Relationship between domestic and foreign policy. The essence of the foreign policy of states, its goals, functions and means

a set of areas of economic, demographic, social integration, socio-cultural, repressive, etc. activities of the kudarstvo, its structures and institutions, focused on the preservation or reform of the existing socio-political system.

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a set of activities of the state, its structures and institutions for the organizational, concrete and meaningful expression of the interests of the people in order to create conditions for a normal human life; maintaining or reforming the existing social and state system. The spheres of domestic policy are diverse: economic, demographic, cultural, agrarian, social, etc. One of these areas is political.

Domestic policy in the political sphere is aimed at modernizing, improving the political system of society, its individual institutions, political relations and relationships between institutions, rules, norms, laws governing these interactions, and in general, at creating a stable, effective policy. This policy is based on real human interests, fundamental constitutional principles: the exercise of human rights and freedoms must not violate the rights and freedoms of others; the rights and freedoms of man and citizen are directly applicable; all are equal before the law and the court; the state guarantees equality of rights and freedoms of man and citizen, regardless of gender, race, nationality, language, origin, property and official status, place of residence, attitude to religion, beliefs, membership in public associations, as well as other circumstances; the dignity of the individual is protected by the state; citizens have the right to participate in the management of state affairs, both directly and through their representatives; to elect and be elected to bodies of state power and local self-government, to participate in a referendum, etc.

Great Definition

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In its content, politics is a public attitude, primarily about power. Politics is manifested through the activities of institutions and institutions of state power; the science and art of political maneuvering, its methods and means; political ideology, including the development of goals, objectives and principles of policy. In the scientific literature, a distinction is made between the terms "foreign policy" and "international relations". The latter are considered as a broader concept, including not only political, but also other ties between the subjects of international relations.

In the history of public relations, foreign policy appeared almost simultaneously with the emergence of states. Each is political, i.e. the state-organized community is forced to interact with similar political communities and, accordingly, in one way or another, regulate its relations with them. Any state is faced with a set of problems, the solution of which goes beyond the framework of its internal life: this is a reflection of the threat to its integrity and security, and the coordination of interests with stronger (or weaker) partners, and the replenishment of the resources necessary to ensure its vital activity, which are outside own borders, etc. The corresponding activity of states constitutes the foreign policy sphere as an independent area of ​​policy. Therefore: Foreign policy is an area of ​​state activity related to the regulation of its relations with other states. Each state develops and implements one or another foreign policy course, builds its own line of conduct in the international arena. Foreign policy is, in essence, a continuation and addition of domestic policy.

Foreign policy is an integral part of state policy, determining the actions of the state in the sphere of domestic policy. Sometimes it is simply a function of internal politics. The need for foreign policy stems from the fact that domestic policy does not fully meet the needs and interests of a given society. In this sense, foreign policy is a continuation of domestic policy, performing auxiliary functions in relation to domestic political processes.

Allocate some specific and basic features of foreign policy. One of the features that characterize the foreign policy activity of the state, as already noted, is the ability of this state to maintain political stability at the proper level within the state. An effective foreign policy can actively influence the implementation of domestic policy goals.

Foreign policy has its own specific features that distinguish it from domestic:

  • a) the definition and implementation of goals in foreign policy are carried out taking into account the actions and goals of other sovereign states;
  • b) foreign policy has its own organizational and institutional support (bodies, personnel).

The implementation of the internal functions of the state takes on various forms depending on the prevailing circumstances in the international arena. The following types of foreign policy are distinguished, which are characteristic of certain states in modern conditions.

Passive foreign policy is inherent in economically weak states that are forced to adapt to the international situation.

Aggressive foreign policy - consists in the formation of one's own domestic policy and in the desire to adapt (through foreign policy) or force other states to change in the domestic and foreign policies.

An active foreign policy consists in an intensive search for a balance between domestic and foreign policy.

Conservative foreign policy - consists in the active or even aggressive protection of the previously achieved balance between domestic and foreign policy. This policy is typical of some former superpowers.

The main subjects of foreign policy are:

The state, its institutions, as well as political leaders and heads of state. The state has a decisive role in shaping the foreign policy course.

Non-governmental organizations, the so-called "people's diplomacy", which includes the activities of both political parties and movements, as well as non-political associations and unions.

The essence of foreign policy is determined by the goals that it sets for itself and the means of achieving them, which depends on many circumstances: the socio-political structure of the state, the form of government, the political regime, the level of socio-economic development, participation in international organizations and, above all, the military political blocs, the political dynamics of the state, the level of political culture. The main goals of foreign policy are: to increase the material and spiritual standard of living of the population, the economic and political power of the state; ensuring the security of the state, its national sovereignty and territorial integrity; inadmissibility of outside interference in internal affairs; increasing the prestige and role of the state in international relations; defending certain political and economic positions in the outside world. All these goals are closely interrelated. The successful implementation of each of them contributes to favorable conditions for the implementation of all the others.

The foreign policy of the state performs three main functions: security, information and representation, and negotiation and organizational.

The security function is associated with the protection of the rights and interests of a given country and its citizens abroad. Its purpose is also to adapt the national foreign policy strategy to the polystrategies of state systems. The implementation of this function is aimed at preventing a threat to a given state, at finding a peaceful political solution to emerging controversial problems. A threat to states may be a decrease in the image in the eyes of the world community, the emergence of territorial claims from neighboring states, support for separatist movements in their own country from foreign states. The effective implementation of this function depends on the ability of the state and the relevant authorities and institutions to identify potential sources of threat and prevent an undesirable course of events. Embassies, consulates, representative offices, cultural centers are institutions that contribute to the implementation of the security function. The specific tasks of a protective order are also carried out by intelligence and counterintelligence.

The information and representation function finds its expression in the activities of the relevant bodies to create a positive image of the state in the world community. These bodies inform their government about the intentions of other governments, provide contacts of this state with other countries. These bodies conduct analysis of the multi-strategic situation on specific issues. The representative function is implemented by influencing public opinion and political circles of certain countries in order to create favorable conditions for solving foreign policy problems. The successful implementation of this function reduces the possibility of erroneous decisions in foreign policy, mitigates the negative consequences of dysfunctional factors. The information and representation function is implemented within the framework of cultural and scientific exchanges, the activities of cultural centers of foreign states.

The negotiating and organizing function consists in organizing and using contacts at the external level through diplomatic channels.

All functions have a universal character, although their manifestation depends on many specific historical factors (the development of society, its relations with the world, the nature of political and state power). Universality arises due to the fact that all subsystems of foreign policy are closely interconnected, and no single function can satisfy the needs of the state to a sufficient extent.

Foreign policy is designed to regulate the relationship between states and peoples, the course of a state, its representatives in the international arena, aimed at achieving national-state interests.

interstate politics national mentality

Politics is a purposeful activity of the state in solving social problems, setting and implementing generally significant goals for the development of society or its individual areas. At the same time, politics is also a means that allows the state to achieve certain goals in a particular area.

There are many classifications of politics. According to the criterion of orientation, they distinguish, as you know, internal

early and external politics. Domestic policy is connected with the solution of problems within the country, and foreign policy - in the international arena. Depending on which sphere of public life is affected, the following are distinguished: directions of domestic policy: eco-comic, social, state-legal, cultural. Sometimes cultural policy is considered as a component of social policy. Each of the directions of domestic policy is divided, in turn, according to sectoral characteristics. So, economic policy includes industrial, agricultural, tax, monetary and other policies.

Social politics represented by health policy, demographic, national, youth policy, etc. public policy are legislative, administrative, judicial, personnel, legal policy. cultural policy- this is a policy in the field of education, cinema, theater, etc. According to the completeness of coverage and impact on society, such types of policies are distinguished as scientific and technical, ecological, informational. They permeate all spheres of public life and therefore do not belong to any of them. Policy directions have their own structure and objects of influence. For example, agricultural policy includes the following elements: agricultural policy, agro-industrial policy, foreign agricultural policy. The objects of agrarian policy are agro-industrial associations, farms, etc.

Foreign policy also has directions: defense, foreign (between individuals and legal entities of different states), foreign economic, etc.

Structural detailing of state policy makes it possible to more purposefully implement programs and projects in a particular area.

According to the criterion of longevity, strategic and tactical (current) policy. The strategic policy for the time interval is long-term (10-15 years), medium-term (3-5 years) and short-term (1.5-2 years). Tactical policy is an activity aimed at the implementation of the planned strategic goals.

In the modern world, an external factor - international politics - has a great influence on domestic politics.

The process of development of public policy includes four main stages, representing a kind of political cycle: the definition of social problems and policy goals; development (formation) of policy; implement-

The development of public policy; evaluation of the results of public policy.

At the first stage socially significant problems and their causes are identified. For example, the deterioration of the demographic situation in Russia is associated with two factors: low birth rate and high mortality, which, in turn, depend on other factors (remember the facts you know). To develop a policy in this area, it is necessary to understand the main reasons for this situation: the inefficiency of domestic health care, poverty, unsatisfactory ecology, the growth of alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.

Second phase. Based on the analysis, goals (tasks) are determined. Thus, in the given example of the demographic situation, policy objectives are aimed at eliminating these causes. A hierarchy of goals is built in each of the areas of public life. State institutions play a certain role in this process. For example, the general strategy of foreign and domestic policy is determined by the President of the Russian Federation. He also sets common goals for the federal executive authorities, which is reflected in his annual Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on the situation in the country and the main directions of the state's domestic and foreign policy. The Government of the Russian Federation determines general specific goals, as well as the strategy of state policy in certain areas. The main document of the Government is the medium-term program of social and economic development of the Russian Federation. Parliament also takes part in the formation of policy by discussing topical issues, in the course of adopting the budget, legislative acts related to certain areas of state policy. The complexity of social problems leads to the fact that when developing policies, public authorities (political leaders) resort to the help of not only professional officials (experts, analysts, speech writers, etc.), but also special research organizations - "think tanks" aimed at development of new ideas, approaches or programs.

Third stage. With the adoption of government programs, the policy development phase ends and the implementation phase begins. Here, the executive authorities, primarily ministries, services and agencies, come to the fore. Their work is coordinated by the Government of the Russian Federation and the President of the Russian Federation. Federal ministries adopt by-laws (directives, orders, orders, etc.). Federal services exercise control and supervision over their execution. They are also responsible for issuing permits.

Niy (licenses) for the implementation of certain types of activities for legal entities and citizens, register acts, documents. Federal agencies exercise the powers of owners in relation to state property, provide services to other federal bodies (for example, in the development of standards), legal entities, and citizens. The provision of quality services to the population is one of the urgent problems of public administration in all countries, including Russia. The main thing in the provision of services is continuous service and speed of response to the needs of the population. Failures in the work of transport, criminal police, housing and communal services, etc. are unacceptable. Currently, many states are guided in their work by the list of basic services adopted in the EU countries. It provides, for example, for citizens payments from the social insurance fund (student scholarships, family benefits, etc.), actions in response to applications for assistance (in particular, theft, carjacking), issuance of documents (passports, driver's licenses), registration of acts of civil status. Public services for businesses include the registration of new companies, etc.

In general, the policy implementation stage is a system of activities focused on the final result, which is reflected in the work plans of the ministries. In them, a program of action is thought out in advance for the implementation of the tasks set: the goals of the activity, the main performers, performance standards (terms of reference), resource allocation, standards and criteria for performance results. When implementing plans, various methods are used, primarily legal ones. Socio-psychological methods (persuasion, agreements) and administrative methods (control, restrictions, quotas) are also widely used. Economic (taxes, tariffs, subsidies) and organizational methods have acquired great importance. For example, to identify suppliers of goods or performers of work and services, open tenders are held to help improve government orders.

At the fourth stage the results and consequences of state policy are analyzed. The final assessment of the current policy (program), the work of state bodies is given. Thus, the activities of the UK ministries are evaluated on the basis of a single methodology in the following areas: efficiency, effectiveness and economy. In the United States, it is recommended to evaluate the work of the city administration in terms of such indicators as the achievement of planned goals, unplanned effects, the volume of services, the time it takes to complete the work, and the degree of satisfaction of the population.

It should be noted that various interest groups, including lobbying groups, whose activities will be disclosed in the following paragraphs, have a great influence on public policy.

FOREIGN POLICY - the activities of the state in the international arena,

regulating relations with other subjects of foreign policy

activities: states, foreign parties and other public

organizations, world and regional international organizations.

V.p. relies on economic, demographic, military, scientific and

technical and cultural potential of the state; combination of the latter

determines the possibilities of V.p. activities of the state on certain

directions, the hierarchy of priorities in the formulation and implementation of V.p. goals.

The form of traditional implementation of V.p. is to establish

diplomatic relations (or reduction of their level, suspension, break and

even a declaration of war when relations with former partners are aggravated) between

states; opening of representative offices of the state at world and

regional international organizations or state membership in them;

Domestic policy - a set of areas of activity of the state, its structures and institutions for the organizational, concrete and meaningful expression of the interests of the people in order to create conditions for a normal human life; maintaining or reforming the existing social and state system.

Domestic policy is based on real human interests, fundamental constitutional principles:

▪ the exercise of human rights and freedoms must not violate the rights and freedoms of other persons;

▪ human and civil rights and freedoms are directly applicable;

▪ everyone is equal before the law and court;

▪ The state guarantees equality of human and civil rights and freedoms regardless of gender, race, nationality, language, origin, property and official status, place of residence, attitude to religion, beliefs, membership in public associations, and other circumstances;

▪ the dignity of the individual is protected by the state;

▪ Citizens have the right to participate in the management of state affairs both directly and through their representatives;

▪ to elect and be elected to bodies of state power and local self-government, to participate in a referendum, etc.

18. Constitutional and legal regulation of religious relations and the status of churches.

In the conditions of democratic regimes, constitutions proclaim ideological pluralism, freedom of belief and expression of one's opinions (Germany, Italy, Canada, Japan, etc.). In accordance with the International Covenants on Human Rights, the law prohibits only calls for violence, terror, racial and national hatred. Some prohibitions are related to the moral values ​​of society (for example, the restriction or complete prohibition of pornographic publications in a number of countries), with the need to protect the health of the population (for example, the prohibition or restriction of the promotion of alcohol or tobacco products).

There is an officially recognized ideology in a group of countries (for example, rukunegaru in Malaysia, pancha power in Indonesia), but it is not enforced and evading it does not attract punishment. However, significant advantages are being created for its propaganda. The same can be said about Islam, the ideas of "Arab socialism", the Caliphate in a number of Muslim countries. For non-believers, these views are not obligatory, but for Muslims they are part of the Sharia, and in those countries where the canons of Islam are most zealously observed, the expression of other views can even lead to punishment, including by a special morality police (mutawa) .

Finally, in countries with totalitarian political systems, there is, as already mentioned, a de facto or even formally obligatory ideology. Speeches criticizing Marxism-Leninism, Maoism (in China), the Juche idea, the works of Kim Il Sung in North Korea, etc. brought punishment.

The activity of the state is carried out in two directions. The first is internal social relations, which are called internal politics. Second, these are relations outside the borders of the state - foreign policy. Both of these areas are focused on one task - to strengthen and strengthen the system of social relations in the state. Foreign policy has its own specifics. Its formation occurs later, and it is realized in other conditions. The foreign policy of the state is engaged in the regulation of relations with other countries and peoples, ensuring the fulfillment of their needs and the observance of interests in the international sphere.

Main Directions of Foreign Policy

There are several important directions in the policy of any state. The first is the security of the country. This direction is considered one of the main ones, since without its implementation, politics outside the country cannot exist. The second is the growth of the state in the areas of economy, politics and defense. Thanks to foreign policy, it is possible to increase the potential of the country. The next goal is to establish and strengthen the positions of the state, its international relations and ties. In order for the prestige of the state to be at a high level, the first two directions must be fulfilled.

Foreign policy: functions

There are three priority functions that a policy outside the country should perform: security, representative and informational, and negotiating and organizing. The security function implies the protection of the rights of citizens, their interests outside the country, the prevention of possible threats to the state and its borders. The essence of the representative and informational function lies in the representation of the country in the international sphere through its representatives, which express the interests of the state. The organization and use of contacts through diplomatic channels at the external levels are the tasks of the negotiation and organizing function.

Foreign policy and its means

The main political means are considered to be: informational; political; economic; military. With the help of the economic potential of the state, there is an impact on the policies of other countries. Military equipment, new weapons developments, exercises and maneuvers clearly show how great the potential of the state is. Well-established diplomatic relations are one of the necessary tools that foreign policy should have.

State functions

Depending on the political orientation, two functions of the state are distinguished. External - aimed at activities outside the country. Domestic - represents activities within the country. These two functions are interconnected, since foreign policy often depends on the internal factors under which the state functions. External functions include such areas as the integration of the world economy, national defense, foreign economic partnership, interaction and cooperation with other countries in solving environmental, demographic and other global problems of the modern world.
