Coffee tree at home. Growing a coffee tree from a bean

Care of a coffee tree and the process of growing it in a residential area is quite simple. During cultivation, it can be formed in the form of a lush bush or a small tree, while it will only need to be cut off in a timely manner from growing branches.

Growing a coffee tree at home

There are about fifty varieties of culture that can be found in Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands, as well as in the tropics of Africa. Also cultural forms of coffee today are grown in the tropical regions of Africa, America and Asia. Figure 1 shows how this culture grows in nature.

Figure 1. Coffee tree in nature

Most indoor ornamental gardeners grow Arabian coffee and rarely Brazilian or Libyan.

Very often people ask the question - is it possible to grow coffee at home, from beans sold in the supermarket? Of course not, because they do not have the ability to germinate. The seeds of this crop lose their germination very quickly. In fact, growing coffee at home bears a strong resemblance to cultivating citrus fruits.

Arabica coffee - indoor plant

Arabica coffee grown at home can reach a height of up to three meters. It has oblong leathery dark green leaves with wavy edges. This species bears fruit only once a year (in April-May) and brings bright red berries (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Indoor plant Arabica at different stages of vegetation

Also among lovers of ornamental plant growing is common dwarf species, which is a variety of Arabian and can reach a height of no more than one meter. It can be grown indoors without much difficulty in care, as it has a high resistance to disease and dry air.

Caring for a coffee tree at home

Despite the fact that a coffee tree- an exotic plant, there are practically no difficulties in caring for it. The culture normally tolerates changes in temperature and humidity. In winter, she feels great even at a temperature of 14-15 degrees, but if the indicator drops below, it will stop developing and bearing fruit.

Selecting a landing site

Growing coffee at home always starts with planting or transplanting. The soil should be acidic, but since it is quite difficult to check this indicator, it is recommended to use a mixture of acidic peat, humus, sand, leafy and greenhouse soil for cultivation (Figure 3).

Note: To maintain the optimal level of moisture and acidity, it is recommended to add sphagnum moss to the soil mixture.

Lighting is essential. It is desirable to place the plant on windows facing south. There is an opinion that the location on the north window can ruin it, but this is not entirely true. Placement on the north window can only slow down growth and further development.

Figure 3. Planting a coffee tree

However, do not forget that an excess of sunlight can also be harmful, especially for plants under two years old. In an adult plant, with a lack of sun, full-fledged inflorescences will not form.

Note: Experienced growers recommend shading the crop only after fruit set is complete.

This technique is used in the homeland of coffee, where other crops are planted around it, giving the necessary shade.


Transplantation is carried out annually until the plant reaches three years of age. After that, transplantation is recommended to be done once every 2-3 years. However, do not forget that in the intervals between transplants, a mandatory replacement of the top layer of soil should be carried out annually (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Tree transplantation process

Under natural conditions, the culture grows in a fairly humid climate, so the air in the room should not be allowed to be too dry. Regular spraying will help ensure the required level of humidity, but this method is not always effective. It is better to use a deep pan with pebbles. The stones are filled with water, and a pot with a plant is placed on top. However, the soil must be well drained.

Temperature and humidity

An important factor for normal growth is temperature regime in room. In spring and summer, normal enough room temperature, and during the winter cold, coffee needs a cool temperature regime (14-15 degrees), but it should not fall below +12 degrees. Figure 5 shows the optimal placement of the crop on the windowsill and one of the methods of watering.

Figure 5. Watering and placing the crop on the windowsill

In summer, watering should be carried out more often and more abundantly than in winter. The establishment of the required dose for irrigation depends on the temperature regime in the room. But the soil and air should not be too dry or wet, as this will negatively affect the development of the plant. For irrigation, it is better to use melt or rain water.

Top dressing and fertilizer

The best for the coffee tree are special liquid fertilizers. They are introduced into the soil once every two weeks from April to September, since it is at this time that the plants bear fruit and actively develop.

In more detail about how to properly care for the plant, the author of the video will tell.

Harvesting coffee

To date, there are several ways to harvest grains by hand (Figure 6).

The first method is called the stripping method. It is very simple. When most of the berries are ripe, the branch is held with the left hand, and the fruits are grabbed with the right, moving from top to bottom. But in this case, not only ripe fruits are plucked, but also green, rotten berries, leaves and flowers.

Figure 6. Collection and processing of coffee

The second method is based on the collection of fruits with a special comb, which has rare and flexible teeth. With its help, only ripe fruits are plucked from the branches of the coffee tree, and green berries and leaves will remain on the branches. After harvesting, the fruits are cleaned of pulp, the grains are sorted and roasted for further storage.

Growing coffee at home

To grow a coffee tree at home, we need: coffee beans that are not roasted or cuttings of a coffee tree.

Consider the seed method of coffee propagation. The main question is where to get coffee beans for growing at home, you can buy green non-roasted coffee beans in the store and try to grow a plant from coffee seeds, the probability of growth is very small. You can beg from friends who already have a fruiting plant, a couple of fruits of a coffee tree, ripe fruits of brown red coffee, peel coffee from the peel and pulp, which is sweet in taste and has a tonic effect, the grain usually consists of two halves, each half is a full-fledged seed coffee tree that grows very quickly. You can buy coffee seeds in flower shop, but rather than buying seeds, it is better to buy a ready-made germinated plant that is 3-4 months old. Now let's look at all the ways of growing coffee in more detail.

Coffee fruits from green to ripe and overripe

To the genus Coffee, or Coffee tree (Coffea), belongs to about 50 species of wild-growing in tropical Africa, Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands, evergreen or deciduous shrubs and small trees. how ornamental plant The coffee tree was originally cultivated in botanical gardens and greenhouses.

Coffee tree seeds generally lose their germination very quickly, and the fresher the seeds, the more likely it is to sprout. If you get dried green coffee beans in your hands, pour water into a plate and put the coffee beans there for a day, after 24 hours the root embryo should hatch on the beans, plant the coffee beans that have begun to germinate each in a separate pot. Of the hundreds of seeds that you remove from the plant, even after a couple of months, only a few will sprout. This should be paid attention to those who would like to have coffee at home.

Two weeks before sowing the seeds, a loose water- and breathable substrate is prepared: the soddy soil is steamed, mixed with sand and sifted peat in a ratio (1:2:2).

The cleaned coffee seeds are laid out in a pot filled with the substrate, flat side down at a distance of 3 cm from each other. After pressing the seeds into the soil to a depth of 1 cm, water the substrate with a pink solution of potassium permanganate and cover the crops with glass.

Do not forget to air the pots, wipe and turn the glass; when shoots appear, the ventilation time is gradually increased.

The first coffee sprouts will appear in two months, be patient.

Coffee at 4 months has an already formed primary leaf that will fall over time

Coffee is a very unpretentious and grateful plant. In the first year of life, the growth rate is modest - the average growth is 15-20 cm. But over time, the plant begins an independent abundant branching, without additional pruning.

The coffee tree at 9 months begins the primary formation of the crown, the crown is formed independently.

We must try to interfere as little as possible in the independent life of the plant. Pruning is only required for last resort- when the bush becomes too large for the room that you are ready to provide it.

Coffee trees developing from seedlings do not need to form a crown: at first they grow with one trunk, and in the second year skeletal branches grow from the awakened lateral axillary buds of the trunk. Too long side shoots coffee is cut to ensure crown splendor and abundant flowering. The fruiting of coffee trees grown from seeds begins in 5-6 years, branches of coffee grow quite interestingly, about the same as that of a Christmas tree. They depart at right angles to the trunk. Therefore, the crown is spreading. It is because of this crown that difficulties often arise, because the plant must be placed closer to the light, it is very photophilous

An annual transplant is required in the first years of life, in a pot at least 5 cm larger in diameter. Otherwise, instead of blooming for the first time in 4 years, coffee will not bloom at all. Any soil is used - suitable for tub plants or shrubs, rich in nutrients, structured and not very loose.

Spraying coffee is not necessary, but it will not be superfluous. The coffee tree should be wiped from dust with a damp sponge and arrange coffee warm shower. The temperature regime is normal for indoor plants. Wintering at 16-18°C is recommended. But adult plants tolerate well and more low temperatures, up to 10-12 ° C, but always in a very bright place and with rare watering.

Coffee is a very attractive shrub with a symmetrical crown and glossy dark green leaves. The light brown bark flakes off the trunk with age. So the surrounding earth is literally strewn with thin shavings.

In summer, coffee can be taken out into the street, putting it in the shade of a tree, if you put it in direct sunlight, the coffee will quickly die, in the summer the coffee tree loves shade on the street.

The coffee tree is 9 years old.

Young seedlings of the coffee tree need to be replanted every year. When the tree begins to bear fruit, replanting so often is no longer required, on average, once every three to four years. This should be done in the spring. Before transplanting the plant, provide drainage in a new vessel. Inspect the roots of the plant, remove rotten and diseased ones. Almost any soil composition is suitable, most importantly, with weak acidity. For example, this: turf land - 40%, leaf land - 30%, river sand - 20%, high-moor peat - 10%. Such soil is well suited for Arabica seedlings. Fertilizers can and should be used. Both ordinary manure and special mineralized compounds can be used as fertilizers. Horn shavings or bone meal (200 g per 10 kg of soil) are an ideal source of well-assimilated phosphorus.

outdoor coffee tree

The flowering of the coffee tree lasts from 2 to 10 days; the aroma of flowers is not as strong as that of citrus fruits.

Coffee beans have long been known as an invigorating agent. They contain caffeine - about 2%, organic acids, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, amino acids, minerals. In creating the taste and aroma of the drink, the main role is played by chlorogenic acid and ether-like compounds formed during the roasting of grains, and the physiological effect is determined by the alkaloid - caffeine.

You need to wait until the berries are fully ripe. They will become cherry in color, soft to the touch. Then, we do the same as on coffee plantations: we collect the seeds, wash them, separate them from the pulp and films and dry them. Further options are possible: someone will try to distribute them or sow them himself. It is the natural instinct of the gardener to propagate what he has. Or you can roast and get grains from which a full-fledged drink is obtained.

Be sure to try your own coffee. From ripe berries, select grains and soak them in water for 12 hours (so they are cleared of mucus). Dry the grains for 7-10 days. Then hold in the oven for 2-3 hours at t 70-80 ° C. Without these procedures, coffee beans will not acquire the desired taste. Fry the seeds cooled after drying, stirring constantly, in a pan until light brown. Cool again and fry again until dark brown. Only after these procedures, coffee can be ground and a drink prepared.

Reproduction by cuttings

Plants obtained by cuttings can bloom immediately after rooting; they retain all properties mother plant fruits are larger and more numerous. However, coffee trees from cuttings grow more slowly than from seeds; they require the formation of a crown (usually rounded).

1. To obtain cuttings, shoots of last year's growth from the middle part of the crown of a fruit-bearing coffee tree, apical branches are used.
2. The stalk is cut obliquely with two pairs of leaves; a piece of branch about 2.5 cm long is left under the lower node, which is scratched from below with a needle to stimulate root formation.
3. The bases of the cuttings are placed in a solution of heteroauxin (a quarter of a tablet per 0.5 liter of water) for approximately 4 hours; then dust the lower cut of the cutting with powder charcoal.
4. Cuttings are planted vertically in a mixture of sifted high-moor peat and perlite, spilled with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate; the petioles of the lower leaves of the cuttings are half buried in the substrate, preventing neighboring cuttings from touching each other.
5. After planting the cuttings, the soil is again watered with a solution of potassium permanganate and a mini-greenhouse is built in a pot.
6. A pot with coffee cuttings is placed in a bright place protected from direct sun, the temperature of the substrate is maintained at a high temperature (optimally 25-27 degrees).
7. The greenhouse is regularly ventilated by spraying the cuttings; after about 40 days, their upper kidney awakens.
8. Transplantation of cuttings into individual pots with a diameter of 9-12 cm is carried out after the formation of a new pair of leaves in them. For rooted cuttings, a mixture of soddy land, peat and sand (4: 2: 1) is prepared with the addition wood ash. A shard is placed on the drainage hole of the pot with the convex side up, coarse-grained sand is poured into the bottom of the pot with a layer of 1-1.5 cm. bright place without direct sun.
9. If buds appear on rooted cuttings, they do not need to be removed: the fruits will be full-fledged and will not slow down the development of plants.

The soil for cuttings can be taken different. It is important to observe two basic requirements for its structure. The mixture should retain moisture well and be breathable, since a constant flow of air to the rooting sites is necessary. The best results, as experience shows, gives a mixture of perlite ( construction material) and peat (1:1), where peat is a component that retains moisture. It is best to take swamp peat from sphagnum moss, and before preparing the mixture, it must be sifted through a fine sieve. For improved air supply during rooting, add perlite (perlite expanded sand). It has an absolutely neutral environment, so it does not require pre-disinfection. Before planting the cuttings, both prepared components are thoroughly mixed, then the vessel in which the cuttings will take root is filled with this mixture. It is not necessary to compact the mixture strongly. The mixture is well shed with the prepared aqueous solution of potassium permanganate (pale pink color). This is how the peat, which is part of the mixture, is disinfected, and at the same time it stimulates a better survival rate of the cuttings.

The coffee tree does not have a pronounced dormant period, therefore, in order for the plant all year round grew, bloomed and bore fruit, it must be constantly fed every 10 days: on the 1st, 10th and 20th, giving, respectively, 5 g of nitrogen, 7 g of phosphorus, 1 g of potassium and 7 g of trace elements per 1 liter of water. As a nitrogen fertilizer, we use chicken manure, which we dilute in water and keep until it is completely fermented. When there is no pungent odor and no gas bubbles are released (which means that all organic matter has decomposed), the solution is ready for use. We dilute it three times with water. It should be remembered that chicken manure is the most powerful nitrogen-organic fertilizer, and it must be used carefully.

In a greenhouse, coffee tree plants are from 1 to 5 years old. Cultivation of coffee in greenhouses is promising. So, in GNBS, from each coffee tree growing in a greenhouse, in the third year, 100-150 g of dry seed mass is obtained. The plant bears fruit and room conditions.

The cuttings are planted in a strictly vertical position to a depth of 2 - 2.5 cm. The prepared cutting is taken with two fingers and carefully inserted into the substrate so that the petioles of the two lower leaves are sunk into the ground. It has been noticed that at the place where the leaves of the coffee tree are connected to the bearing branch, roots are often formed. Therefore, with such a planting of cuttings, they take root by almost 100%.

After planting the cuttings, for their better fixation in the substrate, it is recommended to shed it again with a solution of potassium permanganate. A prerequisite for rooting is a moist environment around the ground part of the cuttings. It is formed when the vessel in which rooting takes place is covered plastic bag. But it should not be tightly closed, there should be little air access. To do this, a small hole is cut in the bag and the cuttings are sprayed through it during the rooting period, completely moisturizing sheet plates. Planted cuttings are placed in diffused light. Direct sunlight is best avoided. The temperature of the substrate is ideally maintained at +25-27 °C. The higher the temperature of the substrate, the faster the cuttings take root. So, for example, at a temperature of +21-23 ° C, the cuttings rooted from February 23 to April 10, and at a temperature of +25 ° C - from April 1 to May 5. However, temperatures above +32 ° C already have a negative effect on root formation.

The first sign of rooting of the cuttings is the awakening of the upper growth bud. However, having noticed this, do not rush to transplant the plant. Wait for a new pair of leaves to form on top. And then, having dug up the rooted cuttings, you will see the resulting root system. It can be fibrous or elongated with 2-3 taproots.

Small particles of peat and perlite adhering to the roots are recommended to be shaken off a little, but not washed off under running water, otherwise the seedling will hurt for a long time before starting to grow again. An earthen mixture for planting rooted cuttings is prepared in the following composition: turf, peat and sand (river) in a ratio of 4:2:1. You can add some wood ash here. A pot for planting is taken with an upper diameter of 12 cm. A shard is placed on the bottom with the convex side up and drainage is poured from coarse-grained sand 1 cm thick.
As a phosphorus top dressing, we take a solution of superphosphate. Pour superphosphate granules into the settled water and stir, heating the solution (for better dissolution) to a temperature of 50 °.

A good potash fertilizer can be obtained from the ash extract. To do this, straw ash (contains up to 46% potassium) must be mixed in lukewarm water. After a daily settling, the potassium solution is ready for use. The coffee tree, like any plant, also needs other elements (calcium, boron, manganese, iron, etc.).

Many believe that since the coffee tree comes from the tropics, it needs the scorching rays of the sun all year round. Actually this is not true. Even at home, on plantations, four shade plants of a different species are planted around one coffee tree. In our geographical area coffee should be kept indoors on windows facing south or southeast. Any sun that looks into them in the summer will not adversely affect the development of the plant. It is more difficult to provide sufficient illumination on cloudy and dark days, in autumn and winter. To do this, we highlight the plants from November 1 to March 1 with a fluorescent lamp.

Pests and diseases of the coffee tree

Many lovers complain - leaves turn brown. This is typical for room content with low air humidity in the autumn-winter period. However, this is not a disease. And if the plant is placed in a wide shallow pan with water, a more favorable microclimate will be created.

Sunburn on the leaves from the bright sun of lack of moisture in the air.


One of the most important aspects of coffee tree care is watering. If the roots are exposed to standing water, the leaves turn brown and fall off. All water should drain from the roots after watering.

Watering. Regular, abundant in summer. Water should be soft, separated, without lime, warm (several degrees above room temperature). It is necessary to maintain a weak acidity of the soil. To do this, once a month, 2-3 drops of acetic acid or a few crystals of citric acid are added to settled water.

Regular spraying will not hurt him either. Once a week (with the exception of the flowering period), a warm shower can be arranged for the tree.

With excessive watering, root rot often occurs, cortical growths appear on the leaves of many plants, corky spots (it can even completely cork the leaf surface). In addition to excess water during irrigation, the cause of the appearance of such spots can be a sharp change in temperature, a sharp fluctuation in moisture in the substrate (if, after a strong overdrying of the soil, immediately water it abundantly), minus light. With the correction of care errors, the formation of cork spots on the leaves stops. If the most likely cause of spots on coffee leaves is excessive watering (after all, coffee requires moderate watering in winter), water the substrate once or twice with a suspension of foundationazole (1-2 g per liter of water) - this will help a plant that has fallen into unfavorable conditions.

To restore the immunity of the plant, it is not forbidden to carry out a cycle of spraying the leaves of the coffee tree with warm water with the addition of "Epin" according to the instructions on the package.

top dressing

In spring and summer, they are fed regularly (once every 7-10 days), alternating water infusion of mullein (1:10) with full range mineral fertilizers. In the spring, you can increase the dose of nitrogen fertilizers, during fruit ripening - phosphorus, in the fall - potassium.

The main pests are scale insects, spider mite, from diseases - soot fungus. If in winter in the room where the coffee tree is installed, the temperature is in the range of 10 - 12 C, then a black border will first appear on the leaves, and why the whole plant will begin to die.

  • If the soil is not too acidic, the leaves may discolor.
  • The tips of the leaves dry up with a lack of moisture in the air.
  • The leaves turn yellow, brown spots of dead tissue appear on them in case of a sunburn.
  • With excessive watering, the leaves rot and fall off.
  • When watering with hard water, the tips of the leaves curl up a little and appear on them. brown spots. To prevent this from happening, the water is softened using special tablets, or a bag of peat is kept in 3 liters of water.

Uneven ripening of coffee fruits, as a rule, in room conditions

How to make coffee fruit?
Plants bear fruit only when year-round care, which include weeding and regular treatment of trees with fungicides and insecticides to protect them from pests and diseases, such as bean borer or coffee rust. Fruit young plant starts at least two years later.

The collected coffee fruits should be dried a little and cleaned of pulp. harvested seeds dry and make coffee.

Coffee Recipes

Roasting coffee at home

You got green unroasted coffee beans, you can make great coffee according to your taste with the necessary caffeine content.
As you know, the taste of coffee is not least affected by how the coffee beans were roasted. Properly roasting coffee is a special art. This experience does not come immediately. But you can learn how to roast.

Coffee roasting is so important process that today the producer of coffee is not the one who grew and harvested it, but the one who roasted and packaged it. In Italy, there is even a special Institute in which various methods of coffee roasting are studied. scientific name this process is pyrolysis. As a result of complex chemical transformations, the taste of grains is enhanced and improved. Scientists have found that coffee contains up to 2000 different oils, aromatic and chemical compounds. When roasted, they are activated, which subsequently gives the coffee its unique bouquet. Before taking on the pan, select the best grains. Please note that when roasting, the beans will evaporate moisture, so the mass of roasted coffee will differ significantly from raw beans. AT different cultures exist different degrees coffee roasting.

Arabica varieties are traditionally lightly roasted. This method allows you to save subtle shades taste and aroma.

The medium degree of roasting gives the beans more dark color. At the same time, oil is actively released, which gives the roasted coffee a characteristic bitter aftertaste.

The so-called dark roast is the most intense. This coffee is bittersweet than others. Its taste is tart and strongly pronounced. Moreover, the higher the roasting temperature, the more expressive the taste. Some varieties become slightly sweet when dark roasted. But here it is important to observe the allotted time. If the beans are overcooked, the sweet flavor will be lost.

In addition to those listed, there are other ways of roasting. As a rule, they are called by the name of the locality or city where they are used. For example, Scandinavian (low roast), Viennese (aromas are revealed fully and butter comes out) and Continental (also known as double, the grains turn into the color of dark chocolate). In the East, they often try to give the beans an exotic flavor. To do this, when roasting, spices and spices are added to coffee. Here are a few more useful tips. When the beans are removed from the heat, try to cool them down as quickly as possible. Grind immediately afterwards. In order for coffee to acquire sugar content, you need to wait at least twelve hours for the gases that are released during heating to evaporate from it. Roasted beans should be shiny. If they are dull, then the heat treatment time was insufficient.

What to roast coffee in. For this, there are special roasters. Before you pour the grains into the roaster, try to warm it evenly. However, in the absence of a roaster, coffee can also be fried in a pan. Most importantly, do not use the oven to fry the grains. Firstly, the grains in this case will be fried unevenly. Secondly, you will not have the opportunity to mix and turn them. First automatic devices for roasting coffee appeared in the seventies. The heat treatment time in them could be maintained with an accuracy of up to seconds. The difference with roasters was that the beans were not heated directly, but were exposed to hot air. However, gourmets say that the taste of coffee prepared in this way is not at all the same as if the beans are roasted in the traditional way.

We store and prepare coffee according to the rules

1. An unopened coffee bag must be kept in the freezer.

2. Coffee should always be kept dry (to make coffee, do not pour it with a wet spoon and store it in places that are easily accessible to water.) The place where you store open coffee should be well ventilated, protected from moisture and light.

3. If the taste of coffee has changed, then check the condition of the coffee pot, water filter. Also check the freshness of milk or cream.

4. Spoons are different. If you have in your dinner set not only teaspoons, but also

dessert, you should be careful with which spoon you take coffee. Agree, a drink made from a small teaspoon differs in strength from coffee prepared according to the same recipe, but taken in the volume of a dessert spoon.

5. When making coffee "bots" do not forget that sugar is added after the ground coffee is poured with boiling water.

6. If you are serving classic coffee, then according to the rules of good manners, a jug of milk should be served with it. So that each of your guests can add it at will.

7. Milk, before serving or adding to coffee, should be heated. Otherwise, you can spoil the taste by cooling the drink.

8. If you are a connoisseur of the taste of the drink, do not add a lot of sugar to your coffee. The optimal dose is a teaspoon

Mexican volcanoes. light cakes

This dish is quite laborious to prepare, but its extraordinary taste will serve as a reward for your efforts..
15 servings:
3 tablespoons skimmed condensed milk
0.5 chocolate bars
1 pack of chocolate cake mix
2 tablespoons instant coffee
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon red pepper
1 glass of water
1 egg
3 egg whites
3/4 cup sugar
15 Brazil nuts or walnut halves
3/4 cup powdered sugar
1.5 tablespoons cocoa powder
0.5 sachet of vanilla sugar
3-4 tablespoons skimmed milk

1. Pour chocolate with condensed milk and melt over a fire. Cool, then refrigerate for 30 minutes. In a large bowl, combine the chocolate cake mixture with instant coffee, cinnamon and red pepper. Add water and egg and stir.
2. For meringue, in a separate bowl, beat the whites into a stiff foam and, without ceasing to stir, pour in the sugar.
3. Prepare the frosting: Combine the powdered sugar, cocoa powder, vanilla sugar and milk in a bowl. Cool and coat the nuts with it to make balls.
4. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Grease 15 cupcake liners vegetable oil. Fill them 2/3 full with chocolate batter. Top with 1 tablespoon of beaten egg whites and spread evenly. Place a chocolate covered walnut in the center of each mold. Bake the cakes in the oven for 25-30 minutes.
5. After cooling, carefully remove them from the molds and pour chocolate icing on top

Iced coffee cream

This refreshing dessert is served in summer in Italian cafes and bars.
You will need for 6-8 servings:
250 ml very strong espresso
250 ml milk
250 g cream 33% fat
1 vanilla pod
4 yolks
8 art. l. sugar coffee beans for decoration
Cooking time: 45 min. (+ 3-4 hours for freezing)
Calories: 330 kcal

1. In freshly prepared espresso, dissolve 4 tbsp. l. sugar, chill. Heat milk in a small saucepan. Open the vanilla pod, take out the contents and put together with the pod in milk. Do not boil!
2. Put a bowl with round walls in a warm water bath. Put in a bowl the yolks and 4 tbsp. l. sugar, beat with a whisk until foamy.
3. Remove the vanilla pod from the milk. In the egg foam, first add cold coffee, then milk and mix well. Remove the foamy cream from the stove, put in a cold water bath and cool.
4. Whip the cream into a stiff foam. 3/4 whipped cream mixed with coffee cream. Cover the remaining cream and refrigerate to further decorate the dessert. Put coffee cream in a metal bowl, cover and put in the freezer for 3-4 hours. 5. 20 min. Before serving, take the coffee cream out of the freezer and place it in tall glasses. Put whipped cream in cream injector and decorate with coffee cream. Place a few coffee beans on top.
Tip: Vanilla pods are quite expensive and can be substituted with ground vanilla. Use natural vanilla (black dot powder), not artificial vanilla. It will detract from the taste of this dish.

Cold coffee with milk

To prepare one serving of the drink, you need a glass of very cold milk, 2 tablespoons of coffee syrup and 2 tablespoons of ice cream.
All this is mixed, poured into a mixer and whipped. The drink is poured into glasses, if desired, ice is added.
Coffee syrup can be replaced with instant or just strong coffee.
The necessary proportions are easy to establish yourself. For example: 3/4 cup of milk, 2 teaspoons of sugar, 60g of ice cream and 1/2 cup of strong coffee are beaten in a mixer.

O-Lei or Milk Festival

1 cup of hot coffee
8 oz milk
1 oz vanilla syrup or extract 1/8 teaspoon cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon sugar
1/8 teaspoon allspice
1/8 teaspoon cloves

At the bottom of the mug, mix spices and vanilla.
Half fill the mug with hot coffee, then add warm milk.
Designed for 1-2 servings.

Coffee Marianna

5 grains of natural Brazilian coffee
3-4 tablespoons of chocolate fudge
3 tablespoons heavy cream

Grind coffee and brew it in a coffee maker.
Whip cream with chocolate fudge and drop a teaspoon to the bottom of the cup.
Pour coffee.

Spiced coffee

To the bottom of the shallow enamel pan put the chopped zest of one lemon and one orange.
Add 4-5 cloves, cinnamon, 20 pieces of refined sugar.
The mixture is put on fire and poured with hot black coffee (1 l).
After 3-4 minutes, filter through a sieve into cups (yield - 10 servings)

"Love potion"

Sophia Loren says that there is no better love potion than ... ordinary coffee, brewed with one's own hands. When a man tries it, he will not go anywhere.
In order to prepare 2 cups of such an amazing drink, you will need:
- 2 teaspoons ground coffee
- 1-2 cardamom fruits
- 1 bud of dry cloves
- cinnamon and sugar

Heat water in a cezve until the first bubbles appear on the walls.
At this point, reduce the heat to a minimum, pour in the coffee, stir gently, split the cardamom pods and throw the grains into the coffee.
Throw in cloves, cinnamon on the tip of a knife and, if you like, sugar.
Wait five minutes for the foam to slowly rise, but do not let the coffee boil.
To do this, periodically raise the cezve even over low heat so that the bottom cools down a little.
As soon as the coffee starts to rise, take it off the heat and let it steep for a couple of minutes.

AT last years The evergreen coffee tree has become a popular indoor flower and is bred by plant lovers at home. By following the basic rules of care, performing timely feeding and regular watering, you can achieve the appearance of fragrant flowers and coffee fruits on your windowsills.

How to grow a coffee tree

In nature, Arabian Arabica reaches several meters and looks like a real tree. It grows in Africa, Asia and South America where the weather is warm throughout the year. Growing a coffee tree at home requires an initial knowledge of the plant's preferences and how to propagate it. It is very unpretentious, even a novice florist can handle the care.

from seed

Growing a coffee tree from seed is easy. To do this, they are bought in a store or taken from friends. The grains of the plant are covered with a dense shell and in the photo do not look like those from which the drink is prepared. For quick germination, you need to follow the sequence:

  1. Soak the seeds in warm water with the addition of a growth stimulant or diluted vodka.
  2. Remove the shell from the surface with a knife, you can simply file it from one edge.
  3. Prepare soil for planting. Suitable ready-made composition for flowers, which is sold in the store.
  4. Plant the grains to a depth of 1-1.5 cm, pour water.
  5. close container cling film or a simple cellophane bag. The earth should not be filled up to the very top of the pot, so that the sprouts do not rest against the film after emergence.
  6. Put the pot in the light, without direct sunlight.
  7. In the place of germination, it is required to observe the optimum temperature, which is equal to 22-24 degrees. These conditions correspond to the natural climate suitable for the plant.
  8. After germination, remove the film and water the sprout as the soil dries.

From a cutting

The second method, which is used for plant propagation, is to get a coffee tree from a cutting. This method is faster, because a process from the crown is taken as the raw material for rooting. In order to choose a good stalk, you need to look at the photo of how coffee grows and cut off the upper part with two or three leaves at a distance of 15-20 cm. The stalk is placed in water with the addition of Kornevin. Experienced flower growers advise using a proven recipe and instead dissolve natural honey at the tip of a teaspoon in a glass of water.

You can place the cut off shoot in a pot of soil, but then you need to periodically open the cut point and check whether the roots have formed. If the stalk is watered too abundantly, rotting may occur. Above the pot, you should make a mini-greenhouse, covering the sprout with a transparent plastic bottle cut in half. After 1-2 weeks, when the roots form and the plant begins to produce new leaves, the greenhouse must be removed.

Caring for a coffee tree at home

Having studied the information on how to grow coffee, you need to learn how to care for a coffee tree so that it grows and increases in size. If all the procedures are carried out correctly, then soon its height will become 1-1.5 meters. Caring for a coffee tree is simple and does not require special skills. Houseplant growers advise:

  1. Put coffee in the sun, where there is no draft. Suitable light window sill or flower stand by the window facing south. Lack of lighting will affect growth and fruiting.
  2. Make sure that the temperature in the room is maintained at 15-20 degrees. Some plants in winter time should rest, but coffee can be kept in a warm room all year round. However, you can not put it near the battery so that the leaves do not dry out.
  3. Do not turn the flower pot. Any change causes the leaves to fall off, so you need to mark one of the sides of the pot and keep an eye on how it stands.
  4. As the crown grows, trim the upper shoots.


For the first time, a coffee tree transplant at home is done after the stalk or sprout begins to produce side branches. The next time you need to transplant a plant after the first year, when the tree becomes more than 50 cm tall. Do not immediately take a spacious pot or often transplant a houseplant coffee. When transplanting, care must be taken not to damage the overgrown root system. The soil is chosen acidic, with an admixture of sand, as in the homeland of coffee. Drainage is placed at the bottom of the tank.


Difficult to maintain indoors desired humidity therefore regular watering of the coffee tree is very important. Watering should not be too often - 2-3 times a week, so that the roots do not rot. If the air is too dry, place an open pan with clean water and ventilate more often. The owner can guess that the plant is not getting enough water by the way the edges of the leaves begin to dry. In this case, you need to add a constant weekly spraying from the spray bottle.

top dressing

A prerequisite for the full development is top dressing of the coffee tree. The first months, when there is an active growth of branches and crowns, you should feed the soil every week. Store-bought fertilizer for flowers based on useful minerals and trace elements is suitable. Every year in the spring, before flowering, apply liquid nitrogen and potassium fertilizers. After fruit set, be sure to mix phosphorus in the form of bone meal into the ground.


You can get several from one adult plant in two ways: make cuttings, or germinate grains. Such a method as propagation of a coffee tree by cuttings is rarely used, because the shoots take root with difficulty. The method of growing from seeds is much easier. Coffee begins to bloom after 2 years from the start of planting. In nature, insects play the role of pollinators; at home, you need to take a squirrel brush or a piece of cotton wool and transfer pollen from one flower to another. The ripening process of berries lasts 4-5 months. After that, you can use them for reproduction.

Diseases of the coffee tree

Houseplant lovers know that diseases of the home coffee tree are rare. If this happens, you can find out about the trouble by the color and condition of the sheets, as in the photo. They turn yellow or blacken from the edges, become stained, fold into tubules. Often insect pests attack coffee - aphids, ground flies, scale insects. They attach the larvae to the underside of the leaves. They are sprayed with a special store composition, or with water diluted 1: 4 with vodka. With a lack of iron, you need to stick rusty nails into the ground.

Despite the fact that this evergreen prefers the tropics, it does not impose special requirements on growing conditions. How to grow coffee at home, is it possible to harvest berries on a windowsill, and not on a coffee plantation?

How to propagate the coffee tree

Can it be grown at home? by the most accessible way propagation of the coffee tree can be considered unroasted beans sold under the brand name "green coffee". You can ask for fresh seeds from friends who breed this exotic plant at home. Coffee seeds are also sold in specialized flower shops (including via the Internet) - they have significantly more chances to sprout than seeds from a bag. Another convenient option is coffee seedlings 3-4 months old.

Can you grow coffee at home? The amateur experience exotic plants confirms this possibility. First of all, disinfect the seeds in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. If you use dried grains, then be sure to soak them for a day. Then put them in nutrient soil(flat side down) and sprinkle with a centimeter layer of earth. Leave a distance between the seeds of about 3 cm. Pour the earth with warm settled water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate, cover with glass or film (remove the shelter every 3-4 days to ventilate). The seeds will hatch after a couple of months. Plant the sprouts in different pots when 2-3 leaves appear. The flowering of the coffee tree occurs in the third or fourth year of life, so you have to be patient.

The coffee tree looks extremely beautiful on the windowsill. Its leaves are large (up to 15 cm in length). They are painted bright green. The flowers are fragrant, white and beautiful.

Selecting Soil for Growing a Coffee Tree

How to grow coffee from grain at home? As already mentioned, the coffee tree does not make serious demands. Ready-made, slightly acidic soil designed for azaleas is ideal for growing (you can buy it at a flower shop). If the acquisition of land is not included in your plans, then prepare a substrate from steamed soddy soil, clean river sand and sifted peat (1:2:2). Be sure to lay drainage at the bottom of the pot.

Coffee tree care

How to grow coffee from seeds? It is extremely important to provide seedlings proper care. It is necessary to maintain optimal soil moisture (especially carefully monitor this during the flowering period of the tree). The plant is recommended to feed complex fertilizers for flowering plants(the rate is indicated on the package). Iron plays a special role in the development of the coffee tree. Bone meal (20 g / 1 kg of soil) can also serve as top dressing.

The plant loves the sun, but in summer it can die from direct sunlight (taking it out to the balcony or outside, you need to provide light partial shade).

During the first year, the coffee tree gives an increase of about 15-20 cm. The next year, skeletal branches grow. The crown of the plant is formed independently. It is not worth actively intervening in this process (pruning is recommended if the plant takes up a lot of space, long side branches need to be adjusted).

In the first years of life, the tree should be transplanted annually into pots, increasing their diameter by 5 cm. If you do not adhere to this rule, then you can not wait for flowering. After entering into fruiting, transplantation is recommended every 3-4 years.

The rules of care provide for spraying the plant warm water and removing dust from the leaves (use a damp sponge).

In winter, watering should be limited. The plant still needs light, but it can easily withstand temperature drops to + 16 ... + 18 ° C (this is the optimal temperature regime for the cold period).

Growing coffee at home is quite easy. Despite its tropical origin, the plant does not make high demands. You may well settle an exotic tree on your windowsill.

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Ethiopia is generally recognized as the birthplace of the coffee tree. It was from here that the distribution of this drink went first in Arab countries and then to Europe and other continents. The main coffee producers in our time are the countries of South America (the largest of them is Brazil), India and Sri Lanka.

Recently, many lovers of exotic plants have learned to grow this product under room conditions, and this will be discussed in this article.

Features of planting a coffee tree

The coffee tree can be propagated by cuttings or seeds. Many people involved in growing a coffee tree at home are still arguing about which method is best. Therefore, you can leave the choice in this matter to yourself.

It must be remembered that store-bought seeds are not suitable for planting, as they can quickly lose their germination capacity if stored for a long time. A coffee tree that is grown from seed begins to bear fruit in about 3-4 years. It is best to take seeds from ripened fruits from which the pulp has already been removed.

If you decide to plant a coffee tree using cuttings, then it will begin to bear fruit earlier, but it will grow longer. To do this, you need to take a sprig of a fruit-bearing coffee tree, preferably from the middle of the crown.

Planting with a cutting

In order to properly plant a tree with a cutting, the following conditions must be observed.
The leaves of the cuttings should not block each other.
The stalk must be cut obliquely with two pairs of leaves, and the lower part of the branch must be scratched with a needle in order for the stalk to take root sooner.

To stimulate and accelerate growth, dissolve heteroauxin before planting (a quarter of a tablet per 0.5 liter of water) and place the stalk in this solution for 3-4 hours, then apply charcoal powder to the lower cut.
It is best to plant the cutting in a mixture of perlite and peat, adding a weak solution of potassium permanganate to it. It can also be planted in ordinary soil containing organic and inorganic fertilizers.
After planting, the stalk must be watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

It is advisable, after planting, to build a mini-greenhouse for the seedling, as the coffee tree loves warmth. After that, it is worth regularly spraying the cuttings and airing.
It is necessary to maintain the temperature of the roots at the level of 24-26 degrees.
The cutting should be transplanted only after it has a new pair of leaves.

Growing from seeds

If you decide to plant a coffee tree using seeds, then the technology will be somewhat different.
To plant a coffee tree, fresh seeds from freshly ripened fruits are needed - this contributes to the rapid growth of the plant. Before the procedure, it is necessary to clean the seeds from the pulp and rinse them in a solution of potassium permanganate. The soil for sowing should be prepared several weeks in advance.

The washed and peeled seeds are laid out on the soil with the flat side down, at a distance of 4 cm from each other, and then they are pressed into the ground by 1 cm. After planting, it is necessary to pour the seeds with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and cover them with a piece of glass.

The seed pot must be placed in warm place with a regular temperature of 20 degrees. It is necessary to regularly ventilate the crops, as well as turn over and wipe the glass.

You can transplant a seedling only with the appearance of several pairs of leaves. They need to be transplanted one at a time, in separate medium-sized pots. Then you need to put them in the shade, and after they take root, you need to put them in a bright place with a continuous flow. fresh air necessarily excluding drafts.

The most suitable for growing indoors is the Arabian variety (arabika)
. Land for planting should be air-light and permeable: greenhouse land (2 parts), leafy soil (3 parts), high-moor peat and washed river sand (1 part each).
. To prevent the soil from turning sour, put a few pieces of charcoal (1 cm in volume) in a pot.
. For planting, take a pot with high edges, with the obligatory use of drainage.
. The coffee tree does not like direct sunlight.
. The ideal temperature for keeping the plant at home in summer is 22-25 ° C, in winter it is not lower than 15 ° C. To keep the roots of the plant warm in cold weather, place a wooden stand under the pot.
. Water the coffee tree with settled soft water. In summer it is much plentiful, in winter - once a week. During the growth period, be sure to spray the plant with water at room temperature (with the exception of flowering).
. Fertilizer is applied once a month. To do this, use solutions for the pink family. You can sprinkle the soil with dry mullein.
. Coffee fruits ripen within 6-8 months. The ripe fruit resembles a red cherry, 1-2 cm in diameter. At home, you can harvest up to 1 kilogram from one adult tree.

And finally a useful video
