits that were once sown. Very good dream foreshadowing joy and satisfaction.
  • Dreaming about how you collect scattered seeds? Such a dream is interpreted by the dream book as the need to show child care, not necessarily relatives.
  • Let's say pigeons peck seeds - get ready to lose something important. you miss out good opportunity in anything. Or you will incur unexpected losses.
  • When you are someone treat, giving him your seeds, the dream book says that with your own hands you give people the opportunities that fate has prepared. For those who in reality have achieved success in life and have material wealth in abundance, the dream book suggests that the time has come to share experience, knowledge and resources with people.
  • A dream in which the sleeper counts the seeds speaks of a person’s ability to manage his financial affairs competently and skillfully, so that he will never be poor. But it also warns against being too stingy.
  • Why dream of sowing sunflower seeds - in reality they will be made good investment that will bring great income in future.

When pumpkin seeds dream

  • Dreams of pumpkin seeds promise replenishment. This can be both in the literal sense (the birth of a child), and figuratively. Perhaps you have a brilliant idea, or a troublesome but profitable project. In any case, the dream portends joy.
  • When dreaming of pumpkin seeds, do not forget about important priorities. Perhaps the stable and prosperous state of affairs has allowed you not to think about them, but this must be done. Your future depends on it.

watermelon seeds

When watermelon seeds dream in a dream, this can also be interpreted as a dream with seeds.

  • Watermelon seeds are quite large, so the dream is interpreted positively. It symbolizes well-being and well-being, as well as a possible replenishment in the family.
  • Esoteric dream book interprets such a symbol as gaining secret knowledge and understanding of the deep meaning, the background of any ongoing event. The one who has seen such a dream is inherent in realizing the meaning of things, which is not available to everyone.

If in a dream you saw a husk from seeds

Such a dream is interpreted as a connection between the present and the past. The dream book predicts you a meeting with one of your former friends, or lovers, with whom you broke up a long time ago. Perhaps this meeting will slightly spoil your mood, but at the same time it will strengthen the idea that by parting with this person, you did everything right.

It is always interesting to read the predictions of a dream book. But do not forget that sleep betrays the work of our subconscious and there is nothing mystical about it. If you learn to hear these signals, you can improve your life and pay attention to problems in time.

Seeds in dreams


What a dream is about, where you were lucky enough to click on the seeds, it’s easy to understand. The dream interpretation indicates your foresight: a pleasant leisure time awaits you. Perhaps you will find yourself at a party, chatting on social networks, or participating in interesting forums.

I dreamed of a sunflower in which there are too many seeds - a dream promises unforeseen positive changes on the personal front. Dream Interpretation believes that at the moment you can rely on mutual sympathy.

If in a dream you constantly gnaw on seeds, the dream book indicates what such a vision is for, in any case, it is interconnected with fun and communication. However, the dream warns that you can upset an outsider with an unconscious statement or an inappropriate mockery. At the same time, extraneous conversations should not be taken seriously.

Why do seeds dream, the dream interpreter advises referring such an image to some kind of warning. So that in the coming life you do not feel resentment for the senselessly lost time, you should worry now - such is the meaning of night vision.

For a sick sleeping person, black seeds mean that his body condition is currently getting better. Sleepy vision can predict the birth of a beloved child. The dream interpretation explains this dream as a sign of prosperity and the implementation of plans.

As informs modern interpretation dreams, seeds, dreaming in it, express a tendency to cheerful leisure, conversations and all sorts of gossip. The dream has a neutral meaning, and offers to perform such actions if they give you pleasure.

A dream, in the plot of which there are pumpkin seeds, promises a happy event: the birth of a baby. The dream book believes that the vision also provides an allegorical essence. So, it can be the birth of a unique idea in your head, or the implementation of a profitable business that has given you a lot of worries.

According to Miller's dream book, seeds are often seen by people at a young age. This can be considered a certain pattern: in youth, people get to know each other, feel love, create a family hearth, this is what the dream vision prophesies.

Why else dream of seeds in a dream

Watermelon seeds in a dream, which were considered in night dreams, expresses an inner awareness of the true cause. Night vision indicates that you had a chance to see the plot in full. Realizing the events that have taken place, you are able to eradicate evil, and resistance with all the difficulties, sooner or later, will end.

Why dream of husks from seeds, the dream book compares not with upcoming events, but with past incidents. The dream notifies you of a possible date with former lover or with old friends. Such a meeting will sadden the dreamer, but it will help to understand that the reason for the destruction of the past relationship was significant.

The dream where you bought the seeds literally expresses your need for a break. The plot displays your fatigue from unnecessary worries, stressful situations and loads, and recommends that you devote your free hours to idleness.

What a lot of seeds dream of, the dream interpreter considers it to be a mention that the time has come to harvest. A dream means that this time is suitable for making a profit, implementing plans, and enjoying the success of children.

When you had a chance to collect seeds in a dream, the dream book indicates that such a vision is interconnected with children who need your support and care. The dream allows you to perceive its meaning, both in relation to your children and other people's offspring.

Did you see seeds in a dream? The dream interpretation will explain what this vision means. Seeds express calmness, stable life and confidence in the future. In other words, a positive omen.

The vision where you wanted to fry the seeds indicates that in real life it is allowed to start preparing fun event. Will visit you soon good company. The dream interpretation does not indicate who will come to you. For you, this will be a kind of unexpected pleasant event.

Despite the fact that white pumpkin seeds are considered a positive dream, the dream book warns of the only trick that will be directed in your direction. Financial well-being, balance oblige you not to remember your primary goals - a dream announces.
