Fern in the garden, on the windowsill: what folk beliefs say. Garden ferns: types, varieties, planting, care

equipping adjoining territory or a courtyard in the country, many people think: is it possible to plant a fern near the house, signs consider this plant to be a protector, or vice versa, a real magnet for trouble? And still not to think, because our people have created so many legends, myths and fairy tales about this plant! But in the legends, it is a forest ... Is it worth it to "prescribe" it in a residential area?

  • If you start it in your apartment (house), it turns out that the plant will begin to correct the microclimate in the room. There will be fewer disputes in the family, outbursts of rage or anger will gradually fade away. And the larger your family (and therefore, the more “cockroaches” join each day, arguing on everyday topics), the more you need such a pet.
  • Do you have a quick temper, and your spouse is a typical phlegmatic (or vice versa)? You can not do without a fern: it will help you find compromises.
  • In addition, this plant can become an assistant to businessmen, business people. Esotericists talk about how people whose business did not “shoot” for a long time planted a fern in a flowerpot - and suddenly made big money. And all - thanks to the adventurous "sparkle" that this plant engenders in the soul of a business person.
  • This "green friend" is also turned on by players hoping to hit the jackpot in the casino or card games. But in this case, it does not always help. The fact is that the plant knows how to warn its owner against rash spending. But this is exactly what buying chips in a casino is considered to be!
  • Modern magicians say: in the garden, near the house, this modest bush is a living amulet. It protects the yard and house from evil spirits, tricks of evil witches. If it grows near your home, a malevolent person will not be able to cast black spells on him (and on you).
  • If the bush (even despite the care and regular watering) began to wither and withered in the end, he died for a reason. It means that damage has already been sent to you, and he took it upon himself.

  • Opponents of the fern are sure: this plant is a real energy vampire. And the larger, juicier the fern grows, the more mental strength it has stolen from the people around it.

However, in this regard, the plant can be neutralized! If it grows in a house (apartment), place it near the TV, let it feed on the News program.

  • You can not put a flowerpot with this plant in the hospital. Although it "drinks" negative energy a person, but sick people are already exhausted, the green "vampire" will tire them even more.
  • There is also an opinion that this forest dweller is too difficult in mystical terms, so it is better to leave it where it grew up, that is, in the "bear corner". Otherwise, the house (yard) can be filled with continuous failures.
  • Esotericists say: for some people, indoor fern causes rapid fatigue, as well as frequent illnesses.

But doctors have already found a pragmatic answer to this mystical question! The fact is that the plant absorbs a lot of oxygen, so keeping it in the bedroom at night is not worth it - it will end in headaches. And besides, it is contraindicated for allergy sufferers because of the spores released by the leaves.

A plant in the legends of the peoples of the world

  • The Slavs believe that this plant blooms on the Kupala night (once a year), and this flower helps to see treasures buried deep underground.
  • Modern Slavs (who already know well what the “flowers” ​​of most ferns actually look like) say: if you tell your pet about your cherished desire during the period of spore selection, it may well come true.
  • For the British, this plant is a love talisman. He is often turned on by romantic couples. Most of all, this “green friend” helps a man in love, so a guy from Foggy Albion can buy (plant) a fern at home, even if his chosen one does not yet reciprocate.
  • Also, the ancient English (like the Russians, however), believed that if you find a fern flower, you can become invisible at will.
  • In many Western European countries, they believed that these leaves could protect the yard or house from a thunderstorm. If there were no rains in the villages for a long time, they tried to cause them by cutting and burning fern leaves. At the same time, superstitions warned: you can’t uproot a bush, nature will take revenge for this with a storm.

Fern and zodiac signs

  • Astrologers consider this plant a Gemini talisman. They are sure: if this “guest from antiquity” is planted in his house (garden, yard) by a person born from May 21 to June 20, the bush will be an excellent assistant in business, as well as a personal “harmonizer” (balance the desires and needs of a person).
  • As for other signs of the zodiac, the fern is also not harmful to them. "Green pet" cleanses the soul of unnecessary desires and experiences, directing thoughts from minor to really necessary and important things.
  • If speak about Chinese horoscope, then this plant is best suited for people born in the year of the Snake and the Dragon.
  • Well, if you believe the calendar of the ancient Druids, it turns out that these sages almost completely agree with modern astrologers. Yes, the druids also believed that the fern - lucky mascot people born on the 20th of June. This bush gives them joy, getting rid of chaos and mental "mess".

And what can an experienced herbalist, that is, a herbalist, tell about this plant? Everything is in this video.

Ferns are the oldest plants that arose on Earth 400,000 years ago, while not losing species diversity. They are rich in various parts of our vast country. They are well adapted to life in a variety of conditions. In addition, ferns are very decorative, so they become indispensable in landscape design.

Varieties of ferns for the garden

Ferns are representatives of the family. aspleniaceae, which today number over 10,000 species. Spore plants, they have fronds instead of leaves, do not form flowers and seeds and do not bear fruit. On the underside of the wai, brown dots form in rows - these are sporangia with spores.

The stem is shortened, from which the fronds are fanned out. There is another option: an underground stem (rhizome) forms buds, and fan-shaped leaves grow out of them on elongated petioles. The roots are located in the upper soil horizons.

According to the habitat, the following types are distinguished:

  • Forest: grow under the canopy of forests, tall. They love moisture both in the ground and in the air, they prefer acidic soils. They are actively used in landscape design.
  • marsh: rare, usually growing along the banks of water bodies. Able to grow in conditions of excessive moisture in the shade or in the sun.
  • rocky: feel good among the stones. Usually these are dwarf or undersized species. The requirements for light and soil differ from species to species.

Let's get acquainted with the most decorative representatives of this unique family of plants:

title characteristic
Common ostrich Widely spread. The leaves are large and openwork, reaching a meter or more. The growth rate is high. Beautiful at any time of the year. Not picky about growing conditions.
Onoklea sensitive Far East view. Forms a creeping rhizome, due to which it grows rapidly. The leaves are light green, located on elongated petioles, coarsely serrated. Grows up to 60 cm. Not winter-hardy.
stopiform Leaf blades are pinnate, fan-shaped. Due to the short creeping rhizome, it grows slowly. Reproduces by dividing the bush. Height is limited to 60 cm.
Japanese nomad Far East view. The leaves are pinnate, have a silver and pink coating, due to which they look impressive. Rosette of leaves from 20 to 60 cm.
Scolopendra leaflet It has oblong, not dissected leaves with a brilliant sheen. Varieties with a corrugated leaf blade have been bred. Winters under light cover.
male shield Formed by a tall, funnel-shaped rosette of leaves. Totals a large number of ornamental varieties. Looks good as a stand-alone plant.
Osmunda royal It grows slowly, forming a funnel of large, broadly lanceolate leaves. In height reaches 1.2 m. Beautiful in autumn with orange-yellow fronds.

These are species, each of which forms many varieties, including garden molds. Each gardener can choose interesting varieties for the garden, since the choice is large.

How to properly care?

This is unpretentious plant, care for which is not special work. He does not require top dressing, pests bypass him, so we just have to enjoy his beautiful forms.

But there are a few care requirements that need to be met:

  1. After planting in the first year of growth regular wateringimportant condition for further development of the plant. Spraying must be done at the same time.
  2. Mulching after watering and retain moisture in the soil, strengthen root system. As mulch, you can use grass, leaves, peat, needles. In the spring, you should not remove it, it will become an excellent fertilizer for shoots growing from under the ground.
  3. loosening, because ferns love loose soil. But loosen carefully, the root system does not lie deep.
  4. Feeding is not required but they won't do any harm. The culture is responsive to mineral and organic fertilizers, which are best applied in spring.
  5. The bush is updated after a few years: remove deformed, yellowed fronds. Do this carefully so as not to damage the plant.
  6. many ferns hibernate without shelter, without freezing. The exceptions are "Listovik" and "Kochedyzhniki" and a number of others that require shelter for the winter.

Important to know: The crop makes high demands on soil moisture, so it should always be damp. In addition, soil acidity requirements may vary from variety to variety.

Landing features

Start by choosing a location. This is a penumbra with well-moistened and light soils. This combination would be perfect. But sunny meadows for fern will not work. Here they grow small and weak.

It is important to determine the distance to next plant. ancient culture loves space so that other plants do not interfere with growth. But here everything will depend on the size of the fern, so you will have to approach the issue individually.

Potted plants can be planted at any time of the year. Before planting, immerse the pot in water until completely moistened, water landing pit and start landing. Spread the roots in the hole, cover with soil, pour soft (settled) water.

Important to know: When planting on a rhizome, there should be a small amount of the soil in which it previously grew. Lower the root into the planting hole carefully, trying not to touch or damage the fronds. Otherwise, the fern will not look decorative for a long time.

Where can you buy plant seedlings?

If desired, the culture can be grown from spores. But they are small, and the process is quite laborious. Therefore, we will look for where you can buy grown specimens:

  • garden centers or flower shops,
  • online stores "Garshinka", "Flower Yard", "Gardens of Russia", "SF Garden", Igor Sukhanov's website, and others. Therefore, there will be no problems with the order. Prices vary by variety and age. within 150-500 rubles.

Application in landscape design

When creating a composition from different cultures(floral and ornamental foliage), several important points should be considered:

  1. Fern size. Plants planted side by side should be the same size or he should shade them.
  2. His love of moisture allows you to plant a sprawling "bush". Not only does it give a decorative effect, but it goes well with other water-loving plants.
  3. His shade tolerance. Feel free to decorate the north side of the house or places in the shade where other crops cannot grow.
  4. Use of stony dwarf species. There are varieties created specifically for or.
  5. Variety of varieties. They can be combined in size, color, leaf shape. From different ferns you can create beautiful compositions.

Ferns are very often combined with hostas.

Choose varieties of garden ferns to your liking, thinking over the compositions you create in advance. Dare, experiment, try! Moreover, not just an ancient and decorative look. His distinguishing feature- shade tolerance and unpretentiousness. It will revive the most secluded corner in which other crops cannot grow.

Arrangement of a composition of ferns

In this video from Garden Escapes Landscape Design, a backyard is lavishly decorated with various types of ferns. It is also broken. Perhaps such a solution is not for the domestic climate, but it is quite realistic to implement something similar in a shaded place in the garden with the help of available species and analogues.

Ferns in the garden beautiful decoration and exotic flavor, despite the fact that the plant has neither flowers nor true leaves. Modern representatives of the fern will become a worthy decor on an alpine lawn, in the root circle of trees, and in any suitable place garden plot. Planting and caring for a fern is a fairly simple task, and the result will delight you with a sophisticated openwork of green thickets.

Short Description

A perennial herbaceous shrub found throughout the country. By appearance resembles the fluffy tail of a capercaillie in mating season. Different kinds plants allow you to grow a small bush (about 300 mm) with a carved leaf plate, and a large bush, the size of a young tree (0.8-1.5 m), and in nature there are plants that exceed this size.

A plant with a medium-sized branched root system. With a dense stem consisting of wire tissue. mistakenly considered primitive sheet plates(fronds) of a fern by its foliage. Leaf blades form and grow from buds on roots and are composed of complex system stems.

Fern seeds (spores) develop and ripen on the plates - this is one of the types of shrub reproduction. Ferns can grow anywhere on the site, even in the shade the plant will develop well.

Types of garden ferns

  1. Several varieties of thermophilic asplenium zoned for landings in the central regions of the country. The best place settlements - penumbra, here the plant develops well and beautiful "foliage" grows on it from medium-sized rosettes. From early spring to late autumn, the plant does not lose its attractiveness.
  2. Low-growing woodsia bushes grow in nature on rocky slopes and even on old walls. With the help of bushes, up to 200 mm high, you can decorate a rock garden, which will delight with its beauty for 15-20 years.
  3. Nomadic bushes grow up to 1000 mm. On the shrub, greenery is updated throughout the season.
  4. The most common type ferns - bracken, it is found all over the world. Plantings with trifoliate carved leaves can serve for spring protection bulbous flowers in early spring. good care in garden conditions provides rapid growth and growth of the shrub. To prevent it from spreading throughout the garden, you will need to enclose it.
  5. A worthy decoration of the flower garden will be a chistousta bush, large in size, with a beautiful carved crown. It is recommended to plant it in moist soils.
  6. - an unpretentious type of fern, suitable for an alpine slide in partial shade.

Reproduction methods

The main difference between ferns is that they do not bloom and seeds do not form on them. Only possible ways reproduction - spores and vegetative method. Let's take a closer look at each of them.


This is not the easiest, but popular method among summer residents. In the wild, the shrub reproduces in this way. planting material can be collected in the forest or from neighbors or bought at a garden store:

  1. We begin to harvest spores for planting in the spring. We examine the back of the sheet plate. If small, dark-colored tubercles are found, we proceed to collect spores. To do this, cut off parts of the leaf plates with tubercles with a sharp knife. We put them in a paper bag and leave until the foliage dries.
  2. Collecting dust in winter Brown from packages. For planting, you will need to prepare small boxes. We pour a layer of drainage down and fill the containers with a mixture of equal parts of humus, sand and peat.
  3. We moisten the soil from the sprayer and scatter the pollen in an even layer over the entire surface of the soil. It is not necessary to cover the spores with soil. We moisten the ground a little more from the sprayer and wrap the box in a bag or covering material.
  4. After 30 days, the first “shoots” begin to break through, at this time we remove the package. The sprouted sprouts resemble a carpet of moss. Every day, we moisten the soil a little.
  5. When female and male species sprouts will begin to connect, transplanted into separate containers and grown until constant heat is established in the spring and the soil warms up.

The division of the bush

This is how ostrich and bracken bushes settle. Work should begin when positive temperatures are established after winter:

  • among the growing bushes, we choose a fern with thick and strong rosettes (we go to the forests for harvesting or ask our neighbors);
  • stepping back from the bush, carefully dig it out of the ground, trying not to damage the roots;
  • when we come home, we wash the fern with warm water;
  • we divide the bush into separate parts, trying to have at least 3 buds and intact roots in each.

It remains to plant the finished plants in the garden.

Important! You can not delay the transplantation of bushes. If the roots dry out, the survival rate of plants will drop sharply.

Root layering (mustache)

In this way, ferns are propagated, in which antennae grow, for example, nephrolepis sublime. Work begins in early spring. We lay the layers in a dug shallow trench and slightly incise from the underside. We water the trench when the sprouts break through, feed it with ash or any complex fertilizer (but this is not necessary).

The sprouts have grown stronger, which means that you need to dig out a place with an incised mustache and disconnect it completely from the mother bush. This gives impetus to the development of the seedlings' own root system. We plant strong sprouts on permanent place(after steady heat).

There is another method of reproduction - by budding. But it is quite long and complicated and is suitable only for a few types of plants. Kidneys are used: they are carefully cut, planted in sphagnum moss and covered with covering material or glass jars. After 25-30 days, the sprouts are planted in place.

Preparing for landing

It is important to treat these works with full responsibility, despite the seeming simplicity.


The possibility of rapid development and growth of a young bush and an adult plant depends on the site. Therefore, it is important to do several simple rules:

  • light level: for ferns of all kinds the best way- a bed in partial shade, with penetrating sunlight. It is acceptable to plant plants in the shade of an adult deciduous tree suitable for seedlings north side outbuildings or other buildings;
  • wind: it is not recommended to equip a flower garden in a place with constantly blowing winds or drafts;
  • humidity: good conditions for growth, planting on the shaded banks of a pond or pool will provide;
  • composition and type of soil: when planting in wetlands and heavy soils, you will need to dig a deep hole and fill the bottom with expanded clay or just broken bricks. The fern loves moist soil, but without excess water under the roots. Otherwise, the fern will grow well in almost any soil.

Advice! You can create a rock garden or plant plants in the place of a cut thick tree.

When preparing the place, be sure to enclose the area with slate or boards. If this work is not done, the bushes will quickly fill the entire place in the flower garden, oppressing weak, undersized flowers.

planting material

When choosing a place, it is important to determine the type of fern that you plan to plant on the site. If you plan to decorate alpine slide or rockeries, it is better to land undersized species. But for equipping the central part with a sculptural composition or simply beautiful plant We recommend planting tall species.

If you decide to purchase ready-made fern seedlings, you should not do this in spontaneous markets or from street vendors. Such purchases are often disappointing. If you take it, then only in specialized garden markets, with checking all documents for plants.

When buying, be sure to pay attention to the condition of wai and their color. There should be no stains or even minor damage. It is better to buy bushes with the same size of dense and juicy "foliage".

And the ideal option is to simply go to the nearby forest, dig up a strong bush and divide it into 4-5 sprouts ready for planting.


Since the fern loves warmth, seedlings should be moved outdoors after warm weather has established and the risk of returning frosts has passed.

Step-by-step instructions for planting a fern:

  • we prepare landing pits, their size in width and depth should be three times the size of the bush and its roots;
  • leaves a distance between plants and to nearby flowers - at least 300 mm. It is especially important to maintain this size when planting tall fern species;
  • fill the holes with water, let it soak;
  • pour to the bottom thin layer expanded clay and sand;
  • we mix the same amount of the upper fertile layer of soil from the beds, peat and humus, fill the holes with this soil to half the depth;
  • we place a bush in the middle of the hole and fill it with soil in small portions to the top of the hole. Periodically we lift up the bush to form cavities with air and loose soil under the roots;
  • slightly compact the top of the earth for a stable position of the bush and fall asleep to the top of the hole with a layer of mulch.

Rules for the care of mature plants

These works will not cause any particular difficulties even for beginners, but it is necessary to know and perform the main ones.

Watering and loosening the soil

This is the basic condition for growth and development. beautiful bush. Oxygen and nutrition must always be supplied to the roots, so the soil must be moist and loose. You should not often and abundantly water the bushes. Only in the first days of growth is it important to moisten the soil with a small amount of water daily. After rooting ferns, watering is necessary only during dry periods.

From time to time, you will need to add a layer of mulch using peat moss, old sawdust, or sunflower seed husks. Adding a layer of spruce needles under the fern bushes will make the atmosphere in the garden pleasant.

top dressing

The introduction of a large amount of mineral and organic fertilizers under the fern is not required. During the period of active development of the bushes, it is allowed to make foliar top dressing by spraying the bushes with ready-made complex fertilizers with growth enhancers. In the pre-winter period, the fern is processed blue vitriol and fall asleep near the trunk circle wood ash with the addition of a small amount of organic matter.

Perennial renewal

After the first two years of the life of the bushes, you will need to remove old leaf plates, damaged or weakened sockets. Such work is repeated once a year and carried out after wintering, in early spring. Pruning allows not only to significantly rejuvenate the bushes, but also to prepare planting material.

Another manipulation necessary for the normal growth and development of ferns is the preparation of plants for wintering. To do this, we fill the bushes with a layer of straw or mowed grass and wrap it with a covering material. Such work will save the bushes in snowless winters during severe frosts.

Ferns are one of the oldest plants on earth, they have survived in conditions that we can hardly even imagine. And yet, the minimum care of the fern is needed. Thanks to her, the bushes will delight you with rich greenery and a dense openwork crown.

When the gardener gets bored with flowering plants, he seeks to diversify the landscape design of his site with something more exotic. The forest fern will help to add mystery to the garden. There are many varieties of this amazing plant, but they all require similar conditions of detention: a humid and shady place, space. Garden fern - growing does not require special knowledge, in addition, with favorable conditions it will go wild and grow beautifully without human intervention.

Choosing a place on the site for growing ferns

To begin with, the gardener should decide on the type of plant. The following species grow well in the central and northern parts of the country:

  • Adiantum stopiform,
  • Multi-row bristle-bearing,
  • centipede common,
  • Japanese larch,
  • Metallicum.

The fern is able to transform the landscape of the garden plot beyond recognition. It can be planted near a pond, in rockeries, or in a backyard among rocks and tall trees. The main requirement is partial shade and moist soil. It is not at all necessary to introduce a large amount of organic matter into the soil before planting a fern and when leaving in the future. minerals. The plant will also feel great in depleted soil.

Growing ferns from spores

If there is already a fern on the site, then it is easy to propagate it by collecting spores from an adult bush. Otherwise, you can ask them from friends, collect them yourself in the forest and purchase them in a specialized store. Collecting seed material is easier than it seems. On the inner surface the leaf has small tubercles, in which there are cherished disputes. A piece of white cloth or a sheet of paper is laid under the bush, on which the seed material is gently shaken off. Further, during the week they are dried on a newspaper in a dry and warm room. After that, the spores are ready for sowing.

Growing a fern from spores is a fascinating process, it can be entrusted to a child as a practical task in natural history. Sowing is best done in mid-January. To do this, take a box and fill it with a substrate. It is recommended to use the following mixture:

  • fibrous peat substrate - 2 parts,
  • leaf ground (preferably forest litter) - 1 part,
  • calcined river sand- 1 part.

Spores are very small particles, so it is more convenient to inoculate with a syringe (without a needle). The material is carefully scattered over the surface of the substrate, forming a continuous carpet, after which it is not sprinkled with earth, but only sprayed from a spray bottle. Next, the box is covered with transparent glass or a piece of polyethylene to create greenhouse conditions for the plants. The fern will germinate for a long time, at least 2 months. All this time, he will need to be observed and moisten the soil in a timely manner, preventing drying out.

Planting a fern and caring for it is somewhat different from growing other plants. Young sprouts will look like a solid carpet of moss, and only after a while it will be possible to notice that individual rosettes with small leaves appear. They are taught to grow without a film gradually, every day opening the "greenhouse" for several hours. Once they have grown to 7 cm, the plants can be planted in individual pots with a diameter of about 12.5 cm.

Planting a fern in open ground

Planting grown plants in open ground should be no earlier than May 15, in the northern regions 10-14 days later. It is important that the soil has time to warm up well, and there is no longer a threat of frost. To plant a fern, you should dig a plot of 60x60 cm in size, adding to garden soil peat and coarse-grained river sand. In a flowerbed, a hole is made one and a half times larger than a clod of earth from a pot, the plant is carefully placed, sprinkled with soil and compacted. At the end of the work, the fern should be watered.

When growing a fern, you need to take into account that the leaves (fronds) can be quite sweeping, therefore, depending on the variety, a free space of 40 to 60 cm is left between specimens.

Features of caring for a fern

The main feature of the fern is that it practically does not get sick. For good growth and development, it will occasionally need additional nutrition, and when grown in regions with a harsh climate, winter shelter.

Watering, loosening the soil, fertilizing

To avoid rapid evaporation of moisture, the soil is recommended to be mulched. You can use grass clippings, wood chips, shredded tree bark or shavings. Water the fern only as needed, if the summer is rainy, then it does not need additional moisture. The “Forest Guest” loves coolness and humidity very much, so in summer, even if the weather is moderately warm, it is recommended to spray it from a garden sprayer.

After planting a fern, care does not include fertilization. Top dressing can be carried out in the second year in the spring, using any complex mineral compounds or organics.

Fern preparation for winter

Species such as bracken or ostrich are quite frost-resistant and do not need additional shelter. Heat-loving varieties spud in the fall and sprinkle with a layer of mulch. You can use straw, wood chips or wood shavings. At the end of the season, the leaves (fronds) die off and become not very attractive. It is not at all necessary to remove them; in spring, fresh greenery will clog the withered parts of the fern, and it will regain its decorative beauty.

Every 3 years, when the dead parts become much larger, the plant is transplanted. Having dug up a bush, the old leaves are removed, and the root system is carefully divided into parts. The procedure is carried out in early spring, while the fern has not had time to start growing. With this method of reproduction, planting a fern and caring for it are carried out in exactly the same way as when growing young seedlings.

Diseases and pests

Despite the fact that the forest plant is quite resistant to diseases and has good immunity, sometimes trouble awaits the gardener. The most common problem is slugs and snails. They will not be able to destroy the plant, they will only reduce its external attractiveness. Pests can be collected by hand, using special traps sold in the gardening department, or using chemicals. Metaldehyde is the most famous - it is used for processing plantations with fruit and berry, vegetable crops, as well as in decorative floriculture.

Also, when growing a fern, the gardener may encounter brown spots on the fronds, which, as they grow, often deform the leaves. These symptoms are a sign of a bacterial or fungal infection. It can be quite difficult for an amateur gardener to diagnose a disease, so it is better to use broad-spectrum fungicides. Affected leaves must be cut and burned, only after that a course of spraying should be carried out. chemicals. Do not forget that any drug is a poison, both for pests and for humans, therefore, when processing plants, it is imperative to wear gloves and a respiratory mask.

Video how to grow a garden fern

For some, the time of sowing seeds for seedlings is a long-awaited and pleasant chore, for some it is a difficult necessity, and someone thinks about whether it is easier to buy ready-made seedlings on the market or from friends? Whatever it was, even if you refused to grow vegetable crops, for sure, you still have to sow something. These are flowers and perennials, coniferous plants and much more. A seedling is still a seedling, no matter what you plant.

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meat cutlets with broccoli in bechamel sauce - great idea for a quick lunch or dinner. Start by cooking the minced meat, while bringing 2 liters of water to a boil to blanch the broccoli. By the time the cutlets are fried, the cabbage will be ready. It remains to collect the products in the pan, season with sauce and bring to readiness. Broccoli needs to be cooked quickly to keep it bright. green color, which, when cooked for a long time, either fades, or the cabbage becomes brown.

Home floriculture is not only a fascinating process, but also a very troublesome hobby. And, as a rule, the more experience a grower has, the healthier his plants look. And what about those who do not have experience, but want to have a home houseplants- not stretched stunted specimens, but beautiful and healthy, not causing a feeling of guilt by their extinction? For beginners and flower growers who are not burdened with a long experience, I will tell you about the main mistakes that are easy to avoid.

Lush cheesecakes in a pan with banana-apple confiture is another recipe for everyone's favorite dish. So that cheesecakes do not fall off after cooking, remember a few simple rules. Firstly, only fresh and dry cottage cheese, secondly, no baking powder and soda, and thirdly, the density of the dough - you can sculpt from it, it is not tight, but pliable. good dough with a small amount of flour will only come out of good cottage cheese, and here again see the paragraph "firstly".

It is no secret that many drugs from pharmacies migrated to summer cottages. Their use, at first glance, seems so exotic that some summer residents are perceived almost with hostility. At the same time, potassium permanganate is a long-known antiseptic, which is used both in medicine and in veterinary medicine. In crop production, a solution of potassium permanganate is used both as an antiseptic and as a fertilizer. In this article we will tell you how to properly use potassium permanganate in the garden and vegetable garden.

Pork meat salad with mushrooms is a rural dish that can often be found on festive table in the village. This recipe is with champignons, but if you can use forest mushrooms, then be sure to cook it this way, it will be even tastier. You don’t need to spend a lot of time preparing this salad - put the meat in a saucepan for 5 minutes and another 5 minutes for slicing. Everything else happens almost without the participation of the cook - meat and mushrooms are boiled, cooled, marinated.

Cucumbers grow well not only in a greenhouse or conservatory, but also in open field. Cucumbers are usually sown from mid-April to mid-May. Harvesting in this case is possible from mid-July to the end of summer. Cucumbers do not tolerate frost. That's why we don't sow them too early. However, there is a way to bring their harvest closer and taste juicy handsome men from your garden at the beginning of summer or even in May. It is only necessary to take into account some features of this plant.

Polissias is a great alternative to classic variegated shrubs and woody. The elegant round or feathery leaves of this plant create a strikingly festive curly crown, and the elegant silhouettes and rather modest character make it an excellent candidate for the role of big plant in home. Larger leaves do not prevent him from successfully replacing Benjamin and Co. ficuses. Moreover, poliscias offers much more variety.

Pumpkin cinnamon casserole is juicy and incredibly tasty, a bit like pumpkin pie, but, unlike pie, it is more tender and just melts in your mouth! This is perfect recipe sweet pastries for families with children. As a rule, kids do not like pumpkin very much, but they never mind eating sweets. Sweet pumpkin casserole is a delicious and healthy dessert, which, moreover, is prepared very simply and quickly. Try it! You'll like it!

The hedgerow is not only one of essential elements landscape design. It also performs various protective functions. If, for example, the garden borders on a road, or a highway passes nearby, then hedge just needed. "Green walls" will protect the garden from dust, noise, wind and create a special comfort and microclimate. In this article, we will consider optimal plants to create a hedge that can reliably protect the site from dust.
