What does it mean when you dream about the person you love. What is the dream of a loved one in a French dream book

Dreams are different for dreams - and it is a mistake to believe that all night dreams are just a chaotic set of pictures, images and strange plots.

What if you dream of the same person, constantly, over and over again, from night to night? Or is it a dream of a person who secretly likes you, or maybe in a terrible dream someone without a head or without legs, a terrible ghost or a dead person? There are, in fact, not so many options for dreams with people:

  • You just dreamed of a certain person.
  • The dreaming person is telling you something.
  • Constantly see in dreams the same person.
  • Often a familiar person appears in a dream.
  • You are dreaming of the person you have liked for a long time, whom you often think about.
  • Beloved is dreaming.
  • A dead person appears in a dream.
  • Some scary person in a dream.
  • In a dream, I saw someone without a head, a dead headless ghost.
  • A cripple without legs or arms.
  • Seeing a drunk in a dream
  • To see a famous person, a celebrity.

In addition, we will consider not only the meanings of dreams, but also the days of the week, which should also be taken into account to decipher such dreams.

To dream with a person on Monday, from Monday to Tuesday, from Friday to Saturday, from Tuesday to Wednesday, or from Saturday to Sunday, from Thursday to Friday, from Wednesday to Thursday, and also from Sunday to Monday - there is a difference. This should be taken into account when interpreting sleep.

Who is dreaming?

As the dream book indicates, a person in a dream is often a symbol of the dreamer himself, his projection. If this person has nothing to do with your thoughts or experiences, it is likely that this is just an indication of your lifestyle, habits, character and behavior.

Thus, in addition to interpreting sleep according to the interpreter, this must also be taken into account. Often in this way we get the opportunity to look from the outside, in an allegorical form, at ourselves.

1. To see in dreams just a person who is not familiar and does not cause special emotions - it means that you should carefully remember him - what he was like. This is exactly the case mentioned above. This person is a reflection of your lifestyle, mistakes or omissions.

2. If the person you saw in your dreams told you something, then the universe is literally and straightforwardly sending you a message. What he said is of great importance, it is worth remembering at least some of these words and analyzing them.

Perhaps the text that you heard in your dreams is not to your liking or is incomprehensible. Perhaps this is a well-known text from literature, or maybe a collection of nonsense - but analyze and think about it.

3. A frequent question of dreamers - why is the same person dreaming, what does this mean? This strangeness happens not only with you, do not be alarmed. Most often, such a phenomenon only means that you have been walking in circles for a long time and persistently, you are fixated on the same constant worries and deeds.

A person in this case is a reflection of yourself, and when he appears again and again in dreams, often and invariably, and on Monday, Sunday, and from Thursday to Friday, then it's time to seriously think about what you can change, how to get out of the circle.

4. It is curious what a familiar person is dreaming of - especially one who comes into dreams often and for a long time, on any days of the week - from Sunday to Monday, or from Tuesday to Wednesday, or from Friday to Saturday, and so on down the list.

This indicates your inner astral connection with this acquaintance - it is very strong, and such a dream hints at this.

5. According to the dream book, a young man who the dreamer likes visits her dreams for good reason. If a young lady tirelessly thinks and dreams about him, he does not get out of his head, you should not look for interpretation - such a dream is just a continuation of thoughts, and no more.

But sometimes a dream in which a beloved face flashes can promise a pleasant meeting with someone who secretly likes. It also depends on the day - pay attention, there was a dream on Thursday, Monday, Tuesday or Saturday, this can change everything. Perhaps this person is thinking about you?

6. And if you dream of a loved one who is not just secretly liked, but whom you love, or with whom you are together, this more often only indicates thoughts about him, and does not promise anything concrete.

Seeing such a dream is not uncommon, so the question of why a loved one is dreaming has a simple answer - he simply firmly settled in your thoughts and will not leave your head.

7. A dead person can seriously scare in dreams. Dead or ghost - oddly enough - a wonderful sign, and it promises happiness.

8. Very scary, dead or mutilated, covered in blood or scarred from head to toe, the monster only indicates your fears and anxieties. What scares you in reality, what you cannot get out of your own head, what are you afraid of?

9. Dead without a head - as the dreamer thinks after such a terrible dream - a bad sign. However, it only indicates your confusion and lack of constructive ideas. Literally - the need to "connect the head."

10. And a dreaming person without legs or arms is such a special dream. If you dreamed of someone without legs, it is obvious that in reality someone is in dire need of your support. Also, a person without legs may indicate your ability, but unwillingness to help people. Think.

11. Sometimes you think why a drunk person is dreaming - a bright, but incomprehensible sign. Such a dream is a warning, you can commit unreasonable and rash acts. You probably like freedom and are brave, but be prudent.

12. A famous person is an ambiguous symbol. A well-known and famous person may indicate your desire for fame and a luxurious life, or it may hint that you lack new adventures and acquaintances.

If you dream of a famous man that you often think about, for example, an idol, then this, obviously, is just a continuation of vivid fantasies about him.

When I dreamed: the meaning of the days of the week

Having received the interpretation of your dreams, it is also worth considering the days of the week. After all, dreams from Monday to Tuesday can have one color, and from Tuesday to Wednesday - another.

1. Monday is considered a hard day. Monday's planet is the Moon, and dreams from Sunday to Monday are associated with the dreamer's emotional sphere. If a person has dreamed of you from Sunday to Monday morning, keep this in mind. Probably your feelings play a role here.

2. From Monday to Tuesday, dreams are strong. Tuesday is the day of Mars, big things happen on Tuesday. And visions from Monday to Tuesday are associated with the aspirations and desires of the dreamer.

Perhaps you dreamed of a person on Tuesday morning whom you want to see, or other aspirations are associated with him.

3. From Tuesday to Wednesday, less significant dreams are more often dreamed and rarely even remembered. But if you dreamed of a person on the night of Tuesday, you just need to take into account the interpretation of the dream book in its purest form, without changes.

4. Thursday is a special day, ruled by Jupiter. On Thursday there are always such dreams that are destined to come true! On Thursday they portend vigorous activity, achievement of goals, results.

If a person came into dreams from Wednesday to Thursday, then the interpretation should be taken seriously, and the advice of the interpreter should also be taken responsibly. The meaning of Thursday's dreams can be strengthened, and you know that the interpreter's prediction will come true in the near future.

5. It is believed that dreams from Thursday to Friday are prophetic. It is on Thursday, going to bed, that many young ladies expect to see their future in dreams. This is not unreasonable - dreams from Thursday to Friday are bright, sensual, they obey Venus.

And if on Thursday night you dreamed of a person, this is often associated with the love sphere. And it reflects either your dreams and desires, or predicts the future in this particular area.

Much can be expected from Thursday and its dreams, and the interpretation of the dream can be turned upside down, giving it a different meaning - associated with the amorous sphere.

6. From Friday to Saturday, dreams are important. If you dreamed of a person on Saturday, this dream is either advice, or a warning, or a strict indication. You should think about your own behavior, find instructions for action in the interpretation.

7. From Saturday to Sunday, sunny dreams, it is to this planet that they obey. They show the good - and any interpretation, even a negative one, can be safely "redrawn" into a positive one. Whatever is seen with a person in dreams, it is certainly for good, and the outcome will be happy.

"Human" dreams are difficult to interpret, but you should definitely decipher them - they are very important. Try to compare all the facts of the dream, analyze the interpreter's answer and the day of the week - and you can get valuable advice or an answer to your dream.

And this will certainly help you avoid mistakes in reality and be happier! Author: Vasilina Serova

Why is a person dreaming

Family dream book

Person - If you dream of a person and you don’t know whether it is a man or a woman, then in reality you will have to change jobs and find yourself in a new team in which you will not be at home. If the person you are dreaming of stands on some kind of elevation, this means that changes are coming in your life that can drastically change it for the better, although it will not be too soon. A dream in which you see an evil person promises you and your loved ones grief.

Why is a person dreaming

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

A vile person is an unexpected necessary acquaintance.

Why is a person dreaming

Spring dream book

To see yourself bandaged - to the use of a cunning move.

A bare-bellied man - to a bored boss, from whom you will ask for something, but you won’t get it.

Barefooted man - to clarify the relationship.

Naked man - to the disease.

Seeing a big-headed person is a replacement for the boss.

To see a world-famous person next to you - to rumors.

Seeing a freckled person in a dream is a minor problem.

To see a lot of talking person in a dream - to an event from which you will literally lose the power of speech; to extraordinary shock.

Seeing a muzzy person is an insult to feelings.

To see a one-fingered, that is, a person who has only one finger on his hand - to lonely old age; you will have to outlive all the children and relatives.

To see an exhausted person in a dream - to learn about someone's emotional experiences; to sympathy.

Seeing a skinny one is a loss of money.

To see a scratched person in a dream is a petty offense in front of the family.

Seeing a stocky person in a dream means that you will have to compete with a big stubborn one.

Seeing yourself in a dream hairless - to ruin; to see hairless children - to shame; to see your mother hairless - to death.

Seeing a person without a tongue - to patience from their children; to see yourself without language - to songs, to a feast.

Red-bearded - to a merry fellow, to a good friend.

Seeing a stooped person is a matter of concern, litigation.

Seeing a cross-eyed person in a dream - to the notification of facts, to fictitious rumors but about your views and norms of your life. Be afraid of the slander.

Shaggy man - to the mess in the house.

If you see a frail person - this is to the ill health and weakness of the child.

Shcherbaty - dreams of a brazen lie.

Black-browed person - you will really like one person, you will think about him and look for casual meetings, but this person is married.

Black-haired - an unpleasant type will ruin your mood.

Black-eyed man - suspiciousness will arise.

Dark-haired - a dark-skinned man dreams of mistrust and surveillance of someone.

Seeing a long-armed man in a dream - to robbery, extortion; maybe someone is getting close to your good.

Long-nosed - you will interfere in your own business and get hit on the nose.

A long-legged man - to a long and long journey.

Blond - to the alarm.

Man in black - to death, if not the body, then the soul

Lipped - you will meet a liar and a freeloader.

Seeing a tiny man in a dream - to a fire, flood, in general, to a natural disaster, before which you are confused and cannot do anything.

A broad-shouldered person - you will gain power and gradually cope with all the troubles.

Why is a person dreaming

Summer dream book

Seeing a person bandaged from head to toe is an accident.

A naked man - dreams of shame.

If you dream of a bare-footed person in a dream - this is to poverty or to buying shoes.

To see a famous person next to you in a dream - to the manifestation of one's abilities in some business.

Seeing someone thoughtful in a dream is sad.

Seeing in a dream how someone is naughty is a disease.

Seeing a freckled man in a dream is fun.

Seeing a man with long arms in a dream means that someone loves you very much and is drawn to you.

To dream of a person with a very long nose - get ready for plastic surgery.

A long-legged person - perhaps she will participate in a beauty contest.

Seeing a chatty person in a dream is a stressful state.

Seeing a muzzled man in a dream is an unpleasant meeting.

To see a one-fingered person in a dream is to mutilate.

To dream of an extremely emaciated child is a long-term and untreatable disease.

To see a skinny person in a dream is a deception.

Seeing a heavily scratched person in a dream means getting even stronger wounds in reality.

Stocky person - you have problems with your figure.

Red-bearded man - to the catch from the one you think badly.

A stooped person - a person without conscience and honor will seek an approach to you for his own benefit.

Cross-eyed man - everything is not presented to you like that; they tell a lie.

A sickly person - to lack of money.

Chipped man - an inveterate villain will be near you.

Black-browed man - someone will mock you.

Black-haired man - it’s not enough to say that you will have a loss, you will give everything with your own hands.

Black-eyed man - to a love pastime.

If a dark-haired man is dreaming, you will experience humiliation from an unfamiliar person.

If in a dream you see yourself very beautiful, with blond hair, this is a disease.

Seeing a man in black - get power and wealth without happiness.

If you dream of a man who is mouthy to the point of trouble, you will never accept the courtship of a gentleman who is being imposed on you.

To see a tiny man in a dream is a big victory.

Broad-shouldered man - do not dismiss your friend, you will need him soon.

Why is a person dreaming

Autumn dream book

Seeing a bandaged person in a dream is a skirmish with the victims.

A naked man - dreams to shame.

A broad-shouldered person - you are naive, times have changed, do not wait for help, rely on your own strength.

If you dream of a bare-footed person, you will have to buy shoes.

To see a world-famous person next to you in a dream is snobbery.

Seeing someone thoughtful in a dream - in reality you often think about the meaning of life.

To see a freckled man in a dream is fortunately.

To see and listen to such a person in a dream - they try to say a lot of nasty things about you, but nothing will stick to you.

Seeing a long-armed man in a dream - someone's hands are reaching out to your good.

To dream of a man with a very long nose - a curious person is spinning next to you, who wants to know everything about you.

To see such a person in a dream is a scandal.

Seeing a one-fingered person in a dream - no one will tell you.

Seeing an extremely emaciated person in a dream - to dystrophy.

Seeing a skinny person in a dream is a loss of authority.

A scratched person - dreams of some changes for the worse in your life.

Stocky man - dreams of trouble.

Red-bearded man - meet an extremely interesting person.

Stooped - dreams of hard work.

Seeing a cross-eyed person in a dream - you are misunderstood.

Frail - to a surge of strength.

A black-bearded man - to patronage, the help of a strong man.

Seeing a black-haired man in a dream - to a headache, to pressure.

Black-eyed man - a new profitable acquaintance will take place.

Dark-haired man - to the falseness and hypocrisy that you will soon encounter.

If you dream of a blond trying to beautifully look after you, this is a deception.

A man in black - dreams of a difficult, hopeless life.

If you dream of a big-mouthed person, you will live with an unloved person.

Seeing a tiny man in a dream is a big problem.

Why is a person dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

A deaf person is a nuisance; to be yourself is a disease.

Red-bearded - make a useful acquaintance.

Why is a person dreaming

Modern dream book

Seeing a believer in a dream means that you should be less indulgent to your weaknesses and be stricter with yourself, otherwise you will make an irreparable mistake.

Seeing in a dream how a believer prays - your prudence will finally be rewarded according to your deserts, success awaits you.

A dream in which one of your loved ones became a believer portends harmony in the family and a selfless attitude towards you loved ones.

If you often dream of some strangers, this means that you are taking care of yourself too much and you need to look for society and friends.

Seeing a beautiful person in a dream or talking to him means that you will experience great pleasure; to see a terrible person - to some shocks, cheerful - to worries and troubles.

If the person you dreamed about is sad, sad, you will plunge into other people's worries.

Why is a person dreaming

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

A certain person, a strange person - a fright.

To see a hairy man is your pursuer / involution, degeneration of your soul.

A person with an unnatural skin color is a conspiracy against you / some kind of lie or flattery.

To meet a two-headed person is your dual position, the absence of a single line in behavior and spiritual life.

Why is a person dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Lucky Omens

To meet - a crazy person (fool) - fortunately, good.

Why is a person dreaming

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

A man in white, black clothes - To his death (possibly illness). If a person is unfamiliar, then this may be a vision of a saint, an angel, an unclean one, death.

Why is a person dreaming

Old Russian dream book

To see a man in a dream - Having a pleasant appearance, for a woman portends joy, pleasure and health, and for a man such a dream marks annoyance and futile effort about some business.

Why is a person dreaming

Dream interpretation of catchphrases

MAN - personality - "dark (bad, secretive) personality"; "doll" - heavily made-up, stupid woman. "The man or woman of my dreams" is the ideal man or woman. Derivative words: masculinity, femininity. See add. "an ideal man or woman" (in mythological terms).

Why is a person dreaming

Italian dream book Meneghetti

Indicates a typology that specifies and succinctly represents the way of life and behavior of the subject. One of the projections of the dreamer's lifestyle.

Why is a person dreaming

Dream interpretation for women

If you dream of a person and you don’t know whether it is a man or a woman, then in reality you will have to change jobs and find yourself in a new team in which you will not be at home.

If the person you are dreaming of stands on some kind of elevation, this means that changes are coming in your life that can drastically change it for the better, although it will not be too soon. A dream in which you see an evil person promises you and your loved ones grief.

Why is a person dreaming

Dream Interpretation of the Pechora Healer

A naked person - to illness (rarely - to death). It's bad to undress in a dream.

If you call a person, but he does not hear, you search, and you do not find - to his death.

A man in white, black clothes - to his death (possibly illness).

If a person is unfamiliar, this may be a vision of a saint, an angel, an unclean person, death.

Why is a person dreaming

Idiomatic dream book

To see a person in a dream - Personality - "a dark (bad, secretive) personality"; "doll" - heavily made-up, stupid woman. "the man or woman of my dreams" is the ideal man or woman. Derivative words: masculinity, femininity. See add. “an ideal man or woman” (in mythology. Sl.), this is how what you dream about in a dream is deciphered.

Why is a person dreaming

Dream interpretation for the whole family

If you dream of a person and you don’t know if it’s a man or a woman, in reality you will have to change jobs and find yourself in a new team in which you will not be at home.

If the person you are dreaming of is standing on some kind of elevation, this means that changes are coming in your life that can drastically change it for the better, although it will not be too soon.

A dream in which you see an evil person promises you and your loved ones grief.

Why is a person dreaming

Dream interpretation horoscope

A tall man - do not relax, otherwise you will miss something important.

Red-haired man - in your environment there is a harmful adventurer who seeks to interfere with his plans.

Man behind - betrayal

Why is a person dreaming

Online dream book

A person who is not familiar to you is a hint that you are striving to attract new people to yourself, since the breadth of your social circle is a measure of success for you. More interpretations According to the dream book, an abnormally tall person warns that some of your qualities have been manifesting themselves too much lately and dominate the rest, which can make your life more difficult. If our dream book turned out to be useful for you, then add it to your browser, so that it is always at your fingertips. Already used by more than 450 users!© Author-compiler: Alexey Krivenkiy. Photo: depositphotos.com

Why is a person dreaming

Universal dream book

If in a dream you see a lonely person and envy him, want to be in his place - this means that thoughts or experience of living alone are pleasant to you. If what you see doesn't make you feel irritated or afraid, then the idea of ​​a single life doesn't appeal to you.

What is a lonely person dreaming about? If this is a person of age, with an established character, in whose life there is no place for someone else, it means that you are afraid of close relationships or consciously prefer loneliness.

If this is a person who has many partners, who breaks hearts and builds relationships with one person or another, then close relationships are not a problem for you, but perhaps their obligations scare you.

If you are an elderly person and you dream that you are a bachelor or not married - perhaps this is a memory of those times when you could do whatever you want. Perhaps you would like to become free and independent again.

Why is a person dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Symbols

People (man, woman, crowd, queue ...). A man or a woman as a whole in a dream represents one or another feeling, sensation, deed, event, type of relationship or character trait (the dreamer himself). Attitude towards them is often determined by the stereotype of habitual emotional reactions, which can mean relationships with strangers or friends, girlfriends (in reality). The accumulation of people, the crowd - is a sign of spontaneity, community (public opinion), the strength of the event, the loss of individuality. And a long queue, for example, in a store will refer to delay, waiting, trouble and reality. An unfamiliar woman, depending on how she looks and what age, for a man means the course of his affairs, some undertaking, success or failure. A man for a sleeper indicates the type of influence. A man in a woman's dream, depending on appearance and age, respectively shows expectation, hope, help, good luck or trouble. A woman in a sleeping dream is more related to the problems of jealousy, rivalry, maternal urges.

Nowadays, great attention is paid to the sciences that study dreams, since dreams are a rather complex process, and so far science is only trying to explain the reasons for their appearance.

When a person sleeps, he can watch dreams. A dream is a small film based on images that arise in the mind. Sometimes it carries some fragments from life that he remembers well. But often a dream is incomprehensible to a person, so he turns to many to explain what the appearance of certain objects or personalities in a dream can mean. If a person dreams, then this can mean a lot. There are many different conjectures and hypotheses about the appearance of a person in a dream. So let's look at some of them.

In numerous dream books, assumptions about the appearance of a person in dreams are very contradictory. Some predictors believe that if it means absolutely nothing to you. And if he appears in your dream many times in a row, then you should think about why he is so riveted to your subconscious. Some dream books believe that the appearance of the same person in several dreams indicates that you either hold a grudge against him and cannot forgive, or you still have feelings for him and you cannot part with them.

There is one very popular version, which is based on the fact that a person dreamed of the hero of the film. Everything is absolutely clear here and you should not think too much. While watching the film, each person develops an experience for this character on a subconscious level, and if something does not work out or does not work out for this character in the film, then you remember those cases when something did not work out for you either. And if you can’t add it up in your mind, then your subconscious mind can do it.

Also no less interesting is the case when a man who was already dead dreamed. It is to this case that many experts and predictors are riveted, since the final answer to the question comes in a dream has not yet been given. But now there are several theories about this phenomenon. In some dream books they write that this is a sign that soon you will have sad news about relatives and that you need to be very careful. If a person dreams of lying in a coffin, then failures will haunt you. In addition, if in a dream you put coins on the eyes of the deceased, then you will suffer from the actions of enemies who will take advantage of your kindness. If a deceased person appears in a dream of a young woman, then this will be a harbinger of trouble because of her gullibility. There is also a theory that if a dead person is dreaming, then something is holding him on the ground and you need to visit his grave and put a candle for the rest of his soul.

Now let's just talk about those people who can appear in dreams and what their appearance means. If a person dreams that he has only one eye, then this means that someone is very jealous of you and vehemently gossips about your well-being. If it appears in a dream, then this is a sign that you will have good news, and you will be lucky in life. If a person dreams that he has no teeth, then this means that you should take care of your work, as you may lose it. If your enemy appears in a dream, then a short-term illness awaits you. If you defeat the enemy in a dream, then in reality nothing threatens you, since you will have enough opportunities to withstand all troubles.

Of course, predicting your future from dreams is interesting, but you should not trust them too much. Sometimes dreams are just a slicing of moments that you accidentally remembered, but did not give due attention to it.

Incredible Facts

You broke up a long time ago, breathed freely and continued to live, forgetting about the failed romance. Suddenly, one day you saw your ex-boyfriend, husband or wife in a dream.

Does this mean that you still have not experienced your breakup, or does such a dream have a deeper meaning?

Dreams about exes are, in fact, among the most common, and far more common than dreams about current partners. Moreover, they do not necessarily indicate that you are still interested in them. So why do the people you cut out of your life keep popping up in your subconscious?

There are several possible explanations for this phenomenon.

The ex-partner is usually some kind of your personality trait, or the quality and memory associated with this person. It can also be a symbol based on your honest memories and feelings for him or her.

But the former can also reflect bad habit or bad luck that you are experiencing at the moment, the return of some problem and a repetition of an unpleasant situation.

If you still have feelings for the former, the dream symbolizes the remaining attraction to this person. It can represent your desire or desire for something that is currently unattainable.

If you could not stand the ex, or he threatened your safety, the dream is bad choice, regret, or a negative experience that you can't get out of.

Example 1: The girl saw an ex-boyfriend in a dream. In her memory, he remained a man who had cheated on her in the past. In real life, she was faced with a situation where she was deceived by one of her friends.

Example 2: In a dream, the girl saw an ex-boyfriend and began to run away from home. In the present, she realized that her current boyfriend had many negative qualities that her ex-boyfriend had. She felt that she needed to try harder to find someone with a different personality.

Example 3: A woman in a dream saw herself entering the house of her ex-husband, and she was told that he wanted to marry another girl. In real life, she lost confidence in her current partner after repeated skirmishes and quarrels. The ex-husband in a dream became a reflection of the fact that she no longer felt love, a sense of security and devotion.

In general, the son of the former represent the qualities and emotions that you felt in the past. A typical dream about your ex doesn't necessarily mean you want to get back with your ex, but more about how you value yourself in your current relationship and romantic life.

What does the former mean in a dream

There are several psychological reasons why you may see ex-partners in your dreams.

1. You still have feelings for your ex.

Do not be afraid, because this is not necessarily about romantic feelings. Often such dreams mean that you want to put an end to the relationship. Perhaps you are feeling guilty or trying to work through your past relationships.

2. You worry about whether a new relationship will work out.

There is a good chance that dreams about an ex will appear when you start a new relationship with someone. You compare two partners to make sure that this time everything goes well. Your psyche is trying to figure out all the pros and cons of a new chosen one.

3. Sign of a bigger problem

In most cases, dreams are symbolic, not literal. Your feelings are directed towards recovering from what happened. Therefore, if you see a former in a dream, think about why the relationship did not work out, and what could have been done differently. When you understand everything, dreams will stop appearing.

4. You still have feelings for your ex

While there are many reasons unrelated to your feelings for your ex, this can also happen. You need to honestly admit to yourself whether you would like to return to your former partner, and how you will build relationships.

5. It's about you, not your ex.

Some experts believe that the ex represents a part of you. You may have given too much of yourself in a past relationship or neglected yourself. It can be difficult to analyze your own behavior while you were with your ex in order to make the necessary changes.

6. You are afraid of getting burned again.

Most people find it very difficult to get over a failed relationship because of the fear of repetition, especially if the breakup was painful. Sometimes a dream can even be a way to understand that new relationships are developing in the same way. You can still change the development of your new relationship in the wrong direction.

7. The former is you breaking up with yourself.

As you could understand, the former can symbolize many things. This may be one of the ways your psyche tells you that you are repressing some part of yourself and you need to sort yourself out.

In this case, reuniting with an ex will only exacerbate the problem. You need to build a relationship with yourself first before building a new relationship.

8. You try to forgive your ex after a breakup.

If the relationship ended painfully and you didn't have a chance to discuss everything, the dream is trying to create an opportunity for you to forgive your ex. If you want dreams to stop appearing, forgive the former in reality.

9. You miss living with your ex.

The dream book interprets dreams about the former as part of your past life that you lack. It may not be the person himself, but the house where you lived, the business you did, or the place you often visited.

10. You don't feel happy.

It can also be noted that the former in a dream is a symbol of the fact that something upsets you in reality in reality. There is something that you need to let go of in order to move on.

When the former dreamed in a dream

The fact that you see your ex in a dream can mean a lot of things. Pay attention to when you had a dream about a former lover, partner or spouse.

Sleep after a recent breakup

If the breakup with your ex happened recently, you may be very impressed after the end of the affair. You can think a lot about this person, and his appearance in a dream is not surprising. This does not mean that the partner is right for you, but simply indicates that he or she is occupying all your thoughts and you are trying to get used to the situation.

Dream about the former if you have a new relationship

If you had a dream about your ex after you got into a new relationship, your subconscious mind is trying to figure out if the new situation will be better or worse than the previous one. You ponder the positive and negative aspects of your relationship.

Dream about the former if you have been in a relationship for a long time

Dreaming about an ex-boyfriend or girlfriend when you are in a relationship can be confusing. What can he mean?

    you are in a happy relationship. If at the moment you are in a happy and harmonious relationship, then most likely you are trying to resolve some issues left over from past relationships. However, a vivid dream about the former may also indicate that you are not completely satisfied with the current relationship or there is some kind of sexual incompatibility.

    You are in an unsatisfactory relationship. This is a completely different situation and suggests that the current relationship does not satisfy you, and it seems to you that the former was more interesting and exciting. When you think about past relationships, you should consider why they didn't work out, as well as think about your current relationship and the reasons why you feel the way you do.

Seeing an ex-husband in a dream

An ex-husband is an important person in your life, so dreams about an ex-husband are very common. As a rule, they appear when we get to the point that forces us to look at our inner emotions.

Dreams about an ex-husband can symbolize that you are not completely happy in your current relationship. However, it is important to understand here that each dream includes many details on the basis of which you can judge your true feelings. When analyzing sleep, it is also important to know if you broke up peacefully and relatively calmly, or if the breakup was severe.

If you parted amicably, then the dream suggests that you are missing some of the components of your relationship with him, or that your current partner does not satisfy some of your needs.

Why is the ex-husband dreaming

    If you dreamed that you got pregnant from an ex-husband, you want more intimacy in a relationship.

    Dream that you returned to ex-husband, and relations have improved, suggests that an end has been put in your relationship.

    If the ex-husband wants to see you in a dream return, he may, in fact, look for you, and you will meet with him.

    Sex with ex-husband may hint at your impulsiveness, which is why you cannot build relationships with other people.

    Kiss with ex-husband says that you tend to hide your feelings. If an ex-husband kisses you, a romantic adventure or acquaintance awaits you. The dream promises the beginning of a new romance, but its fate is unknown.

    drunk husband in a dream warns of your frivolity. The dream suggests that you need to be more careful, otherwise your reputation may suffer.

    ex-husband's wedding promises changes in his personal life, and maybe even a resumption of relations with his ex-husband. In general, such a dream has a positive meaning.

    If in a dream you saw ex-husband with new wife, you may be in for an awkward situation. You need to think about your actions in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

    If the husband hugs you in your sleep, you lack love and intimacy in reality. If you hug your husband, then your ex-husband suffers from loneliness.

    See ex-husband young- you will have friendly relations with him.

    If you see how ex husband crying in a dream, this suggests that you can turn to him for help, and he will help you solve a problem or treat your question with understanding.

    Death of ex-husband in a dream says that the time has come to act and start a new relationship.

Dream about ex-wife

A dream about an ex-wife for a man can have a different meaning depending on what kind of behavior the ex-wife demonstrates. If she ignores you, passes by, this may mean that your feelings for her have cooled.

A love dream with an ex-wife, including hugs, kisses and a bed, suggests that your feelings for her have not yet completely disappeared. However, a dream can also mean that you may have a close relationship with a woman whom you have known for a long time, but did not have serious feelings for her.

Dreams about your ex-wife reflect your emotional state. It is important to know the details of sleep. If an ex-wife becomes your lover in a dream, this is a symbolic dream that reminds you that you need to pay attention to your emotions in real life.

As a rule, such dreams occur during periods of emotional difficulties in the current relationship.

Why is the ex-wife dreaming

    dream about cheating ex wife says that you need to move on and think carefully about what you want in life. A dream about an ex-wife often comes up to fill an emotional void you are experiencing. According to the eastern dream book, the betrayal of an ex-wife promises a meeting with an enemy that you do not suspect or consider your friend.

    If in a dream you having sex with your wife, you have to face a difficult decision at work or in another matter. Pleasantly satisfying sex can also just be the epitome of finally letting go of the past and ready to commit to a new relationship.

    Fight with ex-wife in a dream symbolizes your inner struggle. Even if everything seems calm in your life, the conflict may come from a family member or friend.

    When in a dream you see what you have child from ex-wife, we can say that in reality you will encounter problems that you can overcome.

    Dream about being a wife wants you back in a dream means that in reality you are faced with a difficult situation in a relationship or are not sexually satisfied.

    If a ex wife is pregnant, it promises a new beginning, a new project or ways in which you can express yourself. If the child is yours, you subconsciously want to return to the former. If the child is a stranger, then you have fully recognized that the relationship has come to an end. Such a dream can also represent your fears or disappointment of other people with you.

    See in a dream ex wife's wedding who marries another means to put an end to her relationship with her ex-wife and her family. You need to move on and start looking for a new life partner.

    Death ex-wife portends big changes in your life.

Dream about an ex-boyfriend, a man

Dream about an ex-boyfriend from the time early youth refers to a freer, less burdened relationship. Such a dream takes you back to a time when the responsibilities of adulthood or marriage did not interfere with the spontaneity of the novel.

You need the excitement, freedom, and vivacity that your current relationship lacks.

If your ex boyfriend ignores or offends you in a dream, then this suggests that you need to continue your life and stop thinking about your ex.

    If the former gives you advice about your current relationship, listen to the message that is given to you in a dream. In fact, it is your subconscious mind telling you not to repeat the mistakes you made with your ex. Your ex may be apologizing for his mistakes, which means you need to understand what you are looking for.

    If in a dream you see former in the store, this suggests that he returned to the ranks of bachelors and is in search of a new partner.

    Former gives you a massage. You need to loosen the defensive behavior that you have developed as a result of past relationships. You build walls or protection around you. You need to learn to trust people again.

    If the former gives you a soft toy you need a partner who can comfort you and take care of you. Also, such a dream may indicate that your past relationship was immature.

    If you dream that the former got to the hospital you still can't get over the breakup. There are unresolved issues that still torment you. However, if your ex is released from the hospital in a dream, it means that you have completely let go of the relationship. If you see a former doctor in a suit, you have come to terms with the end of your relationship and were able to recover from it.

    Dream that you left their current relationship with an ex, indicates that your current love can not be compared with your former partner.

    Dream that the ex is you kidnapped, says that he still emotionally holds you and has some kind of psychological influence on you.

    you and your ex caring for a sick child. This dream means that there is something that still keeps you and your ex together. Perhaps there are some unfinished business that you have not discussed. It is also possible that the dream resonates with your current situation, where you are stuck in some kind of problem with your current partner.

Dream about an ex-girlfriend or woman

The appearance of an ex-girlfriend can be interpreted in different ways depending on the emotions, events and symbols that occurred in a dream. In general, a dream about an ex-girlfriend represents the qualities and emotions that you experienced in the past.

When such dreams occur very often, our brain informs us of the need to return this person. Often such dreams are repeated when the relationship ended painfully and unpleasantly.

You may be angry or sad about a failed romance and try to work through these problems in your sleep. This often happens when two people break off relationships in an unadulterated way, trying to calmly talk to each other. As a result, all emotions are relegated to the background, and we return to normal life. To deal with emotions, our brain dreams about the person and situations that have not been resolved.

    Meeting with an ex-girlfriend in a dream promises a new acquaintance or a romantic relationship.

    Kiss ex-girlfriend in a dream - it's time to let go of the past. Your problems, which originate in the past, prevent you from acting.

    If you see an ex-girlfriend pregnant, there is a possibility that some irreconcilable differences will arise in a real relationship.

    Wedding an ex-girlfriend means that the past is forever behind, and you are ready to move forward.

    crying ex a girl can mean both trouble and surprise. You may not even expect other people to be willing to help you.

    If an ex-girlfriend wants to return in a dream, then this may reflect your real desire to return your beloved, as well as memories of past love that you cannot let go.

Dream boyfriend's ex-girlfriend

If you see in a dream an ex-girlfriend or wife of your partner, this indicates your self-doubt.

You compare yourself to her, you feel like a part of her, psychologically or physically, is still present in your relationship. The dream reminds you that you should not make the same mistakes that led to the end of the relationship.

Dream ex wants to come back

Dream that you returned to the former or he wants to return to you, does not always reflect the real situation. Such a dream may appear in response to major changes in your current relationship.

If you want an ex the guy is back, a dream reflects your real desire to return it. If you're single, it could mean that you miss your relationship and want to feel wanted.

When in a dream you really see how spend time with your ex, it reminds you of upcoming major changes in your current relationship. Your subconscious tells you to think about the past and try to understand the differences.

You can spend time with your ex in different ways: hugging, massaging, and even kissing, and as a rule, these all have the same meaning. The dream suggests that you need to relax and get rid of distrust in order to start dating again. Your mind is trying to heal by reminding you of the good times.

At the same time, the dream in which your ex misses you, wants you back and declares his love can mean that you miss certain things in your old relationship, but not the person himself.

Kissing an ex in a dream

What is the dream in which you kiss with the former in a dream? Interpretation may vary depending on the plot.

If you dreamed former lover, this may mean that you are not satisfied with your current partner in some way. There will probably be misunderstandings and quarrels with your current partner.

If the kiss happened between you and former friend, it promises pleasure, pleasant events or changes for the better.

Dream about kissing former lover warns that you need to avoid impulsive frivolous acts, otherwise they will lead to unpleasant consequences. You may also receive unexpected news from him.

It is worth paying attention to how the kiss was. If you were kissed On the lips you still miss past relationships. Kiss on the forehead talks about the remaining resentment, and kiss on the cheek hints that the former lover does not hold a grudge. A passionate kiss can indicate both the resumption of relations, and problems in an intimate way.

How did you feel after the kiss? This matters too. If the kiss caused you depressed mood, deep down you want to make peace. A good mood after a kiss, it hints that for you this romance has forever remained in the past.

Former naked in a dream

Seeing a naked ex in a dream does not always make erotic meaning. Often, such a dream is only a reminder of the past and promises a meeting with a person who has not appeared in your life for a long time.

According to Freud's dream book, a dream about your ex appearing naked in front of you speaks of your dissatisfaction, or a lack of intimacy in a relationship.

If we interpret such a dream according to Miller's dream book, then the nudity of the former indicates strained relations. It may be difficult for you to relax, to be yourself in the presence of a partner.

Also, a naked ex in a dream can threaten you. tarnished reputation. Be careful that your past wrongdoings do not come to the surface.

It is important in what context you saw your ex-lover naked.

    If you saw your ex naked on the street or in a public place, unexpected financial difficulties may await you.

    Seeing your ex naked in the shower in a dream promises attention from the opposite sex.

    View of the former naked on the beach indicates your jealousy.

    Dead a naked ex may mean that you are waiting for litigation.

    Former naked lover who crying, promises you wealth and good mood.

    If you see your ex naked and injured or sick, you need to pay attention to the state of your health and not expose yourself to unnecessary risks.

Former drunk in a dream

A dream about a drunken ex-lover can be a warning that unpleasant events, collisions, and misunderstanding with others await you.

This is especially true of dreams where a drunken ex behaved inappropriate, aggressive, got into a fight or swore. In this case, you will have to solve problems in relationships with loved ones.

At the same time, if you saw a drunken ex-spouse or boyfriend tipsy and high spirits, we can say that you can easily cope with any difficulties that arise.

    If the former swearing in a dream, you are waiting for family proceedings or quarrels.

    Former fell asleep drunk- there is a chill in your current relationship.

    Wants to kiss you drunk - you will meet with an unpleasant person.

    Former fighting in a dream Get ready to be disappointed by your current partner.

    If the former drunk and shedding tears perhaps he is looking for your support, waiting for your help in connection with the situation in which he has fallen.

The former looks into the eyes in a dream

There are several interpretations that your ex looks into your eyes in a dream. The most common explanation for the look is deception or temptation. However, it is worth considering the circumstances under which you see your ex.

According to one version, the look of an ex-boyfriend may be a harbinger of trouble that is associated with your past.

According to another interpretation, if you make eye contact with the former, a temptation awaits you that it will be difficult for you to resist.

In case you look away, we can say that you feel guilty and are not ready to forgive your ex-lover. If your chosen one looks away, the chances of returning your relationship are very small.

If you dream about looking into your eyes ex girlfriend, she wants to resume the affair and is looking for meetings with you.

Dream about the former on the other

Note all the feelings you had while meeting your ex with a new girlfriend or ex with a new boyfriend. For example, an ex might get married or just start dating. The experiences you have reflect your true feelings for him/her.

If there was a conflict between you and your ex with a new lover, you are not yet ready to move on.

Pay attention to this dream if you yourself are going to get married or get married. In this case, the dream represents yourself and how ready you are to let go of past memories and start a new life. Perhaps distrust and jealousy interfere with you in this matter.

By Miller's dream book a dream about an ex with another suggests that you are unhappy with yourself or your personal life. By getting rid of excessive gullibility, you can build new relationships.

By interpretation of Freud, such a dream can promise a quarrel with a partner if you are in a relationship. You need to trust your new lover and stop comparing him to your ex.

Version Wangi's dream book interprets this dream as a desire to find his true love.

Kissing an ex with another has a positive value. You will either renew an old relationship, or an unexpected and pleasant acquaintance awaits you.

Ex dies in my sleep

Dreams of death can be frightening, especially if they involve people you know very well. However, do not worry, as such dreams symbolize your willingness to let go of the past and open yourself to new love.

Depending on your current situation in your personal life, dreaming about a dead ex means just the opposite.

    If you happy in new relationship, dreaming that the former has died means that you have completely let go of the past.

    If you unhappy, a dream means that you want to return to happier times. Death as a whole symbolizes the complete end.

    Dreaming about the death of an ex suggests that your feelings for him or her have completely died. The dream is a figurative representation of how you let go of the past and are ready to move on, dedicating yourself to a new relationship.

    If you see former in the coffin, the period of difficulties will soon end, and you will start life in a new way.

    Unexpected strange death the former warns that you have to make difficult choices that will affect your future.

    If you dream of death deceased ex-husband or loved one, this marks the resolution of an internal conflict, relief after a difficult period.

Dream interpretation: former

ex proposes

If the ex gives you ring or propose, such a dream hints that the relationship with the former partner allowed you to feel whole and satisfied.

Sleep marks the end and the beginning of a new stage in life. You are ready to finally leave your ex in the past. The fact that he proposes and you have the choice to say "yes" or "no" indicates that the power is on your side.

Your ex is cheating on you in your sleep

Dreams of betrayal by past partners symbolize a lack of trust and security in past and present relationships. Perhaps you suspect your real partner of cheating, and the dream strengthens your conviction. However, the fact that the former is the cheater in a dream suggests that deep down you do not believe that your current partner is cheating on you.

Sex with an ex

Sexual dreams involving an ex reflect what is preventing you from starting a new relationship. If you are in a stable relationship and dream about having sex with your ex, then you want more passion with your current partner.

Receive a gift from your ex

Gifts from former partners in a dream reflect our need for attention in your real life. Pay attention to what gifts are given to you, and this will tell you exactly what kind of attention you need.

Your ex is trying to kill you

In this case, think about what exactly led to the end of your relationship with your ex. When we dream that our former partner wants to kill us, it means that we feel guilty about what we did in the past. Perhaps you have changed or maybe you have fallen out of love with this person, because of which your conscience tormented you. Was he/she angry when the relationship ended? Or maybe the former partner used physical force? Then the dream is a reflection of the past.

Your ex haunts you in your sleep

Kidnapping in a dream tells you that you need to deal with your past cargo, which was left over from a previous relationship.

Fight with an ex

This dream indicates to you some problems in the past, by resolving which you can better deal with your current situation. If you are still single and not looking for a relationship, your subconscious mind reminds you of the reasons for your loneliness.

Your ex hurts or kills you

If your ex-partner has never used physical force, such actions in a dream have a symbolic meaning. They reflect how he/she killed part of your feelings and heart.

Accident with ex

If you dream about how your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend got into a car accident or was shot, such a dream suggests that you still care about the fate of your ex-partner. If similar events actually took place in the past, this reflects your inner fear, which prevents you from opening up to your beloved.

The former is sick in a dream

If you dream about your ex being sick or in the hospital caring for him/her, this dream reflects your efforts to deal with the breakup and heal yourself. Illness symbolizes your mental pain.

ex crying in his sleep

What you feel in a dream is important in interpretation. You feel revenge or sadness when you see him or her crying. You may also feel proud and happy that this person misses you, or you may want to return to him/her because you don't want to see him or her cry.

If you dream ex-girlfriend or wife your partner, this suggests that you are comparing yourself to your ex. The dream reminds you that you should not make the same mistakes that led to the end of the relationship.

The former comes in a dream: meaning by day of the week

The interpretation of a dream about an ex-husband, boyfriend or wife, a girl also largely depends on the day the dream occurred.

Nowadays, great attention is paid to the sciences that study dreams, since dreams are a rather complex process, and so far science is only trying to explain the reasons for their appearance.

When a person sleeps, he can watch dreams. A dream is a short film based on images that arise in the mind of a sleeping person. Sometimes he carries some fragments from life that he remembers well. But often a dream is incomprehensible to a person, so he turns to many dream books that explain what the appearance of certain objects or personalities in a dream can mean. If a person dreams, then this can mean a lot. There are many different conjectures and hypotheses about the appearance of a person in a dream. So let's look at some of them.

In numerous dream books, assumptions about the appearance of a person in dreams are very contradictory. Some predictors believe that if you dream of a person, then it means absolutely nothing. And if he appears in your dream many times in a row, then you should think about why he is so riveted to your subconscious. Some dream books believe that the appearance of the same person in several dreams indicates that you either hold a grudge against him and cannot forgive, or you still have feelings for him and you cannot part with them.

There is one very popular version, which is based on the fact that a person dreamed of the hero of the film. Everything is absolutely clear here and you should not think too much. While watching the film, each person develops an experience for this character on a subconscious level, and if something does not work out or does not work out for this character in the film, then you remember those cases when something did not work out for you either. And if you can’t add it up in your mind, then your subconscious mind can do it.

Also no less interesting is the case when a man who was already dead dreamed. It is to this case that many experts and predictors are riveted, since the final answer to the question of why dead people come in a dream has not yet been given. But now there are several theories about this phenomenon. In some dream books they write that this is a sign that soon you will have sad news about relatives and that you need to be very careful. If a person dreams of lying in a coffin, then failures will haunt you. In addition, if in a dream you put coins on the eyes of the deceased, then you will suffer from the actions of enemies who will take advantage of your kindness. If a deceased person appears in a dream of a young woman, then this will be a harbinger of trouble because of her gullibility. There is also a theory that if a dead person is dreaming, then something is holding him on the ground and you need to visit his grave and put a candle for the rest of his soul.

Now let's just talk about those people who can appear in dreams and what their appearance means. If a person dreams that he has only one eye, then this means that someone is very jealous of you and vehemently gossips about your well-being. If a happy person appears in a dream, then this is a sign that you will have good news, and you will be lucky in life. If a person dreams that he has no teeth, then this means that you should take care of your work, as you may lose it. If your enemy appears in a dream, then a short-term illness awaits you. If you defeat the enemy in a dream, then in reality nothing threatens you, since you will have enough opportunities to withstand all troubles.

Of course, predicting your future from dreams is interesting, but you should not trust them too much. Sometimes dreams are just a slicing of moments that you accidentally remembered, but did not give due attention to it.

People dreamed of what it is, what people mean in a dream

Slavic dream book

People dreamed in a dream, what is it for:

People - to see a lot - to an important event among the people, in the country or locality. Pluto.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Dream People about what?

What do people mean in a dream - you see a lot of people in a dream - some kind of fear lives in the hidden corners of your consciousness; you have to remember the past; you must tell your loved ones about the past, and then it will let you go. You seem to see naked people - you will soon suffer from gossip; another interpretation of sleep: in the gentle voice of the girl you will hear the temptation

Magic dream book

In a dream, why do people dream?

A dream to see about you had a dream People what it is (crowd) for - lack of independence, subordination.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Dreamed in a dream People, what is it for?

What do people mean in a dream. 1. People appearing in dreams are the characters with which we write our "play". Most often these are our acquaintances, relations with which at the moment we are worried about for some reason. In dreams, they brightly illuminate their specific qualities and characters or act as a projection of our inner state. 2. To unravel different kinds The "information" that these characters present to the dreamer should be seen what each of them wants to make him think about. A character from the past is always associated with specific Mentions, not necessarily painful, of some period in the dreamer's life. A neighbor or close acquaintance usually highlights a certain quality of that person. Someone's mother, father, brother, and other "foreign" relatives can represent members of his own family, as well as, perhaps, envy that is eating him at that moment. Sometimes it makes no sense to try to discern the meaning of a dream, but it is worth just looking at what effect the character's actions have on the dreamer's daily life. And in order to recognize / why the dreamer chooses this or that particular model of behavior in a dream, you need to know more about his real life. If you feel love for a particular person and at the same time feel antipathy, you will almost certainly dream of him. Or two completely opposite people in character to clearly show the two sides of your thoughts and feelings. The compound character, as with the compound animals, will emphasize one of his qualities in order to draw your attention to him. The fact is that each character that appears in a dream reflects the attitude of the dreamer himself towards him.

Teenager, youth. If you dream of your own youth, then the dreamer focuses on his undeveloped side. Dreaming about the youth of a person of the opposite sex usually means a connection with a repressed part of one's own development. The emotions that are associated with youth are extremely painful and clear, and such a kind of emotion can only be felt through a dream. There may be a conflict with freedom.

Ancestors. Traditions, behavior patterns, morality and religious beliefs are passed down from generation to generation. When ancestors appear in dreams, we focus on our roots, which helps us better understand ourselves through our relationship to the past.

Power figures (such as teachers, judges, police officers, etc.). Initially, our understanding of authority develops under the influence of our relationship with our father. Therefore, on "13, the view of power depends largely on how we were cared for when we were children: whether we see it as a charitable helper or a pedantic researcher. Most power figures lead us to the right places, although we may consider them actions are completely wrong.Power figures in a dream appear to get the better of us, or to help achieve success.Dreaming specifically about the police can mean a form of social control and a protective element in relation to us as members of society.It is not uncommon for a policeman to appear in a dream as the personification of the dreamer's consciousness. Or if he feels that his wild side needs control.

Baby. The appearance of your own child in a dream suggests that the dreamer needs to recognize those vulnerable feelings over which he has no control. Or he has to do something new. An alien child informs that his parent may be offended or that he is innocent of something. From a psychological point of view, the dreaming baby testifies that the dreamer is in contact with the innocent, curious side of himself, with the part that does not want and does not feel the need for responsibility. Dreaming of a child also means that on a spiritual level, the dreamer has a need for a sense of purity and purity.

Boy. The dream about the boy shows that there is potential for the growth of a new business. If the boy is familiar, then he reflects the recognized qualities of the dreamer. From a psychological point of view, perhaps the dreamer needs to remember himself at that age in order to recharge with his inherent enthusiasm.

Young man. Dreaming about your current or former boyfriend is associated with feelings for him, affection and sexuality. If as a young man you dream of a man whom you in no way represent in this role, then you feel the need to better understand how to build relationships with Representatives of the opposite sex. Or are you still looking for the perfect lover.

The caregivers (for example, nurses, nuns, and so on) represent the dreamer's qualities of compassion and care. For men, a dream with caregivers usually portends a non-sexual relationship.

Child. A dream in which a child appears gives us access to the child within ourselves, gives us the opportunity to take a childish, curious look at the world and better recognize ourselves.

Crowd. The crowd in a dream is related to our communication with other people, especially in a social sense. It also indicates that we are hiding something or trying to hide from others. Or maybe we want to avoid responsibility. A huge crowd suggests information that we can't handle.

Dictators (Hitler, Stalin, etc.). If in childhood the dreamer was suppressed by his parents, these relationships can manifest themselves in dreams as images of famous dictators.

Girl. When a girl of any age appears in a dream, we are dealing with our own sensual side. Perhaps we need to develop our intuition. If the dreaming girl is not familiar, then we will soon realize that a fresh approach to the issue that concerns us is useful.

Girl (favorite). When a beloved girl, even a former one, appears in a dream, the dreamer is dealing with the attributes of femininity and masculinity. Or is it his fears related to sexuality. If a beloved girl (friend) appears in a woman’s dream, it means that she is worried about her or wants to adopt some of her quality.

Hero or heroic figure (see also Archetypes) In a man's dream it represents all the best that is in himself, and in a woman's dream it is the Masculine principle (see Introduction). When the hero is in search - (the dreamer will have to fight, about which he still knows nothing (see also Campaign). It is important that in a dream the dark forces are defeated, but not destroyed, since they cannot be completely destroyed without harming the Sage ( see Introduction).Sometimes in a dream the hero unexpectedly fails, because everyone has weaknesses, by finding which, a person can be defeated. Such a dream shows that in life the dreamer does not pay attention to something important. The death of a hero in a dream is a dreamer A conflict within the dreamer or other dream personage suggests disharmony between the two facets of his character. Everyday life dreamer.

A high priest, astrologer, or other personage endowed with exoteric knowledge (see also Archetypes and Power Figures in this section). Any character endowed with magical powers in a dream is our first representation of the Supreme Being. That is, we are told that we can acquire the same profound knowledge, but only by meeting with our teacher.

Inappropriate person. This is often the only way to meet the Shadow (see Introduction). The dream image of an inadequate person reflects our own sense of inferiority. In a dream, it is easier to deal with inadequacy than in life. And this must be done in order not to experience a feeling of inferiority in life.

The intruder (see also the letter B and the Robber) in a woman's dream is most often the personification of her own Masculine principle (see Introduction). In masculine, it characterizes one's own Shadow (see Introduction). In another case, it involves a change in relations and, first of all, the relationship of the dreamer to himself.

The king in a dream represents his father almost without options. Such a person as an emperor means that the dreamer does not like some of the requirements of the father, but they should still be accepted. If the king is old or is on / his deathbed, then the dreamer will be able to discard the worn ones! or old-fashioned family values.

The male. Any male who appears in a dream shows an aspect or facet of the dreamer's character in a recognizable form. We each have our own repertoire of behavior, some of which are acceptable and some not. In dreams, both behaviors and character traits can be exaggerated to make them easier to recognize, and they are presented as individuals. A man in a dream means a Shadow for a man and a Masculine for a woman (see Introduction). An elderly man (if he is gray-haired) represents the inner wisdom inherent in ourselves. Such a person may also represent the father. If a big man appears in a dream, we usually appreciate the strength, commitment and protection that our core beliefs give us. A man in a woman's dream represents the logical side of her nature. She has, or can develop, the courage that enables her to function successfully in the outside world. If she knows the dreaming man or loves him, then she may try to understand her relationship with him. The unknown man is an as yet unrecognized part of the dreamer's personality. In a woman's dream, this is the masculine side of herself, and in a man's dream, Essence (see Introduction).

Old people (see also Man and Woman). In dreams, old people can represent our ancestors, that is, grandparents. If the old person is a man, then, depending on the personality of the dreamer, he will mean either the Essence or the Masculine (see Introduction). The old woman - the Great Mother or the Feminine (see Introduction). All paternal figures, or personifications of the father, often appear in the form of old people to illuminate their remoteness. A group of old people in a dream usually means the traditions and wisdom of the past - those things that are sacred to the "tribe" or family. Very old people represent our parents, even if in a dream they do not look like them at all.

Pirate. The appearance of a pirate in a dream suggests that some aspect of our personality is destroying our emotional connection with the soul.

Prince (Hero) and Princess (see also Archetypes). These images represent those parts of ourselves, or others, that have been brought into our consciousness and empowered. Just as the hero takes charge of his journey, the prince and princess take charge of their lives.

The queen (not only real, but also historical, for example, Victoria) usually represents the relationship of the dreamer with his mother and through this in general with powerful women.

The stranger (see also Shadow and Introduction) in a dream represents a part of ourselves unknown to us. There may be a feeling that it is necessary to deal with the conflict before continuing on the path to success.

The twins and the mirrored image (see also the letter B) in a dream reflect the duality of the personality. If they are absolutely identical, then we can recognize the ambiguity of our feelings. If you dreamed not of twins, but of twins, then they mean the inner self and the outer reality. Gemini is also a projection of our personality into the world.

A woman in a woman's dream, especially if she is a family member or friend, represents herself in the dream, but is often not fully understood. In a man's dream, such a figure is related to his feelings and intuition. Also, this image can show how he treats his partner. The goddess or holy woman means the highest potential for working with the Greatest good that the dreamer has. Oriental women appearing in dreams usually suggest a mystical side to the feminine principle. In a man's dream such a figure will often reveal his attitude towards sexuality, while in a woman's dream it will reveal more of her own intuitive side and superior powers. An elderly woman in most cases represents: the mother of the dreamer and her sense of hereditary wisdom. An unknown woman in a man's dream represents the Feminine (see Introduction), in a woman's - a Shadow (see Introduction). These are the qualities of surprise and intrigue that allow us to further explore the meaning of this image. We can extract a huge amount of information, since the image is not known to us. When we begin to work on ourselves from a spiritual standpoint, we can access an incredible amount of knowledge that will help us improve our lives.

Dream Interpretation of E. Erickson

Dreamed in a dream People, interpretation:

What does a society of prominent, beautifully dressed people mean in a dream - interesting profitable acquaintances, gathering society in your home is a mess in family life.

If a person is dreaming, then who is thinking about whom: am I about him or is he about me?

There is such a sign that if a person had a dream, then he thinks about you. It always seemed to me the opposite: sleep is the result of thoughts. Who is right: omen or me? Do we dream of those who think of us? Or who we think of?

Vitaly p

For example, I have this: no matter how much I think about the person I like, dream about a girl, I will never dream of her! As much as I don't want it! That's when you lie down with an empty head, then interesting dreams are born in the unconscious :)

Therefore, it would probably be more correct to agree with the sign that the person who thinks about you is still dreaming! :) And not you about whom! :)

There is a thought

So you think about him. Especially if you long time when you try to forget a person, the brain begins to erase him from daytime memory, putting all thoughts into sleep, and not only thoughts but also emotions, the same thing happens if you constantly think about him.

As you can see, most of the people gathered here with unrequited love. And this causes trauma and turns a loved one into an obsession. Even if there is no time to think about it when you are busy with everyday affairs, your heart still gets bored and hurts. Therefore, in a dream, you also think about him.

Many here suddenly remembered former lovers, first loves, being married. I think that this temptation comes from evil and does not mean anything else.

I sometimes dream of a person whom I love in a dream, but I do not personally know. I think it signifies my desire to fall in love. His face changes.

I did not escape inseparability in love, and man turned into an obsession. Climbed into thoughts and even dreams. Vryatli he thought about me, rather it was my roof that started to go. But the heart was warm from this presence.

In general, I do not think that if you dream of someone, this does not mean that he remembers. It is impossible to prove this connection and to believe in it means to wishful thinking and then suffer even more.

Although, a few weeks before my death, my grandmother used to help me very often. I don't think it's random. I dreamed of her even after, but her character changed. As if evil spirits pretended to be her. Therefore, I know that there is a great danger in dreams and it is better not to get into it.

From experience, I rather agree with Vitaly: we usually dream about what is happening around. Our subconscious simply "removes" this information in a dream from outer space. And everything that is happening around you can be dreamed of in such a dream. Well, if, of course, you distinguish such special dreams from ordinary, simple, empty ones. When I watched a movie in the evening, I thought about something, and at night it was a dream. This is not about that ... So, if someone is dreaming, he is probably thinking about you. For example, I consciously call a person to sleep in order to find out what is needed, I would have to "sweat" three nights in a row to get it ... And that's not a fact! Sometimes just, at least kill yourself, the cosmos does not answer. And that's what it means, I would like to know. At least ask a question ... But who will answer ??


Dreams are rare, usually I don’t remember them and don’t focus on them. And then I dreamed of a man with whom I had not communicated for a long time. I come to work, and he sits at the door of the office. A week later - another similar case with another patient. Marvelous!


If a person is dreaming, it seems to me that there can be anything - either you think about him, or he thinks about you. But if you didn’t try to think about this person, then this is definitely - he thinks of you! Verified by personal experience.

Nothing without you

I dreamed of a guy with whom I did not communicate for about a month. we study at the same school, he often looks at me for a long time. I think that I like him. when we stopped talking, especially the first week, he showed attention, without words, but with looks and all that. but now less and less. and on Thursday he dreamed of me. wrote. I didn’t answer, he wrote again that he was bored, that he didn’t like that we didn’t communicate and that he was constantly looking at me because we didn’t communicate, but he wanted to communicate. I was glad to this message, but did not answer anything. the dream was so real that I already thought that we were communicating and that this was real life. then his classmate came up to me and said that we (with the boy who said he was bored) needed to talk to him. we talked, he also told me what he wrote then in the message and then everything was fine with us. what could that mean? I didn’t like him before, but when we stopped talking with him, I liked him.


Sorry, I’ll get into the conversation)) on the topic .. but a little off topic) I had this: I couldn’t fall asleep normally for 4 days in a row, that is, I went to bed at 5 and got up at 10 in the morning. Then it turned out that I had been dreaming of one person these days. (he admitted) after, I tried to communicate less with this person .. As a result, I was able to fall asleep before 5 in the morning! After that, this man said that he had not dreamed of me for these 3 days)) and now about the topic: the former often dreamed. (And his relatives were remembered) Talking to him .. he accidentally said that he often thinks about me. (and his relatives often remember me).


And I was like that. I broke up with my ex, fell out of love with him, already married another, and I dreamed about him very often, and even in such situations that I woke up in a cold sweat: like I return to him and all that, I myself think in a dream why I I went to him, but I love my husband, what am I doing here, I have a beloved husband and son there (at home). After waking up, I sighed with relief that this was a dream. that is, I didn’t think about the former, but it turns out that he thought about me and wanted to return, and therefore I dreamed about it.

Aline price

lately, almost every night, I have been dreaming of a guy with whom I was good friends in childhood (up to 6 years old) - they lived in the same house, went to the same kindergarten and were in the same group, our parents were very good friends and often we were together celebrated holidays. But then he moved with his family and our families no longer met at the holidays (well, at least I didn’t cross paths with him anymore), and this year I entered the institute, and found that he entered the same place, moreover, to my own faculty and in my own stream (that is, we always sit in the same audience at lectures). In August, when I found him in the lists of groups of my faculty, I tried to add him on VKontakte, but he ignored my application for 1.5 days (although he often came in for a long time sitting), and I called her back. he perfectly remembers my first and last name (so when they do the roll call in any way he hears) + our parents recently called up when it turned out that we were at the same faculty. But he ignores me, I also pretend that I don’t know him (as with they do me - so I do, I don’t like to run after people who avoid communicating with me). If I think about him, I rarely for a day, sometimes I even forget, but he constantly dreams, and in a dream I try to smile at him and thereby make him smile back at me, or I look into his eyes for a long time to draw attention to myself, but he just constantly looks away, as if in a dream he wants to avoid any contact with me. True, there are dreams when we finally talk to him and start acting like good friends, like in childhood, and we can't stop smiling, because we like to spend time together (in dreams). I think that all this can be a dream to me because I am tormented by such an attitude of him towards me, I don’t understand why he doesn’t want to communicate with me, I don’t think that he thinks about me


My husband allegedly left me and flew to live in another city. And he didn't file for divorce. For the past two weeks, day after day, I have been dreaming of him. I can’t say that I don’t think about him, I certainly do. But I don’t understand why I dream about him every day, and even for 2 weeks. In my experience, I can say that I did this many times and nothing worked, when I walked all day thinking about a person and before going to bed to dream, unfortunately nothing worked. And here it is. I know that he got excited and already regrets what he did. He writes to me every 2 days and wrote today. And he writes that I allegedly bewitch him. So he suffers, since he writes this and regrets it. I think it will be back soon. It turns out then that HE is thinking about me, that's why I dream about it. Although I do not write to him and do not climb to him. I let go a long time ago and at the same time said, thank you for the opportunity to be happier with another. After all, I really let go and don’t go to him at all, I wished happiness and I don’t remind myself of myself. Already mentally began to tune in to life with another, that you need to find someone. And he does not give me rest, he has also been dreaming for 2 weeks every day. I don't want to go to sleep anymore. What do I get?


I was looking for answers to the exact same question...

Old love, about 12-13 years ago ... Nothing really happened. First feeling, so to speak. Divorced fate, different families, he has children. periodically saw each other, crossed paths. The last time we talked was 5 years ago. And recently there was a beacon from him in the form of a comment to the photo. I remembered the past a little, but since there was nothing further than this, I didn’t get in touch, there were no more signs of attention, I safely calmed down and forgot. But yesterday's dream. Very bright, clear, face, movement, touch ... There was no intimacy in a dream, just a touch on the cheek, but clearly the same as it was 12 years ago. The dream was in the morning, I woke up from it. And all day on the nerves. What is all this for? I don’t need all this, I have a family, but it turned inside out. So the question arose: is it my subconscious doing this to me (strange, because I forgot to think about it since the comment under the photo) or does it really think about me? By the way, for all 12 years this has not happened ........


I met a girl for 10 months, you can say that he loved, broke up with her because he said something stupid and in general somehow didn’t want to meet, wasn’t ready to propose to her, and she expected this from me, well, then she finally gave me to understand that she is not mine anymore ... I was very worried, I wanted to return, but it was too late, she found another and married him, and now 10 months later I dreamed of her 2 times already, the first time was intimacy with her in a dream , and today it’s a very unusual dream that we met at some kind of party or it’s just not clear where, my dreams are not very clear, and I talked to her and she agreed to return and meet, and then I woke up and thought that’s a bummer .. and I would like it so much, because I understand that I will not meet anyone better than her. and now I also think if someone is thinking about someone, if there is a version that the brain is gradually erasing a loved one from the memory, turning him into dreams ?!


Liraliralira.this comment inspired me!..I have a typical situation. a very long time ago I was madly in love with one young man, but he did not need a relationship with me. but we were "TOGETHER" a couple of times. after some time, I confessed to him that I had been in love for a long time, but in response I received a hard no, but we continue to communicate. see you very rarely. Now I have a young man, or rather, he diligently takes care of me. I can't forget that person! and still in love with him. so why am I saying all this. I recently dreamed of both that person and my current boyfriend, plus my dad, too, (I’ll explain, he left for Ukraine more than two months ago!) So I have a question: can I say that they all think of me? in a situation with dad and boyfriend, I can believe it, but with that guy, nothing. I hardly believe. Can someone express their opinion!?!


Today I had a dream, a man I forgot to think about, he is long in the past. I met him in my student years, my first love, the relationship lasted a year, then he left me, he decided that it was too early for him to think about a serious relationship, that he still wanted to take a walk, that I didn’t fit into his future, I worried for a long time, cried, even after After graduating from the university, she could not forget him for several years, it seemed then that it could not be better than him. 10 years have passed, I am married and love my husband very much, I know that he is married, we live in different cities, I forgot to think about him, now it seems that I was stupid, what could I then find in him. And today he dreamed of me, still clearly so, he told me that he loves me, and I told him that you made your own choice! I clearly remember these words, I think all day why I dreamed after so many years!


I have been married for almost 5 years, I am 24, I married my beloved, after 2.5 years a child was born, everything is fine, but I once had a dream, with one young man, I liked it very much in my youth, but was my friend's boyfriend, she is an active girl. and immediately I persistently intercepted him, somehow I didn’t climb, I didn’t try to beat him off, but he hinted at his feelings to me, and others noticed it, but out of stupidity, due to my youth, I didn’t notice this, so I forgot already, in general I didn’t remember, well, I just didn’t think for a day for many years, and when I dreamed, feelings flared up with such force, and then I realized that I probably wasn’t indifferent to him, but for some reason didn’t notice, I think constantly about him. but I just forget, and again a dream with him, and everywhere that he is either offended or talks about his feelings. what is it, he thinks about me, or I about him?


Interesting, however)) I want to talk about my situation, a little over a year ago I broke up with a guy, of course, everything ended well, but oh well, throughout the whole time we sometimes talked with him a couple of times, he said that he wanted to return everything and he lived already with another girl, but after the moment of parting, he began to dream of me very often, and there are terrible dreams to such an extent that I wake up in a wet sweat, and another fact before betrayal, I dreamed of this girl that he was cheating on me with her when he told him laughed and said that all this was nonsense, but in the end what happened. But I still had the main question "why did I dream about him all this time ??" maybe I'm already so crazy and I don't understand whether I like him or not.

My darling

I have such a story: Many years ago, as a teenager, the boy and I liked each other alone, but there was never anything between us .. Then he got married and we no longer talked. I am also already married, I have a son. Then he divorced, married another, and after a while I find out that he had a daughter and he called her by my name .. I learned this from my close relative, to whom he himself approached and told how he called his daughter .. We we live in different cities and do not communicate at all, but for 3 nights in a row I have been dreaming about him. And the dreams are more and more frank each time .. At the same time, I know for sure that I didn’t even think about him .. I wonder why such dreams would suddenly be? ...


And what can it mean, I met a guy a month ago and since then he hasn’t climbed out of my head for a minute at all, I constantly think about him, but during this time I never dreamed of him, we even almost we don’t communicate, but the other day I wrote him, let’s say, like a love letter, to which he didn’t react in any way, he’s just silent ... and for the last two days after that, I’ve been dreaming of him for two nights in a row ... even I don't know what to think...could this mean that he thinks about me or remembers??? Please answer, who can know...it is very important for me!Thanks in advance....

Aliya moldobaeva

I had a dream in which there was a man whom I like and a rather famous Kazakh actor (this actor is in my "friends" in social networks, there was a case that I even sent him a message, but in principle there was no answer ), they are almost the same age with my lover, in a dream they appeared as friends, and I was there, we talked, and then they left. I can’t interpret the dream, I’m waiting for help.


I've been dreaming about the same guy for almost two months now. We only saw him once. Fate brought us together so that we were all nearby and constantly looked at each other. We are not familiar with him. And I only thought about him for the first two weeks, and then I forgot. But for some reason, I still dream of him. I do not know what to do. I don't think about him. I try to perceive dreams as nonsense. But it's already boring. What to do? thanks in advance!

Renata dragomir

and it’s like this with me, I like the boy, and we go to the trainer together, and he looks at me with secret glances, jokes, sometimes even hurts me with his jokes, or he says so and pretends that I’m the wrong place. well, I scored at all, it became indifferent, and then a couple of days later I had a dream for no reason: the fact that we were walking hand in hand, kissing, etc. I don’t know what to think ...


If you dream until three in the morning, then you want from him, if after three, then he needs it! It has long been known that women are for evening sex, and men are for morning sex! While there may be exceptions these days, nature does falter!


you know, I don’t see a girl for like 2 years, it happens that I don’t even remember for weeks, and then I dreamed about the OP !!! and not just like that, but as if everything is fine with us !!! that's how today, for example, in a dream I read her SMS with the words because I didn’t love anyone! and she is already married and, moreover, on a man whom she did not see as a man, just a friend (he is not rich and not super handsome) just turned his shoulder at the right time when we parted !! and in general, you can write a book about my relationship) and so I went to a very good psychologist, I don’t remember exactly a couple of psychologists or some other name, in general, an acquaintance, so he asked me can you explain the operation of a mobile phone? I say, well, the waves are magnetic, and so on !!! in the end, he told me if a person thought a lot about you that day, he will definitely dream of you) it’s a pity that I can’t ask my ex-beloved whether she thinks or not, because even if she thinks, she won’t say! BUT I KNOW NOW THAT IT'S SO!!!) So think more about your FAVORITES, don't retreat and they might get tired of you just dreaming and want to see you next to you every day and always!!!) Good luck)


Good day. My problem is this: I’m already 4 years old, every day one person climbs into my head, we somehow met with him, but not for long. At that time, he did not take me seriously and we broke up on his initiative. I tried to forget him, but apparently I couldn't. Then, six months later, he began to write to me that he was bored and would like to return everything, but I did not agree to this, I could not step over myself. And now I really regret it, I dream about it from time to time. Probably, this is still a figment of my imagination, or maybe not .. It always seems to me that he is somewhere nearby and is almost watching me, most likely I am paranoid. We have not seen each other for these 4 years and have written off, only 2 times, I don’t know what to do, probably it’s time to see a doctor.

And I dreamed of a guy who I used to really like. I forgot to think about him, but one evening I suddenly remembered him. And then I dreamed about how I met him. The next day I had another dream with him. Only this time I met his best friend, and he was terribly jealous O_o

Also that night I had a dream about how I was in the social. networks I communicate with a guy with whom I know, but we did not communicate for a very long time O_o

In general, I am now very interested in what all this would be.


And today I had a dream about a former colleague. We started dating a month before I was fired (there was a conflict with the authorities and the atmosphere there was not very good). Colleague Lovelace is still the same. he stopped talking to me after that. my mom saw him before the holidays with a bgirl. I almost don’t even think about him anymore. I live my life and today I see him in my dream. hangs noodles to a crowd of girls. and I furtively went to his house to pick up something of mine.


I dream of my ex-lover, and moreover, exactly once every 3 months at the end of the month .. Previously, in a dream, he wanted to get together, and now he just asks me to leave him alone, although we have even been for more than two years !!! We don't communicate. Who is thinking about whom? I always start thinking about him after he dreams. He has had another for a long time, so it is unlikely that he would waste time thinking about me. It turns out that I myself somehow endure the brain??


I have a new boy in my class. When he first arrived, he seemed very sympathetic to me. But then I realized that she was very strange and didn’t think about him anymore at all. 6 months passed, and today he dreamed of me, and in such a dream that we were kissing .. .. Why is that? Why did he turn on me?


In fact, there are various dream books for interpreting dreams. But, if you think logically, it is clear that you will most likely dream of the person you often think about. Moreover, you cannot dream of a person who may not even be aware of your existence.


I dreamed about my birthday) a girl I like came to him with gifts with posters and with children. True, there are many, but this girl is my cousin's ex. She is in another city now. Tell me what this dream was about? What does it mean?

I’ve been dreaming about my ex-lover lately, but I don’t understand why I’m dreaming about him, once he had a dream and I started thinking about him again, and now it seems to me that what I’m dreaming about is the fruit of my thoughts. Even if he misses, because he has a wife.

What does it mean when a familiar person dreams?

You, as always, are right. And how can I force myself not to think about him? - 4 years ago


We urgently need to borrow a decent amount of money from him and now he will dream of you when the return period has passed! He is already morally ready to borrow, since he is dreaming, the main thing is not to make a mistake with the amount! It is necessary to connect friends as financial intelligence and find out if he has free funds!)))

So think about this person. You don’t even just think, but very, often, constantly think. And the fact that you dream because this person thinks about you seems nonsense to me. Well, then I would dream of a lot of people, even those who do not know me.


This may be as a consequence of what you thought about him, so that he thought about you. Moreover, these could be fleeting thoughts, literally a fraction of a second, so that this could not have been noticed, but the consciousness was hooked, and then we wonder where this person came from in a dream.

Another interesting point in dreams with familiar people is what emotions they evoke in reality. If you dreamed of a person with whom unpleasant associations are associated, then the state of the person before going to bed was directed in a negative direction, and there is something to think about so that such a dream no longer occurs. And if you dreamed of a pleasant acquaintance, then we are on the right track :)

Aleksandr lxxv

It doesn't have to be a specific value. To appear in your dream, it is already enough that you know the person :) But this can, of course, have a deeper meaning.

If this is a "good" acquaintance - maybe you remembered him before going to bed. Or maybe you heard during the day from someone that he had problems, and now you are worried.

And they also say - it happens that the one to whom we owe money is dreaming :)


Most often this means nothing, but there are options. Dreaming of a meeting soon, because we have not seen each other for a long time. Dreaming because you think about him and dreaming because sexual life has stopped, and hormones are raging.

Just a normal dream, nothing special.

Because a familiar person, maybe you just thought about him, so you dreamed about him.

People may also dream to say goodbye to you. It is believed that when we sleep, our astral body is free to move wherever it wants. This is how we visit the people we need and this is how we communicate with the dead.

This is how a friend said goodbye to me 5 days before her death.


The reasons may be different. You often think about this person. Or this person often thinks about you. Perhaps this person is trying to get your attention. Pay attention to the structure of sleep - how this person behaves in dreams. Is he reaching out to you, ignoring you, or something else? This will help you understand how the person treats you in reality.

Maria Anatolyevna

I dream of a young man who lives in my house, but I rarely see him. I dream all the time, although we do not communicate and do not greet each other, we just know each other by sight. and in a dream, on the contrary, we communicate very well. then he climbs in the window, then we ride in the car or hug him. What could all this mean. do they say souls come to visit in a dream?

Elena d

Our dreams are jokes of our subconscious, nothing more. Different dream books interpret the meaning of such a dream in different ways. The whole question is how you dreamed about him. In what mood, healthy or sick. Definitely, to some kind of turn in business.

Help to

So you think about him, perhaps you are worried, or you simply have not forgotten about him. There is nothing significant in such a dream. It is much stranger when a stranger dreams, because it turns out that you yourself created such an image, and did not borrow it from memory. A friend in a dream is nothing unusual.
