Prevention of diseases of coniferous trees: schütte, rust diseases. Spruce diseases and their treatment: recommendations from experienced gardeners Spore pine diseases

Owners summer cottages more and more prefer to plant conifers on their "landscapes". They seem to be unpretentious, they are easier to combine with other plants, without having a special education or experience. It seems that conifers do not require special care. It turns out that even these prickly giants are prone to disease. One of the most common of them is the shuttle. You will learn what types of it exist, how to deal with it, what preventive measures should be taken.

The easiest way to get a beautiful front lawn

Of course, you have seen the perfect lawn in the movies, on the alley, and perhaps on the neighbor's lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area in their area will no doubt say that this is a huge job. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about the innovative tool - liquid turf AquaGrazz.

Such an unusual name, unusual for our hearing and articulatory apparatus, comes from the German word "schütten" (translated - to pour). As a result of infection, the needles change color, crumble. Schutte is a group of dangerous fungal diseases that affect almost all species. coniferous crops.


In parks, squares, nature reserves or in the country - everywhere you can find an infected tree. The color of the needles, the condition of the branches, partially bare places on the trunk are all signs of the appearance, active reproduction of a harmful fungus.

How does the disease work? Depending on the type of pathogenic fungus, infection occurs in different ways:

  1. Through the snow.
  2. From a nearby infected tree.
  3. Through the soil

These mushrooms love dampness, high humidity, so most often the tree becomes infected in the spring and autumn. Once in the bark, the fungus begins to spread rapidly, blocking the entry of nutrients into the needles. They change color, dry out, and fall off.

Shutte is most dangerous for young 2-3-year-old seedlings. Such young growth instantly reacts to the attack of the pathogen, it is almost always impossible to save it. Therefore, young seedlings must be looked after, processed in a timely manner.

An adult tree is less affected. The lower branches are mostly affected. However, if you do not take care of the sick, do not treat him, even an adult culture will not be able to long time deal with pests.


Coniferous crops are susceptible various diseases, including those that most often affect broad-leaved or fruit trees. How to distinguish shutte from another infectious or fungal infection?

The main symptoms of the fungus:

  • The appearance of gray, white, moldy or cobweb plaque;
  • Changing the color of the needles from green or blue to yellow, rusty, brown;
  • The appearance of black spots, other lesions on the needles;
  • Abundant shedding;
  • Bare branches or whole areas on the free;
  • Places braided with cobwebs, mold.

Shutte types

From what kind of conifer is affected, what fungus causes the disease, there are several types:

  • The present. Signs become noticeable in the spring. A white coating appears on the needles, from a distance similar to dew drops. Over time, the plaque darkens, and the needles acquire a brown tint, begin to crumble profusely. In autumn, on the fallen needles, on the one that is still on the tree, oblong black spots become noticeable - these are the winter shelters of pathogens.
  • Brown. It affects firs, spruces, pines, junipers, cedars. After winter, a dense cobweb coating of black or brown color is noticeable on the affected plants. The needles are glued, in this form they can stay on the branch for a long time.
  • Ordinary schütte spruce and pine. It provokes a color change to red-brown, the appearance of black longitudinal stripes. Immediately the needles do not crumble, maybe a year or two to stay on a branch.
  • Snowy. The disease got its name from the way the fungus penetrates the trunk: through the snow. The mushroom feels good, develops in the thickness of the snow. The higher the snow cover, the more the tree is affected. The first symptoms: the appearance of a dirty white or gray coating that looks like a cobweb.
  • Juniper and fir. The main symptom is yellow or brown needles. As a rule, old, last year's needles are affected.
  • Gray highway pines. Infection occurs in the summer months, more often in June. Infected needles turn yellow, then grey.
  • Shutte larch. A dangerous disease that affects up to 40% of larches on average. Some types of this culture are more susceptible, some less. If an area (reserve or park) is planted with one species with little resistance against the fungus, it is possible that all of them will be infested. The causative agent has a high reproduction rate. The first symptoms: the appearance of black dots on the tips of the needles. Then the needles turn brown, twisting in places.

In order not to expose your evergreen pets to the risk of infection, you need to provide them with comfortable conditions for growth. To do this, you need to take preventive measures to combat pathogenic fungi:

  • It is best to plant coniferous crops in sandy soil on a hill. Clay soils are not suitable, as they retain moisture for a long time, this contributes to the appearance and reproduction of fungi. Lowlands or natural depressions are not suitable for planting pines or other conifers. For the same reason - the accumulation of moisture.
  • It is necessary to constantly clean the area from fallen needles.
  • Young seedlings should be isolated from adult crops, as they are weaker and more prone to fungal diseases. It is difficult to save them in case of infection.
  • In summer, spring, as a preventive measure, it is necessary to treat trees with solutions - Bordeaux liquid, fungicidal or other copper-containing preparations.

If, nevertheless, you find infected needles, start treatment immediately. Treat with the same solutions as for prevention, but more often - every 15-20 days. The dosage must be calculated depending on the type of infected culture and the type of disease.

Coniferous plants are very popular with landscape designers due to their unpretentious care and outstanding decorative qualities. But, in addition to obtaining aesthetic pleasure - diseases of fir trees and their treatment - this is what almost every domestic gardener who uses coniferous compositions in the design of your site.

The main causes of diseases of coniferous plants

What an ordinary domestic gardener knows about the diseases of fir trees and their treatment is nothing. As a rule, the disease is determined by a change in the color of the coniferous culture, inhibition of the growth of young animals, and premature loss of needles.

The main diseases of spruce are associated with crop damage:

  • fungal infections;
  • pathogenic bacteria in the soil;
  • sucking, needle-eating and trunk pests.

In addition, non-communicable diseases caused by adverse conditions maintenance, errors in planting and caring for plants, namely:

  • illiterate landing with a strong deepening;
  • incorrectly chosen landing site;
  • lack or excess of moisture;
  • lack of nutrients and stagnation of water in the soil.

Fungal diseases of spruces, as a rule, do not lead to the death of the culture, but provoke premature loss of needles and a change in their color. The main causes of tree damage by a fungal infection are excessively dense planting, lack of light, and excessive soil moisture.

The most common spruce diseases and their treatment

Among the mass of diseases of coniferous trees, spruce is most susceptible to diseases: shutte, rust, futarosis. Consider clinical manifestations, varieties and effective methods of combating these diseases.


Schutte is a disease provoked by the pathogens of the fungal infection Ascomycetes. If the spruce needles turn red - this is a shute.

Currently, several varieties of this disease are known:

Among domestic gardeners there is an opinion that they ate blue varieties not susceptible to fungal diseases. This is fundamentally wrong! These varieties are susceptible to snowy and brown varieties of schütte. In support of our words, we publish a photo of the disease of blue spruces.

Measures to combat Schutte spruce consist in the systemic treatment of infected plants with fungicides with an interval of 2 weeks between each "treatment". The most effective means are recognized: Falcon, Quadris.


Many domestic gardeners are interested in the question: why does spruce dry? Withering of the plant can be triggered by Fusarium, a viral disease that affects the roots of the plant. With this disease, the spruce does not receive enough nutrition, as a result of which the needles begin to dry and fall off, the tree gradually dries out and dies.

Fusarium is extremely difficult to cure. To treat and prevent the spread of the disease to healthy seedlings, the infected tree must be periodically treated with fungicides, stem injections, dressing and disinfection of the soil around the diseased plant.

With self-treatment of Fusarium spruce, there is a high probability of the death of the tree and infection of the entire planting. To determine the cause of the disease and the exact method of its treatment, we strongly recommend that you contact a specialist.

spruce rust

With this disease, the spruce needles turn yellow, the affected branches are deformed and dry out. A fungal infection provokes the disease.

The most common types of rust lesions include:

How to deal with rust on spruce?

Treatment of a damaged plant consists in systemic treatment of the plant with drugs that affect pathogens, fungi: Pucciniastrum areolatum, Coleosporium, Cronartium ribicola.

The most effective drugs are recognized: Fitosporin-M; Abiga Peak.

shoot necrosis

This disease is caused by the fungus Kabatina. It manifests itself in the death of young shoots of spruces of all kinds, which weakens the tree and can lead to its death.

The fight against this disease of spruces and its treatment consists in systemic treatments of the infected tree with fungicides: Amistar Trio, Antrakol, Falcon with the complex introduction of root formation stimulants into the near-trunk circle.

Pests of spruce plantings

It is very difficult for a non-specialist to detect pests on spruce. The most common pest of conifers is spruce aphid - a sucking insect, the average size which barely reaches 1 mm. However, the presence of spruce aphid colonies can be detected by secretions covering the surface of branches and needles.

Reason: the spread of ant colonies that breed aphids to obtain "honeydew" - secretions that serve as a food source for insects.

Destroys ants by treating infected areas with soapy water.

When applied soapy water it should not be allowed to enter the soil in the root zone.

- affects the needles, sucking out the cellular fluid from it. It is possible to determine the defeat of spruce by this insect by the appearance of dots on the needles and the presence of cobwebs on the needles. With a strong defeat, the needles change color to white.

Control measures: spraying with insecticides and specialized preparations for ticks Akarin, Agravertin, Appolo, Envidor.

Why do spruce needles turn yellow? Probably, the plant is affected by coniferous mealybugs - relatives of aphids.

Reason: low air humidity.

Control measures: With small lesions, systemic spraying with tobacco infusion helps, three procedures with an interval of three weeks. With a strong spread of colonies, treatment with insecticides is recommended, which penetrate the plant sap, making it deadly to insects.

Only experts can correctly determine the diseases of fir trees and choose the most effective method of their treatment. If the described symptoms of coniferous crops appear, we strongly recommend that you contact professionals who are more likely to help defeat the disease and preserve the decorative functions of the plant.

Like animal diseases, pine diseases can be divided into two types: infectious and non-infectious. They differ in the causes of occurrence and, accordingly, in the methods of treatment. Causes of noncommunicable diseases include:

  1. unsuitable for pine air and ground levels (it may be too high or low).
  2. lack of sunlight.
  3. unsuitable or contaminated soil.

Infectious diseases are caused by various fungi, bacteria, viruses, and even the larvae of some species of butterflies that can settle on a pine tree at any time.

Pests dangerous for pine

  1. pine aphid.
  2. hermes.
  3. coniferous worms.
  4. pine shield.
  5. red pine sawfly.
  6. pine silkworm.
  7. shooter.
  8. pine moth.
  9. pine owl.
  10. pine mining moth.
  11. spider mite.
  1. pine bed bug (he is not at all opposed to harming young needles).
  2. large and small pine beetle.
  3. pine bark.
  4. blue pine borer.
  5. pine elephant.
  6. dot resin.

And this is not counting various diseases such as rust and ordinary shute ...

"Lovers of needles" under a microscope

In order to successfully fight the enemy, you need to know him, and the better you know him, the easier it is to fight him and heal the tree. The results of the activity of all the above pests are almost the same, but there are still some differences.

Hermes are sucking dark red insects, like aphids, about one millimeter long, under the white fluff of faded needles, next to which you can see their rusty-yellow eggs. The results of the vital activity of the Hermes are manifested in the shortening and fading of pine needles. In addition, they, as it were, "clear" the way for soot fungi, which settle on sticky sugary smudges, spoil the "appearance" of the pine and infect deformed needles and shoots. It is best to remove Hermes with systemic insecticides that act on them through the sap of the plant.

The "relatives" of aphids also include coniferous mealybugs - small insects with white fibrous shields on their backs, which serve as protection against predators. Their activity leads to the fact that pine needles turn yellow and curl. The worms are especially dangerous during drought years, when they multiply in such numbers that it seems as if the branches were covered with unplanned frost. In addition to their harm, mealybugs are also one of the main carriers of viruses, so their appearance on a pine tree is fraught with serious complications for it.

If the defeat by the worms is not strong, they can be destroyed by spraying the affected branches with tobacco infusion three times, which must be done at intervals of one week. If there are a lot of worms and the disease is in an advanced stage, systemic insecticides will come to the rescue, as in the case of Hermes, which for some time make pine sap poisonous for pests.

It is much more difficult to remove the pine scale insect - small bugs 7-10 mm in size, which feed on the juices of shoots and needles, which leads to their abscission and death of plants. The difficulty of dealing with them is that, firstly, they are covered with shields, and secondly, they live under coniferous needles, so you won’t notice them right away. They fight with the scale insect, depending on the degree of infection of the tree: if it is small, then the bugs can be cleaned off with an ordinary toothbrush, but if there are a lot of them, then insecticides cannot be dispensed with. Most often, akarin is used in a dosage of 30 gr. for 10 l. water. Experts advise processing the tree at the moment when the larvae come out, but the buds have not yet blossomed - that is, in May or June. An effective remedy the use of trapping belts made of burlap or straw is also considered.

The fruits of the labors of the red pine sawfly (or, as it is also called, “false caterpillars”) are visible even from afar in the form of yellow spots on the crowns of pines. Up close, it turns out that the needles are not just yellow, but also twisted and bitten on the sides. Microscopic, only 6-8 mm long. dirty green larvae with black flat heads prefer to lead a group life and, at any threat, make frightening movements with the front of the body. It is generally accepted that they feed only on old needles, but this is not always the case.

Fighting a sawfly involves the following:

  1. digging near-trunk circles of pine.
  2. destruction of nests and larvae (if it is not enough).
  3. spraying with infusions, decoctions of insecticidal plants and insecticides.

It should be borne in mind that the eggs of the caterpillar are amazingly frost-resistant and, being under snow, can withstand winters with temperatures down to -40 degrees.

The spider mite is another insect, the results of which can often be seen in dry, hot weather in the form of a sticky web on the branches of young pine trees, which causes the needles to die and crumble. The fight against it is preventive spraying. cold water, infusions and decoctions of insecticidal plants, treatment of needles with preparations containing colloidal sulfur and pruning of damaged shoots. If the area affected by the tick occupies large area, acaricides should be applied.

Butterfly pests

One of the most serious pests is the pine silkworm caterpillar, capable of a short time eat all the needles of pine forests and thereby cause their death over a vast area. The caterpillar begins its activity at the end of July and a year, until the next June, until it turns into a chrysalis, and then into a harmless one. beautiful butterfly, not only can cause irreparable harm to a pine forest, but also move to a private yard if a pine tree grows there. Despite the fact that she has a natural enemy in the face of the cuckoo, you should not count on her help alone - the cuckoo may not be able to cope with the abundance of voracious larvae, so if they appear in your yard, do not hesitate to treat the pine with an insecticide.

Butterflies that pose a danger to pine also include wintering shoots (it is also a leafworm or needleworm). Her caterpillars are light Brown color with a reddish tint, they settle and hibernate in the kidneys, connecting them with a needle thread. They give preference to apical buds, less often to lateral ones. The results of the activity of caterpillars are immediately visible: when the apical bud of a pine tree is affected, it is replaced by one of the lateral ones, due to which the crown is bent. If there are many affected lateral buds, the crown becomes nest-like. Caterpillars are also dangerous because, having wintered in their "dining room", they feed on next spring until they turn into butterflies. In addition to the buds, the caterpillar of the shooter does not mind feasting on pine shoots, as a result of which panicles of needles with resin are formed on their tips. Caterpillars pose the greatest danger to young pines aged 5 to 20 years, growing on soils that are poor nutrients and lack of groundwater.

If there are few caterpillars, damaged buds should be removed from the tree and burned. If the defeat is massive, at the end of April, the pine should be sprayed with an insecticide.

Pine moth is another harmless-looking butterfly, which not only turns into a beauty due to pine needles and buds, but also lays eggs in a row on old needles. Having hatched at the end of June or July, its caterpillar immediately takes up its work, thanks to which the pine has a great chance of completely drying out. The caterpillar turns into a chrysalis in autumn, in October-November, under the forest floor, and just at this time it can be destroyed without the use of insecticides: just dig up the trunk circles or rake the bedding into a pile, inside which they will die. If you can’t wait for autumn, you can resort to spraying the needles with already familiar insecticides or biological products.

Pine scoop also belongs to pest butterflies, which is characterized by changeable color - from orange to red, gray and whitish. The scoop lays eggs of a flat-spherical shape with a small depression in the middle on the underside of the needles in small piles, so that as soon as the caterpillars hatch (and this happens after about two weeks), delicious food is waiting for them - the tops of the blossoming needles. The caterpillar of the pine cutworm is characterized by five instars, which it goes through in a very short time - only 4-5 weeks - and all this time it does not stop eating needles and May shoots and buds. She prefers older trees than leafworm - aged 30 to 60 years. The scoop is especially terrible in a drought - then the pines, which she honors with her attention, are threatened with drying out. At the end of July, when the caterpillar turns into a chrysalis, it is replaced by stem pests.

The measures to combat the owl are as follows:

  1. the use of food baits with fermentation additives.
  2. digging or loosening the trunk circle, leading to the destruction of pupae.
  3. treatment with insecticides and biological products during bud break.

Recently, one more pest has been added to the already known pests - the mining moth (or leaf miner). These are yellowish-white or brownish larvae, only 2-3 mm long. Females have proboscis, with the help of which they pierce the base of the needles and, as it were, “mine” it, gnawing through the passages, and then pupating in them or on the surface of the needles. After 8-14 days, an adult insect emerges from the pupa. As a result of the activity of the larvae, a cobweb braids the needles, which keeps it in one place: with strong gusts of wind, it flies around, and the crown is exposed. To understand that this is a mining moth, you can only touch the coniferous needles.

The fight against the miner is quite complicated and depends on the degree of damage to the needles. Eggs are destroyed with paraffin-containing agents, the affected shoots are repeatedly treated with a solution of liquid soap. Dry needles can be removed with a small fan rake on polyethylene spread on the ground, and then burned. With a large distribution of the leaf miner, pyrethrum-based pesticides are used several times, however, it should be remembered that miners quickly become resistant to them, even if the preparations are very strong. In addition, feverfew is harmful, so you need to work with it with gloves and a mask. Pine should be sprayed five to six times with an interval of 3-5 days, in the morning or in the evening, when the natural enemies of the leaf miner are inactive - ladybug and rider. When working with pesticides, do not approach water. You can also catch an adult miner larva on a sticky board.

Cone-loving pests

Some "gourmet" pests prefer to regale themselves not with pine needles, but with cones. These include the cone moth (or spruce shield moth) - a beautiful light gray butterfly that lays 2-5 eggs under the scales of young cones. Hatched red-brown caterpillars live in seeds and make passages and cavities, leaving brownish heaps of excrement in them and on the cone surface, and in some places resin drips. They overwinter in a coniferous forest litter in a cobweb cocoon. These caterpillars are quite voracious: 2 larvae eat 50% of cone seeds. It is easy to calculate how much the entire brood of the cone moth will eat. As an effective measure to combat moths, it is planned to treat the crown with insecticides during the feeding and emergence of caterpillars (in the second half of summer, after the June or July flight of butterflies).

A lover of cones is also a cone resin - a brownish-brown weevil 5-8 mm long, which gnaws small chambers in the pulp of annual cones, causes the expiration of resin with proboscis pricks and lays up to four pieces of amber-yellow eggs in them. The larvae are born very quickly and develop inside the cone for about one month, severely destroying its inner part and pupating there. Often, even before the cones fall off, young beetles gnaw holes and fly out through them, then they additionally feed on pine shoots until autumn, winter in the forest litter, and in the spring they start eating again. With a massive defeat, the yield of cones is reduced by more than two times, some of them fall off prematurely. Smolevka prefers sparse dry trees at the age of 20-40 years, but in lean years it is able to lay eggs on young growth. In this case, the larvae develop inside the shoots, which causes them to dry out.

If the tree is small, then at night you can light it with a lantern, shake it and collect all the pitches on the bed. If the pine has already entered the age, only spraying its crown with insecticides can help in the fight against weevils.

Subcortex-stem lovers

The story about this category of pests begins with a pine root bug - an insect of microscopic (only up to 5 mm) sizes, with an oval flattened brown body, dangerous for a tree at any age. Both adults and their larvae live under the bark, in the same place, at the base of the trunks or in the forest floor near the trunk circle, hibernate, then climb up the trunk and lay eggs - each female up to 32 pieces. Larvae, born in April-May, along with their parents, suck out the juices of bast, cambium and sapwood surface layers all summer and autumn, thereby disrupting sap flow, causing yellowing of the needles and dry tops along the entire periphery of the crown, cracking of the bark and the gradual decay and death of everything tree. Each generation develops for two years. The bug gives preference to young animals aged 5-25 years, especially those living on nutrient-poor sandy soils. Pest control measures are as follows:

  1. use of adhesive strips.
  2. autumn-spring treatment of pines with systemic insecticides during the migration of bedbugs along the trunk. Most often, dust is used, sprinkling it on the trunk circle (the root bug winters in the litter) at the rate of 25 gr. for 1 pine or actellik solution at a dosage of 15 gr. per 10 liters of water, using 250 gr. per tree. solution.
  3. attracting its natural enemies to the garden: rider beetles, red ants, pikas, small spotted woodpeckers, nuthatches.

The large and small pine beetle (they are also gardeners or snow beetles) are brilliant black-brown beetles from 2.6-4 (small beetle) to 3.5-5 mm (large beetle) from the family of bark beetles, settling in the middle and lower parts of the trunk. They got their name from the fact that after their activity the pine crown has a shorn appearance. It happens like this: the larvae make moves in the bark, where they pupate, and the adult beetle - in the bast, where they lay their eggs. Having taken off in July, the generation of beetles attacks the young top shoots of pine trees, eating away their core, which is why the wind often breaks them, and the pine tree looks like it has been sheared. A resin funnel is formed on the trunk, hiding the gnawed inlet, the affected bark has a matte color. In addition, on the tree and under it you can see drill flour, and then - yellowing and falling needles. With a frequent attack of the beetle for several years in a row, the pines dry up. It has been noticed that the beetle especially willingly populates flexible, weakened or fallen trees, stumps, and finished timber.

As a measure of destruction, sanitary felling is carried out, wintering sites are treated with chemicals (shoots or forest litter that have fallen during the “cutting”), protective measures are taken when storing valuable wood, often lay out or arrange trapping (or bait) trees, chopping off the tops of some pines.

Pine bronze (or black) barbel is a beetle with a length of 11 to 28 mm., Having a brown, sometimes black color with a bronze tint and covered with hairs of various colors. His distinguishing feature- an elongated body and characteristic long mustaches, which he can throw on his back. It often enters forestry along with material infected in the nursery. An adult barbel can be found on a pine tree in the middle of summer, where it makes numerous moves in its bark. When laying eggs, these beetles leave characteristic notches on it, similar to those made by a fingernail. Some larvae are able to overwinter twice. Both they and adult beetles are equally dangerous for a tree - they eat bark from young branches, damage bast, sapwood and wood, which reduces its technical suitability. Control measures - sanitary felling, selection of dead and freshly populated trees, attraction of natural enemies of the barbel - insectivorous birds, - protection of wood during its processing.

Blue pine borer is small, up to 13 mm. a bug with dark yellow eyes and a flat, oval-elongated body of dark blue with a metallic sheen, noticeably narrowed behind. Sometimes you can see its larvae - white with a brown head, legless, twice as long as adults. They populate pine usually with south side at a low height and gradually occupy almost the entire tree up to the top, laying eggs in cracks and crevices of the bark at the bottom of the trunk. The larvae make long passages under the bark, filled with brown flour, which often stretch along the entire trunk. They hibernate in the same place, curled up in the form of a horseshoe, or in wood, and their spring pupation takes place in the bark. The beetles emerging from pupae in the middle of summer gnaw through oval holes and fly out, leaving behind dying bark, and go in search of new trees suitable for themselves.

Surprisingly, she has few enemies. Woodpeckers, pikas and predatory beetles that hunt under the bark feed on larvae, but they cannot cope with a massive invasion, and the number of the blue borer decreases only when it destroys all the trees inhabited by it.

Measures to combat it include sanitary felling and debarking of populated pine and the installation of hunting trees.

For pine young growth, the weevil beetle, or the pine elephant, an insect 10-12 mm in size, is very dangerous. long with a head elongated into a tube and an ovoid body of brown color, covered with yellowish scales and specks, which are erased throughout its life. The activity of the beetle begins in May with gnawing on young shoots of rather extensive areas of bark up to 5 sq. mm in area, which are easy to identify by jagged edges swollen with resin. This leads to the death of the trees. The female lays her eggs in the root neck of weakened trees, root paws and fresh pine stumps. After 2-3 weeks after laying, larvae hatch, which immediately begin to lay long passages, filling them with drilling flour. In August, they turn into young beetles, wintering in the litter. It is interesting to note that the pine elephant is able to fly, but uses this ability only in May, the rest of the time it crawls on the ground, preferring to lead a nocturnal lifestyle. Massively it can be found in pine forests, on fresh clearings or burned areas.

Measures to combat it include:

  1. removal of stumps from clearings.
  2. spraying trees with chitin synthesis inhibitors and pyrethroids.
  3. attraction of natural enemies of an elephant - a rook, a crow, a magpie, a jay, a nightjar, a starling, a woodpecker and some others.
  4. avoiding the proximity of special nurseries with areas of clear and selective felling.

Finally, one cannot ignore the chiseled resin - a beetle-"relative" of the pine elephant 5-7 mm long, with a grayish-yellow body. Its larvae develop on the trunks of young or weakened trees, gnawing out expanding passages that end in chambers where they turn into adults. Feeding, the beetle pierces the bark with its proboscis and immerses it in the deep layers. Through the injection site, the resin is released and hardens. The fight against tarry includes:

  1. compliance with the rules and techniques of planting pine.
  2. sampling of pines inhabited by the pest before the emergence of beetles (until May-June).
  3. chemical treatment of young animals during the feeding of the resin.

Pine diseases

However, the activity of pests on pines is not all the misfortunes that await them over a long life. Despite the possession of a certain immunity, under certain conditions, pines do not avoid the impact of infectious diseases, which turn out to be more terrible than beetles or harmful butterflies. The most common diseases include:

  1. pine rust.
  2. pine spinner.
  3. rust cancer.
  4. scleroderriosis, or umbrella disease.
  5. ordinary cloak.
  6. cortical necrosis.
  7. fusarium.
  8. sclerodia cancer.

Details about diseases caused by fungi

If the pine shoot was bent in the form of the English letter S and wounds with resin and golden yellow oblong swellings appeared on it, from which elongated ulcers then appear, if these same swellings struck the needles at the same time, this means that the taiga beauty fell ill with pine spinner - disease caused by the fungus Melampsorapinttorgua. It overwinters in the bark of a tree and appears in the second half of May, and with equal force it affects both seedlings and young growth up to 10 years old. You can recognize the vertun at the initial stage by the formation of a green bark, in which, upon close examination, you can see white dots that turn yellow after a few days. For annual seedlings, spinner is especially dangerous and can cause their mass death. To avoid illness, experts recommend the following actions:

  1. clean and burn fallen leaves, because in the spring basidiospores form on it, through which infection occurs.
  2. spray the tree with a one percent solution of Bordeaux liquid (three times), the same solution of polycarbacin or a 0.8% solution of cinebom.
  3. to inject into a tree trunk.
  4. use immunostimulants and microfertilizers.

The next disease - scleroderriosis (also called umbrella disease and krumenulosis) - is most dangerous for cedar, mountain and weymouth pines and for young growth. Its causative agent is the fungus Brunchorstiapinea, whose activity can be seen already in early spring:

  1. the bark becomes reddish-brown and hard, becomes stained and easily separated from the wood, hangs in the form of a flag or a hut, after which it dries and crumbles.
  2. the apical bud dies.
  3. most of the young shoot is deformed, and the stems of the seedlings die off entirely or in the upper part.

beneficial effect on the development of the disease

  1. wet seasons, especially prolonged warm autumn.
  2. landing density.
  3. too wet soil.
  4. natural factors causing weakening of trees.

Control measures:

  1. use of uncontaminated planting material.
  2. planting sparse crops.
  3. laying nurseries on dry, elevated places.
  4. application of a balanced fertilizer.
  5. destruction of diseased seedlings, cutting down affected trees, pruning diseased shoots and branches to a living bud and burning them throughout the season.
  6. spraying pines in the period from June to September with a 0.6% maneb solution.

Young, under the age of 8 years old, pines are also dangerous with an ordinary shute, which can be seen already in the fall: yellow spots begin to appear on the needles irregular shape increasing in size. In the spring, immediately after the snow melts, diseased needles become red-brown in color and dry out, and black pads with spores form in summer. There is also a snow shute, which appears as a white coating. With a massive defeat of the pine tree by this fungus, the death of all young growth and seedlings is possible.

Shutte combat involves:

  1. cleaning of litter as the main source of infection.
  2. spraying seedlings with copper-containing preparations and fungicides (for example, Bordeaux mixture or Abiga-peak) at least twice - in May and in the second half of summer.

Varieties of pine crayfish

Rust cancer (also known as tar cancer of the seryanka) is another ailment that belongs to the category of the most harmful. It is caused by the fungi Cronartiumflaccidum and Peridermiumpini of the melampsor family, which have a different development cycle, and is widespread in the habitat of Scots pine, but it can also affect other species of it, for example, mountain, cedar, black and Weymouth pine. Infection occurs through young coniferous shoots, branches and frequent small cracks in the bark, from which orange-yellow bubbles with spores 3-5 mm in size appear after two or three years. After sporulation, necrotic wounds with abundant resin flow remain on the bark. As the spores develop, the affected tissues die off, the resin channels are destroyed, the bark becomes covered with sulfur-yellow and grayish clots, smudges and sagging that darken over time, and not only cracks, but also peels off with scabs and turns black, the wound grows and becomes depressed. At the same time, the cancer spreads to other parts: the crown thins out, the top dries up, the needles turn pale, and the number of pests increases in the trunk. Together, everything leads to the complete drying of the tree. Resin cancer is especially dangerous for pine at the age of 30-50 years. It was also noted that the highest incidence of seryanka - up to 40%, or even higher - is observed when good lighting and heating trees - on the edges of the forest, near glades, in open areas.

A tree needs to be “treated” for rust cancer at the initial stage - then it can be effective. It is necessary to clean the wound, treat it with a three- or five-percent solution of copper sulfate and apply a protective composition. Affected branches should be removed and cuts disinfected. If the disease is neglected, the only cure for it is sanitary felling and stem pest control.

For weymouth and cedar pines, blister rust similar to sulfur is dangerous. It is characterized by yellowing of the needles, the formation of yellow-orange bubble-like clots in the spring, thickening of the infected parts of the tree, the appearance of open threshing wounds, and drying of the top. In the treatment, isolation of these types of pines from currants, the destruction of its bushes within a radius of 250-300 meters from the plantings of Weymouth pine and spraying the trees with a one-percent aqueous suspension of copper chloride is used.

Bark necrosis (or nectrium necrosis) is another type of cancer affecting pine trees. Most often, it develops against the background of the weakening of the tree by droughts, frosts or damage by animals. Infection occurs in late summer - early autumn, and the first signs - browning of needles and stems, yellowing and drying of the bark, rapid death of branches and the formation of group fungal rashes on them in the form of orange convex spots that darken with time - are found in spring. The infection can exist even in the bark of a dead tree, so one of the measures to combat necrosis is the destruction of such pines. In addition, you should follow the rules of agricultural technology, spray the seedlings with fungicides three times a season - in spring, early summer and autumn, after removing the mushrooms from the bark with a swab dipped in the preparation, and also regularly cut off dead shoots to a living bud.

When a tree is damaged by sclerodia cancer, the buds do not awaken in the spring, the needles that have acquired a brown-red color partially dry out and fall off, necrotic ulcers form on the branches and trunks, which open when the bark cracks. Living tissue is separated from dead tissue by a green line, and by autumn, angular black dots with spores of a fungus wintering in the bark of diseased pines grow on the dried bark. Measures to combat sclerodia cancer are the same as in the case of pine infection with similar varieties of the disease.

A little about the ubiquitous Fusarium

Fusarium, or tracheomycosis wilt, is a universal disease that affects not only pine and other conifers, but also garden crops, and in each case the disease manifests itself in different ways. In the case of pine, Fusarium looks like this:

  1. yellowing, reddening and falling needles.
  2. partially thinning crown.
  3. gradually drying plant.

Most often, seedlings and young growth are affected by this disease. Fusarium is a very terrible and insidious incurable disease that can occur in a latent form, so that it can not be immediately recognized. Having become infected with it, the pine is doomed to death. In order to prevent fusarium, it is necessary:

  1. plant only tested, uninfected planting material.
  2. timely remove all dried plants with roots and affected plant residues.
  3. soak seedlings with open roots in a solution of Vitaros or Fitosporin-M.


Despite the opinion that there is no healthy pine in the world, most diseases can be avoided by cultivating it. The main thing at the same time is to carefully monitor the growth and development of this beauty, follow all the rules of planting and agricultural technology (often pines get sick precisely as a result of their neglect), clear branches of snow, protect seedlings from frost and respond in a timely manner to the slightest signs of any disease. It goes without saying that you need to be a very experienced specialist in this area, since the symptoms of most ailments are very similar to each other. It should be remembered that as the plant grows older, its immunity is strengthened, but at the same time, with the aging of the pine tree or exposure to adverse factors environment it is decreasing. Special attention should be given to young growth in the first two to three years after planting, because if bark beetles and beetles are under the bark, seedlings can be saved in rare cases. Most simple ways pest control are as follows:

  1. treatment with insecticides of their wintering places (the lower part of the bark and litter).
  2. spraying the bark with them during the departure of beetles,
  3. removal of drilling flour and larvae that eat cambium with a knife.
  4. the destruction of trees completely inhabited by them until they have infected the rest, as well as the debarking of logs and boards.

Rust coniferous plants on the picture

Rust more often affects Siberian, Korean, black pine and Cossack juniper. On needles and branches, this disease of coniferous plants manifests itself in the form of spindle-shaped swellings with yellowish mucous secretions of the fungus - the causative agent of the disease.

For the treatment of coniferous trees from this disease and other ailments from chemicals effective copper-containing preparations(Bordeaux mixture and its substitutes "Abiga-Peak", "Oksihom", "Hom", "Ordan"), at air temperatures above +22 ... + 24 ° С, sulfur preparations can also be used.

Good to know:

The source of columnar rust spores that affects currants, so the proximity of these plants in the garden is undesirable.

Corroded, on garden plot is a constant source of infection for the pear, as it is an intermediate host for this pathogen.

Fusarium defeat
Fusarium defeat

Affected by cytosporosis
Affected by phomosis

affected by fusarium, cytosporosis, phomosis. The causative agents of these diseases of conifers are pathogenic fungi. They cause spotting of shoots, bark, drying out and abscission of needles.

Using the methods of combating coniferous diseases, plants are treated starting from spring at intervals of two weeks, until the signs of the disease completely disappear with the same preparations as against rust.

At the end of winter, the phenomenon of bronze can be observed on the needles. This is an adaptive reaction of the body associated with a change in the composition and intensity of light. Anthocyanins are formed in the needles - substances of a red-violet color that protect the needles from excess ultraviolet rays.

As can be seen in the photo, with this disease:

Coniferous needles trees take on a bronze color
Coniferous needles of trees acquire a bronze color

A defensive reaction of this type always occurs when extreme conditions, regardless of the time of year, with a decrease in temperature in summer, during drought and is not considered pathological.

It should be borne in mind that various diseases (rust, fungal spots) are mainly affected by old and weakened by poor care coniferous trees and shrubs.

See photos of diseases of coniferous plants that cause great harm cultures:

Diseases of coniferous plants
Diseases of coniferous plants

Diseases of coniferous plants
Diseases of coniferous plants

Protection of coniferous plants from burns

spring burn coniferous
Spring burn of conifers

spring burn is a non-infectious disease of coniferous trees. Clear sunny weather after cold weather leads to browning of the needles, and sometimes the death of young plants, especially against the background of the still remaining snow cover.

The sun and the drying wind contribute to the loss of moisture in the needles, while the roots that are still in the cold soil and have not awakened are not able to compensate for this loss.

In the spring, newly planted plants must be sprayed with water; for the winter they should be protected from frost and drying east winds with non-woven white material such as "Agril" or "Agrotex".

Sometimes there is such a phenomenon: trees planted in autumn, which look fresh and healthy all winter, suddenly die in spring. It is not the planting time that is to blame here, but the involuntary injury of the roots during transplantation. The root system, which has a lot of suction roots, is disturbed by careless digging. The restorative capacity of the suction roots is very low.

In winter at sub-zero temperatures and high humidity air needles almost do not evaporate moisture, while maintaining a fresh look. But with the onset of warm days, this process is activated. The roots in the cold ground are not yet working and regenerating themselves. It is under such conditions that the phenomenon of “physiological drought” occurs - there is water, but the plant dies from the inability to use it. Therefore, when transplanting, the plant must necessarily be with a clod of earth.

Early spring is the most dangerous time for conifers. The sun shines with great intensity, the daylight hours are lengthening. During the winter, the needles, weaned from the sun, begin to actively accumulate sugar. Chlorophyll, not having time to process solar energy, releases it in the form of oxygen - a very strong oxidizing agent. Tissue oxidation causes burns. A sharp change in the weather is especially destructive when the sun peeps through after cloudy days. Such a transition contributes to the "burnout" of the needles and cracks in the bark. Even severe frosts are not as terrible for needles as these weather transitions.

Gloomy weather in winter helps to endure severe frosts. After all, at rest, when there is no intense light and heat, all processes are slow. True, varieties are known that maintain deep peace even with intense sun. This is a virgin juniper form "Skyrocket"; Cossack - form "Blualps". They have a bluish tint to the needles and wax protection from the sun's rays.

To protect the tree from winter burns as much as possible, you need to choose a place so that the direct sunlight fell only in the morning and evening hours. If this is not possible, protection should be provided in the form of awnings, synthetic non-woven materials, etc. All these materials should create a sliding diffused light. This is an essential moment in juniper culture.

Junipers need protection in the winter and from a clean snowy surface that reflects the sun's rays. They are able to burn the needles, it is aggravated low temperatures air. One method of dealing with this disease of coniferous plants is to spread peat, humus and ordinary earth under the trees to reduce the reflection of light.

Solar burning glare can also give white, shiny surfaces, metal roofs, walls of houses.

The most common diseases of conifers in household plots Middle Band Russia. The description of diseases is simple and accessible, without unnecessary details.. This will allow you to determine the nature of the disease yourself and take simple actions before our arrival.. We will consider juniper diseases later, they have a similar name, but the symptoms are different.

* Rust larches and pines - yellowish-orange spots appear on the needles at an early stage (in spring), after sporulation - brown spots. individual stages of the fungus develop on herbaceous plants.
*blister rust weymouth pine and cedar - affects mainly trunks and branches. It starts with needles, then ruptures of the bark form on the trunks and yellow-orange spore-carriers protrude. When ringing a branch or trunk top part dies off. if under the crown - the plant dies.
Rust is well "removed" on conifers with "topaz" (" soon ") and "strobe". To enhance the effect, you can make the following mixture: add cartocid (according to the instructions) - the result is stunning. They act in different ways, as if complementing each other. powdery mildew on fruit and berry and ornamental crops.

*Shutte ordinary (spruce, pine, fir ) - the needles turn brown in May, next year in the spring it appears on the needles a large number of black shiny elongated dots (pads) on the underside.
The disease is ubiquitous and especially dangerous in nurseries where plantings are thickened and heavily shaded.

Shutte ordinary on a pine.

* Shutte brown (spruce, pine, fir ) - in spring, the needles turn yellow, then covered with a white-gray cobweb mycelium, darkening over time, as if pecking at the needles. The needles turn brown, dry out, do not crumble for a long time.

*Shedding green needles on spruce- appeared for the first time on the "Inversa" spruce, I admit that it is associated with bacterial infection - vascular bactariosis(with fusarium, the needles turn red). Symptoms: a slight loss of the intensity of the color of the needles (darkens), the needles begin to fall off without a change in color, with a strong lesion or treatment that is not carried out on time - when touched, massive fall of the needles. Important - the color of the needles does not change. Sections of the branches and trunk are clean, no damage or other formations were observed on the root

They were cured as follows: a) the soil was shed with "foundation" (when neglected), on the other spruce trees the soil was shed with "maxim" (1 time). b) After 3-4 days, pouring the soil (2-3 times) with phytosporin. To restore the root system, 2 days after watering with phytosporin, spruce was shed with "zircon" (2 times). Unfortunately, at that time there was no cartocide, if it were present, some of the unnecessary treatments would disappear.

Bottom line: all ate alive, except for one.

shedding needles on spruce.

* Shutte snowy (spruce, pine) - on young needles autumn appear red-brown spots, in spring (there is still snow) on them develops white dense coating(mycelium), which dries out over time. Gradually, many small black spots (fruiting bodies) form on the needles.

Photo provided by site subscriber.

The photo shows a great resemblance to fusarium, but it is with the shute that individual shoots can die. There is some similarity with damage to the spruce shoot moth, but there is no place for gnawing the bark of the shoot, characteristic of this pest.
Causes : general weakening of plants, thickening of plantings, abundance of precipitation in some years.

* Tracheomycosis or fusarium (spruce, pine, fir, larches) - redness of the needles, its shedding.
Pathogens are soil pathogens that cause root rot . The disease occurs in low areas, heavy clay soils and bad enazha . In addition to the necessary chemical treatment, the following method gives a good result. We have repeatedly used it on different plants, it is simple but effective: we drove into the ground around the affected plant plastic tubes 15, 20, 30 cm long. This allowed the roots to breathe and removed excess moisture. Spilling at the same time root system cartocide, fundazol or maxim ("phytosporin - m, gamair, alirin - b" - biological products).

A feature of Fusarium is the defeat of the middle part of the crown in all conifers, and only on pines it manifests itself by yellowing of individual shoots.
From other diseases (cr. Fusarium) it is necessary to spray plants in spring and autumn, with severe damage and in summer, with drugs: ABIGA - PIK / HOM, cartocid

Fusarium on blue spruce .

Shutte larch - the needles begin to turn yellow at the ends in small patches, and then turn completely brown and fall off. Mature plants can also be affected. Promotes development high humidity, shading. (HOM/Abiga Peak, Kartocide)

schütte larch

growth on larch after treatment

Biotorella crayfish juniper - appears only with mechanical damage to the branches, and then, over time, pathogens begin to develop in the bark and wood, causing necrosis of the bark. The fungus develops in the tissues of the bark, the bark turns brown, dries out, and cracks. The wood gradually dies off, and longitudinal ulcers form. treated, tested ! Treatment- cut out all severely damaged branches, cover the cuts with oil paint, spray long and hard (at least 4 times per season). I didn’t cut my junipers, it’s a pity, I spilled the soil and sprayed them with cartocid. The photo shows only the consequences, healing wounds.

Biotorell cancer, longitudinal ulcers are visible exactly between the fingers.

Shutte juniper - the needles turn brown on last year's shoots (in May) and do not crumble for a long time. The infection persists in the affected needles and plant debris. Treatment - cut off the affected tips and spray with cartocid or other copper-containing preparations

Shutte juniper

Shutte brown thuja

Shutte brown (thuja, spruce, fir) - fell ill in the fall, the main danger of this infection is that it is possible to re-infect plants, both in nurseries and in home gardens. The infection persists in plant debris and affected needles, and can fly from forest coniferous trees. The muck is unpleasant, the decorative effect is lost, but not fatal. I’ll treat it, in the fall I’ll post a photo of what happened in the album (alas, I won’t be able to show it, the thuja became healthy with good growth, they were bought right away, I didn’t have time to take a photo), by the way, the small Nidiformis trees also became infected. Browning of needles is in the upper part of the plant. Treatment: pruning dried branches, cleaning plant debris, spraying with Kartocide or Abiga-Peak / Hom 3 to 5 times per season, depending on the degree of damage. In my case, at least 4 times per season.

fusariosis of young mountain pine

restoration of Canadian spruce on the trunk after fusarium

Spring yellowing of thuja and other conifers

At the Moscow Zoo

The needles are green on the underside, crumble when touched. There was not enough moisture, despite the rainy 2017.

This happens in sunny places from temperature fluctuations or dehydration from frost, which then leads to the drying of the whole plant. It is most often from dehydration that conifers die. This is due to the fact that very often, almost always, trees in clods (dug out before November) and in decorative containers are not watered. The trees remain dry until planting, while the air temperature is still positive and the vital activity of the plant continues. including and the work of the roots (which remained). The lack of moisture in the plant itself leads to such a sad result; sun, wind - all this reduces the water content in the plant, and the root does not work yet. It is difficult to explain to people who do not understand that plants in containers require additional watering, despite the rainy weather. Rainwater still needs to get into the tank, rolling into wax needles.

* When buying, check the coma, it is best if the trees with a clod are buried or there is a visibility of watering, the branches are elastic. After landing, thuja with a lump, you just need carry out water-charging irrigation for the winter and spraying water over the crown will not hurt. This is done with all plants leaving for the winter, even foliage. e nnymi.

*** When and from what sores to treat conifers is in the article "A simple definition of diseases"!

*Of all the listed preparations, KARTOCID turned out to be the most effective, especially on conifers. In order for the plants not to get sick, it is necessary to process 3 times per season (details in Art. simple definition of diseases"). Important! Having made a tank mixture "kartotsid +" golden spark "get an amazing result, for the whole season there will be protection from only 3 main treatments.

The studies carried out at the Institute for the Protection of Agricultural Plants showed a multiple excess of the effectiveness of this particular tank mixture in comparison with cypermethrins, hereinafter - zetacypermethrins. These are not final conclusions, in the summer of 2016 further experiments will be carried out to increase the effectiveness with other drugs in various drugs, interesting results will be reported in a timely manner in this article.

GOOD NEWS: Tank mix can now be done with Aktara (8 times the dose is allowed) kartocid + aktara = super! Especially for those who do not like extraneous odors when processing the garden. By the way, this tank composition can also shed soil. Attention : sadness!!! Aktara is one of those drugs that cause bees to disappear (alas, a proven fact, France 2017-18). Change in tank mixes neonicatinoids (actara, regent, confidor, calypso) on pyrethroids or malathion (organophosphorus, improved karbofos), or do not use Actara during the flowering period and the whole solution to the problem.

*** In field experiments, it surpassed foundationazole several times in terms of quality and speed of influence on bacterial and fungal diseases And blue vitriol many times as well, plus health safety. At the same time, copper sulfate is pathogenic, and protective masks do not save from harm.

+++ Tank mix kartotsid+epin/zircon great double effect : the stimulator increases the resistance of the plant, the kartocide destroys any bad luck at this time. (More in the article (Cartocid)

++++ tank mix cartocid+fast- excellent result! There is no longer a need to observe the waiting period for the action of one drug. to process others.

Conclusion: Of all the tested fungicides, cartocid proved to be more efficient, works great in a tank mix.

*** If conifers get sick, then treating them with fungicides 2-3 times is not a panacea, they need to be treated 2 times a month. Conifers are treated quite hard, this explains such a number of treatments and so on until complete recovery.

Slices must be covered with "Ranet" or a similar remedy from "Etisso", to restore the general condition of conifers, they are spilled and processed along the crown with "Super Humisol" + HB 101. the best mineral fertilizer became "Nutrisol" (Puccioni S.p.A, Italy)", really works on conifers. Now it is sold as " nutrisol for conifers . Highly recommend, better than ever.

***Without fail, ALL conifers are required when planting and in spring process, alternatingadaptogen-antistress Epin-Extra with inductor disease resistance and root formation by Zircon. Enough for one time each of the drugs.

photos of some diseases and pests are in the album (plant protection)


First spraying of trees maximum effect will only be in phase of isolation of flower buds at fruit. This is when you can distinguish flower buds from vegetative ones. This period is called "blue" spraying, i.e. copper-containing preparations are used for diseases (cartocid, hom, blue vitriol, abiga-peak). Do not forget to remove the main sources of diseases (pruning diseased branches, affected needles, affected leaves and fruits, etc.) Be sure to carry out a set of agrotechnical measures that increase the vitality of trees and disease resistance. The main thing in the fight against diseases is high agricultural technology and sanitary and preventive measures, but do not forget to observe the measure in everything.

This is a beautiful apple leaf.- deficiency of phosphorus.Approximate coloring is also found in other plants (with color variations). It is removed by spraying with potassium monophosphate or phosphoric acid (diluted of course, otherwise there have been cases), or superphosphate under the root, as an option with complex water-soluble fertilizers on the leaves (aquarin, nutrisol and analogues)

Read part II there, it’s also interesting, there is a “brand new” pest for conifers in the south of Russia ...
