Rules for the game 1000 cards for three. card game thousand

The 1000 card game has gained immense popularity in recent years. The advantage of playing 1000 is that the rules are simple and easy to remember.

The number of players in 1000 is from two to 4 people.
Surrender is determined by lot.
At 1000, the dealer deals one card to the partners.
The whole point of the card game of 1000 is to try, through the tricks taken, to score such a number of points that it exceeds 1000.
Whoever first reaches a total of 1000 or more points is the winner of the game.
The results of the games are recorded.
When playing a thousand, cards below nine are thrown out, and the rest from ace to nine are regarded as follows:
Ace = 11 points. King = 4 points. Queen = 3. Jack = 2 points. Ten = 10 points. Nine = 0.
Marriage peak - 40 points.
Marriage of clubs - 60 points.
Marriage tambourine - 80 points.
Marriage of hearts - 100 points.
Maryazh - a queen and a king of the same suit.

Rules of the game in 1000

The distributor is determined by lot. At the beginning of each subsequent game, the change passes to the one who sits on the left hand of the dealer.
After thoroughly mixing the cards, the dealer must let the player sitting to his right move the cards. The dealer has the right to look at the last card in the deck (when dealt, it goes to him). If the last card is a nine, then the dealer has the right to ask to "move". In the case of a triple loss of a nine, the player who shifted is penalized. Penalty = 120 points. If the last card in the deck is a jack, then the dealer can put it in the middle of the deck - it is forbidden to move after that.

Treating cards in this card game is carried out on one card. The first card goes to the player sitting to the left of the dealer. During the distribution, you need to put three cards in the buy-in. It is forbidden to put the first and last three cards in the draw.
If during the distribution at least one card turned out to be revealed (whether by negligence or on purpose), then the dealer is penalized with a penalty of 120 points and the cards are transferred to the next player for re-delivery.

The player sitting to the left of the dealer is always "obliged" to score 100 points in the game ("mandatory hundred"), if none of the opponents has bought this right.

After the distribution of cards, it is recommended to line up the cards according to suits to avoid mistakes in the future game.
When players in a thousand have considered their cards, bidding begins for the right to pick up the buyback. The bidding step is strictly limited to 5 points, no matter how good or bad your cards are. Bargaining begins with the player sitting to the right of the dealer. If the cards are bad, then he says "pass". If the player sees that he is able to score more than 100 points, then he says "five", which means the game claims 105 points. Further trading in a thousand occurs clockwise. It should be noted that the player once said "pass" no longer has the right to bargain in this draw.
The purchase goes to the player who offered the highest price. Having taken a buy-in, the player lines up his cards and gives any two (usually the most unnecessary) opponents.
It should be noted that it is forbidden to offer at auction a price of more than 120 points without having a mariage on hand (it is often called praise in the family circle).
The sum of all cards in the game (excluding the cost of the margin) is 120 points.
The player who won the auction and took the buyback can re-declare the cost of the game, but only upwards. This often happens when a good card or marriage comes in the draw. It is important to note that the presence of a margin on hand does not guarantee the player to account for these points. In order for the points from the margin to be taken into account, it must be declared. The announced marriage automatically becomes a trump card.
The rules for declaring a trump card are simple:
Marriage (trump card) can be declared only after the player has taken the first trick. Therefore, the first move is usually made with an ace. There are times when a player, having three marriages in his hands, does not score a single point in the draw.
During the draw, the one who took the previous trick goes first. It is important to remember that if the opponent intercepts the move, he can reclaim the trump card if he also has a margin in his hands.

The course of a card game.

The first move in a game of 1000 is always made by the player to the left of the dealer. After the first move is made, the players must lay down cards in suit. In the event that such a suit is not in hand, then it is imperative to beat with a trump card, if one has already been declared. If the trump card has not yet been declared or there are no trump cards in the hands, you can put a card of any suit. The trick is taken by the player who placed the highest card. The seniority of cards in 1000 is as follows (in descending order):

After all the drawings are over and there are no cards left in the hands of the players, everyone counts their tricks, which are recorded in the table. If one or more players have declared marriages, then the value of the marriage is added to the tricks. Points are recorded not only to the player who won the auction, but to everyone without exception.
If the player has not completed the ordered game, he is charged a fine in the amount of the announced game.
If, for example, the player who leads the game ordered a game for 170 points, and scored 220, then the "surplus" of 50 points is not taken into account and the sum of 170 points is entered into the table.
The achievement by one or more players of 880 points (900 in some variants of the game) is called a "barrel". When playing "on the barrel" there are some features.

The player who is on the "barrel" receives a buyback without bargaining.
The player on the "barrel" must score 121 points.
The player on the barrel has three attempts to play 121 points. At the same time, with two unsuccessful attempts, he does not receive penalty points. If the third attempt did not bring success, then the player flies off the "barrel" and 120 penalty points are recorded for him, i.e. in the table 880 - 120 = 760 points.

When playing a thousand, there is such a thing as a stick. It is recorded to the player if he has not scored a single point for the draw (in the table it is drawn as a vertical line). The player is penalized 120 points for every third stick scored.

When playing 1000 together, two draws are created, 2 cards each. The winner of the auction chooses at random one of the buybacks, and the second buyback goes to the player who took the last trick in the draw.

When playing 1000 with four players, the dealer sits on the buy-in and watches the game. The dealer can also add points to his account = the sum of the points in the draw. If there is a marriage in the buy-in, then the nominal value of this praise is also recorded.

In the game of a thousand, where two players play, two buys are dealt, each buy consists of two cards. The winner of the auction takes any buyback, the remaining buyback is taken by the player who took the last trick in the free online thousand.

The game has a thousand online, where four players play - the player distributing cards is on the back and monitors the game. The player who is on the buy-in is credited with points that correspond to the points of the cards, buy-in, but when there is 1000 online buy-in, his points are credited to the player's account on the buy-in.

Marriage in the player's cards does not mean anything, if you play a thousand online, you need to declare it. The suit of the marriage, which was announced, becomes a trump card. The player declares a marriage after he takes a bribe. To talk about marriage, he needs to walk with aces or with the highest card.

In the process of playing a thousand for free, the move is made by the player who takes the upcoming bribe. You need to remember the main rule in order to successfully play a thousand (1000), if the opponent takes a bribe, he has the right to announce a different margin and the trump becomes different.

Points of each card in a thousand (1000)

For the game, a deck of twenty-four cards is taken, from nines to aces, other cards are removed. The sum of points of suited cards is thirty points. The sum of the cards of the entire deck of the card game is one thousand, margins are not taken into account, one hundred and twenty points. The largest amount of points that can be scored in one hand is four hundred and twenty. Points of each card; ace - eleven points, ten - ten points, king - four points, queen - three points, jack - two points, nine - zero points. Each hand has a player sitting on a hundred, i.e. on the monkey

Marriage points in a thousand online presented on our website; hearts - one hundred points, diamonds - eighty points, clubs - sixty points, spades - forty points.

Who will distribute first when playing on the site in a thousand, is revealed during the draw, it is made by distributing cards open for viewing, until the first ace, whoever got it, distributes it. Distribution each time is transferred to another player, sitting to the left of the dealer in an hourly circle. The cards are laid out during the distribution, one at a time. The first card in the free thousand on our site is dealt to the player who is on the left, from the dealer. In the process of distribution, a buyout of three cards is distributed. You can not give out three cards in the buy-in, the first and last three cards. In the game, seven cards are dealt, if three people play or four opponents (when two people play, ten cards are dealt to each), three cards are dealt in a buy-in. Then the players in the online thousand are traded for a buyback.

Trade in a thousand online

The first word is from the player sitting behind the player on a hundred, in an hourly circle. The player raises the points bet or says a pass and thereby refuses to bid. In the auction, the increase is made by five points and it does not matter if you have good or bad cards. The player in the online thousand (online 1000), who ordered more points, wins the auction, he takes the buyback and makes the first move.

The player who evaluated the cards gives each opponent one of any and unnecessary cards. Then the player can increase the number of declared points. The highest point bet that can be ordered when playing a thousand online is four hundred and twenty points.

A player who knows that he will not take the declared points has the right to paint the hand, in which case the points that he declared are deducted from his account. And his opponents in a thousand score sixty points each.

Thousand: painting in the game

You can paint (choose the settings for the game one thousand online (1000 online) when creating an application):

  • No limits- you can paint in 1000 as many times as you like without any penalties for the painter.
  • After the 3rd is penalized- the first 3 paintings without penalty, for all subsequent paintings, 120 points will be deducted from the painter.
  • Only 3 times- in total for a game of a thousand, you can paint only 3 times without penalties for the painter.
  • 3 times with penalty- in total for an online game you can paint only 3 times. And with each painting, points will be removed from the painter in the same amount as ordered.

1000 (one thousand): "Blind" game

During the distribution of cards, the player who has the right to move first gives the price, in the right, declare "dark". But then he must score when playing online - one hundred and twenty points, he must not show the buyback and the points scored by all players are doubled. If any player received bolts in a thousand, then it is multiplied by two.

Any opponent in 1000 can "dark", unless of course he has a margin. The player does not have the right to "dark" if his score is negative.

He also has the right to paint such a game, but of course the opponents will then receive one hundred and twenty points. A player can darken if the dealer is on his right.
When playing blindly, you cannot increase the size of the bet, this does not prevent you from still playing a thousand and making it dark.

Golden con in a thousand online

On the first round of distributions, all players in turn must play the game and score one hundred and twenty points (the number of distributions is equal to the number of players). Player points, and penalties, bolts, are doubled. But if not a single player scored one hundred and twenty points for the circle, then the process starts anew and all the points of the players are reset to zero, and the golden circle begins anew.

Arrangements for a free game of online thousand on our website:

  • You can't raise your rate. On the "Golden Horse" everyone plays for 120 points.
  • You can paint. At the same time, you sign for 120 points, and not 60
  • If not a single player in a thousand scores 120 points, then the points are reset to zero, and the "Golden Con" starts again.

1000: buyback on obligation

The players do not bargain, they folded, then the player who is on a hundred takes the buyback, he is not obliged to show it when playing at 1000.

Dump truck in online thousand (1000)

If the player's account (after the distribution) has the number of points equal to 555 or -555, then the points are reset to zero, that is, equal to 0 points.

Game progress in a thousand online

The player who ordered the bet and dealt the cards that were not needed makes a move. The rest of the players are required to place cards according to suit. The player does not have a suit, then he is obliged to take it with a trump card, if he has one. And then, when there are no trump cards, he throws any card. The player who interrupted the card with the highest card or trump takes this trick. A thousand card game is very simple, you can play both online and download a thousand to your computer for free and without registration.

A player who does not have tricks and walks from a card from a marriage, this is allowed, but the marriage is not announced and this suit does not become a trump card.

After each distribution in the card thousand, the points of each player are counted and recorded. The points are summed up from the mariage points and the points of each card. The player who ordered the number of points he needed must score them. If he does not collect them, then these points are deducted from his account. If someone 1000 (one thousand) did not take at least one bribe, then a bolt (stick) is recorded on his account. If a player has accumulated three bolts on his account, he will lose one hundred and twenty points for every third bolt scored.

Online game rules 1000 in a round in which someone plays a "barrel"

If the player scores eight hundred and eighty points (880) or more, he gets on the barrel. It is possible to adjust this parameter online thousands when creating an order: with a barrel / without a barrel. Buyback auctions are not held. The buy-in opens immediately after the cards are dealt. The player on the barrel must take one hundred and twenty-one points. He who sits on a barrel in a thousand raises a buyback without bidding. The person sitting on the barrel is given three attempts to score one hundred and twenty-one points. He does not score one hundred and twenty-one points in two attempts, nothing is written off from him in a free thousand. But if these points are not taken in the third, then the player falls from the barrel and one hundred and twenty-one points are deducted from him.

Variations of the Game of a Thousand (1000)

There are many options for the online game thousand (1000), which differ in some differences:

You have a senior margin and have aces, when playing a thousand, you can play aggressively, you can play and try to kill the opponent's trump card and declare your own. In such a situation, your opponent may not score points and points will be deducted from the account, and a good number of points will be written to your account. Practice to hone your skills and ability to play a thousand (free for our users).

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Terms in the online thousand

Play free in 1000 online (online thousand)

Our site provides a thousand online games, we try to brighten up your leisure time, fill it with a good mood and not let you get bored. 1000 game is suitable for all age categories. By registering, you can play 1000 online free on our online games website.

Rules of the game

Description and start of the game

The number of players is usually three, but two or four players can play. The meaning of the card game "Thousand" is to try to score 1000 points through tricks. Whoever first reaches a total of 1000 or more points is the winner of the game.

Theoretically, the game of "Thousand" can last forever. But in practice, the different skill levels of the players and the luck factor vary the time of the game in the range from half an hour to several hours. Interestingly, after the next game, the cards are usually not shuffled, the game allows this (by agreement). The cards are put into a playing deck, which is then shifted and dealt out.

Dealing cards

The distributor is determined by lot. At the beginning of each subsequent game, the change passes to the one who sits on the left hand of the dealer.

Before the distribution, the dealer, without mixing the cards, is obliged to let the player sitting on his right hand move the deck. After that, the dealer looks at the last card in the deck (there is nothing in this, this card will still go to him). If the last card is a nine, then the dealer allows to move again; if a nine rolls three times, the shifter is penalized 120 points. If the last card is a jack, then the dealer shifts the card to the middle of the deck (“marries the jack”) and starts to distribute (the last card is no longer seen).

The distribution of cards is carried out one card at a time and begins with the player sitting to the left of the dealer. During the distribution, you must put three cards in the buy-in. It is forbidden to put the last card in the buy-in. If during the distribution at least one card turned out to be revealed (whether by negligence or on purpose), then a fine of 120 points is recorded to the dealer, the cards pass to the next player for distribution to the game, and all sitting players are recorded points in an equal amount (for four players playing 40 points except for the fined one, for three players playing 60 points each except for the fined one, for two players playing the game “thousand”, the player sitting opposite is recorded 120 points).

When playing together, two buy-ins are created, 2 cards each (or 3 by agreement). The winning bidder chooses at random one of the bribes and gives one card to the opponent that does not fit into the mathematical score of his game (in the case of an agreement of three cards in each bribe, he puts one on the second bribe, gives the second to the opponent), the second bribe goes to the player who took the last bribe during the game and they are counted together with the tricks taken.

When playing with four players, the dealer distributes a deck to himself for a buy-in in the amount of three cards and the dealer does not participate in the game (the fourth player sitting on the buy-in is credited with points to his game account equal to the number of points in the buy-in).

Game points - the meaning of the cards

The number of cards involved in the game is 24, 24 cards are divided into 4 suits, the seniority of cards in each suit in ascending order is: nine, jack, queen, king, ten, ace.

When calculating points in bribes, denominations are used:

Marriage denominations (queen and king):

Marriage suit Marriage cost
Hearts 100 points
tambourine 80 points
Clubs 60 points
Peak 40 points

The sum of points of all cards in the game is 120 points. The sum of points of cards of the same suit is 30 points.


Trading begins immediately after the distribution. The player to the left of the dealer must bet 100 points.

The rest of the players can either raise the bet or say "pass" and refuse to bid. Depending on the agreements, the trading step is either equal to five, or any number that is a multiple of five.

If the player's bet is not interrupted by anyone (both opponents say "pass"), then the player wins the auction. He shows the buyback and takes it (by agreement, the buyback is not shown if there was no bargaining for it, that is, the buyback was taken by the one who bought it for the obligatory 100 points, or it was taken by the one who announced it in the dark); he also receives the right of the first move and orders the game, that is, he says the number of points that he undertakes to take.

Prior to the announcement of the order by the winning player, any player may claim a renegotiation. In this case, the cards are shuffled and dealt again (no one receives fines and bonuses). You can transfer if:

  • There are less than n points in the buy-in (usually 4 or 5).
  • There are two nines in the buy.
  • There are three nines in the draw (by agreement, in this case, the dealer can receive a fine of 120 points).
  • There are three jacks in the draw.
  • The sum of points from the cards in the player's hand is less than n points (most often 13, 14 or 15).
  • The player has three nines in his hands (with 3-4 players) or four (with 2 players) (by agreement, in this case, the dealer can receive a penalty of 120 points).
  • After the demolition of the cards, the player has four nines (by agreement, in this case, the dealer can receive a fine of 120 points).
  • The player has four jacks in his hand.
  • After the demolition of the cards, the player has four jacks.

The rules of the retake are negotiated before the start of the game.

Game progress

The player who placed the order goes first. The rest of the players put down one card of the corresponding suit (if there is none, then a trump; if there is no trump, then any). The player whose card turns out to be the oldest takes all three cards for himself and gets the right to make the first move (taking tricks is desirable, since this decides the outcome of the game).

At the end of the draw, the points of their taken cards (bribes) are counted. Points taken by passing players are rounded up to five or ten (whichever is closer). The player who made the order receives points only if he collects them without taking into account rounding, otherwise the cost of the order (bidding for a buyback) is deducted from him. The calculated points are added to the previously earned ones.

The draw process has several rules:

  • If a player has a margin (queen + king or four aces), and he walks with any of these cards, then he "declares a margin". The cost of mariage is added to his points, and the trump card of the suit that the card belonged to is also set.
If the player makes the first move from half the margin, then the declaration of the margin does not occur.
  • In order for the points for the marriage to be accrued, the announced queen or king from this marriage must be taken! If a marriage is declared, but neither the king nor the queen from this marriage is taken by the player, then the player who declared this marriage does not receive points.
  • The announcement of marriage is often accompanied by some word: “praise”, “marriage”, the value of the marriage or the name of the suit. It can also be a word depending on the card the player went with:
  1. King - "he", "father", "dad"
  2. Lady - "she", "mother", "mother"
  3. Ace - "it"
  • When a marriage is declared, only the player who declared the marriage, or another player who has only trump cards left, can walk from the trump card.
  • A player who has not taken a single bribe receives one "bolt" (or "stick"). If a player collects three bolts, then he is penalized with 120 points. If a player collects three bolts in three hands in a row, then he receives a penalty of either -240 or -360 (for each bolt), depending on the agreements. There is an option of 120 points for the third bolt in a row and every fifth bolt in a game.

Rules of the game if someone is "sitting on the barrel"

If the player scores 880 points in total, he "sits on the barrel". All points are no longer awarded to him, except for the points taken with “his own buy-in” (120 points). The buy is considered “own” when the player on the barrel is dealt to the player on the right, or the game will go on as usual with bidding. (When surrendering a buy-in to a player sitting on a barrel, buy-in cards are revealed in advance during distribution)

To win the game, the barrel rider must reach the 1000 mark (i.e. score a total of 120 points). Thus, in order to win, it is not necessary to have a mariage or “non-beat” on hand, that is, to pick up all the tricks (the amount is 120).


Due to the large list of agreements, there are a lot of options for playing Thousand. Below are the most popular arrangements.


The player sitting on the barrel needs to score 121 points. If he doesn't score 121 points for "his bait", then he "flies off the barrel", penalizing by 120 points (by agreement, the player can fly off in this case up to 500 points). If the player flies off the barrel for the third time, all of their points are forfeited.

Without margin, a player sitting on a barrel cannot score 1001.

Barrel trading

The difference between trading on a barrel and regular trading is that sitting on a barrel at any time can score 121 points. At the same time, in various variants of the game, the bet can both be interrupted by rivals, and without trading, it can be given to the one who sits on the barrel.

Ace Marriage

An Ace Marriage consists of four Aces. When moving from one of the aces, the player is awarded 200 points; in this case, the trump card is not established, but by agreement it can cancel the previously established trump card; there is also a variant in which, after the opening of the ace margin, trumps do not work, and the last of the four opened aces shows the trump suit. Ace marriage is subject to the rule of ordinary marriage - the impossibility of declaring on the first move.

Trading in the red

If one of the players has a negative score (most often -120 or less), then the other players always say a pass when trading, until the player who is in debt gets out of the “pit”, just as a player with a negative score cannot get involved in the auction.

Buying a hundred

If the player "sitting on a hundred" wins the trade (that is, the other players immediately said "pass"), then he does not show the buyback.

game painting

If a player sees that he obviously cannot collect the bet ordered during trading, he can paint the game. At the same time, he takes the order amount from himself and writes to his rivals for half of the order amount. Also, the player has the right to "be baptized", while the points of the "customer" and opponents do not change. If the “customer” sees that he cannot score the ordered bet, then he announces “I am baptized”, he is given a cross (+), and his opponents are screwed.

There are different painting rules. The rules should be agreed upon before the game starts:

  • Each opponent is given 60 points, not half of the order.
  • Three paintings are additionally penalized by 120 points.
  • The player sitting on the barrel cannot paint.
  • If one of the players sits on the barrel, no one can paint.
  • If one of the players is on the barrel, baptism is prohibited for all participants in the game.
  • Only three paintings per game are possible (in this case, the player does not take points from himself).
  • You can only be baptized once in the entire game.
  • When playing "in the dark" baptism is prohibited.

Zeroing at ±555 points (“tipper”)

When any player reaches 555 or −555 points after the next hand, the points of this player become equal to 0.

blind game

When cards are dealt, the player who has the right to be the first to name the buy-in price announces the game “blindly”. He automatically orders 120 points, does not show the buyback, and all points scored by him legally are doubled. Opponents can "dark" him, but only if they have some kind of marriage on their hands. A player cannot "dark" if he has less than 240 points on his account.

A player can darken if the dealer is on his right.

When playing blindly, you cannot increase the size of the bet. If the player who announced the game blindly did not take a single trick, two bolts are recorded for him, the rest of the players one at a time.

golden horse

During the first hands (the number of hands is equal to the number of players), each of the players in turn gets the opportunity to play an order of 120 points. All points and penalties and bolts scored by players are written in double size. If no player scores 120 points, the points are reset to zero and the regular game begins.

There are also several agreements in the golden horse:

  • If no one takes the order, there is no reset.
  • If no one takes the order, the golden game starts over.
  • Points received for declaring marriages are not doubled.

Two on a barrel

Only one player can sit on the barrel at a time. If another player sits on the barrel, the first player flies off (penalty -120). If two players land on it together, they also fly off together. Another version of the agreement - you can both play.

barrel game

When playing on the barrel, the player is recorded the points that he scores without rounding and taking into account the margin (at the same time, he has the right to declare trump cards). In this case, the player sitting on the barrel, as a rule, does not participate in the auction.

Small agreements

  • Rounding off the points of the player who plays the order (the problem of a shortage of one or two points is eliminated).
  • The player who plays the order is not credited with bolts.
  • Retake can only play on a hundred.
  • Possibility to declare marriage from the first move.
  • The player sitting on the draw, in addition to the cost of the cards, writes down the cost of the margin (if it is in the draw) or half the cost of the margin (if there is a queen or king in the draw).
  • The possibility of bargaining is higher than the possible maximum (that is, if a player with a deal that has fallen out to him, in principle, cannot score, say, more than 120 points, he can still bargain above 120). One of the most rarely used arrangements - in most games such a "bluff" is prohibited.
  • “Reverse barrel”, that is, a player who scored -880 points and did not score -1000 (-1001) for 3 distributions, flies from the “reverse barrel” (by agreement, either -760 or -500 points).


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Players before the start of the game must determine the agreements for the game. Let's consider each option in more detail.

Variant with the distribution of 9 cards.

The rules of the game in 1000 cards for two involve the distribution of 9 cards to each participant and 2 buy-ins of 3 cards. The auction is won by the one who named the highest number of points that he seeks to get. Next, this player gives 1 card to the opponent, and the second to the bank. He also makes the first move. The rules of the game together establish the principles of praises, trump cards and suits. The one who takes the last bribe takes the bank.

Option with a distribution of 10 cards.

According to another option, 10 cards are dealt, two draws of two cards each. The winner at the trading stage takes 1 buy-in for himself, gives 1 card to the opponent, and then announces the order.

The rules of the game 1000 in cards for two set a maximum bet of 300. If the winner of the auction sees that it is not possible to collect the announced amount, he can announce this and receive a fine. In this case, the opponent is awarded 60. The bribe is taken by the player whose value is greater, or who has a trump card. The same player makes the next move.

Or more, he is the winner in the game and takes the declared "bank" - the points that are at stake in the game. The player who is in second place at this moment does not receive anything, but also does not lose anything, the player who takes third place loses the number of points of the declared “bank”.

A feature of the game is the use of so-called "marriages".

The number of cards involved in the game is 24, 24 cards are divided into 4 suits, the seniority of the cards in each suit in ascending order is: nine, jack, queen, king, ten, ace.

When calculating points in bribes, denominations are used:

The sum of the points of all cards in the game is 120 points. The sum of points of cards of the same suit is 30 points.

Denominations of trump marriages (lady and king):

Marriage suit

Marriage cost





A bribe means taking a group of opponents' cards to yourself by beating their cards with your own, stronger card. The cost of the cards in each trick is summed up, bringing the player points, which are fixed at the end of each round. Each round is played first by the player who won the auction (see below), then the move can go to another player if he beats the cards of opponents and takes a bribe. Each turn, the players lay out one card, the first to lay out a card is the player who received the right to move (at the beginning of the round, this is the winner of the auction, then any player who took the bribe). On the laid out card, players take turns placing their card in a clockwise direction. You can only put a card of the same suit on the laid out card, if the player does not have cards of this suit - he is obliged to put a trump card, if the trump card is not declared and the player does not have cards of this suit (or there is no trump card), then he has the right to put any card according to to your own discretion. The following bribery rules apply:

  • The bribe is taken by the player whose card is higher in the suit declared by the first card (see above the seniority of the cards), if it was not interrupted by a trump card;
  • If a card of a different suit (not a trump card) is placed on the first card, then it is considered discarded and cannot claim to beat the bribe;
  • If more than one trump is put on the first card, the player who put the highest trump takes the bribe.


At the beginning of each round of the game there are no trump cards and all suits are played on equal terms. A player who has a "marriage" in his hands (see above) has the right, if possible, to declare a trump card ("praise the trump card"). From this moment on, the suit of the declared marriage is considered the trump card of the horse, until the horse ends or one of the players “captures” another trump marriage, in which case the trump card changes and the previous trump card is no longer valid.

trump marriage

A trump marriage is a king and a queen of the same suit in the hands of one player. Marriage can be obtained either immediately after the distribution, or by taking the buyback by winning the auction. Half of the mariage (king or queen) can also be obtained by discarding cards by the player who won the auction. The whole game is built on the use of trump marriages, and each player strives to get them, since the announcement of a trump marriage ("trump claim") brings the player points equal to the value of the marriage. In addition, the declaration of margin assigns a trump in the current hand and all cards of the same suit as the declared margin become trump, i.e. beat any other suit. Points for declared marriages are added to the sum of points scored through bribes. Points for declaring several margins during one round are summed up.

If one of the players declared a trump marriage, the other player can, if possible, take the marriage queen with an ace or a ten of the same suit and get the right to "overpraise", i.e. declare your own marriage, if any.

When "overpraising" (announcing another trump card within one horse), the previous trump card turns into a regular suit and the trump card of the last marriage takes effect.

Ace Marriage

If a player has 4 aces, then if he took a trick and then comes in with an ace, 200 points are added to him.


If in the process of playing the horse the player did not take a single trick, a "bolt" is recorded for him (visually displayed in the results of the game as a dash). For three bolts during the game, 120 points are deducted from the player, the bolts are canceled, and if three bolts are received again, the procedure is repeated.


After the cards are dealt, the players look at their cards and determine how many points they can score. After that, they announce their bets.

A bet statement is an announcement of the number of points that a player undertakes to take in the current hand.

Trading begins immediately after the distribution. The player on whom the right of the first application has fallen is obliged to declare a bet of at least 100 points.

Bidding goes in increments of 5 points, i.e. each player can raise the bet either by 5 points or by any multiple of five. The winner of the auction receives the right of the first move and is obliged to take at least the declared number of points during the round - in this case, the declared number of points will be added to his account, otherwise the declared amount is debited from his account.

The buyback is not opened if there was no bidding for it, that is, the buyback was taken by the one who declared a mandatory bid of 100 points and other players refused to bid.

The player who wins the auction receives the right of the first move and orders the game, that is, orders the number of points that he undertakes to take.

Trading restrictions

During the auction, there are rules that limit the number of points a player can claim:

  • A player cannot bet more than 120 points without holding a margin
  • A player cannot bet more than 160 points if he only has a peak margin.
  • A player cannot bet more than 180 points if he only has a club margin.
  • A player cannot bet more than 200 points if he only has a diamond margin.
  • A player cannot bet more than 220 points if he only has a heart margin.

If there are two or more margins, the limit increases according to the sum of the denominations of the margins.

Game progress

The player who wins the auction goes first. The rest of the players put down one card of the corresponding suit (if there is none, then a trump card; if there is no trump card, then any one at their discretion). The player whose card turns out to be the oldest takes the cards for himself and gets the right to make the first move. A player who has the right to move can declare ("crowd") the marriage.

At the end of the game, the points taken are calculated - the bribes plus the cost of the announced margins. If the player who won the auction scored the declared amount of points, it is credited to his account, if not, it is deducted from his account. All other players are credited with their points.


At the end of the round, players count their points according to the face value of the cards. The amount of points scored is rounded down by a multiple of five at two points and up at three points.

For example: 17 points = 15; 18 points = 20.

This rule does not apply to the winner of the auction - if at least one point scored is not enough to the amount declared by him, the amount of points scored by him is not taken into account.

To the amount of points received through bribes, the value of the announced margins is added.

Rules of the game,
if someone "sits on a barrel"

If the player scores 880 points in total, he "sits on the barrel".

To win the game, the barrel rider must reach the 1000 mark (i.e. score a total of 120 points). Thus, in order to win, it is not necessary to have a margin on hand, if you have a “non-beater” in your hands, which allows you to pick up all the bribes (the amount is 120).

"Sitting on the barrel" is given three attempts to score the winning amount of points. If, after three hands, the player does not win, he "flies off the barrel", i.e. his score is reduced by 120 points and to win you need to "climb the barrel" again (score 880 points).

Only one player can sit on the barrel at a time. If another player sits on the barrel, the first one flies off (penalty 120). If two players sit on it together, then one of them flies.

Buying a hundred

If the player "sitting on a hundred" wins the trade (that is, the other players immediately said "pass"), then the buyback is not shown.

game painting

If a player sees that he obviously cannot collect the bet ordered during trading, he can paint the game. At the same time, he takes the order amount from himself and writes to his rivals for half of the order amount.

Zeroing at ±555 points (“tipper”)

When any player reaches 555 or -555 points after the next distribution, the points of this player become equal to 0.


At the beginning of trading, any player can declare a re-deal (an additional “Re-deal” button appears on the playing field). In this case, the cards are distributed again (no one receives fines and bonuses). You can transfer if:

  • The amount of cards in the player's hand is less than 13 points
  • The player has three nines in his hands
  • The player has four jacks

Also, the player who won the trade can declare a re-deal, if in the buy-in:

  • The sum of the cards is less than 5 points
  • Two nines
  • Three jacks

golden horse

You can choose to play with or without the Golden Horse rule.

The rule is this: during the first hands (their number = the number of players) each player must play for an order of 120 points in turn.

All points, penalties and bolts scored by the players are written in double size. If no player scores 120 points on his buy-in, then the points are reset to zero, and the regular game begins.

There are also several agreements in the golden horse:

  • If no one takes the order, it is reset to zero
  • Points earned for declaring marriages are also doubled

Game bonuses

Bonus "Show Cards"

Shows a list of cards in the hands of opponents

Bonus "Show buy suits"

Bonus "Show buyback"

Show one buy card of your choice
