Section I. General sectoral qualification characteristics of positions of employees employed at enterprises, institutions and organizations

EKSD 2018. Edition dated April 9, 2018
To search for approved professional standards of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, use reference book of professional standards

Human Resources Specialist

Job responsibilities. Performs work on staffing the enterprise with the required professions, specialties and qualifications. Participates in the selection, selection, placement of personnel. Carries out the study and analysis of the job and professional qualification structure of the personnel of the enterprise and its divisions, the established documentation for personnel records related to the recruitment, transfer, labor activity and dismissal of employees, the results of the certification of employees and the assessment of their business qualities in order to determine the current and future needs for personnel, preparing proposals for filling vacant positions and creating a reserve for promotion. Participates in the study of the labor market to determine the sources of meeting the need for personnel, establishing and maintaining direct links with educational institutions, contacts with enterprises of a similar profile. Informs employees of the enterprise about available vacancies. Participates in the development of long-term and current labor plans. Carries out control over the placement and placement of young professionals and young workers in accordance with the received in educational institution profession and specialty, conducting their internships, takes part in the adaptation of newly hired employees to production activities. Participates in the preparation of proposals for personnel development, business career planning, training and professional development of personnel, as well as in evaluating the effectiveness of training. Takes part in the organization of work, methodological and informational support of qualification, attestation, competitive commissions, registration of their decisions. Analyzes the state labor discipline and compliance by employees of the enterprise with the rules of internal work schedule, movement of personnel, participates in the development of measures to reduce turnover and improve labor discipline. Controls the timely registration of the admission, transfer and dismissal of employees, the issuance of certificates of their current and past labor activity, compliance with the rules of storage and filling work books, preparation of documents for establishing benefits and compensations, registration of pensions for employees and other established documentation on personnel, as well as entering relevant information into the data bank on the personnel of the enterprise. Prepares prescribed reports.

Must know: legislative and regulatory legal acts, teaching materials for personnel management, labor law, the structure and staff of the enterprise, its profile, specialization and development prospects, the procedure for determining the prospective and current needs for personnel, sources of providing the enterprise with personnel, methods for analyzing the professional and qualification structure of personnel, provisions for certification and qualification tests, the procedure for election (appointment) to position, the procedure for processing, maintaining and storing documentation related to personnel and their movement, the procedure for the formation and maintenance of a data bank on the personnel of an enterprise, the procedure for compiling reports on personnel, the basics of psychology and sociology of labor, the basics of economics, labor organization and management, labor legislation, means of computer technology, communications and communication, rules and norms of labor protection.

please tell me whether it is possible to hold the position of a human resources specialist without higher professional education, if you have a diploma of professional training in the specialty "Organization of personnel work in modern enterprise"with a volume of 657 hours and work experience of 8 years. Initially, the employee was hired as an inspector of the personnel department with an official salary at the 3rd qualification level of the PKG. A few years later, the position was renamed into a personnel specialist (103 units). The salary remained the same at PKG qualification level 3. An additional agreement has been concluded with the employee.Now the director intends to rename the position of HR specialist to HR inspector and with a decrease in the official salary to PKG qualification level 2. Personnel officer in the institution - 1 unit (the number is reduced to 86.5 units). Is it legal and is it legal to leave the position of a personnel specialist in this situation.


Answer to the question:

To begin with, we note that according to the "On Amendments to Labor Code Russian Federation and Articles 11 and 73 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" professional standards will be mandatory only partially .

The amendments concern the application of professional standards.

The concept of professional standard is specified. This is a characteristic of the qualifications necessary for an employee to carry out a certain type of work. professional activity, including the performance of a certain labor function.

From July 1, 2016, an obligation is introduced for employers to apply (including commercial organizations) professional standards in terms of the requirements for the qualifications necessary for an employee to perform a certain labor function, if these requirements are established by the legislation or regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

The rest of the professional standards will be used by employers as a basis for determining the qualification requirements for employees, taking into account the specifics of their labor functions, due to the technologies used and the adopted organization of production and labor.

We also note that, as a general rule, the names of positions, qualification requirements, the employer determines at his own discretion.. But if the labor legislation connects the provision of compensations and benefits (early pension, additional leave) or establishes any restrictions, then the names of such positions and professions, qualification requirements must comply with qualification reference books, professional standards. The indicated correspondence should be observed both in the employment contract with the employee, where his position (performance of work by profession) will be indicated, and in the organization's staffing table.

It should be noted that the arbitrary naming of positions can create certain difficulties for the organization. According to federal law dated December 28, 2013 N 426-FZ "On a special assessment of working conditions" each organization is obliged to conduct a special assessment of the working conditions of its employees. This applies to all organizations, regardless of their type, organizational and legal form, form of ownership. When conducting a special assessment, it will be necessary to reflect not only the name of the position, but also its code according to the All-Russian classifier of types economic activity(Clause 2, Article 18 of the Law), and if the position is not provided for by any of the CAS, then it will be difficult for you to fulfill this requirement. According to the organization conducting a special assessment of working conditions, most likely it will be necessary to rename the corresponding position.

Besides, in in order to verify the compliance of an employee with the position held, the employer has the right to conduct certification.

If the certification commission came to the conclusion that the employee is inconsistent with the position held, the head of the organization has the right to dismiss him (clause 3, part 1, article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Also, if there is an expression of the will of the employee, he can be dismissed at any time by own will: . Dismissal is possible by agreement of the parties to the employment contract:

Thus, if the employee is already hired, in the absence of necessary education experience, then it will be possible to dismiss him from his job only if he really does not cope with his work due to insufficient qualifications, which must be confirmed by the results of the certification.

Requirements for the qualification of a HR specialist: Higher professional education without presenting requirements for work experience ().

Personnel inspectors: secondary vocational education without requirements for work experience or initial vocational education, special training according to the established program and at least 3 years of work experience in the profile, including at this enterprise at least 1 year.

Details in the materials of the System Personnel:

1. Situation:How to rename a job

Changing the name of a position without changing the labor function is not a transfer (). At the same time, such a renaming can be carried out both by agreement of the parties, when both parties agree to the change, or unilaterally at the initiative of the employer (Art. , Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

If the renaming of the position occurs by agreement of the parties, then it must be issued according to general rules changes in the employment contract (). To do this, prepare employment contract the employee whose position is to be renamed. Based additional agreement publish . Enter information about renaming the position in and the employee.

If the employee does not agree to the renaming of the position, then the employer can change the name of the position unilaterally, provided that such renaming is caused by organizational or technological changes (). See HR Quest Game for more details: check if you know how work has changed since the beginning of the year
In the work of personnel officers there were important changes to consider in 2019. Check in the game format whether you have taken into account all the innovations. Solve all the tasks and get a useful gift from the editors of the Kadrovoe Delo magazine.

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  • The daily duties of a personnel officer are regulated by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation in a resolution of 08/21/1998. It specifies in detail the areas of responsibility of a specialist, the limits of subordination, the regulatory framework is considered, required by the employee personnel department, the procedure for the delivery and maintenance of documentation. The Unified Qualification Handbook defines 17 professions that, in the performance of official duties, are guided by the job description of a personnel worker. The structure of the department that regulates the activities of employees is reflected in the relevant Regulation "On the Human Resources Department".

    HR Specialist Job Responsibilities

    The job description of a specialist in the personnel department establishes the procedure for labor relations, the range of responsibility, the functions assigned to the employee, the requirements for him, the required level of education and subordination. A person with sufficient professional training, education and experience of at least 12 months is classified as a specialist.

    The head of the personnel department is responsible for the development and content of the instruction, and it is approved by the head of the company. It reflects everything official duties personnel department specialist. Their composition, rules of execution, powers are detailed by the administrative acts of the enterprise, rules internal regulations, federal and regional regulations. They include the following tasks:

    • documenting the hiring and dismissal of employees, the transfer of personnel to other staff units in accordance with the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the orders of the management;
    • accounting of activities and changes in personal data of employees of all levels - from the director to the watchman - in accordance with the standards of accounting documents with the introduction of changes in information databases;
    • data collection for certification and advanced training;
    • development of a mechanism for rewards and penalties;
    • preparation and maintenance of personal files, collection and processing of personal data;
    • registration of work books - making entries, registration, accounting and storage;
    • formation of work experience;
    • monitoring of holidays and control over the execution of the schedule;
    • timely selection of documentation for the archive and its execution;

    The activity of a personnel specialist provides access to confidential data - personal files, trade secret. If the actions of an employee caused property or financial damage to the organization, he will be held liable in accordance with the law.

    The Human Resources Specialist may perform his job duties overtime. According to Art. 152 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the overtime rate is set by the enterprise.

    Human Resources Inspector Job Responsibilities

    As indicated in the Unified Qualification Handbook, applicants with a secondary education are considered for the position of HR inspector, the presence of professional experience does not matter. The entire scope of the duties of the HR inspector is defined in the internal instructions. It includes the following business tasks:

    In addition to office work, the duties of the HR inspector also provide for the selection of employees for vacancies in accordance with professional requirements and level of communication. The personnel officer places ads in the press, Internet portals, submits an application to the employment center, and conducts an interview. His task is not just to select a professional, but to find a person who will easily enter the team and will not become a source of conflict. The management may provide for the duty of the inspector to conduct a competition among applicants. Selection events and control of passage are in the competence of the personnel officer.

    Job Responsibilities of the Head of Human Resources

    Only an employee with a diploma of higher education who has worked in a similar position for at least 3 years. His candidacy is determined only by the head of the company. Management activities are carried out on the basis of the company's internal charter, strictly within the framework of the Russian labor and civil law and in accordance with the job description of the personnel worker. The head of OK is accountable only to the top management of the company.

    The responsibilities of the Head of Human Resources are as follows:

    • development of regulations on personnel policy;
    • assessment of the organization's need for personnel renewal;
    • staff management in accordance with authority and competence;
    • methodological and information support of certification, organization and analysis of its results;
    • debugging the processes of transfer, dismissal or hiring of personnel;
    • corrective activity;
    • regular monitoring of the performance of duties by specialists of the personnel department;
    • control over the execution of orders for rewarding and promotion.

    The duties of the personnel officer-chief include the implementation of measures to establish working discipline, increase the motivation of the team. The head is engaged in the preparation, approval of official information intended for the director. The competence of the authorities is to consult staff on current personnel issues.

    ABOUT professional level the head of the OK testifies to the knowledge of labor and civil law Russian Federation, employee assessment methods, enterprise structure, requirements for paperwork, standards fire safety and labor protection.

    An instruction with the duties of a personnel officer - a boss, an inspector or a specialist - is signed by the applicant when applying for a job. The document is drawn up for each category of workers according to a standard model.

    4th edition, revised
    (approved by resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of August 21, 1998 N 37)

    With changes and additions from:

    January 21, August 4, 2000, April 20, 2001, May 31, June 20, 2002, July 28, November 12, 2003, July 25, 2005, November 7, 2006, September 17, 2007 , April 29, 2008, March 14, 2011, May 15, 2013, February 12, 2014, March 27, 2018

    Qualification guide positions of managers, specialists and other employees is a regulatory document developed by the Institute of Labor and approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of August 21, 1998 N 37. This publication includes additions made by the Decrees of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of December 24, 1998 N 52, of February 22 1999 N 3, dated January 21, 2000 N 7, dated August 4, 2000 N 57, April 20, 2001 N 35, dated May 31, 2002 and June 20, 2002 N 44. The directory is recommended for use in enterprises, institutions and organizations various industries economy, regardless of the form of ownership and organizational and legal forms in order to ensure correct selection, placement and use of frames.

    The new Qualification Handbook is designed to ensure a rational division of labor, create an effective mechanism for delimiting functions, powers and responsibilities based on a clear regulation of the labor activity of employees in modern conditions. The directory contains new qualification characteristics of positions of employees related to development market relations. All previously valid qualification characteristics have been revised, significant changes have been made to them in connection with the transformations carried out in the country and taking into account the practice of applying characteristics.

    In the qualification characteristics, the unification of the labor regulation standards for employees was carried out to ensure a unified approach to the selection of personnel of appropriate qualifications and compliance with the unified principles of billing work based on their complexity. The Qualification characteristics take into account the latest legislative and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

    Qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and other employees

    General provisions

    1. The qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and other employees (technical performers) is intended to address issues related to regulation labor relations, ensuring an effective personnel management system at enterprises * (1), in institutions and organizations of various sectors of the economy, regardless of ownership and organizational and legal forms of activity.

    The qualification characteristics included in this issue of the Handbook are regulatory documents designed to justify the rational division and organization of labor, the correct selection, placement and use of personnel, ensuring unity in determining the duties of employees and the requirements for them. qualification requirements, as well as decisions made on compliance with the positions held during the certification of managers and specialists.

    2. The construction of the Directory is based on the job description, since the requirements for the qualifications of employees are determined by their job responsibilities, which, in turn, determine the names of the positions.

    The directory was developed in accordance with the accepted classification of employees into three categories: managers, specialists and other employees (technical performers). The assignment of employees to categories is carried out depending on the nature of the predominantly performed work that makes up the content of the worker's work (organizational-administrative, analytical-constructive, information-technical).

    The names of the positions of employees, the qualification characteristics of which are included in the Directory, are established in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Occupations of Workers, Positions of Employees and tariff categories OK-016-94 (OKPDTR), put into effect on January 1, 1996

    3. The qualification guide contains two sections. The first section provides qualification characteristics of industry-wide positions of managers, specialists and other employees (technical performers), which are widespread in enterprises, institutions and organizations, primarily manufacturing industries economy, including those on budget financing. The second section contains the qualification characteristics of the positions of employees employed in research institutions, design, technological, design and survey organizations, as well as editorial and publishing departments.

    4. Qualification characteristics in enterprises, institutions and organizations can be used as normative documents direct action or serve as the basis for the development of internal organizational and administrative documents - job descriptions containing a specific list of job duties of employees, taking into account the specifics of the organization of production, labor and management, as well as their rights and responsibilities. If necessary, the duties included in the description of a particular position can be distributed among several performers.

    Since the qualification characteristics apply to employees of enterprises, institutions and organizations, regardless of their industry affiliation and departmental subordination, they present the most typical work for each position. Therefore, when developing job descriptions, it is allowed to clarify the list of works that are characteristic of the corresponding position in specific organizational and technical conditions, and the requirements for the necessary special training of employees are established.

    In the process of organizational, technical and economic development, the development of modern management technologies, the introduction of the latest technical means, carrying out measures to improve the organization and increase labor efficiency, it is possible to expand the range of duties of employees in comparison with the established corresponding characteristics. In these cases, without changing the job title, the employee may be entrusted with the performance of duties stipulated by the characteristics of other positions, similar in content to work, equal in complexity, the performance of which does not require a different specialty and qualifications.

    5. Qualification characteristics of each position has three sections.

    The section "Job Responsibilities" establishes the main labor functions that can be entrusted in whole or in part to the employee holding this position, taking into account the technological homogeneity and interconnectedness of work, allowing for optimal specialization of employees.

    The "Must Know" section contains the basic requirements for an employee with regard to special knowledge, as well as knowledge of legislative and regulatory legal acts, regulations, instructions and other guidance materials, methods and means that the employee must apply in the performance of job duties.

    In the "Qualification Requirements" section, the level vocational training the employee necessary to perform the prescribed job duties, and the requirements for work experience. The levels of required vocational training are given in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education".

    6. In the characteristics of the positions of specialists, within the same position without changing its name, an intra-position qualification categorization for remuneration is provided.

    Qualification categories for remuneration of specialists are established by the head of the enterprise, institution, organization. This takes into account the degree of independence of the employee in the performance of official duties, his responsibility for decisions made, attitude to work, efficiency and quality of work, as well as professional knowledge, practical experience, determined by work experience in the specialty, etc.

    7. The Directory does not include the qualification characteristics of secondary positions (senior and leading specialists, as well as deputy heads of departments). The duties of these employees, the requirements for their knowledge and qualifications are determined on the basis of the characteristics of the corresponding basic positions contained in the Directory.

    The issue of the distribution of duties of deputy heads of enterprises, institutions and organizations is decided on the basis of internal organizational and administrative documents.

    The use of the official title "senior" is possible provided that the employee, along with the fulfillment of the duties stipulated by the position held, manages the executors subordinate to him. The position of "senior" can be established as an exception and in the absence of performers in the direct subordination of the employee, if he is assigned the functions of management independent site work. For positions of specialists for which qualification categories are provided, the official title "senior" is not applied. In these cases, the functions of managing subordinate executors are assigned to a specialist of the first qualification category.

    The job responsibilities of the "leaders" are established on the basis of the characteristics of the respective positions of specialists. In addition, they are entrusted with the functions of a manager and a responsible executor of work in one of the areas of activity of an enterprise, institution, organization or their structural divisions, or duties of coordination and methodological leadership of groups of performers created in departments (bureaus), taking into account the rational division of labor in specific organizational units. -technical conditions. The requirements for the required work experience are increased by 2-3 years compared to those provided for specialists of the first qualification category. Job responsibilities, knowledge requirements and qualifications of deputy heads of structural divisions are determined on the basis of the characteristics of the respective positions of heads.

    The qualification characteristics of the positions of heads (heads) of departments serve as the basis for determining the job responsibilities, knowledge requirements and qualifications of the heads of the relevant bureaus when they are created instead of functional departments (taking into account industry specifics).

    8. The compliance of the duties actually performed and the qualifications of employees with the requirements of job characteristics is determined by the certification commission in accordance with the current regulation on the certification procedure. Wherein Special attention paid attention to the quality and efficiency of work.

    9. The need to ensure the safety of life and health of workers in the course of work puts forward the problems of labor protection and environment among the urgent social tasks, the solution of which is directly related to the compliance by managers and each employee of an enterprise, institution, organization with existing legislative, intersectoral and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection, environmental standards and regulations.

    In this regard, the official duties of employees (managers, specialists and technical performers), along with the performance of the functions provided for by the relevant qualification characteristics of the position, provide mandatory compliance at each workplace of labor protection requirements, and the duties of managers are to ensure healthy and safe working conditions for subordinate performers, as well as monitoring their compliance with the requirements of legislative and regulatory legal acts on labor protection.

    When appointed to a position, it is necessary to take into account the requirements for the employee to know the relevant labor safety standards, environmental legislation, norms, rules and instructions for labor protection, means of collective and personal protection from the impact of hazardous and harmful production factors.

    10. Persons who do not have special training or work experience, established requirements to qualification, but having sufficient practical experience and performing qualitatively and in in full the duties assigned to them, on the recommendation of the attestation commission, as an exception, can be appointed to the relevant positions in the same way as persons with special training and work experience.

    Job Responsibilities.
    Performs work on staffing the enterprise with the required professions, specialties and qualifications. Participates in the selection, selection, placement of personnel. Carries out the study and analysis of the job and professional qualification structure of the personnel of the enterprise and its divisions, the established documentation for personnel records related to the recruitment, transfer, labor activity and dismissal of employees, the results of the certification of employees and the assessment of their business qualities in order to determine the current and future needs for personnel, preparing proposals for filling vacant positions and creating a reserve for promotion. Participates in the study of the labor market to determine the sources of meeting the need for personnel, establishing and maintaining direct links with educational institutions, contacts with enterprises of a similar profile. Informs employees of the enterprise about available vacancies. Participates in the development of long-term and current labor plans. Carries out control over the placement and placement of young specialists and young workers in accordance with the profession and specialty received at the educational institution, conducting their internships, takes part in the work on adapting newly hired workers to production activities. Participates in the preparation of proposals for personnel development, business career planning, training and professional development of personnel, as well as in evaluating the effectiveness of training. Takes part in the organization of work, methodological and informational support of qualification, attestation, competitive commissions, registration of their decisions. Analyzes the state of labor discipline and compliance with the internal labor regulations by the employees of the enterprise, the movement of personnel, participates in the development of measures to reduce turnover and improve labor discipline. Controls the timely registration of the admission, transfer and dismissal of employees, the issuance of certificates of their current and past labor activity, compliance with the rules for storing and filling out work books, preparing documents for establishing benefits and compensation, issuing pensions to employees and other established personnel documentation, as well as making the appropriate information in the data bank on the personnel of the enterprise. Prepares prescribed reports.

    Human Resources Specialist Must know:
    legislative and regulatory legal acts, methodological materials on personnel management; labor legislation; the structure and staff of the enterprise, its profile, specialization and development prospects; the procedure for determining the prospective and current need for personnel; sources of providing the enterprise with personnel; methods for analyzing the professional and qualification structure of personnel; provisions on certification and qualification tests; the procedure for election (appointment) to a position; the procedure for registration, maintenance and storage of documentation related to personnel and their movement; the procedure for the formation and maintenance of a data bank on the personnel of the enterprise; the procedure for compiling reports on personnel; fundamentals of psychology and sociology of labor; fundamentals of economics, organization of labor and management; labor legislation; means of computer technology, communications and communications; labor protection rules and regulations.

    Human Resources Specialist Qualification Requirements.
    Higher professional education without presenting requirements for work experience.
