What does it mean to wash a crown in a dream. Why is the crown dreaming? What does the Crown mean in a dream, in the Old Persian dream book Taflisi

A symbol of significant thoughts, plans, designs.

Seeing a crown on someone's head means that you are close to finding a solution to a difficult issue or finding a valuable idea. Perhaps someone with good advice will help you succeed.

To see the crown on yourself and be pleasantly surprised by this: a good omen that promises unexpected success to your plans.

But if the fact of wearing a crown makes you extremely proud: beware that in reality the crown does not turn into a jester's cap.

Putting a crown on someone's head with your own hands is a sign of practical, very valuable advice that you can get from the outside.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the 20th century

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Dream about Crown

To see her - you will have a great temptation; wear - wealth; a crown with flowers - joy; from gold or silver - a gift

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Hasse

Dream about Crown

(See interpretation: crown, gold, jewelry)

To see or wear a crown is a sign of great worries and responsibilities. Wishing her in a dream is a sign of temptation or burden, the hardships of life. Much depends on your perception of this dream, on its context. In general, a gloomy dream cannot portend amazing and wonderful pleasant events. A rich dream about a crown predicts the honors and wealth associated with their exaltation in society. For the poor, such a dream portends only an additional burden of worries. Sometimes such a dream may warn you that your innermost secrets may be revealed. For patients, such a dream predicts death. For criminals, such a dream predicts that their atrocities will be revealed and they will suffer a well-deserved punishment.

Crowning a wife in a dream is a sign of her illness. To crown a patient is to death. For lovers, such a dream predicts happiness, prosperity and an abundance of attention and gifts from a loved one.

A wreath of flowers dreams of joy, and of gold or silver - for a gift. See interpretation: diamond, precious stones and metals by name.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

What do Crown dreams mean?

Crown - see - joy, wear - fame and fortune (sometimes illness) - tavern - dream tavern - needs; Jewish approach, quarrel, adventure.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

Dream about the Crown

For a girl - a quick marriage to a very high-ranking person. For a woman - an influential fan. For men - promotion.

Imagine that you are being crowned by a bishop and a bishop (see Bishop, Bishop).

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

What does crown mean in a dream

A dream about a crown promises the favor of the powerful of this world and a noticeable exaltation in the eyes of the world. If in a dream you see yourself in a crown, then, no matter how strange it may seem, do not expect honors. Everything will be the opposite: your misbehavior will lead to the fact that you will lose your former authority. If in a dream you give your crown to someone with your own hands, it means. You will achieve a very high and independent position in society.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

The meaning of sleep Crown

If you dreamed of a crown on someone's head (of a king, queen, yours, finally), or a crown that you see in a museum or are going to try on, then soon your authority will increase many times over in the eyes of others. To make this happen, eat a leaf of a golden mustache for 3 days before going to bed.

If you dreamed of a broken crown, then they will try to attack you. To protect yourself, carry a chicken bone broken in half in your left pocket for a week.

Interpretation of dreams from the Mayan Dream Interpretation

What does it mean to see Crown in a dream

To put on and wear a crown - to the love that they tried to try on.

See - your heart is open to great and true love.

Interpretation of dreams from the latest dream book

Interpretation of sleep Crown

Long journey, new friends;
to see on your head - the loss of personal property;
to crown someone - your environment knows your price.
See also Crown.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

What predicts the dream of the Crown

Wearing a crown in a dream - to your mark and high position.

To see on someone - his pride is exorbitant.

Interpretation of dreams from the Astrological dream book

The meaning of the dream Crown

Seeing a crown in a dream - in reality you will have a great temptation. If the crown you see is gold or silver - expect a pleasant surprise from your loved one, if it is entwined with flowers - you will spend joyful hours alone with him.

Wearing a crown on your head - to wealth, honor, glory. Seeing someone else with a crown on his head - you are in danger of losing property in real life.

The dream in which you put a crown on someone's head is a sign of upcoming changes in your life. There is a chance that you will make a long journey or make new interesting acquaintances.

If you are just watching the coronation ceremony from the side, then such a dream promises you a close acquaintance with fairly famous people.

For a young girl, such an acquaintance can even turn into matchmaking.

If in a dream you are honored with some kind of honorary crown, this is a sign of prudence and moderate happiness for you. If this event is not solemn enough, crumpled and chaotic - it means that the upcoming or planned entertainment can turn into trouble.

Interpretation of dreams from

Dream Interpretation Crown Seeing the crown: will soon go on a long journey, where he will find many new friends. This dream also has a sad sign, namely an incurable disease. To dream of a crown on your head - to the loss of personal property. To dream about how you crown someone means that your environment knows your price. If you dream of the coronation of a royal person, you place too many hopes on someone else's help. To see how a crown falls from someone's head - to a serious illness or death of a relative. Seeing yourself in a crown means that a heavy burden of responsibility for other people will fall on your shoulders. If in a dream you were holding or trying on a crown adorned with precious stones, your expectations will be deceived. The girl who saw such a dream Modern dream book

Dream Interpretation Crown The crown indicates knowledge in a dream. Koran and power. And if a woman sees a crown on her head, then she will marry a very influential and rich man. If she is pregnant, she will give birth to a boy. The crown also means the attire of the Azhams (not Arabs). For a man, a crown is good only if it is not made of gold. For a prisoner to see a crown - for an early release and improvement of affairs. Islamic dream book

Dream Interpretation Crown Seeing a crown in a dream - in reality you will have a great temptation. If the crown you see is gold or silver - expect a pleasant surprise from your loved one, if it is twined with flowers - you will spend joyful hours alone with him. Wearing a crown on your head - to wealth, honor, glory. Seeing someone else with a crown on his head - you are in danger of losing property in real life. The dream in which you put a crown on someone's head is a sign of upcoming changes in your life. There is a chance that you will make a long journey or make new interesting acquaintances. If you are just watching the coronation ceremony from the side, then such a dream promises you a close acquaintance with fairly famous people. For a young girl, such an acquaintance can even turn into matchmaking. If in a dream you are honored with some kind of honorary crown, this is a sign of prudence and moderate happiness for you. If this event is not solemn enough, crumpled and chaotic - it means that the upcoming or planned entertainment can turn into trouble. Dream interpretation from A to Z

Dream Crown A dream about a crown promises the favor of the powerful of this world and a noticeable exaltation in the eyes of the world. If in a dream you see yourself in a crown, then, no matter how strange it may seem, do not expect honors. Everything will be the opposite: your misbehavior will lead to the fact that you will lose your former authority. If in a dream you give your crown to someone with your own hands, it means. You will achieve a very high and independent position in society. Old English dream book

Dreaming Crown Crown: warning. Be very careful when making decisions, especially in business. If this is a paper crown at a party, you will fail. Coronation: you will earn a lot of money, but the increased fortune will impose on you even more responsibility. Gypsy dream book

Dream Interpretation Crown If you are present at the coronation: it means that you are not satisfied with your social circle. You are much more interested in the lives of the rich and famous, and you would give a lot to be one of them. I dreamed that you had a crown on your head: the burden of responsibility for the well-being of your loved ones would fall on you.

Why is the crown dreaming? It seems that this is certainly a positive sign that promises recognition and wealth. In fact, interpretations can be very different - from favorable to disturbing. Dream Interpretations will help you understand the essence of your night visions.

English dream book

The English interpreter gives such explanations about what the crown is dreaming of:

  • If someone puts a crown on you, then you will meet an influential person who will help you. But keep in mind that you cannot rely on your patron always and in everything.
  • If in a dream you lost, bent or broke the crown, it means that you do not appreciate what you have. Due to such frivolity, the situation can deteriorate dramatically. This can affect not only a career, but also relationships with a loved one.
  • If you have removed the crown from your head, it means that you are tired of bearing the burden of responsibility for loved ones and solving other people's problems. Allow others to be independent, pay more attention to yourself.
  • If you are standing in a crown in front of a large crowd of people, this means that your secret will be revealed. For a while, you will feel very uncomfortable for this reason.
  • If you put a cardboard crown on your head, it means that your self-confidence is not supported by any merit. This can lead to rash acts and loss of reputation.

Miller's dream book

If you are wondering why the crown is dreaming, in Miller's dream book you will find the following answers:

  • The vision portends future changes that will radically change your life. In general, the changes will be positive, but you will have to try to get used to them.
  • If in a dream you see your coronation, it means that soon you will significantly move up the career ladder.
  • Wearing a crown of flowers is a symbol of a romantic acquaintance, which will develop into a strong bright feeling.
  • If you see the crown on someone else, then in reality you are jealous of this person and secretly dream of taking his place. But this feeling devastates you and prevents you from moving forward.
  • If you personally take off the crown and pass it on to someone else, this means that in reality you are tired of being responsible for everything yourself. Share the burden of responsibility with others (colleagues, friends or relatives).

Dream Interpretation Hasse

To understand why the crown is dreaming, look into Hasse's interpreter. Here is what information can be found in this source:

  • The crown is a symbol of improving the quality of life. It is possible that this will be associated with a promotion. For a woman, a dream can mean a successful marriage.
  • If you accidentally found a crown in the grass, on the road or at home, then soon you will make a decision on an expensive purchase.
  • If in a dream you give your crown to someone, then in reality you will become dependent on this person.
  • If a young girl sees herself in a crown, it means that soon she will receive a marriage proposal, which she has been waiting for a very long time.
  • If in a dream you are watching someone's coronation from afar, it means that you are more interested in someone else's life than your own.

Old Russian dream book

The Old Russian interpreter of dreams in which the crown appeared says the following:

  • If you dreamed of wearing a crown, this can be interpreted as a symbol of a happy and comfortable family life.
  • A crown on your head can be a symbol of a bright idea that will soon come to your mind and help solve a problem that has been haunting you for a long time.
  • If in a dream you were surprised that a crown was on your head, this means that in reality you underestimate yourself.
  • If you put on a crown, but it is very heavy and interferes with you, this means that in reality you have taken on too much responsibility or taken on a task that you cannot afford.
  • If an unmarried girl dreamed that she was wearing a crown, this promises an early marriage. Moreover, the more stones on the decoration, the richer the spouse will be.

Lunar dream book

In the lunar dream book you can find the following information about visions with a crown:

  • The strong and devoted love of a life partner is what a girl dreams of a crown. In this relationship, she will feel happiness and security.
  • Trying on the crown symbolizes your Napoleonic plans and designs. You have every chance of their implementation. Everything will depend only on your perseverance.
  • If in a dream you are very proud that you wear a crown, the interpretation may be such that in real life you are completely unreasonably conceited and demonstrate arrogance.
  • The crown can act as a warning to make smarter decisions. Do not rely only on past experience and luck.
  • If the crown is inlaid with pearls, it means that in the eyes of others you have an impeccable reputation.

Modern dream book

In the modern dream book, the following interpretations of dreams about the crown are given:

  • The burden of responsibility and duties - this is what the crown on the head dreams of. The heavier and more massive the jewelry, the more problems you will have to solve alone.
  • If the crown on your head shines, spreading light, it means that those around you are loved and respected.
  • Invaluable life experience - that's what the crown in your hands dreams of. You are very smart and wise, but do not succumb to pride.
  • If you are standing in a crown in the middle of an indignant crowd, then in real life you experience great fear. You are afraid of envious people and spiteful critics.
  • A crown of fresh flowers is a symbol of sincere and pure love that you will soon have to live with a new acquaintance.
  • If a girl dreams about how her lover holds a crown in his hands, but does not put it on her head, this means that he has no serious intentions about further life together.

Family dream book

This is what the dream in which the crown was present means, according to the family interpreter:

  • If in a dream someone is trying to take your crown away from you, most likely this person is jealous of your family happiness and wants to destroy it.
  • If someone puts a crown on your head, it means that in real life you will move up the career ladder or get into high society. This will give you a number of benefits, but at the same time, it will give you additional responsibility.
  • Admiring the crown from the side is a symbol of strong temptation. Perhaps you will have the opportunity to make easy money, but you should not succumb to it. Otherwise, you will be disappointed.
  • If the crown has fallen from your head, this means that you will have to re-prove your authority in the family.
  • The broken crown symbolizes that because of the burden of responsibility that you bear, protecting your loved ones, your health may be shaken.

Gypsy dream book

The insight of the gypsies will help decipher the meaning of the dream about the crown as follows:

  • If in a dream you sought to get the crown, it means that in life you are driven by self-interest and greed.
  • If your crown is not made of precious metal, but of wire, paper or plastic, it means that you tend to pretend. But sooner or later your deceit will be revealed and you will be very ashamed.
  • An unexpected pleasant surprise - that's what the golden crown dreams of. It will be a gift from a loved one or good news from relatives.
  • A crown heavily studded with precious stones is a symbol of your desires. But it is impossible to succeed without hard work.
  • A crown made of silver portends a meeting with the love of your life. You probably won't like this person right away. But do not cut off the shoulder and do not reject a new acquaintance.

The crown can be worn both literally and figuratively. Previously, this decoration was an obligatory attribute of all royal persons, but now only the Queen of England has remained of all dynasties, and if she wears that crown, it is extremely rare.

Brides and graduates often decorate their hair with a diadem. But why is the crown dreaming? The main values ​​of this power attribute are:

  • Glory, success, wealth.
  • Raising public opinion.
  • Reliability, protection.

However, it is important to consider what material it is made of, what is the condition of the diadem and its appearance. Therefore, remember the details and read what it means to see a crown in a dream.

Who is the carrier

First, pay attention to the wearer of the crown: if it was you, then expect success and fulfillment of desires. When the crown in a dream was on the head of another person, you are unhappy with your social circle or with one of them.

Some dream books believe that the diadem could have dreamed of improving the social position of the dreamer. Influential people will become more favorable to you and, perhaps, open up new perspectives for you, after which you yourself will become more authoritative in the eyes of others.

Putting a crown on someone means getting important advice or help from others. Get it as - expect an unexpected, but very pleasant surprise. Also, if you look into the dream book, the crown can predict a change in the dreamer's usual course of life. Especially when you had to measure it yourself. These can be changes of any kind: long trips, new acquaintances, giving up bad habits, etc.

If you dreamed of a crown on the head of your relative or just an acquaintance, it means that success and career growth awaits them, and you will be happy for their achievements. But this image can also promise an expensive acquisition, a valuable purchase. In addition, a dream in which the crown was on the dreamer's head can be a symbol of big plans and lofty goals set by him.

If you didn’t wear, but simply wanted to have your own symbol of power, then most likely you are striving to get rid of burdensome problems and worries, to get some freedom and a number of opportunities that allow you to relieve yourself of the burden of trouble. But when the dreamer voluntarily gives this attribute of power to another person, it means that he has already achieved the desired heights both in his career and in society and is now ready to help others by any means: morally, financially, physically, connections and advice.

What is it made of, who dreamed

The golden crown promises pleasant surprises from the side of the "second half", the silver one has the same meaning. And why dream of a diadem inlaid? This image speaks of the following: all your work and efforts will not go in vain, but will be noticed and appreciated. it also speaks of honor among influential people and the strengthening of your position in society.

But when the dreamed attribute of power was built from, it is worthwhile to wait with the planned event or deal. There is a possibility of violation of your plans. A tiara, decorated with a huge amount, promises a romantic date and a pleasant time spent with your beloved "soul mate".

When she dreamed of a girl, she would soon get married or receive a marriage proposal, and her chosen one would be very authoritative and be able to provide her with a comfortable existence. Another meaning for the female is the strengthening of marriage ties with a loved one, eternal love.

But there is also an opinion that for a woman, trying on a crown in a dream means paying too much attention to external data and not caring about internal fullness. When someone puts a diadem on her, the dreamer will gain some authority among her friends.

For a family woman, as the dream book explains, a diadem worn on her head may indicate excessive control over her household, talk about it with them. Well, why do men dream of a crown? This is an excellent relationship with colleagues and superiors in the team, as well as possible career growth - and all this in the near future!

"A large universal dream book for the whole family of O. Smurov"

To see or wear a crown is a sign of great worries and responsibilities. Wishing her in a dream is a sign of temptation or burden, the hardships of life. Much depends on your perception of this dream, on its context. In general, a gloomy dream cannot portend amazing and wonderful pleasant events. A rich dream about a crown predicts the honors and wealth associated with their exaltation in society. For the poor, such a dream portends only an additional burden of worries. Sometimes such a dream may warn you that your innermost secrets may be revealed. For patients, such a dream predicts death. For criminals, such a dream predicts that their atrocities will be revealed and they will suffer a well-deserved punishment.

Crowning a wife in a dream is a sign of her illness. To crown a patient is to death. For lovers, such a dream predicts happiness, prosperity and an abundance of attention and gifts from a loved one.

A wreath of flowers dreams of joy, and of gold or silver - for a gift. See diamond, metal, crown, gold, jewels.

Why dream of a crown in a dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

The crown in a dream symbolizes power, success, authority. Having a crown on your head means that you will lead someone. Gold or silver crown - expect a pleasant surprise from your loved one. A crown entwined with flowers is a date in private. Seeing a crown on someone's head - you are in danger of losing property. Putting a crown on someone's head is a sign of upcoming changes in your life. Coronation - prudent actions will help to achieve success in business and happiness in family life.

Why dream of a crown in a dream book -
"Dream Interpretation: Truthful Interpreter of Dreams L. Moroz"

If you dreamed of a crown on someone - honor and glory for the one on whom you saw it; wearing a crown - honor and glory for you; to receive a crown as a gift - to a big and pleasant surprise; to lose, to break a crown in a dream - to great dishonor.
