Dream interpretation long rope. Hang on a rope in a dream book

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (short)

Dream Interpretation Rope

  • Attachment to a person, place or thing.
  • May symbolize kundalini.
  • Life line.
  • A twisted rope means organization, inner composure and balance between body, mind and soul.
  • A frayed or knotted rope symbolizes discord.
  • You feel bound hand and foot.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (detailed)

Dream Interpretation Rope

  • The rope can be a guiding thread, and maybe a symbol of affection for certain person or things.
  • A twisted rope can symbolize organization, inner composure and balance between body, mind and soul. A frayed or knotted rope symbolizes discord.
  • Do you feel like your hands are tied? Declare to yourself: "I feel free in all areas of life and know that my life is flowing according to a higher plan."

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Maya

Why is Rope dreaming

  • good value
    If the rope hangs, it means that new horizons are opening up before you, new opportunities are emerging. To do so, cut off a section of your hair, put a few hairs in envelopes and send to different countries unknown people.
  • bad value
    If the rope is wrapped around something, then you may soon have problems with your lungs. To avoid this, of course, it is worth protecting yourself from tobacco smoke and every day for a week, tie a white ribbon around the wrist of the left hand.

Dream Interpretation: Russian Dream Interpretation

See Rope in a dream

  • Get bad news;
  • but if you wrapped a rope around a man - this portends a wedding

Dream Interpretation: Noble dream book N. Grishina

Dream Interpretation Rope

  • The rope hangs - the warmth of friends.
  • The scrap in the hand is the answer to the letter.
  • To see a rope coiled or tangled - to come into doubt, to hesitate.
  • To untie the knots on it - something will happen that you previously sought in vain.
  • Untie the rope - the secret will become clear.
  • Tie with a rope - worries, difficulties.

Dream Interpretation: Gypsy dream book

See Rope in a dream

  • Seeing or holding a rope means that you will make some very useful friends. If there are knots on the rope, you will have some problems, but you will overcome them. Cut off the rope - to break a relationship that could be very useful.

Dream Interpretation: Eastern female dream book

Dream Interpretation Rope

  • Symbolizes your destiny. If the rope breaks, it means that you will be in mortal danger, which you can avoid only by showing caution and forethought. Very long rope- a symbol of long life. Unraveling a rope or untying numerous knots on it - to liberation from the oppression of an unworthy person.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Aesop

See Rope in a dream

  • You could see a rope in a dream under the influence of the work of the subconscious, which thus tried to convey to you the well-known phrase: “No matter how much the rope twists, the end will still be!” This means that no matter what dishonest actions you commit, no matter how much lies you say, the truth will still emerge. Perhaps the subconscious mind also encrypted another statement: “Twist a rope out of someone,” that is, dispose of this person according to own will, to lead him, to have an undivided influence on him.
  • In a dream, to see a rope with knots tied to it or tangled - you have to get into an awkward situation due to the fact that you will say too much or lie.
  • To tie something with a rope, to tie something together - you will have to resort to lying for salvation, and this will really help to settle things and maintain good relations with others.
  • If the rope is torn in your hands, then this is a sign warning you to be more careful, not to say too much, so that you do not have to regret what was said later.
  • A very long rope is a symbol of the road, a long trip.
  • Winding the rope - in reality, freeing yourself from the influence of a person who has been using you for quite a long time for his own purposes.
  • To dream that you are in the house of a hanged man and suddenly those present begin to discuss the murder weapon - someone will try to hit you below the belt, be careful in revelations and seeking support, because ill-wishers are not asleep.
  • To dream of a person who is dragging a mountain of sand and is going to twist ropes out of it - you will spend money where you did not expect, because your companion is a fair economy, and this will harm the business.
  • Unraveling numerous knots on a rope - you will solve problems caused by other people; to gossip; to complicated cases; get in trouble with the law.
  • Look for a strong rope in a dream - determination will visit you and you will put the final point in the matter; you will be able to save someone who needs your help.
  • Making a rope ladder in a dream - a flimsy hope will not come true; you need to change your occupation; don't rely on what you don't believe in.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Veles

Why is Rope dreaming

  • Seeing your white linen hanging on a drying line for a woman is a man with whom they will soon love relationship, will not be up to par as a partner. You drag the corpse of a friend along a rope - a conflict with a person who will die soon

Dream Interpretation: Old Persian dream book Taflisi

Dream Interpretation Rope

  • To see a rope in a dream - to oaths and promises in reality. Throw a rope that suddenly hangs in the air - to career growth; the higher the rope hangs, the higher you will climb career ladder. The rope thrown by you, which was caught by a stranger - this dream portends the need to seek advice from a person unknown to you. A rope falling from above - to be fired. If you managed to catch the end of a rope hanging from the sky - to the fulfillment of all dreams. To dream of a rope around your neck - a dream promises problems with compliance with the terms of the contract. If you are trying to throw a rope around the enemy’s neck, but to no avail, in reality everyone will turn away from you. Going down the rope from the roof is a rejection of everything previously planned.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov

Dream Interpretation Rope

  • road;
  • to twist - to friendship;
  • untie - broken relationship;
  • torn - great grief;
  • long - long life.

Dream Interpretation: Wangi's Dream Interpretation

See Rope in a dream

  • A rope in a dream is a designation of the fate destined for the dreamer.
  • If in a dream a rope broke in your hands, then in reality your life will be in mortal danger, which you will be able to avoid only by being careful and foresight.
  • Tie knots on a rope - such a dream warns that you are messing with the wrong people, so expect big trouble, and the best way out for you is to break off relations with this group.
  • A very long rope in a dream prophesies a long life, but this does not mean that it will be carefree. Do not lose vigilance and do not risk in vain, because such a long life is not given to a person in vain.
  • Unraveling the rope or untying numerous knots on it - soon you will be freed from the power of an unworthy person over you, and this will become a decisive event in your life, after which you will be able to reveal your abilities and fulfill your plan.
  • To tie something with a rope - you do not have the right to interfere in the fate of the people around you, by your involvement in their problems you bring trouble on yourself, even your sincere desire to help should be overcome, because this is not your destiny.

Dream Interpretation: Modern dream book

See Rope in a dream

  • If in a dream you twist a rope, then in real life You will find yourself in a situation from which only your iron will and determination to win will help you get out. If you dreamed that you were hanging washed clothes on a rope, then you cannot be characterized unambiguously. Many people who don't know you well can't understand how you manage to be tough and demanding at work, while still being gentle and caring at home. A dream in which your hands are tied with a rope means that you are oppressed by a situation in which you are powerless to do anything.

Dream Interpretation: Esoteric dream book

  • tangled rope - come into doubt, hesitate
  • ropes - a meeting of foreigners or that the departed will be caught, and the lost will be found
  • knit a rope - enough strength to subjugate people to your will
  • winding a rope - money
  • tie with a rope - worries, difficulties
  • a piece of rope in hand - receiving an answer to a letter
  • to go down the rope - to be on a tangled path
  • untie the rope - the secret will become clear
  • climb the rope - be on a tangled path
  • tie a rope to something - deceive others
  • untie the rope - break off the relationship
  • broken rope - great grief
  • break the rope that binds you to someone - break ties, business or personal
  • twist a rope - to friendship
  • untie the knots on the rope - by chance what you wanted will come true
  • rope ladder - a difficult task will end happily
  • In the dream book, the site itself big dream book Runet, contains 75 best dream books: a mirror dream book of psychological states, an oriental female dream book, a new family dream book, self-teaching dream book (Vrublevskaya's dream book), numerological dream book of Pythagoras, Old Persian dream book Taflisi, ancient french dream book, Miller's dream book, Solomon's dream book, psychotherapeutic dream book, modern dream book, Slavic dream book, Vanga's dream book, dream book of symbols (symbolic), dream book of lucky signs, Aesop's dream book, Azar's dream book, Egyptian dream book of the pharaohs (Kenherkhepeshef), dream book Yellow Emperor, Jung's dream book, Loff's dream book, Health dream book, Veles dream book, Shereminskaya's dream book, and others.

    Can dreams have a deeper meaning than a reflection of what happened during the day? Definitely yes. And many of you have repeatedly convinced yourself of this.

    Each image carries certain information, sometimes completely unexpected. And why is the rope dreaming? Most often, such a dream means your attachment to something, but the interpretation may vary slightly depending on the details. This is what we are going to look into now.

    Size, strength and manipulation

    As the dream book explains, a long rope symbolizes a long life path. However, this does not mean that there will be no obstacles on it and you can relax.

    As they say, the ways of the Lord are inscrutable, so be prepared for the fact that you will face some life difficulties, because no person in the world is destined to avoid them. Also, such a dream can talk about an upcoming long trip, business trip or trip.

    If you saw a dream in which the rope was weak and broke, this is getting rid of the opponent. It could be a rival love affairs or you will take leadership positions at work.

    In any case, you will emerge victorious from the situation. It should also not be ruled out that a rope break can be a warning about the need to weigh your every word and deed. This will help you avoid many mistakes in the future.

    But why dream of a rope with numerous knots tied to it? They are possible steps on the way to achieving the goal, and you need to untie each of them. Only in this way can you achieve what you want.

    If in a dream you yourself tied knots on a rope, then most likely you contacted the wrong people. This communication can lead to undesirable consequences and problems.

    Therefore, take your vision as a warning and refuse to communicate with this company as soon as possible. Those dreamers who helped unravel the knots on someone else's rope will have to participate in solving other people's problems - your help will be very important.

    Having got rid of rope fetters in a dream, in reality you will free yourself from the influence of a person who imposes his opinion on you. And it will become an important act in your life. In the future, prospects for the development of talent, the implementation of plans and the achievement of new heights will open for you.

    However, there is another meaning of such a dream: it is your ability to resist anger, hostility and competition. You prefer to be above it and always find strength.

    Did you knit the ropes yourself or did you tie them with them? This dream means that you have:

    • Enough powerful energy.
    • Great willpower.
    • Solid character.
    • The gift of persuasion.

    All this, of course, helps you to influence people and subordinate them to yourself.

    Purpose and color

    If you had a chance to see a rope on which you climbed up in a dream, it means that you are in for a life upsurge. Perhaps you will have new prospects at work, in your studies, in your personal life, existing problems and troubles will be resolved. A taut rope indicates tension in your relationship with someone close to you.

    If in your dream the rope acted as a leash, then most likely you are holding someone from your relatives or friends on it. In other words, you are trying to subordinate him to your will and impose your opinion. Let go of the situation and let everyone live their own lives.

    As the dream book interprets, the rope you wind up in a dream speaks of liberation from a person with selfish thoughts, who long time used you to achieve their goals.

    Pay attention to the dream in which you wove a rope ladder. He talks about the illusory nature of the plans being built - most likely, this concerns a career and the hopes placed on it. But this dream is not negative, but positive, it notifies you of the need to change activities, where you will have a much better chance of achieving the desired results, and not wasting your time and energy in this field.

    • It is especially good if the color of the rope is white. This promises great luck and luck at every turn, and all the troubles will seem completely insignificant to you.
    • Green color speaks of new discoveries and surprises that are sure to please you. Don't be afraid to feel happy.
    • A new rope is a harbinger of a meeting with an old friend whom you have not seen for a long time.

    There is also an opinion that being tied with a rope in a dream means falling into love captivity, regardless of your will and desire. For a female, this dream suggests that you will catch the man of your dreams in your love nets. For lovers, this is marriage, a wedding in the near future.

    Tie, pull, tangle

    And why dream of a rope that you yourself knit? General value this dream is the following: you subordinate people to your influence, but this does not happen by force, but thanks to your charisma and charm. Those around you tend to you, listen and catch your every word.

    Hanging, but at the same time stretched rope portends the receipt of a long-awaited letter from loved one- beloved or friend. A fragment of it is a reply to your letter. A rope around your neck indicates that a lot of worries at home and at work are already suffocating you with their quantity and inexhaustibility. It's time to take a break and relax, or even better - go on vacation.

    The clothesline you are pulling means difficulties that you will have to face, but you will definitely be able to cope, because friends and relatives will come to the rescue. This is your most important support and support, so you yourself will not notice how you will cope with problems with joint efforts.

    If you hung freshly washed clean linen on it, you can be described as a multifaceted personality. In the service you are demanding and strict, but at home you are kind and loving. For those who don't know you well, it's not clear how you do it.

    Did you walk and pull the rope behind you? This means that you cannot let go of some events that happened in the past. For this reason, the prospects of the present and the future do not open up, therefore your main task is to understand: what happened has passed, and leave what happened in the past. Try to live only in the present and look to the future with a smile.

    Entangled in the ropes means your confusion: on this moment you cannot soberly assess the situation, and in this state it is easy to make many mistakes. It is necessary to take a break, exhale, relax and evaluate what is happening with new thoughts. This will help to avoid many rash acts.

    Those dreamers who tied the pieces of a torn rope together will have to fix the damaged, but very important relationship with someone dear to you. If these were not pieces of one rope, but several cords, you are making contacts. This dream is favorable for dreamers who have a business. But pay attention to whether the length of the resulting rope bothers you - if so, then perhaps one of the partners is pulling you down.

    Why is the rope dreaming? When you dream of a rope, it means that you will finally appreciate what you have and enjoy life. If in a dream you saw a broken rope, this means that you are overlooking cases when your life is devoid of anxiety.

    What is the dream of the rope - Freud's dream book

    When a rope appears in a dream in some context, it means that during your waking hours you want to return to change the course of events and erase what has not yet awakened you.

    You dream of a clothesline, this dream may signal that you have some difficulties associated with your sex life, although you may not even know them.

    A rope around your neck is dreaming, a dream tells you about the imminent adventures of life.

    In a dream, to see clothes on a rope, a dream tells you to part with the person with whom you have been so far.

    As our dream book interprets, if a rope is dreaming of a rope, this is a sign that you will soon receive a message that will cause you an explosive emotion.

    You dream of a long rope, this dream will bring you happiness in life. When you dream that you are holding a long rope in your hands, this means that nothing can ever spoil your happiness.

    Why linen on a rope - Miller's dream book

    When you dream of laundry on a rope, this means that you will take part in some profitable event. If your clothes weigh on a clothesline in a dream, this will entail loss. If you are looking at underwear that is hanging on a rope in a dream, this means that you will be a victim of some kind of fraud. If you dream that you burned laundry on a rope in a dream, this is a sign that you will fulfill your financial obligations. When you see a veil on a rope, this is an emotional problem for you.

    When you see a lot of laundry on a rope, this is a signal from your subconscious that you may have some kind of illusion that does not allow you to live in peace. If you saw in a dream how the clothes fell from the rope, this means that when you wake up, you feel, or soon you will feel extremely lonely and abandoned by everyone. If clothes appear on a rope in some context in a dream, this is a sign that you may soon have health problems, and they will be serious enough for you to need medical attention.

    Why dream of hanging clothes on a rope - Vanga's dream book

    You dream that you are hanging laundry on a rope, this dream announces that you will not be able to achieve any success in professional field. Hanging dirty laundry on a rope is a sign that you will soon receive some unfavorable information. When you dream that you are cutting a rope in half, the dream predicts the death of your enemy or rival in some area.

    When you see your friend or girlfriend hanging clothes on a rope, this is a signal from your subconscious that you have no money at all at the moment and you need to urgently think about how to fix this situation.

    Why dream of bed linen on a rope - dream book of Nostradamus

    If you dream of bed linen not on a rope, this is a sign that you will soon suffer some kind of misfortune. When you see a person hanging bedding on a rope in a dream, this means that the unexpected will happen in your life, but happy event. If you dream that you are removing bed linen from a rope, this means that you feel guilty about the person, or feel hostility towards you from other people.

    Bedding on a rope in a dream, this dream is a signal from your subconscious mind that if you cannot control your bad emotions, you can turn your surroundings away from you. When in a dream bedding falls off a rope, it means that you have a lot of aggression in you that you must control. This dream also informs you of some kind of difference or fulfillment of your hopes.

    Why dream of hanging on a rope - Hasse's dream book

    If you dream of hanging from a rope, this is a sign that you will meet good friends soon. When you hang on a rope in a dream, it means that you need a day of rest and completely break away from existing problems.

    If you dream that you have to hang from a rope, it means that you want to draw attention to yourself, but once you do, you will not have the good results that you have now.

    If you see your friend hanging on a rope in a dream, this is a sign that you will soon start a fiery romance. When you smell a burning rope, the dream tells you about good luck and prosperity. When you dream of hanging on a rope and falling, this is a sign that you may become a victim of betrayal.

    Why do white ropes dream - Longo's dream book

    As our dream book interprets, when you dream of white ropes, this is a sign that you feel envy of another person whom you don’t even know. When you wind white ropes around your hands in a dream, it means that you want to enjoy your time on fresh air. If you found white ropes in a dream, this will mean love for you at first sight. In a dream, seeing white ropes dirty means that you do not have enough freedom and a sense of ownership when you are awake and therefore you do not feel comfortable.

    dream interpretation modern woman

    Why does a woman dream of a rope:

    A rope in a dream is a fateful sign. A very long rope portends a long life, but this does not mean that it will be carefree. Do not lose vigilance and do not take risks in vain, because a long life is not given to a person in vain.
    If the rope is torn in your hands, in reality your life will be in mortal danger, which you will be able to avoid only by being careful and foresight.
    To tie knots on a rope means to receive an indication that you are messing with people from whom you should expect big trouble. The best way out for you is to break off relations with these personalities.
    To untangle a rope or untie numerous knots on it means to free yourself from the power of an unworthy person over you. This event will be decisive in your life, after which you will be able to reveal your abilities and realize your plan.
    Tying something with a rope is a warning against interfering in the fate of the people around you, even if you are driven by the most sincere desire to help. This is not your destiny, you will only bring trouble on yourself.
    If you dream that you are tied with ropes, love captivity awaits you, contrary to the voice of reason.
    Broken - portend successful resistance to hostility and rivalry.

    ABC of dream interpretation

    Seeing a rope in a dream means:

    Rope - denotes attachment to a person or place.
    Untie the knots on the rope - solve the problem of communication.
    To be tied with a rope family life Or friendship has become a burden.

    Aesop's dream book

    A dream with a rope in a dream interpretation is interpreted as:

    You could see a rope in a dream - under the influence of the work of the subconscious, which thus tried to convey to you the well-known phrase: “No matter how much the rope twists, the end will still be!” This means that no matter what dishonest actions you commit, no matter how much lies you say, the truth will still emerge. Perhaps the subconscious mind also encrypted another statement: “To twist a rope out of someone,” that is, to dispose of this person at your own will, to lead him, to have an undivided influence on him.
    In a dream, to see a rope with knots tied to it or tangled - you have to get into an awkward situation due to the fact that you say too much or lie.
    Tie something with a rope, tie something together - you will have to resort to a lie to save, and this will really help to settle things and maintain good relations with others.
    If the rope is torn in your hands, this is a sign warning you to be more careful, not to say too much, so that you don’t have to regret what was said later.
    A very long rope is a symbol of the road, a long trip.
    Winding the rope - in reality, freeing yourself from the influence of a person who has been using you for quite some time for his own purposes.
    To dream that you are in the house of a hanged man and suddenly those present begin to discuss the murder weapon - someone will try to hit you below the belt, be careful in revelations and seeking support, because ill-wishers are not asleep.
    To dream of a person who is dragging a mountain of sand and is going to twist ropes out of it - you will spend money where you did not expect, because your companion is a fair economy, and this will harm the cause.
    Unraveling numerous knots on a rope - you will solve problems caused by other people; to gossip; to complicated cases; get in trouble with the law.
    Look for a strong rope in a dream - determination will visit you and you will put the final point in the matter; you will be able to save someone who needs your help.
    Making a rope ladder in a dream - a flimsy hope will not come true; you need to change your occupation; don't rely on what you don't believe in.

    Freud's dream book

    Rope dream means:

    The rope is a symbolic representation of the penis.

    Hanging an empty rope symbolizes your discretion when choosing sexual partners.

    A rope with linen speaks of your tendency to advertise your exploits.

    A tightly stretched rope symbolizes your sexual preoccupation.

    A coiled or folded rope indicates the presence of intractable problems in relations with your partners.

    A cut or torn rope portends health or potency problems.

    Small dream book

    Meaning of sleep rope:

    If in a dream you are weaving a rope, then in real life you will find yourself in a situation from which only your iron will and attitude to win will help you get out. If you dreamed that you were hanging washed clothes on a rope, then you cannot be characterized unambiguously. Many people who don't know you well can't understand how you manage to be tough and demanding at work, while still being gentle and caring at home. A dream in which your hands are tied with a rope means that you are oppressed by a situation in which you are powerless to do anything.

    Esoteric dream book

    What does it mean if a woman dreams of a rope:

    Hangs horizontally - to the road. Weighs vertically, straight line - danger on the way, in transport. Loop - blow, deceit. Curled up - check your lungs.

    Modern dream book

    What a rope may dream of:

    Rope - confusion in business, debts, failure.
    To dream of a strong new rope is a harbinger of a joyful meeting with a very good old friend.
    If you are holding an old frayed rope in your hands, you need to beware of dangers, as your ill-wishers are plotting next intrigues.
    Seeing yourself in a dream tied with a rope - for the upcoming very hard work.
    To see a long rope in a dream means that no matter how hard you try to hide your evil thoughts, they will still become known about them.

    Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

    Rope, in a dream means:

    You dreamed of a rope - tomorrow you will be lucky in the cards.
    If you dreamed that you twisted the ropes, the next day you will be very lucky.
    You watched someone weave ropes - expect a lottery win tomorrow.
    In a dream, you soaped a rope - do not expect anything good from life.

    Dream interpretation of the XXI century

    If a girl dreams of a rope, then this means:

    To see in a dream an elongated rope hanging - to receive a letter, a piece of rope - to answer, tangled - to a hitch in business, very long - to a long and happy life.
    Seeing yourself in a dream with a rope around your neck means that you are very tired, you need to take a break or take a vacation; to tie something with a rope - to worries and difficulties, to untie the knot - the question or problem that interests you will be successfully solved, over which you have been struggling for a long time and unsuccessfully.
    A twine or twine seen in a dream promises you in reality great difficulties in achieving your goal.
    Breaking a rope or twine in a dream means that in reality you will be able to cope with difficulties or free yourself from someone else's addiction.
    For a woman to see a cord or rope in a dream - to an influential sponsor, for a man - to receive false information through acquaintances.

    Dream interpretation for a bitch

    Why does a woman dream of a rope:

    Jump over the rope - a grand event will happen.
    Being tied - you love with your heart, not your mind.

    Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

    Rope in a dream Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

    Rope - attachment to someone, something; help from outside.

    Wangi's Dream Interpretation

    Rope in a dream Wangi's dream book

    A rope in a dream is a designation of the fate destined for the dreamer.
    If in a dream a rope broke in your hands, then in reality your life will be in mortal danger, which you will be able to avoid only by being careful and foresight.
    Tie knots on a rope - such a dream warns that you are messing with the wrong people, so expect big trouble, and the best way out for you is to break off relations with this group.
    A very long rope in a dream prophesies a long life, but this does not mean that it will be carefree. Do not lose vigilance and do not risk in vain, because such a long life is not given to a person in vain.
    Unraveling the rope or untying numerous knots on it - soon you will be freed from the power of an unworthy person over you, and this will become a decisive event in your life, after which you will be able to reveal your abilities and fulfill your plan.
    To tie something with a rope - you do not have the right to interfere in the fate of the people around you, by your involvement in their problems you bring trouble on yourself, even your sincere desire to help should be overcome, because this is not your destiny.

    Miller's dream book

    Rope in a dream Miller's dream book

    To be tied with ropes - you will surrender to love captivity contrary to reason; break the fetters - you will be able to resist hostility and rivalry; tie ropes or tie a horse - you have enough strength to fix people to your will; jump over the rope - you will scare your loved ones with a crazy trick; jumping with children over a rope - your selfish and domineering nature makes it difficult to see and understand that children owe little to such inhuman parents; hook your foot on the rope good conditions You will be a generous and gentle administrator; for a girl - to lower a rope from an open window to people is not very decent pleasure.
    See also Rope, Horse.

    Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

    Rope in a dream Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

    If in a dream you are climbing over some kind of obstacle along a stretched rope, and it suddenly breaks and you fly down, but this is where the nightmare ends and you wake up - life will take you to unprecedented heights.

    Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

    Rope in a dream Dream interpretation of birthdays in January, February, March, April

    Rope - to a complicated matter.

    American dream book

    Rope in a dream American dream book

    Rope - attachment to a person, place or thing.
    Twisted rope - means organization, inner composure and balance between body, mind and soul.
    A shabby or knotted rope - symbolizes discord. You feel bound hand and foot.

    Idiomatic dream book

    Rope in a dream Idiomatic dream book

    “No matter how much the rope twists ...” - the inevitability of the end, punishment; “tie hand and foot” - deprive of freedom of action; "noose" - a hopeless situation, the thought of suicide; “twist ropes out of him” - subjugate, manipulate, use this person.

    Chinese dream book

    Rope in a dream Chinese dream book

    The body is tied up, entangled with ropes - portends longevity, great happiness, benefit.
    The body is tied with ropes - great happiness, benefit.

    Dream Interpretation of Solomon

    Rope in a dream dream book of Solomon

    confusion in business, debt, failure.

    Old Russian dream book

    Rope in a dream Old Russian dream book

    road; to twist - to friendship; untie - broken relationship.

    Dream Interpretation Hasse

    Rope in a dream dream book Hasse

    to see how it is made - it will not be easy to achieve the goal
    climb or descend it - be on a confusing path
    tie - deceive others.

    Slavic dream book

    Rope in a dream Slavic dream book

    Road; to twist - to friendship; untie - broken relationship; hung and stretched - receiving a letter; a piece of rope - getting an answer.

    The latest dream book

    Rope in a dream The latest dream book

    Rope - to intricate intrigues; to difficult situation.

    Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

    Rope in a dream Dream interpretation of birthdays in May, June, July, August

    If you dream that you are pulling a clothesline, you have a difficult task ahead of you.

    Gypsy dream book

    Rope in a dream Gypsy dream book

    Seeing or holding a rope means that you will make some very useful friends.
    If there are knots on the rope, you will have some problems, but you will overcome them.
    Cut off the rope - to break a relationship that could be very useful.

    Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

    Rope in a dream Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

    Rope - can be a guiding thread, and maybe a symbol of affection for a particular person or thing.
    Twisted rope - can symbolize organization, inner composure and balance between body, mind and soul.
    A shabby or knotted rope - symbolizes discord.
    Do you feel like your hands are tied? - declare to yourself: "I feel free in all areas of life and know that my life is proceeding according to a higher plan."

    Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

    Rope in a dream Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

    Rope - confusion and confusion in business, debts and failures.

    Psychoanalytic dream book

    Rope in a dream Psychoanalytic dream book

    The rope is a symbol of ties (social, family), the border between the conscious and the unconscious.
    Knots on a rope - indicate hidden information (secret
    Climbing somewhere on a rope - you will definitely cope with all the difficulties, going down - to disappointment at the most inopportune moment.

    If you dream that you are tied with a rope or tied to something, then feelings will prevail over reason and you will headlong indulge in love pleasures. To break the ropes on yourself, freeing yourself from them, means that in reality you are able to withstand rivals and competitors. To tie or tie someone with ropes in a dream - you will find the strength in yourself to cope with many things at the same time.

    A dream in which you jump over a rope like a child is a warning not to act selfishly towards the people to whom you owe your success.

    Leading a dog or cat on a rope means that in real life, under the influence of cheerful people and a cheerful atmosphere, you will become more benevolent and compliant.

    Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

    Rope in a dream Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

    You contacted the wrong people. The choice of business partners was extremely unfortunate: they will soon let you down. Being tied with a rope - your relationship with partners has become a burden to them, they are looking for an opportunity to leave you with nothing. Tied in knots - you are bound by obligations hand and foot in order to shift all responsibility for failures onto you. The rope breaks - the proposals of your partners are associated with mortal danger. Twisted rope - only debts will remain from your partnership.

    Imagine that the rope burns down and nothing remains of it, not even ashes.

    Dream interpretation of the 20th century

    Rope in a dream Dream interpretation of the 20th century

    The image of a rope is dreaming - such a dream is ambiguous, and its meaning depends on the circumstances of the dream.

    Often it means your attachment to something remote, but often other symbolism is embedded in this image.

    If in a dream you saw a long rope, this may be a harbinger of the fact that you will have to wait quite a long time until your plans come true.

    Drag the rope behind you: speaks of your attachment to the past.

    Pull the rope towards yourself: a sign that you have connected your life with some important event future.

    If it’s hard for you in such a dream: this is a hint that you should live more today, and not tomorrow (and even more so, not yesterday), otherwise life with all its joys will pass by.

    Get tangled in the ropes: a sign that you have ceased to adequately assess the situation and risk making a mistake in any business.

    To see yourself in a dream bound hand and foot - suggests that circumstances are hindering your progress, and you have little chance of overcoming them. The dream offers you three solutions to choose from: accept, look for some non-standard way out of the situation, or abandon your idea.

    To tie a broken rope in a dream means that you should try to renew a relationship with someone you know.

    Tie different ropes together: portends you to establish new contacts.

    However, if the tied rope turned out to be too long and this confuses you or creates some kind of inconvenience, the dream suggests that by contacting someone, you risk greatly dragging out your business.

    Dream interpretation of Rommel

    Rope in a dream Dream Interpretation Rommel

    A coiled or tangled rope is a debt, confusion in business, sometimes for a man - cheating on his wife.

    Hanging, stretched out rope - a letter.

    Often - the road.

    A piece of rope is an answer to your old letter.

    Old, frayed - a warning of danger.

    Torn - grief.

    Holding or twisting a new rope - to friendship and love.

    Long rope - long life.

    Untie the rope - interrupt some kind of relationship.

    Seeing yourself tied up is a warning about an unbearable burden on you about fatigue that requires rest.

    The latest dream book

    Rope in a dream The latest dream book

    To confusing intrigues to a difficult situation.

    Dream interpretation for girls

    Rope in a dream Dream interpretation for girls

    The rope lies - the road.

    Rope hanging - letter.

    Twisting a rope is a tender friendship.

    Now it’s clear why they say: “he follows her like a tie.”

    Why is the rope dreaming

    Freud's dream book

    Rope - is a symbolic image of the penis.

    Hanging empty rope - symbolizes your discretion when choosing sexual partners.

    Rope with linen - speaks of your tendency to advertise your exploits.

    A tightly stretched rope - symbolizes your sexual preoccupation.

    A coiled or folded rope - indicates the presence of intractable problems in relations with your partners.

    A cut or torn rope - portends health problems or potency.

    Why is the rope dreaming

    Wangi's Dream Interpretation

    Rope - a designation of the fate destined for the dreamer.

    If in a dream a rope broke in your hands, in reality your life will be in mortal danger, which you will be able to avoid only by being careful and foresight.

    Tie knots on a rope - such a dream warns that you are messing with the wrong people, so expect big trouble, and the best way out for you is to break off relations with this group.

    A very long rope in a dream - prophesies a long life, but this does not mean that it will be carefree. Do not lose vigilance and do not risk in vain, because such a long life is not given to a person in vain.

    Unraveling the rope or untying numerous knots on it - soon you will be freed from the power of an unworthy person over you, and this will become a decisive event in your life, after which you will be able to reveal your abilities and fulfill your plan.

    To tie something with a rope - you do not have the right to interfere in the fate of the people around you, by your involvement in their problems you bring trouble on yourself, even your sincere desire to help should be overcome, because this is not your destiny.

    Why is the rope dreaming

    Dream Interpretation Hasse

    Rope to see how it is made - it will not be easy to achieve the goal; climb or descend it - be on a confusing path; tie - deceive others.

    Why is the rope dreaming

    Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

    The image of a rope in a dream is ambiguous, and its meaning depends on the circumstances of the dream. Often it means your attachment to something remote, but often other symbolism is embedded in this image.

    If in a dream you saw a long rope, this may be a harbinger of the fact that you will have to wait quite a long time until your plans come true.

    Drag the rope behind you - speaks of your attachment to the past.

    Pulling the rope towards yourself is a sign that you have connected your life with some important future event.

    If it’s hard for you in such a dream, this is a hint that you should live more today, and not tomorrow (and even more so, not yesterday), otherwise life with all its joys will pass by.

    Getting tangled in the ropes is a sign that you have ceased to adequately assess the situation and risk making a mistake in any business.

    Seeing yourself in a dream tied hand and foot - suggests that circumstances are hindering your progress, and you have little chance of overcoming them. The dream offers you three solutions to choose from: accept, look for some non-standard way out of the situation, or abandon your idea.

    To tie a broken rope in a dream means that you should try to renew a relationship with one of your friends.

    Tie different ropes together - portends you to establish new contacts.

    However, if the tied rope turned out to be too long and this confuses you or creates some kind of inconvenience, the dream suggests that by contacting someone, you risk greatly dragging out your business.

    Why is the rope dreaming

    The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

    Rope - to intricate intrigues; to a difficult situation.

    Why is the rope dreaming

    Spring dream book

    Rope - to a complicated matter.

    Why is the rope dreaming

    Summer dream book

    If you dream that you are pulling a clothesline, you have a difficult task ahead of you.

    Why is the rope dreaming

    Autumn dream book

    If in a dream you are climbing over some kind of obstacle along a stretched rope, and it suddenly breaks and you fly down, but this is where the nightmare ends and you wake up - life will take you to unprecedented heights.

    Why is the rope dreaming

    Dream interpretation from A to Z

    To see a rope in a dream - to difficulty in business and uncertainty in love relationships.

    If you dream that a rope was let down from a window, it means that in reality you will take part in a business that will not suit your friends, but will amuse and entertain you.

    Climbing somewhere on a rope - you will definitely cope with all the difficulties, going down - to disappointment at the most inopportune moment.

    If you dream that you are tied with a rope or tied to something, it means that feelings will prevail over reason and you will headlong indulge in love pleasures.

    Breaking the ropes on yourself, freeing yourself from them, means that in reality you are able to withstand rivals and competitors.

    To tie or tie someone with ropes in a dream - you will find the strength in yourself to cope with many things at the same time.

    A dream in which you jump over a rope like a child is a warning not to act selfishly towards the people to whom you owe your success.

    Leading a dog or cat on a rope means that in real life, under the influence of cheerful people and a cheerful atmosphere, you will become more benevolent and compliant.

    Why is the rope dreaming

    Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

    Seeing a rope in a dream - Seeing how it is made - it will not be easy to reach the goal - climb or go down it - be on a confusing path - get attached - deceive others

    Why is the rope dreaming

    Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

    You dreamed of a rope - tomorrow you will be lucky in the cards.

    If you dreamed that you twisted the ropes, the next day you will be very lucky.

    You watched someone weave ropes - expect a lottery win tomorrow.

    In a dream, you soaped a rope - do not expect anything good from life.

    Why is the rope dreaming

    Esoteric dream book

    The rope hangs horizontally - to the road.

    It weighs vertically, straight - danger on the way, in transport.

    Loop - blow, deceit.

    Curled up - check your lungs.

    Why is the rope dreaming

    Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

    A rope in a dream is a fateful sign. A very long rope portends a long life, but this does not mean that it will be carefree. Do not lose vigilance and do not take risks in vain, because a long life is not given to a person in vain.

    If the rope is torn in your hands, in reality your life will be in mortal danger, which you will be able to avoid only by being careful and foresight.

    To tie knots on a rope means to receive an indication that you are messing with people from whom you should expect big trouble. The best way out for you is to break off relations with these personalities.

    To untangle a rope or untie numerous knots on it means to free yourself from the power of an unworthy person over you. This event will be decisive in your life, after which you will be able to reveal your abilities and realize your plan.

    Tying something with a rope is a warning against interfering in the fate of the people around you, even if you are driven by the most sincere desire to help. This is not your destiny, you will only bring trouble on yourself.

    If you dream that you are tied with ropes, love captivity awaits you, contrary to the voice of reason.

    Broken - portend successful resistance to hostility and rivalry.

    Why is the rope dreaming

    Dream Interpretation of Azar

    confusion in business, debt and failure

    the rope is also possible - uncertainty in love relationships, grumpy wife

    hanging rope - letter

    long rope - long life

    rope lies - road

    coiled rope - come into doubt, hesitate

    tangled rope - come into doubt, hesitate

    ropes - a meeting of foreigners or that the departed will be caught, and the lost will be found

    knit a rope - enough strength to subjugate people to your will

    winding a rope - money

    tie with a rope - worries, difficulties

    a piece of rope in hand - receiving an answer to a letter

    to go down the rope - to be on a tangled path

    untie the rope - the secret will become clear

    climb the rope - be on a tangled path

    tie a rope to something - deceive others

    untie the rope - break off the relationship

    broken rope - great grief

    break the rope that binds you to someone - break ties, business or personal

    twist a rope - to friendship

    untie the knots on the rope - by chance what you wanted will come true

    rope ladder - a difficult task will end happily

    Why is the rope dreaming

    Dream interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov

    Rope - road; to twist - to friendship; untie - broken relationship; torn - great grief; long - long life.

    Why is the rope dreaming

    Modern dream book

    Rope - confusion in business, debts, failure.

    To dream of a strong new rope is a harbinger of a joyful meeting with a very good old friend.

    If you are holding an old frayed rope in your hands, you need to beware of dangers, as your ill-wishers are plotting next intrigues.

    Seeing yourself in a dream tied with a rope - for the upcoming very hard work.

    To see a long rope in a dream means that no matter how hard you try to hide your evil thoughts, they will still become known about them.

    Why is the rope dreaming

    Eastern dream book

    If the rope breaks, it means that you will be in mortal danger, which you can avoid only by showing caution and forethought.

    A very long rope is a symbol of long life.

    Unraveling a rope or untying numerous knots on it - to liberation from the oppression of an unworthy person.

    Why is the rope dreaming

    Dream Interpretation of Schiller-Schoolboy

    confusion in business, debt and failure.

    Why is the rope dreaming

    Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

    You dream of a rope - your affairs may have come to a standstill, and only you can solve your difficulties, do not rely on someone else's help; your love is also at an impasse - you didn’t expect it from her, you didn’t see it like that; you do not know how to be; you can only count on time, which one day will set all the accents very clearly. You see yourself bound hand and foot - you are a person of a good analytical mind, but when you see this girl, you cannot help yourself; charm magic gives your mind a rest; you are ready to be a prisoner of love; feelings, not reason, now determine your attitude to reality; and you see how wrong you were before, suppressing nature in yourself. It’s as if you are breaking the fetters - in reality, someone is very hostile to you; you will do an act that will destroy enmity. You climb the rope - you will cope with all difficulties, overcome enemies. It is as if you are descending on a rope - after some very vivid impression, you will feel emptiness; perhaps you yourself are to blame: you wanted to further enhance the impression and ruined everything. You have an old rope in your hands - danger awaits you, be careful.

    Why is the rope dreaming

    Noble dream book by N. Grishina

    The rope hangs - the warmth of friends.

    The scrap in the hand is the answer to the letter.

    To see a rope coiled or tangled - to come into doubt, to hesitate.

    To untie the knots on it - something will happen that you previously sought in vain.

    Untie the rope - the secret will become clear.

    Tie with a rope - worries, difficulties.

    Why is the rope dreaming

    Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

    Rope - attachment to someone, something; help from outside.

    Why is the rope dreaming

    Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

    You contacted the wrong people. The choice of business partners was extremely unfortunate: they will soon let you down. Imagine that the rope burns down, and nothing remains of it, not even ashes.

    Why is the rope dreaming

    Dream Interpretation of Krada Veles

    To see her white linen hanging on a drying line for a woman - a man with whom there will soon be a love relationship will not be up to par as a partner.

    You drag the corpse of a friend on a rope with you - a conflict with a person who will soon die.

    Why is the rope dreaming

    Modern dream book

    Rope - Entanglement in business, debt, failure

    Why is the rope dreaming

    English dream book

    Ropes and cords can be used in many ways and in many cases are associated with a sense of security. What is the dream about: Did the rope help you climb up or go down? Has your life depended on being well anchored? Or was she tying up the package, preventing you from looking inside? Or was it holding back an animal that wanted to attack you? If so, you may be feeling in danger right now, even hanging by a thread. If a tug-of-war appeared in a dream, then do you feel that you are being pulled in different directions? Maybe soon you will need to make a decision. If you dreamed of a cord, did it tie something up or did you have to pull it to call someone? Or was it the umbilical cord? In the latter case, are you too dependent on someone close to you, voluntarily or involuntarily?

    Why is the rope dreaming

    Old Russian dream book

    Rope - A sign of confusion, fatigue.

    Why is the rope dreaming

    Psychoanalytic dream book

    1. A rope that appears in a dream means tying, perhaps to provide some kind of reliability, or an attempt to keep the situation under control. 2. On psychological level a rope, like a rope, is considered a link between two objects (see Rope). 3. From a spiritual point of view, everything that connects involves a direct relationship with someone inner essence like Silver Thread.

    Why is the rope dreaming

    Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

    Rope (rope) - Denotes attachment to a person or place. Untie the knots on the rope - solve the problem of communication. To be tied with a rope - family life or friendship has become a burden.

    Why is the rope dreaming

    Russian dream book

    Rope - confusion and confusion in business.

    Why is the rope dreaming

    Dream Interpretation of E. Erickson

    A rope is a grumpy partner, winding around your hand - getting money, measuring something with a rope - getting the planned profit. Climbing or descending a rope - to participate in an intricate business with varying success. Tie a rope - deceive others.

    Why is the rope dreaming

    Jewish dream book

    Rope with knots. A dream that occurred on Monday night means that you will be able to avoid big trouble; on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - you are in serious danger of damage; on the night of Saturday or Sunday - to intrigue and gossip. Break the rope A dream that occurred on Monday night means that you risk breaking off relations with an old friend; on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - you will be freed from the need to do unpleasant things; on the night of Saturday or Sunday - that your long-standing desire will come true. A rope entangling the legs portends despondency; there will be boredom, melancholy and unwillingness to do anything. Rope around the neck - to regret the perfect deed, fatigue and disappointment in life. Hands tied with a rope speak of upcoming doubts and the need to make a choice.

    Why is the rope dreaming

    Women's dream book

    To see a dream about Rope - A rope in a dream is a fateful sign. A very long rope portends a long life, but this does not mean that it will be carefree. Do not lose vigilance and do not take risks in vain, because a long life is not given to a person in vain. If the rope is torn in your hands, in reality your life will be in mortal danger, which you will be able to avoid only by being careful and foresight. To tie knots on a rope means to receive an indication that you are messing with people from whom you should expect big trouble. The best way out for you is to break off relations with these personalities. To untangle a rope or untie numerous knots on it means to free yourself from the power of an unworthy person over you. This event will be decisive in your life, after which you will be able to reveal your abilities and realize your plan. Tying something with a rope is a warning against interfering in the fate of the people around you, even if you are driven by the most sincere desire to help. This is not your destiny, you will only bring trouble on yourself. If you dream that you are tied with ropes, then love captivity awaits you, contrary to the voice of reason. Broken fetters portend successful resistance to hostility and rivalry.

    Why is the rope dreaming

    Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

    Rope - the course of life. Making a rope is controlling your own life; climb or descend it - achievements or failures; long rope - a long period of time; to be connected - restrictions; tying knots on a rope - the emergence of new relationships that bother you; untie numerous knots on a rope or unravel a rope - free yourself from restrictions; tying something with a rope - an attempt to limit someone, to restrain one's own feelings; the rope broke - a broken relationship; braided rope - reconciliation of someone or one's own feelings.

    Why is the rope dreaming

    Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

    In a dream, to see a rope with knots tied to it or tangled - you have to get into an awkward situation due to the fact that you will say too much or lie.

    To tie something with a rope, to tie something together - you will have to resort to lying for salvation, and this will really help to settle things and maintain good relations with others.

    If the rope is torn in your hands, then this is a sign warning you to be more careful, not to say too much, so that you don’t have to regret what was said later.

    A very long rope is a symbol of the road, a long trip.

    Winding the rope - in reality, freeing yourself from the influence of a person who has been using you for quite a long time for his own purposes.

    To dream of a person who is dragging a mountain of sand and is going to twist ropes out of it - you will spend money where you did not expect, because your assistant is a fair economy, and this will harm the cause.

    Unraveling numerous knots on a rope - you will solve problems caused by other people; to gossip; to complicated cases; get in trouble with the law.

    Look for a strong rope in a dream - determination will visit you and you will put the final point in the matter; you will be able to save someone who needs your help.

    Making a rope ladder in a dream - a flimsy hope will not come true; you need to change your occupation; don't rely on what you don't believe in.

    Why is the rope dreaming

    Psychotherapeutic dream book

    Rope (cord and thread, lacing) - Symbolism of bonds (social, family), the border between the conscious and the unconscious. Knots on the rope indicate hidden information (secret knot writing). Path (thread of Ariadne). TIMES rarely have a chronological frequency. The dreamer's thoughts about the past and the future can be combined into one dream. Years, days and hours in dreams are not differentiated: for example, an image associated with tooth loss can reflect both an emotional shift, maturation in the past (the time of milk teeth), and the onset of old age (tooth loss is the future). The inner experience of time changes depending on the mood. With depression, time drags on for a long time, with mania it passes quickly. Time of day. Dreamer's age. Other dates that matter to him. The unconscious has its own calendar, its dates remain important milestones even when consciousness has forgotten about them. Day. Lifespan. Morning. Youth. Afternoon. Masculinity, femininity. Average age, the boundary of individuation. Evening. Old age. certain hours of the day. Certain age. So, 10.30 ten and a half years, etc. It is important to remember the events of this age. Being late, missing the train, etc. Wanting more time. Link to eternity. Death. Any reference to history, including historical characters, environment. Past; the dreamer's past, often his childhood. Prehistoric. Prenatal (prior to birth) events. days. Just as time is related to age, days are related to age. Number of days = number of years. Three days. The period between Good Friday and Sunday. The process of rebirth in individual existence. Age. Someone else of a certain age in a dream. the individual at that age. Someone who looks younger in a dream than in real life. Return to life when he or she was in given age.

    Why is the rope dreaming

    Mayan Dream Interpretation

    Good value If the rope hangs, it means that new horizons are opening up before you, new opportunities are emerging. To make it so, cut off a strand of your hair, put a few hairs in envelopes and send them to unknown people in different countries.

    Bad value If the rope is wrapped around something, then you may soon have problems with your lungs. To avoid this, of course, it is worth protecting yourself from tobacco smoke and tying a white ribbon around the wrist of your left hand every day for a week.

    Why is the rope dreaming

    Dream interpretation of catchphrases

    Rope - “no matter how much the rope twists ...” - the inevitability of the end, punishment. “Tie hands and feet” - deprive of freedom of action; "to have an attachment to something" (to someone). "Noose" - a hopeless situation, the thought of suicide. “Twist ropes out of him” - subjugate, manipulate, use this person. See add. the end.

    Why is the rope dreaming

    Old Russian dream book

    road; to twist - to friendship; untie - broken relationship.

    Why is the rope dreaming

    Dream Interpretation of the Future

    Rope - confusion and confusion in business, debts and failures.

    Why is the rope dreaming

    Idiomatic dream book

    “No matter how much the rope twists ...” - the inevitability of the end, punishment; “tie hand and foot” - deprive of freedom of action; "noose" - a hopeless situation, the thought of suicide; “twist ropes out of him” - subjugate, manipulate, use this person.

    Why is the rope dreaming

    Online dream book

    If you see a rope in a dream, you are strongly predisposed either to your habitat or to some person.

    I dreamed that you were tied up with her - your personal life or relationship with someone.

    I dreamed of a rope that was twisted - you are collected, internally tightened and are in complete balance, both with your mind and with your spirit.

    If it is all in knots - expect discord in life, something is holding you back.

    Untie the rope or unravel the knots in a dream - you will soon be freed from the burden of some person.

    If it breaks in your dream - such a dream promises a risk from which you can even die.

    I dreamed about how you combine the two halves of the rope - the dream book advises you to start communicating again with one person from your environment.

    If it is very durable and new, you will soon meet your very good and old friend.

    To hold on to a very worn and ancient rope in a dream - you should beware of the unforeseen risk that your envious and enemies want to arrange for you.

    It seemed that you had a noose from a rope around your neck - the author of the dream is very exhausted, he needs to take a day off and rest properly.

    To break it in a dream - in reality, you will soon become free from someone else's influence or successfully resolve all difficulties.

    It is a dream that you are tying something with a rope - which means that in reality you should not interfere in the lives of other people, since you yourself will remain to blame for everything.

    I dreamed about how you climb somewhere with the help of a rope - you will solve all the problems, and if you go down it

    To wind it in a dream means that in the near future you will get rid of the influence of some person who deliberately used you.

    Jumping over a rope in a dream - the dream book promises you the loss of a loved one because of your selfishness.

    Why is the rope dreaming

    Universal dream book

    If in a dream a rope serves as a fastener for you, the dream symbolizes strength and safety. Or do you hope that someone will fail because you yourself gave him enough rope to hang himself?

    Why is the rope dreaming

    American dream book

    Rope - attachment to a person, place or thing.

    Twisted rope - means organization, inner composure and balance between body, mind and soul.

    A shabby or knotted rope - symbolizes discord. You feel bound hand and foot.

    Why is the rope dreaming

    Dream Interpretation of Solomon

    Rope - confusion in business, debt, failure.

    Why is the rope dreaming

    Dream Interpretation of Lovers

    A rope is a sign of difficulties in matters of the heart.

    A dream in which you are tied with ropes means that you will succumb to love temptation contrary to common sense. To break the fetters means victory over an opponent (rival) in love.

    If you knit ropes in a dream, it means that people will succumb to your influence. You will conquer those around you with your charm.

    Jumping over a rope with children is a sign that your selfishness will cause a break in relations with your loved one.

    A girl who in a dream lowered a rope from a window to people standing below will experience indecent joy, doing not too worthy deeds.

    Why is the rope dreaming

    Medieval dream book of Daniel

    Ropes to see - to the disease.

    Why is the rope dreaming

    Russian dream book

    Rope - get bad news; but if you wrapped a rope around a man, this portends a wedding.

    Why is the rope dreaming

    Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong

    The body is tied up, entangled with ropes - portends longevity, great happiness, benefit.

    The body is tied with ropes - great happiness, benefit.

    Why is the rope dreaming

    Dream interpreter 1829

    Rope - a sign of confusion, fatigue.

    Breaking a rope or twine in a dream means that in reality you will be able to cope with difficulties or free yourself from someone else's addiction.

    For a woman to see a cord or rope in a dream - to an influential sponsor, for a man - to receive false information through acquaintances.

    Why is the rope dreaming

    Slavic dream book

    Rope - karmic bonds bind you with an unpleasant face. Pull the rope over yourself - emerge victorious in a duel, but also burdened with karmic debts. Net rope - says that you owe your marriage partner. A dirty and old rope speaks of large debts, karma, karmic hosts. Break the rope - pay off debts.

    Why is the rope dreaming

    Aesop's dream book

    You could see a rope in a dream - under the influence of the work of the subconscious, which thus tried to convey to you the well-known phrase: “No matter how much the rope twists, the end will still be!” This means that no matter what dishonest actions you commit, no matter how much lies you say, the truth will still emerge. Perhaps the subconscious mind also encrypted another statement: “To twist a rope out of someone,” that is, to dispose of this person at your own will, to lead him, to have an undivided influence on him.

    In a dream, to see a rope with knots tied to it or tangled - you have to get into an awkward situation due to the fact that you say too much or lie.

    To tie something with a rope, to tie something together - you will have to resort to lying for salvation, and this will really help to settle things and maintain good relations with others.

    If the rope is torn in your hands, this is a sign warning you to be more careful, not to say too much, so that you don’t have to regret what was said later.

    A very long rope is a symbol of the road, a long trip.

    Winding the rope - in reality, freeing yourself from the influence of a person who has been using you for quite some time for his own purposes.

    To dream that you are in the house of a hanged man and suddenly those present begin to discuss the murder weapon - someone will try to hit you below the belt, be careful in revelations and seeking support, because ill-wishers are not asleep.

    To dream of a person who is dragging a mountain of sand and is going to twist ropes out of it - you will spend money where you did not expect, because your companion is a fair economy, and this will harm the cause.

    Unraveling numerous knots on a rope - you will solve problems caused by other people; to gossip; to complicated cases; get in trouble with the law.

    Look for a strong rope in a dream - determination will visit you and you will put the final point in the matter; you will be able to save someone who needs your help.

    Making a rope ladder in a dream - a flimsy hope will not come true; you need to change your occupation; don't rely on what you don't believe in.

    Why is the rope dreaming

    Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (short)

    Attachment to a person, place or thing.

    May symbolize kundalini.
