Chinese terry carnation mix: cultivation and care, photo. Chinese carnation from seeds: growing seedlings and caring in the garden

Among other perennial flowers, suitable for growing on the balcony and for the garden, it was very fond of domestic flower growers. Unlike carnation shabo, it grows in a small bush and its dwarf varieties grow only up to fifteen centimeters.

Dignity this flower is his active flowering throughout the summer, while the inflorescences are very diverse and can be monophonic and with bright cuts and stripes.

This carnation is not named Chinese by chance, because China, Mongolia and Korea are its natural environment growth. As decorative culture for landscape design and cut into decorative bouquets, it has been cultivated for over three hundred years.

Reproduction and cultivation technology

Like other varieties of cloves, (turkish, shabo), the most popular method of growing this species is seed planting for seedlings. Seed preparation consists of preliminary stratification and soaking in a solution of a root growth stimulator (fifteen minutes before boarding).

Chinese carnation, cultivation from seeds of which even a beginner in floriculture can carry out, is not demanding on the composition of the soil. Therefore, you can use the usual garden soil. However, if the soil is very heavy, for example, clayey, then a little river sand or perlite can be added to improve its properties. Also, to obtain seedlings, you can use ready-made soil for garden flowers.

seedlings planted in early March, so that by the beginning of summer she had time to reach the age of flowering. However, she needs additional illumination with lamps, which should be taken care of before landing. They turn on additional lighting in the morning and evening, so that a saturated daylight hours is about twelve hours. On cloudy days, additional illumination is performed all day.

Seeding tanks seedlings can be taken not very deep - up to ten centimeters. At the bottom of the tank, of course, a drainage layer is laid and covered with soil, without compacting it. Then the soil is watered abundantly so that natural shrinkage forms and another layer of soil is added, which is moistened drip irrigation.

Grooves are made on the surface of the soil, where Chinese carnation seeds are laid at an interval of five centimeters. thin layer soil cover crops and cover the container with a transparent film or glass. When using a film, it can perform ventilation holes, preventing the occurrence of mold and rot, to which this carnation is very susceptible. But the glass will need to be cleaned twice daily - in the morning and in the evening for fifteen minutes.

The optimum temperature for active seed germination is about twenty degrees Celsius. After germination, it is reduced by a few degrees.

Seedlings emerge in ten days. A couple of days after the final germination, the film or glass is completely removed. And after the appearance of the very first pair of true leaves, the seedlings are dived into separate containers.

At the stage of the appearance of the fourth pair of leaves, pinching is performed to stimulate the growth of lateral shoots. (cut off the upper tip of the shoot, which stops its growth). Watering during the period of seedling growth is carried out once every two days and only with the help of a sprayer.

Strengthened seedlings are transferred to open ground in May, when the probability of slight frosts will be minimal. As a preparation, from mid-April, the seedlings are periodically hardened, taking them outside in warm weather. In the same period, nitrogenous fertilizers are applied to the plot of the garden prepared for planting. When grown in a cold climate, transplanting to a flower bed is performed in early summer.

Distance between seedlings Chinese carnation in a flower bed depends on its variety. For dwarf varieties it is enough to leave about ten centimeters, but tall varieties need a lot of space - at least twenty centimeters between the bushes.

Caring for a Chinese carnation in a flower bed

In early summer, phosphorus and potash fertilizers are often applied to lush flowering. Withered inflorescences are regularly cut off, since seed ripening can cause inhibition of re-flowering.

On hot days, it is necessary to intensify watering in order to prevent the soil from drying out too much. It is carried out in the evening.
In autumn, the stems are pruned, leaving from five to ten centimeters and covered root system mulch. The following spring, top dressing with nitrogenous fertilizers is carried out. An effective method of natural farming.

Features of growing in a pot

Since there is little soil in pots and flowerpots, it must be fed with mineral complexes twice a month. Regular addition and light loosening of the soil is required to improve the aeration of the horse system.
For the winter, flowers in pots are also cut off and sent for a dormant period to a cool but lit place.

Chinese carnation captivates with graceful bright flowers generously covering branched bushes. Plants retain their decorative effect for a long time, are unpretentious in cultivation, look good in mixed flower beds, on rocky hills and along garden paths.

View Features

Chinese carnation (Dianthus chinensis) - perennial herbaceous plant, growing wild in the northern regions of China, Korea and Mongolia. Despite its origin in rather harsh latitudes, this carnation does not tolerate winters well, is prone to freezing, and therefore is grown as an annual crop in temperate climates. Abundant flowering of plants sown directly into the ground begins in July and lasts until autumn.

The species is characterized by long bare knotty stems and narrow leaves green or bluish green. Flowers solitary or collected in large inflorescences, simple and double, with a serrated edge, of various shades, most often in red, white or purple palette. Particularly attractive varieties with two-tone and dense double flowers, with fringed, narrowly cut petals.

The best varieties and hybrids

AT decorative purposes Chinese cloves have been grown for more than three hundred years, and during this time numerous attractive forms, spectacular varieties and hybrids have been obtained. In amateur floriculture special attention dwarf varieties are used with compact bushes reaching a height of 15–20 cm, which are characterized by lush flowering.

Varieties of the garden form of the Chinese Geddevig carnation with rounded bushes 30–35 cm high and large non-double or double flowers with a diameter of 5–6 cm are very popular.

Carousel (Merry Go-Round)

Joyful flowers of this dwarf variety of Chinese carnation will decorate a flower bed, look great in hanging planter or flowerpot on the porch. Bushes neat, up to 20 cm high with knotty stems and numerous flowers 5–6 cm in diameter white color with a scarlet center.

The cut edges of the petals and the shiny, radiant texture add even more charm to the pretty variety. Flowering is long - from early July until autumn frosts.


A wonderful variation of the Geddewig carnation with densely branched light green stems, forming small bushes about 35 cm high. The plants are completely covered with double flowers 4–5 cm in diameter. The petals are satin, raspberry-black with a jagged edge and a bright white border.

Flowering is very generous, from July to October frosts. This is one of the best dark-colored terry varieties - very effective and unpretentious.

Diana F1 Crimson (Diana F1 Crimson)

A bright hybrid of the Dutch selection is distinguished by large colorful flowers with a diameter of 7–8 cm, decorating a small, neat bush 20–25 cm high. The petals are wide, rounded, open, rich red in color with a finely serrated edge. Flowering is luxurious - from early July to dank autumn cold. This hybrid is a great choice for potting or bordering.

In addition to the colorful form of Crimson, the series includes many other attractive variations, of which the most interesting are:

  • Diana F1 White (Diana F1 White) - snow-white with a split edge of the petals;
  • Diana F1 Blue Berry (Diana F1 Blueberry) - bright purple;
  • Diana F1 Crimson Picotee (Diana F1 Crimson Picotee) - with corrugated dense pink-raspberry petals;
  • Diana F1 Scarlet (Diana F1 Scarlet) - fiery red, catchy.

Grace F1 Crimson (Grace F1 crimson)

Another stunning red hybrid from the same Dutch manufacturer, Hem Genetics. Unlike the previous series, these plants are decorated with double, full flowers. Low bushes, growing, form dense borders or flowering lawns.

Plant height - 18-25 cm, flowers are very large, 6-8 cm in diameter, with a fringed edge. Form Grace F1 Crimson is characterized by dense wine-red flowers with spectacular white stamens.

Other beautiful varieties are presented in the series:

  • Grace F1 Salmon (Grace F1 Salmon) - salmon-pink;
  • Grace F1 Dark pink (Grace F1 Deep rose) - raspberry pink;
  • Grace F1 White (Grace F1 White) - sparkling white.

Grace hybrid Chinese carnations are suitable for growing in room culture.

About others interesting views and varieties of carnations you will find information in the article "".

Site selection and soil preparation

Chinese carnations grow well in sunny areas or in sparse penumbra, and in deep shade they stretch and practically do not bloom. Soils for planting should be well-drained, fertile, calcareous or neutral.

Chinese carnation is moisture-loving, in the southern regions light loams are preferable for it - too porous sandy loamy soils do not retain moisture well.

On the contrary, in northern regions carnation grows well on sandy loam, provided that a sufficient amount is applied organic fertilizers. At the same time, slow warming of the soil can delay the spring planting of seedlings, and it is advisable to choose a site with a slight slope to the south or southwest. In this case, the earth will warm up faster and it will be possible to start planting earlier.

Since the Chinese carnation is grown as an annual flower culture, and planting is carried out in the spring, the site is prepared in the fall. For digging, based on 1 sq. m, make a bucket of rotted manure or compost, add 2-3 kg of high-moor peat to improve the structure, and a half-liter jar as a mineral fertilizer wood ash.

It is worth considering that it is unacceptable to plant Chinese carnations in areas with stagnant water, and in no case should fresh manure be introduced into the soil.

They dig a plot to a depth of 18–20 cm, carefully choosing the roots of perennial weeds - thistle, which are able to drown out young plants and serve food base for pests.

Landing Features

Chinese cloves are grown seed way in annual culture. To get flowering plants in early June, seedlings are sown in March-April. Seedlings often grow valuable varieties and hybrids with a limited number of seeds. When sown in open ground in late April - early May, strong bushes will bloom no earlier than the first decade of July.

Growing seedlings

Early spring crops of cloves must be illuminated.

For sowing seeds for seedlings, a mixture is prepared from:

  • humus (5 parts),
  • sod land (2 parts),
  • high-moor peat (2 parts),
  • sand (1 part).

It is undesirable to take garden soil for growing carnations - soil contaminated with spores of pathogenic fungi will cause infection of fragile seedlings with a black leg, fusarium, rot and other harmful infections.

If it was not possible to get sod land, it can be replaced with a purchased mixture for growing seedlings. Comfortable peat tablets Jiffy, which are nutritious, hygroscopic, allow you to grow seedlings separately from one another and not injure the root system during transplantation.

Before sowing, the soil is shed with a hot solution of potassium permanganate and covered with glass or polyethylene. As soon as the earth cools down a little, seeds are placed on a warm surface, sprayed abundantly from a spray bottle clean water and sprinkled with a layer of fine peat, sand or vermiculite 0.3–0.5 cm thick.

Sprouts will appear in 5-8 days. Carnation is cold-resistant, so seedlings are kept at a temperature of 15–17 ° C and good lighting otherwise the plants will stretch and be weak.

If the seedlings are grown in boxes, in the phase of 2-4 leaves, the plants are transplanted into individual cups or into boxes with distances of 8-10 cm. When 5 pairs of leaves appear, the seedlings are pinched for better branching.

At the end of April, seedlings are transferred to permanent place, planting in the ground every 25–30 cm. Plantings are watered and mulched with a mixture of humus, peat and sand in equal parts or one of the components.

Sowing in open ground

Chinese cloves do well when planted outdoors, as long as sufficient quantities are available. planting material and regular hydration. Seeds are planted in prepared loose soil to a depth of 1–1.5 cm, with distances between rows of 25–30 cm, watered and covered with foil until germination.

As soon as the first shoots appear, the film is removed, in the phase of two pairs of leaves, the seedlings are thinned out at a distance of 10 cm, if there are 5 pairs of leaves, pinching is carried out and left best plants every 25-30 cm. As in the case of seedlings, it is advisable to mulch the space under the plants with one of the available materials.

plant care

For active development and abundant flowering Chinese cloves are regularly watered, loosen the ground and carry out two or three top dressings per season. In addition, it is necessary to remove flowering peduncles in time after, in order to prevent the setting of seeds of weakening plants.


Water the carnation every 7-10 days, plentifully, but trying not to damage the shoots and flowers with water jets. Ground watering is optimal for this species. Improves soil structure and prevents rapid evaporation of moisture during dry periods thick layer mulch, which is regularly updated. This technique will make it possible to reduce the amount of watering, slow down the growth of weeds and get developed, luxuriantly flowering plants.

top dressing

5–7 days after planting seedlings in open ground, plants are fed with complex fertilizer with a predominance of phosphorus or double superphosphate is applied. To do this, dilute 20 g of superphosphate in 10 liters of water and water the plantings on moist soil. Such top dressing stimulates root formation, the formation of buds and will increase resistance to fungal diseases.

With the beginning of flowering, in June - July, top dressing with a balanced fertilizer will give an excellent effect. The Kemira Lux brand in liquid form has proven itself well, containing both the main nutrients - nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the optimal ratio, and a complex of the most important microelements.

Disease and pest control

Chinese carnation at the seedling growing stage is affected by blackleg, spider mites and rot. Mature plants are susceptible to fusarium, aphids, click beetles and thrips.


A fungal disease that occurs more often when growing seedlings at the germination stage in the case of placing crops in greenhouses or on window sills. Excessive watering and dampness, excess nitrogen in the soil, the use of contaminated soil or the sowing of infected seeds are the main causes of the development of the disease.

Manifested by areas of darkening of the stalk near the soil surface, with the further development of infection root neck rots, breaks and the plant dies. Prevention measures - the use of sterile soil, seed dressing, moderate watering with the obligatory descent of excess water. When signs of the disease appear, the affected seedlings are removed, the soil and plants are dusted with Fundazol powder, they provide ventilation, and limit watering.


Carnations get sick, especially when grown after, or near these and other plants, which are also susceptible to fungal infection. The disease manifests itself as depressed dark spots at the base of the stem, which later become covered with a brownish-pink fluff. Plants wither, become susceptible to other diseases and die.

To combat Fusarium, infected plants or parts thereof are removed, and plantings are treated with one of the fungicides. Fundazol, Fitosporin-M, colloidal sulfur, which is also effective against ticks, have shown themselves well.

spider mite

In dry and hot greenhouse conditions, seedlings are oppressed by spider mite colonies, appearing as white grains on the underside of the leaves. In the future, the spots merge, the affected surface dries up and falls out. The dominance of ticks can deplete plantings and cause significant damage.

Pests do not like water, so regular spraying is worth it. Effective way– placing chopped garlic on the soil or processing plants and soil garlic infusions, as well as a suspension of colloidal sulfur.

Click Beetles

Beetle larvae live in acidic dense soils, biting into roots and shoots. cultivated plants and weeds. In a short time, pests can greatly thin out or even destroy plantings of cloves and other ornamental crops.

Effective methods of control are soil liming (30 g per 1 sq. M) and the introduction of wood ash. It should be remembered that click beetles, as well as other harmful insects, are especially fond of areas overgrown with wheatgrass, thistle and other weeds.

Thrips and aphids

Thrips are the smallest pests that suck plant sap and carry viral infections. Cloves are more often attacked by specific clove thrips. The lesion appears in the form of light strokes on the leaves, which then dry out, and the buds and flowers are deformed. Aphids settle in colonies on young shoots, depleting plants, and developing especially intensively in hot weather.

Processing pests are repelled by infusions of garlic and onions, and for a cardinal fight with a significant number of insects, you can use one of the insecticides - Arrivo, Decis or Karate. Processing is carried out twice, with an interval of 5-7 days.

Video about planting and growing Chinese carnation

Chinese carnation is a lovely plant that does not require special care which is easy to grow from seed. With a little effort, already in June you can enjoy luxurious flower bed, discount, highlight the path with a flower border or decorate the rocky slopes of the rockery with bright lights.

Large carnations on flexible peduncles will appear one after another, in a continuous beautiful stream, attracting with the grace of form, a variety of colors and a delicate, slightly spicy aroma.

Each flower is special, but the Chinese carnation has a number of benefits that make it so loved. experienced gardeners. Besides what she has bright color all shades, it is still very easy to care for. It will perfectly decorate any garden, flower bed or balcony.

This plant is called carnation in Russia. Its name in Latin sounds like Dianthus - "divine flower". The legend says that Zeus and Jupiter loved cloves. She was born thanks to Artemis, who punished the shepherdess for singing, and flowers appeared from his drops of blood. The ascent of the carnation to Olympus is associated with struggle, which is why it symbolizes the French and October revolutions, the Second World War.

Chinese carnation is considered a more peaceful plant. It came to Europe from China, but Korea and Mongolia are also recognized as its homeland. Initially, Chinese carnation had burgundy strokes on the petals, but over 300 hundred years, as a result of active selection, many varieties with plain petals have appeared. She changed her life cycle- initially this flower was considered a perennial plant, but in our side it is grown as a biennial or annual.

The bushes of this plant reach a height of 10 to 50 cm and form thin green stems. In some varieties, nodules form on them. Many species have larger leaves, others have smaller ones, sometimes the leaves are slightly twisted.

This plant forms a corolla of 5 petals with notches or fringe at the tips. The flowers of this plant are red, pink, burgundy, purple, lilac, white, blue. Many species have two-colored petals. Their size reaches up to 4 cm, depending on the type of plant. Chinese clove seeds are elongated, but easily damaged if handled carelessly.

Varieties of this plant include:

  1. Common carnation;
  2. Semi-double;
  3. Carnation terry.

Chinese carnation.

Carnation terry is annual and perennial. The height of her bush is up to 50 cm. It is propagated by seeds that have an oblong shape. Just like ordinary cloves, Chinese terry should be planted in March in garden soil with river sand. The method of further care is no different from the usual Chinese carnation. The only difference between these two types is that the petals of the terry carnation are mixed with teeth, which gives it an unusually attractive look. It has a straight stem, on which narrow lanceolate leaves are formed. Carnation Chinese terry mix has slots and stripes on the petals.

Carnation Chinese Diana is an achievement of modern selection. It is distinguished by a low bush up to 25 cm, unpretentiousness, early flowering, zarnoobrazny color and large flowers. Carnation Diana has single flowers with heavily indented edges of the petals.

Gallery: carnation Chinese diana (25 photos)

Growing features

In order to form a healthy bush of Chinese cloves, you need at least a year. So after sowing perennials they don't bloom right away. Annual carnations, on the contrary, immediately after a few weeks of sunrises bloom and delight the eye until the frost. It is not difficult to take care of this plant, but it must be borne in mind that it is capricious in the choice of soil.

Throughout the summer, it needs to be fed with fertilizers. The soil must have good drainage without standing water. In the sun, the plant produces more flowers than in partial shade. But in partial shade, it also grows and blooms. Since the roots grow at the carnation during the summer season, it should be planted at a distance of 20 cm from each other. If you are engaged in a clustering of plants, they will not have enough air. All varieties of cloves are propagated by seeds and only perennial variety- dividing the bush.

Planting a plant

It is easiest to grow Chinese cloves at home from seeds and then plant them outdoors. To prepare the container, garden soil with sand and a little vermiculite are added to it. Seeds are placed on the ground and sprinkled with vermiculite, which promotes their growth. Should start in March.

Seedlings are placed on a window in a warm, but not hot place, the air temperature should be up to +20. Be sure to install a drainage system to keep the ground moist at all times. After the appearance of sprouts, the pots are transferred to a room with a temperature of up to +17. When the plant grows up, it is separated from the rest in a separate bowl. It is possible to plant carnations on the ground only after the frost has passed.

AT open field you can also grow this plant, but the difficulty lies in observing temperature regime. For temperate climate annual carnations are most often suitable. To achieve the desired result, before planting, soak the seeds for 20 minutes in succinic acid, then let it dry a little, but not completely. Mix seeds with agrovermiculite and plant no more than 2 cm deep. optimal temperature soil is considered +15 to +18, and air temperature +20. The soil must be moist. At night, the sprouts need to be covered with a film or make a small greenhouse. After three weeks, sunrises will appear, which should be thinned out.

Reproduction methods

There are two types of carnation propagation:

  1. Propagation by cuttings. perennial plants can be easily propagated by cuttings. To do this, use shoots without buds, on which there are 4 leaf nodes. 1 cm recede from the lower node and cut off the stalk. Two longitudinal cuts are made at the node, all leaves are removed, except for the upper ones, which are shortened. Next, the sand is calcined, let it fall behind and the cutting is placed there, covered with a film. In the third week, provided that the humidity under the film is of constant temperature, and the sand is also wet, roots form.
  2. The division of the bush. This method helps to get a new plant, with petals or doubleness similar to the mother's color. This method is not suitable for everyone, but only for those types of carnations that form a good rhizome. Reproduction should begin in the spring. The plant must be dug out of the ground and divided so that three living buds remain on each site, planted in holes.

Care rules

After the seeds have sprouted and grow safely, the plants will require further care. In order for a carnation bush to grow, you need:

  1. Provide uniform moderate watering;
  2. Do not allow the soil to dry out, it should always be wet;
  3. Plants should be in the sun or in partial shade;
  4. Regularly weed the flower bed;
  5. Feed 3 times per season with potash or complex fertilizers;
  6. Cut faded buds from the plant;
  7. In August, cut tall varieties to rejuvenate the bushes;
  8. Cut off the green part of biennial and perennial plants, leaving 10 cm;
  9. Cover in severe frosts.

Diseases and pests

These plants have few pests and grow well if cared for properly. Diseases can be caused by:

  1. Waterlogging;
  2. dense landings;
  3. Calcium deficiency and an excess of nitrogen;
  4. Overfeeding with fertilizers.

If this flower grows next to a tulip, then it can become infected with a fungal disease from it. It is not recommended to grow this flower for more than 5 years in the same place. In the event of the appearance of diseased plants, they should be destroyed, and the place should be treated with antifungal agents.

Attention, only TODAY!

Chinese cloves can be easily grown at home, on the windowsill or on the balcony. But it will perfectly decorate flower beds in the garden. With comfortable weather conditions carnations can tolerate overwintering but are usually grown every year. In conditions middle lane It is better to grow with seedlings.

Cultivation of Chinese cloves

Seeds should be sown in loose, well-drained soil. Seeds are laid out on the surface of the finished soil, and they are covered with vermiculite on top. It is not necessary to cover the seeds with film or glass, since the Chinese carnation is a frost-resistant plant. Growing from seeds should be done in February or March. A container with crops is placed in a bright place and sprayed from a spray bottle.

After the seedlings germinate, they must be transplanted into separate pots. In order for the sprouts to be strong and healthy, they should be kept in a lit, but not very warm place. Also, sudden changes in temperature should not be allowed, so at night they make sure that the temperature is not lower than 18 degrees Celsius. After the formation of sprouts, the temperature can be reduced to 15 degrees. This is necessary in order to prevent the plant from stretching as a result of heat.

After the appearance of 4-6 true leaves, you need to pinch the tops of the carnation so that the side shoots form faster. By the end of April, hardening of seedlings begins. It is gradually brought to open air. Seedlings cannot be taken out immediately for a whole day, otherwise the plants will weaken and get sick. They can be planted in open ground in mid-May. Between the plants leave a distance of about 20-30 cm and water abundantly.

When the carnation takes root in the open field and begins to germinate, it is fed with complex fertilizers. In April, you can sow the seeds again for seedlings or in greenhouses to stimulate the flowering of carnations at different times.

For growing seeds Chinese carnations in April, you need to lay drainage on the bottom of the container and fill it with moistened soil. The substrate is the usual garden soil, vermiculite and sand. Seeds are laid out on the surface of the soil and sprinkled with vermiculite.

Landings are covered with a film and placed in a bright place at a temperature of 18-20 degrees. Seedlings will begin to appear 3-4 days after sowing. Then the film can be removed.

A sharp change in temperature negatively affects young shoots. The soil must be moistened with a spray bottle, but overflow should not be allowed. Otherwise, the carnation may be damaged by the black leg. In cloudy weather and in the evenings, it is desirable to create a backlight with lamps. When 2-3 true leaves appear, the plants dive into separate pots.

A month after the germination of seedlings, the night temperature is reduced from 18 to 12-15 degrees. For this, the plants are brought to covered balcony where at night they will be cool, and during the day they will be warm and under sunlight.

To form a lush flowering bush Chinese carnations, you need to pinch over the third pair of leaves. If the seedlings were transplanted into plastic cups, then it will be easy to determine how the roots formed an earthen lump. With a strong formation, the plant is transferred to a larger container.

Chinese clove care

It is worth remembering that the soil should have time to dry out between waterings, so you should not carry out frequent watering carnations. But it is also impossible to allow the earth to dry out.
Feed the plant in moderation. When growing cloves at home, top dressing is applied once every 1-2 weeks. If the carnation grows in open ground, then calcium fertilizers are added from the age of two years.

Selection of planting material

Chinese clove seeds can be easily found in specialized stores. Give preference to professional packaging from the manufacturer. Do not fall for the tricks of simple packers, because of the lack of integrity of which you can lose time, money, hopes and such precious areas for seedlings.

When choosing a variety, prefer one thing, do not buy a mixture. Carnation is a rather refined flower, you can create exciting curtains from it, but the mixture makes the flower garden look like a rural free space. Carnation is more suitable for the Versailles style than for the Provence style. The correctness and sophistication of the forms of carnations will help to level out small oversights in the flower garden and take over the accent.

When choosing a color, think about whether it is compatible with colors your flower garden. Think about the landing site in advance, and this will help you make your choice.

The seeds of Chinese carnation are captivating with their diversity:

  • Black - "Gypsy", "Vorozheya", "Chianti", "Minstrel Plasma";
  • Pink with a red "eye" - "Diana Laverder Picoti", "Strawberry", "Carousel", "Fire of the Arctic";
  • White - "Diana", "White Dance";
  • White with a lilac "eye" - "Mary Popins".

Terry varieties - "Fruit Fudge", "Capella", "Vesta", "Imperialis".

The seed variety is simply captivating. Do not buy everything at once, especially if you do not have experience. Stop at one or more varieties. Given that carnations can be grown as annuals or perennials, and if you save the variety for the next season, the variety of colors can be replenished annually.

Sowing cloves, how to do it right?

Sowing dates
rayutsya solely from the possibilities of additional illumination. If you do not have such an opportunity, then sowing in early March will be optimal. It is better to prepare the earth mixture in advance, in the fall. Give preference to clean compost, humus and sand in a ratio of 1:1:1. Fill the tub, compact the soil, water and leave for a while to “rest”. In the grooves made, lay the seeds with a distance of one centimeter from each other. Grind with soil and compact. cover the crops polyethylene film and put it on the windowsill. For germination, carnation does not require elevated temperatures and 18 - 20ᵒС will provide good seedlings.

After germination, sometimes remove the film for ventilation, and keep the soil moderately moist. Watering is best done from a spray bottle, followed by ventilation.

The picking of the plant is carried out when true leaves appear. First dive into small containers, and then transship into a larger one. If the rhizome is not injured during transplantation, then growth will not stop either. Chinese carnation looks great if it is formed by a lush bush. A bush with a huge number of flowers looks very elegant and pompous. In order to get such a bush, you need to take care of it at seedling age. When the seedlings are extended by 3-4 cm (2-3 pairs of leaves), the tops must be pinned down and immediately fertilized with complex mineral fertilizers. This farming technique will cause the carnation to release additional shoots from the internode and form a bush.

By mid-May, it is quite possible to grow Chinese cloves from seeds at home. Seedlings ready for planting are planted in open ground by transshipment and continue to grow there. If the agricultural technique for growing Chinese carnations is observed, then after 2-3 weeks the bushes will bloom. Do not rush to plant a carnation if return frosts are possible in your area, the carnation will not withstand even zero temperatures and will suffer greatly.

Choosing a place to land

For abundant flowering, carnations need sunny plot However, it tolerates light shading very well.

When planting a carnation, it is necessary to leave its place for the development of the root system, as well as growth. The plant will not tolerate compacted plantings.

Constantly moist soil is required for flowering without stopping. In dry, hot summers, this can be achieved with daily watering, as well as soil mulching. The slightest drying of the earthy coma leads to a stop in flowering, and it will take 2-3 weeks to restore. If the drying is very frequent, the carnation stops its flowering altogether.

The carnation flower is very beautiful and pleases with its beauty for a long time, but as soon as it begins to fade, it must immediately be plucked. The maturation of seeds prevents the formation of buds, flowering becomes rare and the bush loses its attractiveness.

We do top dressing

Chinese carnation is very responsive to fertilizing, both organic and mineral fertilizers. For top dressing, you can use universal mineral fertilizer for flowering plants, as well as a solution of chicken manure 1:20, horse, pig, cow manure at the rate of 1:10. With regular top dressing, your carnation will bloom continuously throughout the summer. Fertilize twice a month, starting from the moment the carnation is planted in open ground and ending in September.

Without seedling method of cultivation

Modern flower supermarkets offer an excellent range of potted Chinese carnations. Planting a Chinese carnation without seedling way not at all complicated. When purchasing a bush, carefully look at its root zone for rot, pests, powdery mildew. If the bush is healthy, feel free to plant it in open ground by transshipment. Further care does not differ from the seedling method.
